All the remedies that will help get rid of flies in the house

Is it dangerous to have flies in the house?

It would seem that a seemingly harmless insect is not capable of causing harm to humans. Even a fly that accidentally gets into an apartment brings a lot of inconvenience, but a whole flock is already a huge problem. In addition to the annoying buzzing and discomfort, the appearance of insects is accompanied by the danger of contracting a number of diseases.

As you know, favorite places for flies are landfills, toilets, and compost pits. They are constantly in contact with rotting substances, feces, waste, and animal corpses. As a result, harmful microorganisms stick to the paws and are transferred to other places. Bacteria get on our food or personal hygiene items.

Flies are capable of transmitting pathogens:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diphtheria;
  • helminthiasis;
  • dysentery;
  • cholera;
  • polio;
  • salmonellosis;
  • typhus;
  • anthrax;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • fever.

This is just a short list of diseases carried by flies into our homes. In addition, the creatures lay eggs directly in food. If such products enter the human body, poisoning, skin reactions, and diseases of the genitourinary system may occur.

Certain types of insects bite painfully, which causes an allergic reaction on the skin.

How dangerous are insects?

Flies in an apartment can cause serious problems. They are carriers of bacteria and helminths. On the legs of insects there can be pathogens of various diseases, in particular cholera and dysentery.

Flies often lay eggs in prepared food or food products if they are freely available on the table, i.e. not closed. After such food enters the intestines, severe stool upset is possible.

Advice! Small flies, such as onion flies, are no less dangerous than large flies. They are also carriers of diseases.

Where do flies come from in the house?

The surest way for flies to enter a house is through open windows, balconies, and doors. Insects can also enter your home through ventilation or cracks in windows and walls.

Types of flies

It is easier to exterminate pests if you know the peculiarities of their life activity depending on the species.

Flies usually enter living spaces:

  • Small rooms. It’s hard not to notice, since their favorite places in the apartment are hanging objects and lamps.
  • Yellow fruit flies. They appear in places where fruits and vegetables are stored, as their larvae develop in rotting products.
  • Green meats. They fly to the smell of meat, fish, and fruit.
  • Sinatropic.
  • Cheese.
  • Greasy.
  • Sour midges.

All representatives of winged creatures also lay larvae in food and other secluded places in the apartment.

Housefly development cycle

The development of a housefly goes through 4 phases.

  1. Laying eggs. An adult is capable of producing 500-2000 eggs in a lifetime. Typically, insects breed in a suitable moist environment, which can be compost pits, sewers, and garbage dumps.
  2. Larval development. The larvae appear within 8-24 hours and continue to develop in the environment where the eggs were laid. Larval growth and transition to another phase lasts 7-14 days.
  3. Pupation. Once the larva is ready, it crawls to a dry place and pupates. The insect lives in this position for 25-30 days.
  4. Emergence of an adult. The fly leaves the cocoon and continues to live in its usual form. The life span of an adult insect is 30–35 days.

Knowing where the pest lays its eggs, you will get rid of not only adults, but also their larvae. Considering that flies breed only in a humid environment, carefully monitor the humidity in the apartment.

Habitats in the house

The favorite habitats of flies are garbage chutes and landfills. Despite this, insects are frequent guests in the apartment. Here they can live in the kitchen, balcony or room. The pest flies to the aroma of food or other substances, therefore:

  • throw away garbage on time;
  • wash dishes immediately after eating;
  • store food in airtight containers or the refrigerator;
  • remove crumbs from the table in a timely manner;
  • carefully monitor the cleanliness of your pet’s dishes and cat litter;
  • Pay attention to indoor plants, as too wet soil attracts insects.

Sometimes arthropods appear indoors from eggs if they were previously laid in a secluded place by an adult. There are frequent cases of flies entering the house through cracks in the walls from neighbors.

If this is a private house, flies enter it from the yard, where there are huge reserves of food for insects. In particular these are:

  • a garden where there are rotten berries, fruits or vegetables;
  • outdoor toilet;
  • compost or cesspools;
  • sheds where pets live.

To get rid of flies forever, fight comprehensively. Eliminate populations in the yard and outbuildings. Keep the entire territory of your country house or cottage clean.

It happens that flies get into not only residential, but also industrial or public premises, for example:

  • factories or workshops for processing and producing products;
  • catering points;
  • grocery stores;
  • various institutions with canteens and toilets.

