10 Most Incredible Facts About Moths That Will Amaze You

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The most beautiful moths on the planet!

Moths and butterflies belong to the same order - Lepidoptera. These insects got their name due to the scales on their wings. 89-94 percent of all known Lepidoptera are moths, and only 6-11 percent are butterflies.

According to the Library of Congress, “One of the easiest ways to tell a butterfly from a moth is to look at the antennae. Butterflies' antennae have thickenings at one end of a long stem. Moths have hairy or serrated antennae.” We invite you to learn about the most unusual and beautiful moths and butterflies, the existence of which you probably had no idea at all.

Tizania Agrippina is an unusual name for the most beautiful butterfly.

A striking representative of the Brazilian tropical forests is the butterfly Tizania Agrippina. The beautiful fluttering insect is about nine centimeters long, but its wingspan can reach thirty centimeters. Although the butterfly is nocturnal, it is still often mistaken for a small bird.

Ways to fight

Black moths often appear in food products:

Various foods suffer from the caterpillar, but most often dried fruits and cereals

First, you should conduct an inventory audit. Then the products need to be transferred to resealable jars or plastic bags, but they should be well tied.

If food is heavily soiled, it should be thrown away. Eating such food is dangerous. If black moths have just begun to infect cereals, get rid of the source of infection.

You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about the preferences and methods of detecting moth larvae.

Features of life

Probably every person has heard at least once in his life that a large insect similar to a hummingbird was seen in his city. According to eyewitnesses, it hovers over a flower and drinks nectar from it. However, this is not a small bird at all, but an unusual butterfly - a hawk moth, which is often called a proboscis or tongue.

The number of hawk moths undergoes strong fluctuations every year. For example, under favorable climatic conditions, their population increases significantly, and if there is a large amount of precipitation during the warm season, they are quite rare.

Moreover, even if the climate is extremely favorable for their reproduction, it is almost impossible to track general trends in population changes. This is directly related to the fact that an insect similar to a hummingbird makes frequent migrations over considerable distances, flying from southern to northern regions, where most individuals simply die from the cold. Moreover, their flight speed can reach 50 km/h.

Insect - black moth

Black moth is a fairly frequent guest in the house, and this insect can appear even in the cleanest room. It usually starts in cereals that have been stored for a long time.

Reproduction of such a pest occurs quickly, so it is very difficult to drive out individuals. However, if you use special drugs, you can cope with the scourge.

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The most beautiful butterfly in the world: photo of the Madagascar Comet

The unusual beauty and large size of the butterfly surprises at first sight. The coloring of the Madagascar Comet is unusually bright, and therefore you can admire such a beauty ad infinitum. The tassels on the wings of a butterfly make it not only the most beautiful, but also the longest. The Madagascar Comet lives only three days, since nature endowed it with beauty, but deprived it of the digestive system.

Methods to combat black moths

First, you need to check all products and supplies. After this, they need to be transferred to jars that close tightly and plastic bags that can be tied.

If food is too contaminated, it is best to simply throw it away.

Eating it is dangerous for humans. If moths have just begun to appear and infect cereals, then the source of infection should be disposed of immediately.

Lumps need to be removed from the web. Then dry the food in the oven or microwave. Simply pour it onto a baking sheet and dry it in the oven for 20 minutes with the door open. Then place the cereal in a sealed container.

The last stage is disinfection of all shelves in the apartment.

You need to dissolve the soap in water and treat all surfaces with this composition. Then the procedure must be repeated, but only using ordinary water. All cracks must be wiped with vinegar. Before filling the cabinets after this treatment, you need to wait a couple of hours until they dry.

Various chemicals in the form of plates, tablets, sections, briquettes and aerosols will help you deal with black moths in your apartment. The cheapest options are briquettes, plates and tablets. They contain naphthalene and camphor. Products should be placed on the top shelves. Pairs of active compounds go downwards, which prevents the process of moth reproduction. The impact period is approximately six months. The technique is considered effective, but not entirely safe for humans. Before using the tablets, they must be wrapped in gauze. For more information about getting rid of insects, watch this video:

With the help of special sections, fighting black moths is quite simple. However, you must first read the instructions. For a room of 15 square meters. m. you will only need 1 section. It should be located away from children, animals and food.

First you need to remove the tape, then put the sections in the upper corners of the cabinets.

You can choose any scent: tangerine, lavender, chamomile. The section is valid for six months. Then the device needs to be changed. Be sure to follow the instructions to prevent poisoning.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against moths, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here.


The hummingbird-like butterfly prefers to lay its eggs on food plants. She does this on the fly, attaching them one at a time. They form caterpillars, the size of which directly depends on the type of hawk moth. They can be yellow-green or brownish-red in color with white dotted warts, black spiracles and longitudinal stripes of white, yellow or red located near the “legs”. Almost immediately after their appearance, they begin to eat the leaves of the plants closest to the place of oviposition, as a result of which the shoots become bare and soon die. Hawkmoth caterpillars can cause significant damage to most agricultural crops, among which grapes and potatoes suffer most from their invasions.

Before pupation, hawkmoth caterpillars turn red and burrow into the ground without a cocoon. Despite the fact that the cover of the proboscis of the pupa is soldered, it still protrudes glue-like. The color of the pupa is light and can vary depending on the type of hawkmoth from gray-brown to bluish-green.

8) Volnyanka

This Hemerocampa leucostigma moth is a medium-sized brown moth, but the caterpillars of this species are extremely attractive. According to the US Forestry Society, these moths have proliferated in alarming numbers and are destroying the leaves of oak trees. Due to the excessive appetite of the caterpillars, trees do not die, but they slow down their growth, which is important for residential and entertainment areas.


Unusual species of moths

Canadian photographer Jim des Riviere presented a collection of photographs of exotic moths of the Ottawa species


The bright beauty with velvety-dark wings received its name for the similarity of colors with admiral's ribbons and stripes - its characteristic orange ribbons are its calling card. The insect distinguishes blue, yellow and green colors, and also has a well-developed sense of smell - segmented antennae located on the forehead are capable of enhancing odors at a great distance.

Admiral butterflies are very active and are always on the move. On a fine day they can easily be found in gardens, parks or near water bodies. At the same time, the insect has no fear of people and can sit on the palm or shoulder.

Females of this species never suffer from a lack of attention. Individuals of the opposite sex show extraordinary activity during mating games, constantly flying around and seeking the lady's favor. According to experts, after mating, butterflies “disconnect” from reality and do not react to surrounding events.

Sailboat Palinur

An attractive daytime butterfly from the tropics is noticeable by the amazing beauty of its wings, the lower part of which has a deep black color, and the upper side shimmers with emerald stripes. The beauty's hind wings are complemented by peculiar teardrop-shaped tails, which give this charming creature an exotic shape and provide additional protection options: she can easily leave them to a grasping predator and ascend upward.

The most interesting color, which makes the emerald swallowtail invisible against the backdrop of green landscapes, allows it to live its short life, which lasts up to 10 days, in absolute peace.

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