TOP 15 best anti-tick collar for dogs: rating, which one to choose and buy, characteristics, reviews, pros and cons

We all know that man's best friend is a dog! These devoted animals love their owners so much that you want to give them warmth, love, affection in return, and no one has canceled care. Unfortunately, during the warm season, our pets are exposed to tick bites during street walks and suffer greatly from this. Currently, there are many anti-bite remedies, one of them is special collars. In the article below we will look at the best anti-tick collar for dogs, having studied the reviews and characteristics of all models.

What is better – drops or a tick collar for dogs?

To protect your dog from ticks, you can use a collar or special drops. In the first case, you need to put a special strap on your pet (it can be made of plastic, rubber and other artificial materials), and in the second, apply the product to the animal’s skin. It is better to use a collar for preventive purposes, and the drops will help get rid of parasites that have already settled in the fur.

For maximum effect, you can use both products, but it is important that they are from different pharmaceutical groups.

Type of protectionAdvantagesFlaws
CollarsLong period of useMay prevent you from picking up your pet using a regular collar
Affordable priceDoes not begin to act immediately (it may take up to 5 days for the substance to be distributed throughout the body)
You can wash your pet without the risk of leaving him unprotected (many straps are waterproof)The dog may lose the anti-parasitic tape or get it caught on something
Does not require control over the dog’s actions and does not hinder movementsNot recommended for use on dogs under 1 year of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation (except for straps with biological composition)
Low costs - one collar is usually enough for a seasonNot very effective in long-haired breeds - the strap must fit snugly against the skin
Complex use – helps against several types of parasitesThere is a risk of decreased sense of smell with prolonged use
DropsEase of useNot a very long period of protection - there is a risk of missing the time of the next treatment, they are also washed off when swimming
Begins to act very quickly (within 1-2 hours)Do not pet the dog or allow it to come into contact with other animals for 1-2 days after applying the product.
High level of protectionConsiderable expenses - you need to buy the product almost every month

The best anti-tick drops for dogs

Precautionary measures

There are certain precautions that must be followed:

  • Considering that the collar begins to work after some time, you need to avoid walking until it is activated.
  • Use the product with caution in combination with other products.
  • Always read the instructions on the packaging.
  • Avoid any hygiene procedures for a week after using the collar.
  • Monitor for warning signs after starting use.

Which brand of anti-tick collar for dogs is better to choose?

The rating is based on collars for both large dogs and medium and small breeds. Prices range from 160 to 2000 rubles, so you can find an option suitable for any budget.

The TOP includes the following manufacturers that produce the best anti-tick collars for dogs:

  • Agrovetzaschita (AVZ) is a Russian company that produces more than 380 units of products not only for pets, but also for productive animals, fish, reptiles and birds. The company was founded in 1993, and in 2022 AVZ exports more than 330 products to 19 countries.
  • Bayer is an international company with experience in healthcare and agriculture. It was founded in 1863 in Germany by Friedrich Bayer and Joann Friedrich Wescott. In Russia, there is an animal health department called Animal Health, which develops high-quality veterinary products. The company produces tick collars in different price categories.
  • Biogard is a Russian company founded in 2000. Cooperation with the Swiss company Swiss Laboratory Defense made it possible to develop high-tech products for animals under the Mr. Bruno brand. It offers a wide range, including anti-tick collars, suitable for sick and weakened animals.
  • Beaphar is an international company founded in 1939 in the Netherlands. The company produces high-quality products for caring for pets and maintaining their health, including collars. The plant operates in accordance with GMP standards, according to which general production and laboratory testing parameters are regulated and evaluated.

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Rating of the best anti-tick collars for dogs

When forming the rating, we took into account reviews from pet owners, as well as recommendations from veterinarians and our own observations.

To determine the list of the best tick collars for dogs, the following characteristics were studied:

  • The length of the strap - it depends on what breed the product is suitable for;
  • Compound;
  • Pharmacological properties;
  • Duration of protection;
  • Adverse reactions;
  • Recommended age of the animal;
  • Contraindications for use.

