How many grams are in one egg by category: without shell, boiled and raw

How many grams are in egg c1?

Average weight of 1 egg

CategoryMinimum weight, gAverage weight, g
0 (selected)6570

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Average weight of one chicken egg

The raw weight of a chicken egg is important in determining the cost of the product.
According to statistics, the average chicken egg weighs 50–55 g.

Its size is influenced by a number of factors:

  • age;
  • breed;
  • conditions of detention;
  • quality and frequency of feeding, etc.

Testicular weight is important in poultry farming. This indicator is fundamental in determining the variety.

Why are eggs not sold by weight in retail?

  1. The egg loses weight over time as the liquid through the shell evaporates.
  2. The fragility of the product implies the presence of a separate worker weighing the product.
  3. Current sanitary standards require a separate room for product scales.

All this increases the cost of the finished product.

According to the degree of freshness, eggs are divided into:

  • dietary - no more than 7 days have passed since the date of demolition, marked with the letter “D”;
  • canteens – more than 8 days have passed since demolition, are marked with the letter “C”.

Important! The table variety is stored at room temperature for 25 days from the date of demolition, in the refrigerator - 90 days.

Eggs are usually sold in packs of 12, but the quantity may be smaller (6 or 10).

Without shell

The weight of the shell is 10% of the weight of the entire egg, therefore, by looking at the labeling in the store, you can use simple arithmetic calculations to determine the weight of the product without the shell.

Weight of white and yolk

It is impossible to name the exact weight of the white and yolk. Much depends on the product category.

However, the main principles are as follows:

  • the mass of the yolk is 35% of the entire shelled product;
  • Protein accounts for 65% of the weight.

Raw and cooked

Weight of an egg in a shell and without a shell
An egg shell is a unique natural filter. It allows sunlight and air into the testicle and releases excess moisture and carbon dioxide back out. Therefore, in a pan of boiling water, the egg does not absorb water and does not release it. That is, the weight before and after cooking remains unchanged.

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But if you break the shell and fry the egg, then after cooking it will be lighter. The product will lose about 15% of its weight due to the liquid evaporated during the heat treatment process.

Egg weight in grams by category

The category is directly affected by the weight of the product.

There are five categories with testicles of a specific weight range (in the table below):

HigherFrom 75 g and aboveIN
SelectiveFrom 65 to 75 gABOUT
FirstFrom 55 to 65 g1
SecondFrom 45 to 55 g2
ThirdFrom 35 to 45 g3

Egg weight in grams by category

Calorie content of fried egg (1 pc.)

How many calories will there be in a chicken egg if it is fried? Indeed, after heat treatment the energy value of the product increases. However, the specific value depends not only on the size of the egg, but also on the chosen cooking method. On average, the calorie content of one fried chicken egg is 125 kcal, but this figure is valid for 100 grams of food.

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It is equally important to consider that various vegetable fats are usually used when frying. Minimum values ​​can be achieved by using olive oil. Then the “weight” of the finished dish will be 230 kcal per 100 g. If you use standard vegetable oil, the figure will increase to 240 kcal.

If you fry eggs on fat-containing products, the energy value of the finished dish will be higher than 255 kcal.

Based on the data obtained, we can say that fried eggs are not the easiest product. Such dishes are not suitable for dietary and low-calorie nutrition if butter, vegetable, olive or other oils were used during their preparation.

Calorie content of 1 fried egg without oil

The safest way to fry eggs for your figure involves using a non-stick frying pan and avoiding oils.

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It is very easy to achieve the minimum energy value: just fry an egg without oil. A non-stick frying pan needs to be well heated. Break a whole chicken egg (1 piece) directly into a hot frying pan and fry until done.

The calorie content of the finished dish per 100 grams will be 125 kcal, and the fat content will not exceed 9 grams.

Calorie content of 1 fried egg with butter

But most often this product is fried with the addition of sunflower oil, which ultimately increases the energy value of the dish. But this indicator can be adjusted. Please note that the minimum calories in this delicacy are 245 per 100 grams of weight. But each subsequent small spoon added, the volume of which is about 10 ml, increases the nutritional properties of the dish by approximately 90 units. As a result, its calorie content can fluctuate between 240-360 kcal.

If you cook an omelet with 2 eggs, the nutritional value of the dish will be about 140 kcal. But a lot depends on the use of additional components.

