Breeds of blue laying hens with descriptions, photos and videos

Poultry farm owners try to purchase chickens with high egg or meat productivity. For an entrepreneur, the morphological characteristics of the breed are important: high immunity, resistance to infections, unpretentiousness in food, endurance. The appearance of the birds often does not matter.

Farmers have a different approach to choosing chicken stock. It is important that the bird not only produces eggs or meat can be obtained from it, but also has a beautiful feather color and attractive appearance. The original appearance of chickens will make your garden plot more beautiful. Among such exotic birds, it is proposed to consider breeds that have blue plumage.

Maintenance and care

The subtleties of caring for the hens in question have much in common with traditional recommendations that are universal for all laying hens.
Poultry farmers speak of chicken as a winter-hardy representative of the bird world. Therefore, the Aurora Blue breed of chickens can survive frosts and colds indoors without heating. However, it should be borne in mind that additional heating can help improve egg production. The living conditions that the winged family needs are a spacious house with high perches. It is permissible to install multi-level perches. Cocktails value their “personal space”, so their roost should not be crowded. The family’s home must be safe - all sharp corners, protruding nails and other elements that could accidentally injure the bird must be removed.

There is a condition without which it will be impossible to reveal the full productive potential of a feathered flock - this is maintaining the light regime. To ensure egg laying does not stop, the house should be illuminated for about 16 hours a day.

Molting and break in egg production

The beginning of seasonal molting often becomes a cause for concern for beginners in the business of breeding birds. But, this is a natural process that is not only safe, but even beneficial for your herd. Let's consider a few recommendations that will help winged beauties survive the molting season faster and emerge from it without losses.

  1. Reduce daylight hours to avoid prolonging molting.
  2. Nourish your birds' health with vitamins, minerals and nutritious food.
  3. Take care to avoid hypothermia at this stage.

Planned herd replacement

It has already been said above that in subsequent generations it is difficult to obtain young animals with the same external characteristics as those of the parent stock. Therefore, when replacing livestock, it is better to plan to purchase young animals from trusted suppliers.

A decline in productivity is observed in hens in the third year of life, and it is this age that is most suitable for replacement.

Frequent illnesses

Health problems can happen to any species, and this bird is no exception. Most often, diseases develop due to violations in care, but sometimes the reasons may lie in contact with sick wild birds or rodents - carriers of dangerous infections.

To minimize the risk of disease development, flocks should be regularly disinfested, maintain hygiene, and feed the herd as recommended. Preventive vaccinations, which protect the herd by 80-85% from the most common diseases, will also be useful.

What are the reviews?


The Andalusian breed of chickens has good immunity against diseases; only when the conditions of detention are violated, with high humidity, dampness and cold, they suffer from colds.

To maintain the health of adults and young individuals, it is necessary to maintain these indicators at the required level. Young animals are vaccinated at an early age.

During the molting period, birds develop vitamin deficiency, so the diet should be especially rich and balanced.

Care and maintenance

First of all, let's consider in what climatic conditions the Spanish beauty can feel normal. Chickens can tolerate hot periods quite normally, but they have big problems with cold resistance. Therefore, they will not be able to withstand winters in regions with harsh climates.

Poultry farmers in central Russia successfully keep these chickens, but at the same time they have to place them in heated poultry houses for the winter. The feathered beauty feels good in winter in its “native” climate - in Andalusia the air temperature during this period does not fall below +10 degrees. In addition to climate requirements, there are several more rules for care and maintenance.

  • It is not recommended for pedigree herds to be kept with representatives of other varieties. Firstly, it helps maintain genetic purity. Secondly, it will help avoid conflicts and cockfights.
  • The herd is sensitive to precipitation and the scorching sun, so it needs a canopy under which it can hide in case of precipitation or heat.
  • Multi-level perches can cause injuries, and floor maintenance is fraught with deterioration in the appearance of Spaniards. The best option is low perches-poles, at a height of up to 50 cm from the floor.

Age-related decrease in egg production

The lifespan of exotic Spanish cats is approximately 10 years, but a decline in performance can be observed as early as the fourth year of life. Purely theoretically, quons can be kept while they are alive, and there is no planned replacement of the herd.

