How to make a stall for a cow? Step-by-step instructions and arrangement

There is no doubt that the structure must be warm. That is why special attention should be paid to the floor in the barn, including in front of the stall. To do everything efficiently, we lay a layer of clay and slag (insulation), and attach wooden boards on top. In this case, the floor must be made with a slope of several centimeters from the drinking bowl to the manure ditch for rapid drainage of liquid.

It is important not to forget about bedding for cows, thanks to which the animal will be in a more hygienic environment, it will be more comfortable and warmer. A lot depends on when you remove the manure. So, if you remove it from the barn several times a week, it is best to first level it and lay a small layer of bedding on top. After some time, a “soft cushion” is formed, which will warm the cows even in the coldest time of the year.

Often, an additional insulated door is installed in the side walls, which is useful for exiting cattle from the stall, and for removing manure, and for more comfortable cleaning of the barn. In any case, your main task is to provide the cows’ housing with a minimum temperature of +10 °C, only in this way will the animals feel comfortable and be able to please you with normal milk yield . Now you know how to make a shed, and what must be taken into account during the construction process. This will allow you to provide a warm and comfortable environment for both cows and young calves.

Construction technology

The technology for constructing a warm shed requires high-quality insulation of all structural elements of the building. First of all, the floor is insulated. To do this, logs are installed on the concrete screed, and a layer of insulation is laid in the free space between them.

To insulate the floor, you can use any thermal insulation materials: polystyrene foam, mineral wool or polyurethane foam. But preference should be given to the latter, since foam plastic is easily damaged by rodents, and mineral wool easily absorbs moisture penetrating through the floorboards.

To insulate the walls, the outer sheathing is done with foam plastic or mineral wool. The same is done with the roof. Additionally, the front door and windows are insulated by placing a thin layer of insulating material in the cracks between them.

How to lay the floor?

The floorboards in the barn must be made of durable material that can easily withstand the weight of the bulls. Wooden floorboards in a cattle barn will not last long. The good strength of concrete floors will allow any number of large animals to stand on it. Any unpleasant household odor is easier to remove from the room. Concrete flooring will not be able to absorb it.

Concrete flooring in its pure form is cold. A removable shield made of wooden boards will correct the situation. It can be easily removed if necessary and ventilated.

Tip: Any covering in a barn requires soft bedding; hay or straw is suitable for this.

The floor should be slightly raised, with a slope of approximately four percent to the main barn surface, so that animal excrement flows in one direction. If you are building a farm at home, and for certain reasons you are not covering the floor with straw, you will need a slurry collector to equip it.

Frame-tent barns

For large livestock, it is sometimes necessary to quickly erect a barn; such quickly erected structures are called frame-tent structures. They represent a base supporting a metal frame. It consists of steel lattice trusses fastened together by longitudinal girders.

The frame can be in the form of a half-barrel, or in the form of a gable roof. A special awning is pulled over the metal structures installed and fastened together, which is quite transparent and can transmit sunlight, while at the same time the awning does not allow precipitation to pass through.

Lifting parts of the awning, usually on the sides of the frame, allow for ventilation inside such a barn.

The disadvantage of such a barn is that it is not intended for keeping cows in the winter, and it is quite difficult to build a tent barn with your own hands.

Preparatory activities

Having gone through the stage of designing a barn and having all the necessary drawings/diagrams in hand, you can proceed to the preparatory work. Don't think that this step is less important. They cannot be neglected. If you start construction work right away, the lack of preparation will lead to the fact that previously made mistakes will make themselves felt and cause a lot of problems.

At the preparatory stage you will need:

  • decide how many heads will live in the future barn;
  • prepare all the building materials that you plan to use in the construction of the barn;
  • purchase all the necessary consumables (fasteners), and also pre-determine all methods of fastening the main structural elements;
  • study of the area allocated for future construction work.

Preparing a site for a barn is one of the most important preparatory stages. It must be taken into account that the site for such a structure must be perfectly level. Experts strongly recommend preparing barns in which cows will be protected from the wind (regardless of the number of heads - there can be 5, 10, 50, or 100). That is why you should not build barns in places where the winds blow especially strongly.

