TOP 14 best anti-tick collar for cats: rating, which one to choose and buy, characteristics, reviews, pros and cons

Every experienced cat owner knows how much inconvenience fleas and other ectoparasites (ticks, lice, lice eaters) cause cats. And the problem is not even that their bites prevent pets from sleeping and resting peacefully, everything is much worse. Fleas and other blood-sucking creatures are carriers of dozens of infectious diseases. The paws of these bloodsuckers are an ideal means for “delivering” helminth eggs. In addition, constant bites often cause the development of dermatological pathologies (dermatitis and eczema). To prevent the occurrence of all these diseases in your pet, it must be protected. In the article below, you can choose the best anti-tick collar for cats, having first studied all the products in our rating. Happy choosing!

TOP 14 best anti-tick collar for cats

The list of the best includes:

  • Celandine Insectal.
  • Foresto (Bayer).
  • Beaphar.
  • Apicenna Dana Ultra.
  • Inspector.
  • CLEANITY Plus.
  • Agrovet protection.
  • Bars (AVZ).
  • Apicenna Dana Ultra for cats and kittens.
  • Agrovet protection Fitodoc.
  • VEDA.
  • RolfСlub.
  • RolfСlub 3D.
  • BioVax.

Let's take a closer look at the range presented in the article below.

CElandine Insectal

Antiparasitic collar that protects the cat from fleas, ixodid ticks, lice and lice. The active ingredient in the impregnation is diazinon. The principle of action of the insecticide is a neuroparalytic effect, blocking the functioning of the parasite’s central nervous system.

The substance is a contact insecticide and remains active for at least 20 days. The compound is not dangerous for adult cats, it does not cause poisoning, and does not have local irritant, teratogenic or embryotoxic effects.

The collar can be used from the age of four months. It is also used to control fleas in pregnant cats, but you should consult a veterinarian before doing this. The collar should not be used to protect exhausted, weakened or simply sick pets. The manufacturer claims that the effectiveness of the product lasts for four months.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 8 weeks
Duration of protection90 days
Active substancediazinon

Cost: from 43 to 78 rubles.

collar CHISTOTEL Insectal


  • good efficiency;
  • safety for the pet.
  • protection against parasites – 90 days.


  • inconvenient clasp.

Putting on a collar is not difficult. 30 seconds and your pet is protected. There should be 1 to 1.5 cm between the collar and the neck. I liked that it is not very hard and bends well. On our cat’s neck it is almost invisible, since he has grown thick fur for the winter. In general, he is a very well-fed guy, and even this time the collar did not have to be cut. There was enough length, but there wasn't much to spare. I can confidently recommend this product. With it, your animal will be reliably protected from fleas and ticks.

Foresto (Bayer)

An excellent anti-parasitic collar from a world-famous pharmaceutical company. Effective against all types of ectoparasites. The properties are due to the combination of imidacloprid and flumethrin in the impregnation. Both compounds belong to the class of contact insecticides.

Imidacloprid kills fleas, and flumethrin kills ticks, and both compounds are effective against all life stages of parasites. It is not advisable to use the collar to protect pregnant and lactating cats, as well as weakened and sick animals. The minimum age of a pet is from 2.5 months. The validity period declared by the manufacturer is at least 8 months.

Size38 cm
Animal agefrom 7 weeks
Duration of protection240 days
Active substanceflumethrin, imidacloprid

Cost: from 1370 to 2593 rubles.

Foresto (Bayer)


  • excellent antiparasitic effect;
  • The effect of the collar lasts for six months;
  • convenient fastening;
  • If you follow the manufacturer's instructions, the product is absolutely safe for the health of pets.


  • not found.