But aging laying hens get sick more often and practically do not produce any fruits of their activity. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a scheduled replacement every 4 years.

Frequent illnesses

The survival rate of young and adult chickens is about 93-95%. To prevent Andalusian hens from getting sick, you should strictly adhere to the vaccination calendar and take all the necessary preventive measures.

Despite the fact that this species has strong immunity, it is not protected from parasites and infectious diseases. Spaniards are prone to colds due to hypothermia and high humidity in the poultry house. Also, often during the molting period they suffer from vitamin deficiency.

What are the reviews?

Poultry house features

The room in which the birds will spend the night must be warm, without drafts. The Andalusian blue chicken is adapted to cold weather and can easily survive the winter. The area of ​​the chicken coop is calculated based on the standard of 3-4 chickens per square meter. High density will provoke infectious diseases. A lower density will make the coop too cold.

The floor is reinforced with tin if there may be burrowing predators nearby, such as ferrets. This will prevent them from digging a hole and eating Andalusian blue chicken. The litter that covers the floor of the chicken coop is changed once a year. Too frequent changes will worsen the microclimate in the room - the droppings and feathers that the litter contains create constant air temperature and humidity.

The following are used as coating:

Everything should be as dry and clean as possible. The floor of the chicken coop is first disinfected. The day of laying the litter must be chosen to be sunny and dry, otherwise the increased air humidity will be transferred to the covering and cause mold.

It is better not to use small sawdust - they will not affect dryness, but the amount of dirt will only increase.

Lighting and ventilation in the chicken coop

The light in the coop is an important point that a new farmer may miss. The lighting should not be too bright, hitting the chickens' eyes. The Andalusian chicken will naturally lay less eggs in winter due to the short daylight hours. But high-calorie nutrition and artificial lighting can create conditions for good egg production. Birds need lighting 12-13 hours a day. You can turn on the light yourself or turn it on automatically according to time.

It is also important to have excellent ventilation in the chicken coop. Stale, unventilated air in a small poultry house contributes to the emergence and rapid spread of infection among Andalusian blue chickens. Ventilation can be done through open doors and windows. Ventilation can also be carried out through the roof covering.

External signs

Gallant cockerels weigh about 4 kg, and chickens up to 3.5 kg. The main breed characteristic is the presence of a beard, and in individuals of both sexes. The beard is wide, arched. Large, well-developed head with a wide but short beak. The earrings and rose-shaped comb (without a spike) are colored pink.

The neck is of medium length with a rather deep curve, slightly thinner in the area where it meets the shoulders. The body is large, with a wide back and chest. The tail is moderately developed, but roosters have very long braids. It is slightly raised and is located at a right angle to the body.

The face of these feathered beauties is deep red, and large brown eyes stand out on it. The paws and legs are very powerful and muscular. The color of such chickens is always black, and the feathers of roosters have a greenish tint. Warm and thick coats of feathers make birds incredibly resistant to cold and frost.

In general, they are harmoniously built and look incredibly elegant! They move importantly and smoothly, like peacocks. Unfortunately, today the Galan breed of chickens has become a rare bird in Russia, even despite its Russian roots

Finding it on sale is quite difficult, especially in its pure form.

Unfortunately, today the Galan breed of chickens has become a rare bird in Russia, even despite its Russian roots. Finding it on sale is quite difficult, especially in its pure form.

Even if the parent chicks fully correspond to the description, in the next generation the gene of other breeds may appear, and then the chicks are subject to culling.


  1. The Andalusian blue chicken breed is expensive and rare.
  2. The brooding instinct is weakened.
  3. Sensitivity to cold.

That's all that can be said about the decorative quotation from sunny Spain. Let your friends also learn about this interesting bird - share the link to the article with them on social networks.

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Nuances of breeding

Breeding in a chicken coop is very rare, so breeders use incubators.

An important condition for successful hatching is a selection of high-quality eggs. Only fresh ones are selected (not older than 5 days) without cracks, with a flat and smooth surface. It is better to use medium-sized instances

It is better to use medium-sized specimens.

