How to make tools for processing sheep wool with your own hands? manufacturing features.

Good day everyone!

What to do and what to do if your pet’s fur is absolutely everywhere, and the fight against it is in vain? Sometimes it seems easier to teach the “culprit” himself to clean up after himself with a vacuum cleaner!

No, you don’t have to surrender to the “wool lawlessness”! Believe me, there is a way to defeat him! This is a normal coat combing. Yes, it helps! It’s just that the cat hair comb must be correct, which depends on its design and purpose. Let's talk about this in detail.

What is needed to process sheep wool?

To process wool you need a standard set of tools. For small volumes, you can use hand tools:

  • wooden comb for removing dirt and smoothing fur;
  • scissors or animal clipper;
  • spinning wheel or spindle;
  • loom;
  • carder for combing.

As the economy develops, it is necessary to purchase more complex and modern automatic devices. They allow you to monitor the thickness of the material during the manufacture of threads. This way the threads are uniform and strong. In general, equipment must be handled carefully and safety precautions must be followed.

Interesting! Even with a minimal set of tools, you can produce a large range of exclusive products.

“Cat's joy”

This is often called a furminator (a professional tool for salon care!) - a “miracle comb” with a comb-shaped, steel, durable blade and an ergonomic handle, which is also suitable for home use.

According to reviews, it is liked not only by cat owners for its high efficiency - it removes up to 90% of dead cat hair, but also by the pets themselves for its effect on the skin and fur coat.

There are two types: deluxe with an injector button for throwing hair off the comb and classic without this option - the blade is cleaned manually; There are differences in design and material, but not quality(!).

They are selected individually according to the width of the comb and the height of the teeth. The seller's advice or a veterinarian's consultation will help you. And follow the instructions!

Furminator brand “FURminatjr deShedding” (1300-2100 RUR) is the best! Its popular analogues: HelloPet (1000 rubles), TRIXIE (up to 900 rubles), Dele (350 rubles); They are a little lower quality.

What tools can you make yourself?

You can make a carder comb with your own hands, which is used for combing out fluff and fluffing up raw materials . Let's look at the manufacturing process step by step:

  1. First you need to find a dry board with dimensions of 10x20 cm. It must be perfectly planed.
  2. Next, tow is applied to it.
  3. Card tape of a suitable size is cut out and placed on top of the board. It is better if the tape protrudes beyond the edges by a couple of millimeters.
  4. A U-shaped handle or in the form of a small stick is attached to the reverse side.

Boards and carders are made using a similar scheme, which are based on a drum. The choice of product for combing wool depends on the experience, volume of production and personal preferences of the farmer . At home you can find interesting modifications of devices. For example, a low-power cordless screwdriver is a good alternative to a spindle.

Important! It is better not to use foam rubber or cotton wool to make a comb, as these materials are loose and wear out quickly.

When you start raising sheep, the first thing you should do is purchase the necessary equipment. Properly selected tools can make the wool processing process quick and convenient. Some of them can be made with your own hands using inexpensive materials.

homemade carder for carding wool

My husband made me a homemade carder for carding wool.

wool before carding, slightly washed

what an interesting topic) if you really don’t mind, share the information) especially about card tape)

I bought ours, domestic, but it... kind of strange.

Wow!! Great! )))))

Irina, can I ask and show you right away in your thread?

The thinnest and most frequent tape

the fabric is thick, the needles are short, the fastening of the needle-brackets is weak (it can be easily removed from the fabric). How can such card tapes be used?

The manufacturer cannot say anything clear about manual carders.

You look at the site that I indicated to you in the message. I have card tape

yes, your needles are much longer.

I’m wondering what kind of carding is this with card tapes like the ones they sent me. I can't imagine. Not so for me, in a word.

I also spin wool, but for now I comb it by hand.

For this I have several different powder brushes.


Sheep wool processing

Sheep wool is widely used for the production of clothing, shoes, carpets, and blankets. Such material is always highly valued on the market, as a result of which the number of breeders involved in sheep breeding is constantly growing. Today, the largest number of farms raising such animals are concentrated in Australia, China, Great Britain, and Turkey. But it is worth talking about the value of raw materials only if the processing of sheep wool is properly organized. And this direction, if properly organized, can become a completely profitable business, promising considerable benefits to the breeder.