There are many products that help protect four-legged pets from fleas and ticks, ranging from drops to tablets. On the advice of a friend, an experienced cat lover, I purchased a Foresto collar from Bayer; she has been using it for several years now. The collar begins to work immediately after putting it on the animal, at the initial stage. Molecules of active substances form a micro layer on the surface of the collar, and then move into the lipid layer on the skin and fur of the animal. After a short stay on the cat (from 10 minutes), the parasite tends to leave the animal without having time to burrow into the fur, much less bite. The manufacturer's website contains videos demonstrating what happens to ticks on an animal with a protective collar. Not a very pleasant sight, but instructive. I recommend it for use. For six months of using Foresto, not a single tick or flea.


High-quality anti-parasitic collar that kills fleas. It also helps cope with tick-borne infections, including otodectosis and some types of scabies. Suitable for cats and dogs.

Diazinon is used as the active ingredient. This contact insecticide is safe for all warm-blooded animals, and in arthropods it causes general paralysis of the body within a few seconds from the moment of contact.

Can be used strictly from the age of six months. It is also prohibited to use a collar to protect sick or weakened pets. The product remains effective for four months.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 6 months
Duration of protection180 days
Active substancediazinon

Cost: from 335 to 454 rubles.

Beaphar collar


  • wide spectrum of action;
  • the product works well for all four months;
  • A very convenient clasp that can unfasten on its own if the cat gets caught on something.


  • not detected.

This year, our spontaneous early trip to the country with our pets was unsuccessful. We didn’t have time to buy a collar for the cat and she immediately “caught” a tick. Therefore, I had to go 30 km to the nearest pet store and buy a collar; the choice fell on the Beaphar collar. The collar is of course simple, treated with one substance, diazinon. Validity period: 6 months. There is practically no need to trim anything, the size 35 cm is just right for our cat. After putting on the collar, there was no dissatisfaction on Jesse's part. Our cat began to walk outside with a collar, there were no ticks, no fleas, or other living creatures. Highly recommendable.

Apicenna Dana Ultra

The active components included in the drug with different mechanisms of action, gradually released from the surface of the tape, provide a wide range of its antiparasitic activity against the larval and mature phases of development of fleas, lice, lice, ixodid, sarcoptoid ticks that parasitize dogs and cats.

Continuous use of the Dana Ultra insectoacaricidal collar provides protection for dogs and cats from parasites for at least 3 months. After the specified period has expired, if necessary, the used collar is replaced with a new one.

Frequent contact of the collar with water may reduce its effectiveness, so it is recommended to remove it before bathing or washing and reapply it after the animal's coat is completely dry.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 6 months
Duration of protection90 days
Active substancefipronil, pyriproxyfen, ivermectin

Price category: from 210 to 266 rubles.

collar Apicenna Dana Ultra


  • bright, durable and safe clasp;
  • protection against external parasites, including fleas and ixodid ticks for three months;
  • interruption of the insect development cycle;
  • prevention of the development of helminthiasis of the gastrointestinal tract for three months.

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  • not found.

What should pet owners expect from using this collar? According to the manufacturer, it will protect furry ones from fleas, lice, lice, ticks, and helminth larvae (several types). The collar is treated with a special compound, which is gradually released onto the skin and provides activity against all these creatures. The action lasts for 3 months. What we have as a result: fleas do not attack cats (and they walk on the grass all day long), they have never brought ticks, the anthelmintic effect is not clear, we cannot check. This still needs to be done by taking tests before and after the season of staying in the village, but we do not need this at the moment. In the fall, cats will take appropriate worm medications one way or another. I recommend the collar.


Inexpensive, but very effective anti-parasitic collar for cats. Protects your pet from blood-sucking ectoparasites. The compounds included in the impregnation also destroy the larvae of round helminths in the animal’s bloodstream. This effect is due to a well-chosen combination of three insecticides: ivermectin, fipronil and pyriproxyfen.

Their combination equally effectively copes with all life stages of fleas, ixodid ticks, the causative agent of otodectosis, lice and lice, as well as the larvae of round helminths during their migration from the gastrointestinal tract to the lungs.

The use of a collar to protect sick and convalescent pets, as well as for kittens under two months of age, is strictly prohibited. The product remains fully effective for 4 months.

