What does homemade and factory-made feed for domestic ducks consist of?

Types of feed

Combined feed is a mixture of crushed feed and additives. Used to feed birds and fish of a certain species. Compound feed is divided into several groups, the composition of which is radically different from each other. There are complete feeds, concentrate feeds, premixes, protein and vitamin supplements and specialized feeds.

Feed and cereals for ducks

  • Complete feed consists of nutrients and biologically active substances. Allows you to completely abandon other types of food. It has a pleasant smell and taste, is well digestible by various animals;
  • Compound feed concentrates are additives to the basic diet. Their use allows you to compensate for the lack of protein, energy, fat, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. The feed is used in large farms and small individual farms;
  • Protein and vitamin supplements (PVS) are a mixture of minerals, antibiotics and protein concentrates. Included in complete feeds. It is used exclusively as an additive; the manufacturer does not recommend using the BVD composition as a complete feed for ducks and cattle;
  • Premixes are a mixture of minerals, vitamins, enzyme preparations and amino acids. Used as an additive to the main feed.

For each group of animals raised, specially developed feed formulas are used. On the back of the package, the percentage of ingredients and microadditives (enzyme preparations, vitamins and microelements) per 1 ton is always indicated. Farming practice has shown that non-certified feed does not give the desired result, and in some cases even harms the animal. All feed is numbered with an alphabetic and digital code. For ducks, the coding consists of numbers from 20 to 29.

Protein and vitamin supplements and premixes

A vitamin supplement with a high protein content acts as a protein supplement. In addition, it regulates the amount of absorbed micro and macroelements.

This supplement contains proteins, vitamins and mineral salts, so it can only be given with roughage. Typically, each package contains instructions on how to mix the concentrate to feed your duck. The poultry farmer grinds the grain, adds a protein and vitamin component in a certain proportion and receives compound feed.

Another type of feed is premix. It can hardly be called a complete meal. These are simply vitamins that are given to poultry to strengthen the immune system and prevent disease.

Premixes include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, antibiotics, crushed chalk, enzymes and bran. Different manufacturers change the composition, so you should study it carefully before purchasing.

Basic set for feed

It is no secret that the food of meat and laying ducks has a different composition. Therefore, farmers must take into account the characteristics of the base ingredients when feeding poultry.

Recipes for complete food for ducks

Features of Key Products:

  • Grain feed consists of ground corn and wheat. Ground grains are absorbed in the duck's esophagus by 80–90%. Ideal for meat and laying breeds. Grain feed makes up almost 50–60% of a duck's daily diet. Farmers do not recommend feeding whole grains to ducks because they are less digestible, which leads to a slower metabolism and a decrease in the growth rate of poultry;
  • Cake is a production waste. Waste from sunflower or rapeseed oil crops is better suited for ducks. Peanut or soy waste is sometimes added to the feed. Farmers advise focusing on products to which you have easy access. Production waste is an inexpensive and nutritious feed for ducks;
  • Juicy fruits are used for feeding during the warm period. Ducks can be given strawberries, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, cherries and other sweet fruits. Don't forget to remove seeds from the fruit. This type of food is well absorbed by the digestive organs and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • Animal feed is used for growing meat breeds. It provides a good increase in muscle mass. Dairy products are used for raising young animals. It is worth noting that the share of animal feed should not exceed 10% for laying breeds and 20% for meat species.

Required amount of food for one laying duck

Duck laying hen

Feed consumption per duck depends on the purpose of breeding the bird. If it is intended to produce eggs, 20-21 days before the expected laying period it is necessary to increase the amount of protein food and reduce the amount of juicy and rough food. At this time, birds need increased amounts of calcium and other minerals.

Tricks for keeping ducks: maintenance and feeding

In this case, the water consumption per duck per day should be 1-1.2 liters. But still, it is not advisable to give her too wet mash.

How much food is needed for one individual to obtain high egg production:

Rated poultry feeding

  • mixture of different types of grain crops – 50-85 g;
  • corn or barley flour – 100 g;
  • cake or meal – 3-15 g;
  • boiled potatoes – 40 g;
  • meat and fish waste – 1.5-9.4 g;
  • hay – 40 g;
  • boiled carrots or fresh herbs – 90-110 g;
  • flour from animal or fish bones – 1.1-1.7 g;
  • shell rock or chalk – 5.8-10.9 g;
  • salt – 1.1-1.7 g.

The number of feedings per day should be at least 4 times. In this case, it is necessary to give the wet mash 3 times, and a little sprouted grain at night. The amount of food depends on the egg production rate. The higher it is, the more feed the ducks will need.

Mandatory additives in feed

Homemade food allows you to save money on raising poultry. In addition, homemade food protects your animals from harmful additives used by unscrupulous manufacturers.

    Greens are a valuable source of vitamins E and B. The supplement is used primarily for laying ducks. Greenery has a positive effect on the health of the future brood - it grows better and rarely gets sick. It is worth noting that you cannot switch to feeding greens alone, since they are an additional component;

Offspring reared naturally (by a brood hen)

The hen warms and protects the eggs throughout the entire period of hatching the goslings. If the incubator turns the eggs on average once every two hours, then the hen does this up to 50 times a day, which is 4 times more often. The result of her efforts is immediately visible - the hatching of young animals is higher. The temperature and humidity under the goose are optimal for eggs.

Nature has designed it so that the hen provides uniform heating, periodic ventilation and does not dry out the eggs. But, as with everything, there is one drawback - no more than 15 eggs can be placed under a goose, otherwise the quality of hatching decreases.

