Effective cockroach traps: review of popular “traps” and how to make them yourself

Cockroaches are tireless travelers, conquering more and more new spaces.

To protect apartments and houses from pest invasion, in addition to traditional insecticides, there are various devices on the market to destroy or repel them. Among them are electrical traps.

  • 2 The pros and cons of using electronic insect repellents
  • 3 Are electronic cockroach repellents effective?
  • 4 Popular brands
  • 5 How to choose the necessary anti-cockroach device?
  • 6 Conclusion
  • What types of electric traps for cockroaches are there?

    Electric cockroach traps are produced in the form of metal boxes. You need to put bait inside the device and change it periodically. The smell of the bait will constantly attract insects into the trap, where a high voltage electrical discharge will destroy them.

    Over time, cockroach remains will accumulate in the trap, so the device must be cleaned periodically. For this purpose, a special brush is usually included.

    Electric trap

    Advantages of electrical traps:

    • no insecticides;
    • durability;
    • variety of models;
    • Availability – devices can be purchased online at any specialty store.

    Similar devices have disadvantages:

    • they must not be placed in damp places;
    • The devices are powered by electricity, so you need to take care of the safety of children and place them only where children cannot reach them.
    • high price.


    A type of electrotraps are ultrasonic traps for cockroaches. They consist of:

    • a generator that creates high-frequency pulses;
    • dynamics.

    The elements are placed in a box with a plug for plugging into an electrical outlet. Ultrasonic traps, unlike electric ones, do not catch pests, but repel them. The devices emit electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency, causing discomfort in parasites. This forces the insects to leave the room, but they do not die. No additional processing is needed.

    On a note! Ultrasonic devices of different powers are produced. Depending on this indicator, there are models with different radius of influence.

    However, it should be noted that even in the scientific community there is no consensus on the effectiveness of this device, since it is believed that cockroaches, like people, do not perceive the ultrasonic spectrum, which means expelling them with ultrasound is a very controversial method.


    The operating principle of devices of this type is based on the use of low-frequency electromagnetic waves. They are reproduced continuously, penetrating through the walls into all rooms of the apartment. The wave propagation area is up to 100 m2. To prevent insects from getting used to the effects of the devices, the electromagnetic coil generates oscillations according to a specific algorithm.

    Ultrasonic trap

    Sticky house traps

    These cockroach traps operate using glue applied to a cardboard blank. Upon purchase, the sticky layer is covered with a protective film. The product is a cardboard box in the shape of a house with bait for cockroaches placed inside. Cockroach stickies are not dangerous to children or pets and can be used in any home.

    Cockroach sticky tape should be placed in their favorite habitats: next to the trash can, under the bathtub or sink. Attracted by the pleasant smell of the bait, the pest runs into the house and sticks to the Velcro. Houses for cockroaches can catch several dozen individuals. Over time, the glue becomes less sticky and the roach trap is discarded and replaced with a new one.


    This type of pest capture is not very effective, since it does not have a detrimental effect on the eggs laid earlier by insects, which makes the reproduction process continuous.

    Sticky house traps

    Review We were tormented by cockroaches in the apartment. Since there is a small child and a cat in the house, the use of effective chemicals and toxic agents was excluded. We settled on an inexpensive and safe Velcro-based trap. The number of insects has become smaller over time, but it is impossible to completely exterminate them using this method. Yes, and cockroaches can easily come from neighbors.

    Marina, Kazan

    Glue trap for cockroaches Forsyth

    Velcro house Forssayt from a Russian manufacturer. The kit includes a cardboard house with an adhesive layer and a bait tablet. The stickiness of the substance lasts up to three months of use. Also suitable for catching ants. A glue trap for cockroaches costs 50 rubles.

    The pros and cons of using electronic insect repellents

    Any product designed to kill pests has both pros and cons. The advantages of electronic devices include the following characteristics:

    1. Simplicity and ease of use.
    2. No unpleasant odors or chemical components.
    3. Large range of action.
    4. Quiet and safe.
    5. Low energy use.
    6. Long working life.
    7. Expels not only cockroaches, but also ants, fleas, mosquitoes, beetles, spiders and even rodents.
    8. Can be used in combination with other devices and pest control products.

    The disadvantages of electronic devices include their high cost.

    Tips for using shredders

    It is better to install traps in places where insects are most active - next to the garbage disposal, near the cracks where they crawl out, near the refrigerator, etc. It is important to change the product as often as required by the instructions. You should work with toxic drugs using rubber gloves, placing them in areas inaccessible to children and pets.

    The main recommendation is to approach the task in a comprehensive manner and, if possible, eliminate the root cause of the appearance of cockroaches in the home.

    To obtain the most effective results, it is recommended to use several different products in turn or simultaneously. In addition, it is necessary to remove food debris from all surfaces, not to allow the normal humidity level to exceed the normal level (40‒60%), and negotiate with neighbors so that they also disinfest their apartments.

    Popular brands

    Most consumers, when choosing a device for exterminating cockroaches, prefer models from popular companies. Of course, you will have to overpay a little, but the product works more reliably, since large companies, caring about their image, produce products of much higher quality.

    Among the most popular brands:

    1. Pest Reject. Ultrasonic repellers of this brand are produced in the USA. The devices cover an area of ​​about 200 m2. Their design is standard. The repeller can be combined with other products or used as an independent unit.
    2. Typhoon LS 500. A domestically produced ultrasonic repeller has an effect on pests over an area of ​​about 80 m2. This is enough for a standard residential apartment. For larger apartments, you will need 2 or more devices, depending on the size of the home.
    3. WK-600 from Weitech. The high cost is dictated by the power of the device - it is intended for large industrial premises.
    4. Ecosniper. The magnetic resonance device, released in Hong Kong, is inferior in efficiency to ultrasonic devices. Able to expel cockroaches only from small spaces.