If there are no level areas on your site, then you should choose a place that can be smoothly leveled using special equipment. In addition, when selecting the optimal territory, you need to take into account the possibility of supplying water and electricity to it.

Building a barn with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Cowsheds are built using two technologies: framed and frameless. The frame method is considered more promising. Its main advantage is the speed of construction and ease of laying communications - ventilation, water supply, manure removal, etc. The construction of a small utility block consists of several stages:

Laying the foundation. Any - columnar for small wooden outbuildings, strip or monolithic for heavy buildings. Remove the top layer of soil from the area. They usually deepen it to 50–70 cm and fill it with crushed stone. With frame construction, this is where the laying of the foundation ends. To build a brick barn, a solid foundation is made - strip or monolithic. A trench is dug to a depth of 1 m, formwork and reinforcement cage are installed, the bottom is covered with crushed stone and filled with concrete. Roofing felt is laid on top as a waterproofing material.

Lay out the walls using a trowel and a building level, not forgetting to leave openings. To ensure that the walls retain heat, they provide good thermal insulation.

The roof is being installed. Wooden logs are installed at the top of the walls and sheathing is made. Then covered with roofing material. Slate is usually used as it is more accessible and cheaper. The ceiling is usually covered with reed slabs and plastered with clay. It is advisable to have an attic - this is additional insulation, you can store hay and other feed there. The roof of a barn without an attic must be insulated.

Install windows and doors. Carry out interior work

Particular attention is paid to the floors. Compact the soil, make a layer of roofing felt or slag and lay the floor with small gaps and a slope so that animal feces flow into the drainage pit

A layer of straw or sawdust is placed on top, to which peat can be added.

Cowsheds for a large number of livestock are built in a similar way, equipping each stall with a feeder 1 m long and 0.65 m high.

Barn ventilation

The simplest diagram of a barn ventilation system: an exhaust pipe made of boards is installed on the roof of the building. One or more, depending on the length of the room, equipped with a fan and a damper in case of bad weather. Fresh air enters the barn through the window openings. If there are none, then intake openings with dampers are created to allow air to enter at the bottom of the walls almost at the very foundation. Stale air is removed through an exhaust pipe.

Air exchange occurs by itself: warm air exits through exhaust shafts on the roof of the building, and cold air enters the room through special openings in the walls of the barn

To reduce the penetration of infections from the street, a box of sawdust is placed in front of the entrance, which is periodically moistened with creolin. In barns housing 200 or more animals, additional ventilation is provided in the form of a canopy on the roof.

Manure removal system

When keeping a small number of cows, manure is removed manually. In large barns, a mechanical manure removal system is installed, based on any of the following types of equipment:

  • hydraulic wash or self-alloy;
  • delta scraper or belt conveyor.

More often, farmers use a self-fusing system for cleaning the premises. To do this, pipes wrapped in slippery material with plugs are laid at an angle across the entire area of ​​the barn, and when opened, manure flows into special tanks.

Self-alloying manure removal system is made of PVC pipes Ø 250 mm

Lighting in the barn

There are certain requirements for barn lighting that must be adhered to:

lighting standards - in the stalls 50 lux, in the feeding area - 75, in the entire barn - 200 lux and no more, otherwise production rates will decrease; It is necessary to use LED lamps, since fluorescent lamps emit low-intensity light when the standard temperature drops to 20–25 °C; When arranging lighting in the barn, it is important to correctly calculate the duration of daylight hours and smoothly change the lighting during this period - from 4.00–4.30 to 8.00–8.30 the illumination is increased, and from 16.00–16.30 to 20.00–20.30 it is gradually reduced.

For the normal development of animals in the barn, it is necessary to provide high-quality lighting - in daylight, cows give more milk, and calves eat better and grow faster

Typical design device

First of all, remember one rule: the comfort of the cows comes first. This is the only way you will receive good quality meat and dairy products and recoup your costs. Regardless of the livestock, a convenient barn consists of the following sectors:

  • stalls with feeding trough, drinking bowl and waste disposal;
  • food storage room (kitchen);
  • maternity area for newborn calves;
  • area for walking animals;
  • utility room for storing equipment;
  • manure collection area;
  • compartment for storing milk, as well as containing milk containers;
  • boiler room for heating all rooms.

