How much milk does a cow give per day: norms and ways to increase milk yield

Milk yield factors

Find out how much milk a cow gives per day.

This depends on a number of factors:

  1. Organization of care - daily grazing and proper milking of the cow are very important.
  2. Nutritional features. High-quality feed costs a lot, but if the cow is malnourished, the amount of milk will decrease significantly. The average daily requirement of an adult dairy cow is from 75 kg of feed. Expensive, but the result is worth the cost.
  3. Care and love - it is important for every creature to know that they are loved, then productivity increases.
  4. Hereditary factor - if the heifer's mother gave a little milk, but it is foolish to hope that the cow will suddenly start producing 20 liters a day. A certain amount of lactose production is determined at the genetic level, so even with the best feeding and care, serious changes in the indicator cannot be expected.
  5. Calving. The more times a cow calves, the more milk she produces.
  6. Animal breed. The milk productivity of cattle varies depending on the breed: dairy, meat and dairy and beef. Accordingly, more milk yield will be obtained from dairy breeds.
  7. Young heifers produce little milk, unlike older ones. The largest amount can be obtained after the fifth calving. However, as the animal ages, the daily displacement will decrease.

Life in production is more difficult and shorter

On farms, how long cows live depends on the purpose of their raising, breed and productivity. Thus, representatives of dairy breeds (for example, Holstein and Aishir) can live much longer than meat breeds. The point here is not that the latter will be sent to slaughter earlier, it’s just that the organisms have different endurance.

Also, cows that show consistently high milk yields go to meat later. No explanation is required here, because it is clear that keeping such an animal is profitable.

A major factor influencing how long a cow lives on a farm is overcrowding. When there are many animals in one room, there is always a high risk of the spread of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In addition, almost all livestock receive the same feed, which may be contaminated or simply of poor quality. In the latter case, animals suffer from digestion. Even if good conditions for keeping cattle are maintained, not a single herd is insured against diseases. But on farms, it is not uncommon for a disease outbreak to kill many cows.

In general, the lifespan of a cow in production can be only 6-7 years. The fact is that after several calvings, the intensity of lactation decreases, and then the cattle are sent for fattening and slaughter.

But, of course, there are exceptions. On some advanced farms, cattle live for quite a long time.

Milk yield

A cow produces milk throughout her life, starting with her first calving. How long this will last is up to each farmer to decide for himself.

Average daily norm

For obvious reasons, livestock productivity increases after birth until the next pregnancy. According to statistics, the average milk yield of a cow per day is from 10 to 20 liters. Individuals of dairy breeds, with proper care and diet, produce from 60 to 115 liters per day.

Monthly rate

The monthly figure may constantly change as it depends on the care, feeding and health of the livestock. However, on average you can get from 250 to 1800 liters per month.

Average annual value

The leaders in milk yield are the USA and Israel. There, the average annual milk yield ranges from 8.5 to 13 thousand liters per individual. Dairy breeds are capable of producing between 5,000 and 30,000 per year.

Caring for a cow during pregnancy and after

The first insemination is an important period that largely determines the milk production of a cow. 2-3 months before pregnancy, the cow stops milking so that she can rest and gain strength. After insemination, the heifer requires proper care and good feeding. If the female continues to give milk, you should change the diet and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian. Lactation begins in the first 24-48 hours after birth, and consists of three periods, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Milking lasts 10-50 days. At this time, there is an increased production of the hormone prolactin, which determines the amount of milk. It is important to milk the cow regularly and well, as nipple stimulation has a beneficial effect on milk production. During morning and evening milking, it is necessary to allow the calf near the heifer - he will milk the heifer better than any milkmaid.
  2. The main period of milk production lasts several months and allows you to get the maximum amount of milk. A cow requires feed containing all the beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements.
  3. Milking is stopped 2 months before the next insemination so that the animal’s body has time to recover.

If insemination does not occur, the cow becomes barren, that is, it stops producing milk. In some cases, milk production can persist for up to two years even without calving, but milk yield will be small.


The time of year also affects the quality and quantity of milk.

in winter

How many liters of milk a cow gives per day in winter directly depends on the quality of the feed. Since there are fewer vitamins and other nutrients supplied in cold weather, milk yield will therefore be reduced. The average is 12 liters per day.

