The use of dust and the formula of the chemical substance, how the pesticide affects people

Physicochemical characteristics

DDT or dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane is a substance in the form of white crystals, poorly soluble in ordinary water, better diluted in organic and other solvents. Dichlorodiphenyl trichloromethylmethane has a sharp, characteristic odor. DDT is also called another insecticide - dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, which has a similar effect.

Various inert materials are used as fillers in the preparation: kaolin, chalk, talc, clays, silica gel and others. The amount of active substance is regulated by the activity of the drug and its purpose; it is 1-10%.

The dust has a long shelf life compared to many other pesticides; it can be stored in a cold room and at elevated temperatures.

Description of the substance

Dust is a preparative form of the drug. However, the active ingredients are different. The product is produced in powder form. A standard example of an insecticide is DDT, or dichlorodiphenyl trichloromethyldi(p-chlorophenyl)methane. It is produced by condensing chlorobenzene and chloral in highly concentrated sulfuric acid.

In form, DDT is a white crystalline substance that is tasteless and practically odorless. The preparative form of the chemical is considered to be powder. However, in epidemiological situations it is worth using an aqueous solution.

In everyday life, poison is often called dust. This term was originally used to refer to the powdered form of DDT. It is an external insecticide that leads to the death of pests upon external contact with the substance. This is achieved by damaging the nervous system of the parasite.

Impact on pests

The pesticide specifically affects the transmission of nerve impulses in pests; it disrupts the interaction between sodium and potassium in the membranes of nerve cells. After long-term use of a chemical substance, insects can develop an addiction, as well as to other COCs. Various types of insects can become resistant, such as potato beetles, house flies and mites.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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In tank mixtures, dust is used together with hexachlorane; when used together, the effect of the substances is enhanced.

Prevention: how to deal with ticks?

Obviously, it is impossible to eliminate all ticks in the forest, but treating a summer cottage is a feasible task. To begin with, it is worth making it uncomfortable for parasites to live in.

  • Ticks love uncut grass, but they do not like trimmed lawns and paths with crushed stone or paving stones.
  • Insects live in the shade and hide from the bright rays of the sun.
  • The parasites move little and mostly wait for a passing victim.
  • The tick senses its provider by thermal radiation and settles in advance where a person most often happens: on the grass or bushes near a bench, gazebo, washstand, or near the porch of a house.

If your dacha borders an abandoned area, or is located near a forest or field, animals or birds may bring insects from there. To block the path of ticks, it is recommended to mow the grass in the area, or at least along its perimeter. The tick senses prey 20 meters away; infected ticks have higher search activity. And, although he moves 10 meters per day, if nothing stops him on the way, he will independently reach the so-called feeder.

Last year's leaves, grass and plant tops should be collected in a compost pit, burned or buried. Ticks lay eggs in it. Paths and areas around benches and rest areas should be covered with gravel or sand. A concrete pavement around the house and outbuildings will prevent insects from entering the house and hiding there.

Instructions for use

Dust was used against insects - pests of crops and carriers of various infections in animals. This drug was produced in different concentrations: 5.5% and 10% of the powder used for dusting.

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Wettable powders of 30 and 50% concentration and concentrated mineral oil emulsion of 20% were intended for the production of aqueous suspensions. Technical dust was used on large areas of collective farms.

Dust was previously used as an important contact insecticide to control leaf-eating insects on almost all crops. You can spray the solution or sprinkle it with dry powder if for some reason it is difficult to prepare the solution. Sprinkle with a thin layer, work in the absence of wind so that the powder does not blow to the side onto other plants.

A couple more tips

By the way, dust from ticks will also help during treatment - you can spray your clothes with the solution to avoid their bites.

And remember - ticks multiply rapidly. As soon as you miss the moment to start fighting them, you will have to use dust to treat the area 5-6 times. Therefore, start as soon as it warms up to 12-15 degrees. Ticks become active when the ground layer warms up to 5 degrees Celsius. The sooner you start, the better. Have a successful summer days and evenings!

Safety precautions for use

Dust does not linger well on vertical surfaces. The powder collects dust easily, so it is not recommended to work in windy conditions. When stored in a humid room, the dust cakes.

It has been established that dust can accumulate in adipose tissue. It is poorly soluble in water, but accumulates in aquatic organisms to high concentrations. It can accumulate in plants, animals, and then in the human body. In the next link of this peculiar chain, the concentration can increase by an order of magnitude.

Due to the low solubility of dust in water and significant solubility in fats, it is retained in fat cells. The rate of accumulation of the compound depends on the concentration, duration of exposure, animal species and conditions. Toxic effects may occur over a long period of time after the compound accumulates in the body.

