Sinuzan instructions: for use, composition, concentration, how to dilute

Sinusan 48% emulsion concentrate (e.g.) is a light yellow to brown liquid with a characteristic odor. Contains chlorpyrifos (48%) as an active ingredient, as well as solvent and emulsifiers up to 100%.

The product belongs to class 3 of moderately dangerous drugs.

Sinuzan is used to kill bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, and flies. It is allowed to be used in various categories of objects: in municipal facilities, in basements, in residential and industrial premises, in children's and medical institutions.

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Operating principle

A broad-spectrum insecticidal preparation enters the body of insects through the contact-intestinal route.
The active substance disrupts the functions of the central nervous system, provokes muscle paralysis and death. The rate of death depends on the concentration of the poison. The product is most effective in the first 2 hours after treatment. Poisonous properties persist for up to 1 month. The drug manages to destroy adult individuals and larvae that were born from the ooteca. Sinuzan belongs to the third class of moderately hazardous substances. Vapors very rarely cause poisoning; if they come into contact with the skin, no irritation is observed. But if the rules for using insecticidal agents are maliciously ignored, intoxication of varying degrees of intensity and skin irritation occur. To avoid negative consequences, the room should be treated with rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator.

Security measures

Before starting work, you should read the instructions for preparing and using the solution. Dilution of the emulsion and spraying is carried out wearing gloves, sealed goggles and a respirator. Clothes that were worn when treating the room are removed and soaked in hot water with soap and soda (50 g per 10 liters of water). After 2 hours, take it out and wash it in a freshly prepared soda-soap solution. If you need to treat a large area, then every 45-50 minutes the disinfestation is interrupted and you go out into the fresh air. After removing the respirator, breathe fresh air for 10 minutes.

Recommendations for poisoning

If you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene during disinfestation against bedbugs, you can get seriously poisoned. The instructions for use recommend handling Sinuzan emulsion with caution. It states that the main signs of intoxication are increasing nausea and vomiting, increased salivation, weakness, headache and abdominal pain, and constriction of the pupils of the eyes.

If the drug enters the body through the respiratory system, then first of all the victim must be taken out into fresh air and change clothes that may have gotten the drug on. The mouth should be rinsed with a two percent soda solution. It is necessary to drink a large amount of clean water (at least 2 glasses) and activated carbon (for an adult, the dose is 10-12 tablets).

If the drug gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them under clean running water (at least two minutes). If the symptoms are not relieved, then the affected visual organ should be instilled with sodium sulfacyl 30%. And the area of ​​the mucous membrane should be numbed with a solution of novocaine 2%. If the drug gets on an open area of ​​skin, the emulsion must be carefully removed. However, under no circumstances should it be rubbed into the epidermis. It is recommended to remove it from the surface with a light movement, then rinse the skin generously using soap under running water.

If the drug gets not only into the upper respiratory tract, but also into the stomach, then it is immediately necessary to induce vomiting. To do this, it is better to drink plenty of water. then you need to rinse the stomach with a weak solution of baking soda or potassium permanganate. After this, you need to take an absorbent substance (10-12 tablets of activated carbon). After first aid has been provided, the victim must be taken to the hospital to determine the degree of poisoning and further treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Sinusan has a long-term acute residual effect;
  • almost instant extermination of bedbugs;
  • the smell disappears quickly;
  • The effect of Sinuzan is not limited only to adults; it is also destructive to larvae and egg laying.


  • High toxicity to people and pets;
  • Strong unpleasant odor.

The product is produced in containers with a minimum volume of 1 liter, which is more than enough for 1 apartment.

Important! Sinuzan is highly not recommended for use in children's rooms, on clothing and bedding.

Pros and cons of the drug


  • high efficiency;
  • instant and prolonged results up to 30 days;
  • gradual destruction of the entire population of cockroaches;
  • does not damage coatings or furniture;
  • the specific smell quickly disappears;
  • permitted for use in residential premises;
  • reasonable price, economical consumption.


  • the presence of a specific odor in an apartment or house;
  • possibility of poisoning;
  • does not affect eggs in the ooteca; repeated treatment is required.

On a note!

Sinuzan against cockroaches is used by sanitation workers for disinfestation, which confirms its high effectiveness.

Efficiency from customers' words

Reviews about Sinuzan are more often positive. The high effectiveness of the product is confirmed by buyers on forums where problems of combating harmful insects are discussed.

I am an employee of the disinfection service, I have tested many drugs, Sinuzan is one of the best. A significant drawback is the persistent unpleasant odor that remains in the room for a long time. But he copes with his direct responsibilities very well. Kills cockroaches in one treatment, subject to high-quality disinfestation.

