Anti-tick products for treating areas - TOP-25 drugs used in 2022.

Spring, summer and autumn are warm seasons that invite people to go for a walk in various parks and forests. But it is there that danger can await them, which cannot always pass without a trace for humans - ticks. Not only are these insects very unpleasant, but they are also carriers of serious diseases - encephalitis, borreliosis, monocytic ehrlichiosis, typhus. All of them are quite difficult to treat. Nowadays there are a huge number of different protective agents on sale, differing from each other in composition, method of application, duration of action, etc. In the article below, you can choose the best tick repellent for people to use, after studying the reviews and characteristics of the entire TOP. Happy choosing!


  • 1. Selecting an anti-tick product to treat areas
  • 2. Regulations for use
  • 2.1. Timing for treating areas against ticks
  • 2.2. Speed ​​and duration of action
  • 2.3. Work order
  • 3. Anti-tick products for treating areas (comparative analysis)
  • 3.1. Preparations PYRETHROIDS
  • 3.1.1. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on CYPERMETHRIN
  • 3.1.2. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on ZETA-CYPERMETHRIN
  • 3.1.3. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN
  • 3.1.4. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN
  • 3.2. Preparations - PHOSPHOROGRAPHIC COMPOUNDS (FOS) based on FENTHION
  • 3.3. Multicomponent drugs
  • 4. Security and restrictions
  • 5. Conclusions and recommendations

Let me remind you that treating areas against ticks is one of the necessary preventive measures to protect against tick bites. Properly carried out treatment with a properly selected drug reliably protects against bites of ixodid ticks (carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis and other diseases).

READ MORE: Prevention of TICK BITES – SEVEN ways of protection for humans and pets

In this material, we will look at anti-tick products for treating areas, give a comparative analysis of the most popular drugs, and learn to distinguish them by their chemical composition, nature and mechanism of action. Having a general understanding of this, it will not be difficult to choose a suitable effective product and treat your area yourself.

Types of chemicals against acarid parasites

Existing anti-parasitic aerosols and creams are divided into three types:

  • a synthesized repellent element that drives away parasitic predators with its odious aroma;
  • a chemical substance acaricide, made on the basis of sulfur, causing a nerve paralytic effect in the sucking person, followed by complete destruction;
  • blended substances that act on the tick in parallel and synchronously.

On each container of the purchased product, the manufacturer is required to indicate what type it is according to the method of exposure, as well as the main chemical elements included in its composition. For high-quality sprays, the main substances included in its base should be the reagents diethtoluamide and alphamethrin. When using such drugs, you must be aware of the limitations of use for some people. First of all this:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • individuals suffering from allergies;
  • those preparing to become mothers and breastfeeding.

Choosing an anti-tick product to treat areas

If repellents applied to clothing and exposed areas of the body repel ticks and other blood-sucking insects, then special anti-tick products for treating areas lead to their death.

Use products/preparations related to:

  • By nature of action - acaricides or insectoacaricides.
  • According to the method of penetration of the pest into the body - contact type of action.
  • According to the mechanism of action , they are substances that disrupt the functions of the nervous system.

The principle of operation of these agents is based on the fact that when they enter the body of ticks through contact, they cause disruption of the functioning of the nervous system and block the transmission of impulses. This results in muscle paralysis and subsequent death of insects.

  • By chemical composition . Treatment of the area against ticks is most often carried out with the following preparations:


b) Chemical class “PHOSPHOROGONIC COMPOUNDS (FOS)” based on DIMETHONE , FENTHION , etc. They have been put into circulation since 1965 to replace DDT, hexachlorane and other organochlorine compounds (OCS) . At present, CCPs for treating areas against ticks are completely useless.

When choosing an anti-tick product for treating areas, one is guided not only by its active ingredient, but also by its concentration. The higher the concentration of the active substance, the more effective the drug. It is advisable to use two-component drugs or drugs that contain synergists.

As for the formulation, concentrates are available in the form of a water-soluble powder or emulsion concentrate.

MORE DETAILS: “INSECTICIDES - summary table of drugs used (by composition/active substance)”

How to choose an effective remedy

To make your purchase effective, we recommend that you study the selection criteria proposed in the article below.

