There are no mosquitoes and McDonald's, and children can only be called by names from a list approved by the government: a few facts about Iceland

During the summer season, picnickers have to stock up on mosquito repellents. Little bloodsuckers can not only ruin your vacation, but also cause trouble. About 20,000,000 people die from malaria every year. Mostly these are children. Insects are carriers of other dangerous diseases, including certain types of fevers. Millions of people around the world dream that little “vampires” will become completely extinct. It turns out that not everyone is bothered by these squeaky insects. There are countries on earth where there are no mosquitoes.

Who are they - little bloodsuckers?

Mosquitoes belong to the family of dipterous insects.
All their representatives are characterized by oral organs, represented by the upper and lower lips, forming a sheath. It has 2 pairs of jaws in the form of thin needles. Males differ from females: their jaws are underdeveloped, so they cannot bite. There are about 3,000 species of mosquitoes on earth, of which 100 live in Russia. Blood-sucking insects are distributed throughout the world. But there are places where there are no mosquitoes at all.

It is the female that feeds on human blood. She is a carrier of infections and dangerous diseases. A mosquito evaluates the attractiveness of a human individual based on several “points.” Among them are the body's natural aroma, the presence of perfume and blood type.

Interesting facts from the life of Dmitry Komarov

  • Since childhood, Dmitry dreamed of working in the social sphere and communicating a lot with people.
  • Favorite dishes are gazpacho and lobster with Bechamel sauce.
  • Dmitry's team has a minibus with the inscription Komarov, on which they travel within the CIS.
  • In his free time, Komarov goes to the airfield to fly. He flies at the controls of the Yak-18T, Yak-52, and Cessna 150.
  • One day Dmitry broke his camera while traveling in the Himalayas. It was not possible to find the same lens in Ukraine or Nepal. Therefore, he had to find fans in Moscow, who helped out the TV presenter and donated the equipment through tourists.

Population Reproduction

The female mosquito is the successor of the family and is responsible for bearing and hatching the eggs. Male mosquitoes are only responsible for fertilizing the female.

Life cycle

The mosquito can hatch up to one hundred and fifty eggs in one go. In a week, they hatch into larvae, which go through four stages of development in a month and transform into a pupa, from which an adult insect is formed after five days.

An interesting fact is that insects are ready to mate immediately after emerging from the pupae. Males choose more mature females for fertilization.


How long does a mosquito live? Often, the lifespan of a mosquito depends on its living conditions. The answer to this question will always be different.

How long do mosquitoes live in an apartment? Until they are destroyed using special means or a firecracker.

The lifespan of a mosquito in nature is much longer. Biological studies reliably show how many days a mosquito lives. The air temperature indicator tends to fluctuate, but the life expectancy of an insect depends on its value:

  • at + 25°C it lives from 30 to 40 days;
  • at + 20°C – up to 60 days;
  • at + 15°C – up to 115 days;
  • at + 10°C - up to 120 days.

How do mosquitoes spend the winter? After all, for example, hatched individuals in October experience cold weather due to their lifespan.

In winter, mosquitoes can take root in people's apartments and warm basements. Where do they winter in natural conditions? Rotten stumps, remnants of vegetation - leaves, moss, various burrows and crevices where they hide help them survive the winter. They are, one might say, hibernating. Physiological processes in the body of a fertilized female slow down, and she lays eggs as the weather warms up. And with the onset of cold weather, males die for lack of a food source - nectar.


What do mosquitoes eat? The larvae have the opportunity to feed on particles of vegetation and microorganisms found in the water of the reservoir, which they pass through themselves. Adults survive on flower nectar. Then the question arises: why do mosquitoes drink the blood of humans and animals?

To bear and lay eggs, the female needs a lot of strength; nectar does not provide her with the necessary nutrients, while blood contributes to her complete saturation. This is why mosquitoes drink blood.

It should be noted that males do not bite, only females are voracious and in the moments after fertilization. The female mosquito sucks blood in order to gain strength and survive so that the population can continue to continue. If there is no source of blood nearby, then she dies after laying eggs, and her offspring are weak.

At one time, a mosquito can suck blood twice its weight, because the stretching abdomen is adapted to increase its size.