Hand spinning methods

The spinning procedure can be performed without a warp or with it. It is recommended to use wool or acrylic thread for the base. The resulting product will become elastic and hold its shape well. Although mastering such needlework is difficult, with sufficient skill and patience everything will certainly work out. If you spin wool without pre-washing, the thread removed from the spindle or spool must be rewound again into a spool, then tied with colored thread at two points and washed. This material will tell you about crane fabric for sewing clothes.


Features of business organization

Organizing a successful enterprise for raising sheep and processing wool involves a number of important nuances that are worth paying attention to. Only in this case can we talk about significant benefits.

First of all, the breeder must determine for what purpose he plans to raise sheep. The production of wool can become either the main specialization of the farm or a secondary one. In the second case, the main direction will be meat, milk, lambs for other farms or smushki. It depends on what specific breed of livestock to breed.

But it is irrational to determine the target direction of an enterprise only on the basis of one’s own preferences. You should definitely take into account:

  1. Demand for products in the region and throughout the country. If there are meat processing plants or dairy production facilities in the immediate vicinity of the farm, then it may be more profitable to consider wool as a secondary product. If there are massive textile industries, it will be more profitable to focus specifically on wool processing.
  2. State support. When opening a large enterprise, you should check with the local administration about the availability of existing government projects in this direction. Such programs involve subsidies, assistance in marketing products for export, and provision of areas for grazing.

The last point is especially important. Without the presence of vast pastures available for exploitation by private owners, it is not possible to organize a large sheep farm.

You should also take into account the climate and topography of the region. This moment allows you to correctly determine the direction of wool production and decide on the breed suitable for it. The main directions in this regard include:

  1. Coarse-haired. As the name suggests, the main goal of such sheep farming is to obtain coarse wool. It is suitable for breeds that are accustomed to desert and semi-desert regions.
  2. Semi-coarse-haired. Semi-rough raw materials are obtained from sheep, which are bred in mountainous areas. Not all breeds are suitable for breeding in such conditions.
  3. Fine wool. This direction of sheep breeding involves the cultivation of varieties bred in the steppes and deserts.
  4. Semi-fine fleece. This direction is implemented in regions with vast rich pastures and a humid climate. At the same time, appropriate types of livestock are selected.

For most regions of Russia with their characteristic climate, the most rational direction of wool production is semi-fine wool.

Types of wool raw materials

After studying the general points and available resources, you should also pay attention to the existing types of wool. Each of them requires its own texture and quality, which ultimately affects the cost of raw materials. The main types of wool products include:

  1. Fine wool. Such raw materials are obtained by shearing fine-wool sheep. The basis of this fabric consists mainly of downy hairs, which provides it with special softness. The average length of fine wool does not exceed 9 cm. In the process of processing raw products, it is possible to obtain no more than 50%. This material is highly valued in textile production.
  2. Semi-thin. There is significantly less fluff in this composition, and the main part is occupied by transitional hair. The raw materials are obtained from semi-fine fleece sheep. The value of such material is already lower. It is used to produce a separate type of felt.
  3. Semi-rough. In addition to down and intermediate hair, the wool also includes a thin awn. The length of the fibers ranges from 8 to 19 cm. It is obtained from semi-coarse-haired animals and hybrids of coarse-haired and fine-wooled varieties. Such raw materials are used in the production of coarse carpets, shoes, felt, which is designed for installation in cars.
  4. Coarse wool. Assumes the presence of all types of hair fibers. Depending on the length, it is divided into spring and autumn. Such products are obtained exclusively from coarse-haired breeds of cattle. It is used for the production of technical felt and individual parts of shoes.

Also, all wool obtained from sheep can be divided into:

  1. Homogeneous. It contains one specific type of animal hair. It consists exclusively of down, transitional hair or awn.
  2. Heterogeneous. The texture of such a fabric suggests the presence of several types of fibers. Heterogeneous raw materials are valued lower than homogeneous ones.

