TOP 5 means for treating a summer cottage against mosquitoes

2021-08-31 City Disinfection Station

Mosquitoes settle near open bodies of water, in tall grass, basements and attics, as well as in various other places. Often, large concentrations of insects appear in dachas, which becomes a real nightmare for their owners. This problem can appear in any area, regardless of type and area. Professional treatment will help solve it effectively. Only in this case can you guarantee that relaxing at your summer cottage will truly be a joy, without the bites of annoying insects.

Why fight mosquitoes in your summer cottage?

You can talk as much as you like about the role of mosquitoes in the ecological system and about their indispensability in natural processes, but if you or your child is allergic to mosquito bites, then you want the bloodsuckers to perform their irreplaceable role away from the dacha or country house.

Mosquito saliva causes itching, swelling and redness at the site of the bite, and in some cases an allergic reaction.

It is known that mosquitoes are capable of transmitting dangerous diseases such as malaria or encephalitis. The cases are quite rare, but they do occur. This is enough to start exterminating these insects on your site.

Infections carried by mosquitoes are transmitted through saliva during a bite.

Methods of combating flying bloodsuckers can be divided into chemical and folk. When choosing a method, you need to take into account that chemicals have all the pros and cons of modern insecticidal preparations. Folk remedies, for all their environmental friendliness, cope with the task less effectively.

To better make a choice, it’s worth taking a closer look at what the modern market of anti-mosquito drugs offers us and how people’s experience has expanded over time.

TOP 5 mosquito repellents

There are 3 of the most effective and popular insecticides today that will cope with insects in your dacha, backyard or garden. These are Cifox, Medilis Cyper and Bioneutral I50. You may not hear about these drugs in commercials on TV, but specialists often use them .


A professional product to combat mosquitoes and other blood-sucking parasites such as bedbugs or cockroaches.

  • 25% solution of such a powerful insecticide as cypermethrin. Usually, these percentages also contain all kinds of fragrances, emulsifiers and solvents. Therefore, disinfection specialists can call this drug an emulsion.
  • The liquid is transparent with a yellowish tint and a sharp, specific odor .
  • The capacity is usually 500 ml or 1 liter. Available in bottles or canisters, depending on volume.
  • Tsifoks is used as follows. The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions, from 4 ml of product per 1 liter of water. Solution consumption - 1 liter per 1 hundred square meters
  • The average cost of a 500 ml bottle is 900 rubles.


Medilis cyper

The domestically produced insecticide “Medilis ziper” is capable of destroying mosquitoes not only in areas such as open areas of residential buildings, but even inside premises such as apartments, hotels, campsites, etc.

  • The composition includes the same 25% cypermethrin as the previous drug.
  • The liquid has a transparent yellowish color, is toxic, and has a milky color when dissolved.
  • Distributed in bottles of 50 or 500 ml, as well as in 5 liter canisters.
  • Preparation of the solution: from 2 to 5 ml per 1 liter of water, depending on the density of vegetation.
  • Consumption: 1 liter of working solution per hundred square meters
  • The cost of the drug with a volume of 500 ml is about 1,534 rubles.



  1. Country of origin: Russia .
  2. Available in the form of a concentrate.
  3. Capacity volume – 1 l.
  4. Preparation of the solution: from 3 to 8 ml of product per 1 liter of water . 1 acre requires 1 liter of working solution
  5. Method of application - spraying the product in calm weather over bushes, thick grass and lower branches of trees, as well as near children's play areas - sandboxes, swings, hammocks, flower beds, lawns, etc.
  6. Active ingredient – ​​cypermethrin 25%
  7. The drug is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
  8. The average cost is 2250 rubles.


Warning: treatment with this product must be carried out in the evening , when bees are no longer flying . The effect of the drug on plants does not have any harmful effects; therefore, it will not harm a honey bee if it lands on a flower in the morning where microdrops of the insecticide have landed. It is also very important to look at the season - as soon as mosquitoes wake up, it is better to treat the area. As a rule, they begin to bother you before the bees begin to actively collect nectar.


The substance is diluted with water according to the instructions and sprayed through a spray bottle wherever there is water or a constant damp environment.

  • Excellent for those dacha areas that are located near the water , or where there is groundwater close to the surface of the earth. All trolleys, barrels, ditches, drainage pits are also treated
  • Active ingredient: Chlorpyrifos 50%, Cypermethrin 5%
  • for mosquitoes 2.75 g/l, working solution consumption 50-100 ml/m. sq., when treating reservoirs 100 ml/m. sq.
  • The average price is 1,700 rubles .