In such places, it is extremely difficult to combat insects, so it is better to prevent their appearance and take preventive measures.

At what temperature do fly eggs die?

The fight against flies must be carried out comprehensively, namely, to get rid of not only adults, but also larvae. You can destroy fly eggs using temperature exposure, as they remain viable at temperatures from +8 to +52 degrees. If you notice a clutch of larvae, just pour boiling water over them and they will die.

At what temperature do flies live?

You've probably noticed that flies appear in your home only in the warm season. The fact is that most species of insects suddenly die when the temperature reaches -12 degrees. Some species cannot even withstand -8 degrees. The ability of adults to lay eggs is lost as soon as the air temperature drops to +1 degree.

During the autumn-winter period, resourceful winged creatures hide in livestock buildings, where a warm environment is usually maintained.

Prevention measures

To avoid baiting insects in your apartment, it is easier to prevent their appearance. To do this, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • cover window openings with mosquito nets; in the private sector, special curtains can be placed on doorways;
  • After purchasing, it is advisable to immediately rinse vegetables and fruits with hot water in order to destroy any fly eggs on their skins;
  • potted flowers that grow in an apartment must be regularly checked for the presence of midges - fruit flies love warmth and moisture;
  • Always put food in the refrigerator or protect it with special lids if it remains on the table;
  • The trash can must be taken out daily, as the smell of rotting waste is the most attractive aroma to flies.

There are many radical remedies, as well as methods for controlling insects in private houses and apartments. They allow you to destroy them in a short time. If you wish, you can use ready-made industrial sprays and poisons, make traps yourself, or practice folk recipes.

Effective means

A huge variety of substances have been produced and invented to combat flies. Such means can be insecticides, repellers, indoor plants, and traps. Below we will look at the most popular of them.


The product is intended for treating large rooms. It has proven itself well in the fight against insects living in pigsties and cowsheds. Non-toxic to humans and livestock.

The substance contains pheromones for attraction and thiamethoxam, which has a detrimental effect on flies. Before use, you must dilute the powder in water. Apply the resulting solution to the walls of the room in wide strips using a brush. Pests attracted by pheromones will land on treated surfaces and die after eating the insecticide.

Agita is sold in four hundred gram packaging, which is enough to process 160 square meters. m. Cost – 2300 rub.


Sold in liquid form, packaged in 100 ml containers. Affects both adults and larvae. The substance belongs to toxicity class 4 and only in certain cases can cause harm to humans. Get destroys flies outright.

Horpyfiros, which is part of the composition, is enclosed in microcapsules made of polymer. Due to this, the product remains effective for 6–12 months.

Before use, dilute the concentrated solution in water and then spray on areas where flies congregate. Carry out processing following the precautions indicated on the packaging. Average price – 800 rub.


In most cases, it is used by sanitation workers, as it requires compliance with certain safety measures. You should not carry out the processing yourself. Suitable for treating premises of any purpose. The drug can kill not only flies, but also ants, fleas and cockroaches.

The product is sold in liquid form, packaged in containers of 1, 5, 20 or 25 liters. Before application, it is necessary to dilute the toxic emulsion with water in appropriate proportions.

Evil TED

The product is intended to kill flies and wasps. It is not prohibited to use the substance yourself. The ready-to-use liquid contains pheromones to attract pests and an insecticide to kill them.

Carry out the procedure as carefully as possible, apply the substance only to those places where it can then be washed off. Alternatively, you can spray the product onto sheets of paper and then dispose of them.

Cucaracha emulsion concentrate

The substance has intestinal contact effects. This means that if liquid gets into the intestinal cavity or even onto the insect’s cover, sudden death is inevitable.

The product has a strong unpleasant odor, but is suitable for independent use in residential areas.


The drug works as bait and is available in the form of a granular substance. The pheromones included in the composition attract insects, and insecticides, after eating the granules, cause irreversible harm to their body.

Sprinkle the powder into small containers, such as saucers, and place them in areas where flies are abundant. For a better effect, you can add a little water to the plate with the drug.

Minap 22

Fights all types of insects living in human homes. The product is used mainly by professional exterminators, as it requires maximum compliance with safety measures. Begins to affect insects in the first 24 hours after treatment.