Size40 cm
Animal agefrom 8 weeks
Duration of protection120 days
Active substanceivermectin, fipronil, pyriproxyfen

Cost: from 411 to 483 rubles.

Collar Inspector


  • wide spectrum of action;
  • suitable for cats and small breed dogs;
  • 4 months of protection against parasites.


  • not found.

As the weather warms up, our cat Musya spends a lot of time outside. Before the start of the outdoor season, I always put a special collar on her. This year we bought the Inspector and did not regret it. I liked the material the collar is made from. It is quite soft, similar to silicone. At least it feels much nicer to the touch than a collar previously purchased from another company. After going outside, my pet stopped bringing ticks and fleas. I have become much calmer, since it is not always possible to see a bloodsucker in the fur, but my cat has even stopped scratching, which means no one is sitting in the fur. I hope the protection will last as promised by the manufacturer - 120 days. I feel calmer when animals wear such collars.


These products are used to kill fleas, lice, lice and ixodid ticks that parasitize dogs and cats. Constantly wearing a collar provides protection against ixodid ticks for 3 months, and against insects for 4 months.

After opening the package, the collar is unrolled and put on the animal, adjusted in size so that there is a gap of 1-1.5 cm between the animal’s neck and the collar, then it is secured with a retainer and the excess tape is cut off. In order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to put the collar on the animal 2-3 days before the expected contact with parasites.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 4 months
Duration of protection120 days
Active substancediazinon

Price tag: from 81 to 96 rubles.

collar CHISTOTEL Plus


  • validity period – 4 months;
  • approved for use on dogs;
  • safety for the pet;
  • good efficiency.


  • not found.

Before sending my cat on his next summer vacation, I always buy him an insectoacaricidal collar Celandine Plus, which is designed to combat fleas, lice, ticks and lice. The collar is impregnated with a special drug - diazinon, which causes paralysis in parasites and then death. In the first days the product stinks terribly, then the smell dissipates. It has a service life - it provides protection for 3-4 months, so one collar is enough for the summer season. The product is disposable, and if you remove it, you won’t be able to fasten it again, the latch will not hold. The collar copes with its main function perfectly; while wearing it, no fleas, ticks and other parasites that spoil the lives of cats were noticed. At the same time as wearing this collar, there is no need to use other means of combating parasites in order to avoid an overdose of active substances. I recommend.

Agrovet protection

Products from a domestic manufacturer that have earned a good reputation among breeders. Not bad for protecting your pet from all types of ectoparasites, including flying dipterous parasites. It must be remembered that the repellent does not destroy bloodsuckers, but only scares them away.

In case of severe flea infestation, you must first destroy the fleas using other antiparasitic agents (drops, sprays or shampoos). Impregnation is made on the basis of 100% natural ingredients: eucalyptus oil, citronella and lavender.

The collar can be used to protect pets of any age; it is perfect for pregnant and lactating cats, weakened, exhausted and sick animals. The only exception is pets prone to developing allergies. The manufacturer reports that the collar remains effective for at least one month.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 1 month
Duration of protection30 days
Active substancecontains a composition of essential oils of citronella, lavender, eucalyptus

Price tag: from 92 to 122 rubles.

collar for cats Agrovetzaschita


  • absolute safety for cats at any age and condition;
  • good repellent effect;
  • natural composition (essential oils).


  • Valid for only 30 days.

The collar has a specific smell. You can’t call it particularly pleasant, but it doesn’t cause disgust either. Before putting the new one on the pet, however, we first had to treat the cat’s fur with the “FleaNet” spray - there were too many insects on him, despite the fact that he was wearing the previous collar. As for the Agrovetzashchita flea and tick collar, a month after I started using it, I want to say that it really helped us. And the effect of it was felt literally within three or four days. My kitten has again turned into a little imp, happy with himself and his life, which makes us happy too. The fleas have disappeared and do not bother either the pet or us.

