9 types of flea traps - how to make them yourself?

  1. Flea traps - an alternative to chemical disinsection
  2. How do flea traps work?
  3. A trap that attracts fleas with bright light
  4. TV as a bait for parasites
  5. Catching fleas with duct tape
  6. Wax candle bait
  7. Devices that work without light
  8. Method for catching fleas on a fleecy carpet
  9. Why don't fleas leave the house?

Dog and cat breeders once in a while have to think about a flea trap. After all, treating animal fur will not ensure complete elimination of parasites. Some individuals will remain on the carpet, furniture and other places.

Flea traps - an alternative to chemical disinfestation

A flea trap is an effective way to reduce the population of bloodsuckers in your home. If insects appear indoors, you need to urgently take measures to get rid of them. Fleas are carriers of diseases that are potentially dangerous to pets.

Why does the thought of creating a homemade trap for ectoparasites even come to mind? Isn’t it more advisable to use drugs based on pesticides that will get rid of the problem? People choose simple devices for the following reasons:

  • Insecticides are expensive, but the results of their use are not always impressive.
  • The risk of negative effects of chemical poison on humans and domestic animals is great.

An anti-flea trap is a harmless way to combat ectoparasites, which requires minimal investment or no financial costs at all. In addition, you don’t need special skills to make it yourself. Even a child can make a trap with his own hands.

Hair coloring hat

Since ancient times, golden female locks have been desired by both women and men. It is worth remembering that obliging prostitutes to dye their hair red or blond, which gave birth to a fashion for blond hair, oddly enough, among married women. This fashion existed a thousand years after the fall of Rome. In Venice of the 16th century, a special name even appeared for the color in which most local fashionistas wore their makeup - biondo veneziano. Dozens of paint recipes based on herbs, chemicals and even walnuts have also been developed. To dye hair in Venice, wide-brimmed straw hats without a top were used (there are references to the same in Rome), on the brim of which hair coated with a dye had to be laid out so that it would fade in the sun. This hat was called solana.

How do flea traps work?

The principle of operation of homemade devices is no different from how systems for catching insects, rodents and even some animals are designed. To catch as many fleas as possible, you must first lure them, not allow them to jump away, and then destroy them.

All flea traps, which are made at home according to the schemes described below, lure parasites using:

  • dampness;
  • high temperature;
  • bright lighting;
  • Sahara;
  • household chemicals, detergents.

Fleas are not indifferent to all of the above. Moreover, a combination of several factors can make the invention even better. The design and principle of operation of each trap is selected individually, taking into account the nuances of the room.

The benefits of using home inventions include:

  • safe exposure to people and pets;
  • enhanced action in combination with other means to combat parasites.

Powder compact

It looks more like a pipe from a Soviet vacuum cleaner and a soldering iron with a textured handle, but in fact these are powder compacts of different designs: an accordion and a carrot. The leather accordion was filled with powder and sealed with a lid at one end. Contents were spilling out from the other edge with small perforations. The carrot worked like an air cannon. Its effectiveness depended on how hard the “makeup artist” blew into the valve—a portion of powder shot out from the sharp tip.

The fashion for wigs had authoritative legislators - the elderly Elizabeth I with sparse gray hair and the balding Louis XIII, who suffered from venereal diseases for life. There are several theories as to why powdered hair extensions have become such a widespread wardrobe item. One of them is associated with the ban on non-royal members wearing blond wigs. As a result, aristocrats came up with the idea of ​​bleaching dark hair extensions: dyeing them or powdering them.

A trap that attracts fleas with bright light

Like other insects, fleas are attracted to lighting. They blindly follow the bright light. To make your own bait, you need to use items that are in every home and there is no need to spend money on buying them:

  • an incandescent lamp covered with a cap or lampshade;
  • a flat container with water (a plate, a plastic lid from a jar, a baking tray from the oven, etc.);
  • dishwashing detergent.

The container is filled with water and mixed with detergent. A flat dish is placed on a flat surface at a height accessible to a flea - the insect does not jump higher than 1-1.3 m. A lamp is turned on next to the flea trap.

It is advisable to install such a primitive trap for parasites in the dark, because pests can be attracted by light only in the evening and at night. When they smell detergent, they will see a bright light and notice the foam that forms. Once they jump into the container, they will not be able to jump back out.

Sun stone

Among the unique remedies from the field of alchemy and mysticism are sun stones, which could be purchased in many European pharmacies of the 18th–19th centuries. They miraculously relieved migraines, insomnia, bleeding and other diseases. In various cases, the stone had to be placed either on a sore spot, or under a pillow or under a bed. Sometimes it was heated and applied to the heart - this saved him from mental anguish. But the main purpose of such stones was protection from the evil eye.