A lot of milk can only be obtained from a cow that calves in the fall. However, for this it is also necessary to provide her with appropriate conditions.

In summer

In the warm season, animals saturate the body with natural vitamins, proteins and beneficial microelements. This helps to increase milk yield. The average is 20 liters per day.

The process of milk formation

It is possible to understand where milk comes from only after a detailed study of this complex and important process. It is formed in the mammary gland, which is called the udder.

As soon as the cow’s body receives a signal about the need to provide the offspring with nutrition, the process of secretion of the hormone prolactin begins. It is he who is responsible for the complete formation of colostrum, and subsequently milk. Its chemical composition, as well as its fat content, are associated with the production of thyroid hormones.

It is believed that cows with higher milk yields have less fatty milk than cows with average milk yields.

In the natural environment, mammals independently wean their young from the udder. As soon as an animal becomes pregnant, the mechanism of preparation for the appearance of a new baby is launched. As for private farms, a cow can produce milk up to 300 days a year. A few months after calving, the cow's lactation decreases.

Best dairy breeds

Among all dairy breeds, there are several of the most productive.


It has Dutch roots, is especially loved in America, but is generally popular all over the world. The average annual milk yield is about 10,000 liters. You can get more than 40 liters per day. The fat content of the product is about 3%.


It was bred in Russia. It does not require special care and at the same time produces a large amount of milk. On average, cows of this breed produce about 6,000-7,000 liters per year. The fat content of the product is quite high - about 5%.

Red steppe

Has southern Ukrainian roots. It is very popular in Russia, Ukraine, and the Caucasus. The average annual figure is from 4,000 to 11,000 liters of milk with a fat content of about 4-5%.


It was brought out by the British in the 16th century. In addition to high milk yields, these cows are used to increase the fat content of milk in other breeds. The average annual figure is from 4,000 to 10,000 liters with a fat content of 4 to 6%.

Black and white

It was developed in Russia in the 20th century. Quite large and heavy individuals, weighing from 700 kg to 1 ton.

It has one of the highest milk yields - up to 7,500 liters at a time. Easily adapts to any climate and is hardy. The fat content of the product is about 4%.

When does a cow start getting milk?

At about six months, the cow begins puberty, so it is permissible to inseminate her. Despite this, experts do not recommend doing this, since the cow’s body is not yet fully strengthened, which makes bearing a fetus problematic.

The optimal time for the first conception is from 1.5 to 2 years.

The first milk can be expressed immediately after calving, but colostrum comes out of the teats for about 14 days. This is the same milk, but with increased fat content, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the calf.

Tips for choosing cows for high milk yields

When buying an animal, you should pay attention to external signs; this will help determine the ability for high milk yield and check the integrity of the seller.

Here they are:

  • the body is elongated, elongated;
  • the physique is quite strong;
  • light, thin horns;
  • voluminous chest;
  • large, smooth udder, not droopy;
  • a tightened peritoneum is an indicator of good care;
  • thin tail;
  • young age (determined by the horns. The number of rings at the base of the horns is equal to the number of calvings. To this number you need to add 2 years, we get the age of the cow);
  • straight back;
  • taste and fat content of milk.

How to determine the age of an animal

Every farmer should know how to determine the age of a cow. Determination is made by teeth. Like all animals, at first they are milk-bearing, and then are replaced by permanent ones. It is better to carry out the determination by the incisor hooks, on which the changes are most clearly visible.

They grow at 2 years old and wear off starting at 7 years old. When a cow reaches the age of 9 years, the surface of the incisors becomes quadrangular. Incisors become rare by the age of 12. After this, it is no longer possible to determine the age of the animal, and there is no need to do so.

By creating good conditions for his pet and observing disease prevention measures, the owner increases the life expectancy of the pet. The worse the owner treats his cow, the shorter its productive period will be. The peculiarity must be taken into account.

In Russia, the life expectancy of cows is shorter than in some countries for a number of reasons, but keeping cattle is still economically profitable and in demand. In order for the animals on your farm to live as long as possible and produce a lot of milk, you need to know about all the factors that influence their lifespan. We will tell you how long cows can live at home and on farms, as well as how to correctly determine the age of livestock yourself.