The fertilization of eggs is quite high - about 95%. After laying and until the brood appears, a certain regime is maintained in the incubator - in the first 7 days 40°C, all subsequent weeks are lowered by 1°C. During incubation, the eggs are turned daily 3-4 times a day.

Hatched chicks are kept in a dry box at a temperature of 25°C with diffuse daylight.

Feeding young animals

Feeding begins after the fluff dries, when the chickens become active. The first dish is a boiled and chopped chicken egg.

From the third day of life they are fed cottage cheese, small greens and cereals. Juveniles eat frequently, so they need to be fed at least five times a day.

Up to three weeks of age, chicks require a large amount of protein, which strengthens bone tissue and prevents the development of rickets - minerals, fermented milk products, fish oil, and yeast are introduced into the diet. Additionally, coarse-grained, pre-calcined sand is provided.

To strengthen the immune system and increase activity, glucose (5%) is given instead of water for the first 3 days. All subsequent days offer clean, fresh water at room temperature.

Features of care

The main care for chicks is to ensure a stable temperature within 25-27°C, good lighting for at least 10 hours a day.

Sawdust or straw is used as flooring in the box, which is changed every five days. On sunny days they can be walked in the fresh air.

Starting from 2 weeks, chickens are transferred to an adult diet - they are given crushed feed. From the age of two months, young animals begin to be kept in a common herd. andaluzskaya-golubaja.html

Feeding an adult herd

For adult birds, the feeding regime is no longer as important as the diet. Andalusian laying hens are unpretentious in this matter, but they can suffer due to errors in menu planning. First of all, an incorrect diet affects their health, and as a result, their appearance suffers, and productivity indicators also decrease. To avoid such consequences, you need to maintain a balance of essential substances in your daily diet. Here are some tips to help you make your meals nutritious and healthy.

  1. Like nothing else, protein, as well as other substances obtained from insects, larvae and worms, are suitable for meat and egg quacks. Therefore, whenever possible, feed them such delicacies.
  2. Meat and fish waste are good sources of animal proteins, but they must be fresh.
  3. Wet mash prepared in fish or meat broth, with the addition of vegetables and cereals, is quickly and well absorbed by bird stomachs. If the weather is cold, it is advisable to serve them warm.
  4. In the summer, chickens find their own vitamins in the walking yard - they happily nibble the grass, but in winter it is worth using stored hay supplies, as well as flour from grass or pine needles, so that the residents of the poultry house do not suffer from vitamin deficiency.
  5. When an adult herd has completed the growth phase, it can be switched to feed that contains less protein.

A little history

There are suggestions that the first domestic laying hen was the wild Indian bank chicken, domesticated about four thousand years ago. Adults of this subspecies weighed no more than one kilogram and produced only 12-14 eggs per year. Over time, people began not only to catch and keep wild chickens, but also to breed them at home. These were the first attempts at poultry farming, which later spread to Persia and other countries of the world. As the demand for chicken eggs increased, people began to improve the productive qualities of the bird.

Gradually, by the end of the 19th century, the world already had a clear division of chickens into egg and meat subspecies. Currently, there are officially more than 150 breeds. But poultry farming continues to actively develop, so even experts do not give exact figures. Some sources indicate that there are already about 600 different breeds of chickens, more than 100 of which are egg-laying.

Reasons for the appearance of “unusual” shell color

The main building material that makes up eggshells is calcium carbonate. This is why most chickens lay white eggs. In a number of breeds, on the walls of the oviduct there are small glands that secrete a brown pigment - protoporphyrin. As you move towards the “exit”, each egg takes on one of the shades intermediate between light beige and chocolate brown. The pigment remains only on the surface of the shell, and the brightness and color saturation depends on the speed of passage of the testicle through the oviduct.