Having entrusted the incubation to the hen, all that remains is to take care of the bird itself. It is necessary to provide free access to food, water and the opportunity to swim. There have been cases when particularly impressionable hens were afraid to get off the nest and get to the feeder, which could have led to the death of the hen if not for forced feeding.

The importance of daylight hours for chicks up to a month old

Regardless of how the chicks were bred, it should be taken into account that the length of daylight directly affects the development, intensity of weight gain and health of the goslings.

During the first days (about 7 days), the chicks’ home should be illuminated around the clock; this will allow them to quickly settle in and easily find food and water. It’s still worth separating day and night, even if you don’t turn off the lights, but only dim them, but there should be a difference.

After a week, daylight hours can be reduced to 16-17 hours. But not sharply, but gradually, daily reduce the time of intense lighting by about 30-40 minutes. By bringing the period of the day to 16-17 hours, you can adhere to this schedule until you are sent to slaughter.

Goslings hatching. First day of life

When should chicks fledge?

Plumage in goslings occurs gradually. From the moment of hatching to full plumage, approximately 75-80 days pass.

For the first 20 days, babies walk covered in down, the next 10 days you can see how tail feathers appear (on the tail), after another 10 days the wings begin to feather, these feathers are called terry feathers, then gradually and more or less evenly, by the age of 2-3 months, full plumage occurs .

Homemade feed for ducks

Do-it-yourself compound feed consists of corn, wheat, oats, peas, barley, wheat bran and sunflower meal. The first thing you should pay attention to is the consistency of the food. It should not be too dry or watery. In the first case, the ducks will eat poorly and drink a lot of water, thereby weakening their appetite. Liquid diet becomes sticky and can clog the digestive organs or throat.

Scheme for preparing homemade feed

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Norms and diets for feeding ducks of the parent flock depending on the time of year

  • The first 10 days of life. At this age, the ducklings’ bodies require gentle and at the same time nutritious food. Young ducklings will be provided with the required amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats by hard-boiled eggs mixed with herbs and boiled potatoes. Eggs and potatoes are added in a 50/50 ratio.
  • On the fourth day of life, you can already add animal products to your diet - cottage cheese, milk, tremors, shells, chalk. It is worth noting that animal products in large quantities can negatively affect the well-being of the brood - diarrhea and bloating begin in the ducklings. It is recommended to gradually increase the amount of animal products;
  • 10–30 days old. Experts have proven that ducks are fully formed at this age, so they should receive the maximum of useful components. For 20 days, poultry is given mixed feed, which consists of 50% corn and wheat, 20% sunflower processing waste, 5% feed yeast and 3% dry skim milk. In addition, the composition must include the following additives: 3% greens, 7–9% fishmeal. Also, do not forget about chalk and small shells;

Store-bought feed: labeling and manufacturers

There are dozens of mixed feeds on store shelves. They are all different in composition, so for each stage of duckling development, you can choose the optimally suitable food. Each package has its own marking depending on the age of the bird:

  1. "PK-21". This food is purchased for feeding ducklings from 3-4 days to 3 weeks. Complementary feeding starts with 20 g per day, adding 2 g of the mixture every day. If the dosage is followed correctly, by 21 days of age the ducklings should have gained weight to 550 g.
  2. "PK-22". Promotes active weight gain (up to 40 g daily). Mixtures with this marking are fed to birds from 3 weeks of age. In summer, the food can be mixed with chopped herbs, the total serving size per day is 80 g.
  3. "PK-23". Suitable for young animals aged 9 to 26 weeks. They are also fed to adults during egg production. You should give no more than 170 g of feed per day; the best way to feed it is in the form of a mash. Additives are used depending on the season.

Video - Preparing starter feed for ducklings

Factory feed

Feed manufacturers produce different types of their products. They regularly conduct research to improve the effectiveness of feeds for certain species. Factory-made products are conventionally divided into age categories:

  • Compound feed "PK-21" is intended for young offspring of ducks aged 1–3 weeks. The daily feed intake is 20 grams per duckling. The manufacturer recommends increasing the daily intake by 2 grams daily. The composition of “PK-21” completely covers the poultry’s need for energy, vitamins and biologically active substances. Farming practice has shown that additives in the form of greens can enhance the effect of the PK-21 formula. The average daily increase in live weight of a duckling is 20–25 grams. By the end of 3 weeks, food “PK-21” allows the duckling to gain more than 550 grams;

Compound feed PK-21 for ducks aged 1-3 weeks

  • Compound feed "PK-22" is a growth feed for ducklings. Provides rapid growth and weight gain. The composition includes nutrients that increase the rate of weight gain up to 40 grams per day. The formula is suitable for feeding young animals over 20 days of age. Can be used with chopped herbs and fresh herbs. The presence of greens in food improves the digestibility and absorption of food. Composition “PK-22” is started to be given at 80 grams per day. The dose is increased daily by 2–3 grams. By the end of feeding, the specific weight of the duck reaches more than 2.5 kg;
  • Compound feed "PK-23" is a complete composition for raising young animals. The PK-23 formula allows young animals to better prepare for the transition to an adult flock. The manufacturer recommends using its products from 9 to 26 weeks of duck life. It is worth noting that PK-23 feed is the only formula where there is no need to increase the dose. On average, each individual consumes about 160–170 grams of food per day. Vitamins and minerals contribute to the rapid formation of the duck’s reproductive system and prepare it for laying eggs. It is given wet;

Scheme of feeding ducklings with compound feed

  • Compound feed "PK-23" is a formula for feeding laying ducks. The dose depends on the amount of grass feed in the laying hen’s diet and can range from 150 to 250 grams per day.

