Effective methods for controlling carpet fleas in an apartment

Owners of private houses and apartments located on the lower floors often suffer from carpet flea bites, since it is difficult to get rid of parasites at home.

Insects reproduce quickly and act as carriers of dangerous infections. To eliminate fleas and their larvae, it is better to use chemical insecticides, and folk remedies are recommended to be used to prevent the reappearance of parasites.

Carpet fleas cause a lot of trouble.

General information about carpet fleas

Carpet fleas are not a separate type of insect. The parasites got their name from their choice of habitat. Fleas quickly adapt to environmental conditions, so they have adapted to life in carpet pile.

Here they lay eggs and hide, coming to the surface only to search for food. They feed on the blood of animals and people.

Fleas that live in carpeting are smaller in size than the insects that parasitize pets. Their chitinous cover is darker in color.

Carpet fleas have acquired some behavioral characteristics. When attacking a person or animal, they try to quickly bite in order to get enough blood, and then just as quickly jump away and hide in the pile. This survival strategy reduces the risk of the adult dying while feeding.

Useful video

How to get rid of fleas in the video below:

There are so many types of fleas that exist in nature! One of them, which poses a danger to humans, is called the “genital flea” or “carpet flea.” It lives most of its life, reproduces, transforms from a larva into an adult on the floor of a person’s home, which is how it got its name.

Photo of a genital flea at multiple magnification

Very often, genital fleas appear due to cats

Reasons for the appearance of parasites in the apartment

The main sources of fleas are animals. Both pets and various rodents, which often settle near human dwellings, can bring insects into the house on their fur.

In addition, parasites enter the room:

  • through ventilation ducts;
  • on people's clothes and shoes;
  • through balconies and loggias;
  • from basements, etc.

Insects often migrate from neighboring apartments. This is facilitated by non-compliance with sanitary standards, including the lack of regular cleaning in vestibules and staircases, as well as clutter in these areas.


To protect yourself and your home from carpet fleas, you need to follow simple rules. The house should be kept clean, ventilated, and free from dampness. You can wash your floors with wormwood solution from time to time for preventive purposes. They regularly bathe their pets with anti-flea shampoos. They strictly monitor the entry of foreign animals into the home - carriers of harmful insects.

You need to make sure that the basement is not infested with insects. If carpet fleas still live there, you need to call a team of exterminators.

How to deal with carpet fleas, watch the video:

How to detect pests

In most cases, people living in an apartment first begin to feel severe itching of the skin on their legs and feet. After a bite, the flea immediately jumps away, so it is difficult to notice.

Small red dots remain on the skin. Having noticed them, a person can already determine that there are fleas in the house. Later, when the number of parasites increases, they can be easily seen on the skin.

There are many additional ways to detect insects living in carpet pile. The simplest of them is to start sweeping the surface with a broom.

The parasites will try to jump away from the dangerous area and can be seen. This method is especially effective when there are large numbers of insects.

Alternatively, you can take adhesive tape and run it over the surface of the pile. Parasites can stick to it. To examine them, it is better to use a magnifying glass. To identify parasites, you can walk on the carpet wearing white socks. Fleas are attracted to light colors. It is easy to see insects on the fabric.

Danger and harm caused

When a flea bites, it injects saliva into the wound, which prevents rapid blood clotting. This may cause an allergic reaction. In addition, when attacked by parasites, a person experiences severe itching, so he scratches his skin. This increases the risk of infection of the integument. Many pathogenic microorganisms can persist in the saliva of fleas.

Thus, these parasites are capable of acting as carriers of such dangerous diseases as:

  • anthrax;
  • plague;
  • tularemia;
  • typhus;
  • listeriosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • encephalitis.

Insect bites can cause helminth infection in humans. In rare cases, due to individual intolerance to the parasite's saliva, people develop migraines and sleep disorders.

Fleas are carriers of many diseases.

Signs of infection

Insect bites often appear as a small skin rash. In addition, there is severe itching. With local infection, bite wounds become larger. Boils may develop.

If the flea was a carrier of dangerous viruses or bacteria, the first symptoms of the disease appear within 4-21 days after the end of the incubation period.

Depending on the type of infection, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • stomach ache;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea;
  • deterioration of general condition, etc.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for tests necessary to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


The body of carpet fleas is narrow, laterally compressed. For ease of movement, there are special bristles and hairs on its surface. They help to stay in the owner’s fur, carpet pile, clothing or feathers. On the head and chest of parasites there are special ridges with large teeth - ctenidia.

