Ostrich egg: how much it weighs, dimensions, how often ostriches lay, their weight

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In captivity, in addition to African ostriches, rheas, emus, and cassowaries are bred. The weight of eggs laid by these birds, the color of the shell, and productivity differ.

Size and weight

An African ostrich egg weighs on average 1.5-2.2 kg (record – 2.35 kg). Length - 12-21 cm. The yolk accounts for about 350 g. The average weight of the shell is 200 g, its thickness is 6 mm. The strength is very high - the shell can withstand loads of up to 50 kg.

The mass of ostrich eggs is considered the largest in the world, but when compared with body weight, they can be considered one of the smallest. For reference, the height of an adult bird can reach 270 cm, and its maximum weight is 156 kg.

Emu eggs are smaller - 700-900 g. There are usually no more than 25 of them in the total clutch. In the “harem” of a male rhea there are up to 5-7 females; they lay up to 40 females in a nest. weighing up to 620 g (length - from 9 cm). In cassowaries, the weight of eggs reaches 650 g (length - up to 14 cm).

What a fresh ostrich egg should look like and weigh

The larger size of the bird means that an ostrich egg weighs about 1.2 kg and is equivalent to 20 hens. Standard dimensions 13 x 16 cm. Other characteristics:

  • The shell color can vary from bright white to cream. At the same time, the surface is porous, but looks shiny.
  • Despite the small thickness of the shell, 2-4 mm, ostrich eggs are very durable. Therefore, they do not break during transportation.
  • Almost one kilogram of weight is accounted for by the protein, which determines the high value of the egg.

Good breeding of a bird can be determined by its uniform shell and regular oval shape. Deviation from the norm indicates a lack of the required amount of calcium in the diet.

It should be borne in mind that there are several types of ostriches; their eggs differ slightly in color. For example, emu eggs have a slight greenish tint.

It will take more than an hour to prepare a cool ostrich product. This part is dark yellow in color.

The cost of an ostrich egg is from 500 rubles / egg

Product Application

Due to its large weight, one ostrich egg can replace about 35 chicken eggs when preparing dishes. One piece is enough to feed 8-10 people. Hard boiling takes 70 minutes, soft boiling takes 45 minutes.

Unfertilized specimens laid by young females are used for food; fertilized specimens are used for incubation - they are hatched by a male and a dominant female. When there is a large amount of hatching material on farms, an incubator is used.

The shell is suitable for making crafts - dishes, decorative Easter eggs. To keep the shell intact, it is drilled, the contents are mixed with a long knitting needle and poured out. The shell is washed to remove any remaining egg mass and dried. Due to the large thickness of the material, carved patterns can be applied to the surface.

Cooking recipes

Ostrich eggs have a specific smell and sweetish taste. Most often they are used in preparation:

  • omelettes or scrambled eggs;
  • custard;
  • various baked goods;
  • meringue;
  • salads and sandwiches.

An extremely interesting and unique dish is “egg cake”: a boiled egg is cut lengthwise, the “layers” are coated with a sauce made from mayonnaise, herbs and garlic.

An unbroken egg can be left in the refrigerator for a very long time - up to 3 months. It is best to consume the entire product at one time, although due to its size this may not be possible. The leftovers are stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, given that after this period it is better not to eat the egg.

Composition and indications for use

Calorie content of 100 g of product is 118 kcal. Due to its low cholesterol content, it is considered dietary. The yolk is bright yellow in color, the white is transparent. 100 g contains 12.2 g of protein, 11.7 g of fat, 0.7 g of carbohydrates. The composition contains carotenoids, vitamins A, E, group B, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, selenium, essential amino acids.

The taste of eggs is rich and pronounced. They can be stored for up to 3 months. Due to its beneficial composition, the product is especially recommended for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system or are prone to obesity. It strengthens the immune system, strengthens bone tissue and teeth, improves hair condition, and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Contraindication for use – individual intolerance.


An ostrich egg may not be digestible if a person is intolerant to the substances it contains. Children are especially prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, if you find yourself or your child with a rash on the skin, if signs of digestive system failure appear, it is better to avoid this product.

It should be remembered that cholesterol has a relatively low specific gravity in ostrich eggs, but this does not mean that they can be abused. Excess cholesterol is harmful to blood vessels. Moderation is important in everything.