Dust can be present in the soil for up to 12 years; in conditions without the presence of air, bacteria decompose it within 2-4 weeks. At elevated temperatures, decomposition occurs faster.

How dust affects people: it is dangerous for humans; poisoning can occur even in small doses, but without noticeable consequences. In large doses it leads to death. The compound may be present in the blood, penetrate into adipose tissue, and milk.

Dust affects the immune system, inhibits the activity of enzyme substances, and inhibits the creation of antibodies. Does not have a mutagenic, carcinogenic or fertility-reducing effect, and does not have a toxic effect on embryos.

When working with dust in any preparative form, you must strictly follow your own safety rules. It is necessary to work in clothes that will cover the entire body, that is, wear trousers, a long-sleeved shirt, a respirator and glasses on the face. Hands must be protected with long rubber gloves.

After finishing the treatment, you need to wash your hands and face with soap, remove and wash your clothes. Dry it. If the solution gets on your skin, wash it off with water to avoid irritation. Rinse your eyes if the substance gets into them. Rinse if liquid or powder enters the stomach. Rinse with activated carbon and water (1 liter and 6-7 tablets). After 15 minutes of administration, induce vomiting. If it does not improve, be sure to seek medical help.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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Symptoms of poisoning: feeling tired, pain in the head, arms and legs, palpitations, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting. Pain may be felt in the area of ​​the pancreas, right hypochondrium, the kidneys may be affected, and the liver may become enlarged. Symptoms may include loss of sensation, paralysis, and hyporeflexia. If the poisoning is severe, the temperature may rise, shortness of breath, blurred vision, increased heart rate, and convulsions may occur. In acute poisoning, death may occur within 1-2 hours.

Acute intoxication is possible when inhaling the powder, symptoms appear after 4-5 hours, these are weakness, nausea, drooling, runny nose, conjunctivitis, dizziness, fever, then bronchitis or tracheitis may develop as a sign of damage to the respiratory system. If the dust gets on the skin, poisoning is also possible, which begins with skin irritation. If the substance gets into the eyes, pain may occur in them and conjunctivitis may develop.

See also

Instructions for use of chemical substances, preparations with organochlorine compoundsRead

Symptoms of chronic intoxication after prolonged contact with dust: headache, sudden fatigue, loss of appetite, cramps and pain in the limbs, sweating, trembling in the legs and arms, palpitations, shortness of breath, polyneuritis, emotional instability, tingling in the arms and legs. There may be numbness in the forearms, changes in vision and speech, hepatitis, bronchitis, gastritis, impaired kidney function, eczema and other skin diseases may develop.

Cleaning after dust treatment

How to treat an apartment with dust from bed bugs

If you managed to defeat the bedbugs and you are ready to move into the apartment again, do not forget to clean it first. To do this, you should also wear protective clothing, gloves and a mask.

  • First, go over all corners with a vacuum cleaner. Move away all furniture and collect dead insects, larvae and remaining powder.
  • Then start wet cleaning. Wipe all previously treated areas with a soap-soda solution (3 teaspoons of soda and a handful of grated laundry soap per 1 liter of water). Then walk again with clean water.
  • Ventilate the apartment for an hour.


For household use against household pests, you can use “Klopoveron”, “Riapan” with the active substance permethrin, “Phenaxin” with the active substance fenvalerate, “Fas-double” against bedbugs, “Hexachloran” and others.

In agriculture, dust can be replaced with insecticides with various active ingredients. These are more modern drugs that are not inferior to it in effectiveness, but are much safer.

Dust is the first effective synthetic insecticide, which has been used since the 40s of the 20th century. Despite its effectiveness, its use is not recommended because it is toxic and often causes poisoning, especially if used frequently. Now there are drugs that can replace this substance and will not harm plants, soil, or animals.

Recognize the enemy by sight

The tick is very similar in appearance to an ordinary forest bug - small, dark red, and not particularly distinguished. Usually it lurks near forest paths. It rarely attacks its target from the ground - more often it climbs onto blades of grass and small bushes, from where it attacks the victim (from a height of no more than half a meter).

It takes a very long time to find a place to bite, but it bites completely unnoticed - rest assured that you will not be able to feel its invasion. Next, the enemy drinks blood and becomes 5-6 times larger and can fall off the body himself.

Ways to get rid of ants

  1. Folk remedies.
  2. Mechanical destruction of the nest.
  3. Professional services.
  4. Use crayons.
  5. Sprinkle dust.
  6. Extermination of parasites by aerosols.
  7. Destruction with insecticidal gels.

The use of one of the methods of destroying parasites depends on several factors. For example, there are animals or children in the house who can be poisoned by the chosen product. Some people suffer from allergies.

The next thing you need to know is to adhere to the right approach to each remedy and then success will be guaranteed.