It proved to be excellent in the fight against fly larvae. Capable of exterminating the entire population of adult individuals. Suitable for treating any surfaces with which humans come into contact.

Poisonous Velcro

One of the most popular means is Velcro. They are inexpensive, and the effect is quite noticeable, although they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. This is a tape impregnated with pheromones to attract insects, coated with an adhesive substance containing an insecticide.

Pull the ring and remove the tape from the tube. Hang the unrolled Velcro in rooms where there is high fly activity. Pests, attracted by the pleasant aroma for them, will land on the surface of the tape, stick and, having eaten the poison, die. Once the Velcro has become sufficiently full of insects, it must be disposed of.

Such devices are not capable of removing the entire population of insects, but can significantly reduce its numbers. Choose a location for the Velcro away from the dining table and food, as sometimes flies come off and fall off.


They work by heating plates or liquid, emitting toxic fumes. The device requires an electrical connection to operate. The substance in the plates is considered non-toxic, but the manufacturer does not recommend that children, allergy sufferers, and asthmatics be kept closer than 1 meter.

Insert the plate or screw the bottle with liquid into a specially designated place in the fumigator, plug the device into a power outlet. The effect of 1 plate lasts for 12–24 hours. After treating the room, disconnect the device from the power supply.


The spiral is impregnated with a caustic substance, which enters the air during smoldering and repels insects. For exposure, light the tip of the spiral and blow out the flame so that the substance begins to smolder. Place the device in areas where flies are most active.


They are highly effective in small spaces. To exterminate pests, draw small stripes in places where they are most concentrated. If a fly touches the substance, it will die immediately. It is not advisable to use crayons in homes where there are children or pets.


The product will be used if you need to quickly get rid of the entire population of flies. Aerosols from any manufacturer contain an insecticide that quickly kills insects.

Spray the substance indoors, closing windows and doors. After treatment, leave the apartment for at least 2 hours. When you return, ventilate the rooms by opening all windows and doors. Carry out the procedure while observing safety precautions in a respirator or mask.

The most popular aerosols are dichlorvos and chlorophos. You can also find sprays on sale:

  • Peritrin Insectan;
  • Fumitox;
  • Raid;
  • Argus;
  • Dr.Klaus.

Each product has distinctive features, such as the volume of the can, the smell of the substance, the main active ingredient, and cost.

Electronic fly repellent

The second name is electric fly swatter. If a fly lands on the device, it receives a current charge, which leads to its instant death. To operate the device, you only need to insert the plug into the outlet.

Ultrasonic repellers

They work based on the emission of ultrasonic waves, which are intolerable to insects. Applicable only to enclosed spaces, apartments or houses. The waves produced repel insects. At the same time, their effect does not affect a person in any way. To operate the device, a connection to an electrical network is required.

UV lamps

The principle of operation is based on attracting insects to light.

Once connected to electricity, the lamp lights up with ultraviolet light, which attracts flies. The pest flies into the light and sticks to the adhesive surface inside the device.

More expensive devices can suck flies into a special container or kill the arriving pest with an electric discharge.

Street traps

They are used to kill flies only on the streets, as they have an impressive range of action equal to 4000 sq. m. The device emits carbon dioxide and heat, which attracts flies. When an insect flies into a trap, it is sucked into a special container, from where it is no longer able to escape. Within 12–14 hours, the flies collected in the container die.

Mosquito net

To prevent flies from entering an apartment or house, place mosquito nets on windows and doors. The cells of the device are small and will not allow insects into your home. There are mosquito nets on sale:

  • frame;
  • roll;
  • sliding;
  • pleated (folding);
  • on magnets for doorways;
  • with Velcro.

Choose a modification of the mosquito net based on the features of its installation, as well as the size of the window or doorway.