The stalls are arranged in rows depending on the number of heads. In individual farming, there are mainly single-row, two-row or three-row buildings.

There should be enough free space between stalls

The animals should not be crowded, so the passage between the rows is made moderately wide.

Types of barns

The correct choice of barn determines how productive the farm will be. Many factors are taken into account here: separate keeping of different-sex animals, the proportion of young animals, the number of heads, etc.

For small farms with a maximum capacity of 50 heads, as a rule, mini-barns are built - prefabricated frame hangars, well-lit and ventilated, which can be warm or cold. The latter are more suitable for cattle, since cows, calves and steers feel better in cool buildings (with outside temperatures). In such conditions, they get sick less, develop better and produce more milk.

It is more appropriate to build frame hangars in regions with year-round warm weather conditions

Unfortunately, in most regions of our country, harsh weather conditions do not allow keeping animals in cold barns. It is necessary to build insulated barns with a large number of windows, which are constantly kept open, which provides a suitable microclimate for the animals. However, when keeping more than 30 cows, you already need to take care of additional ventilation - install fans or polyurethane ventilation curtains, light aeration ridges or a Frivent DRW ventilation unit (if finances allow).

Additional ventilation helps to avoid excess moisture and regulate temperature conditions

Although there are many types of barns, all of them should be cool, light and cozy.

According to the materials used in the construction of barns, there are:

  • in the form of buildings made of metal profiles, with indoor temperatures close to street temperatures;
  • like buildings made of thermal insulating building materials;
  • type of hangars made of sandwich panels.

According to basic design:

  • 2+2-row cattle shed for free housing of animals (loose-stall) with a high trapezoidal roof made of metal profiles with a minimum number of beams, which will ensure good air exchange;
  • 3+3-row for the combined housing of dairy cows with calves and a separate milking parlor;
  • 3-row barn, where the calf section and milking area are in the same room;
  • A 4-row barn makes it possible to fully mechanize all work - milking, water and feed distribution, manure removal.

Video: supply and exhaust ventilation of a barn for 200 heads in the Irkutsk region

Barn ventilation

The increase in milk yield of cows is greatly influenced by the microclimate surrounding them, so the ventilation of the barn must be thought out to the smallest detail. During the summer heat, indoor air temperatures can be very high, which can affect a decrease in lactation, since at temperatures above 25 degrees there is a reduction in animal feed consumption.

Figure 6. Popular ventilation systems

Also, the high temperature inside affects additional energy consumption to release excess heat, which causes a decrease in milk yield.

The arrangement of ventilation systems has the following positive aspects when keeping cows:

  1. Fast payback for ventilation
  2. Reducing the potential for heat stress in animals
  3. Limited flock agitation indoors
  4. Improved air flow into the room and air circulation
  5. Increasing the volume of milk produced

Approximate ventilation diagrams for a barn are shown in Figure 6. To store hay and straw on a household plot, it is necessary to build a barn made of boards. Such a barn can accommodate an annual supply of roughage (hay) per cow of about 3 tons, as well as winter straw - 1 ton, used as bedding. In addition, hay and straw can be stored in a stack under a canopy on four poles.


To prevent the cow from contracting diseases, the animal housing area is kept dry and clean. To do this, use bedding, which is either replaced every day or new layers are added to the old bedding.

Note: If the barn bedding is wet, the animal will not lie on it. As a result, the cow will be constantly tired, and milk yield will decrease.

Straw is most often used as bedding. Dry peat can be added to it in a 2:1 ratio (straw and peat). Such material will not only absorb liquid well, but will also prevent the spread of gases throughout the room.

If the room has a well-established manure removal system, the bedding does not need to be changed, but you need to add a small amount of fresh straw every day. This way the litter will become thicker over time, and the interior will be much warmer.


Pouring the foundation

When designing and building a barn, keep in mind that you will need to pour the foundation, and for this you need to use only high-strength materials that can withstand heavy weight. Typically, baked bricks are used for this, which are laid with cement bricks. Concrete is also successfully used in the construction of barns.


In order for all animals to feel comfortable and cozy, the walls must be warm and dry. Adobe brick is suitable for this. It is made from clay, sand and straw. Thanks to the use of such material, animals can easily survive the winter. The wall below should be lined with standard red brick, which can be combined with shell rock if desired. Thanks to the high porosity of the materials, heat will be retained for as long as possible. Red brick has a number of advantages - long service life, fire resistance, strength and frost resistance. You can also use cinder block during construction.