Bars (AVZ)

Protection against fleas and ticks for 4-5 months or more. AVZ BARS anti-tick collar for cats Bars is made of strong, durable material. Contains high-quality components that provide the pet with protection from blood-sucking insects for a long time.

Easily attaches to the animal's neck and does not cause discomfort. Used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Can be used for pets older than two months. The Bars collar contains fipronil and an insect growth regulator, which have a pronounced effect against fleas, lice, lice and ixodid ticks in the mature and larval phases of development.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 8 weeks
Duration of protection120 days
Active substancefipronil

Cost: 176 to 245 rubles.

collar for cats Bars (AVZ)


  • 4 months of protection;
  • excellent protection against parasites;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • convenient clasp.


  • not found.

The collar is quite easy to put on, our cat is already accustomed to collars and does not try to take it off, although there were no problems when using it for the first time. The instructions detail a comfortable way to put it on. The smell is chemical, very faint, I feel it immediately after opening it and for the first three days, when the animal is close enough to the nose, then I don’t hear it. Over 6 years of use, the cat did not experience any side effects or allergic reactions. There have also never been any skin diseases, parasites, fleas or ticks. A couple of years ago, due to my fault, we forgot to change the collar in time; the cat wore one for almost 7 months. Towards the end of this period, I noticed that the cat had a coating on its fur, similar to white dandruff; there was a suspicion of a lice eater. After bathing the animal using special shampoo and putting on a new collar, the problem completely disappeared, and now I try to remember to change the collar on time.

Apicenna Dana Ultra for cats and kittens

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Effective protection, treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestation in pets. It is based on three active components that enhance each other’s action. Unscented collars will not bother the pet or the owner. The bright colors of the collar will make your pet stylish and noticeable.

The Dana Ultra collar is a combined drug with a wide spectrum of activity against parasitic mites, insects and roundworms of small domestic animals.

Fipronil and pyriproxyfen have a long-term contact insecto-acaricidal and repellent effect on the larval and mature stages of development of fleas, lice, lice and ixodid ticks, gradually released from the surface of the tape, they are transferred to the skin and hair of the animal, accumulating in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous skin glands.

Size40 cm
Animal agefrom 8 weeks
Duration of protection90 days
Active substanceivermectin, fipronil, pyriproxyfen

Cost: from 258 to 270 rubles.

Apicenna Dana Ultra for cats and kittens


  • safe for pets;
  • suitable for both adult cats and kittens;
  • bright colors of the collar will make your pet stylish and noticeable;
  • effective protection for 90 days.


  • not found.

After the cat began to itch, I immediately bought a Dana Ultra collar, although there were suspicions of dermatitis. In the first hour after putting on the collar, the fleas began to bite the cat more aggressively. He got itchy and ran to the balcony, although he had long given up walking; it was autumn after all, it was cold. I probably decided that in the cold the fleas would either calm down or freeze to death. But after that his condition began to improve rapidly. He no longer itched so brutally, new wounds stopped appearing, and the old ones healed in a few days. I recommend the Dana Ultra antiparasitic collar for cats. If your cat has a similar case, don’t despair - it’s not atopic dermatitis, it’s just nasty fleas! And they can be easily driven away.

Agrovet protection Fitodoc

The “Fitodok” repellent collar is used for cats to protect them from fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, ixodid and scabies mites. The collar is put on the animal, leaving a gap of 1.0 cm between the neck and the collar, then the free end of the tape is passed through the clamp and the excess is cut off, leaving an end of 1.5-2 cm.

Constantly wearing the Fitodok repellent collar provides protection for dogs and cats from insects for up to 3 months, and from ixodid ticks for up to 5 weeks. In the first days of using the collar, ixodid ticks may attack and attach, but after 1-2 days the parasites leave the animal.

The repellent collar “Fitodok” contains essential oils of citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, margosa, and tea tree as active ingredients. The components of the collar, gradually released from the surface of the polymer tape, accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the animal’s body, and have a repellent effect on insects and ticks that parasitize dogs and cats.