Andrey, Moscow

An excellent tool. As soon as cockroaches appeared in the apartment, I ran to the store for an effective poison. Sinuzan was recommended to me. The treatment was carried out only in the bathroom and kitchen, since insects were not noticed in other rooms. She closed the doors tightly, no one came in there for a day, they went to stay with relatives. She returned, checked, and removed the dead Prussians. Within a month they disappeared completely. I recommend this effective product to everyone. Helped against cockroaches, will work on bedbugs, ants, flies, and other nasty things.

Anna, St. Petersburg

Advantages of the drug

Like all chemical compounds that are assigned a hazard class, Sinuzan has its pros and cons.

What advantages does the bedbug drug Sinuzan have over other insecticides?

  • Possibility of use as a prophylactic agent. After treating the premises, Sinuzan remains active against larvae and adult bedbugs for six months.
  • After using the insecticide, the insects die instantly, which eliminates the possibility of them moving to an adjacent room and laying eggs.
  • "Sinuzan" is produced in the form of a concentrated product. The preparation is enough to treat a room of considerable size. This allows the homeowner to save a lot of money.
  • The active substance "Sinuzana" is active against most types of insects that settle in people's homes.
  • The insecticide can be purchased at any household chemical store.

People may not suspect that bedbugs have settled in their apartment for quite a long time. Only small red spots on the skin that appear after sleep will indicate the presence of pests. This is not surprising, because bedbugs often breed in pillows, mattresses and thick blankets. "Sinuzan" is ideal for treating only bedding - it is not necessary to spray the entire apartment with the solution to kill bedbugs.

Danger from bedbugs to humans

When bedbugs appear in a house, they immediately begin to multiply catastrophically. These bloodsuckers feed by biting humans at night. That's why they live closer to people's sleeping places:

  • climb into bed;
  • make their nests behind the wardrobe;
  • wait under the mattress for the onset of darkness;
  • are located under loose pieces of wallpaper;
  • It’s creepy, but they can scurry around even in folded and ironed bed linen;
  • found in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, especially at the seams and in other places.

These creatures don't just give up when you start taking action. And some people even have to throw away sofas, mattresses, and beds. The danger they pose to the health of people and even pets may lie in the fact that bedbugs can cause infection by biting through human skin. They can provoke a number of diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • leprosy;
  • tularemia;
  • allergies;
  • yellow fever;
  • hepatitis of various infectious forms;
  • typhus;
  • syphilis and even HIV infection.

It is known that the presence and appearance of bedbugs in people’s homes depends little on the uncleanliness of the residents. Most likely, unsanitary conditions in the house simply aggravate the situation; if these insects have already appeared, they will simply multiply faster. However, disinfectors often find this problem in the houses and apartments of clean people. Modern professional insecticidal products, such as Sinuzan, for example, quickly produce results when baiting bedbugs and other difficult-to-remove insects.


The active component is the broad-spectrum insecticidal substance chlorpyrifos 48%. The composition contains solvents and emulsifiers. The drug is intended for the destruction of synanthropic insects: black cockroaches, black cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes. Effective against ants.

Composition and features

The basis of the chemical Sinuzan is the component chlorpyrifos, which acts on blood-sucking insects by contact-intestinal method. Its content in the emulsion is 48%. This substance paralyzes and destroys the pest and its offspring, which many other drugs cannot do.

The concentration can be minimal: for successful baiting, a five percent insecticide solution is sufficient. In addition to the active component, the composition includes several emulsifiers and a solvent. The drug is sold in canisters from 5 to 20 liters and can be stored for up to 3 years. True, smaller Sinuzan containers have now appeared in online stores. For example, a liter bottle can be bought for 2000 rubles.

Mechanism of action on insects

The emulsion affects insects by contact-intestinal method. A universal insecticide with powerful fumigation activity, it disrupts the process of nerve impulses by suppressing the enzyme acetylcholinesterase necessary for this. This subsequently causes paralysis in the insect, leading to death. The active substance is active for two months. The drug has a third hazard class.

Terms of use

Instructions for use of Sinuzan describe in detail the disinfestation process.

  • Conduct preliminary preparation of the premises. Move furniture away from the wall, sweep, wash the floor.
  • Prepare a solution and pour it into a spray bottle or household spray bottle. Surface treatment with a brush is allowed.
  • Wear protective equipment.
  • Treat selectively the areas with the largest concentrations of cockroaches. Be sure to spray the baseboards, the floor behind the furniture, and the walls at a height of 50 cm.
  • Leave the room closed for 2 hours.
  • Ventilate, wash the floors, leave the poison in hard-to-reach places where cockroaches are found.