Rating of the best fly repellents

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best fly sprays1Dr.Klaus Fly from flies and wasps279 ₽
2Aerosol Raid against crawling and flying insects207 ₽
3Insect Raptor188 ₽
4Dichlorvos Innovative183 ₽
5Fly killer for flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants120 ₽
The best anti-fly liquids and plates for fumigators1Go Out from flies odorless 30 days65 ₽
2Plate for fumigator Raptor from flies62 ₽
3Liquid for fumigator BOYSCOUT HELP81 ₽
4Plates Clean house from flies and mosquitoes40 ₽
5Liquid ARGUS against flies, midges, mosquitoes58 ₽
The best electric fly traps1Insecticidal lamp TLK-Line 40W3 600 ₽
2Ecosniper GF-4 destroyer of mosquitoes, midges, flies2 130 ₽
3Mosquitoff trap Skat 20 HCX-10021 790 ₽
4Electric trap BOYSCOUT HELP lamp for killing flying insects503 ₽
5Trap lamp Argus Eco AR-2095383 ₽
The best baits and traps for flies1Glue trap BROS525 ₽
2Raptor trap Protection against wasps and flies199 ₽
3Adhesive window fly trap Argus72 ₽
4Bait Trap As Seen On TV Flies Away302 ₽
5Aeroxon Flycatcher Adhesive Tape74 ₽

What plants repel flies, what is their smell?

In nature, everything is interconnected, and if some plants attract flies, others repel them or even destroy them. Let's take a closer look.


The flower contains bactericidal components that flies cannot tolerate. If you place several pots of geraniums on the windowsill or balcony, you will forever forget about the problem of pests.

Venus flytrap

A seemingly harmless flower can not only scare away, but also destroy flies. This is a carnivorous plant that feeds on insects. As soon as a fly lands on an open bud, it immediately slams shut. The “predator” then digests the pest using digestive enzymes. The Venus flytrap cannot cope with a large population, but it is perfect for scaring away and destroying flies that accidentally fly in.

Wormwood, lavender, basil, tansy

Such plants emit toxic substances that flies cannot tolerate. Place a pot with a plant on the windowsill and insects will not have the desire to fly into your apartment.


Contact of a fly with the foliage of cherry tomatoes can result in death. When several pots of seedlings appear in your apartment, insects will stop annoying you and will leave your home forever.

Elderberry, fern

The repellent only works if you use fresh fern or elderberry leaves. Fold small bouquets and place them around the apartment. Make sure that these bouquets do not dry out. There will be no effect; on the contrary, insects will be attracted by the smell of dry leaves.

Eucalyptus, myrtle, mint

Flies cannot tolerate refreshing odors. When fragrant plants in pots or simply bouquets collected from them appear in the apartment, insects will leave the home.

Monitor the condition of your lawn

Flies often take a break from the midday heat in the tall grass. Mow your lawn regularly. Thus, you will not only make your garden plot more attractive, but also deprive annoying insects of shelter. The cut grass should be immediately put into the trash can, and the container should be tightly closed with a lid. Freshly cut grass has a very strong smell, which also attracts flies.

How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment: traditional methods

The appearance of small food midges is very unpleasant. To exterminate them, it is enough to have only a couple of methods in service.


For the procedure you will need an old unnecessary frying pan. Heat the frying pan thoroughly and place crushed hard camphor in it. After 3-5 minutes you will notice a slight smoke from the hot substance. For maximum effect, walk around the apartment with a smoking frying pan. Camphor smoke is non-toxic for humans, but it has a detrimental effect on insects.


The plant helps to repel not only house flies, but also small midges. Drosophila cannot tolerate flower scents. To repel and prevent the appearance of midges, it is enough to place one pot with a plant in each room.

Potassium permanganate and matches

The method was developed to combat midges living in the soil. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate and treat the leaves and stems of the affected flower with it. To destroy larvae in the soil, insert matches into the soil with the sulfur facing down.


The smell of garlic is also harmful to midges. Mash the garlic head with a fork and place it in areas where fruit flies congregate. The flies will disappear in a matter of minutes.

Cloves and orange

The product repels insects with a sour-spicy aroma. Stick a couple of cloves into the orange peel and place them in areas where midges appear.


When midges appear in an apartment during the cold season, it is enough to simply ventilate the apartment. When the air temperature drops, insects die.

Formaldehyde with milk and soda

Mix soda and milk in equal proportions and add a little formaldehyde to the mixture. Pour the solution into containers and place them around the apartment where children or pets cannot reach them.


The pungent smell of vinegar has a detrimental effect on midges. Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar in 1 liter of water and scrub all surfaces in the apartment. The method is unproductive, since after 2 hours the smell of the substance disappears and no longer repels insects.