Size35 cm
Animal agefrom 8 weeks
Duration of protection35 days
Active substanceessential oils of citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, margosa, tea tree

Cost: from 254 to 329 rubles.

collar for cats Agrovetzaschita Fitodoc


  • natural composition (essential oils of citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, margosa, tea tree);
  • wide range of protection;
  • safety and absence of allergic reaction.


  • Validity period: 35 days.

The Phytodoc collar has a pronounced repellent effect against fleas, lice, mosquitoes, ixodid and scabies mites. The biocollar is completely natural, which means that if the cat has a lot of fleas, it is unlikely to be suitable. But for prevention it is quite effective. The AVZ collar is waterproof, this is very important in the summer, when cats spend a lot of time outside, and then you start washing them (I don’t always remember about the collar). The drug is produced by AVZ; I have been familiar with the products of this manufacturer for a long time and on the good side. For example, I use their flea and helminth preparation AVZ, produced by AVZ. I recommend.


The collar in question provides repellent protection for the pet against ectoparasites (lice, lice, fleas, ixodid ticks) and flying insects (mosquitoes, horseflies, etc.).

The protective effect is based on 100% natural vegetable and essential oils. Safe for animals and all household members in contact with them. Continuous use of the collar provides a repellent effect for up to 12 weeks. The collar can then be replaced with a new one.

Size35 cm
Pet agefrom 4 weeks
Protection90 days
Active ingredientmargosa oil, essential oils of citronella, lavender, feverfew, cloves

Cost: from 109 to 199 rubles.

cat collar VEDA


  • natural composition (margosa oil, essential oils of citronella, lavender, feverfew, cloves);
  • safe for animals and all household members in contact with them;
  • suitable for kittens and puppies;
  • repellent effect up to 12 weeks.


  • not found.

The collar is good, the cat does not catch ticks, although there are a lot of them now. And the smell is strong, but pleasant, it smells like herbs. The cat lives in the village, outside all day. With this collar the fleas are dead. The validity period is 12 weeks, neither more nor less, I will buy the same collar as a replacement. The product is safe due to its natural composition, now it’s not scary even to let your daughter near the cat. I recommend.


RolfClub for cats refers to combined insectoacaricidal drugs. The combination of fipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfen, which are part of the drug, provides a wide range of its contact insectoacaricidal effect on the sexually mature and immature (larvae) phases of development of fleas, lice and ixodid ticks that parasitize cats, as well as protection of animals from blood-sucking dipterous insects (mosquitoes, midges and mosquitoes). The insectoacaricidal effect of the collar lasts 6 months. Protection against fleas and ticks for up to 2 months.

Size35 cm
Pet agefrom 8 weeks
Protection61 days
Active ingredientfipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfen

Price category: from 254 to 288 rubles.

collar RolfСlub


  • wide spectrum of action;
  • the product works well for 2 months;
  • Convenient clasp that can unfasten on its own if the pet gets caught.


  • not found.

Gray collar. We humans don't smell anything from it. Our cat generally treats his “decorations” calmly and never tries to take them off. In summer he wears flea protection, in winter he wears reflective. In May and June the cat walked with double protection: drops and a collar. Ticks sometimes landed on him, but did not bite him. From mid-June until late autumn, ticks did not land on the cat again. No other living creatures were found in the cat's fur coat. Our friend was feeling excellent and there were no signs of poisoning. Now we don’t use drops, we only wear the RolfClub collar - everything is fine, no fleas, no ticks, no worms. I recommend.

RolfСlub 3D

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RolfClub 3D – innovative insectoacaricidal preparations with a knockdown effect. Three powerful levels of protection: the drugs destroy parasites before they bite, protect against infection for a long time, and disrupt the reproduction of parasites. Knockdown effect within 2 minutes: the paralytic effect of the drug does not allow the tick to move around the animal and choose a place to bite.