The length, depending on the type, varies from 1 to 5 mm. In sexually mature females, due to the greatly expanded abdomen, the body length reaches 1 cm. On the head behind the simple eyes there are antennae. The male uses them to hold the female during mating.

All types of carpet fleas have three pairs of limbs. The strongest of them are located on the chest. Their main purpose is to ensure rapid movement of the insect. Due to their structural features, they allow them to be held on surfaces at almost any angle.

Carpet fleas move by jumping, using their second and third pair of legs. At the back of the abdomen there is an organ characteristic only of them, consisting of especially sensitive hairs. It allows you to capture the slightest vibrations in the air.

Methods for removing carpet fleas

To eliminate parasites from the carpet pile, high-quality mechanical cleaning should be carried out. The use of chemical insecticides in the form of solutions or aerosols is recommended. If the infestation is too severe, it is better to use the services of professional disinfectants.

Mechanical cleaning

Thorough cleaning is the main condition for effective elimination of parasites. First, you should remove all large debris from the room, then begin treating the carpet.

It is recommended to first clean the vacuum cleaner filters and vacuum bag. After this, you need to vacuum the coating at maximum power for 15-20 minutes.

It is important to apply pressure on the nozzle so that it adheres tightly to the carpet. It is necessary to follow a sequence: start with one part of the room and gradually move forward, without leaving untreated areas.

You need to carefully vacuum the carpet under furniture and in other hard-to-reach places, because fleas often hide in dark corners.

Parasites jump quite high, so you need to clean upholstered furniture, decorative pillows, curtains, etc. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day - morning and evening - for 1-2 weeks.

After each cleaning, thoroughly clean the bag in which the debris is collected, as well as the filters. If the carpet infestation is small, this will be enough to eliminate the parasites.

Carpets must be thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Professional pest control

Now there are many companies engaged in carrying out thorough disinfestation. Specialists use potent chemicals that destroy not only adult parasites, but also their eggs.

An employee first goes to the site to assess the degree of infestation of the premises by insects, clarifies where they accumulate and determines the scope of work.

The specialist can immediately indicate the price of pest control. Many companies provide a guarantee and, if parasites reappear, they will carry out additional treatment free of charge.


Aerosols are good at eliminating adult fleas and larvae. Using such means, you can quickly get rid of parasites. However, treatment must be carried out 3-5 times in order to destroy only hatched insects.

Effective flea control products include:

  1. Raid is an aerosol containing an insecticide that is safe for people and animals. The drug does not have a pungent odor. One bottle is enough to treat 50 m².
  2. Raptor is an aerosol containing several active substances that destroy not only adult parasites, but also most of the eggs. 2-3 treatments are enough to eliminate insects. The product is not addictive to fleas.
  3. CONTROL HOME is a paralyzing aerosol that destroys up to 98% of adults, eggs and larvae. The effect of using the drug lasts up to a month.

Aerosols will help in the fight against insects.

Solutions against parasites

Soluble insecticides are highly effective against fleas. Before using such products, you should wear gloves and safety glasses.

To eliminate parasites, you can use the “Executioner”. The product is diluted in water according to the instructions, poured into a spray bottle and thoroughly sprayed onto the carpet. After 10-15 minutes, the surface needs to be vacuumed.

The drug acts not only on adults, but also on their eggs. In most cases, 2-3 treatments are enough to eliminate parasites.

In addition, Butox-50 is an effective anti-flea remedy. This is a low-toxic drug, which is a yellow concentrate with a pungent odor. Before treatment, 30 ml of the product must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are effective only if the infection is minor. Fleas quickly get used to them, so such formulations are recommended to reduce the risk of reappearance of parasites.

Wormwood and tansy

It is believed that plants such as tansy and wormwood contain a high content of active substances, including bitterness and essential oils that repel insects.

Parasites do not tolerate the smell of these herbs well and try to leave the room as quickly as possible. To achieve this effect, place several brooms of recently picked plants on the carpet.

As they dry, active substances will be released into the air, which will make the fleas disappear. These herbs are safe for people and animals.

In addition, tansy and wormwood can be used to prepare a concentrated infusion. To do this, you need to pour 3 tbsp into the jar. l. each herb and 1 tbsp. l. eucalyptus to improve the smell.

This mixture should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 12 hours. Then the product must be filtered and sprayed over the carpet using a spray bottle.

Tansy repels insects.

Cold, steam and sun

In winter, fleas rarely appear in apartments and houses, but they are quite easy to eliminate. These parasites do not tolerate cold well. If the temperature outside is sub-zero, it is enough to open the window for 2-3 hours. During this time, all adult insects and their larvae will die, but the eggs will remain, so the procedure will need to be repeated 3-4 times with an interval of 3 days.