To retain heat as long as possible, a masonry of 1.5 bricks is enough. The walls can also be plastered and then whitewashed, so that when light is reflected, the room appears even brighter.

Barn floor

The barn design standards clearly include a clause on floors. This is a very important stage, since the floor must be highly durable, warm and not harm the health of the cattle. The ideal option is to build a floor with a coating that will not allow water to pass through.

Remember that the floors in the barn must be insulated, otherwise the animals may develop mastitis, which is fraught. The ideal covering is wood, but due to rot it is short-lived and does not withstand loads well. Most often they make a cement or concrete floor, and, of course, insulate it. For insulation, you can use straw or sawdust. But such bedding will need to be changed frequently for hygiene reasons.


For a barn of any size, the problem of a well-equipped drain is urgent, which will prevent excrement from accumulating in the room. To do this, you will need to lay the floors on a slope. A special groove should be equipped at the very bottom, thanks to which waste will flow into the pipe. Remember that the issue of hygiene is very important in such a place, otherwise there will be a risk of infections, and this is a threat to the lives of livestock and losses.


Now let's look at what to consider when designing and building a barn, and in particular a barn for them. It should be comfortable and separate for each animal. In order for the cow to get enough food, the feeder should be about 8 liters in volume - so it can fit the amount of straw or hay. Like the rest of the elements, you can build the stall yourself. The standard dimensions of the feeder are 0.8 m wide, 0.65 m high, and 1 m long.

Usually the feeder is made of pine or oak boards. Before building the feeder, it is necessary to clean the boards, dry them and sand them so that the animals do not accidentally get hurt or get a splinter.

There are 3 types of such designs:

  1. Lifting.
  2. Folding.
  3. Movable.

Lifting models are the most convenient, since thanks to their design features they are easy to wash, disinfect, and do not require much effort. Another good option is a feeder with a grid. The length of the grid should be equal to the length of the feeder and be inclined at 45 degrees. This way the food will not be scattered and trampled everywhere.

Ventilation options

At the moment, there are 4 main ventilation options that can be used in cattle housing:

  1. Natural ventilation is the simplest option, where air exchange is carried out thanks to ventilation shafts and openings that are available in the building.
  2. Forced ventilation - works thanks to tunnel and circular fans, as well as thanks to valves.
  3. Ventilation curtains are a combination of synthetic fabrics or plastic that creates a fence for a barn. If you want to ventilate the room, the curtains can be raised using a mechanism or manually.
  4. Light-aeration ridges are a special polycarbonate structure that covers the opening of the structure. With the help of this “ridge” you can ensure good air flow and increase illumination.

The choice depends on your wishes and budget.

Manure storage

A manure storage facility is one of the key buildings when keeping cattle. This building helps to store manure and turn it into humus.

The most effective system for removing manure is the use of a rod-scraper mechanism, which can operate in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The main structural element of this mechanism is a rod with scrapers that are attached to it and have a floating stroke. Scrapers are made of cast iron steel. The rod is very practical to use and durable in use, and also does not require frequent repairs. The design of the manure removal system is effective due to the fact that each line has an individual mechanical energy-saving drive and allows you to run a specific line as needed. Removing manure from the barn can be done at the end or the middle of the yard.

Figure 9. Schemes for arrangement of a manure storage facility

Transportation of manure from the central channel is carried out using a screw conveyor into a manure collector, which can accommodate a three-day volume of manure.

When building a manure storage facility, you need to take into account that in one year a cow can produce about 12 tons of manure. The amount of manure is affected by the feed ration, volume and type of litter (Figure 9).

For a barnyard, a manure storage facility with dimensions of 2.5 * 2.5 m will be satisfactory, which must be built next to the barn, the walls of which must be lined with stone. The pit for the manure storage is dug at a depth of about half a meter. If there is a high groundwater level, a manure storage facility is built directly on the surface of the earth. In areas with sandy soil, you need to lay about a 30-centimeter layer of clay at the bottom of the pit. The perimeter of the pit is arranged with stones laid on cement mortar. The bottom of the manure storage facility must be sloping in the direction of the slurry container to drain the collected slurry. A canopy is made on top. The manure is laid very tightly to a height of up to 2 m, after which it is covered with layers of fine straw or peat with a thickness of 15 cm, and it is also necessary to regularly water it with water or slurry.