TV as a bait for parasites

In this case, the trap is based on a similar operating principle. A television screen is used instead of incandescent lamps. All other attributes are the same - a container with water and detergent foam.

Some users recommend setting the TV louder, but in reality the sound does not affect the operation of the device. Insects jump into the light and aroma emitted by the dishwashing detergent and end up in a container, from where they are no longer able to escape.

The trap works productively in a darkened room, since the “spilled” light in the room will not allow the bait to stand out from the general environment, and fleas will not pay attention to the TV.

Witch bottle

Household wisdom was largely based on prejudices and superstitions. Thus, mysterious witch bottles, which existed until the end of the 19th century in Europe and the USA, promised the owner strong teeth, hair, bones, shiny nails, elastic skin, healthy complexion, love success and longevity. It was not difficult to make such a device: a small vessel was filled with biological samples collected after the next cosmetic procedure. If desired, the contents were flavored with saliva or urine. Afterwards, the vessel was spoken and left for storage in a safe place or even buried. The caches of such witch bottles sometimes contain the “amulets” of an entire family. It was believed that witches who want to cause damage would never get to the owner of the witch bottle while it was intact.

Catching fleas with duct tape

Not all users praise this method. Such a trap is not difficult to make, but it is advisable to use it as an additional device. Catching parasites does not require skill or special skills.

All you need is double-sided tape, which is sold in hardware stores, as well as fishing line. The action scheme is as follows:

  • adhesive tape is hung on a thread where parasites constantly accumulate - near the pet’s sleeping place, at the front door, near heating radiators, cracks in the floor;
  • the bait is installed at a height of no more than 1.2 m;
  • To make the trap attract attention, it is coated with jam or sugar.

Moreover, in the absence of double-sided tape, you can use whatever comes to hand (for example, glue and a plastic bag). The trap will stop working once the sticky surface dries.


A variety of fishing methods will allow you to catch and speed up the process of removing fleas anywhere in an apartment or house.

The use of traps is an easy procedure and helps to reduce the number of active individuals, and, accordingly, reduce the number of emerging larvae and eggs.

As unpleasant as it is for us to realize this, the topic of fleas was very important and relevant at one time. Its significance was so great that such a piquant question was a real inspiration for artists. Naked women, alone or with the help of their gentlemen, enthusiastically catch fleas on the canvases of famous artists of the 16th-18th centuries. These subjects, unusual for high art, can be found in paintings up to the 19th century.

Fleas have accompanied humans for centuries, living comfortably wherever they could find a good home. Interestingly, unlike lice, fleas did not cause such disgust in people. Moreover, fleas were the subject of undisguised interest among collectors and often served as an object of ambiguous entertainment.

Willem Basse (1613-1672)

For fishing, they came up with special flea trap baits. These were elegant handmade crafts in which fabric soaked in honey, blood, resin and spices was placed inside. The fleas that crawled inside stuck to a piece of soaked fabric and remained inside the flea trap. Such elegant little things were placed inside tall wigs, under clothes, or simply worn as pendants.

18th century engraving


Wax candle bait

This primitive device for catching insects is a win-win. To make it you will need a paraffin or wax candle and a saucer. The candle is lit and placed on a saucer.

The candle should stand level - then the melting wax will spread evenly over the surface. Blood-sucking parasites are attracted to light, warmth and the aroma of a melted candle. It is advisable to install the trap on the floor or on a low stool.

According to reviews, this invention does its job well. Fleas attack the candle and stick to the melted wax. At the same time, there is no need to buy special scented candles, as some people mistakenly think: too strong a chemical smell, on the contrary, will repel fleas.

Smoky enema

American Indians and African aborigines used tobacco smoke enema to revive a drowned man. To do this, they blew smoke into his anus. The list of diseases has undergone changes when adapting to European realities. In Europe, it was believed that a tobacco enema helps with colds and stomach diseases, because it dries out the body. It is interesting to know how many people actually returned to life after such enemas, and how many went to another world.

Devices that work without light

Judging by the responses, devices that involve the use of lighting show good results. But this does not mean that if you cannot use a lamp, TV or candle, you cannot create a flea trap with your own hands.

Despite the lack of lighting, the remaining components do not change - you will also need dishes and dishwashing detergent. The container is placed on a flat surface, not far from the source of parasite accumulation. The best option is to place the trap on the floor.