Another disadvantage is the difficulty with opening. You won’t be able to break a shell the same way as a regular chicken shell.

Features of oviposition of African ostriches

Sexual maturity in female African ostriches occurs no earlier than 2 years. From this moment on, they begin to lay eggs in cycles of once every 2 days (the duration of the cycle is a little more than a month). Females are ready to conceive at 2.5-3 years, males mature for reproduction at 3.5-4 years. When a family is formed, there are usually up to 4 females per 1 male.

Females rush into a common nesting hole dug by the male. Masonry size – 30-60 pcs. for 1 cycle, depending on family size and living conditions. During 1 cycle, each individual produces 10-17 pieces. The break between cycles is 10-16 days. In captivity, females undergo up to 4-5 cycles - as a result, the annual productivity of each of them is 50-60 pieces. Females that lay fewer than 25 eggs per year are culled on farms.

The shell is strong, but porous, there is no film - this makes the product vulnerable to microbial damage. The color of the shell is white, straw-yellow, or less often dark. The weight of ostrich eggs is the largest among other birds. The duration of incubation is 42 days.

Where to buy

Today it is not difficult to buy a giant egg - you can purchase an exotic product by visiting ostrich farms or ordering home delivery via the Internet. During the season, farms offer fresh products with quality confirmed by certificates.

How much does an ostrich egg cost? The price of an “average” copy ranges from 1800 to 2200 rubles, but may be slightly higher. The purchase is destined to be a hit at any feast, since any dish made from an ostrich egg is very unusual for the average consumer.

Features of oviposition of rheas, emus, cassowaries

Emus begin to lay eggs at the 40th month of life, rheas - upon reaching the age of 2.5 years, cassowaries are ready to lay eggs at 3 years. The color of the eggshell is different. In emus it is dark green, almost black, in rhea it is yellowish-pink, in cassowaries it is green (from light to dark tones). The incubation period is, respectively, 56, 32-38, 52 days.

We use the shell

After eating an exotic egg, you can find a use for its shell. It is characterized by increased strength and is suitable for creating decorative products and souvenirs.

In ancient times, glasses, lamps, and boxes were made from this material. The cost of such products is quite high, since one wrong move by the craftsman can lead to cracking of the entire product. But even without engraving and painting, the shell, left without content, can become an interesting decorative item, finding its place in the interior of the apartment.

Conditions affecting egg weight

How much an ostrich egg will weigh depends on the quality of food and conditions of detention. The best indicators are for those females who receive daily food:

  • carbohydrates - they are supplied by grains (millet, corn, barley, oats, bran);
  • proteins of plant and animal origin - lupine, cowpeas, soybeans, insects;
  • minerals (bone, meat and bone, fish meal);
  • vitamins (green and succulent food, grass meal).

Large eggs are laid by females, who are raised in spacious enclosures. When keeping birds in captivity, attention is paid to the temperature regime - optimal indicators for good egg production: +16...+20 °C. To avoid disruption of egg laying, birds are protected from stress as much as possible.

How to get to the content?

To open an ostrich egg, you will need some cunning. Since the shell is very strong, it cannot be broken in the usual way. As a rule, two holes are made in it (at the top and at the base) with a special tool, which is a curved twisted knitting needle. Directly inside the egg, you need to break the yolk so that it mixes with the white. After this, the resulting mixture is blown into a previously prepared container (just exhale into the top hole so that the contents pour out through the bottom). Thus, it will not be possible to make fried eggs from an ostrich egg. It is usually used to make omelettes.

However, there is another method, invented by an unknown, savvy Russian person: it is enough to simply saw through the shell with a hacksaw.

When do they start laying eggs?

Female ostriches begin laying eggs at the age of 2 years in winter and autumn.

The female replenishes the clutch within 2 months - if the bird began laying eggs in February, it will finish closer to April. In the autumn period, egg production has the same period of time.

The number of eggs laid is influenced by:

  • weather;
  • nutrition;
  • conditions of detention and the possibility of free walking.

Females can hatch chicks on their own - for this they need to create appropriate conditions.

This is interesting: ostrich eggs are an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also normalize metabolism.


The optimal storage temperature is 0…+8°C. A product with an intact shell can be stored at this temperature for 3 months and will not lose its beneficial properties.

If the contents were removed but not used immediately, you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator; in this form, the product can be stored for 2-3 days. But not longer!

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