Spanish chickens: reviews, descriptions and characteristics of species

Exotic Spanish chickens are breeds with a special gene mutation. As a result of its influence, birds appear without feathers in the neck area. But this is not the only feature of Spanish chickens. They are hardy, unpretentious in everyday life and are distinguished by universal performance indicators. The article describes the origin of the breed, its characteristics and features, the specifics of keeping and breeding.

Spanish chickens: main varieties, description and general characteristics

Today there are many breeds of chickens. This bird is one of the most popular for home breeding. We have already described how to keep chickens in the country in one of the articles on the site. Keeping laying hens in the country: (read more)
In this article we suggest paying attention to decorative hens, which are distinguished by their original appearance and the beauty of their plumage. One of these varieties is Spanish chickens . Since the appearance and characteristics of Spanish birds have significant differences, each variety should be considered individually.

Origin of "exotic"

The ancestors of the naked breed of chickens are unknown to science. Although geneticists trace the similarity of their DNA with representatives of the Andalusian and Minorca breeds.

The birthplace of birds is considered to be Romania, or more precisely, the region of Transylvania. But there is controversy in scientific circles due to new information about the origin of the breed. Scientists have found that it has Spanish roots.

But chickens began their path to popularity in Europe and Asia precisely from Transylvania; this region began to be considered the place of their origin.

The largest population of Spanish flus is recorded in Hungary, Spain and Romania. Chickens are considered rare in North and South America. There are no neckless poultry kept at all in Australia.

Find out about other bare-necked chicken breeds in the article “About bare-necked chickens: description and characteristics of breeds.”

Spanish chickens: description and general characteristics of the species

Despite the fact that the varieties of chickens from Spain have a number of differences, these breeds are united by the following characteristic features:

  • small size and neat body shape;
  • the presence of earrings and a leaf-shaped comb on the top of the head;
  • round eyes of a dark shade;
  • high-set neck;
  • smooth body contours;
  • long developed legs;
  • rich tail plumage.

Spanish chickens are considered ornamental, but a certain number of farmers breed these individuals to produce high-quality meat and eggs.

Spanish chickens.

Note! This species is a group of breeds consisting of many selections that have their own distinctive characteristics. The variety was bred in Spain in the middle of the 18th century, and after 100 years the chickens gained popularity among poultry farmers in America and Germany.

Breed of Spanish bare-necked chickens: photo and description

Already from the name of this variety you can understand what characteristic feature is the hallmark of the Spanish bare-necked chicken. These birds are completely lacking feathers from head to back.

To an uninitiated person, this feature may seem like a defect, however, it is not so. The reason for the lack of feathers on the neck is a special gene, due to which uneven plumage is formed in chickens already at the embryonic stage. In addition, this feature is inherited and through crossing with other breeds.

The absence of feathers on the neck gives the Spanish flu a perky appearance.

Other external features of naked necks include the following:

  • black, brown, pied or cuckoo and plumage color;
  • deep red skin color on the head and neck;
  • the presence of a leaf-shaped comb and bright scarlet earrings;
  • yellow curved beak;
  • eyes with a reddish tint;
  • thick plumage at the base of the neck, shaped like a bow.

Breeders specializing in breeding ornamental breeds were able to appreciate this original and unusual species. Spanish bare-necked chickens are kept not only for decoration of the farmstead, but also for the purpose of obtaining eggs. Since the weight of a chicken does not exceed 3 kg, raising this breed for meat is considered unprofitable.

Feeding the bird

They need to be fed at least 3 times a day.
Dry food is usually used as the main food product. When filling feeders, birds should never fill it completely. While feeding, chickens may accidentally spill grain. In summer, birds should be fed green food. Sprouted wheat and millet, which are finely chopped beforehand, are perfect for this . In winter, when there is no greenery, it is enough to feed the birds vegetables and hay dust. Additionally, vitamin D can be added to the food.

As for wet food, it should be given to birds periodically, but in small quantities. They must eat it completely within half an hour, otherwise it will spoil. It is worth noting that spoiled feed often causes indigestion in chickens.

White-faced Spanish chicken breed: photo and description

This breed can be recognized by its thick black, with a bluish tint, plumage of the body and light coloring of the face, on which scarlet earrings stand out. The variety was bred by crossing Minorka chickens with individuals of fighting breeds. This small bird with a rounded body immediately attracts attention.

White-faced Spanish chickens do not tolerate cold well.

Like all breeds of Spanish origin, white-faced chickens are very heat-loving and do not tolerate dampness and cold. In order to successfully breed birds of this variety, you will need to provide them with special care. Otherwise, laying hens will get sick in winter, young animals will grow poorly and die, and egg production will be significantly reduced.