Reference. Often, to improve the quality of semi-coarse, coarse and semi-fine material, crossing the corresponding breed of sheep with representatives of the fine-fleece direction is used. In most cases, this can significantly improve the quality of the hair of the resulting offspring.


Bathe the tail and wait for the pile to dry completely (!).

Before combing, if there are tangles, remove them with a tangle cutter or scissors and make sure there are no skin ailments.

It is advisable to comb it with a comb or, as professionals advise, first install a knife with long teeth into the tool to straighten the tangled pile, and then use a knife with standard blades.

Start from the back, move to the sides and tail, and then to tender, often “forbidden” places - the chest and belly. Move the comb first easily, smoothly and lightly in the direction of hair growth (carefully near the genitals, on the paws and tummy), and then a little more intensely (but slowly and without fanaticism!). And when finished, use a wet napkin (or hand) to remove all residue from above.

Owners note that an incredible amount of fluff is combed out for the first time!

At the beginning of summer (during the heat) and during the molting period (spring and autumn), clean 2-3 times a week, the rest of the time - no more than once every 1.5 months, and in winter it is recommended to clean only once, i.e. because it’s cold in winter, but the animal loves warmth. For short-haired breeds, veterinarians advise no more than 8 times a year.

If there is no undercoat, then it cannot be used. And the breeds: shorthaired Balinese, Tiffany, Cornish Rex, Burmese, Don Sphynx, Peterbald, Oriental, Turkish Angora, Devon Rex, La Permian, Singaporean and some more.

You can and should (!): chinchilla, British, Scottish, Persian, Somali, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest, Siberian, Neva Masquerade, Kurilian bobtail and many others.

And if you’ve never brushed your furry one before, then it’s quite possible to gradually accustom him: start with less time, gradually increasing; petting while quietly communicating; treat you to your favorite treat before and after; It’s better to do it at the same time every day. The cat, an intelligent and perceptive creature, will quickly pick up on this pleasant dependence that you create, and each time it will behave more and more favorably. It will take a maximum of six months to completely get used to it. One review says: “The grooming process is now accompanied by loud purring and eyes rolling back in pleasure.”

Breed selection

Having decided on the main direction of the farm’s work, you can move on to choosing specific breeds of small cattle. Breeders obtain the highest quality raw materials when breeding semi-fine-fleece long-wool sheep. A characteristic feature of such products is uniform wool with a unique shine, which is highly valued in textile production. The most popular breeds in this regard include:

Lincoln sheep breed

  1. Russian longhair. The fur of such animals is uniform, soft and shiny. The average annual clip from one ram is 6 kg. The uterus produces up to 4.8 kg of raw materials per year. The breed line was developed by crossing local varieties of sheep with animals of the Lincoln breed.
  2. Lincolnskaya. The wool of this breed is especially highly valued. It is distinguished by intense shine, special strength and length of hair fibers. The average yield of pure material is 55%. Priming is carried out twice a year. The average annual weight of wool from one ram reaches 8-10 kg. About 5.5 kg is shorn from a sheep. Lincolns are quite demanding when it comes to living conditions.

Primary processing of wool

Immediately after shearing the sheep, the owner of the farm receives raw material. This is unwashed wool. There are two ways to implement it:

  1. Delivery of the entire volume of raw materials to procurement enterprises. In such institutions, wool is washed and processed, and in processed form it is sent to textile factories. The cost of raw materials is quite low.
  2. Independent processing of raw materials. In this case, the material is processed on the farm and sold to factories without an intermediary. The benefits are much higher.

Of course, the second option requires additional purchase of equipment and the formation of a production line. The specific configuration of such a line will depend on the wishes and capabilities of the owner. But the minimum equipment it includes includes specialized washing machines and dryers. Today there are several varieties of such technology. The main difference is performance. Its value can range from 14 to 400 kg of raw materials per hour.

Sheep wool processing

The washing machine washes the fibers free of any particles of dust and dirt. The drying machine removes excess moisture from the resulting fraction. For a small start-up farm, in this regard, a line with a productivity of up to 15 kg/h will be sufficient.

Features of goat hair

The chemical composition of goat fluff is unique - the vegetation consists of protein substances (keratin and fibroin). This means that animal fur contains valuable components such as sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.