How to repel ticks?

Folk repellents that are safe for humans and animals are, first of all, plants with a characteristic intense aroma. Ticks don't like the smell:

  • tansy;
  • mint;
  • marigolds;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • geraniums;
  • garlic;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

A hedge around the perimeter of the site will repel harmful insects. If you did not have time to plant these flowers and plants, you can spray a solution of essential oils with water throughout the area. In addition to the oils recommended for planting, eucalyptus oil is used. Obviously, spraying the area will take a lot of time and treatment will have to be carried out constantly.

Review of modern manufacturers of insecticidal powders

The most common dust-based products:

“Clean House” is an anti-bedbug dust that shows first results in just two days. Universal, but more often used against cockroaches and ants. A common question about “clean house” dust is whether this product kills or euthanizes bedbugs. So, the presence of cyper- and tetramethrin (very effective insecticides) in the composition allows “Clean House” to have a complex nerve-paralytic effect;

"Clean house"

"Klopoveron" is used mainly by industrial enterprises that specialize in exterminating insects (due to its high cost). It is unique because it instantly paralyzes bedbugs due to the presence of a synthetic insecticide in the composition;


"Phenaxin" is an inexpensive product (about 20 rubles per 125 g). It is odorless, therefore it is widely used in kindergartens, schools, canteens, and hotels. This dust is based on boric acid and fenvalerate, which guarantee its effectiveness;


“Pyrethrum” is developed on the basis of natural ingredients and is therefore absolutely non-toxic. It is preferable to use in the initial stages of bedbug spread. The peculiarity of this type of dust is the need for regular reapplication (every 2-3 days);


"Riapan" is intended for processing furniture and fabrics. Requires continuous application over the entire surface. The main component is permitrin, which will completely destroy the population in about 3 weeks;


“Fas-double” is a powder that must be diluted with water before use. This solution is the most effective of the available (affordable) products. Acts not only on bedbugs, but also on fleas, flies, cockroaches and ants;


"Biocyfen" is used in everyday life, in medical and food establishments. The nature of the impact is intestinal and contact. Active for five weeks.


It is impossible to choose the best one among the listed means, but the most suitable one is easy based on the following factors:

  • Speed: “Klopoveron”, “Face-double”;
  • Versatility: “Clean House”, “Biociphen”;
  • Cost: “Phenaxin”, “Fas-double”;
  • Safety: “Pyrethrum”, “Biocyfen”;
  • Duration of action: "Riapan", "Biociphen".

Advantages and disadvantages of such processing

In comparison with other methods of treating a room, dust has the following advantages:

  • Availability;
  • Easy to use;
  • Versatility;
  • Low level of toxicity;
  • Economical (sold in small bags).

The disadvantages include

  • Unoptimized consistency, lack of special means for application;
  • Low content of poisons and, as a result, the absence of instant results.


The obvious “lack of disadvantages” in comparison with the number of advantages of this powder, safety for humans and a wide choice when purchasing the product were appreciated by insect fighters who actively use dust when treating premises against pests.

Video: Instructions for dust from bedbugs

Harm to humans

The question often arises of how toxic anti-bug products are. Scientists say DDT has harmful effects on the environment and interferes with the human endocrine system. However, the health organization considers this drug moderately toxic. There is a risk of chronic poisoning if it is used daily for a long time. With long-term use of out dust at home, there is a risk of disruption of the following body functions:

  • The endocrine reproductive system is destroyed.
  • Sperm quality decreases.
  • There is a risk of premature birth.
  • The menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  • The quality of lactation deteriorates.

Product reviews

  1. Hello. I appeal to those people who suffer from domestic ants. I've been fighting them for two years and it's all to no avail. But one event happened that helped get rid of the unexpected guests. When mosquitoes appeared, we had to turn on the fumigator. And suddenly I noticed how a bunch of goosebumps were spinning in agony. Next, we close all the windows, turn on the device and leave for a few days to the dacha with all the living creatures (cats, dogs, fish). Now they are gone. Andrey.
  2. I fought insects with borax. I draw your attention to the fact that it is not boric acid. Mix unsalted minced meat and 2 tablespoons of powder. After several days they were gone. An excellent product without chemicals. Love.
  3. Good afternoon. I want to tell you how I got rid of unexpected guests. The first time, I noticed goosebumps on an apple core that was accidentally left behind. This just shocked me. I used all the methods of struggle that were available, but they came back again. And thanks to information on the Internet, I read that all neighbors need to fight. I decided to go around all the apartments and interview the neighbors. As a result, it turned out that the guests were not only staying with me. Armed with drugs, we all took up the fight together. We used Rubit gel for processing. Now not only I have no insects, but also my neighbors. How wonderful it is to have the Internet. Angela.
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