In birds of the “Easter” varieties, the coloring mechanism is arranged differently. Their body produces bileverdin (bile pigment, one of the products resulting from the breakdown of hemoglobin). This substance enters the shell during the formation stage and stains it throughout its entire thickness, giving a blue, turquoise, greenish or olive color to both sides. This feature is due to the presence of a specifically altered gene in the chromosomal apparatus of birds. To date, it has been found in all breeds of chickens that lay green or blue eggs. At the same time, many other factors also influence the intensity of shell color (the age and health of the hen, the balance of her diet, the characteristics of her husbandry, and even the time of year).

The color of the feed does not affect the mechanism of egg shell coloring; only the color intensity can depend on the composition of the diet

Some poultry owners believe that unusual colored eggs can be achieved by adding food coloring to their chickens' diet. In fact, this is a misconception that exists and is spreading thanks to the efforts of unscrupulous sellers who actively advertise “tinted” food. The intensity of the shell color may depend on factors such as the mineral composition of the food or a violation of calcium metabolism in the laying hen's body, but the color of the food does not play any role in this case.

Brief descriptions and photos of the most famous breeds


A meat-egg breed bred in the USA. The bird has interesting external characteristics, which makes it in demand not only for economic purposes, but also as a decorative one. Undemanding to food, tolerates heat and cold well, active and mobile. The indicators of early maturity and egg production are high. Maternal instinct is poorly developed.

The breed is characterized by high endurance and early maturity - puberty occurs at the age of 5-6 months


Decorative chickens bred in South America and spread throughout the world thanks to their exotic appearance. Laying hens enter productive age at 6 months and can produce up to 180 eggs per year. The bird is unpretentious, but is distinguished by specific skeletal features that complicate the fertilization process and create unnecessary difficulties during care and breeding.

The breed is not autosexy; gender differences appear no earlier than 12 weeks, which makes it difficult to form a herd


An interbreed hybrid (cross), obtained in Austria by crossing Araucan males with local “egg” females. Productivity is very high. Disadvantages include the aggressiveness of roosters, inherited from the Chilean “ancestors” and a tendency to catch colds. When breeding in harsh climates, a heated chicken coop is required.

As with most crosses, females lack the brooding instinct and “hybrid” properties are not passed on to offspring

"Cream legbar"

These "British" breeds have several known plumage color options, but only the "cream" variety is capable of producing eggs with "Easter" shells. The breed is used as a universal breed. Egg production is very good. Roosters can weigh up to 3.5 kg; the meat is valued for its high consumer qualities. Females lack maternal instinct. Day-old chicks have pronounced autosex, which makes it easier to form a flock when purchasing.

Purebred individuals have characteristic crests located behind the ridges, a slender body and strong, proportionately long legs

"Lakedanzi" ("Lü kedan ji")

A breed that has been widespread in southern China since ancient times. It was lost and revived by breeders at the end of the 20th century. In the offers of Russian sellers it may be called “Colored Ukheiliyu” or “Painted Ukheiliyu”. The bird is small and graceful. The character is quite calm. Chickens are undemanding when it comes to feed, but do not tolerate cold well. The incubation instinct in females is well developed. Egg products, except for “Easter” shells, are valued for their very large, thick, brightly colored yolks with a high content of amino acids. The carcasses have black skin, meat and bones.

The plumage color is yellowish-brownish; eyes, beak, paws and tail are black; the comb, wattles and earlobes have a characteristic reddish-purple color

"Liuyang Wuji"

Chinese chicken, known for more than one and a half thousand years. The plumage of the body, wings, tail, legs and head is black. The comb and earrings are dark purple. Bones, skin and meat are black. It can lay eggs with olive, white and light brown shells. Females are good brood hens.

The bird is unpretentious, undemanding in care, hatchability and survival rate of young animals is high

"Olive Eggers"

The general name of several interbreed hybrid lines obtained by crossing Maran roosters and Araucana or Ameraucana females. Features of the appearance, character and stability of a particular cross depend on the selection of parent individuals. The bird is bred as a universal bird. Meat and egg productivity is decent, product quality is very high.

Females do not hatch chicks; economic characteristics are not inherited by offspring

"Xing-xing-dian" ("Xin-xin-yang")

A variety of Chinese black chickens with a bright red comb, earrings and earlobes. A small bird that produces eggs with turquoise shells. Early maturity, hatchability and survival rate of young animals are high. The maternal instinct in females is well developed.

