4 versions: why are cockroaches called Stasik and other names?

Red cockroaches are among the most common parasites that live in apartments and private houses. Pests greatly annoy apartment owners; they have become so commonplace that they have acquired a lot of funny nicknames.

Stasik, Prusak, Felix, Tarasik. And the list is not complete. Why are cockroaches called stasis, what other names are used to refer to parasites - let's try to figure it out.

Marine version

It has long been ingrained in the minds of most people that the words cockroach and stasik are synonymous. There are many versions of awarding the Prussians with an affectionate and euphonious nickname, but the most common is called the sea one.

The reason is maritime and prison folklore, and this version, by the way, is confirmed by historical facts.

So, prisoners and sailors often called the widespread pubic lice a strong curse word. It was generally accepted that the causes of this infection were people of non-traditional sexual orientation, for whom harsh obscene words were used.

Over time, the use of swear words was considered unethical . And the strong curse word was replaced with the softer-sounding word “stas.” Many call cockroaches this way to this day. The diminutive nickname “stasik” is also used.

Is it possible?

Cockroaches not only look menacing, they pose a threat to humans. Cases of attacks on humans by Prussians and other individual species of cockroaches are not uncommon. Prussians attack humans due to lack of food and drink. The shortage can be caused by active persecution, lack of direct access to water, an increase in the number of individuals living in the same premises, as well as violation of sanitary standards and regulations.

Currently reading: A unique domestic pest - the red cockroach

When biting a person, cockroaches do not want to harm him, but only want to save their life. They are driven by the instinct of self-preservation. If there is enough food and water, cockroaches will not bite people.

Cockroaches hunt exclusively at night. They can only bite a sleeping person. The pest is quite cautious and timid, and will not approach a person when he is awake.

Different types of cockroaches have their favorite places. Black cockroaches live in the kitchen, red ones can get into cracks and move from room to room.

Mustached version

It can be explained why cockroaches are called stasikas: the nickname was attached to the insects in connection with the most important feature - the mustache.

There are two versions:

  • In pre-revolutionary times, the male name Stanislav was popular in noble families. The bearers of this name had a thick, lush mustache, which was carefully maintained. In addition, the people noted the craftiness and mobility of the Stanislavs, and since cockroaches run quickly, a line of correspondence was drawn between the nimble men and the insects.
  • The second version is as follows: previously it was believed that the Stanislavs had a thick mustache. And if they had a red color and a characteristic curl, such men looked like insects.

According to the above versions, the diminutive nickname “stasik” was chosen due to their nimbleness, long mustache and small size.

Types of cockroaches that indicate the territorial origin of insects

If some individuals are popularly called stasiks, then representatives of many species have less disparaging names. They are often classified according to territorial division.

Cockroach on a cutting board

American cockroach

Insects first appeared in Africa. Since the commodity-market relations of the mainland countries began to develop, longhorned beetles have spread throughout the world.

The carapace is more elongated and narrow. Insects of this species also have longer limbs. They are also distinguished by their ability to fly.

American cockroaches skillfully use their natural abilities.

Madagascar cockroach

These individuals are represented by a small number of species - about 20. Initially, they lived only on the island. Madagascar. But later they began to be grown by people in apartments and houses. The body length of individuals reaches 60 mm.

These insects do not look like simple stasis cockroaches. Habitats in their homeland are rotten trees and leaves. Insects feed on plant debris and spoiled fruits.

Gromphadorhina portentosa – Madagascar hissing cockroach

Turkmen cockroach

Known by different names, for example Shelfordella tartara. Body length is up to 3 cm. Such individuals are somewhat larger than Prussians, which people call stasiks. The outer integument is also red. The homeland of pests is Asia, which gave rise to the official name of insects. Males and females differ in color: the former have a lighter carapace, while the females have a darker carapace, with a pattern of dots that is faintly visible.

Turkmen cockroach close up


Most insects prefer warm climates. Only rare individuals are able to constantly exist in harsh conditions. This includes Lapland. It can be found in Europe; low temperatures do not frighten such a pest too much. External characteristics: gray-brown color (small dots on the back). The body length is small - 10 mm.

Lapland cockroach.

Australian giant cockroach or rhinoceros

In terms of body size, the pests are not inferior to those from Madagascar, they are even larger. The length of the pests is up to 8 cm. The top of the body of the insects is covered with a hard round-shaped shell. It is segmented. The color is dark brown, insects cannot fly. Cockroaches of this species have an interesting feature - they dig tunnels, which is facilitated by powerful paws, as well as a durable shell. The insects have not spread too much because they do not reproduce often. In 1 year, up to 40 nymphs appear, and sometimes less.

Insects have another name - rhinoceros. The pests began to be called that because of their resemblance to a heavy animal. Cockroaches have large limbs - more powerful than those of Prussians or representatives of other species. There is also a wide carapace, it is rigid, which allows it to withstand significant loads. Insects dig tunnels, and therefore they need reliable protection. These cockroaches make their homes underground. They are comfortable here: it is cool, the environment is always humid.

