Compound feed for pigs: types, do-it-yourself preparation, feeding features

The diet of an adult pig must include all the vitamins and minerals necessary for its development. Analyzing an animal’s nutrition every day, calculating the calorie content and beneficial composition of a particular product, is inconvenient and labor-intensive, so the best food for a pig is compound feed.

Feeding pigs with compound feed

Combined feed is a suitable nutrition option for farm animals. It contains the optimal amount of mineral elements and vitamins, which creates conditions for the normal development of the animal. However, the pig's diet should also include raw and boiled vegetables, dietary supplements and herbs.

Important! When consuming feed, pigs must drink enough water.

Since pigs have a single-chamber stomach, it is recommended to use combined feeds to obtain high-quality meat, and juicy foods and green mass should be fed less frequently.

At the same time, compound feeds have their pros and cons.

  • Advantages:
  • providing adequate nutrition;
  • the product does not have any harmful bacteria;
  • ease of transportation and storage;
  • there is no need for additional feeding;
  • the result is excellent meat;
  • rapid weight gain.
  • Flaws:
  • risk of obesity (this can be avoided by using dietary types);
  • it is necessary to strictly adhere to the norm, without going beyond the permissible quantity;
  • the monotony of the diet does not have a very good effect on the quality of life; periodic changes in food are required;
  • Compound feeds are not suitable for all breeds.

Important! In some varieties of pigs (for example, Vietnamese), mixed feeds can upset digestion.

What is the essence of steaming?

Steaming food involves mixing it with hot water and letting the mixture sit for several hours. As a result, dry food swells and turns into wet food. Under the influence of temperature, partial dextrinization of starch and hydrolysis of nutrients occurs. In addition, the mixture acquires a sweetish taste and smell that is more pleasant for the animal.

At the same time, the mixture of feed components can be considered ready and, subject to constant, free access to drinking water, it can be served in its original form.

Due to this contradiction, the usefulness of each feeding method should be considered for all major species of bred animals separately.

Composition of feed for pigs

Combined feed is food for animals that is balanced in composition: it consists of valuable nutritional components, microelements and vitamins. The composition of mixed products is determined by the state standard. According to the standards, special pork feed includes 7–12 components, as well as additional ingredients that each manufacturer adds at its own discretion.

The following drugs are used as additional components:

  • premix;
  • feed chalk;
  • nutritional yeast, etc.

Boars, breeding pigs and piglets need different amounts of proteins and minerals, i.e., different compounds are needed for each category.
Find out what pig growth stimulants are for and how to use them.

For adults

Fermented feed for mature pigs will be considered complete if its composition looks like this (in percentage):

  • barley - 27;
  • oats - 26;
  • grass meal (alfalfa) - 18;
  • meat and bone powder - 16;
  • sunflower waste - 9;
  • food chalk - 2;
  • salt - 1.

The components in feed mixtures can be stationary; only their concentration will change. The quality characteristics of the special feed do not suffer.

For young animals

Let's look at what piglet feed is made from. So, special food for babies up to 90 days includes the following ingredients (in%):

  • barley flour - 47;
  • milk powder - 21;
  • legume powder - 15.3;
  • fish powder - 4;
  • premixes - 3.78;
  • fats of animal origin - 3.5;
  • sucrose - 2.4;
  • yeast for animals - 1.5;
  • calcium carbonate - 0.5.

For piglets up to 2 months old, the concentration of milk powder is reduced to 9.3% and corn powder and bran are added to the feed mixture, while simultaneously reducing the portion of barley and legume flour.
Important! It is not recommended to reduce the premix content below 2.57%.

For chickens

Ready-made chicken feed is a protein-carbohydrate mixture, approximately half consisting of crushed grain. At the same time, for laying hens, which require more carbohydrates and calcium for stronger egg shells, and for broilers, which have a greater need for protein to build muscle tissue, feed compositions vary. Despite this difference, their feeding recommendations are common.

