How to choose mosquito repellents and use them correctly

Mosquito repellents

The situation is quite familiar when a warm summer evening is overshadowed by an unpleasant mosquito squeak, preventing us from resting. But the most unpleasant thing is that after the bites of these unpleasant insects, a person’s skin becomes incredibly itchy and itchy. Often, it is not possible to hide from annoying vile bloodsuckers, either on the street or even indoors. Moreover, there is a whole category of people in whom banal mosquito bites can cause real allergy attacks!

Naturally, most of us, when faced with such a problem, begin to actively look for means to combat annoying blood-sucking insects, asking questions: what plant repels mosquitoes, what is better than spray or ultrasound against mosquitoes, etc.

Today's arsenal of poisonous agents against flying blood-sucking insects is incredibly diverse. Today, it is permissible to use antediluvian gauze or mesh attached to windows or even doors. Moreover, grids in the modern world come with a special magnetic tape.

Also today you can find a fly swatter racket that kills a mosquito with an electric discharge, electric or ultrasonic agents, aerosols and rubbing, which can be quite effective for this problem. Today, in fact, we would like to consider which mosquito repellent in the outlet will be the most effective.

What is the name of the mosquito repellent thing in the socket?

Tired of squeaking sounds and irritation from bites during summer nights?
What is the name of the thing that is plugged into a socket to prevent mosquitoes? What is the name of the device that helps against mosquitoes and other mosquitoes? How does it work and how harmful is it to humans and pets? A device that plugs into an outlet and helps kill mosquitoes and mosquitoes is called a fumigator. Consists of: a heating element with a plug and impregnated plates or liquid.

When heated (plugging the device into a power outlet), the heating element gains temperature, and the plates or liquid begin to evaporate and spray the air around. As a rule, fumigators “work” within a radius of 5 meters.

DIY making

You can use the sound of mosquitoes by making a repellent device with your own hands. All you need is some knowledge of electrical engineering and a soldering iron.

Let's consider a universal sonic mosquito repeller diagram (Fig. 2). The components are as follows:

  • R1-R5 - fixed resistors with a power of 0.25 W;
  • R6 - variable resistor of any power suitable for the nominal value;
  • BQ1 - piezoceramic emitter reproducing ultrasound;
  • VT1-VT2 - bipolar transistors that form a frequency circuit together with resistors and capacitors;
  • C1-C2 - output ceramic capacitors;
  • VD1 - semiconductor diode to protect the device from improper switching on of the power source;
  • S1 - toggle switch (on-off button).

Additionally you will need the following items:

  • printed circuit board made of fiberglass;
  • power supply voltage from 1.5 to 12 V;
  • accumulators or batteries.

A photo of the assembled device is shown in Figure 3.

The frequency of mosquito sound is adjusted using resistor R6. The radiation frequency can be measured using an oscilloscope by connecting the tester in parallel with resistor R1

. To combat mosquitoes, a homemade repeller is placed in a plastic case and connected to a power source.

Is mosquito fumigator harmful to humans and pets?

As mentioned earlier, the main effect of a fumigator is to heat and distribute mosquito “poison” particles through the air. Of course, the issue of harm to others is quite stark.

Thus, according to experts, poison solutions for mosquitoes are low-toxic and do not in any way affect warm-blooded creatures, including small domestic animals.

That is, the composition at the chemical level is completely safe for humans and other residents in the room.

Which is better: plates or liquid?

In fact, both types of mosquito protection are analogues of each other. Cardboard plates are soaked in the same liquid, as if dosing the time of use.

As manufacturers indicate in advertising, one plate should be used for one night. If you compare the duration of action of the liquid and the number of plates required for the same period of time, then the option with liquid will be more profitable.

In addition, companies selling bottles of liquid offer more reliable “heads”, heating elements that are inserted into an outlet.

What else can you do to protect yourself from mosquitoes?

By and large, fumigator and various liquids are only temporary measures. In addition, the “poison” does not affect all types of mosquitoes. Some of them remain indoors.

A high-quality option is to install mosquito nets. In addition to protecting against squeaks, they will prevent cigarette butts thrown from higher floors from entering. Which, by the way, is incredibly important in modern apartment buildings.


