Instructions for use and composition of insecticide Bi-58, dosage and analogues

The fight against harmful insects exhausts not only gardeners, but also the plants themselves. The new insecticide “BI-58” will help simplify the difficult work of the farmer, the instructions for use of which contain some features. It describes dosages for a wide variety of crops, and also lists groups of pests. In addition, it explains how to dilute the pesticide, what its shelf life is and how to spray the working solution on plants.

This product belongs to the category of organophosphorus compounds, since the active substance in it is dimethoate. Once on the surface or in the intestines of insects, it paralyzes living tissues. In the green mass of the crop, chemical bonds are maintained for 3 weeks, thereby protecting it from pests.

Mechanism of action of the drug

“Bi-58” is used on many crops to destroy aphids, caterpillars, flies, bedbugs, thrips, scale insects, moths, leaf rollers, codling moths, flower beetles, cutworms, gall midges, leafhoppers and some types of mites.

This insecticide has a powerful and complex effect. The solution is absorbed by leaves and green parts of plants and then spreads evenly. Pests die as a result of feeding on poisoned plant sap. The insecticide also acts by contact; insects die when the solution comes into contact with them after spraying.

Application area

The systemic drug was developed to combat insects in large and small agricultural farms. The chemical shows good results against both adult forms and larvae. “BI-58” is effective against the following pests:

  • caterpillars;
  • ticks;
  • codling moth;
  • nematodes;
  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • scale insects;
  • leaf roller.

Insectoacaricide helps to cope with parasites in greenhouses, greenhouses and indoor plants. A high concentration of the working solution often leads to burns on flowers and decorative species. To avoid problems, you need to strictly follow the dosage of the poison.

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How to breed and use Bi-58

The instructions for use indicate that the drug can be used against a number of pests belonging to different orders. The product remains effective over a wide range of temperatures. The protective effect of the insecticide lasts 2-3 weeks. When used in the recommended dosage, it does not exhibit toxic effects on plants.

Application rate of "Bi-58" for various crops (in l per ha):

  • wheat – 1-1.2;
  • rye and barley – 1;
  • oats – 0.7-1;
  • apple, pear – 0.8-1.9;
  • grapes – 1.2-2.8;
  • vegetable crops for seeds – 0.5-0.9;
  • potatoes from aphids - 2;
  • moth control potatoes – 1.5-2;
  • alfalfa for seeds, fiber flax – 0.5-0.9;
  • hemp – 1.2-2;
  • kenaf – 1.4;
  • currants – 1.2-1.5;
  • raspberries – 0.6-1.1;
  • lupine – 0.7;
  • sugar beet – 0.5-1.

See also

Instructions for use of insecticide and seed protectant Tiara, dosageRead

On all crops, except grapes, apples and pears, “Bi-58” sprays pests during the growing season, spending 200-400 liters per hectare. 2 treatments are carried out, the waiting period is 1 month for grains, grapes and beets, for apples and pears – 40 days. Fruit trees are sprayed before and after flowering, consumption - 1000-1500 l, against flower beetle - 800-1000 l. Grapes are treated against mites, leaf rollers and scale insects with a solution of 600-1000 liters per hectare.

Application procedure

Aktara: instructions for use for different plants

The preparative form of EC requires preliminary preparation of a stock solution (dose of the drug per 0.5-1 liter of water). First, the sprayer tank is filled 2/3 - 3/4. Then water-soluble substances are introduced into it (if a mixture is used). Then, without delay, prepare the mother liquor with continuous stirring. It is necessary to dilute Bi-58 and pour the “uterus” into the tank quickly, because The shelf life of the drug in the open air and in the mother solution is no more than 10 minutes. Next, add the remaining components (if necessary) and get to work. The device must be filled in no more than 4 hours.

Spraying is carried out according to the usual rules: from early morning on dry plants or in the evening at sunset, because Dimethoate is photolytic. For the same reason, the weather is highly desirable: cloudy, but without precipitation. The time before rain is until the next morning, but not less than 12 hours.

Instructions for using insectoacaricide on agricultural farms are given in the table:

  • Cereal grain, food potatoes, sugar beet, table and fodder beet, rapeseed (grain, oil) – 0.05.
  • Pulses – 1.0.
  • Cabbage – 0.2.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, pome fruits, berries (including grapes), rice, millet, sunflowers and corn (grain, oil), soybeans (beans, oil), fruit juices and wines, olives (fresh, pickled, olive oil), mushrooms, dry hops, tobacco – 0.02.
  • Stone fruits – 2.0.
  • Citrus fruits – 5.0.

Application in private household plots

Bi-58 is not registered for use in private household plots in the Russian Federation, but is sold in small packaging (ampoules, see figure) and is quite in demand among small private farmers.

Drug Bi-58 of dubious origin

Among them there is a widespread belief that a significant proportion of the “ampoule” Bi-58 is counterfeit, and they have even developed a system for recognizing the “real” one, see video:

Video: identifying an obviously fake Bi-58

In such a case, rest assured: BASF Bi-58 does not produce small packaging, DV does not sell it separately, and does not have partners who repack the finished product. Considering the short shelf life of the opened drug in air, the effectiveness of Bi-58 ampouled using homemade methods is unpredictable, even if the agrochemical dodgers do not dilute it. We can only say for sure that this “ampoule” insecticide is less effective than the original one.