Dilute kerosene in water and wipe with a rag the surfaces that flies come into contact with. After the procedure, ventilate the room. Insects hate the smell not only of kerosene, but also of turpentine. Therefore, if kerosene is not found, a solution of turpentine will give the same effect.

Black pepper

If black pepper gets into the intestinal cavity of an insect, death is inevitable. To ensure that the fly eats the spice, mix black pepper with sugar, place it in plates and place it around the apartment. Pests attracted by the sweet aroma will eat the treat along with the poison.

Sugar substitute (saccharin)

After consuming saccharin, flies die. Take advantage of this fact and prepare a sweet poison. To do this, mix 2 g of saccharin, 20 g of honey and 250 ml of water. Soak newspapers with the resulting mixture and place them on windowsills and other places where flies accumulate. After eating the sweet bait, the flies will die.

Homemade poison for flies (recipes)

If you don't want to use industrial poisons, you can make your own fly poison. Below are four simple fly poison recipes.

  1. Mix three tablespoons of milk, sugar and soda, add formalin (half a teaspoon). Apply the solution to bread pieces or soak cardboard strips. Place in areas where flies appear.
  2. Pour apple cider vinegar into a jar and cover with a lid with holes 5-6 mm in diameter, the flies will crawl into the holes and die.
  3. Mix half a glass of milk, 40 grams of black pepper and sugar, use to impregnate paper or cardboard strips. You can also place black pepper separately - it is toxic to flies.
  4. Mix rosin with sunflower oil, soak cardboard strips or thick rope

Fly traps

Companies that sell products to combat various pests offer the purchase of special fly traps. Below you will get acquainted with the most popular devices for catching insects.

Fly Trap from SWSSINNO (with bait)

A simple but effective device. It is a plastic container with a special lid. Attracted by the smell of the bait, the insect flies inside, but can no longer get out. After filling the container, the flies are thrown away. It is not prohibited to reuse the trap.

The trap kit includes a special bait that begins its action upon contact with water. The substance does not contain toxins or insecticides, therefore it is completely harmless.

Rules of use:

  • Open the flask and pour the bait inside.
  • Add to required water level.
  • Place the trap at a distance of 5-10 meters from the flies' habitat.

The trap works both indoors and outdoors. Range of action – 100 sq. m. Average cost – 500 rub.

Window fly trap

One of the most aesthetically pleasing glue traps, according to people who have tried it. It is a corner cardboard box with an adhesive surface inside. Just attach the device to the glass in the corner of the window, the flies will flock to the light from the street and fall into a trap from which they will no longer be able to escape.

Suitable for use in rooms of 20–40 square meters. m. Maintains effectiveness for 60 days. Average cost – 350 rub.


The device is designed to exterminate fruit flies and other small midges. It looks like a small container with a recess. Midges are attracted to the smell of the bait and fly inside the structure. The insects can no longer get out. Consists of two parts that can be separated to remove midges.

The liquid used as bait is absolutely harmless. The range of action of the bait is 15–30 square meters. m. Average price – 500 rub.

MO EL Fan 75

A universal device that gets rid of not only flies, but also moths, mosquitoes, and small midges. The principle of operation is the mechanical suction of insects that have approached the device less than 15–20 m. A special ultraviolet lamp is installed to attract pests. As soon as the fly flies up to the light, it is immediately sucked into a separate container by the air flow. Additionally, a bactericidal lamp has an effect on dead insects, preventing pathogenic bacteria from multiplying inside.

The device catches insects within a radius of 15–20 m. It operates from an electrical network. Cost 9500–10000 rub.

Plant carnivorous plants

There are several species of carnivorous plants that are adapted to life in our latitudes. Predatory plants lure insects, including flies, with a sweet smell, and when they land on a flower, they slam the trap and digest them.

In flower shops you can find sarracenia, Venus flytrap and nepenthes. Plant several of these plants in your area, they will definitely reduce the number of flies in your yard.

Homemade traps

In the initial stages of the appearance of flies in the house, it is not necessary to run to the store for an expensive trap or toxic product. First, try making a fly trap yourself, using available tools and materials.

Moistened cloth

The trap works like adhesive tape. To make it you will need: rosin, honey, castor oil, several strips of fabric or paper.

  • Mix the ingredients in equal parts.
  • Saturate the fabric with the resulting mixture and place it in places where insects accumulate.

