TOP 10 best ant repellents: types, pros and cons, reviews

Close proximity to ants brings many problems to humans. House (red) ants spread pathogenic bacteria, spoil food, store food in hard-to-reach places, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, mold and fungi. Their garden counterparts not only eat ripe berries and fruits and destroy seedlings, but also cause irreparable harm to plants, as they spread aphids.

It can be difficult to remove ants; they easily adapt to any conditions and reproduce very quickly. In most cases, folk recipes are not enough in this situation. There is a need to use special chemicals to kill insects, so-called insecticides.

The most common forms of release of such drugs are:

  • Powders.
  • Granules.
  • Aerosols.
  • Gels.
  • Solutions.
  • Traps.

We present the rating of ant repellents 2022. The best 12 drugs that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2021)Prices, ₽A country
The best aerosols and gels for ants
1. Insect repellent with lavender scentfrom 200₽China
2. Raptor for cockroaches and antsfrom 180₽Russia
3. Combat SuperSpray against crawling insectsfrom 390₽South Korea
4. Clean home Ready-made form with chamomile extractfrom 160₽Russia
The best granules and powders for ants
1. Raptor Protection against ants in granulesfrom 210₽Russia
2. Bros from antsfrom 500₽Poland
3.Dr. Klaus for killing ants from 150₽Russia
4. Green Belt Protection against red ants Karbofosfrom 50₽China
The best ant traps
1. Raptor Express systemfrom 200₽Russia
2. Combat SuperAttack from antsfrom 220₽South Korea
3. Bros from pharaoh antsfrom 280₽Poland
4. Argus from cockroaches and ants Housefrom 90₽China

Description and features of the drug

The drug Bros is a granular powder, the color of which can vary from pure white to gray. There is a characteristic smell. The active substance of the drug is the organic component chlorpyrifos. Its concentration is 1 g per 50 g of product.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • food additives that attract pests;
  • denatonium benzoate and other additional ingredients.

Penetrating into the body through the respiratory system, chlorpyrifos paralyzes the nervous system of ants, which leads to their death. This substance is a contact insecticide; for greater efficiency, it “works” in several directions:

  1. The ants taste the powder and die.
  2. Particles of the substance stick to the chitin layer and the limbs of insects. The poison enters the ant colony, where it spreads among other individuals. Not only ordinary ants die, but also the “queen queen”, who produces up to 40,000 eggs per day.

When used correctly, ant repellent powder leads to the extinction of the entire insect population. Usually pests completely disappear 1-2 days after disinfestation.

Advantages and disadvantages

a) A number of undeniable ADVANTAGES of using the drug “HECTOR against ants” include:

  • the effectiveness of the drug is guaranteed by a modern active ingredient - fipronil;
  • convenience, ease of use - just sprinkle the powder;
  • widespread use of "Hector" - houses, apartments, cafes and dining rooms, garden plots, greenhouses and conservatories, etc.;
  • immediate initial action - about 3-5 hours;
  • long-term insecticidal effect - about 1-1.5 months;
  • resistance to rain washout;
  • a wide spectrum of action - not only against ants, it is effective against pests from the orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera, as well as soil-dwelling pests; preparations based on fipronil are widely used even to destroy locust pests.
  • affordable price of the drug;
  • the ability to carry out treatment independently, without the involvement of pest control services.

b) Among the DISADVANTAGES that limit the use of the drug are:

  • the high hazard class of the active substance requires strict compliance with the regulations for use;
  • with long-term use of the drug, the possibility of resistance may arise;
  • restriction of the use of the drug in sanitary and medical disinsection.

Release form and storage conditions

The Polish company BROS produces the drug against Bros ants. There are two packaging options - 100 and 250 g each. The manufacturer claims that one 100 g jar is enough to destroy 25 ant nests.

The product is packaged in a plastic container with holes in the lid, which makes it easier to use.