It is not advisable to steam feed for chickens. There are several reasons for this:

  • liquid food remaining on the bird’s beak falls into the cage, which contributes to the breeding of dirt and the development of bacteria,
  • at a steaming temperature of 55°C and, moreover, during cooking, some of the nutrients necessary for the active life and health of chickens are destroyed,
  • wet food that is not eaten immediately turns sour in the feeder, and when subsequently eaten it can cause various unpleasant consequences: diarrhea or even fatal poisoning.


Today, several varieties of combined feeds are produced, which differ in their form, purpose and other indicators.

By release form

Based on their external form, feed can be dry powdered or granulated.


This kind of food, according to professionals, is best used in pigsties with a good ventilation system. And to the place where piglets are fed, it should be fed using a sealed structure into special closing feeders.


Granules are the most acceptable option for special food, because during the production of such a product, all fungi that are capable of producing toxins are destroyed. In addition, the quality of such combined feeds is many times higher than dry ones.

By purpose

According to the function they perform, mixed feeds are of two types: complete (PC) and concentrated (CC).


Balanced feed, which contains all the essential elements for proper nutrition of pigs. It is an independent, complete feed product and does not require auxiliary feeding.

Did you know? Wild boars can feed on carrion (small birds and mammals), and
they consume worms and insects.
As a rule, complete feeds are labeled “PC 5X-X” or “SK X”, where X is a number that determines the intended purpose of a particular drug and its composition.

They are used both in pure form and in the form of mixtures, in a certain ratio to the main feed.


Often such feeds are called BMVP (protein-mineral vitamin supplements), since the bulk of their composition is occupied by proteins, vitamin components and minerals. Used in mash mixtures, to enrich mixed feed and grain mixtures prepared with one’s own hands.


This video explains how to prepare feed for pigs yourself.

It is possible to provide adequate nutrition for animals of different ages and achieve high net weight of pigs by using high-quality balanced feed. Compound feed for piglets or pigs can be bought both on the market and prepared with your own hands. The main thing is to know the percentage composition of the necessary ingredients and vitamin and mineral supplements for pigs of different weights and ages.

Consumption standards

The amount of feed consumed must be strictly measured. If pigs are given too much food, obesity will occur, which affects the quality of the meat. To calculate how much food to give pigs, take into account the age, weight, sex and variety of the animal. It is according to these parameters that nutritional standards are written.

Pigs under the age of two months are considered dairy animals. This is how much special feed a suckling pig normally eats per day:

  • 1–14 days - 25 g;
  • 15–60 days - 350 g;
  • two month old pig – 850 g.

Find out how many years pigs live at home and in the wild.

The next stage in the life of a pig is called the growing phase - these are pigs at the age of 2-4 months. The daily dose for such babies is:

  • 3 months - 1050 g;
  • 4 months - 1550 g.

The next period is the fattening phase. Such pigs include representatives weighing up to a hundredweight and up to eight months old. The calculation of food per day for this category looks like this:

  • up to 5 months - 2250 g;
  • six months - 2550 g;
  • 7 months - 3200 g;
  • 8 months - 3300–3400 g.

Important! If feed is calculated incorrectly in pigs, the function of the digestive system is disrupted.

The volumes of feed in the distribution by category look like this:

  • 21–40 days — 10–11 kg;
  • 41–60 days — 23–24 kg;
  • 61–90 days — 53–54 kg;
  • 91–120 days — 69–70 kg;
  • 121–150 days — 82–83 kg;
  • 151–180 days - 93–94 kg.

Experienced pig breeders remove cake, soybeans and oats from the pig’s diet before slaughter.

Grown animals will need the following amount of mixed product per day:

  • pigs for slaughter - 3 kg;
  • pigs for offspring - 3 kg;
  • during lactation - 3–4 kg.