The flies will flock to the sweets and stick to the surface of the homemade trap.

Cropped bottle

An effective way to help get rid of flies in an apartment or house. To make a trap you will need: an empty plastic bottle, water, some honey or sugar.

  • Visually divide the bottle into three parts and cut off the top.
  • Dissolve 1–2 teaspoons of sugar or honey in warm water.
  • Fill half of the larger part of the bottle with syrup, and insert the smaller part there with the neck down.
  • In this case, the liquid should not touch the edge of the neck.
  • Flies will flock to the sweet water and fly through the neck. The insects will no longer be able to find their way back.

Instead of water, you can use beer or kvass. To get rid of the insect population in your apartment, place 1 such trap in each room.

Fast and effective at home

Homemade tape

The two main advantages of this method are low cost and efficiency. But there are also disadvantages. A trap that is blackened by attached insects does not look very attractive, especially if it is located in the kitchen or in a gazebo where the family often eats. To make traps you will need castor oil, rosin and molasses (can be replaced with honey). As strips you can use fabric strips, cardboard strips, cut up unnecessary wallpaper.

Heat 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and add 1 tbsp to it. l. rosin. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with 100 g of molasses or liquid honey. Use a brush to coat the parchment or fabric strips with the sticky sweet solution. If you don't have honey or molasses, you can use craft glue. Future baits must first be treated with glue and then lubricated with a solution of rosin and castor oil.

What repels flies

From time to time, procedures to kill flies turn out to be ineffective. This happens if it was not taken into account in what exact place or room the pests appeared.

Getting rid of flies in the house

The process of getting rid of flies will be effective if you:

  • observe the rules of cleanliness and hygiene in the house;
  • installed mosquito nets on windows and doors;
  • remove food from public access and throw away garbage in a timely manner.

If you follow preventive recommendations, baiting flies will be effective and they will not appear in the house again.

In flower pots

Drosophila can appear not only in food and food waste, but also in flower pots. This usually happens due to high soil moisture, which is ideal for laying eggs.

To get rid of midges in flower pots, simply replace the soil. By disposing of the old soil, you will not only deprive the fruit flies of a nutrient substrate, but also destroy all the larvae.

To prevent flies from appearing in pots, do not overwater the soil and add some decorative stones or sand to the earthen ball for drainage. You can also place pots with plants that repel insects next to the “problem” flower.

In the kitchen (canteens, restaurants)

A particular problem is the fight against flies in public catering outlets, because it is impossible to completely remove food from public access.

Inexpensive or improvised means may not be suitable here, since the room will have to be processed too large. To kill insects in such establishments, the best option is to use special devices for catching flies or calling a professional exterminator.

Any cafe administrator or restaurant director should take preventive measures when it gets warm, for example, putting mosquito nets on the windows and keeping the kitchen clean.

In the attic

People are extremely rare in the attic, so to kill flies in such a place you can use any insecticidal agent that fights both adult flies and their larvae.

On the balcony or in the gazebo

To control flies outdoors, it is best to use mechanical methods, Velcro or traps. Plant mint, tansy, myrtle, and bird cherry bushes next to the gazebo. On the balcony in the warm season, arrange a mini-flower bed of geranium or eucalyptus.

How to protect animals from flies

It is not only humans who suffer from annoying winged creatures. Flies love to bite animals, especially those that live outside. It could be a yard dog, a horse, a cow, a goat, or a pig.

To repel and destroy flies, use an integrated approach: treat both animals and the premises where they are kept. When applied to the skin of pets and livestock, use non-toxic repellents such as Bayofly or Flybyte. Use toxic substances in areas where animals are kept. For example, treat a kennel or barn with Agita.

Ready-made devices and instruments for controlling flies

To combat hated insects, you can use a special device for killing flies. Manufacturers offer various models that make life easier.

Insecticidal lamps come in different shapes and sizes: as sconces, floor-standing or tabletop units. They operate on electricity, are absolutely harmless to people and can be used indoors around the clock.

How is flies controlled? The devices emit ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum that attract flies. Insects that fly close to them die from electric shock. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or a special design that prevent dead insects from falling onto the floor or table, ensuring high hygiene.

There are devices that attract flies using UV radiation, and then suck in the flying insects. Silent operation, hygiene and safety make it possible to use the devices in the house and apartment.