Chickens are unpretentious in food, but do not tolerate cold and dampness well.

One of the oldest breeds, common in China. The plumage color is black with an emerald green tint. The eyes, crest, beak and legs are black. The entire carcass (including skin and bones) is painted black. Such products are considered healing. It is widely used not only for culinary purposes, but also in the preparation of medicines used in traditional oriental medicine.

The bird is small (males weigh no more than 1.8 kg), but the dietary qualities of the meat are highly valued

The Andalusian chicken is on the verge of extinction

The fantastic color of the bird makes everyone fall in love with it. But the very first offspring that an inexperienced farmer receives is unpleasantly surprising: only half of the chickens will be pale blue. The remaining birds have black and white plumage with dark spots. But don’t be scared and discard unsightly chickens. This result is predictable and explained by simple genetics.

Andalusian blue chicken

The Andalusian blue chicken simultaneously has two genes: blue and black. When such birds give birth to offspring, according to the laws of genetics, they turn out to be diverse:

  • half will carry both genes,
  • a quarter - only the black color gene - these are absolutely black birds,
  • a quarter - only the gene for blue coloring - these are light ones interspersed with chicken, the so-called “splash”.

If you cross birds of the last two colors with each other, then absolutely all the chicks will turn out to be bright blue. For a farmer who is interested in obtaining and breeding beautiful Andalusian birds, it is useful to have a table of the colors of the chicks:

As can be seen from the table, the danger of complete extinction of the Andalusian blue chicken is slightly exaggerated. It is absolutely impossible to get chicks with a beautiful blue coloring only by crossing two black or two light Andalusian birds with each other. In other cases, pleasing blue chickens will appear. Of course, dark or light hens cannot participate in exhibitions, but it is quite possible to get beautiful purebred offspring from them.

In order to avoid unwanted crossbreeding, at the time of obtaining eggs for the incubator, you can simply seat the birds in several groups or separate roosters of unnecessary color.

Color variant of the Andalusian blue chicken

How they appeared

Andalusian chickens were first bred in Spain. Breeders wanted to get chickens not only with excellent productivity indicators, but also with a beautiful appearance.

Blue fighting males were used as an experiment. Subsequently, crossings were carried out within the already obtained individuals.

The blue breed has always been considered rare. At first, they were purchased only by experts in the field of poultry farming.

After some time, the birds were moved by egg-laying and meat-laying crosses.

Today this species can be found in breeding houses or among professional farmers who raise birds for exhibitions.

general information

The decorative component is not the main criterion by which farmers choose blue chickens for breeding. They also have various beneficial qualities because they were bred for specific purposes. For example, in addition to simply ornamental birds, there are meat, egg and fighting chickens. Almost all the characteristics of these breeds vary, and it is worth considering in detail some of the most common types.

Historical data

Speaking about domestic breeds, we often mean the achievements of modern breeders. It should be noted that breeding good chickens for the household began long before genetics made a breakthrough in the 20th century.

The best and most beloved chickens appeared on ordinary farms, thanks to ordinary people who did not have the slightest idea about genetic formulas.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, poultry farming in Russia was not as productive as it is today. In those days, farmers and landowners were mainly engaged in breeding local poultry. Foreign chickens were a luxury, and only wealthy people could afford them - they kept them in their private collections.

But, despite the fact that domestic Russian chicken breeds and varieties were less productive than representatives of the bird world from other countries, Russia was one of the leading suppliers of eggs to Europe.

The peak of development of local poultry farming occurred at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. During that period, the population increased sharply throughout the country, and several improved, highly productive species appeared. In addition, large farms and the very first poultry farms appeared.

Some scientific discoveries by Russian scientists made it possible to make a breakthrough in breeding, and since then the poultry industry has changed radically. At the beginning of the 20th century, experimental bases and research institutes began to be created, which exist and function to this day.