It is worth noting that the consumption rates for each feed mixture depend not only on the age and purpose of the pig, but also on the manufacturer. Each individual product indicates the norm per day. For example, to raise a pig, Soyuzpischeprom offers the following dosage:

Product codeAge categoryConsumption per day, grams
SK-1sows (single, farrowing);
boars; young animals for replacement
SK-2lactating sows;
breeding boars
initially 1500–2000, gradually increasing to 6500 (15–18 days of lactation)
SK-3piglets 9–42 days old15–550
SK-4babies 43–60 days650–850
SK-5pigs 61–105 days.850–1550
SK-61st period for fattening (106–150 days)1650–2150
SK-72nd phase of fattening (151–210 days)2250–3200
KK-56bacon feeding (91–220 days)1250–3350
KK-58fattening for fatty products (100–280 days)1800–3100

Did you know? For good growth, the best option would be piglets obtained from crossing different breeds.

Provimi produces the following feed mixtures for pigs with the following dosage:

Product codeAge categoryDaily value, grams
prestarter "Bogatyr"suckling pigs (3–45 days)120
"Starter"weaned piglets (45–48 days)1125
"Grower"pigs during growing (85–125 days)2125
"Finisher"fattening pigs (125–180 days)2910
Replacement feed mixture for pigs15–30 days1500–3000
For pregnant sows31–32 weeks2800
"Profert"pregnant sows (33–34 weeks)2800
For breeding males270–400 days;
401–800 days; 801 days and older


As you can see, the consumption of special feed per head depends on the brand of the product.

Therefore, when choosing feed mixtures, it should be taken into account that for the healthy state and preservation of the productive functions and productivity of pigs (fat, meat and fat, meat, for reproduction), they must contain the required amount of nutritional components. It is also important to maintain a balanced diet so that the animal receives the required amount of mineral components and vitamins per day.

Did you know? The idea that pigs are dirty is wrong. They will never defecate where they eat. And the famous mud bathing is just a hygienic procedure: in this way the pig is saved from parasites.

With the right choice of norm, you get good, quick weight gain and high-quality meat. At the same time, it is taken into account that if the increase in the weight of adult individuals falls below 500 g per day, their rearing will no longer be profitable, i.e., the pig is either stopped fattening and sent to slaughter, or the standards are revised and a new special feed and its consumption are chosen.


  1. Compound feed serves as the basis of a pig’s diet and helps animals quickly gain weight.
  2. This diet provides pigs with everything they need, a balanced complex of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals.
  3. There are many feed compositions, each of which is suitable for a particular age group of pigs.
  4. Combined feeds can be purchased ready-made (in this case, the most nutritious and practical option is concentrate feed), but it is more economical to prepare them yourself.

Read about fattening piglets for meat at home.

The best feed producers

All agricultural producers must adhere to established standards that regulate the following parameters:

  1. Nutritional value. Control of the composition of digestible fiber, protein and the volume of feed units.
  2. Mineral set. The presence of sodium, potassium, phosphorus in the mixture.
  3. Grinding size. Feed can be produced in coarse, fine and medium grinding.
  4. Granule size. The acceptable granule size for rapid growth of animals is 10 mm. For small pigs just weaned from the sow - 8 mm.

Today, many companies offer special feed on the market, both domestic and foreign. Each of them has its own classification, consumption rate and recipes. The most popular are:

  • — a foreign company specializing in the production of agricultural products;
  • LLC Soyuzpischeprom Association is an organization from the Russian Federation.

Not long ago, Provimi released an updated line of Purina mixtures. As a standard, the company includes the following elements in its feed:

  • enzyme complex;
  • soy protein;
  • antibiotic;
  • acidifier;
  • immunomodulator;
  • heat-treated grain;
  • antioxidant;
  • dairy products;
  • growth stimulants;
  • animal components;
  • mineral and vitamin supplements.

The updated version of the feed, unlike previous versions, does not contain animal and dairy feed. Today Purina consists of the following components:

  • soybean meal and meal;
  • methionine;
  • phytase ENZIM;
  • L-lysine;
  • wheat, oats, corn;
  • antioxidants and aromatic additives;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Important! Phytase ENZIM is an essential element that helps break down phytic acid, stimulates weight gain, and improves the digestion process.