    1. Tornado. Under this name, the domestic company produces a whole series of devices. For example, one of the models of the Tornado OT 02 series, in order to increase the impact effect, is equipped with a special function and emits light waves. When choosing any Tornado model, you need to remember an important detail - you need to install the device strictly at the right angle. If this is not done, the effect will be significantly reduced.
    2. Hail. An effective and reliable device, developed by domestic manufacturers, easy to operate. Covers an area of ​​approximately 550 m2. Can be powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries.
    3. GRR09 is a product of the American company RIDDEX. Affects insects over an area of ​​about 40 m2. Thanks to the presence of three operating modes, you can choose the treatment option that will be effective in a particular case.

    Ultrasonic exposure

    Ultrasonic effects on cockroaches
    It has long been proven that ultrasound can cause unpleasant sensations to many living beings, including hated arthropods. Ultrasonic repellers are more suitable for preventing pests or for combining the product with other more effective means.

    How to choose the necessary anti-cockroach device?

    When choosing a device for exterminating parasites, you need to pay attention to the following:

    1. Device power. It should be sufficient to cover the area of ​​the entire apartment or house.
    2. Duration of action. How long the device will work depends on the power source. For use at home, it is best to purchase models that operate on mains power, but for dachas, country houses, and for overnight stays in nature, battery-powered or rechargeable devices are also suitable.

    Causes of insects

    Most often, cockroaches live in apartments where the owners do not maintain cleanliness and order in the house. However, it is not uncommon for them to appear in areas where the premises are regularly cleaned. This is explained by the fact that such dwellings somehow attract baleen parasites. There is another explanation: they are fleeing from neighbors who are actively fighting them.

    A necessary condition for the existence of cockroaches is accessible water and food. They occupy the apartment in the following cases:

    1. The kitchen taps are leaking, water remains in the sink, and there is condensation on the pipes.
    2. The owners rarely take out the trash, there are crumbs on the tables or floor, and there are unwashed dishes.
    3. The house has a garbage disposal, but there is no general insect control.
    4. If cockroaches are poisoned in other apartments, they will try to move to the neighbors. They no longer care whether it is clean or dirty.

    DIY traps

    Due to the high cost of factory-made devices for catching cockroaches, such as, for example, a raptor trap, it is quite possible to try to get rid of uninvited guests by using homemade products. The devices do not have a high level of efficiency; therefore, it is recommended to make a cockroach trap with your own hands in several copies.

    The principle of operation of homemade products is almost always identical: they use some kind of container in which there is an adhesive substance that helps catch the insect. You can use various materials at hand, for example, cans, cardboard boxes, tape, and many others. Below are some of the most popular DIY tips.

    Using tape

    Using ordinary tape and cardboard, it is quite possible to make fairly effective traps for cockroaches.

    To obtain a homemade device, you should take a small cardboard box equipped with low walls. Place several cardboard strips inside, which must be wrapped in advance with wide strips of double-sided tape. Single-sided use is not recommended; its adhesive properties are relatively low.

    To attract cockroaches, you need to place in the center of the prepared trap some delicacy that the parasites will like, for example, some sausage or sweets. To obtain an additional effect, it is quite possible to strengthen the effect of such a trap. Instead of regular food products, you should use poisonous yolk bait or tablets, which are often used in toxic devices.

    If a large colony of parasites, numbering a considerable number of individuals, has settled on the premises, several of these boxes should be used. To obtain the expected results, it is recommended to place the devices where the Prussians most often live, for example, under the sink, in cabinets, and also under them.

    Jar traps

    Very interesting and, most importantly, effective homemade traps for cockroaches can be made with your own hands from a bottle with a wide neck or a jar. Such a unique house will allow you to catch a considerable number of parasites. However, you need to know that to destroy a large number of Prussians, it is advisable to use three or more homemade devices.

    To get an effective homemade device, you will need:

    • First you need to prepare the jar. To ensure that the container does not have any foreign odor, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry it. Do not use cleaning agents when washing.
    • Next, the outside of the jar should be lightly greased with glue, and then wrapped in pre-crumpled paper. This measure is necessary to ensure that cockroaches can easily enter the trap.
    • The walls of the container should be lightly greased or oiled, otherwise it is likely that the parasites will be able to get back out.
    • As for the bait that will attract the Prussians, you can put a small amount of any food with a strong odor at the bottom of the jar. To enhance the effect, you can pour some beer into the container. This will not only help catch the cockroaches, but also completely eliminate the possibility that they will be able to get out.

    Especially when killing parasites, it is recommended to use jars with a volume of half a liter.

    What bait to use

    To destroy parasites, you can use baits made with your own hands.

    For example, the following recipe has excellent effectiveness: mix a small amount of boric acid powder thoroughly, after adding a little milk, with crushed chicken egg yolk. After cooking, use the resulting mass to roll into small balls.

    The bait prepared in this way should be placed in secluded places, for example, under the sink, behind kitchen furniture. By eating the bait, insects also transfer the toxic substance to the nest, thereby ensuring the death of their relatives. If necessary, you should regularly replenish the supply of poisonous baits, which will completely destroy the colony of parasites.

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