Raid aerosol against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants (against crawling insects) (red), 300 ml

Ant repellent is used along with analogues in the same forms: aerosols, traps. When choosing the appropriate option, the properties of the drug and its level of effectiveness are assessed. The range of Reid brand products includes products for exterminating crawling and flying insects. As a rule, they are universal, as they kill any pests: cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, flies, etc.

Mode of application

Before use, the bottle of insecticide must be shaken thoroughly so that all existing substances react. The aerosol should be used to treat all places where cockroaches can hide, as well as their most frequent escape routes. The product is sprayed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the required object.

How can you tell if a surface has been treated? It should appear lightly moisturized. Try to avoid overuse of insecticide. Working with a spray can is much easier than with chalk and bait. The sprayed product gets into hard-to-reach places. Its vapors spread throughout the room, which forces the cockroaches to leave it.

Composition and release forms

Raid is a Dutch brand that specializes in the production of insecticidal products. They help successfully fight cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, ticks, and fleas. Numerous reviews prove the high effectiveness of products that can be used to kill insects and prevent their occurrence.

Forms of release of products Raid;

  • aerosols;
  • gels;
  • traps.


Each of these means has its own application characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages.


Raid in aerosol form, used against cockroaches and other insects, is available in 300 ml bottles of different colors. They have different active components and differ in strength.

  • Raid in lilac helps to effectively fight against flying and crawling insects . Its active component is cyfluthrin. The product has a pleasant lavender scent.
  • Raid in red . It contains four active ingredients: cypermethrin, prallethrin, flavor, imiprothrin. The product is characterized by a powerful effect. Red Raid helps get rid of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, and ants. The bottles are equipped with dispensers, which ensures uniform spraying. A positive result is noticeable after the first use.

You can use Raid aerosols against bedbugs, cockroaches, and ants in residential and industrial premises. To achieve maximum efficiency, you must adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the packaging.

Instructions for use

Treatment with Raid aerosol against cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects indoors should be carried out at a temperature of at least +100C and with the windows open. Before disinfection, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly. The spray must be sprayed directly into places where insects accumulate and possibly live, from a distance of 20-50 cm. The spray can must be held vertically during treatment.

One bottle of Raid against bedbugs and cockroaches is enough to treat a room of 20-50 square meters. m, depending on the number of insects. After disinfection, the protective effect lasts for six months.

Advantages and disadvantages of aerosols

Aerosol Raid against cockroaches and other types of crawling pests has many advantages that allow you to effectively control pests, which has won the recognition of numerous fans. However, this Raid tool also has some disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • convenient use;
  • high speed of action;
  • destroys adults, larvae and eggs;
  • long-term protective effect.

Disadvantages of Raid aerosol:

  • high price;
  • Strong smell;
  • leaves stains on furniture;
  • requires precautions.

Gel Raid

This form of the drug is available in plastic bottles with a volume of 85 g. The product is a gel-like substance of a transparent color with a pleasant odor, which attracts the attention of pests.


Gel Raid has a long-lasting protective effect that lasts for 1.5 months. The product can be applied to horizontal and vertical surfaces, as it does not spread.

The drug is considered low-toxic and belongs to hazard class 4. This form of Raid can also be used as a prophylactic agent.

Mechanism of action on cockroaches

When the gel enters the pest’s body, it blocks nerve impulses and completely immobilizes it 8 hours after treatment, and the death of the insect occurs after 24 hours.

The peculiarity of this form of the drug Reid is that it has a delayed effect. Upon contact with the product, the particles remain on the legs and shell of cockroaches. Since they continue to move for some time, this facilitates the transfer of the toxic substance to other individuals of the colony. As a result, this effect causes mass death of pests.

Attention! The gel is effective against adults and larvae, but is not capable of destroying oviposition.

User manual

Before using the gel-like remedy for cockroaches Reid, you must first prepare the room. Furniture should be moved aside to provide access to baseboards and walls where pest nests are usually located.

You should also put food in sealed containers, seal cracks and carry out wet cleaning. Before using Raid gel, you should put mesh or gauze plugs on ventilation hatches to prevent cockroaches from escaping to your neighbors.

The product should be applied in a dotted line every 5-10 cm or in a solid line (depending on the number of individuals in the colony) on the dry surface of baseboards, back walls of cabinets, under sinks. You also need to additionally squeeze the gel onto small pieces of cardboard and place these baits under the refrigerator, cabinets, and near the trash can.

The first result after using the gel can be seen after 24 hours, and the maximum effect is achieved after 6-8 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • does not spread;
  • safe for humans and pets;
  • provides long-lasting protection;
  • does not evaporate;
  • Suitable for disinfection and prevention.


  • may leave stains on the surface;
  • ineffective when there are very large numbers of pests;
  • does not destroy oviposition.


This form of Raid can be used as a primary and secondary means of controlling cockroaches. Traps are small plastic boxes with four holes for the unhindered movement of insects inside. In the middle of this device there is a poisonous bait with a pleasant smell for pests.

How the bait works

By eating the toxic substance that is inside the Raid trap, cockroaches remain viable for another 36 hours. This is quite enough for infected individuals to be able to transmit the poison to their fellows, which leads to their mass death. Over time, it blocks nerve impulses in the pest's body and causes paralysis. The immobilized insect subsequently dies of thirst and hunger.