Andalusian blue chicks are bred in regular incubators. The incubation period is 21 days.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

First12-16 hours38,5-39,075-85
Second16-48 hours37,875-856-10 per day
Third3-6 day37,870-756 -10 per dayTwice 5 minutesConducted on day 6
Fourth7-10 day37,8656-10 per dayTwice 5 minutesConducted on day 10
Fifth1-14 day37,850-556-10 per dayTwice 10 minutes
Sixth15-19 days37,5-37,650-556-10 per day3 times 10 minutesConducted on day 19
Seventh20-21 days37,565-70Twice 5 minutes

Chick development by day. Signs of correct and incorrect development of the embryo Read

How to choose the right eggs to put in the incubator? Answer

Brooders for chickens in different price segments. For hobbyists, farmers and industry Top – 9

Review of industrial and amateur incubators for breeding chickens Top - 15

Foreign frost-resistant breeds

Countries with a climate similar to Russia - harsh, long winters - can share their selection achievements. Among the frost-resistant breeds that are suitable for breeding in the Siberian region:

  • Icelandic Landrace. The people of Iceland have bred this breed for centuries. They managed to create a very frost-resistant breed that is suitable for Siberia and other regions with moderately warm or cool summers. Landraces do not tolerate heat well. They are very beautiful in appearance, have lush plumage - red, black, blue, fawn and others. Dense plumage allows it to withstand extremely low temperatures. It protects the skin and internal organs from frostbite in the most severe snowstorms. The weight of hens is 2.5 kg, roosters are 3.5 kg. They lay about 220 eggs per year. Egg weight – 60 g. Lay all year round.
  • Red Cap. This is an old English breed. It was once bred en masse by farmers, but is now being replaced by new promising breeds. The breed is of interest to farms in Siberia - the “Redcaps” are almost as frost-resistant as the Icelandic Landrace, and also lay eggs all year round - regardless of the season. This is an egg breed, so the carcass of Red-capped chickens is small. They lay about 200 eggs per year. Egg weight – 60 g. The meat is very tasty. There is no brooding instinct. The plumage is predominantly dark red, brown, and black. The tail is blue-black, on the side there is a dark semicircle.
  • Appenzeller. This is a rare Swiss breed. Egg and decorative directions. Their plus is uniquely good health. They are used to living in cold, high-mountainous regions, they are not afraid of harsh winters, and therefore are of interest to breeders in Siberia. The birds have a V-shaped crest and crest. The plumage is black, with a golden or silver tint. The history of the breed goes back about 300 years, but now they are being replaced by more promising competitors. Birds of this breed are friendly, non-conflicting, hens are caring hens. The weight of hens is 1.5 kg, roosters are 1.8 kg. They lay up to 150 eggs per year.
  • Lakenfelder. Origin: Belgian or Dutch. A very rare breed - on the verge of extinction. Only experienced professionals should own this breed. The plumage is black and white. Mostly black or white chickens are born - this indicates the degeneration of the breed. Thick plumage saves birds from frost, humidity, and temperature changes. Lakenfelders are very calm. Direction: meat and egg. They lay up to 180 eggs per year. The weight of the chicken is 3 kg, the rooster is 2-2.5 kg. A hen is heavier than a rooster - this is rare in chickens. They are demanding on nutrition, on which productivity directly depends. They are difficult breeds to care for and breed.
  • Bielefelder. Bred in Germany. Registration of the breed - 1980. The “krill” plumage is a color of black and golden stripes. They are very hardy, so they can be bred in the Urals and Siberia. Hens weigh up to 4 kg, roosters – up to 4.5 kg. They lay about 230 eggs per year. Egg weight – 65-70 g. They gain weight quickly. Resistant to cold and disease, unpretentious in maintenance. They are phlegmatic, so it is recommended to keep them separately from other breeds - otherwise they will be pushed away from the feeders.
  • Faverolles. Faverolles. This is a French meat breed, bred in the area of ​​the same name. They differ in their original “hairstyle” - feathers under the ears directed to the sides and upwards. On the legs there are “pants.” Chicken weight – up to 3.5 kg, roosters – up to 4 kg. They lay up to 160 eggs per year.