Life cycle

The lower part of the eggs is equipped with a special “hatch”. After 2-8 days, larvae emerge from the clutch. They need to gain strength and grow up. To do this, the newborn bloodworm feeds on protozoa, single-celled algae and bacteria. The body length of the larvae is only 1 mm. In the tail part there is a breathing tube with which they pierce the surface of the water and absorb atmospheric air. How many legs does the squeak mosquito have in its larval stage? Yes, they simply don’t exist! The slightest threat - and, wriggling its whole body, the bloodworm will hide in the water column.

In three weeks, the larva goes through 4 stages of molting. Their body increases in size to 8-10 mm, lengthening 8 times. After such metamorphoses, which are also accompanied by internal changes, pupae appear. They are sometimes called “devils” due to the presence of two respiratory processes in the head. Externally, the bloodworm looks like a tightly coiled worm, reminiscent of a comma.

The next stage of development ends in a week. Having shed the skin of the pupa, the mosquito spreads its wings and takes flight.

Types of mosquitoes living in Azov

You need to “know the enemy by sight,” so those planning to go on vacation to this region would do well to inquire what types of mosquitoes are most common in the Sea of ​​Azov.

A local “attraction” is the so-called ringing mosquito (jerk or green mosquito). And in the literal sense of the word. In Berdyansk there is even a monument erected to this insect.

It turns out that the bell mosquito occupies an important place in the ecosystem. Its larvae - bloodworms, which live at the bottom of the local swamps, serve as excellent food for fish. But the main thing is that as a result of their activity they produce and leave in the mud many substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

One of the main features of this type of insect is the presence of underdeveloped oral organs. The bell mosquito does not feed on anything at all after it turns into an adult. It lives no more than a week, does not bite, is not a carrier of the disease and does not pose any danger to people. But with their specific ringing, which males emit to lure a female, they are capable of infuriating the calmest person.

In addition, multiplying in huge numbers, they fill everything around: they sit in the bushes, gather near the water, climb under clothes, climb into food. To get rid of an unwanted neighborhood, you have to take “radical” measures.

No matter how annoying these insects are, they will seem like just harmless mosquitoes compared to their gray “brothers”. This is who is the real scourge of the Azov and Black Seas! These mosquitoes appear in April-May and disappear only in September-October. During a season they are capable of producing from 1 to 3 generations of insects. Blood-sucking mosquitoes live everywhere; in search of a “victim” they travel dozens of kilometers.

Special sensors located on the antennae help the female find a suitable “object”. They are very sensitive both to ordinary thermal radiation that comes from living beings, and to products formed as a result of metabolism. For example, they can smell the smell of lactic acid, which is contained in sweat, 3(!) km away. It is impossible to outwit mosquitoes by using perfume or deodorant. And if it contains musk, it will further irritate and attract insects. That is why those who go on vacation should not use cosmetics and hygiene products with a strong odor.

Mosquitoes are big “gourmets”; they will not bite “just anyone.” Most of all they love blood of the 1st and 2nd groups, preferring to attack children, women and those who suffer from obesity and heart disease.

But this does not mean at all that if a person does not belong to these categories, then mosquitoes will fly around him. Under no circumstances should these insects be ignored, since they are carriers of many dangerous diseases - encephalitis, meningitis. Therefore, those who go on holiday to the sea, especially with children, should think about how to protect themselves from mosquitoes.

There is little point in hoping that such a problem can be avoided. There are practically no places where there are no mosquitoes on the Azov Sea. They are present everywhere in varying quantities. Their numbers may change depending on the weather, air temperature, and wind, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to wait until the moment when there is not a single mosquito nearby.

Way to success

At the age of 25, Dmitry started thinking about creating his own project.
While traveling in Thailand, the idea for a travel show concept came up. This event became key because Komarov realized that photographs could not fully convey the sensations that he was experiencing. At that time, the hero had traveled to more than 20 exotic countries. Money for filming did not appear immediately, since Dima was a little-known journalist with no experience working with similar projects and no opportunity to make significant money.

For this reason, he, together with his friend and cameraman Alexander Dmitriev, went on his first trip to Cambodia at his own expense. It was decided to conduct the program in Russian in order to reach a larger audience.