To store the powder product, you need a dark, dry place that is inaccessible to animals and children.

When purchasing an insecticide, it is important to pay attention to the indicated expiration date. After its expiration, it is prohibited to use the drug!

The most famous analogue of Bros powder is the German product Expel.

The best aerosols and gels for ants

The aerosol format is the most popular for killing house ants. When sprayed on insects, they die instantly. They have a relatively safe composition for humans. The disadvantage is that only visible individuals can be destroyed in this way. In addition, in the open air the effectiveness of aerosols decreases greatly.

Gels are the most versatile. Can be used both indoors and in garden areas. Ants become infected through contact and independently spread the toxic substance. The effect begins approximately on day 2-4 and lasts up to 4 weeks.

Let's look at the most effective insecticides in this category.

4 Clean home Ready-made form with chamomile extract against insects

Our rating opens with Clean Home Spray, a ready-made form with chamomile extract against insects.
The brand specializes in the production of modern and environmentally friendly products for exterminating insects, parasites and rodents. All products undergo examinations to determine toxicity and confirm the safety of the finished composition. The spray in question is designed to kill various insects (ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas) inside residential and non-residential premises.

Its distinctive feature is the absence of chemical gases (propellants) in its composition. This is especially important for those who suffer from allergies and respiratory diseases. At the same time, the light aroma of chamomile will not cause discomfort during spraying. In any case, processing should be carried out in the absence of people and animals.

The preparation uses two insecticides together - alphacypermethrin and tetramethrin. If an insect gets under the spray of the product, it dies instantly, but the rest of the insects will only need to come into contact with the substance.

Buyers confirm the high effectiveness of the product. To completely get rid of ants and other pests, experienced users advise repeating the treatment every three days for a month.


  • There are no chemical gases in the composition.
  • Instant action.
  • Effective against many insects.
  • Affordable price.
  • Pleasant aroma.


  • Suitable for indoor use only.
  • Leaves streaks on some surfaces.

Spray Clean Home Ready form with chamomile extract against insects

3 Combat SuperSpray against crawling insects

Third place in our ranking is taken by Combat SuperSpray aerosol against crawling insects.
The product is available in a yellow-golden 500 ml bottle. This amount is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 65 square meters. meters. The sprayer has a long flexible tip. Using it, you can accurately spray the product into hard-to-reach places and protect wallpaper and furniture upholstery from getting spray on them. In addition, this design allows for economical use of the drug.

The aerosol is universal and is suitable for killing ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and other crawling insects. Moreover, it is effective both indoors and outdoors.

A two-component formula containing imiprotrin and cyphenothrin allows you to kill insects instantly. Moreover, these substances have low toxicity for animals and people, so the aerosol is absolutely safe. And the light fruity aroma allows for comfortable processing.

Buyers praise the high efficiency and instant action of this product, but note that it only has an effect on those individuals that are directly in the spray zone. Therefore, destroying the entire colony is quite problematic.


  • Large volume.
  • There is a flexible tip.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Effective against crawling insects.
  • Instant action.
  • Has a pleasant aroma.
  • Safe for animals and humans.


  • Destroys only those insects that fall into the spray zone.

Aerosol Combat SuperSpray against crawling insects

2 Raptor for cockroaches and ants

The second line is occupied by Raptor gel against cockroaches and ants.
The Raptor trademark has long won consumer recognition and for more than 20 years has occupied a leading position among companies producing insect control products.

The gel in question is available in a tube with a long spout, which ensures convenient application even in hard-to-reach places.

The gel is perfect for fighting ants both in the garden and indoors. The manufacturer claims that the drug leaves no traces. But there are customer reviews that note that marks may remain on some surfaces.

The consistency of the product is thick, gel-like, it is enough to apply the product in a dotted line, so the consumption is economical.

The sweet apricot smell attracts insects. The active component is lambda-cyhalothrin. Ants that have eaten or simply come into contact with a toxic substance become carriers. Thus, it is possible to destroy the entire colony, including the queen.