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Consumption standards

The norms for feeding ducks a feed mixture per day depend on their age and are always marked by the manufacturer on the packaging. On average, per 1 head up to 45 days old there is the following amount of useful components (per day):

  • crushed wheat - 22 g;
  • crushed barley - 30 g;
  • crushed peas - 12 g;
  • flaxseed or soybean cake - 8 g;
  • soybean meal - 5 g;
  • meat and bone meal - 3 g;
  • fish meal - 9 g;
  • feed fat - 4 g.

After 45 days, the amount of some products in the ducks’ diet is increased, which means the daily menu will be different. For example, instead of 12 g of crushed peas, you can give the bird 20 g of this product, it is useful to increase the amount of flaxseed meal by 2 g, and feed fat by 1.5 g. At the same time, the amount of wheat is reduced by 2 g, and fish meal by 7 g (adult ducks do not need more than 2 g of this supplement per day).

If you are not using complete feed, then you will have to add some minerals to the feed mixture (in mg per 1 kg of feed mixture):

  • iron - 20;
  • manganese - 45;
  • iodine - 1.0;
  • copper - 2.5.

Important! When calculating the required amount of additives, you should always rely on the manufacturer’s recommendations, since an excess of nutrients can lead to irreversible consequences in the health of birds.

Feed for ducks

It is profitable to raise ducks as poultry, since the diet can be very diverse from the ingredients that are available. They are suitable not only for cereals, but also for vegetables, as well as animal feed.

It is possible and necessary to make food for ducks with your own hands, since only in this case the breeder will be confident in its rich composition, suitable for raising meat and egg-laying birds. Much depends on whether there is the possibility of grazing the herd near a natural body of water. There, the ducks themselves find insects, small fish, as well as useful herbs and other vegetation. If this is not possible, everything missing will have to be introduced into the diet artificially.

What and how to feed a duck for meat for rapid growth

You can fatten ducks for meat at home using simple, inexpensive products if you plan your diet correctly. Large poultry farms practice fattening using nutritious feed and vitamin supplements.

Cereal feed

About 50–70% of the total feed in the duck menu consists of concentrates - grains of various crops. The product contains carbohydrates, proteins, and has a lot of energy necessary for the growth of the bird. The small amount of fiber in grains allows for almost complete digestion by the body.

Ducks are fed wheat, corn, barley, oats and other types of cereals. When fattening young animals, preference is given to corn (sometimes replacing it with peas), wheat and barley. These types of grains promote rapid weight gain and muscle mass.

For better eating by birds, the grain is crushed (crushed) or flattened. Good results are obtained when feeding extruded grain, a product processed under high temperature and pressure. The grain after the extruder is almost completely digested by the bird, which increases the economic feasibility of fattening.

Crushed and extruded grain is given in the form of crumbly mash.

If it is not possible to grind the grain product, it is steamed - poured with hot water and left for 5-8 hours. Steamed grain is readily eaten by adult birds and young birds.

When feeding waterfowl, milling waste is actively used: bran, flour. Bran is rich in protein and B vitamins, but contains little energy. They are introduced into the diet in an amount of 15–20%, added to mash.

Juicy feed

Grass and vegetables can make up up to half of the total weight of duck food. The products are rich in vitamins and fiber, which birds digest well.

Pets eat grass in the pasture or it is brought to them for walking and placed in feeders. Succulent, well-leafed vegetation is suitable for ducks:

  • garden weeds and greens - quinoa, dandelion, gooseberry, lettuce;
  • meadow grasses - young brome, ryegrass, clover, yarrow, wheatgrass;
  • forage crops - alfalfa, sainfoin, timothy.

For young animals, the grass is cut into particles no more than 1 cm long. Adults are given the vegetation entirely, placed in lattice nurseries or nets (vendaces). The bird eats leaves and tender young stems without touching rough branches.

They collect duckweed from ponds for ducks. For this purpose, nets with a fine mesh are used. Vegetation, along with small aquatic insects, is laid out in wide troughs in the pens where the birds are kept. Each individual can be fed up to 50 g of duckweed per day.

In the duck garden they grow:

  • fodder beets and carrots;
  • fodder and ordinary cabbage;
  • zucchini and pumpkin.

All vegetables are given fresh, chopped into crumbs. In winter, vegetables replace fresh grass in the diet.

Ducks willingly eat fruits: carrion apples, pears, plums and apricots (without seeds). The products do not have any special nutritional value, but they are rich in vitamins and microelements, in particular iron. When there is an excess harvest of apples, they are dried or fermented, and in winter they are fed to the livestock as a vitamin supplement.

Animal feed

In nature, ducks feed not only on vegetation, but also eat small insects, snails, and worms, that is, they consume animal protein. At home, the duck flock is offered the following food instead of live food:

  • whey and skim milk are added to mash;
  • cottage cheese - given to ducklings from the 3rd day of life;
  • bone or fish meal - add 2-5 g per head to the mash.

Bone and fish meal can be replaced with strong meat or fish broth, boiled slaughterhouse waste (offal, blood). These products give the meat a specific smell, so they are excluded from the poultry diet 10–15 days before slaughter.

Mineral supplements

Proper feeding of ducks cannot be organized without introducing mineral supplements into the menu - chalk, shells, eggshells and table salt.

Calcium contained in chalk and shell rock is necessary for the formation of strong bone tissue and the hardness of egg shells. Sodium, obtained by the body from salt, is responsible for the proper absorption of food and maintaining water-salt balance.

Salt is introduced into the bird's feed in strictly dosed doses (from 0.5 g to 2 g per day), since its excess can cause poisoning.

Chalk, shells, and eggshells should be freely available. The bird itself regulates the consumption of this product. Some poultry farmers add pieces of charcoal and clay to the troughs, noting that the birds show interest in this type of food.