The initiative received public recognition. On December 11, 2010, the program “The World Inside Out” was first broadcast on the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”. High ratings and positive reviews from famous personalities became the reason for the extension of the project for the next season. Dmitry is not afraid of difficulties and traveling to forgotten tribes, which is the reason for the popularity of the program.

Video about Dmitry Komarov

Since then, there has been interest in how much Dmitry Komarov earns from the “The World Inside Out” program. It is worth noting that the amount is not small, judging by the appearances and hobbies of the presenter.

Countries without mosquitoes

Pesky little blood-sucking creatures are quite annoying to most people in the warm season. To combat parasites, many different mosquito repellents and devices have been invented. But there are countries where there are no mosquitoes and midges. Experts attribute this fact to the lack of proper living conditions, but sometimes all requirements are met, and bloodsuckers are not encountered.

Countries without mosquitoes

Which country has no mosquitoes is something everyone who plans to spend a relaxing, bite-free holiday would like to know, going to various lovely places on the planet.

  • There are no species of mosquitoes or mosquitoes in Iceland. The reason for this phenomenon has not been established. Experts suggest that insects are absent due to frequent climate changes - sudden alternations of cold in summer and thaw in winter.
  • On the Fairy Islands, which are part of Denmark, you can also relax peacefully.
  • The Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve attracts many tourists every year; it is surprising that there are no mosquitoes. The reserve is located in the Greater Caucasus. The main reason is the unsuitable mountainous terrain. There are no pests not only in the high mountains, but also in the lowlands. There are no bodies of water that insects need for reproduction and laying larvae.
  • When choosing a trip to the sea, you can safely choose Turkey. There are few mosquitoes in this country. When the windows are open, blood-sucking parasites do not fly into the apartment. Near the sea, the breeze repels insects. However, mosquitoes are still found in Turkey.
  • There are practically no insect data in Finland. Experts explain this by the lack of stagnant bodies of water in the country. Fast-flowing water does not allow insects to reproduce or lay eggs. Insects love wetlands.


Many people are surprised why there are no mosquitoes in Germany. The climate is quite satisfactory - constant dampness, warmth, many bodies of water, forests. This fact is explained by thorough sanitary treatment of wildlife from these insects. There is no country in the world that can compete with Germany in scrupulousness. There are no rubble, rotting trees, or abandoned reservoirs on the territory of this country. Thanks to the right actions of people, we achieved the desired result.


Iceland's location is quite dangerous from a seismological point of view. The country is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which separates the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. The plates are very active and are in constant motion, resulting in the formation of voids that are filled with magma. There are more than a hundred volcanoes in Iceland, and three dozen of them are very active.

A place where there are no mosquitoes in Russia - it exists!

Residents of our country will probably have a question about where in Russia there are no mosquitoes and midges. Due to climatic factors, they cannot be found only on snow-covered islands and on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, where the temperature never reaches the specified minimum of +10ۥC. Already a couple of hundred kilometers to the south, in the tundra, there are clouds of mosquitoes and midges. And even though their season is extremely short, no more than a month, bloodsuckers manage to cause a lot of trouble for reindeer herders. Insects can drink up to 300 ml of reindeer blood per day.

There are extremely few dipterans in the steppe and semi-desert zones of the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, in Kalmykia. However, it is still impossible to call these regions areas where there are absolutely no ticks and mosquitoes. There are a lot of them in the lower reaches of the Volga.

Bloodsuckers are not found in the highlands of the Greater Caucasus Range - due to the low temperatures that always prevail at altitudes above 3000 meters above sea level.

However, in the Caucasus there is also a non-high mountain area where there is not a single species of mosquito. This is the valley of the Teberda River in Karachay-Cherkessia. The absence of insects is due to the unique local climate: the closed valley receives clean, cold and very dry mountain air all year round. Summer in the valley, despite intense insolation (2200 hours of sunshine per year), is always cool, which, coupled with the absence of sources of standing water, makes mosquito breeding, if not impossible, then extremely difficult. For 100 years now, the city of Teberda has been a center of balneological and climatic tourism and the only place in Russia where you will never hear the annoying mosquito singing.