In the evening, fleas become more active and begin to leave their places of permanent residence. The smell of the detergent will become a fragrant bait for pests, which, once they jump into the soapy water, will remain there. A flea will jump out of clean water, but the insect will not be able to get out of the foam.

After catching, water with parasites is poured into the toilet, but not into the washbasin. Otherwise, some individuals will crawl back out of the siphon.

Prevention measures

As a rule, cockroaches appear in conditions where there is free access to water and food, otherwise they will not be interested in the apartment. It is believed that the symbol of unsanitary conditions is cockroaches, although under certain conditions they can appear in an apartment where cleanliness and order reign. Therefore, cockroaches do not appear where:

  • The kitchen is perfectly clean.
  • There are no leftover food or sweet liquids on the table.
  • Bulk products are stored in special containers.
  • Water does not drip from water supply systems.
  • The rags in the kitchen and bathroom are washed, dry and clean.
  • There are no gaps between walls, baseboards and platbands.
  • There are no gaps under the window sills.
  • The sink and work surface are always clean.
  • Ventilation systems are equipped with grilles.
  • The presence of cockroaches in an apartment is a fairly common phenomenon, which indicates unsanitary conditions in a person’s home. If the apartment is clean and tidy, then this is most likely visual, but if you delve into the living conditions more specifically, then all the conditions for a comfortable stay for insects such as cockroaches will appear.
  • Catching cockroaches with traps has its undeniable advantages, and it is permissible to use both purchased products and homemade ones.

The main condition for their effectiveness is timely application, before the cockroach population reaches alarming proportions. Then it is unlikely that it will be possible to deal with them using traps, and who wants to get involved with toxic substances.

Home remedies for cockroaches and ants – Everything will be fine – Issue 78 – 11/13/2012

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Method for catching fleas on a fleecy carpet

Soft floor coverings are used by fleas as reliable and comfortable shelter. Getting rid of parasites that have spread throughout the carpet is not as easy as it seems. This cannot be done without the help of chemicals.

In this case, no strong or toxic pesticides need to be used. You will need cheap and safe products - boric acid and washing powder. To make an anti-flea trap, you need:

  • mix the components (both are taken in equal quantities);
  • apply the mixture to the carpet and scrub it thoroughly with a brush;
  • leave the composition overnight or for a shorter amount of time if there are only a few parasites;
  • vacuum thoroughly;
  • Throw the garbage out of the bag into the toilet or onto the street;
  • Boil the dust collector.

It is not entirely correct to call this method of catching fleas a trap, but its principle is based on the previous options. The smell of the powder attracts parasites, but once it gets deep into the carpet, it paralyzes the insects. Immobilized fleas are unable to leave the treated surface on their own and end up in the vacuum cleaner.

Basic rules for controlling blood-sucking insects

Fleas reproduce very quickly, so it is important to take appropriate action as soon as possible. The first thing to do is vacuum mattresses, carpets, curtains, sofas, clothes, floor coverings and even walls. After completing the cleaning, you need to throw the anthers out of the vacuum cleaner and repeat the cleaning after 9-10 days

After completing the cleaning, you need to throw the anthers out of the vacuum cleaner and repeat the cleaning after 9-10 days.

Such a simple sanitary and hygienic procedure will remove almost 100% of larvae and about 70% of adult insects. To improve the result, you can fill the floors with regular salt. This is a fairly cheap, accessible and effective remedy that allows you to kill fleas that have hidden in the cracks of floor coverings. But the soil in the front garden can be treated with baking soda or special diatomaceous earth powder.

The next step: surface treatment with professional or folk remedies. It is best to poison fleas with special anti-parasitic sprays that contain larval growth inhibitors. Before starting treatment, you must close all doors, windows, and ventilation openings, and after spraying the spray, leave the room for at least 3-4 hours. If your home has wood or vinyl floors, you can prepare a cleaning mixture from regular vinegar and water (just mix them in equal parts).

Why don't fleas leave the house?

Do not forget that homemade devices for catching fleas play a secondary role. It will not be possible to get rid of parasites in an apartment with only traps, especially at once.

In addition, only adult individuals are caught on bait. It is impossible to catch eggs and larvae using such devices.

If insects continue to jump around the apartment, choose another place for the trap. Parasites concentrate where animals are.

If the process of killing fleas coincides with the onset of autumn, ventilate the room more often - insects cannot stand the cold. A draft will do its job, forcing arthropods to look for a more suitable habitat.