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying a drug is the certificate. All products are made from toxic substances, therefore they must be tested by the Ministry of Health, after which the manufacturers will be issued a certificate. Preparations without a certificate are harmful to insects and people. Foreign ones usually have increased toxicity. They contain approximately 50% active ingredients, so such drugs are not issued certificates and yet they end up on sale. Always read the label carefully.
  • The second thing you need to pay attention to is the concentration of active substances, which determine the duration of action and toxicity of the drug. The greater the condensation of toxicity, the longer the effect of the product. Products of the highest category containing 30-40% active ingredients last the longest, up to about 5 hours. Preparations containing 20-25% of substances protect for 3 hours. Weak and short-lived substances contain 10% of the substances and repel ticks for up to two hours.
  • It is necessary to buy products at a pharmacy or in places that have permission to sell. Why? Because all repellents must be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. If storage conditions are not followed, the products lose effectiveness, allergies and skin irritation may occur.

Application regulations

2.1. Timing for treating areas against ticks

Treatment of the area against ticks is carried out throughout the spring and summer period. It is recommended to carry out the first treatment before ticks begin to become active, i.e. immediately after the snow melts. It is recommended to treat the area 2 times a year during the period April-June and August-September during the rise in the number of ticks.

2.2. Speed ​​and duration of action

The speed of initial action is about 30 minutes after treatment. Complete destruction of ticks is achieved 3 days after treatment.

The residual effect of the drugs on grass and soil lasts an average of 1 – 1.5 months. If necessary, it is possible to re-treat the area, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one.

2.3. Work order

Before using the product, it is recommended to mechanically clear the area: collect and dispose of plant debris, mow grass.

Treatment is carried out by spraying, using any type of sprayer. Moving in a zigzag from the far edge of the site to the near one, all vegetation is sprayed - lawn, areas of soil, low plantings and shrubs up to 50 cm high. The perimeter of the site is carefully processed, including along the external contour.

For processing, windless weather is selected, with a probable lack of precipitation for the next 3 days. It is advisable to carry out treatment in the morning (before 10:00) and evening (after 18:00) hours.

The consumption rate of the working solution is 1-2 l./100m2.

Like any other insecticide, the preparation of a working solution is made by diluting the concentrate first in a small amount of water (up to 1 liter), and then adding water to the required amount. The working solution cannot be stored, that is, it must be used immediately, within 6 hours after preparation.

How to remove a tick

Ticks are pulled out in two ways: mechanically and using complex synthetic measures. The mechanical method involves increasing the temperature of the room where the person who has been bitten by a tick is located. Next, you need to treat the exterior with hot water and treat it with ultraviolet light. By the way, there is another effective way - sunflower oil. Apply a small amount directly to the parasite, and then use tweezers to begin unscrewing it counterclockwise. Do it carefully, do not panic, because otherwise you will tear off the body of the insect, but its head will remain.

After removing the tick, we advise you to keep the tick and consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary tests and confirm that you are not infected with a dangerous disease - encephalitis. Any symptoms (headache, loss of orientation indoors, fever) must be noted. If you feel unwell, call an ambulance immediately.

Anti-tick products for treating areas (comparative analysis)

3.1. Preparations PYRETHROIDS

3.1.1. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on CYPERMETHRIN

9.TICK PROTECTION (Green Belt/Technoexport)





Active substance - CYPERMETHRIN, 25%, emulsion concentrate. This is the most numerous and popular group of drugs.
Preparations based on cypermethrin are used both for self-treatment of summer cottages (preparations “Cypermethrin”, “Anti-ticks”, “Medilis Cyper”, “Help Boyscout”, etc.), as well as for sanitary services for treating city squares and forest parks against ticks (preparations “Yurax”, Samarovka”, “Sipaz Super”, “Cypermethrin”, etc.).

Packaging – from 50 ml ampoule/bottle to 10 liter canister.

The highly toxic concentrate has a pungent odor and a transparent yellowish color; when dissolved, the liquid becomes milky.

Dosage: a) 10-20 ml./1 l. water – with average abundance; b) up to 40 ml./1 l. water – at high numbers.

The consumption rate is 1 l./100 m2, the rate can be increased depending on the density of vegetation.

These drugs are used to treat city parks and forest plantations in order to protect the population from attacks by ixodid ticks of the genus Ixodes (0.5-0.75 l./1 ha of territory), from ticks of the genus Dermacentor (1-1.25 l./1 ha).

MORE DETAILS about the drug "CIPERMETHRIN" (dosages, instructions for use, mechanism of action, compatibility, etc.)