Fine gravel and coarse river sand are freely laid out for the ducks. These products are eaten by birds to improve digestion - pebbles in the stomach, like small millstones, grind coarse particles of food.

Optimal diet for ducks

The principles for constructing a menu for domestic ducks are as follows.

Grain feed

Among all types of cereals, wheat and corn are best suited for ducks. The benefits of using such a base are unconditional, since the digestive tract of birds is designed in such a way that this food will be digested almost without residue (about 80%).

It is recommended to fill up to half of the daily food intake with cereals. To increase satiety, oats are added. You can get the right amount of fiber with the help of millet; it should be added in an amount of 20% of the daily requirement.

Important! Since coarse whole grains are less digestible than ground grains, not only corn, but also all other grains are ground for feed for ducks.


If there is an oil mill or sugar factory nearby, purchasing waste from their production will not be difficult. This is a cheap but extremely useful nutritional supplement. Sunflower, rapeseed, soybean, peanut, and beet cakes are added little by little at any time of the year. Bran also belongs to the same valuable category of ingredients.

However, both components cannot exceed 20% of the total amount of food eaten. They contain too much fiber, the excess of which is bad for the digestion of birds.

Vegetables, herbs and root vegetables

Ducks really like juicy chopped vegetables. They can be added to feeders at any time of the year. But usually vegetables are added to food in the warm season, since in winter they are much more expensive.

On a note. Not only the vegetables themselves (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, beets, etc.) are used, but also grass (alfalfa, clover). Birds can obtain some of these supplements on their own on natural pastures. But in any case, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the ducks receive succulent additives regularly.

Combined mixtures

Combined feeds are often used as feed for ducks. They are prepared from grains of various types of cereal plants. In order not to calculate every day how many grams the ducks need of this or that grain, the farmsteaders immediately prepare a large amount of the mixture. Store feed for ducks in plastic containers in dry rooms. The following cereals are used:

  • corn: it is a source of not only protein, carbohydrates and fiber, but also carotene; corn is recommended for young animals for fattening, individuals that make up the parent herd; carotene promotes the full development of reproductive functions in females and drakes;
  • barley: the protein found in barley is absorbed by the body more easily than the protein found in wheat; in addition, the grain contains a lot of iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium; barley must be crushed, because the grain shell is difficult to break down in the gastrointestinal tract of the duck;
  • wheat; in addition to proteins, it contains vitamins “B” and “E”; substances normalize the functioning of the hematopoietic organs and nervous system; regulate hormonal levels; grain is given whole or crushed; sprouted wheat is useful;
  • oats: fattening ducks will be ineffective without oats; it promotes accelerated weight gain in ducklings; oats contain a lot of fat; ducks are given peeled grains;
  • peas; it contains a large amount of protein; give peas in small quantities so that the birds do not become obese; legumes stimulate laying in laying hens and cause sexual activity in birds; Peas are introduced into feed only in spring and summer.

Some recipes for grain mixtures call for the use of wheat or corn flour. It cannot be given as a separate food. Flour can clog the sinuses of the respiratory tract. It is added to wet mash. Flour is especially useful for young animals in the first week of fattening.

Protein additives are added to duck feed. It is recommended to use waste from oilseed production. Among them are sunflower cake, soybean pulp, peanuts, and corn. Wheat bran and feed yeast are useful. It is recommended to grind pulp and cake so that they are better absorbed by the body. Their number is limited. Food additives can cause obesity.

For the full formation of the skeleton and better growth of muscle tissue, animal products are added to the combined mixtures. Chicks are given a boiled egg and cottage cheese for 1 week. Mash is made using skim milk or yogurt. At week 2, fish and bone meal are introduced. If there is a clear lack of calcium, minced boiled fish is recommended. Some breeders add a little minced beef to duck feed as an additive.

Duck diet

Homemade combination mixtures may include succulent foods. They are added to the grain before serving. Many homesteaders are interested in whether it is possible to feed ducks vegetables from the garden. Experts say that vegetables from the garden are very beneficial for ducks at any age. They are given cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, and beets. Young animals gain weight well if they are fed boiled potatoes.

In the summer, the livestock is walked on an area with alfalfa and clover. Dandelions and nettles are beneficial for ducks, but the nettles must first be steamed and chopped. Podvortsy add willow, cherry, and currant leaves to grain mixtures. Berries are useful, but the seeds must first be removed.

As duck feed, combination mixtures are often purchased from manufacturers. They are balanced in all nutrients. They are easy to use; you don’t need to add any grains or succulent feed to them. It is recommended to fatten broiler ducks using commercial feed. This technique is cost-effective for large poultry farms with large numbers of livestock.

Feed for ducks: basic rules

Experienced poultry farmers recommend forming a duck diet based on the following conditions:

  • To improve egg production, it is necessary to add finely chopped greens to the feeders. It contains a lot of vitamins E and B, which are essential during laying, including for subsequent hatching. You shouldn’t be too zealous either, since the basis of a complete diet at any time of the year is cereals.
  • When birds are raised for meat, their diet depends greatly on age. The first period is intensive growth of chicks. At this time, the share of animal feed can account for up to a third. But before slaughter, the bird is fed so that its fat mass increases. Dairy products, as well as legumes and ground oats, come to the rescue here.
  • There is no need to grind the grain too finely. The sticky mass can clog the beaks, or even get stuck in the throat. The food should be moist, but coarse enough to be pushed well through the esophagus. Boiling porridge is an outdated practice that has not worked well. When cooked, grains absorb water, losing calories per unit volume. As a result, the bird eats the same amount, but receives fewer calories.
  • You can also give dry feed. In this case, there should always be a drinking bowl at the feeding site. Today, some farmers specifically purchase granulators - equipment that allows them to form special granules from dry food. Ducks drink a lot with this diet. The method of soaking dry food in water is no worse, but the birds drink less. Vegetable supplements and grass during such feeding should be placed side by side in a separate container.