The price-quality ratio of each anti-tick neck product was also analyzed.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A flea, mosquito and tick collar is a very convenient anti-parasitic protection. They are produced on an industrial scale: you can choose by color, size, properties, as long as the price suits you.
  2. This is not a medicinal product; the dog is not at risk of overdose from the active substance.
  3. You can use it for a long time - from a month to six months.
  4. The collar is not affected by precipitation or humidity; you can walk your dog in any weather.
  5. The disadvantages include the inability to bathe a dog wearing an anti-parasitic collar, a specific smell from the pet and the possible manifestation of allergies.

The article is based on the expert opinion of the author; be sure to consult a specialist before use.

The Best Anti-Tick Collars for Small Dogs

Neck straps for small pets can easily be found at the veterinary market. They are offered by more than 10 manufacturers, but the most popular ones were included in the rating. The TOP includes 3 safe and effective products for small breeds, based on reviews from veterinarians and animal owners.

Agrovet protection Fitodoc

This is a biological model with a low level of toxicity, due to which the risk of developing an allergic reaction is minimal. The composition includes essential oils with a repellent effect, so the product effectively repels fleas, lice, scabies and ixodid ticks. Fitodoc agrovet protection retains its properties for up to 3 months. In unopened packaging it can be stored for up to 2 years.

The strap is suitable for dogs of all ages and can even be used on puppies over 2 months old. Its length is 35 cm. The product is available in blue and the pet can be seen from afar. It is waterproof - you can bathe your dog without removing the anti-parasitic tape. The protective properties are not reduced when exposed to rain. Many owners note that this option works well for prevention, but if the animal already has a lot of fleas and ticks, then additional means of protection may be needed.


  • Long lasting;
  • Effective protection;
  • Safety of use;
  • Affordable price;
  • Water resistance;
  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.


  • Maximum effectiveness only for prevention;
  • Not suitable for puppies under 2 months.

When determining which one is best among tick collars for dogs, it is important to pay attention to contraindications. Despite the rather strong smell of oils, which is noted by almost all users, when using Fitodoc the risk of adverse reactions is minimal.


This is an inexpensive and reliable antiparasitic for small animals, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or pet store. There is a separate model for medium and large dogs. It provides up to 2.5 months of protection against forest ticks (iscod ticks), and helps against fleas in an animal’s fur for up to 4 months. Bolfo has a long shelf life; if stored in unopened packaging, it does not lose its properties for 5 years. The length of the neckband is 38 cm, it comes in brown color. The strap is suitable for puppies over 3 months old and starts working within a few hours of being put on. The product is not waterproof, so when swimming, the strap must be removed and put on only a few hours after the end of the water procedures.


  • High level of protection against all parasites;
  • Affordable price;
  • Does not interfere with putting on the main collar;
  • The risk of loss is minimal;
  • Quick activation of protective functions;
  • Neutral scent.


  • Cannot be used during the dog's pregnancy and lactation.

Bolfo is a good means of protection for small pets with a chemical principle of action; it is enough for the entire summer season. The strap is easy to put on and take off and does not cause discomfort to the dog. According to owner reviews, this anti-parasitic tape has the best price-quality ratio.

Mr Bruno New

This is a repellent neck tape, 75 cm long, produced in different colors: white, green, red, blue. It consists of 10% permethrin, which first paralyzes a subclass of arthropods and then leads to their death. The strap is used for puppies from the 1st month. The protective function makes itself felt a day after opening the package and remains for 3 months. The product is water-resistant, so unexpected rain or swimming will not reduce its effectiveness. Shelf life when unopened is 1 year.


  • High efficiency;
  • Can be used from an early age;
  • Water resistance;
  • Long period of action;
  • Suitable for pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • Available in different colors.


  • Suitable for prevention only.

Mr.Bruno New is the safest anti-parasitic strap based on a biological principle of action, which can be used as early as 4 weeks after the birth of the puppy. It is suitable for sick, pregnant, lactating and allergy-prone animals, as well as for weakened pets.

Advantages over other means

The main trump card is the versatility of the protective equipment.

The collar protects against fleas and other pesky parasites such as flies or mosquitoes.

Very simple to use: open the package, put it on, adjust it to your pet’s parameters. An overdose is practically impossible if you do not try to supplement it with other means of protection. And yet the protection lasts for months.