  • Convenient application.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Also effective against cockroaches.
  • Allows you to destroy the entire colony.
  • The effect lasts up to 6 months.
  • Affordable price.


  • In rare cases, marks may remain on the surface.

Gel Raptor against cockroaches and ants

1 Raid against crawling and flying insects with lavender scent

The deserved leader in this category is becoming one of the most popular among buyers, the Raid aerosol against crawling and flying insects with the scent of lavender.
Many people choose this product because of its versatility. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and long-lasting action. It destroys not only ants, but also cockroaches, bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes, moths, horseflies and wasps. The product is available in a bright, ergonomic bottle with a convenient sprayer located on the lid. The aerosol format allows you to destroy insects in the most inaccessible places. For example, ants often settle behind baseboards, along pipes in the bathroom, and in various crevices.

The product has a long-lasting effect, and the volume of 300 ml will allow you to treat a large area.

The active ingredients are cypermethrin, imiprothrin and prallethrin. The composition almost instantly destroys insects, while being low-toxic to humans. But after treatment it is still necessary to ventilate the room!

A pleasant bonus of this drug is the light scent of lavender.


  • Convenient bottle.
  • Instant action.
  • Effective against many insects.
  • It's easy to treat hard-to-reach places.
  • Affordable price.
  • Pleasant aroma.


  • Suitable for indoor use only.

Aerosol Raid against crawling and flying insects with the smell of lavender

Indications for use

It is recommended to use the Polish insecticide Bros against ants when pests are found in your home, garden or garden plot. It is worth noting that ants can appear both in a city apartment and in a country or village house. Neither the garden nor the dacha are immune from this disaster.

Throw helps get rid of insects of any kind:

  • black garden ants (carpenter ants);
  • red forest ants;
  • yellow - other names for the insect house ant, ship ant or pharaoh ant;
  • meadow ants.

These insects are quite dangerous as they carry germs. Due to the free movement of “guests,” pathogenic microorganisms can enter the house from nearby garbage cans and landfills where waste rots. Therefore, having discovered two or three individuals, you already need to sound the alarm.

For your information! Pharaoh ants reproduce faster than others. Yellow insects can completely colonize a multi-entrance 9-story building in 12-24 months.


Powder against garden ants "Aspid" is an insecticide developed based on the substance acetamipyride. The finished product belongs to the fourth hazard class, so when working with it you should use protective equipment in the form of gloves and a respirator.

"Aspid" is used in powder and solution form. To prepare the latter, take two grams of the product and dilute it in a liter of water. This composition is enough to treat ten square meters of area.

When used indoors, the powder scatters on ant paths. In a few hours the insects will die. Judging by the reviews, after using Aspid, the ants disappear for a long time.

Preparatory procedures

Using bros ant repellent is quite simple, following the instructions. Before the event, it is recommended to pay attention to the preparatory work:

  • All pets and birds should be removed from the premises and children should be taken away;
  • No food or utensils should be left here. It is advisable to take them out of the room or pack them and place them on the shelf of a lockable cabinet;
  • it is necessary to provide access to places where insects are located. It is better to first find out where the ants' nests are located.

It is imperative to take care of personal protective equipment - gloves, a mask or a respirator.

Methods of using the product

Bros is essentially an insect bait. After applying the composition, they will rush to the treated areas. You can use it in several ways:

  1. The powder in its pure form is scattered in a thin layer near the areas favored by ants. They prefer to settle behind pieces of furniture, refrigerators, and under baseboards.
  2. Cracks, seams, baseboards and other places where there are insects are treated with a solution of the drug. It is not difficult to prepare; just dissolve the powder in water at the rate of 100 g per 2 liters. One liter is enough to treat 1 square. m area.
  3. To save bushes, trees and other vegetation, it is also necessary to prepare a liquid composition by dissolving 100 g of the product in 2.5 liters of water. Before applying to the plant, the mixture should be mixed thoroughly. Then the preparation is watered or sprayed from a spray bottle on the specimens affected by ants.