Insect killer is an effective and unique device against flies. They are very easy to install and their operating radius ranges from 4000 m2. It cannot be installed indoors, so this is one of the popular models for private homes.

By installing it in the yard, you can enjoy your holiday without being distracted by annoying insects. The likelihood of flies entering the house through windows and doors is also greatly reduced. How does this device work? It produces carbon dioxide, moisture and heat, which attract flies. Insects that fly up are sucked into the net and die there within 24 hours from dehydration.

Sticky tape or tape destroyers are an effective trap. It consists of tape and a sticky sheet. It is enough to hang it in the room where there are the most flies. They will attract insects with a specific smell. A fly that lands on them will no longer be able to come unstuck and will die.

Where do flies come from in an apartment in winter?

Sometimes it happens that even in the cold season, annoying insects appear in the apartment. Most often, home owners are perplexed as to how they get into the house and carry out an endless fight against pests.

In fact, you need to fight not with the fact of the appearance of insects, but with the original cause. Take a good look at your home; perhaps there are cracks in the walls through which flies sneak into the house from nearby garbage chutes, heating systems, basements, and entrances. By sealing holes and cracks, you will get rid of dipteran pests forever.

Remember the compost

Decaying plants attract flies just as much as trash cans. If you collect compost on your site, make sure that it is not too wet (moist, warm environments are loved by flies), make a compote pile or pit as far as possible from the entrance to the house, and make sure that the rotting processes do not stop ( at the high temperature that accompanies the rotting process, fly eggs do not survive, so insects do not fly over such compost).

Calling a pest control service

Such measures are resorted to if the fly infestation has reached critical proportions. This is especially true for private houses where there are compost or drainage pits in the yard - favorite places for flies.

Professionals will help you quickly and reliably get rid of insects indoors or outdoors. Typically, specialists use strong substances for processing. Fog treatment has proven itself well, penetrating into all the cracks of the room and effectively fighting not only flies and larvae, but also bedbugs, ticks, and cockroaches.

Street flies are also annoying: ways to deal with them

Most flies are in the courtyard of a private house, in the garden and vegetable garden, and they also cause inconvenience to humans. How to get rid of flies on the street? First, you need to determine whether there are any accumulations of garbage, garbage containers, cesspools, or compost heaps nearby, as these will be a permanent breeding ground for insects.

There are several rules that, if followed, will minimize the number of insects in the yard and on the street:

  • Keeping the yard clean. If a dog walks there, you need to collect its droppings so that the smell does not attract insects. The lids of garbage containers in the yard must be tightly closed.
  • Keeping the lawn mowed regularly and not having piles of grass or leaves.
  • There should be no places with standing water in the yard.
  • The smells of some plants and bushes have a deterrent effect. If you plant elderberry or bird cherry around the perimeter of the plot, then insects will be rare guests in the yard of your house. If you grow mint, lavender, amorpha, basil, and tansy in your flower beds, you will also get rid of their interference in your life.

To fight, you can use modern devices.

  1. Outdoor insect killer is an effective remedy for flies on the street. It generates carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which attracts them. Insects fly to it from all over the area, are sucked into the net and die after a while. The advantages of these devices are that they cover a large radius and are harmless to people, soil and plants in the garden and area.
  2. When there is a large concentration of flies, a fumigator helps. Fumigating insects with gases that are poisonous to them will get rid of uninvited “guests” for a long time.
  3. One of the popular means of fighting flies is pyrotechnic fumigators, or insecticides. They are used to kill flies outdoors.
  4. If spirals and sticks are placed around the perimeter of the area, this will protect against the penetration of insects.
  5. If you need to get rid of flies while relaxing outdoors, you can get by with repellents. They are applied to human skin and protect against annoying biting flies.

Spread the spices on the area

The tastes of people and flies are very different. If we are disgusted by the stench of garbage, then flies fly away from the smell of some spices that are aromatic for us, such as cloves. Clove flowers contain so many phytoncides that even dried spice can repel flies. Lemon can enhance the effect of cloves. From these two products you can make several homemade fumigators, which need to be placed at different ends of the yard.

The lemon needs to be cut in half. Stick 5-6 cloves into each half. The repeller will work for 3-4 days until the lemon begins to deteriorate.


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