Shabo breed of chickens - description, photo, video of Japanese Bantam

Japanese Bantams or Chabots were brought from Japan to China in the mid-17th century. The European history of these miniature birds dates back to the 19th century. From Asia they were immediately brought to England. There is supporting documentation of the further transfer of these dwarf birds from Britain to Germany in 1860.

Baroness von Ulm-Erbach had a Chabot collection with smooth and curly plumage . In Russia, Japanese Bantams were already seen in the parks of noble people at the end of the 19th century. The breed in those days was completely decorative.

Shabo breed of chickens

So, the origin story.

As you know, Shabot is called the Japanese Bantam. As you already understand, the bird’s homeland is Japan. It is difficult to trace the years of appearance, because these chickens have been known since ancient times. The Asian woman appeared in our latitudes in the 17th and 18th centuries, and immediately fell in love with the aristocratic layer of the population.

At that time, they were bred for decorative purposes - they served as decoration for the gardens and parks of noble people. Due to their unusual appearance, these layers are still more popular as a decorative type.

Exotic guests at the poultry yard

Most of the known breeds come from Southeast Asia and the Far East. Selection in this area has not stopped. From time to time, a new species strikes the imagination of bird lovers. For example, the Israeli scientist A. Kohaner developed a breed of chickens without feathers. The professor justified his genetic experiment by the fact that it is easier for such chickens to survive in conditions of constant high temperature due to the climate.

The fascination with external showiness has led to the fact that decorative breeds of chickens have lost their original natural purpose. It is unlikely that anyone would think of breeding unique curly-haired beauties for meat or eggs, especially since the quality of both is much inferior to products from non-pedigreed brothers. The features of the exterior came to the fore: the presence of a crest, an unusually shaped tail, the brightness and splendor of the plumage. The productivity of these breeds was ignored during the selection process, hence the low egg production.

Still, some breeds can often be found at exhibitions, competitions, and simply on the farms of lovers of exotic chicken breeding.

What does an Asian chicken look like?

In appearance, Japanese Bantams differ from other varieties of chickens. The main distinguishing feature of Asian women is their height - they have a down-to-earth body, while their paws are small, which is considered to be the breed standard. Laying hens have long wings, the edges of which can touch the ground. A small leaf-shaped comb on a relatively large head, consisting of 4-5 teeth.

As for the color of the chickens, it can be different - it depends on the variety. Shabot is a breed of chickens with feathers of different colors - porcelain, gold, red, black or wheat. The weight of these miniature beauties reaches 600-800 grams.


The first photo shows several individuals of this breed sitting on a stick:

Here you see a small private farm where these beautiful little chickens are bred:

But this photo shows young chickens of the Shabo breed:

A lovely pair of white Chabots, seemingly posing for a photograph:

Excellent red laying hen in a small but comfortable cage:

What does an Asian betta look like?

The male Japanese Bantam is a cockerel, not much different from the female. Of course, it is larger, and also has a more powerful chest, massive wings, as far as possible for small birds. Cockerels, like the fair half of the flock, have different color options. Feathered gentlemen are heavier than chickens by an average of 200 grams.

Interesting fact: Baroness von Ulm Erbach was proud of her collection of chickens from Japan, which included the rarest specimens, mesmerizing in beauty.

Possible diseases

What to Expect

Like any chickens, chabots can pick up:

  • Pullorosis typhus is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Colibacillosis is a lesion of the respiratory tract.
  • Pasteurellosis. They are recognized by their signs: the comb and earrings turn blue. In advanced cases, the joints of the paws become swollen and distorted.
  • Salmonellosis. Symptoms: conjunctivitis, lameness, heavy breathing. When the form is advanced, chickens die, falling over on their sides.
  • Pseudoplague is a disorder of the nervous system and digestive organs.
  • Smallpox. Signs: pockmarks form on the skin; without treatment they will enlarge, join, darken and dry out, and sometimes bleed.
  • Parasites are mostly worms and feather eaters.
  • Goiter atony - sagging and thickening of the goiter.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis. Symptoms: yellow accumulations form on the eyelids, the eyes begin to water.