You can learn how to fry chicken eggs without a drop of fat from the video:

The raw weight of a chicken egg is important in determining the cost of the product. It depends on the breed of bird, the conditions of its keeping and feeding, the season, etc.

The weight of a cooked chicken egg (boiled, fried, etc.) depends on the type of processing.

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Contraindications for eating eggs

This product is one of the most healthy and low-allergenic (provided that chickens are raised organically without the use of chemical food additives). However, there are a number of contraindications for eating eggs and dishes made from them.

The main ones:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Diseases of the blood and blood vessels, atherosclerosis.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Cholecystitis and liver diseases.
  6. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

If you suffer from one of these diseases, you should only eat egg whites.

How to protect yourself from E. coli

A chicken egg is not only a valuable product for the body in its fresh form, but also poses a great danger if it goes rotten.

When purchasing a product in a store, it is recommended to pay attention to the following information to prevent infection with E. coli:

  1. The production time should be visually distinguished on the packaging or individual unit.
  2. Removing the manufacturer from the point of sale. The closer the poultry farm is, the fresher the products.
  3. When shaking slightly, the yolk should not hit the shell. The opposite effect indicates the beginning of damage.
  4. You should not buy a product if it is sold in a department with other strong-smelling products.
  5. The outer shell should not have cracks or other types of deformation.
  6. Products with adhered feathers and droppings are not an indicator of egg hygiene. Dirt is able to penetrate inside through the pores.

By following precautionary rules, the buyer can protect himself from disastrous consequences after consuming the product.

Why are eggs sold individually?

Domestic retail enterprises sell chicken products individually.

Employees of these organizations and the sanitary-epidemiological service explain this as follows:

  1. One unit contains almost a sixth of the unedible shell. Having bought a kilogram of eggs, the client pays money for the product, which will then be disposed of, and no one wants to spend money on a kind of garbage.
  2. After the product has been on the market for some time, the product loses precious moisture and decreases in size. However, the percentage of hard shell remains the same. This means that even more shells must be disposed of.

Taking into account the above factors, selling goods by the piece is more profitable for the consumer than by weight.

Composition and benefits of eggs

Eggs themselves are quite a dietary product.
They are always included in the diet of athletes who want to increase muscle mass, and serve as an excellent source of high-quality protein. But nutritionists advise consuming them in very moderate quantities. After all, the yolk of eggs contains a lot of fats, which are a source of bad cholesterol. In fact, the calorie content of scrambled eggs is the calorie content of egg yolks, since they contain up to 90% of all the nutrients that make up this product.

How many eggs are in 100 grams?

100 grams of eggs is 2/1.7/1.5 pieces; 175 grams of eggs is 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 pieces; 200 grams of eggs is 4/3.3/3 pieces.

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How many calories are in scrambled eggs?

The average calorie content of fried eggs is 215 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calorie content varies depending on the fat used for cooking and its amount.

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How much does 2 boiled eggs weigh?

second grade (labeling 2

) - weight from 45 to 55 g. Average weight 50 g. Without shell - 40–50 g. Yellow weight 16–19 g, white 25–30 g.

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Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about eggs:

  • To increase shelf life, it is worth storing the eggs with the pointed end down.
  • The calorie content of an egg is 80 kilocalories, which is equivalent to 100 g of chicken meat or beef tongue.
  • Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of cholesterol contained in the yolk, it is safe to eat eggs. They contain lecithin, which completely neutralizes yolk cholesterol.
  • It is dangerous to consume the raw product due to the risk of salmonellosis. Before breaking a raw egg, the shell must be thoroughly washed to prevent the introduction of microbes into the egg liquid.
  • A laying hen lays on average an egg per day, depending on the breed and other factors. Of course, there are breaks, so 300 pieces per year is considered a good result.
  • Despite rumors about the greater benefits of eggs with dark shells, the properties of the product do not depend on its color.
  • Residents of the Japanese islands eat the most product in the world, where each person eats 1 piece per day.
  • To diagnose the degree of freshness of a product, you can use a container filled with tap water. The testicle descends there. The deeper his dive, the fresher the egg. It is better to throw away the floating product.
  • Eggshells are actively used for the production of fertilizers.
  • One of the largest eggs listed in the book of records weighed 170 g.

When choosing eggs, pay attention to the variety and category in order to purchase a product of the right quality.

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