Next to the manure storage facility, you need to build a slurry collection well, coating its bottom and walls with clay. In order for urine to flow into the well, it must be located directly next to the wall of the building below the freezing level of the soil in the area. Also, such a pipe is led into a slurry well and a manure storage facility. The top of the well is covered with a wooden or metal shield.

To drain surface water, grooves are dug along the entire perimeter of the manure storage facility and the liquid collection well, which are designed to drain liquids into the collection well.

Closed manure storage facility

The design of the manure storage facility is determined by the climatic conditions of the region. In areas with high rainfall, it is more rational to build a closed type manure storage facility. These are large tanks or barrels into which manure flows through gutters or pipes.

The closed type of manure storage has one significant advantage: slurry rots faster without loss of nitrogen, and the resulting humus is used to fertilize plants.

Open type manure storage facility

An open manure storage facility in a household plot is easier to set up. To do this, it is enough to dig a pit, concrete it or cover the walls and bottom with film. This will prevent manure from penetrating deep into the soil and groundwater.

Slurry can be placed into an open storage facility simply with a shovel (in small farms) or through pipes if the farm has a large number of cattle. To make the manure turn into humus faster, it is recommended to stir it periodically so that the top layers are at the bottom.

From the video you will learn all the necessary information about building a barn from scratch.

What is a barn

A cowshed (regardless of size) is a capital structure in which the full cycle of keeping cattle (cows, bulls, calves) is carried out. This includes both a barn for one cow and farms for cattle. If in a private barn the problem is carefully caring for the animal to obtain milk and meat for their own food, then the construction of cattle farms is intended to provide income, and therefore includes elements of industrial livestock breeding.

In a barn, with proper organization, full-fledged livestock breeding is carried out, which means obtaining offspring (calves), raising young animals, feeding and caring for adult animals. Depending on the type of cattle (meat or dairy), maximum product yield must be ensured: optimal and quick fattening or productive milking. These indicators largely depend on how the cattle farm was built and how the care of the cows was organized.

How to properly set up a new barn? The health of animals and their productivity depend on the solution to this issue. The construction of barns is a very responsible, labor-intensive and costly undertaking that must take into account sanitary standards, hygiene rules, technical and fire safety requirements. It can only be carried out according to a professionally developed functional project, after carefully selecting a site for buildings and obtaining all the necessary permits.

Of course, you can build a small barn for cows with your own hands without unnecessary paperwork and approvals, but such a building must still meet all the requirements. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to ensure the normal development of the animal, not to mention obtaining high milk yields. N


The demand for dairy/meat products produced in the environmentally friendly natural conditions of our villages is beyond doubt. To start a business in the livestock industry, you need to determine:

  • availability of feed resources - how much feed can be purchased or prepared;
  • number of animals that can be fed;
  • labor costs - physical and organizational capabilities;
  • costs of building a place for keeping and raising livestock.

The next step is to prepare all the necessary documents, first of all, obtaining permission to build a barn.

Construction stages

The construction of any barn, even a small one, takes place in several stages:

  1. Building design
  2. Laying the foundation
  3. Walling
  4. Roof of the room
  5. Flooring
  6. Organization of ventilation and lighting
  7. Arrangement of the barn

The construction project is carried out taking into account a number of factors: comfort, environmental safety and financial efficiency.

After drawing up the project, they begin to lay the foundation, which can be monolithic, strip or columnar. The type of base depends on the material of the walls. So, for the construction of a brick shed it is better to use a monolithic foundation, and for a wooden one - a columnar one.

The construction of a monolithic foundation includes:

  1. Digging a trench, 50-70 cm deep;
  2. Installation of formwork with reinforcement;
  3. Laying a cushion of crushed stone or sand;
  4. Pouring concrete mortar;
  5. Waterproofing the dried surface using roofing felt or roofing felt.

A columnar foundation is built in a similar way, but the foundation pillars are poured into forms with reinforcement, insulated with roofing felt. The distance between such pillars should be no more than two meters.