City of dead

The Indian “capital of death”, where corpses from all over the country are burned on the banks of the Ganges.


Varanasi city in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Hindus themselves do not consider Varanasi terrible at all. For them it is a city of light, a holy place. By the way, this is one of the most ancient human settlements on Earth, which at some point was contemporary with Babylon and Luxor. Varanasi is also considered a major cultural center. There are four universities here and a good half of Indian cultural figures live here.

However, if you, unprepared for the general Indian dirt and poverty, get here straight from the plane, you will not find it enough. According to Hindu belief, a person who dies or is at least cremated in Varanasi, where Buddha delivered his first sermon, has a serious chance of stopping rebirth without any lifetime meditation or deprivation, freeing himself from samsara and achieving what in European understanding is called nirvana.

As a result, the city is filled with terminally ill Indians dying of old age, and not all of them have enough money for a hotel, so they often plunge into nirvana right on the streets. Add to this the huge number of beggars and scammers profiting from the soul-saving atmosphere of the place. Also keep in mind that funeral chariots ply the streets, carrying corpses from all over the country for ritual burning on the banks of the Ganges. What remains after the burning, as well as a fair amount of city garbage, is dumped directly into the holy river, where in the morning the local population washes and brushes their teeth. We warn you that photographing a ritual cremation and even looking at it is considered a great sin for foreigners. So, if you had any chance to free yourself from samsara before looking at these photographs, now we will definitely take you with us!

What to see nearby

You can take a break from the horrors of Varanasi, for example, in the state of Sikkim, which in Indian mythology is considered the garden of the god Indra, the patron saint of paradise. There really are some signs of Eden here. For example, due to the fact that the state is located at different altitudes at the foot of the Himalayas, on its territory you can find about five thousand species of flowering plants, and not just any buttercups, but various orchids, poinsettias and, God forgive me, rhododendrons. There are crystal clear alpine lakes and a bunch of picturesque Buddhist temples here. And here, as you know, Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov wanders along a mysterious mountain path.

Why is there no malaria in Primorye?

Another interesting fact is related to the characteristics of Anopheles mosquitoes, carriers of malarial plasmodium. The largest number of species of this dangerous insect live in the tropics, however, in Russia you can also find 9 varieties of Anopheles. They are not found only in the Arctic and Eastern Siberia, where the climate is too harsh for pests. But in the humid climate of the Far East, malaria mosquitoes feel excellent. But, paradoxically, this cannot be said about the eternal companions of Anopheles - the parasites Plasmodium.

For reasons still unclear, these parasites do not survive in the dampness of the Far East. Therefore, no matter how hard the malaria mosquito tries in Primorye or in the Khabarovsk Territory, if it bites you with malaria, it will not infect you. True, the virus can easily transmit Japanese encephalitis and other dangerous infections.


The number of mosquitoes depends on the ambient temperature - the lower it is, the fewer mosquitoes you can find. However, recently the mosquito range has undergone significant mutation. Insects are beginning to adapt to harsher climate conditions. Scientists say that after some time, mosquitoes may colonize the territory of Antarctica.

In areas with a humid climate and warm fresh water bodies, bloodsuckers pose the greatest danger. Mosquitoes have taken root well in the taiga, where large amounts of rainfall regularly occur. Many of these insects live in stagnant waters with a large number of different bacteria and viruses. It is because of this that mosquitoes become carriers of dangerous diseases.

Are there mosquitoes in Iceland?

Iceland is home to 1,600 species of land animals. Despite this diversity, one species is missing! One of the positive things about Iceland is the absence of mosquitoes on the island. But is it? Are there other insects there? Let's figure it out.

There are really no mosquitoes in Iceland or not yet

Of course, Icelanders are very happy about this fact. Because these midges kill 830,000 people every year. True, such mass deaths occur mostly in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and Asia.

Many people wonder why there are no mosquitoes in Iceland (by the way, in the Faroe Islands either), but in the neighboring countries surrounding it there are? Even in Greenland there are two types of mosquitoes, 28 species are found in Norway, 28 species in the UK, and another 41 species can be found in neighboring countries east of Iceland. But why are there no mosquitoes in Iceland itself?