  • Active ingredient: chlorpyrifos 48%
  • Preparation of the solution: from 2 to 5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. The solution consumption is approximately 100 ml per 1 sq.m.
  • Cost - 2000 rubles


Photo gallery: measures to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes in a summer cottage

Water containers on the site must be tightly closed (it must be changed at least once a week)

When watering, do not over-moisten the soil and allow puddles to form.

There is no need to allow overly lush vegetation and weeds to grow on the site.

Professional approach

The use of these insecticides can be considered a professional approach to treating open areas against mosquitoes . Do not forget that in addition to flying mosquitoes, there are also their larvae and eggs, the destruction of which is also very important. Therefore, experts in the field of pest control use stronger and more effective methods. The most effective thing is processing with a generator , which the appropriate services can do.

This is usually the use of insecticide generators in the form of cold and hot fogs, which allows the mosquito poison to stay in the air longer and have a longer effect on insects. The approximate cost of processing 6 acres is about 1500-2000 rubles.


Such devices are made by hand and are very effective and safe.

From the bottle

To make a trap, the following components are required:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of 1–1.5 l;
  • 5 g yeast;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • stapler, tape or any other suitable fixing object;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • black thick fabric;
  • 200 ml water.

Sequence of assembly of the device:

  1. 1. The top of the bottle is cut off by about a third.
  2. 2. Add sugar, yeast and water to the remaining portion.
  3. 3. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed (the water temperature should not exceed +40 ° C, otherwise the yeast will die prematurely, without having time to ferment).
  4. 4. An inverted neck is inserted into the bottle scrap from above so as to form a funnel.
  5. 5. The structure is wrapped in black fabric to intensify the fermentation process and fixed with tape in places where mosquitoes accumulate.
  6. 6. Insects will fly into the bottle towards the smell that attracts them, but will not be able to get back out.

In these proportions of yeast and sugar, the trap lasts for about a week, after which it is replaced with a new one or the used ingredients are added. You should not keep the bottle in direct sunlight so as not to damage the design.

From vegetable oil

Such a trap is simple and, if you have the necessary items, can be prepared in a matter of minutes. For production you need:

  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 plastic bottles;
  • scissors.

Algorithm for creating a device:

  1. 1. The top parts of the bottles are removed just below the neck.
  2. 2. Large parts of the bottles are carefully treated from the inside with oil.
  3. 3. The finished trap is placed in a place where mosquitoes accumulate.

Features of processing garden, country and household territories

In order to get rid of such an annoying blood-sucking insect, you can use various types of insecticidal agents, and by choosing them correctly, you can ensure success in the fight against them. In any case, of course, it is best to turn to professionals who know how to select the required dosage of the product and are familiar with the methods and techniques for saving the area from bloodsuckers in just 1 time, while covering the maximum area.

The simplest and most accessible way for everyone is to use personal insecticides. This protection option involves treating your own skin, as well as all people in this area. Preparations are used that contain components and enzymes that repel insects. The main inconvenience of this method is the presence of a specific and pungent odor of the insecticide.

Another simple method is the use of smoke spirals, the choice of which is quite wide. You can choose an option suitable for protecting your tent - these are designed for a small impact area. Or a special kit for a dacha or country house that repels mosquitoes within a radius of 15 meters. But here you need to understand that after the spirals burn out, the female bloodsuckers will again begin to attack the area.

Why larvicidal treatment cannot be carried out independently

Many people believe that it is possible to process a swampy area on their own, but experts strongly do not recommend doing this for several reasons:

  • larvicides pose a certain danger to humans, because without covering clothing and personal protective equipment, active compounds can damage the mucous membrane of the eyes, damage the skin or cause poisoning;
  • An incorrectly calculated dose of the active drug is fraught with disruption of the natural microclimate of the area. Due to exceeding the permissible % of larvicides, the fish in the reservoir may die or the water will become unsuitable for plant growth;
  • Without preparation and skills, it is very difficult to carry out high-quality treatment of the area; to spray the product you will need a special one. equipment, and processing the surrounding area often requires additional operations.

Prevention of pest control

The most important thing is not to give midges a single chance to survive. Having eliminated the source of the midges, after some time the insects will disappear on their own. All products present at the dacha must be stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar. To avoid the appearance of midges in the compost heap, you need to treat it using antiseptic agents. And the table and floors, both in the house and in the summer kitchen, should be thoroughly washed, especially after canning.

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