Goat hair consists of 3 components:

  1. Coarse, thickened guard hairs. Hard fibers determine the volume and overall structure of the fur, and also serve as protection from external environmental influences.
  2. Transitional hairs. They are much thinner than their guard “brothers”.
  3. Short, soft fluff. Delicate, thin, crimped fiber.

The hair scales are securely attached to the cortex. This feature gives the animal's coat shine and silkiness. The main criterion for fiber quality is the thickness of the hair (fineness). It is measured in micrometers. The length, crimp and strength of the hairs are of great importance.

The complex structure of the coat provides the animal with protection from heat and frost. Hairs of different sizes create numerous air sacs - pockets. Traps trap air near the surface of the pet's body, so goats do not suffer from freezing or overheating.

The material is capable of absorbing a large amount of moisture and immediately releasing it to the outside. This property allows the animal to keep warm even when wet. Certain varieties of wool and down are distinguished by a hollow, tubular structure of the hair, and therefore have better thermal insulation qualities.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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Goat hair has unique antibacterial properties. Thanks to negative electrical charges, your pet's fur is reliably protected from dirt, pathogenic bacteria and bad odors.

Processing tools

Washing and drying wool is just one of the stages of a sheep farm. But, before they can be carried out, it is necessary to cut off the raw material from the living creatures. You will also need to remove unnecessary hair from the fraction and organize the remaining material. All this is done using the appropriate tool. The list of essentials includes:

  • electric sheep clipper or special scissors;
  • carder;
  • comb used for combing wool;
  • spinning wheel;
  • spindle.

It is also advisable to purchase a loom for the farm in advance. In this case, the breeder will also have the opportunity to try his hand at independently producing textiles. Handmade textiles are also highly valued in the market.

The type of tool should also be selected based on financial capabilities and production volumes. In a small enterprise, staff can handle this with hand tools. For larger objects, it is necessary to purchase an automatic carder, a spinning wheel and a flock shearing machine.

Material care rules

Warm woolen products require delicate and careful care. Wash clothes by hand, at a water temperature of no higher than 30 degrees. In some cases, it is possible to wash woolen items in a machine, if it has a special program.

Before the procedure, the clothes are turned inside out. For washing, use special detergents for woolen products. Dry clothes by laying them on a table or any flat horizontal surface, away from the radiator.

How to create a sheep wool processing business?

In general, a sheep wool processing plant may involve one or more stages of product production. So, the farm owner can organize:

  1. An enterprise with a full production cycle. It involves raising sheep, collecting raw materials and its further processing.
  2. Partial cycle enterprise. It is profitable to open it in regions where large sheep farms are already concentrated. In this case, the company plays the role of an intermediary, buying raw materials, carrying out primary processing and sending them for export or to regional textile factories.
  3. Small processing workshop complete with production equipment. In this case, in addition to purchasing wool and raising sheep to obtain raw material, the owner will also earn money from producing textiles. The simplest line allows the production of bed linen and other similar textile products.

A full-cycle enterprise also involves certain benefits from milk and meat obtained from the flock. But it requires the greatest costs for organizing a business.

Processing sheep wool in private enterprises is gaining increasing popularity among novice entrepreneurs. Such a business requires relatively few investments, quickly pays for itself, and the demand for products is constantly growing. But when organizing such a business, it is necessary to clearly analyze the resources available in the region, the availability of pastures, and access to government programs. Only in this case will the business be successful and bring benefits.

Features of knitting with wool yarn and down

For knitting, soft goat fluff is used, combined with cotton, linen or slippery silk thread. It is not recommended to use a hook for this work. In this case, the canvas comes out too rough. When knitting with knitting needles, the product turns out uniform and soft. The diameter of the knitting needles should be taken a little larger than required for such a thickness of yarn. When working with goat down yarn, you should not choose complex openwork patterns.