Keeping laying hens in the country: (read more)

Diet of adults, care and climatic maintenance

Breeding a family of Spanish birds greatly obliges the guardian to provide the pets with special care. All these related crosses are similar in productivity and partly in external data. They are thermophilic and feed exclusively on clean food and fresh water.

Clumsiness in matters of keeping such a bird results in a careless naturalist resulting in many illnesses for his charges, as discussed in the section on preventive measures in the field of bird health.


This natural process, which cannot be avoided in the normal life of chickens, takes place very intensively, and the entire period lasts within one and a half to two months. Please note - this is a time of intense loss of bird body weight, active exhaustion and loss of attractiveness.

Spaniard breeds significantly reduce egg production rates, and sometimes laying hens completely cease to be fertile due to ovarian dysfunction. The diet during this period is also somewhat different from the usual two meals.

During molting, it is recommended to increase feeding to 3-4 times a day. Please note - the food should be warm, this optimizes the animal's energy consumption.

Andalusian blue breed: photo and description

As the name implies, the Andalusian breed has a bluish-gray plumage color, and each feather has a black edge.

The Andalusian Blue bird is the pride of breeders.

Hens and cockerels have the following distinctive features:

  • rounded body with a wide back and chest;
  • curved neck of medium length;
  • small head with a convex forehead;
  • eyes with a yellow-red tint;
  • medium-sized gray beak;
  • high-set wings;
  • curved, slightly thrown back tail.

You can distinguish a male from a female by paying attention to the comb. In cockerels it is decorated with more pronounced teeth than in hens and is larger in size. The productivity indicators of Andalusian laying hens are low, and they are most often bred for decorative purposes.

Spanish Redbrown breed: photo and description

Redbrough chickens were developed by crossing Malayan fighting birds and the Cornish breed. The hybrid turned out to be quite attractive in appearance.

The Spanish Redbro is the only Spanish meat breed.

Hens and cockerels have the following distinctive features:

  • large body with dense plumage;
  • developed muscular system;
  • a large head with a bright red crest, leaf- or pod-shaped;
  • short strong beak;
  • large and bright earlobes;
  • strong developed paws.

Cockerels and hens are red or red-brown in color, and in rare cases you can find birds with white plumage.

Individuals of this breed are an exception among Spanish varieties and are distinguished by good meat productivity. Under certain conditions of feeding and care, they can surpass even broiler chickens in these indicators, and do not require special housing conditions.


Spanish white-faced chickens are a very mobile and active bird.
Because of this, they require additional walking, during which they will waste extra energy. Walking will allow birds to feed on fallen berries, seeds and insects. For this reason, vineyards and orchards where insect pests are found in abundance are ideal for walking. Compared to other Spanish breeds, it has not lost its maternal instinct . She can hatch chicks on her own, without the use of an incubator. This greatly simplifies the work for beginning poultry breeders who do not have an incubator.

The meat of these chickens has a pleasant taste. The birds themselves gain weight quickly enough that farmers do not have to wait long to reap the benefits.

Unfortunately, they do not tolerate hypothermia and constant high humidity. Because of this, special conditions must be created for them.

Minorca chickens: photo and description

The Minorca chicken breed is considered one of the most popular among Spanish chickens.

The breed level of Minorkas is determined by the size of their white earrings.

This bird can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • coal-black body color with a green tint;
  • thick and lush plumage;
  • spots near the ears.

Farmers in many countries have been willingly breeding birds of this variety for more than 50 years. Individuals of the Minorca breed are also actively used for breeding work in order to obtain other breeds of chickens.

Performance indicators of Spanish chickens

The egg production rates of hens are average. White-faced Spanish women bring up to 180 eggs per year, and Minorcas , Andalusian blues and bare-necked women produce no more than 160 eggs. The eggs of Spanish hens are white in color and weigh 50-60 g.

Chickens of Spanish breeds are hardy and productive.

Note! Spanish varieties of chickens, with the exception of the Redbro breed, are not distinguished by good meat productivity. The weight of an adult rarely exceeds 3 kg.

Laying hens of this variety are excellent at laying eggs, they have managed to retain the brooding instinct, but at the same time they are not inclined to particularly care for their offspring. Despite this, the chicks are very hardy, and the survival rate of the young is 96%.


Natural way

Spanish bare-necked chickens have a pronounced brooding instinct. They can produce offspring on their own, without the use of an incubator. Hens are attracted to hatch hatching eggs from laying hens of other breeds that do not have a pronounced maternal instinct.

Spanish bare-necked chickens develop quickly. And already at 5.5-6 months they enter puberty. Experts do not recommend using young animals for breeding. Since the first year marks the peak period of laying. It is better to use older individuals as hens - from 2 years old.