A collar for cats and kittens at least 3 months old is used for entomosis caused by fleas and lice-eaters, infestation by ixodid ticks, to protect cats from attacks by dipteran blood-sucking insects and to prevent dirofilariasis.

After opening the package, the collar is unrolled and put on the animal, adjusted in size so that there is a gap of 1.0-1.5 cm between the animal’s neck and the collar, then it is secured with a retainer and the excess tape is cut off. Continuous use of the collar protects cats from insects and ticks for 8 months.

Size40 cm
Pet agefrom 12 weeks
Protection180 days
Active ingredientfipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfen

Cost: from 271 to 384 rubles.

collar RolfСlub 3D


  • knockdown effect within 2 minutes;
  • three powerful levels of protection: drugs destroy parasites before they bite, protect against infection for a long time, and interfere with the reproduction of parasites;
  • 8 months of reliable protection of animals from parasites.


  • not detected.

The collar is gray, as I understand, the manufacturer produces collars in one color. The product is long - 40 cm. For my cat, I had to cut off part of the collar so that the long tail would not dangle around the neck. A very faint odor emanates from the collar, and it is only noticeable if you sniff carefully. We once bought a cheap collar with a stunning scent, and the cat coughed from it, and we were suffocating. There is no such smell here, the cat does not worry, does not sniff at its new clothes. Since April, not a single flea or tick has been noticed on the animal’s fur; no allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching of the skin, or sneezing have been noticed either. I also liked the manufacturer’s promise that the collar can be used continuously for 8 months, let’s see how it turns out in practice.


Esters of Dalmatian chamomile and lavender, which are natural repellents, cause instant paralysis in ticks and fleas, producing a knockdown effect. Tea tree oil not only repels lice and lice, but also has antiseptic and antifungal effects.

Essential oils and extracts, gradually getting on your cat's skin, paralyze the nervous system of insects. Tea tree oil and calendula not only relieve irritation and itching caused by insect bites, but also improve the texture of the coat, making it shiny.

Wearing Biovax collars is recommended both outdoors and in homes. This will protect your cat and your apartment from insects. The biocollar can be used for kittens from 2 months of age.

Size35 cm
Pet agefrom 8 weeks
Protection60 days
Active ingredientethers of Dalmatian chamomile and lavender; tea tree oil; calendula

Price tag: from 110 to 140 rubles.

BioVax collar


  • destroys ticks and fleas;
  • relieves itching and irritation;
  • improves coat structure;
  • works for 60 days;
  • resistant to sunlight, water and temperature changes;
  • durable buckle reduces the likelihood of losing the collar to zero;
  • natural composition (dalmatian chamomile and lavender esters; tea tree oil; calendula).


  • not found.

I have 4 fluffy tails and when the question arose about prevention against parasites, which we had just bred at that time, I began to look for something inexpensive and effective. I came across a collar from BioVax. I had never bought anything from this brand before, so I had doubts about its quality, but the price was very attractive (especially considering that I had to buy 4 pieces). As a result: I really liked the collar, it did its job and even after the expiration date (60 days) it did not lose its appearance and smell (though not so strong). No fleas appeared, not a single cat took off the collar (the clasp is good). The smell of the collar was strong, but not irritating. Externally cute, I came across yellow and pink in different colors. I recommend.

Anti-parasitic drops on the withers for cats and kittens “Biovax. Parasites? No!"

Biovax drops on the withers are intended for the prevention and disposal of ectoparasites (ticks, fleas, lice eaters) and entoparasites (mosquitoes, horseflies, flies). They have a repellent effect. After application to the skin, the active components of the composition are gradually distributed throughout the animal’s fur and destroy fleas and ticks within 24 hours. The duration of the protective effect of the drops is 30 days.