What is the device

The device operates using ultrasonic waves that are inaccessible to human hearing. These waves cause vibrations in the nerve cells of insects, so strong that the cells are literally torn from the inside. Insects immediately leave such places, since their nervous system cannot withstand such an onslaught.

Advantages of ultrasonic repellers:

  • They are quite simple to use - you just need to plug the device into a power outlet.
  • No chemicals or harmful emissions.
  • Can be used for a long time.
  • Consume little energy.

Disadvantages of devices:

  • Repellers affect not only insects, but also animals, mainly small ones.
  • Long-term use may have a harmful effect on humans, especially if the devices have considerable power.
  • Some pests (for example, cockroaches) get used to such devices.
  • The greatest effect is observed when used together with other types of control, for example, chemical ones.
  • Ultrasound devices are expensive.


Fumigators are devices for killing mosquitoes by poisoning them. The operating principle of these devices is based on spraying a harmful substance into the air. The toxic components are not dangerous to humans and animals. But these substances have a toxic effect on insects. Most often, they cause paralysis of the central nervous system and rapid death.

There are two types of fumigators:

  • The first are household appliances for the home. They operate from a regular electrical outlet. Although there are models that do not require a current source. Replaceable plates or special solutions are used as a source of toxin. After heating, the substances enter the air. The device sprays them at short distances from itself. The insects die within minutes. Regardless of the quantity.
  • The second are spirals. They are made based on plant ingredients. For the fumigator to start working, the spiral must be set on fire. Smoldering material will release toxic smoke into the air. Due to the high concentration of the active ingredient, it is better not to use such fumigators at home. There is a risk of fire, and poisoning with dizziness, nausea, and headaches is also possible. The devices are used for fumigation of small areas: around a gazebo, a bench near a house, etc. To scare away insects and destroy those that fly nearby.

Replacement preparations for fumigators are made on the basis of plant or synthetic components - pyrethrins or pyrethroids. Both are safe for humans and pets.

Fumigators have several advantages:

  • absence of unpleasant odors, except for preparations with fragrances, flavored strips or solutions;
  • a wide range of active ingredients and options to choose from;
  • safety;
  • low cost - about a few hundred rubles for the fumigator itself and the same for consumables;
  • efficiency;
  • in the case of spirals and portable fumigators that do not operate from the mains - mobility.

Such devices that kill mosquitoes also have disadvantages:

  • fire hazard (especially if the device is of poor quality and operates on mains power, the same applies to spirals);
  • service life - depends on the manufacturer;
  • When using a low-quality device, when heated, the smell of melted plastic spreads into the air.

There are dozens of options for purchase on the market. Here are just the most popular and effective fumigation devices:

  1. Raptor. Fumigators, plates and solutions. The effect begins after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Fumitox. Mosquito repellent for home. Begins to act within 10 minutes.
  3. Picnic. Devices and preparations for the rapid destruction of mosquitoes, midges, midges. Relatively safe option. Can be used in rooms with children.
  4. Moskitol. Effective drugs with a complex composition.

Fumigators are effective in apartments and country houses. For a large dacha, if there are many rooms, several fumigators will be required. For every room. The range of action of such devices is relatively small and is about 10-15 m 2. Outdoor coils and portable devices are effective. But the area where the effect spreads is small.

If you choose the right device, you can quickly get rid of mosquitoes and prevent bites.

Types of devices

All the devices described have the same principle of operation, but there are a great many models and types, and there are more and more of them every year. The basic devices are the following:

— Ultrasonic portable mosquito repeller for autonomous use. It can be attached to clothing or a bag. Looks like a keychain. Many also attach them to pet belts and collars. This also protects animals from mosquito bites.

— Sports ultrasonic models for lovers of an active lifestyle. Such devices are equipped with solar panels, special clasps and a compass. Outwardly, they look like ordinary wristwatches. Not only the service life, but also the charging speed depends on the build quality and battery power.

Such devices are mounted on the walls of houses. Modern models of this type have purifiers - air ionizers that kill bacteria using insecticide plates.