Causes of diseases

The reasons for the development of diseases in shabot chickens most often are: insufficient hygiene of the premises, lack of nutrients, poor-quality food or unbalanced nutrition, and improper care. As well as untimely identification of sick individuals and, as a consequence, the spread of the disease.

Depending on the disease, the symptoms vary. What all chickens will have in common is: lethargy, inactivity, poor appetite, and bowel movements. In some cases, these are wheezing, severe thirst, and a change in the color of the plumage.

How to save birds

Birds need to be treated as early as possible so as not to start the disease and eliminate the possibility of infection of other individuals.

A dangerous enemy of shabot chickens is tuberculosis. In the early stages, antibiotics will help. You can learn about them in the article “What antibiotics are needed for chickens.” If the form of the disease is advanced, the livestock should be destroyed, the carcasses should be disposed of, and the premises should be disinfected.

Pullorosis typhus, gastroenteritis and salmonellosis are also treated with antibiotics.

To get rid of goiter atony, use a probe with a few drops of vegetable oil: turn the affected bird head down, massage the hard part of the crop and remove the contents.

Keratoconjunctivitis is treated by washing the eyes with chamomile decoction.

To eliminate vitamin deficiency, food additives are added to the feed.


The main preventive measures are a balanced diet, timely cleaning of the premises, walking.

What is the character of decorative Asians?

  • Japanese bantams have a fighting character - the leaders take care of the fair half of the flock, protect and show signs of attention in every possible way. It is because of this that it is necessary to ensure maximum safety for them, because a dwarf superhero is often unable to protect his family.
  • In addition, ornamental chickens are quite friendly - they do everything together, together. They stay in a flock during walks and approach the feeder in an organized manner. Fights between representatives of bantams are extremely rare.
  • Chickens are not timid - they can safely approach other animals, are not afraid of people, and in general - they feel confident.
  • Feathered aristocrats are unable to tolerate loneliness. If they are isolated from the bird family, they will really suffer. Isolation from family is endured tragically.

Inappropriate exterior

Minorcas have a special exterior; their characteristics must correspond to the breed standard. Only in this case can we talk about good egg production and healthy chickens. What signs might a non-purebred Minor have? This:

  • the tail stands straight;
  • standing crest in females or recumbent in males;
  • narrow body with a convex or horizontal back;
  • small pink or red lobes;
  • gray plaque on the head;
  • reddish eyes and a light beak in dark-colored minors;
  • white birds with yellow beaks;
  • non-standard plumage or inclusion of any shades in the feathers;
  • the color of the metatarsals is not the same as the color of the plumage;
  • dull plumage without iridescence in adult minors;
  • tail too short;
  • atypical comb with different teeth;
  • light front of the head with dark plumage (this is a white-faced breed).

Minorkas have a special exterior

From behavioral factors, it should be noted that all Minor cats are extremely shy and cautious. It’s not that you won’t be able to pet her, you won’t even be able to get close. You can only watch the “beauty” from afar. She has a peaceful nature and easily gets along with other breeds of birds. If one of the points does not fit the description of your Minorka, it means that the bird has an unacceptable exterior and is not a representative of the breed.

Breeders who decided to breed minors are happy with their choice. They are friendly, beautiful and productive birds that are admired. To avoid any problems, just keep them warm, feed them high-quality feed and make sure they are purebred.

Little mother

If you have Asian parrots, you definitely won't need an incubator! Despite its small size, the baby mother is ready to give her life for her offspring - without a moment’s hesitation. Mommy can serve as an example for many animals and even people!

The tiny mother carefully warms the testicles she lays, and after the squeaky cubs appear, she does not leave her babies for a second. Mothers take care of their babies until they grow up, warming them under their large wings, walking them and bravely protecting them from any dangers.

The dwarf mother conveys life experience to the kids, cleans the feathers, and disperses the little fighters to different ends of the poultry house. Looking at such a spectacle, it is impossible not to be touched! And what is even more remarkable is that the cockerel supports the hen in her motherhood, caring and protecting.

Interesting fact:

Due to their well-developed maternal instinct, Japanese laying hens are often invited to become foster mothers for chicks of other breeds whose mothers are not caring for them.


Thanks to their excellent maternal instinct, Shabots reproduce well without the use of an incubator.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

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