The reason for the absence of mosquitoes in Iceland probably lies in the special Icelandic conditions: “In Greenland and northern Scandinavia, the mosquito larva hibernates under the ice in winter and hatches from the egg as soon as the ice melts. This happens in the spring. But Icelandic winters are changeable.

In the middle of winter there may be a sudden increase in temperature with a thaw, then the temperature may drop significantly again. In such changing conditions, it is difficult for mosquito larvae to hatch. Climate change in Iceland is happening so quickly that the mosquito does not have enough time to complete its life cycle. Under these conditions, the larva simply does not mature. Therefore, there is not a single species of mosquito on the island.

Entomologist Erling Ólafsson believes that winter weather fluctuations are also not a likely explanation for the lack of mosquitoes. He says it's more likely the chemistry of the water and soil that plays a role. Midges and black flies exist in Iceland, especially in the Lake Mývatn area. Although they bite and some are even blood-sucking, they are not as dangerous as mosquitoes.

However, one mosquito made history in Iceland! In the 1980s, University of Iceland professor Gísli Már Gíslason discovered the insect on board an Icelandair plane and captured it for a sample. Today this mosquito is preserved in a test tube at the Icelandic Institute of National History.

Professor Gísli Már Gíslason.

Scientists concerned about global warming suggest that mosquitoes may one day appear in Iceland. Since the climate is changing towards warming, which will allow mosquito larvae to go through their entire life cycle.

But are there other insects in Iceland?

There are two types of midges in Iceland.

The first is rykmý (isl.), known as chironomids or bell mosquitoes, a family from the order Diptera. The mosquito got its name because of the characteristic sound that is produced due to the fact that the insect flaps its wings up to 1000 beats per second. Adults do not feed on anything; their oral organs are underdeveloped. They don't bite.

Chironomidae (Chiller mosquito)

The second - bitmý (simulium vittatum) - the largest genus of dipterans from the family of midges that breed in water bodies, since to lay eggs the female dives under water into fast-flowing streams and even waterfalls and is known to bite both people and animals.

Reasons for the absence of mosquitoes

Many travelers are interested in the question of whether it is true that mosquitoes do not live on the island. This is a scientifically proven fact, but the exact cause of this phenomenon has not been established. At the same time, in Greenland, Norway and all other surrounding countries there are a large number of blood-sucking insects.

Among the most likely reasons, experts highlight the country’s special climatic conditions. In Scandinavia or Greenland, the larvae of blood-sucking insects overwinter under the ice. In the spring, with the onset of warmth, the ice begins to melt, mosquito larvae hatch and begin active life.

The country's climatic conditions differ significantly from Scandinavian ones. Winters here are changeable; a sharp increase in air temperature in mid-January-February is often accompanied by a rapid decrease. This leads to disruption of the life cycle of parasites; after the Icelandic winter, the pupae do not survive.

The main reason for the absence of parasites on the island is considered to be sudden changes in weather

The country's climate changes are changing extremely quickly and rapidly, so the blood-sucking insect simply does not have time to complete its life cycle. As a result, the larva does not mature. That is why it is impossible to find a single species of mosquito here.

Other Possible Factors

There are other widespread theories according to which sudden changes in the island's climatic conditions are not the main reason for the absence of mosquitoes on its territory. Many entomologists believe that the fundamental factor is the special biochemical composition of the soil and water on the island.

This explains why there are no mosquitoes in Iceland, but there are black flies, black flies and some blood-sucking insects.

It is interesting that the only mosquito is still recorded in the history of the island. It was discovered in 1984 on board an Icelandair airliner and captured by entomologists. Today this insect is a specimen of the Institute of National History of Iceland.

According to the third theory, mosquitoes are absent on the island, but may appear soon. Due to global warming, the climatic conditions of Iceland are also changing, which will allow blood-sucking insects to fully survive their entire normal life cycle.

Many scientists attribute the absence of mosquitoes to the composition of the soil and water

Iceland is an amazingly beautiful, fascinating country that is completely mosquito-free. It is believed that the main reason for this is the special climatic conditions of the island. But, according to many scientists, global warming may cause the appearance of these blood-sucking parasites on the island.