The concentrate is diluted in water at room temperature. Standardly, 10 ml of the drug is required per 1 liter. Consumption on a hard surface is 50 ml per 1 sq. m., on a soft, absorbent surface - 100 ml on a similar area. To increase the effectiveness of the insecticidal substance, it is recommended to carry out repeated disinfestation after 14 days.

Anti-bedbug remedy

The product helps get rid of bedbugs. Disinfection at home is best carried out with a 0.5% Sinuzan solution. To completely destroy pests, it is better to spray the places where they are most concentrated, as well as the expected routes of movement. If the bugs are located locally in the room and their number is insignificant, then it will be enough to treat only this area. However, if insects live in several places in an apartment, then disinfestation for bedbugs is carried out over the entire adjacent area.

If you purchased Sinuzan, you must read the instructions for use. It says: if it is necessary to treat an entire room, it is important to know that it is necessary to disinfect all places where bedbugs may accumulate. And insects can be localized on window and door frames, in cracks on the floor and in the wall, on ventilation grilles, gaps on furniture, near sleeping places. In some cases, it is necessary to treat not only the area near the bed, but even the frame of the sleeping place itself. It is worth knowing that under no circumstances should the solution get on the bed linen. If it is necessary to treat a carpet or rug, then this should be done only from the inside.

Preparation of the solution

Rules for preparing for processing include preparing a special emulsion based on slightly warm water. To do this, open the package and pour the drug into a container of water. All actions must be carried out after preparing and wearing a protective suit.

The following is a table for calculating the drug and the amount of water for each type of insect.

Table 1. Calculation of drug concentration

InsectPercentage of concentration (according to DV)Percentage
of drug concentration
Quantity of Sinuzan
Amount of water
Red ant0,240,55,0995,0

After preparing the solution, it must be poured into an Automax sprayer (as an example), a thermofoger. The usual rate of product used is from 50 to 100 ml/sq.m.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment, you need to thoroughly read the rules for using the drug and do some steps:

  1. Remove food and dishes from the apartment.
  2. Disassemble the furniture down to the frames.
  3. Take clothes out of closets, put them in tight bags along with bedding and put them away.


At the end of the treatment procedure, clothing and bedding should be washed in water at a temperature of at least 60ºC to destroy larvae and eggs (if any).

  1. Do wet cleaning to enhance the effect of the working emulsion.
  2. Prepare and put on a mask, respirator, goggles, rubber gloves, clothing covering your legs and arms, and socks.

Using a working solution against bedbugs

The room should be treated with an emulsion with a concentration of 0.5%. The product irrigates the locations and movements of bloodsuckers: cracks and holes, places where wallpaper extends from the walls, baseboards, wall and floor carpets (back side), clocks and paintings decorating the walls, shelves and corners of cabinets and chests of drawers, sockets and window sills.


If the bugs have not yet spread everywhere throughout the apartment, then you should apply the working emulsion to the nests of parasites, after first inspecting the entire living space.

Typically the consumption of the substance is 50 ml. at 1 m.

It is worth treating the room again only if bedbugs are subsequently detected.

Application of working solution against flies

A 0.5% aqueous solution will be enough to kill adult flies. The product should be sprayed onto pest sites, external walls of houses, sheds, garbage containers, etc.

Fly larvae in sewer waste and garbage pits are destroyed using a 0.5% working solution (500 ml per 1 m of surface). The treatment must be repeated once a week for hot weather conditions, for moderate weather conditions – once every 1.5 weeks.

To achieve high efficiency in killing fly larvae in solid waste, you need to add a 0.5% concentration of the drug to the water. For 1 sq.m. you will need from 2 to 6 liters of solution.


If the larvae are visible on the surface of the waste, then the consumption will be 2 liters. per sq.m. If they are hidden in deeper layers, then the consumption should be increased to 5 liters.

Subsequent processing may take place when tracking entomological information.

Application of working solution against fleas

These parasites are susceptible to working emulsion with 0.25% con.

Skirting boards around the perimeter of the apartment, walls up to 1 m high, floors, various crevices and potholes are irrigated using a sprayer.

The consumption rate per 1 sq.m is 50 ml for non-absorbent surfaces, 2 times more for absorbent surfaces.

Repeat treatment when arthropods appear again.