The Australian rhinoceros cockroach reaches a weight of 35 g

Anecdotal version

On the territory of the Soviet Union, the anecdote about a gray wolf suffering from a hangover, past whom a red cockroach, whose name sounded none other than Stasik, had the imprudence to run past was quite popular. The forest orderly, due to his own poor health, swatted the insect, supplying the movement with the phrase “if only you knew how bad I feel, Stasik.”

The above version can hardly be considered reliable, since the anecdote was distributed only in Russia . However, the nickname stasik has long been used to identify cockroaches in Ukraine, Belarus and other neighboring countries. However, this hypothesis also has a relative right to exist.

The funny thing is that if this option is true, then the choice of the name of the insect by the joke writer would determine how the mustachioed pests would be called in the future.

That is, if the author of the funny cockroach story had called Fedenka or Mishenka, these are the names that would have been in use to this day. It is difficult to imagine that insects that cause harm to households are called differently, however, the phrase stasik has not previously been mentioned to define parasites.

"Bearded" joke

The popular version of why cockroaches are called stasiks takes its roots from oral tradition. The following joke was once popular.

The wolf sits on a stump in a state of deep hangover. The head is buzzing, the thirst is tormenting. Looks like a cockroach is crawling. In a barely audible, hoarse voice, the wolf asks:

“What’s your name, red-haired creature?”

The insect answers in a squeaky voice:

- Stasik.

“You can’t even imagine, Stasik, how bad I feel now, how sick I am.” And he steps on the cockroach, crushing it with a characteristic crunch.

The meaning and humor of this opus is not entirely clear and understandable, so it is unlikely that this particular anecdote became the reason for the appearance of the euphemism.

Another version is a children's joke:

Vovochka asked his dad where children come from. To which his father replied: “Your mother and I took a handkerchief and spat on it. The next day we wake up, and there you are.”

Vovochka and her friend repeated all the manipulations. After waking up in the morning, they find a cockroach crawling into a scarf. “Well, let’s call him Stasik,” Vovochka said sadly.

Doubles version

The presence of luxurious mustaches on cockroaches can explain the possibility of applying to them the nickname not only Stasik, but Felix. It's easy to explain. As you know, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, a security officer in the Russian post-revolutionary space, had amazingly luxurious, rich facial hair.

People who are keen on nicknames, including offensive ones, quickly noted this outstanding feature and began calling nasty indoor parasites by the name Felix.

Prusak or Russian?

It is correct to say both ways. Both words appeared in the lexicon during the wars of the late 18th century , and were finally established after the invasion of Napoleon. Until this time, there were cockroaches in Russia, but in small quantities and were not particularly annoying.

As soon as the Prussian army entered the country, red insects quickly spread throughout the homes of Russian citizens. It is logical to assume that it was the soldiers of the enemy army cockroaches with them and so the name “Prussians” was attached to them.

Almost simultaneously with this, the boots of Russian soldiers set foot on Prussian territory. And immediately cockroaches spread across the western country. Residents of the cities reasonably assumed that it was Russian soldiers , so another name stuck - “hare.”

But who is really to blame? Don't call us racists, but the real culprits are the gypsies . During the wars, these unscrupulous people began mass migration, carrying with them myriads of cockroaches.

What are other names for cockroaches in different countries?

Cockroaches, as mentioned above, are the most common parasites. Even the ubiquitous blood-sucking bedbugs appear in homes much less frequently. It is precisely because of this prevalence that people use a lot of different names, each of which is funnier than the other.

The most popular ones:

  • Felix. One of the popular nicknames reflects the mood of the people of the post-revolutionary space. The generally hated security officer Dzerzhinsky had a luxurious thick mustache, which did not go unnoticed. It is thanks to him that parasites are still called felixes.
  • Prusak. The massive appearance of pests in the territories of villages and cities of the Russian state began during the invasion of their territories by Napoleon’s troops, that is, Prussian troops, this is what determines the name of the parasites. It is difficult to say whether it was the French soldiers who actually caused the massive spread of insects, but the fact remains. Before Bonaparte's invasion, there were no cockroaches in the Russian Empire.
  • Russian. The following fact is also interesting: the massive appearance of insects on French territory also coincided with the time of penetration of Russian troops, that is, the French believe that the cause of the appearance of parasites was Russian soldiers. Scientists suggest that this phenomenon is actually explained as follows: periods of war simply coincided with periods of rapid increase in the population of red cockroaches, which are distinguished by their tenacity and are distributed everywhere.
  • Tarasiki. The aristocratic and noble name for cockroaches, Stas, simply did not take root in the everyday life of ordinary people; the name Tarasik, which was easier to remember, came along. By the way, this nickname is still used to refer to people who are not neat and tidy.
  • Trams, tanks, cars. These names are still used in everyday life; it is easy to explain such interesting names. The given nicknames have some similarity in sound with the word cockroaches. In addition, the speed of movement of parasites is important.
  • Ryzhiki or Shuriki. The given nicknames explain the external color of the red parasites. These names were more often used in the Soviet Union, but they still enjoy considerable popularity to this day.
  • Zhivchiki. The name is popular, but its origin is unknown.