Essential oils (bracelets and patches)

Mosquitoes are sensitive to odors: they are attracted by the smell of lactic acid contained in sweat, and are repelled by the smells of cloves, citronella, valerian, eucalyptus, lavender, geranium, mint, anise, camphor and cedar oils. You can drop essential oil onto clothes or into an aroma lamp indoors, but this is not always effective, besides, oils leave stains on things and in high concentrations can cause headaches. Manufacturers offer an alternative: bracelets and patches that emit the scents of citronella, geranium, lavender, and mint. They are suitable for children from two years of age and are in high demand among parents. Reviews about the effectiveness vary, but most likely this is a psychological protection for the parents’ nervous system: mosquitoes calmly land on the skin near the bracelets.

Know-how: sticker on clothes with citronella oil. You can apply up to six patches at the same time - the manufacturer promises protection for up to 12 hours. However, you can’t stock up on such patches for the whole summer. There are few reviews yet; the product has just appeared on the market.

For lunch - nectar, and blood - for an important matter. Why do mosquitoes bite?

Summer evening... Warm, pleasant, starry. A person associates it with rest and peace, but for a mosquito it is a time of active work. He (or, more precisely, she, because only female mosquitoes bite) needs to have time to stock up on nutrients in order to form eggs and prolong their genus. The mission is very noble, but there is one caveat - the source of these nutrients is our human blood. And it’s not that we are ideally suited for such purposes - significantly more amino acids necessary for mosquitoes are found in the blood of buffaloes and rats. However, we are the most numerous and accessible “donors”. So it turns out that summer holidays in nature are each time overshadowed by annoying squeaks and bites, which we notice after the fact (after all, when biting, an insect releases a special anesthetic into the wound), as well as various unpleasant consequences, including allergic reactions and infectious diseases. diseases.

By the way, mosquitoes are also “sniffers”

. Their hearing and vision are not very good, but these insects react actively to odors. Actually, it is the amber of our pheromones, along with the carbon dioxide released during breathing, that attracts bloodsuckers to us. And it is this knowledge that allows you to use various tricks, disorienting insects - which is actively used by manufacturers of various mosquito repellents.

Where can they be used?

Ultrasonic mosquito repeller, regardless of its degree of effectiveness, is used very widely today. Even without being sure of the effectiveness of such devices, many users still decide to purchase. Depending on the design, such devices can be used in a natural environment - outdoors, as well as indoors. This is due to the type of power source on the basis of which this or that design is made.

Watch the video and see how the device works:

The ultrasonic mosquito repeller comes in different designs, differing in size, which can simplify a hike or trip to the forest, to the country house, etc. The smaller the device, the easier it is for its owner, since going out into nature usually requires a fairly large number of things. A compact ultrasonic mosquito repeller will make it easier to get ready and go on vacation.

Ultrasonic repellers

Small devices look like a radio. Powered by electricity and batteries. The action is based on ultrasound radiation, which repels mosquitoes, drives them out of the room, and prevents penetration. The device operates silently and can be installed in any convenient place.


There are no contraindications for use, but it is not recommended to place the ultrasonic repeller at a distance of 1 m from the head.

Modern ultrasonic repellers are produced in the form of keychains and bracelets. Often they combine several functions - a clock, a compass, a flashlight. Mobile devices are actively used in cars.

Effective devices:

  • Tornado;
  • Ximeite;
  • Pest Reject;
  • Aokeman;
  • AO-110.

The price of the device is from 300 rubles.


Sometimes users complain about the device, indicating that it worked at first, but then the mosquitoes stopped responding to it. We already wrote about this phenomenon in the article and recommended buying only a multifunctional device or trying not to use it for a while.

But the best option would be to create an ultrasonic repeller with your own hands, which will save money and give you pleasure from work, and in this case you will be 100% confident in the quality of the device that you created yourself.

And you don’t have to rely on mobile repeller apps that are installed on phones and smartphones. As a rule, this is another “scam”, since the quality of the sound produced by the speaker of a mobile device leaves much to be desired, and it is harmless to mosquitoes. article/204215/new_otpugivatel-komarov-ultrazvukovoy-kakoy-vyibrat

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