Attention! It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the water in drinking bowls. Stagnant water or dirty dishes can cause the spread of serious diseases.

PC 2 chicken feed

Feed for ducks

During tests, livestock specialists found that laying hens and broilers require different types of feed. The difference in the recipe determines how harmonious the growth and development of the chick will be.

Compound feed PK 2 is selected for egg-laying chickens. It is recommended in the first 56 days of life. Week-old chickens can be fed without restrictions, but at least once every 2 hours. After two weeks, it’s time to switch to a nutrition schedule according to the instructions. The presence of clean water in the drinking bowl is a prerequisite.

The feed contains not only plant but also raw materials of animal origin. Which is more consistent with the needs of the bird’s body. Grains measuring 2 mm are the most optimal size for the beak of chicks. Due to its softness and convenient shape, it is easily consumed by birds, and losses are minimized.


  • wheat and corn,
  • meat and bone meal and fish meal,
  • oil and meal,
  • lysine and methionine,
  • premix containing minerals and vitamins.

PC 2 chicken feed

Nutritional features, feeding rules for musky ducks

Musk ducks or indo-ducks are distinguished by their unsurpassed omnivorousness. It is very difficult to make a mistake with their feeding, because the bird is ready to eat everything that the owner has included in the duck mash. For a healthy diet, you need to form a diet primarily from wet mixtures, which include grains, as well as juicy vegetable and meat additives.

Favorite foods of Indian ducks:

  • grass;
  • finely chopped beet tops;
  • feed from several types of cereals (necessarily soaked in water);
  • waste from the kitchen (cooked meat scraps, boiled potatoes);
  • ground corn.

Muscovy ducks do not really need a pond. If there is, that’s good, because then the herd will be able to obtain a considerable part of its diet on its own. Insects and even worms are caught very cleverly by both drakes and chicks. If there is a natural or artificial pond with a variety of living creatures next to the poultry house, then you can save a lot on feeding costs.

Interesting. By the way, by crossing ordinary and musk ducks, interspecific hybrids are obtained, for example, mulard, which will not produce offspring, but will grow larger than its parents.

GOST is the head of everything

The second most important, no matter how trite it may be, is the state standard. Since feed is produced on an industrial scale, all manufacturers are required to adhere to the requirements established for their products

Basic standards in this area are developed in accordance with the recipe created by the All-Russian Research Institute of Feed Industry. These include:

  • GOST 18221 – for poultry,
  • GOST 32897 – for fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutria,
  • GOST 9268 – for cattle,
  • GOST R 50257 – for pigs.

What feed to feed ducklings

The peculiarity of feeding ducklings is that up to 2 months their growth occurs very rapidly, and for this they need a special diet rich in protein and vitamins. Compound feed balanced in composition is crucial for the growth of ducklings.

A special diet rich in protein

1- 10 days

Strong and healthy ducklings can feed themselves. But sometimes you have to feed the weakest ones through a pipette on the first day. This is done only on small farms. With a large population, there is simply not enough energy and time to do this.

On a note. For a few days after hatching, it is enough to give only a finely chopped egg and nothing else. This is an ideal starter feed for ducklings. It is also the most accessible. From the 5th day of life, ducklings must be given low-fat cottage cheese. At this time, the feeding frequency is every 2 hours, only for non-meat breeds - every 3 hours.

10-30 days

10 days after hatching, normal feeding is started and food for ducklings begins to be served in special feeders, but in no case together with adult birds.

The menu includes fish or bone meal, which should account for about 7% of the serving. The rest consists of ground grains, as well as cakes (up to 20%).

Attention! To further speed up growth, yeast is often added to food.

If the diet at this time is chosen correctly, then changes in the appearance of the ducklings will be noticeable to the naked eye every day. Their weight also changes noticeably.

After 30 days

Already at the age of 1 month, ducklings eat the same as adult birds. If there is a free range nearby where you can catch insects or fry in a pond, then you no longer need to add animal additives to the food. But not for meat breeds, which require much more protein throughout their lives than others. The optimal feeding regimen is 2-3 times a day at regular intervals.

Seasonal feeding

If the livestock is kept on litter, the farm practices duck grazing in a plant area or walking on a pond, then it is recommended to use seasonal rations to feed the flock. When preparing the diet, the amount of green grass or the amount of algae that ducks eat during the day is taken into account. Seasonal feeding of domestic ducks is used for parent flocks and for small private farms where poultry is not bred for business.

In winter, ducks require a lot of energy to maintain body heat, so the basis of their diet is grain mixtures. Each individual must eat at least 255 g of feed per day, taking into account the fact that it contains protein and mineral supplements. To avoid vitamin deficiency and pecking in a duck herd, the livestock can be fed with carrots, beets, and potatoes.

Vegetables are given 150 g. It is recommended to add 10 g of cottage cheese to the mixture. For evening mash, the feed is moistened with reverse, 20 g. To prevent pecking, fish oil is administered to the birds, 10 ml per head. Instead of fish oil, you can add sunflower oil to grain mixtures.

In the spring, feeding ducks at home changes slightly. With the appearance of the first sprouts of green grass, the herd is taken out to pasture or to a pond. Grazing lasts no more than 4 hours. The bird should get used to eating green food gradually.