The breed is resistant to cold weather, so it is of interest to Siberian breeders. They need to be walked and are not suitable for being kept in cages. Pros: early maturity, tasty meat, stable egg laying all year round. Disadvantages: tendency to overeating and obesity.

Chickens are hardy and can live safely in the most difficult climatic conditions. There are breeds that adapt better than others to the harsh Siberian frosts, maintaining high productivity. At the same time, without proper care, even the most frost-resistant chickens will lose productivity, or even die.


Chicken does not differ in productivity from other breeds

Growth and development in this breed is exactly the same as in other varieties.

The first egg production begins at the age of 6 months. In a year, one hen can lay up to 180 eggs, some more - up to 200 eggs. But this rarely happens.

Each egg weighs from 50 to 60 g. The surface is white and durable.

You should not breed this breed just for meat, because... chickens do not weigh more than broilers. The meat of young animals is of the greatest value - it has a delicate taste and practically no fat.

Life expectancy is 9-10 years, but a decrease in egg production can be observed already in the 4th or 5th year of breeding.

You can keep laying hens until they die, but as they age, they begin to get sick more often and their productivity drops significantly. Therefore, experienced breeders recommend replacing them every four years.

Sexual maturity and productivity indicators

Maturation of the reproductive system begins at 6 months.

Depreciation occurs in the 4th year. Fertilized eggs account for 87%.

Of the total number, 93% of the young survive successfully.

One egg weighs 60 g. Blue rooster weighs 2.5 kg, and females 1.8-2 kg.

The temperament of representatives of the blue breed is much more interesting than their color.

Blue chickens have a calm and leisurely disposition, but can show their aggression if their boundaries are violated.

Birds have excellent contact with humans, especially if they live for a long time.

They get used to changes in climate and terrain quickly, but at first do not disturb them so that they can recover from stress.

Andalusian chicken is an egg-meat breed. Its main quality, in addition to its pleasant appearance, is egg production:

  • a laying hen produces up to 180 eggs per year;
  • each weighs on average 56-60 grams;
  • egg shells are white.

Of course, Andalusian chicken does not have as much meat as broiler breeds. You should not breed this beautiful bird for its meat. But if circumstances force you to eat young Andalusians, their meat will not disappoint. It is non-greasy and has a pleasant taste.

Rooster and hen of the Andalusian blue breed

As for productivity, in winged beauties it is characterized by average indicators. Most laying hens produce about 180 eggs in 1 year, from the moment they begin laying. But rare hens can “step over” this border and produce about 200 pieces. The weight of the testicles is about 60 grams, and their shell must be white.

Chicken Temperament

One of the oldest Mediterranean breeds is distinguished by its wayward, quarrelsome character, and therefore can only be recommended for experienced breeders. Like most good foragers, the birds perform best when kept freely and, being somewhat wild, always remain on the alert, which, coupled with camouflage dark plumage and fast legs, allows them to protect themselves from predators.

The bird in general is considered a little nervous, noisy, with a constant desire to break free, a need for some kind of activity, the best of which is pottering around in the backyard. However, when handled correctly, Andalusian Blue chickens prove to be a reliable, unpretentious and productive breed, slightly shy. One of the undoubted advantages is that even old chickens show a reduced tendency to incubate.

External signs

Thanks to long-term selection work, the bird inherited an incredibly attractive appearance from its ancestors. The color of both sexes is blue, with a dark border on each feather. Roosters have a slightly darker mane, back and wings, and their feathers are evenly colored. The horizontally positioned body has a slightly elongated shape and is generally harmoniously built.

The “ladies” have neat, small heads on short necks. Roosters have larger ones. The main feature is that representatives of both sexes have large, well-developed leaf-shaped combs of a contrasting red color, like the earrings.

On the face it is impossible not to pay attention to the huge, expressive eyes of brown or orange. The beak is small and colored blue-gray, matching the paws.

To complete the picture of appearance, let’s also consider weight indicators.

  • An adult rooster has a body weight of 2.5 kg to 3 kg.
  • An adult laying hen weighs 2-2.5 kg.

Legendary Leghorn

Almost all varieties of modern breeding egg-laying crosses were created using the genetic heritage of the famous Leghorn (Italian: Livorno; English: Leghorn), which already existed in the 19th century.