So, the reasons for the appearance of funny names were discussed above . It’s easy to explain why they have taken root among the people - it’s much easier to call unpleasant red-haired parasites using abbreviated funny phrases.

How to get rid of stasiks

Whatever the cockroach is called, in a rude or affectionate diminutive form, it should be remembered that it is dangerous. The pest carries many infections on its paws, and its waste products can trigger asthma attacks.

The most effective way to kill insects is to use insecticides. One of the safest and most effective for home use is gel. It is enough to apply the product to the substrates, place them in places where insects are located and move, and after 3 weeks there will be no trace left of the large colony. Gels are produced by the following brands:

  • Clean house;
  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Dohlox;
  • Lethal Force and many others.

No less effective are concentrates or powder mixtures, which are diluted with water before use in accordance with the instructions. These drugs show good results in heavily contaminated areas. Water-soluble powder Super Fas (not to be confused with the dust Fas Double) is allocated from the budget. In the middle price range are Sinuzan, Averfos, Sychlor, Tetrix.

Original scientific names of cockroaches

No less interesting names for cockroaches are used in the scientific world:

  • Dead Head. The name of this type of cockroach is simple to explain: on the wing covers of the insect there is a pattern that can be mistaken for the image of a head or skull.
  • Banana. There is no external resemblance between these cockroaches and bananas. The factor in choosing the name was the specific habitat of insects: cockroaches prefer to be localized in bunches of bananas.
  • Little car. This nickname is used among the people and the scientific world. They are usually called cockroaches, on the chest of which there are two large light spots that can be compared to headlights. The immediate function of these spots is to scare away enemies.
  • Furniture. Unlike other subspecies, these parasites choose wooden structures made from natural materials for localization.
  • Ashy. The term is used to identify parasites whose wings have the appropriate coloring.
  • Rhinoceroses. Like the rhinoceros beetle, this cockroach has a growth on its cephalothorax.

So, even simple parasites familiar to everyone - domestic cockroaches - have a lot of amazing, funny nicknames. The origin story of most of them is easy to explain.

However, the origin of some is extremely difficult to identify, since there are many versions. However, the names used do not in any way affect the attitude of the majority of residents towards unpleasant parasites.

Methods of dealing with stasis

Methods of dealing with Prussians There are a huge number of folk remedies against cockroaches - they are poisoned, driven out, caught.

  • Adhesive tape is placed along the baseboards. Pour water into a jar, vegetable oil on top, sprinkle bread crumbs. 100 ml of beer is left in the bottle.
  • Balls are made from boric acid, boiled potatoes, and egg yolk. They are laid out in areas where insects move.
  • Sprinkle boric acid powder near the trash can, sinks, toilet, under the bathtub, along baseboards - in all places where cockroaches hide. You can get rid of pests within a month.
  • Wash the floors every evening with a solution of ammonia, vinegar, and bay leaf tincture.


It's a little easier here. Initially there was no such name; people preferred to call it stasik. But tarasik is closer in sound to residents of the Russian hinterland, so the more aristocratic name did not stick among them.

In the old days there was even a saying “to go to visit Taras or Tarasik,” that is, to the toilet. Nowadays, cockroaches rarely visit bathrooms, but in the old days it was impossible to get them out of there!

The other option also has the right to life, but is not entirely attractive to some people. In the old days, the name Taras was very popular among the common population. Among such individuals there were many alcoholics, and simply unkempt people.

It goes without saying that there was no escape from cockroaches in their homes. This is how the old Russian name clung to the insects, which, due to the small size of cockroaches, became a diminutive.


This is a relatively new name, which is firmly associated with Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, a prominent party figure in the first years of Soviet power. His mustache was simply luxurious ! What do we associate a cockroach with? That's right, with a mustache ! So they began to call the red insects after the main cleanser of the country from any counter-revolutionary infection.

Not to say that the name was popular in those years. They didn’t put him in jail for him, but people were still afraid - you never know what to expect about the new government. However, now Felix quite rarely, because the insect’s whiskers are needed not for decoration, but for survival.

Connection to cockroach whisker nicknames

Because of the cockroach's mustache, other nicknames have appeared.

“Felix” is directly connected with People’s Commissar Dzerzhinsky, the chief security officer of Soviet Russia. And linguists claim that there are other explanations:

  • in Latin felleus - gall; such a nickname could have appeared in post-Petrine Rus'. And Phelleus could well turn into Felix;
  • in German Schnurrbart is a mustache; the peasants could have adopted the word Schurbarts from the Russified Germans and converted them into Shuriks.

Such versions do not have sufficient grounds and can be considered additional. Literate people know that a cockroach cannot survive without a mustache; they are an organ of touch, even hearing, and therefore are in no way connected with the mustaches of people. Only an educated person familiar with foreign languages ​​could help consolidate the nickname.

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