3.1.2. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on ZETA-CYPERMETHRIN

16.RAMActive ingredient: ZETA-CYPERMETHRIN , 10%, emulsion concentrate. Packing – 50 ml, 1 l., 5 l., 50 ml. or ready-to-use spray 100 ml. Dosage – 3-7.5 ml/1 l. water. Residual activity up to 2 months. (.pdf file)

3.1.3. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN

17.DOCTOR CLAUSActive ingredient: ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN . It is produced ready-made (no need to dilute), in special bottles to which you can attach a garden tap for convenient spraying. The drug is mainly used for self-treatment of areas against ticks.
18.ACARITOXActive ingredient: ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN , 5% , water-soluble POWDER. It does not go into the soil with water, it remains in the litter, thereby ensuring the death of ticks leaving for the night. Leaves a light whitish coating on the treated area, which allows the operator to control the treated area and the quality of application of the solution. Residual activity – about 1 month, repeated treatments are required

3.1.4. Anti-tick products for treating areas based on LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN

19.CYGATRINActive ingredient: LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN , 15%. (.pdf file)


20. DOBROHIM FOSActive ingredient – ​​FENTHION, 20% , emulsion concentrate. Packaging – 50 ml., 1 l.. Dosage – 20-50 ml. /1 l. Residual activity – 4-6 weeks (.pdf file)
21. FORSSIGHT/ FORSSIGHT-PROActive ingredient – ​​FENTHION, 25% , emulsion concentrate. Packaging - 500 ml, 1 l, 5 l. Dosage - from 20-45 ml/1 l. water. Consumption rate – 2-3l/100m2, depending on the thickness of the cover (.pdf file)
22. ESLANADEZActive ingredient – ​​FENTHION, 50%. The drug is intended to combat ixodid ticks. Insectoacaricide (emulsion concentrate) is a transparent liquid from light yellow to yellow. It has an acute insecticidal and acaricidal effect. (.pdf file)

3.3. Multicomponent drugs

23.ACAROCIDEActive ingredients - FENTHION, 40% + CYPERMETHRIN, 10% , preparative form - emulsion concentrate.
24.FAVORITEActive ingredients - ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN, 10% + TETRAMETHRIN 1.5% , preparative form - emulsion concentrate.
25. GET FROM TICKSActive ingredients: LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN, 1% + SYNERGIST DICARBOXIMIDE, 1.5% . This is an innovative drug. In the composition, a synergist is a substance that does not itself have much independent insectoacaricidal activity, but serves to suppress specific enzymes that detoxify insectoacaricides in insect organisms. Advantages: — destruction of resistant populations; — after 1 hour you can go out to the treated areas, — it is not washed off by rain, — the instantaneous speed of action is only 5 minutes.

Ultra-acoustic devices for tick control

The existing variety of sprays, ointments and creams that help repel and kill ticks are still not very safe for human health. A rather original substitute for such agents are ultrasonic devices, which in their application differ significantly from acaricidal drugs. Such units have a built-in ultrasonic maser with a floating frequency, which provides an inhibitory effect on all types of mites, having constant preferential selection criteria, since:

  • have no contraindications;
  • safe to use for children, pregnant women, elderly people, animals;
  • emit ultra-acoustic waves that pose a threat only to insect predators and parasites;
  • do not contain negative and toxic substances;
  • ergonomic and easy to use.


An ultra-acoustic repeller that you can take with you on hiking trips, hunting and fishing. It can be successfully used to protect both adults and children. It has a wide radius of action to drive away parasites, amounting to about 3 meters. Average price: from 3000 rubles.


  • decent scope of action;
  • waterproof;
  • compactness.


  • Non-replaceable battery after expiration of service life.

Security and restrictions

Preparations for treating areas against ticks are toxic and are in hazard class 2 or 3 for humans, and hazard class 1 for bees and pollinators.

When interacting with the drug, generally known personal safety standards should be observed. Safety standards when working with drugs in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.2584-10 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of testing processes, storage, transportation, implementation of the use, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals.” .

To safely use tick repellent on areas, keep in mind that:

  • Release time for people and pets is at least 3 days;
  • It is prohibited to spray preparations during the flowering period, this is extremely destructive for bees and pollinating insects, limiting the flight of bees to at least 96–120 hours;
  • Harvesting in the treated area is permitted no earlier than 40 days after treatment;
  • the total number of treatments of the area against ticks during the season should not exceed 2-3 times.

