The best mosquito repellents for children: up to a year, from a year, natural and folk. We study the composition, price and effectiveness

Mosquitoes are harmful blood-sucking insects. They pose three main dangers:

  1. Possibility of an allergic reaction. The immune system of children, due to their developmental characteristics, is more vulnerable and reacts sharply to the introduction of foreign substances into the body. Bites can provoke a pronounced response. Up to anaphylactic shock.
  2. The likelihood of transmission of infections through vector-borne means. Again, children's immunity is more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Defense forces are just being formed.
  3. Possibility of inflammation and suppuration of the bite site. Don't forget about the secondary bacterial process. Everything can end in an abscess or more dangerous consequences.

The dangers are very real. Therefore, children need to be protected from mosquitoes as much as possible. For these purposes, special means are actively used - repellents that drive away uninvited guests. Or special compounds that provoke the death of insects.

Harm and danger of mosquito bites for babies

Although mosquitoes in Europe and Russia are not carriers of terrible infectious diseases, like their counterparts from tropical countries, their bites still pose some danger to small children.

The immune system in children under one year of age is still developing; the amount of antibodies produced is not able to cope with the consequences of the toxic substance that flying insects inject during a bite. And negative factors such as itching, redness and swelling or inflammation of the affected skin can cause a lot of discomfort for babies.

After being bitten by “bloodsuckers”, children may experience unpleasant symptoms:

  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • itching and burning;
  • when scratching the wound, infection may occur;
  • deterioration of sleep and well-being.

On a note!

The use of various drugs against mosquitoes and midges for young children has its own nuances: many of the substances they contain can cause an allergic reaction and irritation of the skin in infants. Therefore, special children's products are recommended for them.

Indications for use

This drug is used as a means of protecting children from mosquitoes, however, the medication also has additional properties. This allows it to be used to solve a wider range of problems. In addition to protecting the skin, the product is used for:

  • healing wounds, burns, eliminating bleeding;
  • neutralization of the toxic effect upon contact with poisonous plants, poisons from snake bites;
  • elimination of edema of various etiologies;
  • protects the skin from UV, prevents photoaging, skin pigmentation, sunburn;
  • preventing dryness, nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  • prevention of vascular bruises, mesh, normalization of vascular tone, capillaries of the epidermis;
  • improving metabolic processes in skin cells, preventing cracks, dryness, burning;
  • treatment of acne (acne), skin rashes that are triggered by changing climatic conditions;
  • eliminating unpleasant odors caused by bacterial imbalance, preventing the development of pathogenic flora;
  • In winter, the product is recommended to prevent frostbite, dry skin, and cracks.

Mosquito repellent methods

Methods for protecting infants from mosquitoes
In order to protect an infant from attacks by blood-sucking insects and ensure his safety, you can use various means:

  • individual, which can be applied to skin or clothing;
  • homemade, used only indoors;
  • street ones that protect children while walking.

The most reliable and simple mosquito repellent for infants is a mosquito net or fabric that does not come into contact with the child’s skin, but blocks the access of insects to the child. In the room it can be installed on the windows; during a walk, such a veil can be used to cover the stroller.

Modern industry produces many different types of such nets from high-quality fabrics, the small cells in which prevent even tiny insects from flying through. They not only protect the baby from bites, but also from city dust and fluff.


For infants, the most reliable protection is a mosquito net. I have one hanging on the window and the net also covers the stroller before going out into the fresh air. When there are a lot of mosquitoes, I also spray essential oil on the veil, it helps a lot.

Svetlana, Moscow

Release form

There are different repellents available for babies. This is personal protective equipment, for example, lotion, cream or bracelet. For babies, it is better to use repellents that are applied to the stroller, crib or clothing. And indoors, incense sticks or fumigators are more suitable. If placed away from the child, they will not have a harmful effect, but will drive insects out of the room.

Important! The product, which is applied to the skin, can be used no more than 2-3 times a day.


Such products care for the baby’s delicate skin, they are easy to apply and control the dosage. You can only use those that are intended for children. Use according to instructions.


It is well absorbed, cares for the skin, eliminates itching and irritation. Usually has a natural composition and does not cause allergies.


The repellent in aerosol form is convenient to spray on clothes, mosquito nets, and strollers. When used on babies, do not spray directly on them; the spray may enter the respiratory tract. You need to spray the product first on your hand, then carefully apply it to your body. It is not recommended to spray such products indoors.


Used in electric fumigators. Liquids with herbal composition are produced for children. “Nekusayka” and “Picnic” are effective. They contain chamomile extract, are odorless and safe from birth. It is advisable to turn it on in the absence of the baby.

Aroma sticks

Indoors you can use sticks with the scent of cloves, lemon, geranium, eucalyptus, and lavender. They repel insects. But it is recommended to light them only in the absence of children, 1-2 hours before bedtime.