Obtaining hatching eggs

Breeding should begin with the formation of the parent flock and the collection of hatching eggs. The best individuals, at least 1.5 years old, are selected for breeding.

Chickens and roosters should not have congenital defects or signs that require culling. To produce healthy offspring, representatives of the Spanish naked breed must be absolutely healthy.

Large eggs weighing at least 55 g are selected for incubation. The shells must be clean and smooth, without damage or flaws.

Store eggs in an upright position. The maximum time before incubation is 10 days. Optimal – 3-5 days.

Storage conditions: no direct sunlight, air temperature about 15 degrees. Eggs are kept in a room with good air exchange.


Before incubation, the shell must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then keep it in the room for a day to warm up to room temperature. Further incubation is carried out according to the standard scheme.

If you load eggs into the incubator in the evening (at 20-22 hours), then the chickens from them will appear in the first half of the day on the 21-22 day. This will make caring for them easier.

First days of life

Spanish bare-necked chickens, bred artificially or naturally, must dry out for 4-5 hours immediately after birth. After this, they can be moved to a brooder. The day before, you need to turn on the heating, prepare the bedding, feeders and drinkers.

Stocking density depends on the age of the chicks:

  • from 1 to 30 days - from 20 to 25 heads per square meter. m;
  • from 30 to 60 days – no more than 15 heads;
  • from 60 to 180 days – no more than 9 goals.

In the future, the distribution of already grown barenecks should be made at the rate of: no more than 3-4 heads per square meter. m.

Raising chickens

Hollowneck chicks are raised at a temperature of 28-30 degrees for the first 5 days. Later, every 5-7 days it is necessary to lower the temperature by 2 degrees.

The best option is to keep it with a hen. If this is not possible, then comfortable conditions are created artificially. For the first time in a day, the lamp is not turned off for 24 hours. On the second day, you need to alternate 4 hours of light and 2 hours of darkness. Then gradually reduce the length of daylight hours.

By the age of one month, daylight hours for Spanish chickens should last 12-14 hours.

It is important to replace the litter regularly. Make sure that the chickens do not freeze. Promptly isolate sick individuals. To prevent diseases, it is necessary to disinfect feeders and drinking bowls daily.

Conditions are judged by the condition of the chicks. If they are cold, they cuddle together. If it’s hot, they are lethargic and sleep a lot.

Feeding the young

After hatching, Spanish naked-necked chicks are fed 6-12 hours later. Before this, the chickens feed on energy from the nutrients they received during the embryonic period.

Initially, the chicks are fed a hard-boiled egg, crushed with ground wheat or corn. Later, it is gradually necessary to introduce new products: cottage cheese, herbs, boiled vegetables, baker's yeast.

At one week of age, Spanish bare-necked chickens can be switched to combination feeds according to their age. They should be given warm water, which should be available around the clock.

You can give weak black tea, chamomile infusion, glucose solution. For prevention purposes, it is permissible to use a solution of ascorbic acid - 1 tablet per 0.5 liters of water.

The feeding schedule for Spanish women in the first week is every 3 hours. Gradually the number of meals is reduced.

Reviews from farmers about the Spanish chicken breed


“I have been breeding Spanish females for several years now, and I would like to note that keeping them requires a fair amount of effort from the farmer. Birds take root well in the climatic conditions of central Russia, but at the same time they are afraid of cold weather, and in winter they have to carefully monitor the temperature in the chicken coop. In addition, they are demanding in terms of maintenance conditions and cleanliness, so cleaning and replacing bedding must be carried out regularly and conscientiously. If you follow the recommendations for their breeding and maintenance, there will be no problems with the birds.”


“I am breeding ornamental chickens, and recently I have paid attention to Spanish breeds. The birds attracted me not only with their beautiful appearance, but also with their unpretentiousness in keeping and feeding. As you know, many decorative breeds require a special approach, but Spanish dogs are a welcome exception. The chickens have a calm character and rarely get sick, and the survival rate of the young is very high, the chicks are strong, healthy and cheerful.”

Raising chickens

Naked chickens are easy to care for and are raised in the same way as the young of other chickens. If it is not possible to keep them with adult females who will take care of the chicks themselves, the breeder will have to take care of the babies.

Young animals need constant heating during the first 3 weeks.

Feeding for the first 14 days is carried out every 2 hours. Then, every 5 days, the gaps between feedings are increased by 1 hour. In warm weather, chicks are released into a fenced-in range with a roof, starting at 2 weeks. The first 5 walks last 30 minutes, and then every 3 days they are increased by 15 minutes until they reach the whole day. Chicks can spend the night outside from 1.5 months old if they have a high-quality shed with heating capabilities. Naked chicks are strong and have minimal mortality . In order to avoid problems with chickens, it is recommended to vaccinate them according to the schedule approved by the veterinary service.

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