READ MORE: Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (questions and answers)

The best manufacturers of anti-tick drugs

Choosing a sufficiently effective spray or ointment to protect against parasites is an extremely necessary thing during a hike or outdoor recreation with the whole family. Fans of fishing, hunting and mushroom picking cannot do without such protection. And here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the purchased product should help both adults and children without compromising their health. The ranking of popular manufacturing companies, whose products you should pay special attention to, will help you make the right choice.


The name of the company, which has existed on the domestic market for more than ten years, comes from the English guard, which literally means “repel an attack”, “protect”. This fully reflects the essence of the work of the chemical industrial concern, whose product range includes protective drugs against blood-sucking parasites and children's protective products. All of the company’s products undergo the strictest quality checks, and the company itself is in constant development, offering consumers more and more advanced drugs.


All brand products are developed using innovative technologies and compliance with all necessary international quality and safety standards. According to surveys, more than 70% of consumers become regular Moskitol customers, assessing the quality of the company’s products as very worthy. The drugs produced by the brand are excellent for use against parasites both on the street or in the forest, and inside existing living quarters, as they not only have a high performance indicator, but are also sufficiently safe to use.

Biopharm LTD

Possessing extensive medical knowledge with a combination of innovative technologies, the Polish Limited Liability Company "Biopharm" creates and markets protective chemical drugs on the world market, confirmed by all European standards, proving to the consumer their complete safety and sufficient effectiveness.

Follow the conditions for using acaricidal aerosols.

Do not treat a suit with synthetic fiber with acaricidal or repellent aerosol, not because it will have a worse effect, but chemicals can ruin such a suit.

  • Before applying the spray, be sure to shake the can 3-5 times.
  • Treat clothes only outdoors. Remember that the active ingredients of acaricidal aerosols are toxic. It is strictly forbidden to perform treatment on humans.
  • The jet should be directed in the direction of the wind, and the clothes being treated should be kept at a distance of 20-25 cm from an outstretched arm with a spray can.
  • You need to apply at least 20 g of product per 1 square meter of clothing until lightly moistened.
  • Then be sure to dry the clothes for at least 2 hours and put them on underwear.

Under the influence of acaricidal preparations against ticks, they do not die immediately. The concentration of the substance is selected so that a person does not suffer chemical burns. Some manufacturers do not add product to the cans. Determine how full the can is by lightly shaking it in your hands.

Which acaricidal aerosols are more effective?

How to treat clothes against ticks? The study was carried out by employees of the Gorno-Altai Rospotrebnadzor. 8 cans of acaricidal aerosols were purchased - Reftamid, Gardex, DETA, Taiga, Moskitol, Tornado, Komaroff and Tarol. All products work approximately the same way - they do not repel ticks, but kill them. Eight signed sheets of paper were each treated with one product, dried and ticks were placed on them.

Three products completed their task before 10 minutes elapsed. The first group of drugs showed good effectiveness. These are Gardex, DEET and Taiga.

The next group of drugs, Reftamide, Moskitol and Komaroff, had slightly worse properties. The death of arthropods occurred at 18 minutes.

Aerosols Tornado and Tarol took last place and were not effective enough. By the time they begin to act, the mites will already have time to attach themselves to the skin. Moreover, Tarol turned out to be the worst remedy in the tests.

Insect protection for the garden and home

You can escape from annoying mosquitoes and midges not only in nature, but also at home. And if you are tired of falling asleep every night and waking up to the annoying squeak of a mosquito, then there are mosquito repellents for indoors.

Repellent kit PICNIC Family fumigator + liquid against mosquitoes

A fumigator is a compact device that, when plugged into a socket, begins heating a plate or liquid contained in it containing insecticides - chemicals against insects. When the device is heated by electricity, chemicals from the plate or bottle of liquid begin to evaporate, which are extremely dangerous for insects. They have a paralyzing effect on mosquitoes and midges, and contribute to their further death. At the same time, fumes and chemicals not only destroy insects in the room where the fumigator operates, but also repel new “new arrivals” if you sleep with an open window.

Liquid for fumigator PICNIC

Fumigator liquid is a solution with chemical compounds designed to kill or repel insects. PICNIC liquid contains exclusively natural ingredients: pyrethrins (Dalmatian chamomile extract, citronella extract, tea tree extract. It has a slightly perceptible odor. One bottle, according to the manufacturer, is enough for as many as 45 nights of full use (up to 8 hours continuously).

Similar products: DEET repellent fumigator plates DEET repellent spiral

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