For any type of foundation, waterproofing and the presence of a water ramp are mandatory. Therefore, the outer edge of the foundation must be covered with a sand-crushed stone layer, and the base itself must have a waterproofing slope.

The construction of walls begins on a protected foundation made of materials that retain heat well. It can be either wood or brick (regular red or adobe). Wooden walls are warmer than brick walls, but their service life is quite limited. Although brick walls require additional insulation, they provide good ventilation. Adobe brick retains heat well and ensures dryness in the room. Foam block and sand-lime brick are excellent for building a large barn and do not require large material costs, but a wooden structure will cost more.

Experts recommend covering a small shed with a gable roof, which is not only more stable, but also retains heat due to the attic. In addition, the attic serves as an excellent hay storage all year round. The version of a shed without an attic is easier to build. In this case, boards are tightly laid under the roofing material (slate or roofing felt), the joints of which are sealed with clay mortar. The surface of the boards is covered with a layer of insulation (dried sawdust, slag, dry soil) up to 10 cm thick. Slate or roofing material is used as roofing material, which are laid so that water does not flow under the eaves.

An important condition for a properly built barn is a comfortable floor. In other words, it must be waterproof, warm and easy to clean. The most optimal material for the floor is called baked brick, which is more durable than wood and not as cold as concrete. The concrete floor must be covered with bedding (wooden panels) to prevent the animals from freezing and getting sick. Laying the floors is preceded by compacting the soil and laying a layer of roofing felt or slag. The floors themselves should be located 10 cm above the ground level. You should also provide a slight slope of the floor (a difference of 2 cm per 1 linear meter) for the natural drainage of waste into the gutter.

In order for pets to feel comfortable and please their owners with high milk yields, it is necessary to take care of ventilation and lighting levels. The ventilation system can be built independently in the form of an exhaust pipe with a special damper or a box made of boards (15x15 cm). The outlet of the ventilation system is located above the level of the roof ridge. Windows can also be used to ventilate the room. However, in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the animals are not exposed to drafts.

The required level of lighting is achieved through windows, which must be located at least 100 cm from the floor so that the cow cannot catch them with her horns. The optimal window area is 10 times less than the window area. In addition, it is recommended to plaster and whitewash the interior of the barn to accumulate sunlight.

Figure 4. Interior arrangement of the barn

Arrangement of a barn involves the installation of feeders and drinkers, both group and individual, as well as the organization of a paddock for walking. Such a walking area is usually located outside the building. In this case, the total length of the walking path for each cow must be at least 500 m. The area itself must be fenced and covered with a canopy.

Arrangement of a walking yard

A walking yard is an essential element of any farm. It allows you to walk livestock during the warm season, during the day.

The courtyard is usually built on the south side of the barn to prevent cold winds from blowing on the animals. It is advisable that the site has a canopy, a good fence and a gate.

The area is determined on the basis that one cow and heifer require 15 square meters of space, young animals - 10 square meters, calves - 5 square meters.

If the walking yard has a hard floor, then 2 square meters of territory are needed for one calf, 5 square meters for young animals, and 8 square meters for cows and heifers.

Considering that animals spend 4–6 hours walking in the yard in winter, and 12–14 hours in summer, then they should have access to food and water. To do this, feeders and drinking bowls are placed on the site.

What to make a floor for a cow in a barn from

When choosing a material for construction, you should pay attention to its ability to retain heat, absorb or repel moisture, and ability to withstand loads

Equally important is the raw material used in the manufacture of the material: how toxic it is, and whether its fumes will harm the cows

The advantages of a wooden covering are its environmental friendliness and the fact that it retains heat well. Otherwise, wood is not recommended for flooring, since it quickly absorbs moisture and odors; this property accelerates the aging process of wood and its rotting. The tree may not support the weight of the herd; in addition, dozens of hooves will leave indentations on it, and subsequently the animal may trip here and be injured. Wood is difficult to disinfect and clean from feces, so the material also loses in terms of barn hygiene.

