Hygia shampoo for head lice - pros and cons, reviews and cost in pharmacies

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Ksenia Emelyanova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 7 years of experience, teacher-colorist.
Hygia shampoo is an effective lice treatment based on permethrin. It helps get rid of pests in one application. Low toxicity allows the drug to be used for both adults and children .

What is included in the shampoo, its release form and how it works

The shampoo is available in 120 ml plastic bottles. The kit includes a special comb for combing out pests. The liquid itself is gel-like and has a lemon smell. The composition contains the following components:

  1. Permethrin . 100 of the product contains 1 g of active substance. It refers to synthetic pyrethroids. Upon contact with a pest, permethrin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. The result is paralyzing lice. Due to the fact that shampoo molecules begin to break down upon contact with air, the risk of accumulation of the active substance and intoxication of the body is minimal.
  2. Glacial acetic acid . This substance breaks down the sticky substance with which nits cling to the hair. This acid allows you to comb pests out of your hair as quickly and easily as possible.
  3. Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate . This component is necessary for foaming and creating a powerful effect. It does not irritate the scalp.

The shampoo quickly eliminates head and pubic lice . When used correctly, it is safe for the human body.

Action of the medication

How does the shampoo in question work? What do reviews say about this? “Hygia” is a highly effective remedy aimed at combating pubic and head lice. The drug destroys these parasites quite quickly.

The active ingredient in shampoo, permethrin, is a synthetic pyrethroid characterized by high insecticidal activity and low toxicity. It acts as a contact nerve and muscle poison and does not have a toxic effect on people and warm-blooded animals.

How long does the mentioned drug last? What do consumer reviews say about this? Hygia is effective for a short period of time. It degrades quite quickly in air. In this regard, there is absolutely no danger of its accumulation in the body.

How to use Hygia shampoo correctly

The use of such a product is practically no different from regular hair washing. This procedure does not cause any discomfort, which is very important for children.

Usage algorithm:

  1. Hair should be slightly moistened.
  2. About 20 g of the drug is squeezed out and distributed over the entire length of the hair, rubbed into the scalp.
  3. The shampoo needs to be well lathered.
  4. The product must be kept on the hair for 10-15 minutes. The exact time depends on the length of the hair and the number of lice.
  5. The shampoo is thoroughly washed off and the hair is dried with a hairdryer.
  6. Pests are combed out with a special comb, which is included in the kit.

During combing, living but immobilized individuals may be present. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the thoroughness of mechanical removal of pests. It is recommended to do this procedure over a bathtub or in front of sheets of paper .

IMPORTANT. The shampoo helps fight mature lice.

After a week, it is necessary to re-treat the hair, as parasites can leave their larvae. In case of severe infection, the product is used once a week. The course involves 3 treatments. If after a full course the pests remain in your hair, you should seek qualified help. If you skip the combing step, then after a while the lice will begin to become active again.

Where do lice come from?

Risk factors for parasite infection:

  • sharing a comb, bedding, or other personal hygiene items with an infected person;
  • visiting water parks and saunas where the water has not been changed for a long time. Lice can live in water for a while;
  • wearing hats with an infected person;
  • the child’s stay in kindergarten, camp, concert, or other place with a large number of children.

Find out more about where lice come from and how you can get infected with them on our website.

Main contraindications to the use of the drug, precautions

Shampoo should be discarded if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug. Contraindications include acute inflammatory process on the scalp . The shampoo is not used to treat children under 3 years of age .

Although permethrin is a safe substance, precautions should be taken. Recommendations:

  1. Rubber gloves should be used when applying the product .
  2. The drug should not get into the eyes . To do this, roll the diaper into a rope and wrap it along the line below the hair growth.
  3. If the drug gets into the stomach, you should immediately induce vomiting and take the sorbent.
  4. During the procedure, it is prohibited to drink or eat food .
  5. If the composition gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with running water.

By following simple recommendations you can avoid unpleasant complications.

Adverse reactions and overdose

After applying the drug, slight itching may occur. This is explained by the fact that there are a large number of small wounds on the scalp that were formed as a result of insect bites.

