How to use the FAS checker correctly: instructions and product description

FAS sulfur bomb is an effective fumigation agent that destroys pathogenic microflora and pests. This drug is highly effective and quick-acting, but, like other chemicals, it can harm human health and warm-blooded animals if used incorrectly.

To prevent this, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules for using the device.

  • 5 Precautions
  • 6 Symptoms of poisoning
  • 7 First aid for the victim
  • 8 Conclusion
  • Purpose and scope

    The checker is intended for processing non-residential premises, greenhouses, greenhouses, baths, basements, cellars, vegetable stores.

    The product destroys fungi, bacteria, mold. It also has a detrimental effect on insect pests and their larvae, has a repellent effect on moles, mice, rats, and also reduces the level of humidity in the room. Universal sulfur bomb FAS weighing 300g. Designed for fumigation of 5-10 m3. The use of this drug in residential premises is prohibited due to its high toxicity.


    Many people have already tried FAS sulfur bombs in practice; below are some reviews and opinions about the degree of effectiveness of this product:

    1. Vladimir: “Previously, I was afraid to use sulfur bombs, because they are a very toxic product. However, I had a serious problem - the old village house was completely eaten away by a bug that I could not overcome by any means. I had to purchase “FAS” and it turned out that checkers are not so scary if you use them in accordance with the instructions. They helped get rid of not only the bug, but also the mice. Subsequently, I repeatedly resorted to their help to process the cellar and garage. I no longer used FAS in the house because the smell of sulfur took a very long time to dissipate; after the first treatment I did not go inside for 2 whole weeks.”
    2. Karina: “I use FAS sulfur bombs at the dacha every season. They are quite simple to use, they act quickly and allow you to immediately get rid of all pests. No shortcomings were found and all this at a low cost.”
    3. Mikhail: “FAS checkers are a very good means for disinfecting and disinfecting a room; I have been using them for several years now. Once there was no wick in the package, but this is the only drawback that was discovered over the years of using checkers; “Such situations never happened again.”

    FAS sulfur bombs have a standard set of advantages, like other products of this type: impressive speed of action, guaranteed results and versatility.

    If you decide to use other types of products, you can read reviews about Super FAS from cockroaches.

    It is always worth remembering that combustion products of the main active ingredient are very toxic and dangerous, so following the attached instructions will not only get rid of all pests and parasites, but will also make the treatment procedure safe.

    Instructions for use of FAS sulfur bomb

    Before setting fire to a FAS bomb in a room, it is necessary to prepare it. The smoke released during the combustion process has a destructive effect on the metal. And to prevent this, all metal parts must be painted or greased in advance.


    You should also cover vents, close windows, seal doors, and seal all through holes and cracks to prevent smoke from escaping. This product has hazard class 2. As long as the FAS checker is burning, it is strictly prohibited to enter the treated area. Fumigation lasts 24-36 hours.


    When carrying out fumigation in non-residential premises, you should first calculate the required number of packages of the product. Otherwise, the procedure will be ineffective.

    Instructions for use:

    1. Place fireproof brick stands measuring 30 x 30 cm on the floor.
    2. Place FAS checkers on them, remove the protective film.
    3. Light the fuse.
    4. Leave the room within 90 seconds before toxic smoke begins to be released.
    5. Close the door tightly.

    Greenhouse treatment

    The optimal period for fumigating a greenhouse is autumn, when the harvest is harvested. But in order for it to be as effective as possible, disinfection must be carried out before frost sets in. The optimal period is the end of September.

    In the event of mass reproduction of pests and pathogens, it is also recommended to use a FAS sulfur bomb to fumigate the greenhouse in the spring. In this case, disinfestation must be carried out no later than 3 weeks before planting. In this case, it is necessary that the soil has time to warm up to +100C degrees, since cold soil actively absorbs sulfuric anhydride, and this negatively affects the further development and fruiting of crops.

    Before disinfestation, all plant debris must be removed from the greenhouse and burned. Then you should loosen the soil 5 cm deep. This will improve the efficiency of fumigation. During the procedure, it is important that the soil is dry, since when sulfur interacts with moisture, sulfurous acid is formed, which kills all organic matter.

    The greenhouse must be closed during processing. After this, it needs to be ventilated for 2-3 days. Before this, you cannot go inside the greenhouse.

    In the cellar, basement

    Before using a FAS sulfur smoke bomb to treat a basement or cellar, it is necessary to remove all food and preserved food and close the ventilation holes.

    In the cellar

    After lighting the wick, you must quickly leave the room and close the entrance to the basement or cellar. The duration of processing is 3 days, since at high humidity the checker smolders longer. After this, the room should be ventilated for 3-4 days.

    Bath treatment

    You can also use the FAS sulfur block to treat a bath. In this case, the product helps to destroy bacteria and fungi that form at high air humidity. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to anoint all metal parts with grease.