It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage. Since the ants will die too quickly, not having time to deliver the poison to the nest and infect other individuals. In addition, the toxicity of the product should be taken into account; with increased concentrations, burns may occur on plants.

Then comes the final stage:

  • After using the Bros powder, the packaging is disposed of. It is best to burn the container, as it may contain particles of poison;
  • hands and face should be washed thoroughly with soap;
  • for 2 days, access to the treated areas for children and domestic animals is limited;
  • after 2 days, the dead ants can be removed along with the remains of the drug and the surfaces can be washed with a damp cloth;
  • the room is ventilated.

The effect of the product lasts for 6-8 weeks, so it has a long-term preventive effect.

The best ant traps

The format of ant traps is as convenient as possible. After all, their use does not require any preparatory measures. They are simply glued to places where ants are most concentrated, at the rate of 1 piece per 5-10 square meters. Traps are either glue or insecticidal.

Adhesive ones are the safest for people and animals. Once caught in them, the insect sticks to the adhesive layer and cannot get out.

The action of insecticidal traps is similar to gels, granules and powders. Inside them there is a bait that attracts ants. The poisonous substance does not kill the insect immediately, but within about a day. During this time, the ant manages to come into contact with other individuals, and thus manages to get rid of the entire colony.

Let's look at the most effective options from this category.

4 Argus from cockroaches and ants House

The most budget-friendly ARGUS trap against cockroaches and ants, the House takes fourth place in our rating.
This is a glue trap, it is suitable for fighting cockroaches and ants both outdoors and indoors. For it to start working, you need to remove the protective film from the adhesive layer and fold the house, securing it with a special valve. The house is not secured in any way, so it can be easily moved if necessary. After installation, activity remains for up to three months. The mechanism of action is based on luring insects using a food attractant. Once an ant or cockroach crawls inside, they can no longer get out.

Since there are no poisonous or toxic substances in the composition, the product is absolutely safe for people, animals and small children. The houses can be placed in close proximity to food products, they will not cause any harm.

They can be found on sale either individually or in sets of 4 traps. It is recommended to use several traps at the same time at the rate of 1 for every 10 square meters. It is necessary to inspect them daily for timely disposal of insects.


  • Budget price.
  • Safe, non-toxic.
  • Ease of use.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Validity up to 3 months.


  • Must be checked daily.
  • Ineffective for large colonies.

ARGUS trap against cockroaches and ants House

3 Bros from Pharaoh Ants

The third position in the ranking is occupied by the BROS bait from pharaoh (red) ants.
The Polish company BROS has been specializing in the production of highly effective drugs to combat insects and rodents for more than 20 years. All products undergo quality control and have certificates. This option is a small container with bait. It is an insecticide based on hydramethylnon. This is a low-hazard substance, so it is excellent for use in residential, warehouse and other premises.

On the reverse side there is a self-adhesive tape, with which you can easily fix the structure on any surface.

Lures are sold in sets of two. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to install several pieces at once in different places along the route of the ants. Inside there is a food filler that attracts insects. Some users additionally put inside other food products that, in their opinion, most attracted ants in the house.

The bait brought to the nest by worker ants allows you to completely destroy the entire colony in 2-4 weeks.


  • Ease of use.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Allows you to destroy the entire colony.
  • The activity of the drug lasts up to 2 months.


  • Designed for house ants only.

BROS bait against pharaoh ants

2 Combat SuperAttack from ants

In the second position is the Korean-made Combat SuperAttack ant trap.
Lures are sold in sets of 4, sealed in pairs. Each of them has the shape of a disk, which is easy to stick to any horizontal and vertical surface.

The effect is achieved by the action of the insecticide - hydramethylnon. Thanks to the design, the toxic substance is out of reach of children and pets. Therefore, the product is safe to use in residential premises, children's institutions, hospitals, and canteens. This option can also be used on land plots.