REFERENCE. If the burning sensation causes severe discomfort, the shampoo should be washed off.

This reaction indicates the development of an allergy. In rare cases, symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

Such symptoms occur if the rules for using the drug have been violated. To eliminate negative manifestations, you should drink activated carbon, take a bath with salt and essential oils . These simple procedures will help speed up the process of eliminating toxins.

IMPORTANT. If shampoo gets into your eyes, redness, itching and burning may occur.

Symptoms should go away after washing the eyes. If this does not happen, then you should consult a doctor.

Hygia shampoo can damage your hair , making it dry and dull. The normal structure is restored only after some time. If you do not maintain the interval between treatments, split ends appear and the hair becomes very brittle. In this case, it will take quite a lot of time and effort to fully restore the structure.

No cases of overdose have been recorded.


Several reviews from popular resources irecommend.ru and otzovik.com

And some reviews from our readers:

My daughter had lice. The doctor advised me to use Hygia shampoo. I carried out the processing strictly according to the instructions. No side effects were observed. The product lathers well. The lice were removed in one treatment, the second was carried out for preventive purposes.


Half the children in my son's class were infested with lice. Initially, I panicked because I have two more children at home. The nurse advised me to use Hygia anti-nit shampoo. The procedure itself did not cause much discomfort, but I spent quite a lot of time combing out the parasites. The product did its job well.


The eldest daughter was found to have lice. The pharmacy recommended Hygia shampoo. She has long hair, so it took quite a long time to comb out the nits. However, most of the insects were alive. We carried out 3 treatments at intervals of a week, but we were not able to completely eliminate the insects.


Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this drug include its effective effect on nits and lice. The kit includes a comb with which you can comb out paralyzed insects. The shampoo has an affordable price. It is quite easy to use since the insecticide is produced in liquid form.

Main disadvantages:

  • the presence of side effects;
  • toxicity;
  • presence of contraindications.

If the product is used repeatedly, the insects may become accustomed to the drug. This negatively affects its effectiveness.

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A minimal amount of Hygia shampoo is applied to the bend of the elbow. Observe the condition of the epidermis and sensations for 30 minutes. The presence of a rash, redness, itching, burning, swelling, and other unpleasant symptoms is a reason to refuse the drug.


It is contraindicated to use Hygia shampoo against lice on the head in the presence of damage, abrasions, wounds, or infectious infection of the skin. In other cases, the product is used according to the instructions.

Alternative remedies against lice

There are a large number of alternative drugs to eliminate lice. The most effective analogues include Nyx, Nyuda shampoos and the drug D95 .

Nyx anti-lice shampoo

The drug Nisk has a moderate level of toxicity. The active components of the shampoo block the respiratory tract of parasites. The survival rate is 3.5%. After using this shampoo, the hair does not split or dry out. A hydrophobic film forms on the hair, so combing out lice and nits is quite simple.

Treatment of an advanced form of pediculosis will take from 3 to 8 weeks. The price varies from 237 to 450 rubles.

Nyuda for lice

Nuda is available in several forms: spray and shampoo. In addition to the active component - dimethicone, the spray contains wax, triglycerides and fragrances. This product is perfect for curly and long hair.

The shampoo has a completely safe composition. Before use, you must read the instructions. Its cost is within 500 rubles.

Remedy for head lice d 95

Suspension D 95 is dosed in 10 ml sachets. There are 3 sachets of medicine in total in the package. To treat short hair, one sachet will be enough.

Can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. Cost – 132 rubles.

Hygia shampoo is an effective preparation for eliminating lice and nits. Before use, you must ensure that there are no contraindications, otherwise side effects are possible. If they occur, you should wash off the shampoo and choose another product.

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Removing nits

Lay out white sheets of paper. To comb out, use a fine-toothed comb or a special lice comb. Each strand should be combed thoroughly. The final result depends on the quality of this event. With the right approach, you can get rid of parasites in one go.

Using Hygia shampoo

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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