There is no need to wash your dog before use. And walking in the rain does not “wash away” the protective layer.

The Best Anti-Tick Collars for Medium Dogs

When compiling the rating of tick collars for medium-sized dogs, products from 10 manufacturers were analyzed, but the list included the safest and most effective, according to the owners. A detailed analysis of two models that have the maximum number of positive reviews is presented.


This antiparasitic product is available for dogs of all breeds, including medium-sized pets. The concentration of active substances in the strap is small, so the risk of an allergic reaction and other side effects is minimal. Kiltix is ​​a waterproof tape that retains its properties for up to six months. The length of the product is 48 cm, so it is suitable for certain large breeds, the color is brown. If ticks attach themselves to your pet in the first days after use, they will spontaneously fall off within 1-2 days. An unopened strap can be stored for 5 years without losing its beneficial properties. Many pet owners note a pungent odor in the first days of use, but it does not cause discomfort to either the animal or the owner.


  • High efficiency;
  • Water resistance;
  • Durability of use;
  • High-quality materials, thanks to which the strap does not break;
  • Minimal risk of allergies and side effects.


  • Relatively high cost.

According to reviews from owners, Kiltix is ​​one of the few anti-parasitic neck tapes that help even if the dog has ticks. If worn constantly, the risk of parasites is minimal.

Bars AVZ

This budget anti-parasitic neck strap of domestic production can be used for puppies older than 1 month. Its length is 50 cm and is available in red. The main active ingredient here is fipronil, so the protective functions are pronounced and last up to 4 months. Leopard AVZ is not suitable for dogs during illness and the recovery period, as well as for pregnant and lactating females due to the chemical composition. At a low cost, it provides good long-term protection for medium-sized pets.


  • Ease of use;
  • Affordable price;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • No pungent odor;
  • Waterproof;
  • High quality material.


  • Relatively short period of use.

Leopard is a convenient means of preventing ticks and fleas. According to reviews from veterinarians, it is of good quality at a low cost of the product. Adverse reactions are possible only if you are hypersensitive to the components included in the tape coating.

Reviews from veterinarians

Olga M. Review of the “Beafar” collar

I recommended this collar to the owner of a husky. The dog was infested with fleas and had scratches on its skin. A re-examination after two weeks of wear showed a complete absence of adults. For four months of using the collar, the owner did not see the dog itching, and there was no case of tick infection.

Irina V. Review of the Hartz Ultra Guard collar

A dog was brought to the appointment with a tick embedded in its ear. After removing the parasite and treating with drops, she recommended purchasing a collar that protects against fleas and ticks. The dog spent the entire period allotted by the manufacturer (7 months) in it and was not infected with parasites. The only criticism from the owners is the unpleasant smell at the beginning of use and a white coating on the hands.

Best Anti-Tick Collars for Large Dogs

To choose the right anti-tick collar for large breed dogs, you need to pay special attention to the length of the strap. It is important that it fastens loosely around the neck, but is securely fixed. To create the rating, the products of 10 manufacturers were studied, and as a result, the review was compiled from the 2 most popular products in this segment.


This antiparasitic tape consists of 2 active ingredients: imidacloprid and flumethrin. The first acts on lice and fleas (both larvae and adult insects), and the second repels and kills ticks at any stage of development. The protective properties of the product last up to 8 months. Although highly effective and broad-spectrum, the strap is hypoallergenic and can be used on puppies over 7 weeks of age and weighing more than 8 kg. The collar is waterproof and reflective. Product length – 70 cm, color – gray. An unopened strap can be stored for 3 years without losing its quality.


  • The presence of additional properties - light reflection and water resistance;
  • Long-term protection;
  • No smell;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • Stylish design.


  • Relatively high cost.

Foresto is an anti-parasitic tape that provides reliable protection in any conditions. The high price is compensated by a long period of use; it is enough to buy one strap for a year (it will last from April until the winter cold).

Beaphar Flea & Tick

...I tested this strap on a German Shepherd that was monitored for 2 weeks. Before putting on the anti-parasitic tape, I bathed the pet with insecticidal shampoo and waited until the fur was completely dry. During the specified time, walks were regularly taken through the forest, fields, and areas with tall grass. During the testing period, the dog showed no signs of discomfort and did not suffer from fleas and ticks...