The unique patented bait formula allows you to cause an epidemic among ants and completely destroy the entire colony, including the queen. To achieve the effect, you need to install 2-3 disks for every 10 square meters. meters. It is recommended to double their number if there are a lot of insects. The protective effect lasts up to three months.

Many buyers appreciated the high efficiency and ease of use of the product. The only drawback is that to combat a large number of anthills you will have to install many traps at the same time.


  • Value for money.
  • Safely.
  • Ease of use.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Allows you to destroy the entire colony.
  • Validity up to 3 months.


  • Uneconomical consumption with a large number of insects.

Combat SuperAttack Ant Trap

1 Raptor Express system. Complete elimination of cockroaches and ants

The Raptor Express system becomes the deserved leader among traps.
Complete elimination of cockroaches and ants. The system provides a comprehensive effect and includes four traps and a gel (25 ml). Baits are placed close to nests and places where pests accumulate, and the gel is applied along baseboards, under window sills and other hard-to-reach places. This comprehensive approach increases the likelihood of contact with a toxic substance and the total number of infected individuals.

The gel contains lambda-cyhalothrin, and the traps contain food attractants with fipronil and emamectin benzoate. They have a powerful neuroparalytic effect on insects. If precautions are taken, they are absolutely safe for humans.

The simultaneous use of three strong active ingredients at once helps to defeat even resistant individuals accustomed to various insecticides.

The product is intended for the destruction of house and garden ants, as well as cockroaches. Long-term protection for up to 6 months allows you to effortlessly forget about insects for a long time.


  • Systems approach.
  • Ease of use.
  • 3 active ingredients.
  • Allows you to destroy the entire colony.
  • It works even on resistant individuals.
  • It is also effective against cockroaches.
  • Validity up to 6 months.

Trap Raptor Express system. Complete elimination of cockroaches and ants

Precautions for use

Organophosphorus preparations, including the ant repellent Bros, do not remain active for long. The active substances do not penetrate the root system of plants, and therefore into the fruits.

But if the insecticide is safe for representatives of the flora, then it can cause some harm to humans. You can avoid this by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to treat street plantings with the drug when the weather is dry and windless;
  • Before the event, it is advisable to wear a hat and tidy up your hair;
  • If Bros powder is used indoors, it should not be applied near sleeping areas, play areas, dining rooms, or doorways.

Preparations containing chlorpyrifos belong to the second and third levels of danger:

  1. If they enter the human body, they can cause severe intoxication. The person may require medical attention. The antidote for chlorpyrifos is atropine sulfate.
  2. If Bros gets on the skin, carefully remove it with a cotton swab soaked in an alcohol solution.
  3. If your eyes are damaged, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of warm, running water.

If the mucous membranes are irritated or intoxicated by chemical vapors, doctors advise going out into the fresh air for a couple of hours. First you need to take off the clothes you were wearing.

The best granules and powders for ants

Powders and granules are most often used to control ants in garden areas. They can also be used indoors.

This format of insecticides is characterized by ease of use and long-lasting effect. They can be applied either pure or pre-diluted with water to a paste-like consistency.

These two forms act according to the enteric-contact principle. That is, insects that have eaten the bait spread the poison and infect other individuals.

General disadvantages include a strong decrease in efficiency in wind and rain. In addition, powders generate dust, and a person can inhale some of the toxic substances. Granules are safer in this regard.

4 Green Belt Protection against red ants Karbofos

The rating of this category opens with the most budget option - Green Belt Protection against red ants Karbofos.
A drug based on malathion (karbofos) is a reliable, time-tested insecticide. Despite the fact that it has been used for many decades, it has not lost its relevance today.

The product is available in small sachets in powder format. To carry out the treatment, it must be dissolved in water. The resulting solution must be sprayed on places where insects accumulate, and also applied with a brush on the paths of movement of pests.