Instructions for using drops on the withers against fleas "Biovax" for cats and kittens

COMPOSITION AND FORM OF RELEASE Antiparasitic drops are produced in the form of a solution for external use. The composition is placed in ampoules containing the following active ingredients: * FOR KITTENS per 0.5 ml ampoule – 2.5 mg of tea tree oil and 1.5 mg of lavender, 2.5 mg of Dalmatian chamomile extract and 1.5 mg of calendula extract . * FOR CATS per 0.75 ml ampoule – 3.0 mg of tea tree oil and 1.75 mg of lavender, 2.5 mg of Dalmatian chamomile extract and 1.75 mg of calendula extract. *Excipients include benzyl alcohol and propylene glycol. In appearance, the drops are a transparent oily liquid with a light yellow tint.

PURPOSE Drops are intended for the prevention and disposal of ectoparasites (ticks, fleas, lice eaters) and entoparasites (mosquitoes, horseflies, flies). They have a repellent effect. After application to the skin, the active components of the composition are gradually distributed throughout the animal's fur and destroy fleas and ticks within 24 hours. The duration of the protective effect of the drops is 30 days after treatment.

DOSE AND METHOD OF APPLICATION FOR KITTENS – a dose of 0.5 ml (one ampoule) is intended for an animal’s weight from 1.0 kg to 5.0 kg, a dose of 1.0 ml (two ampoules) – a weight above 5.0 kg or for repeated use after a month. FOR CATS - dose of 0.75 ml (one ampoule) for a weight from 2.0 kg to 10.0 kg, dose of 1.5 ml (two ampoules) - weight above 10.0 kg or for re-use after a month. Before use, cut off the control part of the ampoule-pipette, spread the animal’s hair between the shoulder blades and apply the composition to the skin of the withers. ATTENTION! Apply to an area that cannot be licked. Apply pointwise, do not allow it to spread!

SIDE EFFECTS Do not use drops simultaneously with other antiparasitic and insecticidal drugs. There are no side effects and complications when using drops “BioVax.Parasites? No!” not observed. In exceptional cases, individual intolerance to animals of essential oils or other components used in the composition of drops is possible. To avoid allergic reactions, we recommend applying 2-4 drops from the ampoule to the cat’s withers as a test. After 30 minutes, if there are no complications, use the entire dose according to the instructions.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Do not use on animals younger than one month old, or those with infectious diseases. If complications occur (tears, excess saliva, trembling), you should wash the part of your back where you applied the drops with warm water and soap. If symptoms persist, take your animal to a veterinarian. When you finish handling the drops, you should wash your hands. Keep children away from the animal for 3 hours after treatment. Drops should be stored in packaging, separate from food and feed, out of the reach of children! Shelf life – 36 months from the date of manufacture at temperatures from 0 C to +35 C.

Comparison table of characteristics

In order to compare the presented products, we recommend that you study the table with all the characteristics of the models.

ModelSize(cm)Animal age (weeks)Protection (days)Active ingredientPrice, rub)
CElandine Insectal35890diazinonfrom 43 to 78
Foresto (Bayer)387240flumethrin, imidaclopridfrom 1370 to 2593
Beaphar3524180diazinonfrom 335 to 454
Apicenna Dana Ultra352490fipronil, pyriproxyfen, ivermectinfrom 210 to 266
Inspector4035120ivermectin, fipronil, pyriproxyfenfrom 411 to 483
CLEANITY Plus3517120diazinonfrom 81 to 96
Agrovet protection35430contains a composition of essential oils of citronella, lavender, eucalyptusfrom 92 to 122
Bars (AVZ)358120fipronil176 to 245
Apicenna Dana Ultra for cats and kittens40890ivermectin, fipronil, pyriproxyfenfrom 258 to 270
Agrovet protection Fitodoc35835essential oils of citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, margosa, tea treefrom 254 to 329
VEDA35490margosa oil, essential oils of citronella, lavender, feverfew, clovesfrom 109 to 199
RolfСlub35861fipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfenfrom 254 to 288
RolfСlub 3D4012180fipronil, etofenprox and pyriproxyfenfrom 271 to 384
BioVax35860ethers of Dalmatian chamomile and lavender; tea tree oil; calendula from 110 to 140

Spray lotions

Sprays and lotions that correct the behavior of cats have recently become very popular, and this brand has a huge selection of them.