Each duck receives 245 g of grain mixture. The supply of vegetables is canceled. In the morning they give 15 g of hay and 50 g of feed. The rest of the diet is made up of green grass. At lunchtime and in the evening, 1 individual should eat 98 g of grain mixture.

In the summer, ducks spend the entire daylight hours on a pasture or in a pond. Poultry farmers often discuss what to feed ducks other than grass. In summer, the bird begins to molt. She needs a lot of protein to restore her feather cover. Despite the fact that individuals eat a lot of succulent food, grain mixtures are left in the diet. Their supply is not reduced. They contain a sufficient amount of protein and mineral salts. Additionally, you can add cottage cheese and skim milk to the mash, 20 g of each ingredient.

If the livestock is kept in a pen on a growing area, then an area with a canopy is made in it. Duck feeders, drinking bowls and nests are located under the canopy. There is no need to do major construction. When the vegetation in the meadow ends, the enclosure along with the equipment is moved to another meadow.

In the fall, the herd remains in the pen until the first frost. Poultry farmers feed ducks with succulent feed and combined grain mixtures. On day 1, an individual should eat at least 150 g of green grass. Part of the mixture can be replaced with vegetables from the garden. In this case, the amount of grain an individual eats is 200 g/head, vegetables 40-60 g/head.

Mineral supplements and vitamins are not used. It is acceptable to administer premixes to laying hens with high egg production. The drake is added to the diet with 30% protein feed. Males weigh more than females. They require an increased portion of the grain mixture.

Types of feed

Several types of feed are used to feed ducks. Let's take a closer look at them.


According to the name, this type of combined feed contains all the substances necessary for birds. It is intended for feeding in its pure form, and its use allows you to avoid additional feeding.

It turns out that this type of food contains both proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as the necessary groups of vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements. It is worth taking care to stock up on enough feed for the cold season, which will be enough for the full raising of ducks.

Compound feed concentrate

Concentrated feed is not a complete feed and cannot be used in its pure form. It can be compared to a dietary supplement that is a source of vitamins and minerals. The concentrate is used in combination with juicy and roughage feed, which, when entering the bird’s body, triggers the process of proper absorption of the vitamin component.

Protein and vitamin supplements

This variety is also called a “balancing supplement”, as it allows you to regulate the amount of proteins and vitamins in your daily diet. It is a mixture of protein, vitamins and mineral salts, so it is actually a concentrate that cannot be given in pure form or in large quantities.

This additive is most often used to create combined feeds at home. That is, the farmer grinds the grain according to the recipe, after which he saturates it with a protein and vitamin supplement, obtaining a complete feed.


This variety can hardly be called compound feed, since it is added to the general menu in small quantities (no more than 5%).

It is a homogeneous mixture that consists of minerals, vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes, chalk, as well as crushed bran.

The composition of premixes may be different. This mainly depends on the purpose. This supplement can be used to prevent diseases, saturate the menu with vitamins or minerals.

Complete and concentrate

Complete feed contains everything necessary for a high-quality diet for poultry. The composition includes nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

This type of feed is intended to be served in its pure form. When using it, there is no need to add any complementary foods or vitamins.

To raise good livestock, it is worth stocking up on a large amount of feed for the winter. The duck will receive all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, feel good and produce healthy and strong offspring.

Unlike complete feed, concentrate feed cannot be used in its pure form. It is more suitable as an additive to the main diet.

In order to feed ducks with concentrate, you need to purchase coarse or juicy feed and mix them. The mash, entering the bird’s stomach, starts a process that helps the body absorb all the vitamins and nutrients from the concentrate.


Supplements include foods rich in vitamins, minerals or other beneficial compounds that improve the functioning of the immune system and also accelerate the growth and development of poultry:

  • greenery. In the warm season, ordinary and valuable herbs are extremely healthy food for ducks, as they contain vitamins E and B. At the same time, the bird receives succulent food, which is digested faster and also saturates the body with moisture;
  • fish flour. It is an affordable source of animal protein. It also contains essential fatty acids and essential amino acids (lysine, threonine, etc.). There is also a mineral component, which is represented by iron, phosphorus and calcium;
  • chalk. A cheap source of calcium, which also helps digest tough foods;
  • feed yeast. A source of vegetable protein, as well as valuable macro- and microelements: iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium, sodium, nickel, chromium.

Starter feed for regular ducklings

We have considered general provisions that can be applied to both ordinary ducklings and musky ducklings, as well as quails and turkey poults - only the proportions of food differ for each type of bird. Now let’s look in more detail at how to prepare the right starter feed for an ordinary duckling at home.

What is necessary

Unfortunately, the purchased feed for chicks will not always have all the necessary micro- and macroelements that are responsible for the proper growth and development of the chick. It is best to prepare starter feed at home - this way you will be sure that the bird will receive the most balanced and healthy feed. In addition, self-prepared food ends up being less expensive than food purchased at the appropriate store. So, to prepare 1 kg of starter feed for ducklings you will need the following components:

  • crushed wheat - 200 g;
  • chopped corn - 200 g;
  • oat flour - 50 g;
  • chopped barley - 200 g;
  • feed chalk - 20 g;
  • crushed shells - 20 g;
  • fish meal - 70 g;
  • meat and bone meal - 140 g;
  • premix “Solnyshko” (additive to the main diet) - 10 g;
  • Sunflower cake - 70 g;
  • unrefined vegetable oil - 19 g;
  • table salt - 1 g.


Preparing starter feed does not require much effort - even a novice poultry farmer can handle it:

  1. We measure all components in the specified proportions and pour them into one container (special scales are useful for accurate weighing).
  2. Mix the food thoroughly - the consistency should be slightly moist and crumbly, without dry lumps. Properly mixed food should not gather dust or stick to your hands.