The insecticide has shown its effectiveness against red house and garden ants, as well as bedbugs (including at the egg stage), spider mites, aphids, weevils and other insects. The composition has a contact effect and has a short residual effect lasting from 5 days to two weeks.

When carrying out processing, all precautions must be taken, as the product is toxic. If the product is used indoors, there should be no people, animals or even aquarium fish there.


  • Budget price.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Destroys many insect pests.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Easy to find on sale.


  • Strong smell.
  • Toxic to bees.
  • You need a spray bottle/brush.

Green Belt Protection against red ants Karbofos

3 Dr. Klaus for killing ants

The third position goes to DR granules.
KLAUS for killing ants. Despite the name, the drug is universal and is suitable for combating not only crawling insects, but also flying ones. Thanks to the attractant included in the composition, the granules attract cockroaches, garden ants, flies, mosquitoes and other insects. Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for combating red house ants.

The product can be used both at home and in the garden. Indoors, it is recommended to spread the product on substrates, and outdoors, to kill ants, it is enough to place very few granules along the path of their movement. Product consumption is very economical. The composition includes lambda-cyhalothrin, which has a powerful effect and long-lasting protective effect. After contact, the insect dies within 48 hours.

Buyers are satisfied with the results of using granules and the ease of their use. Many people managed to get rid of pests for a long time after one treatment of anthills.


  • Affordable price.
  • Ease of use.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Destroys crawling and flying insects.
  • Economical consumption.


  • Does not affect house ants.
  • The insecticide is toxic to bees.

DR granules. KLAUS for killing ants

2 Bros from ants

On the second line of our rating is BROS powder against ants.
The drug is a granular powder. It is produced in three versions: 100 g, 250 g. and 500 gr. The manufacturer indicates that one small package is enough to destroy 10 nests.

Depending on the area to be processed and the number of ants, it is easy to choose the best option and not overpay for the extra volume.

The composition contains chlorpyrifos (insecticide) and bait. Protein and sugar bait attracts ants and does not arouse their suspicion; they readily eat the poison. The insecticide has a contact effect and a long-lasting effect. At the same time, it is not addictive to insects. After contact, the ants die within a day, having managed to spread the toxic substance to other individuals.

The powder is completely soluble in water, so it can be used both in dry form and as a solution for watering anthills.

The product is suitable for use on land and indoors. But, unfortunately, it is not intended to combat red house ants.


  • Ease of use.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Attractive to insects.
  • Without smell.
  • Packages of different sizes are available for sale.


  • Does not affect house ants.

BROS powder for ants

1 Raptor Protection against ants in granules

The first place in this category is occupied by the drug Raptor Protection against ants in granules.
This is a universal remedy for exterminating garden and house ants. It can be used in garden plots, in greenhouses and greenhouses, in the foundations of buildings, as well as inside residential premises.

The formula containing fipronil not only has a contact and systemic effect, but also has a residual effect on insects. Therefore, the product helps get rid of ants for up to two months.

The product is odorless and therefore does not attract birds and animals. The granules can be used both in dry form, simply poured onto places where insects accumulate and along the paths of their movement, or dissolved in water. It is easy to treat hard-to-reach places with an insecticide solution.

The manufacturer states that the maximum effect is achieved after 2 weeks. Buyers note visible results already in the first days of use. Users appreciated the high quality and effectiveness of the granules; many were able to completely get rid of house ants only with the help of this product.


  • Value for money.
  • Ease of use.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
  • The effect lasts up to 2 months.
  • Without smell.

Raptor granules Protection against ants in granules

Tips and tricks

The best time to control insect pests is early morning or late evening. During this period they are in the anthill or next to it.

On a note! Frequent use of products containing chlorpyrifos can lead to arthropods developing resistance to it.

You will have to stop smoking and eating food in the treated area, because we are talking about a toxic product.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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