Dead cockroach

The baits also contain a cockroach sterilant that blocks the reproductive function of the insects. Therefore, infected individuals lose the ability to reproduce.

To disinfest the premises, it is necessary to remove the protective film from the clamp, which is located on the back of the trap. And then attach the device to a dry surface in places where pests may be present. The protective properties last for 3 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raid traps for cockroaches allow you to quickly get rid of uninvited guests in your home.

Main advantages:

  • low toxicity;
  • ease of use;
  • affect larvae and adults;
  • long-term protection;
  • suitable for disinfection and prevention.

The disadvantage of traps is their high cost and inability to destroy oviposition.


The aerosol has a low degree of danger, but despite this, when using it, it is necessary to use a respirator, and, if possible, wear a gown or other protective clothing.

The product may adversely affect pets, fish and birds. In order for everything to go well with your pets, you need to take them out of the room for the duration of treatment. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room and wash your hands with soap and water.

If the first signs of irritation or an allergic reaction appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Do not neglect the instructions from the manufacturer.

How does the drug work?

Insecticides of the pyrethroid group are characterized by a nerve-paralytic effect. In addition, they poison the body of insects upon contact with chitinous covers or upon entry into the digestive system. If an aerosol is used, a suspension of the toxic substance is released into the air, after which it settles on surfaces. In the areas where the treatment was carried out, the ants come into contact with the poison. Particles of insecticides remain on the chitinous covers.

The main task in the fight against ants is the destruction of the queen. She is responsible for reproduction. The female is very difficult to kill, since she does not leave the anthill. Working individuals, which are always visible to humans, perform other functions: they build a nest, get food and bring it to the queen. For this reason, it is useless to try to kill all the ants that are found in the kitchen. It is important that the poisonous compounds of the pyrethroid group are delivered to the nest.

The aerosol copes with this task (helps to poison the uterus), and it is enough for the working individuals to run across the treated surface. There is no need to try to attract them to poison. Toxic compounds are simply sprayed everywhere. When the ant receives a portion of the insecticide, it can infect other individuals. To do this, the insects need to come into contact with each other once they are in the anthill.

Insecticides of the pyrethroid group affect the nervous system of crawling insects. The poison blocks nerve impulses, thereby causing paralysis. As a result, the ants do not die immediately, but gradually. During this time they will have time to infect other individuals. However, you won’t have to wait long for the pests to die. A few hours after spraying insecticides, the first results are noticed.

House ant problem

The presence of an anthill in a house is not just an unpleasant sight, but such a phenomenon can lead to dangerous diseases that the residents of the house are not even aware of. Ants crawl everywhere, including contaminated places and food debris, rotting fruit and other places. On their paws they can carry typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, various skin diseases, bacteria that can provoke allergic reactions in humans and other diseases.

An ant will not disdain to run over a cleanly washed plate, cup or spoon, thereby leaving traces of pathogenic microbes on it, which, in turn, enter the human body while using such utensils. The same goes for towels, dishes or food left on the table - sweets, honey, etc. Insects make their “nests” in hard-to-reach and dark places - under the kitchen sink, under the bathroom, under baseboards, behind cabinets and tables on the floor.

Precautionary measures

When using an aerosol, special care must be taken. If when working with insecticidal gel there is no risk of toxic compounds penetrating into the human respiratory tract, then the procedure cannot be started without protective equipment while spraying a suspension of a toxic substance. It is also important to protect the mucous membranes (eyes, nose), as well as the skin. Accordingly, you need to work in rubber gloves, a respirator, special glasses and closed clothing.

It should be remembered that the aerosol is a flammable product. For this reason, it is not used near a fire source or hot objects. You should not use the aerosol in the sun when the temperature reaches +50ºС. It is prohibited to deform or try to open the cylinder after use.


New generation drugs include a cockroach trap. After all, they have a systemic effect on insects.

The key advantage of such substances is safety. Therefore, cockroach traps are used everywhere:

  • In places where populations are concentrated.
  • Near the ventilation shafts.
  • Behind the furniture.

The raid trap includes bait that attracts pests. They consume it. Abamectin is the main component. It penetrates the body and has a complex effect on them. Cockroaches do not develop immunity to this component. Therefore, it helps to quickly cope with the population.

Why should you choose Raid anti-cockroach aerosol?

This product contains potent substances, thanks to which the drug “Raid” is effective in the fight against cockroaches and has a triple effect on insects:

  1. As mentioned above, this substance protects the apartment from cockroaches for six months.
  2. With this tool you can quickly destroy parasites.
  3. Reid fights cockroach larvae.
  4. A bottle of this substance is inexpensive.

The disadvantages of the substance include its toxicity, so treatment of the room with this drug must be carried out while wearing a protective mask or respirator. Having processed the apartment, we leave it for several hours.

“Important: in inexpensive aerosols, kerosene plays the role of solvent. Among the disadvantages of this substance is the fact that it leaves greasy stains. So, before using an aerosol, we study its composition.”

The new Raid against cockroaches is capable of fighting not only crawling, but also flying insects

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