In addition, Purina contains practically no synthetic components.

Russian manufacturers are also keeping up with their American competitor. The products are of high quality and reasonable prices. Their assortment includes mixed feeds that are not only not inferior in quality characteristics, but even surpass them:

  1. SK-8. Complete feed mixture for pigs of the second fattening period. Contains enough protein, but is enriched with protein. Suitable for greasy and meat-producing animals. Contains mineral and vitamin components in optimal quantities and does not include hormones, growth stimulants, antibiotics and GMOs. The basis is barley, wheat, by-products of plant crops and cake.
  2. KK-55. Granulated feed mixture that contains feed barley and wheat, feed meal, meat and bone meal (30%), sunflower cake (36%), salt and edible lime, monocalcium phosphate. Crude protein content: 16%. The food is designed for raising animals to fatty condition. The manufacturer considers the absence of antibiotics to be an additional advantage.
  3. PC-55 beam. Ground feed for meat production. Contains the maximum amount of nutritional components, minerals and vitamins that help maintain health and good production. The composition also contains flavoring additives.

Did you know? The recipes of the best manufacturers are present in the popular game FS 17, in which everyone can feel like a farmer without leaving the comfort of their chair.

Feed selection

Balanced food is the key to successful pig rearing, so farmers do not spare money on it. A properly selected diet will help achieve high results in fattening and reduce the cost of pig farming.

  • Compound feed must be nutritious, that is, contain a sufficient amount of nutrients.
  • It should have moderate protein and fiber content. The higher the energy value of food, the faster fattening will occur. The composition should include useful elements.
  • The pig's body does not digest grain very well, so it should be ground before feeding. There is fine, medium and coarse grain grinding.
  • For babies, maximum grinding is required.

Pelleted food has a specific granule diameter. Young piglets need to prepare pellets with a diameter of less than 8 mm; for adult pigs, a diameter of 10 mm is suitable.

To reduce the risk of poisoning and other health problems, it is necessary to monitor the quality of feed. It is also worth focusing on the age of the pig.

Young pigs have a vulnerable developing body, so it is worth choosing food especially carefully for them. By giving young animals roughage, the owner runs the risk of subsequently having problems with the gastrointestinal tract and general development.

How to make feed for pigs with your own hands

As we have already found out, for good results you should definitely feed the pigs with mixed feed. But the farmer always has a choice: buy a finished product or make it himself. The more cost-effective option, of course, would be the second. Having obtained all the ingredients and knowing the recipe, you can turn piglet breeding into a profitable business.

Ingredients and proportions

The best feeds are those based on grain crops. It, like other large elements, is crushed. Overall the consistency should be mushy.

Important! For sows, feed is prepared with one type of moderately ground cereal.

In general, mixed feed for fattening adult pigs should include the following components:

  • barley - 300–400 g;
  • oats - 250–300 g;
  • alfalfa flour - 120–160 g;
  • meat and bone powder - 110–120 g;
  • sunflower cake - 70–80 g;
  • chalk - 1 tbsp. spoon (20 g);
  • salt - ½ tbsp. spoons (10 g).

Young piglets are given special feed only fine-grained or granulated. The consistency of the finished product is similar to a viscous porridge.

To produce a dry product for piglets, the following components are taken:

  • barley - 1000 g;
  • edible fat - 90–100 g or feed lard - 40 g;
  • feed yeast - 90–100 g;
  • chalk - 15 g;
  • salt - 5 g.

Regardless of whether the feed is prepared independently or purchased, compliance with the proportions is the key to proper development, appropriate growth and productivity of pigs.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

The general scheme for mixing feed for both sows and gilts looks like this:

  1. All grain components are thoroughly washed and dried naturally (in the sun, indoors).
  2. A grain crusher is used to grind the grain and add other ingredients. Mix everything well.
  3. Heated water is added to the mixture and the mixture is brought to a dough consistency.
  4. The resulting material is passed through an extruder.
  5. The finished granules are dried.