    To carry out disinfestation, increased safety measures should be taken. When using a sulfur bomb in a bathhouse, you must first place it in a tin can, and then install the structure on a brick stand. This is necessary to prevent possible fire.

    After lighting the wick, you should immediately leave the room and close the door tightly. The duration of the treatment is 3 days; upon completion, the bathhouse should be ventilated for 3-4 days until the smell of sulfur has completely disappeared. The protective effect of the drug lasts 3 months.

    Rules for using checkers

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition of the checker you are purchasing and the availability of all certificates from its manufacturer. We recommend that you purchase products from well-known companies, “Vist”, “Climate”, “City” and “Tsifum”.

    Attention! We light the wick and immediately leave the room. The smoke is very poisonous!

    In order for the entire procedure to be easy and safe for humans, it is necessary to use the saber in accordance with the following instructions. Regardless of whether you are going to treat the cellar or disinfest the greenhouse, start with thorough preparation.

    After the treatment, the cellar is ventilated until the smell of sulfur disappears.

    Before starting the procedure, you should remove all metal objects from the room. If they are too heavy or you are unable to do so, be sure to protect them from sulfur compounds. To avoid corrosion, treat all metal surfaces with grease or other greasy and viscous lubricant.

    • Processing should only be carried out in a sealed room. Seal all cracks and close windows tightly to prevent toxic smoke from entering the living area of ​​the house. To do this, you can use felt, pieces of damp cloth or special sealing materials.
    • Disinfection of the cellar should not be carried out if vegetables, fruits and pickles are stored in it. An ignited bomb emits sulfur dioxide, which is the basis for the formation of sulfuric acid. This compound is extremely toxic, so it should not be allowed to come into contact with food. You can remove them in advance or schedule treatment for another time. It is ideal to carry it out 2 weeks before planting the harvest. In this case, the sulfur will have time to erode, and bacteria and organisms will not yet settle in the cellar.
    • Calculate the required number of checkers based on the area of ​​the room, its features and the desired effect. For the exact formula, read the instructions included in the kit. On average, 1 checker is required per 5-10 cubic meters.
    • Using smoke bombs you can fight mold, rodents and insects.

    Precautionary measures

    When using a FAS smoke bomb, increased precautions should be taken, since this product is classified as highly toxic. Before processing, you need to wear goggles, a respirator or gas mask, rubber gloves and clothing that covers exposed areas of the body as much as possible.

    After setting the fuse on fire, you should immediately leave the room and do not enter it while the FAS smoke bomb is burning. At the end of the procedure, you should open the doors wide and wait a few days.

    The manufacturer, in the instructions for use of this product, indicated that FAS sulfur bomb is toxic to bees, fish, birds and warm-blooded animals. Also, the drug cannot be used simultaneously with other disinfectants.

    Harm to humans

    Sulfur dioxide, formed when burning a Fas bomb, is very toxic and can cause serious poisoning of both internal organs and mucous membranes of the eyes.

    Processing should not be carried out without special protective equipment. Goggles are required to protect your eyes, rubber gloves are required to avoid contact with sulfur, and a respirator is required to avoid inhaling fumes.

    It is best to carry out the processing together. The first one goes inside and sets fire, the second one is outside and controls the process.

    In case of vapor poisoning, first aid should be provided:

    • Remove to fresh air;
    • Rinse your mouth with a soda solution;
    • Drink activated carbon;
    • Call a doctor.


    • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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    Symptoms of poisoning

    Failure to comply with precautions may result in sulfuric anhydride poisoning. Caustic gas entering the human respiratory tract causes irritation of the mucous membranes. Against this background, tickling and cough appear. Subsequently, the person begins to feel a headache, dizziness, general weakness, and nausea.


    Chemical properties

    When products burn, they release sulfur dioxide into the air. White smoke causes a sore throat and suffocation. When mixed with water in the air, sulfur dioxide forms highly toxic sulfuric acid.

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    This is why jars under metal lids should not be left indoors. Sulfuric acid causes severe corrosion of metal. Sulfur dioxide has a water-removing effect; in addition to complete disinfection, it significantly reduces humidity in the treatment areas. Toxic substances are completely removed from the room after thorough ventilation.

    Disadvantages and pros

    The sulfur bomb has its weaknesses:

    • A sulfur bomb cannot remove old, deep-seated mold in wood.
    • Many spores of dangerous fungi remain in the soil.
    • Metal structures oxidize under the influence of sulfur smoke.
    • The substance released during smoldering is very toxic. If all precautions are not followed, severe intoxication can occur.
    • Not suitable for treating plants, since the composition of the checker can destroy any organic matter. Therefore, it is not used for indoor flowers on loggias and balconies.
    • When using the checker, remove all flammable objects as far away as possible.

    The advantages are as follows:

    • The product is inexpensive, which means its use is justified from an economic point of view.
    • Very high efficiency of the product at a fairly low price.
    • Manufacturers have provided for the safety of using the checker; the time from the start of ignition of the wick to the smoke of the checker is about two minutes.
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