However, amateur gardeners quite actively use Bi-58 against aphids and other pests of berry bushes. The drug is used even on crops that accumulate “chemistry” well, such as raspberries, see next. plot:

Video: processing raspberries Bi-58 (!?)

However, the MRL in berries from treated bushes is unlikely to be checked, and if so, it is probably exceeded. In private household plots, Bi-58 is, in principle, applicable to fruit trees and grapes in this way (the regulations are not normative!):

Is it possible - on a room-by-room basis?

In residential premises, the insectoacaricide Bi-58 is clearly not applicable - dangerous inhalation of household members is guaranteed. However, many indoor gardeners take their potted plants out onto the balcony in the summer. For some indoor crops, this is the only opportunity to improve their health for the winter. But outdoors, pampered plants become easy prey for pests. The ampoule helps, see for example. video:

Special instructions and precautions

"Bi-58" refers to drugs with hazard class 3 for humans, that is, low toxic. The product is highly toxic for bees and has an insect hazard class of 1. Due to the high toxicity of the drug, it cannot be used on flowering trees and in gardens near which there are apiaries. Also, this powerful drug is toxic to fish, so it cannot be used in areas with plants located near water bodies and fishing enterprises.

When working with the Bi-58 preparation, you must wear protective clothing, you need to wear long sleeves, gloves on your hands, a respirator and goggles on your face to protect your nose and eyes from splashes of the solution, which can cause irritation and poisoning. .

After finishing work on spraying “Bi-58” you need to wash your face and hands with warm water and soap. If the solution suddenly gets on your skin or eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water. If the insecticide gets inside, you need to rinse your stomach: drink activated carbon tablets, wash them down with 1 liter of water and after 15 minutes induce vomiting. If after self-treatment the symptoms of poisoning do not disappear, then you need to consult a doctor.


Liv.52 is a hepatoprotector based on a complex of plant substances. It affects the liver, renewing the regenerative processes of hepatocytes, stimulating the biosynthetic function of organ cells and the secretion of bile. Thus, it protects the parenchymal organ from the influence of toxic compounds that have penetrated the body, inhibits the oxidative degradation of lipids and the effects on liver cell membranes. Removes signs of motility disorders of the gallbladder, its ducts and sphincters. The pharmaceutical product promotes food digestion, increases appetite, eliminates inflammatory processes, and creates a mild diuretic effect.

Interaction with other tools

"Bi-58" mixes well with fungicides, especially pyrethroids, in tank mixtures. Can be mixed with fertilizers for foliar feeding. The exception is products with an alkaline reaction. The combined use of Bi-58 and fungicides reduces the dosage and consumption of both drugs, without reducing the effectiveness. This makes their use economically profitable. It is recommended to mix the insecticide with the drug "Fastak" if treatment is necessary with a large number of pests.

See also

Instructions for use of Tabazol and consumption rates of tobacco dust ashRead


Arkady Krylov, Samara:

The garden is constantly attacked by insects: either a nematode spoils the strawberries, or a spider mite sticks to the roses, or the Colorado monster leaves them without potatoes. The wife spied blue vials with a strong poison - bi58 - at the neighbor's house. I wanted to buy it. I was getting ready to go to my favorite Leroy Merlin.

And I read a lot about this chemistry and forbade poisoning the soil with plants. Is it worth fighting pests at such a price if the fruits can become a source of mortal danger? It would be better if I poured copper sulfate on the trees and bushes in early spring and then in the fall.

Steblinsky Peter:

I have been gardening for almost half a century. Acquired useful acquaintances. A farmer friend said that he uses the German “BI-58” for pests, they say, it helps a lot. I asked a friend-seller what kind of product it was. He suggested what to replace the drug with, since this one contains strong poisons and is not suitable for gardens.

Terms of sale and storage

The product should be sold and stored only in factory canisters with closed lids. “Bi-58” needs to be stored for 3 years in warehouses, at moderate temperatures, in a dry and shaded place. Do not store food, medicine or animal feed near the insecticide; only other agricultural products and fertilizers can be stored. Once the savings period has expired, its effectiveness is significantly reduced. The solution is suitable for use for only 1 day.

Are there any analogues of the insecticide?

For dimethoate, the following analogs of “Bi-58” are registered for use in agriculture: “Alfa-Director”, “Binadin”, “Binom”, “Bishka”, “Danadim Power”, “Danadim”, “Di-68”, “Dimetron”, “Dimefos”, “Evrodim”, “Sirocco”, “Tagore”, “Landing”, “Ditox”, “Tarradim”, “Dimet”, “Fostran”, “Kinfos”, “Tibor”, “Dimetoat” -400", "Tod", "Dishance", "Rogor-S", "Rangoli-Duncan", "Dimetus".

“Bi-58” is a well-known powerful insecticide that can be used to treat grains, vegetables, berries, fruit crops, grapes, and flax against a variety of pests. Its action is complex: systemic, contact and intestinal. Because of this, the insecticide has strong effectiveness and a long-lasting protective effect. The drug is compatible with many pest control agents, some of them are even recommended to be used together to enhance the overall effect.


The preparations of the BI-58, KE series are developed and produced by the BASF concern, a world leader in the chemical industry. Used mainly in agriculture.

Has a wide spectrum of action to protect fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops from most insect pests:

  • leaf rollers;
  • gall midges;
  • aphids;
  • mites (spider mites, kidney mites);
  • bedbugs;
  • leafhoppers;
  • scale insects and false scale insects;
  • codling moth and leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • stem flies;
  • thrips and many others etc.
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