Application of working solution against mosquitoes

There are some differences in treatment between larvae and adults.

In the middle of the premises, adults are destroyed by spraying an aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.5% of the drug. Pay attention to the places where bloodsuckers land, the external walls of buildings, and garbage cans.

The larvae are susceptible to a 0.12% concentrated solution. They treat accessible reservoirs, sewer water, and fire tanks. For effective control, it is enough to use 200 ml. emulsions per 1 sq.m.

When monitoring entomological readings, repeated irrigation should be carried out, but not more than once every 4 weeks.

Insecticide against bedbugs “Sinuzan”

This chemical is based on potent substances that have a contact-intestinal effect. As a result, the bug becomes paralyzed, which leads to its subsequent death. Moreover, unlike many popular bedbug remedies, Sinuzan removes not only living bedbugs, but also their eggs. The concentration of the drug is extremely low: for effective disinfestation you will need a 5% solution. Thanks to this, the anti-bedbug product is used very sparingly, and only 5 ml is enough for 1 square meter.

The product should be diluted in water at room temperature, while adhering to basic safety precautions. The concentrated liquid should turn the color of the drug: yellow-brown. Sinusan has a specific odor. For your information, it is not aimed against bedbugs, but to ensure the complete absence of people in the treated area. Anyone who encounters an annoying smell will immediately try to avoid it. This smell is not only unpleasant for animals, but also harmful, and with prolonged exposure it is even destructive, which must be taken into account before disinfestation.

Benefits of Chemical Insecticide

When choosing a chemical insecticide, you first need to pay attention to two factors: its effectiveness and safety. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of Sinuzan: it already has positive and grateful reviews, which are becoming more and more numerous. And its correct use will ensure safety for people and animals. In addition to these two advantages, other advantages of the insecticide should be highlighted:

  • long-term preventive effect;
  • instant extermination of pests;
  • economical to use;
  • low price;
  • accessibility - can be bought at any home chemicals store;
  • quickly disappears from the room.

The advantages of Sinuzan are that its action is ready to maintain its effect for up to 4-5 months. This is extremely useful for dispensaries, sanatoriums and other crowded places. When using Sinusan, you should be sure that the bedbugs will not come back. And if you suddenly need re-processing, it’s not difficult to carry out: the product has a low price and is very economical to use. It is likely that the concentrated solution will remain after the first disinfestation.

Sinuzan is often used by private companies when carrying out disinfestation over large areas. However, if there are not very many bedbugs, it is enough to treat only the places where they accumulate with an insecticide. This allows you not only to save money, but also time and effort, because any pest control requires thorough cleaning and adherence to basic safety measures. Sinuzan does not need additional means of combating bedbugs: it copes independently even in situations where the apartment looks more like a bedbug infestation than a human home.

Cons of Sinuzan

However, ideal means of fighting insects have not yet been invented. Safety is an advantage of Sinuzan, but at the same time it is also its disadvantage. After all, if you do not adhere to the rules for using an insecticide, the consequences can be sad, and not only for bedbugs. The toxic odor of the product is harmful to animals and people with prolonged contact. And although Sinuzan belongs to class 3 of moderately hazardous disinfectants, it requires extreme caution.

Another disadvantage of Sinuzan is that it cannot be used in children's rooms and playrooms. It is not advisable to use the drug on clothing and bedding.

The thing is that the smell penetrates deep into the fabric and does not disappear even after two washes. It is also difficult to remove the smell from upholstered furniture if it has been treated. As a result, this significantly complicates the disinfestation process, because many people need high-quality treatment that will not later cause harm to health and will not leave behind an unpleasant, toxic odor throughout the apartment.

Other disadvantages of Sinuzan are that the time it takes to use it is significant for those who cannot leave the apartment for a long time. After all, in addition to the treatment itself, the home will need to be left for a few more days. In homes where there are disabled and seriously ill people, this is impossible. In comparison, there are equally effective insecticides that not only can be used in the presence of people, but also disappear in just 15 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Sinuzan against cockroaches has undoubted advantages:

  • as a prophylactic agent it remains active for six months;
  • after application, cockroaches die as soon as possible, without having time to move to another room or lay eggs;
  • despite the high price, the product is diluted and lasts for a long time;
  • purchasing in large canisters allows you to treat industrial premises;
  • the insecticide is easy to purchase; it is sold in household chemical stores;
  • There is no need to treat the entire apartment; it is enough to pollinate the places where the Prussians gather.