Despite such a “young” origin, this family is still quite common, therefore it can deservedly be classified as the most fertile type - each hen of this tribe is capable of laying 300 eggs per year.

Egg breeds of laying hens. They are so different!

It is known that the founders of the dynasty were “dressed up” only in snow-white plumage, but at the moment their “wardrobe” has been replenished with outfits from cuckoo-partridge and golden to brown and spotted variations.

But more important and extremely useful in this matter is the peculiarity of the “colored British” - they differ in the colors of girls and boys even at the age of chicks, which makes it possible to quickly begin the necessary sorting of offspring


Andalusian chickens have not only a beautiful and unusual coloring, but also a cocky character, similar to the Spanish one.

In the absence of a threat, they behave calmly; if a stranger appears, they begin to show aggression.

In such situations, the rooster dominates the hens and acts as the protector of the entire flock. To avoid a commotion in the hen house, they need to be planted correctly and the procedure for assembling the family must be carefully approached. Since any stress can negatively affect the productivity of laying hens.

Birds of this breed are distinguished by their leisurely nature and easily make contact with humans.

Mini chickens

Farmers prefer to breed universal bird breeds that have a broad focus. They will provide both meat and eggs. There is a separate similar variety - mini-meat chickens.

Their homeland is Russia. They were created at the Zagorsk Institute of Poultry Science, which is located in the Moscow region. Such mini-meat chickens have become very popular not only in the country, but also abroad, especially in European countries, and in France and England this breed partially replaced broilers. This is due to the fact that mini-chickens, although considered a meat breed, also lay eggs very well. In addition, experts highlight the following advantages of this breed:

  • the individual grows and develops quickly;
  • birds are unpretentious in relation to food and digest nutritious food well;
  • birds can be kept in cages and aviaries;
  • economic benefit - you need a small territory, they eat little;
  • the egg is very large;
  • calm disposition, do not make noise, do not dig much in the ground.

Despite the fact that the breed is universal, it is still recognized as a meat breed. Like other varieties of this trend, miniature chickens have a small but strong body located horizontally. The legs are short. The comb is small and leaf-shaped. By the way, in winter he does not get frostbite. The plumage is dense and hard. There are 3 subspecies of color - red, fawn and white chickens. The peculiarity is that on the farm you can easily get broilers while breeding mini-chickens, if you replace the rooster of this breed with a Cornish one.

As a rule, the weight of females is 2.7 kg, and males - 3 kg. This breed is distinguished by tender and tasty meat. The product comes out very juicy due to the fact that the fat layers are located between the muscles. The egg production rate is very high - no less than 170 eggs per year, and they weigh 60 g each. The shell is very strong. It has a brownish or creamy tint. The hatchability of young animals is approximately 80%, with up to 99% of chickens surviving; among adults, the survival rate is about 90%.

It is difficult to say which meat chicken breeds are better. All of them have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which must be studied before choosing animals for breeding.

Where can I buy in Russia

  • You can buy chickens, hatching eggs and even finished carcasses of Andalusian blue chickens at the Kurkurovo farm. It is located at Moscow region, Lukhovitsky district, Kurovo village, 33. You can also see chickens of other breeds there. You can find out the current cost and availability of poultry by calling +7 (985) 200-70-00.
  • This breed of chicken can also be purchased at the private farm “Veselaya Ryaba”. It is located in the city of Kurgan at Omskaya Street, 144. You can find out the current cost of hatching eggs and day-old chicks by phone.
  • Bird Village sells hatching eggs of the Andalusian blue breed. The farm is located in the Yaroslavl region, 140 km from Moscow. You can find out more information about the availability of eggs by phone.

An analogue of the breed can be called Minorok chickens. They were used to obtain the Andalusian blue breed. They were bred by breeders on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea.

The bird grows quickly and produces a good number of eggs, but is difficult to keep. This Mediterranean breed of chicken does not tolerate harsh winters, so it needs a reliable poultry house. It must be well heated so that the birds do not suffer from constant hypothermia.


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