See also

Description and homeland of Angora goats, wool characteristics and contentsRead

Trim a sheep: the intricacies of processing sheep wool and making yarn

Trim a sheep: the intricacies of processing sheep wool and making yarn

We are accustomed to the fact that when we go into a store, we can see a huge assortment of a wide variety of products made from sheep wool, ranging from knitted wool socks, mittens, gloves and scarves, to vests, sweaters, pullovers, blankets and bedspreads. And we all know about the excellent beneficial properties of sheep wool and non-wool products. But have you ever wondered how the production of wool and wool yarn is a complex and labor-intensive process? It would seem that it could be simpler... Trim the sheep, clean the wool, make a thread - and you're done! It turns out that everything is far from so simple!

Let's start with the basics. What is sheep wool made of and what types does it come in?

Sheep wool can be divided according to the type of fiber into four types. Down fibers are the thinnest, softest, but at the same time very durable hair. The second type is transitional hair. It is a thicker fiber and therefore a little rougher. The guard hair is even coarser than the transitional hair, and the coarsest and hardest is the so-called dead hair. It is very thick and coarse in fiber, covered with large lamellar scales. If wool consists predominantly of the same type of fibers, for example only fluff and transitional hair, then it is called “homogeneous”. The one that contains all types of fibers is called “heterogeneous”.

Also, the raw materials that are obtained after shearing sheep with the same type of hair are divided into the following types: fine, semi-fine or coarse. Each type has its own special qualities, advantages, and areas of application.

— Thin fiber, as the name implies, is the softest, lightest, most elastic; products made from this material are of high quality and pleasant to wear. Fine fiber is obtained by shearing sheep of a fine-wool breed, the wool of which consists of very thin (25 microns) downy hair. This hair is not long, only 7-9 cm, and after going through all production cycles the net yield is only 45 - 50%.

— There is also semi-fine fiber. This material is sheep hair, cut from transitional undercoat or coarse fluff. This raw material is the most common in Russia, since the majority of sheep in the population are of the semi-fine fleece breed. This type of fiber is a little coarser, but can also be used to make essential products such as felt.

- Coarse fiber - coarsened hair, hard and brittle, least suitable for making clothing or accessories; as a rule, it is used in the production of felt used in industry.

We've sorted out the types of raw materials! - Not bad! Next, according to our plan, is the technological process of manufacturing wool yarn from raw materials.

Usually the raw materials that go into production are very contaminated. It may contain straws, sticks, dry grass, and traces of a sheep's activity. It can also be of different types and varieties.

Therefore, first the wool is sorted, selected and classified according to standards. After sorting, a difficult stage begins - the wool needs to be cleaned.

For cleaning, the raw materials are loaded into a special apparatus with a complex name: “de-steeling machine.” This unit separates burrs - sticky thorns, as well as straw and dry grass. Afterwards, the matted tangles are torn apart and the raw materials are cleaned of contaminants. Then the raw materials are washed. Aims five times! The main task of washing raw materials on an industrial scale is to separate the grease. The grease is separated at production and sent for additional processing, from which high-quality lanolin is subsequently obtained. Washed and wrung out. After the last spin, the clean, good wool is sent to the dryer. Voila! The coat is clean, smooth, even and dry! Let's sort it again, loosen it and fluff it up, everything can be packaged and sent for sale in the form of finished raw materials, or we can start the next stage - the production of wool yarn.

How to make a wool comb with your own hands

How to make a wool comb with your own hands, not a complicated device.
The mechanism proposed for consideration allows you to comb (even out the length) sheep wool for its further use in the technological process for making doll wigs.

The design is shown in the figure and consists of four assembly units:

1. Side wall. 2. Handle. 3. Bar. 4. Plank. 5. Bottom panel. 6. Front support. 7. Rear support.

1. Side wall. 2. Handle. 3. Bar. 4. Top panel.

1. Fixation bar. 2. Metal plate. 3. Porous rubber (soft). 4. M6 hairpin.

Material for making:

moisture-resistant plywood eight millimeters thick; wooden block with a cross-sectional size of 15x15 (mm); wooden stalk with a diameter of twenty millimeters; metal plate and porous rubber.

The bed (1) is attached to a work table or workbench. Between the clamping bars (3), along the length, sheep wool is laid out. The strips are compressed together with wing nuts, then inserted into the technological groove on the frame (1). The clamping clamp is installed between the plates, which ensures their reliable fixation on the frame. With the help of the reciprocating movements of the slider, the hair is combed.