Expert opinion

This is a budget product for large animals over 6 months old. The active substance in Beaphar Flea & Tick is diazinon, which provides a duration of action of up to six months. The strap is waterproof and you can bathe your pet without removing it.

This model destroys insects that have already settled in the dog’s fur, and also protects against attacks by new ones. It is securely fixed on the neck, but does not cause discomfort and does not interfere with wearing another collar for a walk. Product length – 65 cm, color – black.


  • Profitable price;
  • Ease of use;
  • Waterproof;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • High efficiency.


  • Pungent odor in the first days.

Flea & Tick is not suitable for weakened animals or pregnant or lactating females. It is convenient to use for large pets who spend a lot of time outside.

Best Dog Collars

Terms of use

Manufacturers describe the process of putting on a collar in detail on the product packaging. There may be some differences in the fixation of products from different manufacturers. In general the process looks like this:

  1. Remove the strap from the packaging.
  2. Unfold the tape and remove the stoppers.
  3. Pull the ends in different directions to activate the active substance.
  4. Place it around the dog’s neck, leaving a gap of 1.5–2 cm.
  5. Check to see if the animal can reach the collar with its mouth or remove it over its head.
  6. Fasten the strap using the existing fastener.
  7. Cut off the excess length of the tape if necessary according to the instructions.
  8. If the collar is worn by a puppy, leave some extra tape.
  9. Wash your hands with soap.

Your pet may have a negative reaction to the collar. He will try to get rid of the accessory by using his paws and rolling around on the floor. Express your dissatisfaction with this behavior. Distract the animal with play, give a treat as a reward for obedience. As a rule, dogs quickly get used to the strap. The collar must be removed after the wear period recommended by the manufacturer. The old strap is disposed of and a new one is put on the dog, proceeding in the same way as last time. Keep in mind that the product does not last as long against ticks as it does against fleas. Most collars are effective at repelling ticks for no more than 1-3 months.

In the first 2-3 days of wearing, minimize outdoor walks and avoid water procedures. This is necessary so as not to catch parasites before the active substance has time to be distributed throughout the body. Make sure that children do not touch the collar, limit too close contact between household members and the animal, wash your hands every time you touch the collar.

Veterinarian advice

How the antiparasitic substance is distributed: it is constantly distributed from the collar throughout the coat through a fatty film that covers the skin and every hair of the coat. The full effect is observed from the 3rd day after putting on the collar. How the antiparasitic substance works: repellent and acaricidal Duration of action: 5–9 months. Frequent exposure to direct sunlight will shorten the life of the collar.

Natalya Troshina, veterinarian (DVM)


Flea control must be carried out because fleas are carriers of various diseases. During the summer, we even recommend treating dogs and cats monthly for fleas using drops, sprays or preventative collars. If you choose a collar, keep in mind that it should not hang around the animal’s neck, it should fit snugly. And your pet needs to wear it constantly. If you wear the collar only for walks, then it will not have any effect.

therapist, endoscopist, laboratory diagnostic specialist of the Chelyabinsk Veterinary Station Regina KUZYAEVA

Therefore, during regular walks in “tick areas” - in the forest, through meadows, I would recommend the mandatory use of one of the drugs with a repellent effect (collar or spray) in mandatory combination with contact protection drugs. Or simply additionally use a spray with a contact form of protection where the fur is thickest and longest. A pet’s smooth coat (especially light hair) facilitates the timely detection of ticks on the animal and, thus, can save the owner some money that will not need to be invested in the budget for anti-tick measures. Collars with a repellent effect work well on such animals, especially if the pet does not stay in the open sun for a long time and does not like to swim. During mass reproduction of ticks, such a collar can additionally be combined with chewable tablets or drops of acaricidal action.

Natalya Troshina, veterinarian (DVM)


Possible side effects and precautions

Do not buy collars for adult dogs for puppies or those designed for large breed dogs for small ones. This can be dangerous for the animal's life! Exceeding the dosage of the active substance, in these cases, can lead to poisoning and even death. Until a puppy is 2 months old, veterinarians do not recommend using collars as a protective device at all, recommending, if necessary, choosing a different type of medication - drops, shampoos, tablets. Often the same recommendation is given to the owners of sick, weakened individuals.