Milk production records

Among these animals there are also record holders. For example, one Holstein cow from the USA produced about 32,000 liters of milk per year, and another produced about 28,000 liters of milk. The Russian black-and-white cow produced about 20,000 liters per year.

The absolute record for milk yield per day belongs to a cow from Cuba - 111 liters. In second and third places are individuals from Russia - 83 and 79 liters, respectively.

Calving problems

For new farmers, the most common questions that arise are about fertilization and reproduction. If the main goal is breeding, then the animal is prepared for this from birth, and is provided with special maintenance and care. On forums and agricultural websites you can often find questions about what to do: the cow has calved, but there is no milk. The reasons can be very different - from abnormal nipple structure to inflammation of the udder (mastitis).

Usually, if all rules and regulations are followed, such problems do not arise. Conscientious owners must provide the animal with comfortable conditions before and after birth:

  1. How do you know when a cow will calve? This can be seen from several signs: she tries to retire, to get away from the herd. Therefore, it is best if the cow is given a separate stall, cleaned and covered with fresh bedding.
  2. The place where the cow will calve must be dry and free of foreign objects.
  3. If she is in a large room with automatic manure removal devices, care must be taken that the animal does not walk along the aisle, otherwise the calf may get caught in such a scraper.
  4. Provide a balanced diet and plenty of fluids, in addition to this, owners often add multivitamins and microelements to the regular diet.

Every farmer must understand that childbirth is extremely stressful for an animal, so a cow requires increased attention and care.

Competent care to increase milk yield

As mentioned earlier, how much milk a cow gives per day directly depends on the care and nutrition of the animal.


The room in which the animal spends most of the time should be warm, bright, clean and dry. It is necessary to regularly clean and ventilate the barn, making sure that the cow does not refuse to be exposed to a draft. Manure should be kept as far away from the feeding area as possible.

In winter, the barn should be warm, clean and draft-free. It is important to install electric lighting; this will help create normal daylight hours for the animals.

Near the barn it is necessary to arrange a grazing pen. The cow will walk in it all day long in favorable weather. In the summer, it is advisable to graze the cow in the pasture. The quantity and quality of milk is directly affected by fresh air and the amount of grass consumed as food.

The animal needs hygiene, regular washing of the genitals and udder, and trimming of the hooves.

Proper nutrition

The milk productivity of cattle also depends on the organization of feeding. For dairy cows, the nutrition must be special.

When creating a menu, you need to take into account the weight of the animal and how much food it can consume in one serving. Overeating and starvation have a bad effect on the quantity and quality of milk.

Preference should be given to roughage (hay, straw), ensuring constant access to them. For balance and saturation with protein structures, grain and mixed feed are given. The latter is also used to improve the taste of milk and increase fat content.

There should be a lot of water. A watering hole is arranged 3 times a day, without restricting the animal in any way - let him drink as much as he wants.

Keeping a dairy cow is expensive and labor-intensive, but many farmers say it's worth it. Natural fresh dairy products, always present on the table, are the best reward.

What influences?

Many factors influence the lifespan of a cow. These include climatic conditions, the country in which she lives, and necessarily her diet, as well as caring for the cows. The most comfortable conditions for a domestic cow are to keep it at a certain temperature: within 10°. Otherwise, the animal quickly uses up its natural potential . In addition, they do not tolerate high humidity and drafts. Accordingly, in those places where the vegetation is very poor and the conditions are too harsh, cows live much shorter.

The country in which the cows are raised is also considered an important factor. In some, they are treated with great respect, so there is a chance that they will live to old age without being sent to slaughter. The breed of cow also influences it. After all, if it is meat, then the life expectancy is much shorter, and dairy cows live longer. This also applies to the gender of animals, for example, heifers live longer than bulls.

However, the most important point in raising cows, as well as a factor influencing their life expectancy, is proper feeding. The diet must include:

  • special feed that includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • chalk;
  • sunflower seed cake for better milk yield;
  • fresh meadow hay or straw;
  • grated beets.

With the help of these products you can not only extend the life of cows, but also increase milk yield.

These animals are quite receptive to affection and care, so the more attention you give them, the more productive they will be. Good care usually results in them living a little longer. This is especially true for those animals that live on their own farms.

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