The obvious disadvantages of the product are:

  • its toxic properties and the use of precautions when working;
  • causes allergic reactions in sensitive people;
  • negatively affects any living organisms, so pets need to be isolated;
  • a long period of waiting for the final result and return to housing;
  • impossibility of treating children's rooms due to high toxicity.

Note: For the drug to “work”, it must be stored correctly. The canister should not be left in direct sunlight. Sinuzan cannot withstand temperatures above +40 C or below -10 C. Its quality and active effect are reduced.

Sinuzan has a bad effect on warm-blooded animals and this is its serious disadvantage. If there are allergy sufferers in the family, children, or bedridden patients, then it is better to choose a less toxic product or seek help from specialized services that can quickly solve the problem of parasites with a guarantee for the future.

Analogs from other manufacturers

The modern buyer does not experience a shortage of insecticidal products. Concentrates from domestic and imported manufacturers are available for sale. Chlorpyrifos-based products:

  • Global,
  • Get,
  • Averfos,
  • Agran,
  • Xulat,
  • Chlorpyrimac,
  • Empire 20.

Sinuzan is a professional drug for controlling synanthropic pests. Used by disinfection workers for disinfestation of kindergartens, hospitals, public places, and residential buildings. When used independently, strict adherence to the instructions is required. If, after independent efforts, you are unable to get rid of cockroaches, you should seek help from professionals.

How to prepare the room

Animals, birds, fish and other living pets must be removed from the room.

Next, prepare the room:

  • take all food products to another room or hide in the refrigerator;
  • seal the refrigerator door so that poison vapors do not penetrate inside;
  • take all the dishes out of the cabinets and take them out;
  • remove flowers and plants from the room;
  • move furniture away from the walls;
  • remove objects that can adsorb the drug;
  • cover things on which it is undesirable to leave stains from the solution with plastic wrap.

Important! After treating the home, children should not be in it for 3 days. Sinusan should not be used for children's and playrooms; you need to buy a product with a less toxic odor.

Precautions and safety

People suffering from allergies or asthma are strictly prohibited from spraying any chemicals, including Sinuzan.

Sinuzan, safety instructions:

  • make the emulsion solution in strictly specified proportions;
  • observe the rules of personal protection and personal hygiene;
  • Do not spray near open flames or switched on electrical appliances;
  • take a break from work every half hour and go out into the fresh air;
  • During treatment with poison, smoking is prohibited, you cannot drink or eat;
  • spraying is carried out from a distance of 30-40 cm from yourself;
  • In case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse with plenty of running water.

If you buy Sinuzan poison in advance, it should be stored in places inaccessible to children, animals and direct sunlight, separately from feed and food products.

Reference! The poison, if it enters the body, will not cause death, but a symptom of intoxication will appear, this is the harm of Sinuzan to humans. This manifests itself in the form of headache, nausea, and sore throat.

Cleaning after disinfestation

Immediately after disinfestation, soak clothes in a soda solution for 3-4 hours, then rinse well and wash as usual.

A day after treatment, you can already carry out cleaning:

  • remove dead bugs with a vacuum cleaner;
  • wash surfaces with soap and soda solution.

Cleaning work is carried out with gloves and with the windows open.


The affordable price of Sinuzan for bedbugs, combined with its high effectiveness, is a reason to choose and buy Sinuzan; today it is the most reliable and safe drug for humans.

In comparison with similar peritroids, it has the following advantages:

  • instantly destroys all pests;
  • has a prolonged effect, kills several generations of bloodsuckers;
  • the drug Sinuzan has a price much lower than other similar insecticides;
  • economical consumption - Sinuzan 100 ml will permanently destroy bedbugs even in highly infested areas;
  • has a wide spectrum of activity;
  • indispensable for the destruction of pests resistant to other types of pyrethroids.

Buying Sinuzan for bedbugs means purchasing a powerful new generation insecticide.

Where to go

The best way to get rid of pests is to contact the Vladimir City Sanitary Service. The organization employs exclusively professionals who have proven methods for exterminating pests. Using unique modern equipment, you can control the size of the sprayed droplets, which allows you to treat not only hard-to-reach places, but also create a long-lasting “cloud” in which flying bugs die.

Where to buy Sinuzan?

You can purchase the drug in veterinary pharmacies or on websites. Sinuzan emulsion, the price of which starts at 8,200 rubles, may cost a little cheaper on the Internet. It will cost more in the store: this is due to charges and additional costs for delivering the solution. However, when buying Sinuzan online, the price of which is much lower than in veterinary pharmacies, you should think about whether you are purchasing a fake? In this case, you may be given an uncertified product that does not have the declared qualities and properties.

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