  • "Biovax" spray "Parasites? No!" is produced for adult animals and kittens and is designed to prevent the appearance of lice and fleas.
  • “Biovax” spray “Shit? No!" should discourage the pet from relieving itself in inappropriate places.
  • "Biovax" spray "My Place" was created to let the cat know where it is possible to go to the toilet.
  • “Biovax” spray “Refresh? Yes!" removes unpleasant odors that may appear in the house where the cat lives.
  • “Biovax” spray “Repeal? Yes!" will prevent the cat from sharpening its claws on the furniture.
  • "Biovax" Odor Absorber spray rids the apartment of unwanted odor, which can come, for example, from a cat's litter box.

What are buyers saying? Unfortunately, in most cases, repellent sprays work mediocrely. Cats are still not fleas and have more complex behavioral patterns, so it will be very difficult to scare her away from her favorite sofa, on which she sharpens her nails, or to discourage her from going to the toilet in a corner you don’t like with a combination of odors that are unpleasant for the cat. Especially if the reasons for such behavior are compelling: a cat can easily tolerate an unpleasant smell.

As for air fresheners, they work about the same as those you can buy at a hardware store.

The only thing is that an insecticidal spray can really become an assistant in the fight against fleas, but only as an additional tool and not the main one.


Many people note allergic reactions to such sprays, as well as a general deterioration in well-being after spraying: most often headaches, dizziness and cough.

When buying products for animals, take the time to read real reviews and figure out whether this drug is really effective in combating your problem or whether it was created only to make money from your care for your pet and the safety of your home.

How to choose a tick collar

To ensure that the product is truly of high quality, we recommend that you study the selection criteria presented in the article below.

  • Kinds. There are several types of tick collars for cats:
  1. Chemical - such accessories are impregnated with toxic insecticides. Toxic substances spread through the skin and fur of the animal, protecting it as effectively as possible from the invasion of uninvited guests. They work quite well and over a relatively long period of time. However, it is not recommended to use them for kittens, as well as for pregnant and lactating cats.
  2. Based on natural ingredients – the filling here is made up of extracts from various plants. Such accessories can already be used to protect children and weakened pets, since the filling in them is exclusively natural. Their service life is significantly shorter than that of chemical ones, but this is compensated by their safety.
  3. Ultrasonic - are in the highest price category, and therefore have little distribution. Such devices have earned very controversial reviews: some are distrustful of such inventions and consider such an acquisition a waste of money, but at the same time, ultrasonic collars also have defenders who are quite satisfied with the results of their use.
  • Lifetime. Be sure to check the expiration date of the product; stale products may not only not rid your cat of fleas, but also harm its health.
  • Constituent substances. The material should not contain substances such as amitraz, permethrin, or organic phosphates.

Shampoos and conditioners

"Biovax" shampoo for cats will help not only cleanse your pet's fur of dirt, but also solve more complex problems. Shampoo for long-haired breeds will help prevent hair from matting, for kittens it will take care of young fur, an insecticidal shampoo will repel fleas, and for short-haired breeds it will ensure thorough washing.

Most buyers were satisfied with these shampoos, since they have the stated effect. True, I would like to note that the compositions of all shampoos, except for the insecticidal one, differ in only one or two extracts at the end of the list of ingredients. Otherwise, they are identical, and the diversity is due rather to marketing policy.

When it comes to insecticidal shampoo, opinions are divided. The increased content of tea tree oil in it should repel fleas, but its concentration is still not high enough to cope with the problem completely. This shampoo is good as an additional remedy, but you won’t bathe your pet every other day, and the fleas will definitely return as soon as the unpleasant odor for them disappears.

"Biovax" shampoo for cats can be supplemented with conditioner, which is especially important for long-haired breeds, as it helps prevent tangling.


Some veterinarians claim that cats have much better hygiene than dogs, and there is no need to bathe them unless clearly necessary.

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