Cement or concrete

There are conflicting opinions regarding concrete and cement:

  • on the one hand, the material is durable and strong, does not allow moisture to pass through, and is easy to clean, wash, and disinfect;
  • on the other hand, concrete is cold, such a floor will provoke diseases in animals, in particular, mastitis in heifers, reducing their productivity.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, most farmers use concrete. The lack of heat is compensated with the help of warm bedding, for example, livestock mats.

Burnt brick

Brick is made from clay, which is then fired for strength, producing hollow and solid bricks without voids.

Among the advantages of the material:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • sound insulation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to corrosion and fungi.

The main disadvantage is considered to be the high cost compared to other materials; in addition, brick is not able to withstand heavy loads. The hooves will leave cracks and gouges, which over time will begin to let in moisture. Brick is more suitable for the walls of the structure.

Samana (unburnt)

The peculiarity of adobe is that clay and straw are used in its production. To give it completeness, it is not fired, but dried in the sun. The product is completely natural. Advantages of adobe:

  • low cost;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • hygroscopicity.


  • protection from dampness in the form of plaster is required;
  • the material is susceptible to fungi and insects;
  • questionable frost resistance in harsh winter conditions.

The table shows the performance characteristics of the described materials:

Preparation of building materials

As a rule, cows are most comfortable in “houses” made of ordinary building materials: wood, brick, concrete or cinder block. But choose carefully, because each of them has both pros and cons.

For the best result, you can combine building materials in your project, combining their best qualities and eliminating disadvantages. You can build a foundation of brick or rubble, and walls of wood or brick. Concrete is better suited for the floor because of its high strength. However, it conducts heat poorly, so you will need to cover the floor with sawdust or straw. Slate or tiles are perfect for the roof.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

Ask a Question

When building a barn for 5 head, think in advance about the bedding in the stalls. The cleanliness of the cow depends on this, as well as her comfort and convenience, and therefore the quality of the milk that she then produces.

Business plan for cow breeding

For competent farming, it is necessary to consider many issues regarding the organization of the process and financing of the project.

A business plan for a future farm will help to structure and summarize the results of their decision. This document must provide basic information and costs for bringing the idea to life.

The plan should include the following sections:

  • necessary financing;
  • land plot;
  • purchase of cows;
  • materials and equipment;
  • staff;
  • communal payments;
  • advertising;
  • outlets;
  • payback time;
  • projected net profit.

Benefits and advantages

Construction of a cowshed, if desired, can be the beginning of creating your own business in rural areas.

Meat and dairy products are in widespread demand in our country; not a single family can live without them. By producing and selling high-quality, environmentally friendly products to consumers, a novice farmer will quickly gain regular customers and an excellent reputation.

The state provides active support to the agricultural sector of the economy, in particular to meat and milk production enterprises. That is why creating a family farm for 20 heads of cattle or even a larger farm with up to 50-100 animals can become a very relevant and profitable business idea.

Where to get capital

The necessary investments in a farm to start the full functioning of the business determine the amount of starting capital. But there is a situation when the available funds are insufficient or non-existent.

In this case, you have a choice:

  • attract an investor;
  • take out a bank loan;
  • apply for a subsidy for a beginning farmer.

Getting investments is not easy, because not everyone dares to entrust their capital to a newcomer.

The following actions will help increase your chances of success:

  • draw up a competent business plan and arrange a thoughtful visual presentation;
  • to interest in the supply of quality products;
  • focus on profitability and quick payback of this business.

A bank loan can be obtained for the purchase of livestock, machinery and equipment for a period of 5 years.

Subsidies for beginning farmers are provided in the following cases:

  • creation of a farm (up to 3 million rubles);
  • arrangement of the owner’s living conditions (up to 250 thousand rubles).

After weighing the pros and cons, you can make a choice.

Determining direction

A novice livestock breeder will have to make one more choice - which direction he would like to pursue, meat or dairy. Both have both advantages and disadvantages, and different breeds differ in the specifics of care.

Meat farming is less expensive than dairy farming. This option does not require special premises for processing and storing milk and a large amount of additional equipment. The main rule in keeping meat breeds is high-quality food.

For a dairy farm, a milking parlor is a must. The construction of this premises must strictly comply with current norms and regulations. Special equipment is also required for collecting and transporting products.


To make a profit in a short time, it will be more effective to feed cows to sell meat products. For long-term business activities, a dairy farm is considered more promising.

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