For children, bracelets soaked in essential oils are used. They repel insects and last 1-2 weeks. For small children who put everything in their mouth, it is better to put them on their feet. Due to the fact that they have a pungent odor, they can cause allergies.

Fumigators for children

Fumigators against mosquitoes
The operation of electric fumigators is based on heating a removable plate or liquid in a bottle when the device is plugged into the power supply; the “bloodsuckers” fly away from the emitted smell.

Ultrasonic repellers

This device is as safe as possible for young children. Its action is based on the reproduction of ultrasonic signals that scare off attacking “bloodsuckers”. They come in several forms:

  • repeller-night light, which not only allows you to save a child from the attack of “bloodsuckers” at night, but also provides light;
  • Battery-powered keychains are designed for personal protection while walking in the fresh air.


However, you should be aware that ultrasonic repellers are not registered as safe by the federal authorities Rospotrebnadzor.


We use Citytek ultrasonic, I think this is the safest method, because no chemicals are used, and there are no mosquitoes.”

Anastasia, Bryansk

Mosquito repellent bracelets and clothespins

mosquito bracelets for children
Anti-mosquito bracelets for children were invented recently and have already gained wide popularity among mothers who prefer safe mosquito protection for their babies. It is recommended to put such a device on the child’s arm or leg, or attach it to a stroller or crib; the range of action on insects is 40-60 cm.

The most popular scare bracelets:

  • BugSTOP, Farewell Squeak - are a microfiber tape impregnated with citronella oil, there are no toxic substances. Protection lasts 170 hours. However, it is recommended to use it only from 3 years of age. Price 140-290 rub.
  • Gardex Baby is a mosquito repellent bracelet with a removable cartridge; geranium, lavender, citronella and mint oils are used for impregnation; it is used in children from 2 years of age. Price for a set with 3 plates – 300 rub.
  • Clothespin or clip Gardex Baby with a removable plate - fastens to the baby’s clothes or stroller, helps protect the child from the attack of blood-sucking insects in the open air, repelling with the smell of essential oils. Price 300 rub. For children from 2 years old.
  • Green luck (China) with citronella oil - will help protect your baby from insects for up to 480 hours, sold in several colors, price 200 rubles.


I bought 2 bracelets for my daughter specifically for a trip to the forest, attached one to the leg, the other to the side of the stroller. However, I was disappointed, because in nature they did little to help against mosquitoes; I also had to save myself from the bloodsuckers manually, swatting them with newspaper.

Alina, Moscow

What are the advantages of straps?

Let's consider the positive properties of anti-mosquito bracelets.

  • They are safe. The silicone from which the accessory is made is hypoallergenic. If the strap is fabric, then the material will be natural. The bracelets are soaked in oil, which is also a natural product that cannot harm a person (with the exception of allergies).
  • They are easy to use. Simply put the bracelet on your hand and fasten it with Velcro or a button. It is better not to cut off the excess, since there is impregnation there.
  • They are durable. Provided proper storage and use, such a protective agent will be enough for the entire season of activity of blood-sucking insects.
  • They are comfortable. A person simply puts on the strap and calmly goes about his business without feeling any discomfort. Now you can easily go with your family and friends for a picnic in a forest plantation, for a walk with the dog in the park, or for a bike ride.

Advice! After removing the bracelet, you should immediately put it in a container, where it should remain until the next time. This is necessary to prevent unnecessary evaporation of the impregnation.

Folk remedies for infants

To protect your baby from “bloodsuckers”, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products; mosquito repellent liquid or cream for children under one year old can be made independently at home. To prepare it you need: water, vegetable oil and a few drops of various essential oils (cloves, lemongrass, citronella and tea tree). It is better to pour the mixture into a cosmetic spray bottle, wash it well and dry it first.

Preventing mosquito attacks on children

For mothers taking walks with their babies in the fresh air, it is recommended to follow the rules that will help not attract blood-sucking insects to themselves and their child:

  • mosquitoes fly towards the scent of perfume, dark clothes or bright lipstick, so using them is not recommended;
  • there is no need to apply a large amount of anti-mosquito agent to the skin; it would be optimal to use clothes or a stroller visor for this, which is safer for the child;
  • You cannot use protective medications too often; it is better to apply them immediately before going outside;
  • You must follow the instructions for storing the drug and monitor its expiration date.

Protective agents against “bloodsuckers” for young children, especially infants, must be highly effective and as safe as possible. For children under 6 months, it is better not to use cosmetic products at all, but only folk remedies for mosquitoes for newborns, made at home.

Features of straps

Bracelets are made from different materials. Textile and silicone are especially popular, but their effectiveness does not depend on the structure of the product or design.

It is important to use the product correctly, and for this you must first read the instructions. It is best to store the strap, as recommended by the manufacturer, in a special convenient container.

Bracelets for children and adults differ in length and size. For the latter, they are wider, which is completely natural. The color and design can be chosen to suit your taste.

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