Operating principle and advantages

Catching fleas is a process that does not require special knowledge or effort. Manufacturers of anti-parasite products have developed a line of drugs that eliminate insects from homes. For people who care about the environment, they produce traps that keep fleas alive. The active ingredient of conventional models is an insecticide, a chemical. But, if there are children or pets at home, it is better to create a trap yourself from household items.

The principle of operation for all types of traps is the same: attracting fleas with bait (light, heat, moisture, sweets, detergents), destroying the caught individuals. With the help of a trap, it is only possible to reduce the number of adult fleas; the eggs are eliminated using other antiparasitic drugs. Without bait, the trap is ineffective; only “random” fleas will be caught.

Homemade traps have a number of advantages:

  • ease of manufacture - the process takes 5 minutes;
  • simple application - the trap is installed in places where fleas accumulate and is regularly cleaned of any parasites;
  • low cost - the production of some types of traps will be free;
  • quick effect - after 2-3 hours an impressive number of fleas will be caught;
  • safe components are an advantage for those with small children or pets.

You need to choose the type of trap taking into account the characteristics of the room. If you do not use bait, the effect of use will be minimal.


Another ancient Roman thing that, having stood the test of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the New Age, ended up in the arsenal of people of the 19th century with very little change in the annotation. In ancient Rome, the tears of hired mourners were collected in teardrops in order to leave the filled vessels in the crypt as a kind of tribute to the deceased. Two millennia later, the bottle with tears was filled with grieving women from among those closest to them: mothers, widows, lovers, sisters or daughters. Once a year, tears were poured onto the grave of the deceased.

Some were likened to the Persian collectors of tears and kept the vessels as a symbol of the bitter expectation of their husband from the military campaign. Others left a filled bottle of tears open and waited for them to evaporate: this meant that mourning could be completed.


Traditional methods

In the fight against any problem, be it a disease or insects, there is always an alternative method called traditional recipes. They are time-tested, but you can never be 100% sure of their effectiveness. Still, it's worth a try.

Wormwood can help in the fight against fleas. The branches are laid out on shelves with shoes, in corners and near the front door. The method really works, fleas die from the smell of wormwood. The disadvantages include the specific aroma of the plant, which can irritate household members.

In the cold season, you can resort to freezing the apartment. Fleas do not like the cold, although they happily live in humid environments. That is why they often inhabit basement floors.

Tansy tincture, another enemy of fleas. After brewing tansy flowers with boiling water, you need to make a strong tincture. Use the resulting solution to wipe the baseboards, cracks and cabinet joints. The product acts as a repellent; the fleas will not die, but will leave the apartment.


A dog made of foam rubber. This is done in the same way as the instructions given.

The mouse as a character is often found in children's stage plays. For example, it is difficult to imagine everyone’s favorite fairy tales Turnip and Teremok without this modest but full of charm character. Therefore, if a child participates in such a production, parents are faced with a problem: where to get a carnival costume.

The best solution would be a cute mouse mask made with your own hands for a child. You can make this little thing together with your baby, then he will be very proud that there is a face made by his own hands on his head.

Animal handling

Many people keep pets. Cats and dogs, parrots and hamsters make life brighter and people kinder. If the pet does not leave the apartment, there is no danger that it will bring fleas. It’s a completely different matter when a cat runs around wherever it needs to, and then walks around the whole house or sleeps on the owner’s pillow. You can't do without fleas here.

There are many means to rid an animal of parasites. These are special collars, drops on the withers, sprays and shampoos. The main thing is to quickly begin treatment, without waiting for the pest colonies to spread throughout the entire house.

Here are some effective remedies for fleas on animals.

  1. Hartz collar. The protective effect of the collar is ensured by the chemical substance tetrachlorvinphos, which is impregnated with the product. Hartz protects animals from fleas and ticks for 7 months. For individuals with dark fur, collars with a reflective strip are produced.
  2. Frontline Combo drops. A safe and effective remedy for fleas and lice on dogs, cats, and hamsters. The medicine is squeezed out of a pipette onto the animal’s withers. Complete protection against pests is achieved within 24 hours. Treatment should be carried out once a month.
  3. Rolf Club shampoos. For animals that are comfortable with water treatments, Rolf Club shampoo will provide optimal protection against fleas. The effect of shampoos is due to the permethrin included in their composition, which guarantees the instant destruction of parasites.
  4. Hartz and Frontline sprays. This is the easiest way to rid your pet of parasites. When processing, it is advisable to use personal protective equipment.

This is just a small list of products used to treat pets against fleas. If the animal suffers from chronic diseases or is pregnant, you should consult a veterinarian about the choice of remedy.

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