If we don’t go into unnecessary details, then... My husband made me a wool rocking stick. Which is what I brag about

The Shaitan machine looks like this:

Now my husband is on a business trip, and I am testing the unit.

We take wool, washed, dyed, but somewhat matted. For felting or spinning, it must be brought into decent shape.

Separate a piece of wool, stretch the folded areas a little

I move the upper part of the rocker back and forth, and at the exit I get wool wool

Residues of debris that are not visible in the dyed wool spill out to the bottom of the flapping surface

I made a test sample from another wool, disheveled in the same way:

Let's check for clarity:

Thin enough, transparent to light, shrinkage 25% in all directions, working in the layout is a little difficult and unusual, even a little different from carding, but overall it’s possible. The canvas turned out to be surprisingly plastic, stretching again in all directions.

A piece of 16 by 14 cm turned out to weigh 5 grams.

Hand combing wool, of course, gives a more beautiful result, but also a longer one. I didn’t measure my labor productivity because I’m constantly distracted by something at home.

Now the plans are for a home-made, compact drum carder

This is my joy

I’m sharing a month late, but better late than never


Primary processing of sheep wool at home

Today, sheep breeding is not such a common occupation among Russian summer residents, so many secrets of caring for sheep, and most importantly, processing the wool obtained from shearing them, are gradually being lost. As a result, even those enthusiasts who are trying to raise sheep today sometimes face the problem of lack of information. Particularly relevant are the issues of proper processing of wool: how to properly wash it, dry it, how to comb it and subsequently make ready-to-use yarn from it?

Independent primary processing of sheep wool at home consists of several stages: sorting; cleaning; washing, drying, combing, yarn.

Processing begins with mandatory sorting, because not only the wool obtained from sheep of different breeds (wool or meat) can differ, but even the fibers sheared from different parts of the body of one sheep differ in quality, purity, and length. Therefore, before proceeding with more complex manipulations, the material must be distributed by type and quality.

Then comes one of the most time-consuming, tedious stages - cleaning. The mass of fibers always contains plant debris in the form of blades of grass, straw, pieces of dry leaves, remains of manure, as well as many other impurities. Often there are fragments of matted wool that also need to be removed.

Washing the wool is also mandatory. The fact is that wool that is not immediately washed is excessively contaminated with the greasy secretions of animals, which is why its appearance, frankly speaking, is unpresentable, and the feeling to the touch is far from pleasant.

To wash sheep's wool, solutions of special washing powders are used - for woolen fabrics. Manufacturers add special ingredients to them, thanks to which all contaminant layers are effectively removed from wool fibers. To obtain a solution, add 250-300 g of powder to hot water for each kilogram of dry wool. The wool is then dipped into the powder solution. And after 1.5-2 hours, rinse it with clean hot water. The number of procedures depends on the degree of contamination of the wool - you should stop washing only after the water remains almost clean after the next session.


Purchased ones come in the form of:

  • combs that comb completely; use daily;
  • brushes (with an antistatic effect) and slicker brushes (good for combing the undercoat); apply 1-2 times a week, and during shedding - 3;
  • rubber mittens - they are used for general massage and improve the appearance of the fur coat;

  • wall and floor combs - for massage, partial combing and improving mood.

And when choosing them, it is important to take into account the parameters of the cloves.


  • for short-haired dogs, the length of the teeth is 1-2.5 cm;
  • with an average length - 3-4.5 cm;
  • For long-haired ones, 5 to 6 cm is suitable.

Frequency of posting

  • for shorthairs - with frequent placement;
  • Suitable for everyone with a middle position;
  • with rare - if the fur is thick.


  • with rotating teeth - to remove tangles and make it easier to comb out the undercoat;
  • a combination of different sizes will cope with both short undercoat and long fur.


  • metal - for constant combing of an adult;
  • natural bristles - for little ones;
  • artificial bristles - for massage;
  • rubber - also for massage;
  • plastic is an inexpensive and fragile material that becomes electrified and irritates the cat, and contains a harmful dye.



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