Unique rock

On the territory of Iceland there is an amazing natural attraction - a rock very similar to the head of an elephant. It is located on the Westman Islands and appeared as a result of a powerful volcanic eruption in 1973. The spectacle is truly amazing. It seems that an elephant of incredible size came to a watering hole and simply lowered its trunk into the water. Nature even took care of the texture of the skin: the basalt formed wrinkles like real ones.

Why there might be more mosquitoes in Iceland

According to experts from The New York Times, Iceland may lose its status as a “mosquito-free country” due to global warming. As already mentioned, the climate of the country is almost no different from the weather where insects feel great. In addition, there are enough reservoirs necessary for mosquito breeding.

But with increasing global warming, the situation may worsen. If it is the climate that really keeps mosquitoes away, then the island may lose its protection. Statistics show that this is quite possible: over the past 20 years, due to an increase in the average annual temperature, about 200 new species of insects have appeared in the country, which local residents have never heard of. And if warming continues, then Icelanders will most likely not be able to avoid mosquito infestations. However, scientists' theory may be wrong: if mosquitoes are repelled not by the climate, but by the chemical composition of the soil, then global warming will not play any role.

Does he have a wife? Personal life of Dmitry Komarov

Komarov is married to “Miss Ukraine 2016” Alexandra Kucherenko. The couple hid their relationship for several years. They met when Alexandra took part in a beauty contest.

Photo: Instagram

Dmitry proposed to his beloved in a helicopter.

“It was noisy there, you couldn’t really talk. I took out the ring and asked with my gaze: “Yes?” She also answered: “yes.” I put on the ring, we landed and went to a restaurant to celebrate this event,” said Dmitry.

Frame from the program “High Life”

The couple had a secret wedding.

“The painting took place in Kyiv, and we got married in Jerusalem,” said the bride.

Photo: Instagram The lovers spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. Dmitry wanted to fulfill his dream and climb Everest with Alexandra, but the busy work schedule did not allow the couple to do this.

Frame from the program “High Life”

What a mosquito doesn't like

Iceland is a European country where there are no mosquitoes. But you shouldn’t go there just to enjoy the absence of these annoying insects. Let's find out the main factors that irritate and repel mosquitoes.

Little “vampires” prefer victims who are intoxicated. This is due to the peculiar smell that comes from their skin. Strong drinks make the human body warm, moisturized, and, in the summer, sticky. All these moments are very attractive to mosquitoes.

Blood-sucking insects do not like citrus aroma, dryness, or smoke. In places where there is a frequent concentration of mosquitoes, it is recommended to light a fire and have plants with a bitter citrus smell. Little “vampires” love water very much. They lay larvae near water sources. Therefore, dry places will not be attractive to them.

Where are there no mosquitoes yet? They are wary of places where picaridin is present. This is a synthetic compound that was developed from a plant that resembles hot peppers. It is added to preparations used to protect against mosquitoes. It keeps insects at a distance.

How to eliminate uninvited guests

Controlling winter mosquitoes is not that difficult. They are sensitive to the same methods as other bloodsuckers. This is not surprising, given that both have approximately the same nervous system.

The choice of method for getting rid of winter mosquitoes in a house depends on the type and purpose of housing. If these are residential premises, ordinary and familiar fumigators or exterminator lamps will do. There is no need to look for special plates or liquids. There are enough of those that are available for free sale. The problem can be fixed in 30-40 minutes.

As for basements and other places where people rarely visit, you can use special insecticides. They are toxic and can be dangerous to people. Therefore, chemicals must be sprayed carefully and in compliance with prescribed safety precautions. The process of treating basements against mosquitoes is described in detail in this article.

Insecticides are also used to treat drains, areas with standing water that can harbor insects. Identical methods are recommended for processing outbuildings and garden plots. There is no point in using gas traps. Winter mosquitoes are not at all interested in attacking people. But light and ultraviolet light can play a positive role: representatives of the family willingly fly to bright sources.