In summer, carpets should be left to dry in direct sunlight. Parasites do not tolerate high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

It is advisable to leave the carpet outside for several days. This will ensure the destruction of the larvae that hatch from the eggs laid by adult insects on the villi.

To eliminate fleas from the carpet, you can use a steam generator. The jet of hot steam can destroy adults, larvae and eggs. When carrying out treatment, it is important not to miss even small areas of the carpet. In case of severe infection, the procedure will need to be carried out 2-3 times.

It is advisable to dry carpets in the sun.

Baking soda

Fleas do not tolerate soda well. You need to mix this substance with salt in a 1:1 ratio. Then the resulting composition should be scattered over the carpet and left for 12 hours. After this, the surface must be thoroughly vacuumed. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

Pine shavings and herbs

In summer you should prepare tansy and wormwood. These herbs should be crushed and dried. Then they are mixed in equal proportions with pine shavings.

The finished composition needs to be filled into small fabric bags. They are located near entrance doors, ventilation ducts, on balconies and loggias. The product repels blood-sucking insects well.

Essential oils

To reduce the risk of fleas reappearing in your apartment, you should treat your carpets with the following oils:

  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm;
  • lavender;
  • orange;
  • rosemary, etc.

If desired, you can mix these oils and then spray the mixture over the surface. The smell will repel blood-sucking insects.

Treating carpets with essential oils to prevent insects.

Preventive actions

To reduce the risk of fleas being brought indoors, pets should be treated regularly against parasites. In addition, it is necessary to seal the cracks on balconies and loggias.

Before entering the house, you should thoroughly dry your feet. To reduce the risk of fleas being brought into the apartment, it is recommended to periodically clean the stairwell and vestibule.

Carpets need to be cleaned and aired regularly. In summer, it is advisable to take them outside to dry in direct sunlight.

Preparing the room for processing

Before you start treating a room for fleas, you need to prepare it.
If an animal lives in the house, its bedding is washed in hot water or thrown away. Do the same with the blanket on chairs and sofas if your pet likes to lie on it. All tile and wood floors, linoleum and carpeting are thoroughly vacuumed and wet cleaned. Upholstered furniture is vacuumed or cleaned with detergent, carefully treating the locations of the sofa cushions. After cleaning is completed, the replacement bag is removed from the vacuum cleaner, placed in a plastic bag and thrown outside into a container. It is also recommended to treat the animal for fleas.

If there is an aquarium in the apartment, it is necessary to cover it tightly with a lid and turn off the artificial air aeration compressor. If even one drop of insecticide gets into the water, all the fish will die. When preparing the room, toys and other things are removed from the floor. Animals that are kept in a cage (hamsters, reptiles, birds) are taken out of the apartment. Dishes and food are carefully packed in film or hidden in a closet.

If it is necessary to treat the courtyard area of ​​a private house, it is necessary to remove all objects located there. The bedding in the dog house is thrown away or washed in hot water. It is recommended to mow the tall grass and clear the yard of various rubbish.

Reviews from people about the fight against carpet fleas

Svetlana, 42 years old, Krasnodar

I have been living in a private house for more than 20 years and have just now encountered a flea problem. I found out that these parasites were infested in the carpet when my feet began to itch very much. At first I placed wormwood brooms everywhere, but that didn’t help. Then she carried out the “Raid” treatment. The effect is good. The fleas disappeared for 2 weeks. Then the procedure had to be repeated.

Irina, 32 years old, Rostov-on-Don.

Every summer fleas appear in the house. We have light-colored short-pile carpet, and the jumping insects are clearly visible on it. Now, when parasites appear, I use the drug “Butox-50”. I thoroughly spray the solution not only on carpets, but also on upholstered furniture. The effect lasts for 4-5 weeks.

Lidiya Izmailova, infectious disease specialist-parasitologist

Using different vacuum cleaners

Today, every housewife cleans her home with a vacuum cleaner. But there are several options for this technique. And cleaning is different for each of them:

  1. Ordinary. The most common device that is found in every home. Helps remove particles of dust and animal hair from the pile. Before you start cleaning stains, you need to thoroughly vacuum the carpet to rid it of excess dirt.
  2. Washing. Steam cleaners help you quickly disinfect and clean your carpet. Baking soda and textile shampoos are used as auxiliary products. The result is simply magnificent. The pile becomes clean, acquires its original color and pleasant smell.

You can find out how to clean a carpet without a vacuum cleaner, for example, from pet hair, here.

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