Even a high-quality collar selected specifically for your dog can be dangerous if the rules of use are not followed or if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the strap. Some dogs manage to lick a collar or chew an item on another dog's neck, which can also lead to intoxication. Some of the more harsh chemicals in collars include permethrin and tetrachlorvinphos. Sometimes manufacturers indicate on the packaging of a product of chemical origin the name of the antidote - a remedy that can be given to a dog in case of poisoning. An overdose of insecticides is possible with the simultaneous use of a collar and other products against fleas and ticks. After treating the wool with drops or sprays, the strap is put on a week later, and after washing with shampoo - the next day.

It is necessary to observe your pet for 24 hours after putting on the collar. It is recommended to immediately remove and, if possible, show the animal to a veterinarian if the following reactions occur:

  • restless behavior, constant scratching in the neck,
  • the appearance of a rash, hair loss, redness of the skin under the collar,
  • profuse salivation and lacrimation,
  • frequent sneezing,
  • lack of appetite, refusal to feed,
  • weakness or overexcitement,
  • digestive disorders.

Contraindications to the use of a collar may be:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period,
  • tendency to allergies,
  • acute and chronic diseases,
  • pet's age,
  • individual intolerance to impregnation components.

It is important to study the list of contraindications on the collar packaging, and also consult with a veterinarian. You should not use a dog collar if:

  • there is a negative reaction to the components of the product,
  • the product does not correspond to the age, weight or physiological characteristics of the animal,
  • the dog is currently being treated for blood-sucking parasites with other drugs,
  • the dog is sick or there are other contraindications.

Which tick collar for dogs is best to buy?

Anti-tick collars for small dogs and large pets must be purchased at official pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the size of the strap, because the protective equipment should not cause discomfort.

Antiparasitic neck bands for medium and large dogs are most often found on sale, so owners of small animals need to be especially careful. The excess length can be cut off, but it is important to consider that in products for large breeds the concentration of substances is higher, which can lead to negative consequences for small pets. You also need to take into account the pet’s age and its current condition, taking into account contraindications.

Here is which option and in what cases is it better to choose:

  • Fitodoc - suitable for owners of small dogs who are sick or recovering at the time of purchasing a collar, as well as for pregnant and lactating small pets.
  • Bolfo is convenient for owners of small animals who need a quick effect - the product will begin to act within a few hours.
  • Bruno New will be appreciated by owners of small dogs that are no more than 1 month old, as well as pets prone to allergic reactions.
  • Kiltix – suitable for medium-sized dogs that already suffer from ticks. The collar is relevant both for prevention and for combating existing insects.
  • Bars is a popular model that will be appreciated by owners of medium-sized pets who want to get a long-term effect at a budget price.
  • Foresto - suitable for owners of large dogs who appreciate the stylish design of the accessory, as well as for those who do not want to buy several products per year.
  • Flea & Tick is effective in controlling existing parasites and is convenient for large animals that spend a lot of time outside.

The choice of the best tick collar depends on the individual characteristics of the dog: age, weight, health characteristics. No one is immune from the consequences of personal intolerance to the components used in the strap. But a careful study of the product, taking into account the characteristics of the pet, will allow you to choose an option that will provide the necessary effect with minimal risk to the pet.

Consequences of flea bites

The dog scratches the affected areas, which often causes an allergic reaction. The substance that fleas inject under the skin has a negative effect on the hemostasis system, which is responsible for stopping bleeding. In addition, allergens contained in the secreted secretion can cause stomach diseases, as well as lichen and hair loss.

Ectoparasites carry tapeworms such as the cucumber tapeworm. It starts in the intestines of the animal and, as a parasite, releases toxic substances that can cause nervous disorders, nausea and refusal to eat. In severe cases, seizures and sudden weight loss are possible.

Sometimes fleas can lead to a deadly disease like rabies. You don’t have to be afraid of the virus if you get vaccinated in a timely manner.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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