It will be useful for you to learn how to make duck feeders, nests and sheds with your own hands, as well as how to make a variety of drinking bowls for ducklings with your own hands.

The biggest difficulty in preparing such food will be the preparation of ingredients: you can collect your own grown grains or grind fish or meat meal by hand. However, you can find all these components in specialized stores or at poultry markets. On average, the price for 1 kg of such food prepared at home is about 0.5 dollars, while the market price for similar food starts from 1 dollar. This food can be prepared independently in large quantities: for a month it will retain all its beneficial properties.

Video: DIY starter food for ducklings

DIY duck feed

We will present recipes for complete feed that can be prepared at home.

For ducks

  • corn flour;
  • wheat bran;
  • green mass (nettle, clover, alfalfa, willow leaves).

Please note that this type of feed can only be prepared in the warm season.

In winter, you should not use dry greens, as they lose some of their vitamins, which means that the mixture must be supplemented with fortified supplements.

  1. Take a 10 liter bucket and fill it with green mass.
  2. Then fill it with hot water (not boiling water) and wait half an hour.
  3. Then add 0.5 kg corn flour and 1 kg bran. Mix thoroughly. The feed should be thick.

VIDEO: HOW TO MAKE DUCK FOOD This feed option is suitable for month-old ducklings and mature ducks. If you intend to use it for younger individuals, then the greens should be chopped beforehand.

For Muscovy ducks

  • whole wheat - 250 g;
  • ground corn - 100 g;
  • oats - 400 g;
  • wheat bran - 50 g;
  • feed chalk - 20 g;
  • small shell - 30 g;
  • fish meal - 20 g;
  • premix - 19 g;
  • table salt - 1 g.
  1. Combine all ingredients in the indicated dosage and mix. In total you should get about 0.9 kg of feed.
  2. For convenience, you should add about 100-150 ml of warm water so that the small components stick to the larger feed and do not remain on the bottom of the container.

Muscovy duck This combined option allows you not only to saturate the ducks’ body with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also to save a considerable amount on feeding, since most of the ingredients are affordable.


Compound feed PC 5 Start: composition

CharacteristicsIngredientsBAS (bioactive substances)

NamePC 5 ​​Start
What kind of bird is it suitable for?Broilers from 1 to 3 weeks
Calorie content per 100 grams308 kcal
CompoundGrain raw materials, corn gluten, soybean meal, fish meal, full-fat extruded soybean, amino acids, vitamin-mineral premix, enzyme (enzyme), coccidiostat, adsorbent, antioxidant, etc.
Crude protein23,00%
Crude fat7,51%
Crude fiber3,51%
Linoleic acid3,66%
Common lysine1,42%
Total methionine0,67%
Methionine + total cystine1,00%
General threonine0,90%
Total tryptophan0,27%
Phosphorus assimilable0,50%
Vitamin A12.00 thousand IU
Vitamin D35.00 thousand IU
Vitamin E75 mg
B vitaminsincluded
Iron, Copper, Zincincluded
Manganese, Iodine, Seleniumincluded

Application diagram

Feeding of chickens begins immediately after transfer from the incubator to the brooder. The entire period of feeding young animals before slaughter is divided into 3 stages.

In the 1st stage of feeding, feed PK 5 Start is used from 1 to 14 days. The daily consumption rate per head is:

  • 1 week – 20 g;
  • Week 2 – 30 g.

For the first two weeks, food is given with an interval of 2 hours between feedings. The grain fraction should not exceed 1.0 – 2.5 mm.

The following additives can be combined with feed:

  • 5th day of feeding – chopped carrots, cabbage 5 g per 1 bird per day;
  • on the 7th day, add finely chopped greens or grass - green onions, dandelion leaves, sorrel, clover, nettle at the rate of 1 g per day per head. Gravel 4-5 g per 1 chicken once a week;
  • from day 8, chickens begin to be fed mineral supplements - chalk and crushed shells at a dosage of 3 g per individual.

What do wild ducks eat?

Like other wild birds, ducks are perfectly adapted to their environment. Their feeding takes place near some shallow body of water. Food enters their body by sucking a plant or insect from the water. However, the majority of the diet is still plant foods.

But a wild duck still won’t refuse to feast on a small fish, tadpole or crustacean. It is not uncommon to see the protruding tail of a wild duck on the surface of a pond. By plunging under water, the bird obtains food for itself. It can dive to a depth of 40-50 centimeters.

In winter, the bird eats exclusively the stems and seeds of some plant, since in cold weather there are practically no insects and fish. Ducks living near populated areas receive most of their food from people.

Thanks to the tips and recommendations described in this article, you can easily create a diet for feeding domestic ducks, the proper nutrition of which at different periods of their life will ensure their growth, development and health.



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What to feed on the first day of life at home?

The second question that a novice farmer faces after purchasing chicks is what to feed the little ducklings in the first days of life.
The gastrointestinal tract of ducklings is different from that of adults, so food suitable for adult ducks will not be suitable for babies. Ducklings have a higher degree of digestibility of food and a more intense metabolism compared, for example, with chickens.

Newborn ducklings need to be fed 4-5 times a day. Food in the first 2-4 days should be enriched with protein as much as possible; it helps ducklings grow. For these purposes, mash is prepared for children from chopped boiled eggs, cottage cheese with the addition of milk and any fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, whey.

Food must be fresh, uneaten remains must be disposed of, preventing food spoilage.

