How many grams are in one large tomato?

How many calories are in tomatoes with salt?

Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Tomatoes (tomatoes) cooked with salt." The energy value of Tomatoes cooked with salt is 18 kcal.

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Weight comes first!

First, I will weigh three tomatoes of different sizes, roughly small, medium and large. This was true for the tomatoes I had. Honestly! ? The average tomato, marked with a stylized “2,” is comparable to the size of a tennis ball.

Realize the size of my tomatoes!

Now it’s hard not to figure out how much a tomato weighs. Is it true? At least on average. The smallest (plum tomato) weighed as much as 98 grams, the average tomato – 155 grams, and the largest – 214.

The weight of the tomato... the first one, and so on...

In fact, all these tomatoes are of a fairly average size - neither dwarf cherry tomatoes, nor those overgrown ones that are usually used for seed in the villages. So, in principle, any of them can be called “medium-sized”. Well, OK! What will be the weight of the very average tomato? But - (98 + 155 + 214) / 3 = 155.7 grams. 150 – for good measure. The average weight of a tomato is 150 grams.

There will be approximately 5-7 pieces in a kilogram of tomatoes.

History of appearance

For a long time it was believed that cherry tomatoes (the translation of the word “cherry” is cherry, scientists gave this name because of the small size of the fruit) appeared only in the second half of the twentieth century, thanks to the efforts of Israeli breeders. But thanks to botanical historical chronicles, it became known for certain that on the American continent - the homeland of tomatoes - there were tomatoes of various sizes. Most likely, one of the expeditions of the fifteenth century, along with other vegetables, brought small tomatoes.

One way or another, the first description of cherry tomatoes in documentation was already in 1623, and after that it periodically began to appear in botanical works. True, it is difficult to call a vegetable popular, and until the twentieth century, mini-tomatoes were rarely used and, in most cases, as a decoration for a dish.

Cherry tomatoes gained their popularity in the seventies of the twentieth century. Then Israeli scientists presented the varieties of small tomatoes they had developed. The vegetable presented to people was not only compact and easy to grow: it also had a pleasant sweet taste and could be stored for a long time.

Now there are a huge number of varieties of small tomatoes, of very different colors, a lot of shapes and sizes, so everyone can choose the “cherry” to their taste. And how colorful cherry tomatoes look in the photo...

Cherry tomatoes - calorie content, benefits and harm, weight 1 pc.

Despite the fact that these unusual vegetables appeared on the shelves a long time ago, few can say that they have tried small tomatoes. Miniature scarlet fruits sitting on one thin green branch not only look beautiful, but also have a pleasant taste and beneficial properties. But some may be interested in how healthy cherry tomatoes are, their calorie content and other properties. Maybe it's worth learning a little more about them to understand their benefits and make more informed choices when buying vegetables?

Weight comes first!

First, I will weigh three tomatoes of different sizes, roughly small, medium and large. This was true for the tomatoes I had. Honestly!

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