Did you know? Pork is prohibited in certain religions. One of the legends says that with God’s mercy, the pig was lying on one side in the mud, but no one knows how, so it’s better not to eat it at all.

This way you can get granulated food, which is no different from an industrial product.

Recipe for fattening

To obtain fatty meat at home, it is recommended to use the following feed recipes:

  • barley + oats – 690 g;
  • Sunflower meal – 60 g;
  • feed yeast – 60 g;
  • herbal flour – 160 g;
  • chalk – 10 g;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • premix – 10 g.

By eating good feed, your pig or boar will receive sufficient amounts of crude protein, fiber, lysine, crude fat and minerals every day. Meat gain will be maximum.

Do not forget that using the same recipe is not very good, since there may be an excess or deficiency of any nutrients.

To prevent this, knowledgeable pig breeders alternate recipes, one of which is this:

  • wheat – 250 g;
  • barley – 174 g;
  • oats – 100 g;
  • bran – 350 g;
  • Animal BMK – 100 g;
  • lime flour – 18 g;
  • premix – 4 g;
  • salt – 4 g.

Technological scheme for preparing mixed feed using the yeast method.

  1. Warm water is poured into a pre-prepared container with a capacity of 15–20 liters.
  2. Yeast is added in the amount of 100 g per 10 kg of dry feed.
  3. The feed is poured in and mixed thoroughly.
  4. Infusion of the mixture for 6 - 8 hours.
  5. The food is ready.

How to feed pigs with compound feed

The feeding pattern, as well as the consistency, is different for adult pigs and babies. And if the ingredients included in the feed mixtures are almost similar, then the diet itself has differences.

Young piglets

Feeding piglets requires a special approach. The mixture can have different consistencies:

  1. Liquid. 3 parts of food are diluted in 1 part of water.
  2. Thick. 2.5 parts of feed are diluted with 1 part of water.
  3. Gruel. The proportions of feed to water are 2:1.
  4. Sticky porridge. 1 part water is added to 1.5 parts feed.
  5. Wet scattering. Liquid and feed mixture are taken in equal proportions.
  6. Dry scattering. 1 part food to ½ part water.

For small piglets, wet mash or thick porridge is best. The grain component should not be steamed or cooked - it loses most of the nutrients. The food temperature should be around +30–35 °C.

You can mix carrots, peas, bread products, potatoes, and beets into the food. The liquid is added immediately before feeding, otherwise the food may spoil and cause stomach upset.


Grown pigs are fed depending on their weight standards and intensity of use (meat standards, producers, sows). The diet (at least 70%) should be based on easily digestible food.

Important! The diet also depends on the time of year.

As additional products, you can give bran, vegetables, biofeeds, grass flour, corn and barley crumbs. Producer boars must be given millet (25% of the diet), skim milk and animal products. Regarding the question “does males need to be fed more often?” experienced pig breeders argue that it is better to feed boars twice a day.

Pregnant sows are fed depending on their age and gestation period. At this time, in addition to feed, they are given greens, potatoes, bean hay, and mineral supplements.


Compound feeds for pigs are divided by type, composition and purpose.

Most often they include in the composition of the substance:

  • protein - meal and flour from legumes;
  • from waste - leftover meat;
  • energy - combinations of grains;
  • coarse - bran, hay, vegetables.

By type of feed there can be:

  • granular;
  • dry;
  • liquid;
  • loose;
  • wet.

In practice, granulated feeds are more often used - they are easy to store and transport, generate less dust and are easier to digest by the pig.

The purpose of the food determines who can eat it. Division by purpose:

  • feed for suckling piglets - pre-starter;
  • for animals up to 1.5 months - starter;
  • for young animals 1.5-8 months;
  • for fattening animals - height;
  • for stud boars - finishing;
  • for nursing sows.
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