Already in the first days after birth, greens are added to the birds' food. In summer, it is better to use fresh, finely chopped. If ducks are to be raised in the winter, a sufficient amount of greens should be dried in advance during the summer season to be added to the mash. Nettle, clover, alfalfa and even dandelion are used for these purposes.

It happens that small ducks initially refuse to start eating, as a result of which they may die. In such cases, a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate is forcibly infused into the duckling using a pipette, after which a crumbled boiled egg is offered.

Feeding week old ducklings

Next, any farmer faces a logical question: what and how to feed week-old ducklings? In addition to the high protein content, grain crops should be present in duck food from the first week. Their grain digestibility rate is about 80%, which is even higher than that of chickens.

In addition, the grain also contains protein, about 10-15%. In the first 7-10 days of life, birds are given mixed feed with the addition of cottage cheese, fermented milk products, finely chopped nettles and other greens. Fresh nettles must be scalded with boiling water before use. Greens contain a number of vitamins necessary for normal growth, development and strengthening of the immune system. Also, already in the first week it is necessary to enrich the food with minerals required by the rapidly growing body of the chick. It is possible to try giving the duckling Start food.

You may be interested in the following duck-related articles:

  • Breeding and raising ducks at home.
  • Incubation of duck eggs at home.
  • How to raise mulard ducks at home?

For this purpose, chalk, fish or meat and bone meal, crushed shells or crushed eggshells are added to the food. Until the second week, mineral supplements are added at the rate of 1 gram. on the head.

Feeding two-week-old chicks

But what to feed ducklings at 2 weeks and how much food to give is a question that rarely arises. After all, from the second week, young animals can be released if there is a paddock with access to a reservoir. In this case, the chicks will receive part of their food in their natural environment. They will need to be fed only twice a day - morning and evening.

In the morning, two-week-old chicks are not fed enough, so that the babies can get enough on their own during a walk. When birds are in a confined space, the feeding load increases.

From the second week, it is advisable to add duckweed to the food, which ducks simply adore.

Cottage cheese and eggs are removed from the mash, replacing with boiled root vegetables, for example, potatoes, sugar beets, carrots. In winter, from the second week, ducks can be fed with combined silage. The main part of the feed at this stage is compound feed, a slightly smaller part is greens.

At this age, to improve digestion and stimulate intestinal function, farmers add a little sand or fine gravel to the feed.

Feeding grass to slightly grown ducklings

Premises requirements

For normal growth of a bird, it is necessary to provide the bird not only with the correct feeding regimen and ration, but also with good living conditions. In the first 3 weeks of life, ducklings are especially sensitive to the temperature of the room in which they are kept.

The optimal room temperature in the first weeks of life for ducklings is:

  • In the first week - 27-30°C;
  • In the second week - 23-26°C;
  • In the third week - 19-22°C.

Poultry house floors should always have deep, dry litter. Despite the fact that ducks are waterfowl, dampness is one of the causes of various poultry diseases. Hay, straw and sawdust are used for bedding. The relative air humidity in the poultry house should be between 65-70%.

1 sq. m for 2 birds

The duration of daylight for normal development and growth of ducklings in the first weeks of life should be at least 20 hours. In order to achieve this indicator, additional lighting systems are installed in the room. The best option for lighting and heating a room can be LED lamps with a power of 50 W. For 10 birds, 5 such lamps are installed. They are fixed on the wall of the poultry house at a height of 2 m. When the duck reaches one month of age, the duration of daylight required for its normal growth is reduced to 12 hours.

It is not necessary to install special ventilation to circulate air in the poultry house. To do this, it is enough to equip the room with small windows that can be used for ventilation. Special pens are made for walking ducks. They are located on the south side of the poultry house. At the age of 3 weeks, goslings can begin to be released into the pond together with adult ducks.

Necessary equipment and supplies

Keeping ducks requires a certain set of equipment, which you can buy or make yourself. It includes:

  • Feeders. They must be stable and have an upper bar that limits the bird’s ability to trample and spill food.
  • Drinking bowls. Selected at a rate of at least 0.6 liters per bird. Their design must ensure stability and preservation of the purity of the water poured into them.
  • Nests. To construct them, you can use wooden boxes filled with hay.

To clean the poultry house you will need rakes, shovels and buckets.

Pasture requirements

The presence of grazing for ducks can significantly reduce the amount of feed required for their rearing and avoid many poultry diseases. On pastures, ducks enrich their bodies with protein and vitamins. When grazing ducks on pastures, you can feed them only with grain waste. The area of ​​pasture depends on the composition of the grass stand.

Requirements for the reservoir

If there is no pond or river near the duck breeding site, then special baths or pools are installed for the birds to swim. The water temperature in them should not be lower than +14°C. The area of ​​the reservoir is calculated based on the norm of 1 hectare per 200 ducks.

What types of products are divided into?

Like other feathered pets, ducks require protein, a building material for cells, without which there will be no increased gain of muscle mass.

If wild birds, living in the wild, can get worms, beetles, and larvae, then domestic birds are deprived of this opportunity.

Carbohydrates are required to maintain energy, fats for nutrients and weight gain, and minerals for strong bones.

  • Protein feeds include the following: dairy products (cottage cheese, whey), meat by-products and waste, fish, bone meal. Proteins can also be of plant origin - meal, cake (from different crops).
  • Carbohydrates are obtained from grains, potatoes, and beets.
  • A rich source of vitamins is nettle, dandelion leaves, greens, tops of garden plants (except potatoes).
  • Contains minerals - shell rock, eggshell, feed chalk.
  • Industrial feed contains all the necessary substances, including vitamins, which are required for the normal development of birds.

Wet mash should be the main food for ducks; its composition can be changed depending on needs. The basis is whey and meat broth.

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