  • What really helps against mosquitoes
  • Getting rid of mosquitoes in an apartment or house

What happens if mosquitoes disappear

A mass extinction of flies on earth would be considered an environmental disaster. The complete disappearance of blood-sucking insects also poses a considerable danger. We know which country has no mosquitoes - Iceland. And the people living there do not face environmental problems. But this is the exception rather than the rule. If there were no mosquitoes on the ground, the following unpleasant moments would arise:

  1. Many species of fish have disappeared from the lakes.
  2. In reservoirs, the number of plants that feed on the larvae of blood-sucking insects has decreased.
  3. Plants pollinated by mosquitoes have disappeared.
  4. Some bird species have left the cities. Among them are swallows and swifts. Bird populations in the Arctic tundra would also decline.
  5. The number of other “vampires” has increased: horseflies, ticks, deer bloodsuckers, midges, and land leeches.

Yes, there are places on earth where there are no mosquitoes. But there are few of them. People should not strive to increase their number. The disappearance of blood-sucking insects will become a source of new environmental problems. Therefore, they cannot be completely exterminated. Any living organism was not conceived by nature in vain. In addition to harm, it brings many benefits to humans.

Lack of railway

Surprisingly, there is no railway in Iceland. Of course, there were proposals and developments, but not a single project was of interest to the government and was not started. There are no passenger roads, this is true, but throughout the history of Iceland there was still one road, it was built for the construction of breakwaters. The rejection of this type of transport is quite logical: there are too few people in the country for this type of transport to pay for itself. In addition, Iceland has a well-developed road network, so there is no point in creating competition between the two industries.

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How to protect children and adults from mosquito attacks

Of course, you can completely exterminate all mosquitoes and then life will sparkle with new colors. But don't forget that mosquitoes are part of the food chain. By exterminating them, other living beings will die, which will disrupt the ecosystem. In order to escape from mosquitoes, several methods are used, strictly taking into account the age category

Folk remedies

The most popular are the effects of essential oils with a pungent odor (cloves, rosemary, anise and a number of others). Pour boiling water over 2-3 teaspoons of one of these oils and let stand for 10-15 minutes.


This group of funds is divided into several groups:

  • used indoors – fumigators and fumigants. They completely destroy mosquitoes. The effect lasts 8-12 hours;
  • personal use – creams, aerosols, lotions. They are applied to the skin. Valid for 2-4 hours;
  • used only on the streets - pyrotechnic spirals and ignition candles. They are valid up to 20 sq. meters.

You can get rid of mosquitoes for a while, but they cannot be completely exterminated - it is dangerous for the ecosystem.

Motuo County, China

Motuo County is believed to be the last one in China where there is no road leading to this place. This is one of the most untouched and unexplored places in the world where there are still untouched cities. There is an overland route, which is quite dangerous, going through parts of the Himalayas that are completely frozen. To cross into Motuo County, a person must cross a 200-meter suspension bridge. There is a huge variety of plants here, which makes this place especially cute and mysterious at the same time. But numerous attempts to make a road here failed due to the unique nature of this area, prone to avalanches and mudflows.

How scientists explain the mosquito invasion in the summer of 2020 in Russia

If in the spring nothing was heard about mosquitoes in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, then in the summer of 2022 whole hordes of these unpleasant insects are literally attacking Russians. Most experts are confident that the cause of such invasions is altered natural conditions. Most often, the development of mosquitoes begins in May, when the snow melts and the ice in water bodies melts. But in 2022 the situation was different.

Vadim Maryinsky, who is a researcher at the Department of General Ecology and Hydrobiology of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, shared his opinion:

“In most regions of Russia in the winter of 2022 there is very little snow, the spring was quite cool and practically without rain. And only summer brought rain and long-awaited warmth. It is known that mosquitoes develop from larvae. And for the latter, an aquatic environment is needed where there will be no fish. Otherwise, the larvae will simply be eaten. More often these are swamps, large puddles or ponds. The development cycle is 2-3 weeks. And this is the picture I have of the Russians today.”

Recently, information has spread on the Internet that the reason for such a huge invasion of mosquitoes was the observance of self-isolation by many people. People stayed at home and practically did not go out into the fresh air. Now hungry mosquitoes attack people in hordes, trying to make up for lost time and energy. The version is interesting, but with a touch of humor.




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