Anti-tick drops for cats - review of popular brands, their pros and cons

Benefits of flea drops

As mentioned earlier, many people use the drip form of flea medications. At the same time, the following advantages stand out during the operation of the solution:

  • Easy to apply - on the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the back of the head;
  • With the right choice - safety of use;
  • The duration of the effect is from 1 to 3 months, depending on the animal and its living conditions;
  • The ability not only to eliminate fleas, but also to prevent their new establishment for the duration of the composition;
  • Large selection among manufacturers.

Naturally, it is important to select a product in accordance with the parameters of a particular animal. Breed or gender does not play a role here. It is important to buy a product in accordance with the age of the cat, as well as its weight. After all, an ordinary yard cat will weigh 3-5 kg, and a Maine Coon will weigh up to 17 kg. Therefore, this point should be clarified. Otherwise, an incorrect dosage will not bring benefit or even harm the pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insecticidal components are not absorbed into the blood, but remain in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Upon contact with a toxic substance, paralysis occurs and the insect dies within 10-15 minutes. The drops are irrigated onto the intact, dry skin of the withers, from where the pet cannot lick them off.


  1. The liquid is also toxic to warm-blooded animals if it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes. The cat develops drooling, conjunctivitis, and vomiting.
  2. You cannot treat several pets at once: they will lick the liquid from each other’s withers, become poisoned and be left without protection from attacks by fleas and ticks.
  3. A nursing cat must be removed from the babies until the drops are absorbed. Most drugs remain toxic even after absorption.
  4. After treatment, you need to protect the cat from getting wet. Children should not be allowed to pet the pet due to the risk of developing an allergic reaction.
  5. The best drugs are expensive.

The advantages of insecticidal drops outweigh the disadvantages.

Which substances can be used and which cannot?

Naturally, the drops contain compositions based on disinfectant components. Some of them are safe for cats, and some can even kill your pet. Safe ones include:

  • Imidacporil;
  • Finpronil;
  • Silamectin.

But permethrin can cause mass poisoning, even if the animal is protected from licking the composition from its fur. It penetrates the systemic bloodstream and can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs. In particularly severe cases of intoxication, the animal may die.

A little theory - what do you need to know about drops?

Flea drops for cats are a concentrated solution of insecticides, characterized by rapid action and low toxic properties for animals.

The most common substances used in drops:

  • Invermectin is a strong insecticide that has universal properties: it destroys not only fleas, but also other parasites. Effective against lice eaters and ticks. It is very toxic, so if it is present in drops, be sure to follow the dosage exactly!
  • Permethrin is an insecticide that has been proven over the years and is relatively safe for warm-blooded animals (even if it gets into the stomach, it breaks down and does not poison the animal).
  • Pyriproxyfen - this substance has previously proven itself to be the main component of the “impregnation” in flea collars. Today the component is more often used as a base for drops.
  • Fipronil is a modern insecticide, effective and safe for cats, it acts quickly and minimizes re-infection of the animal. Some insecticides not only penetrate the skin and make the cat's blood "poisoned" for fleas, they also have a strong, unpleasant odor that repels parasites. So it is possible to apply anti-flea drops for cats precisely - at the very base of the skull and fleas will begin to leave the animal literally in the first minutes after treatment.

Remember, the drops have an aroma that your pet may not like, so rub the drops in thoroughly (if indicated in the instructions) so that the cat cannot remove them mechanically.

TOP 5 best flea drops for cats

If we consider the positive effect of the composition, then it is achieved in most cases. But if we consider difficult situations, when the animal has suffered greatly from parasites or has other types of problems, then we distinguish:

  1. Advantage. Consists of imidacloprid. Available commercially and can even be used on kittens. Effective against fleas and ticks, but only for 1 month.
  2. Stronghold. Based on silamectin. It can be used from the age of 6 weeks. This composition helps against both external and internal parasites. valid for about 1 month.
  3. Frontline. Contains finpronil. This remedy can be used from 8 weeks of age. Its validity period is 2 months.
  4. Inspector Total K is represented by the composition fipronil and moxidectin. These drugs provide a lasting effect of up to 2 months, as well as rapid elimination of parasitic insects. Used in cats 1-4 kg from 8 weeks of age. Helps eliminate worm eggs on wool, mites, and blood-sucking insects. These drops are odorless and have no side effects on the animal.
  5. RolfСlub 3D. The drug is based on pyriproxyfen, fipronil, etofenprox. It is used in animals up to 4 kg, and can be used from 12 weeks of age. Effective against fleas, ticks, lice and flying insects. Valid for about a month.

These drugs are effective if used according to the instructions. Their composition is safe for relatively healthy animals.

Expert opinion

Danilova Maria Alekseevna

Therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, express tests, ratologist, groomer.

It is important to understand that in seriously ill animals, remedies of this kind are used only as a last resort. The same applies to the use of anthelmintics and flea drops.


This product is available in tubes of various dosages. The use of this drug is approved for animals of different ages, both kittens and adult cats. However, it is not recommended for use on sick and weakened animals. The use of Frontline drops is effective in the fight against fleas, worms, and ear mites. When applied, the coat color of some animals may change, so it is not advisable to use it before an exhibition.

When choosing a product for your pet and before using it, you need to study what the instructions guarantee and how the drug will work. You can also study reviews from people who have already assessed the effect of specific drops on their pet. But first, you should still visit the veterinarian and show him your pet. The specialist will make an appointment and select the most suitable treatment for the animal.

Many cat owners leave grateful and positive reviews about medications that help rid their animals of parasites. There are thousands of them on the Internet, and people not only write words of gratitude, but also attach photos of their healthy and happy pets.

Rules for applying drops to a cat

In order for the composition to act as effectively as possible, it is important to follow the rules of application. The process itself is quite simple. It is necessary to secure the animal so that it does not twitch during the process. After this, the fur on the neck and between the shoulder blades is pulled apart. The composition drips onto the skin. Ideally, it is better to hold the animal in your hands for a while and calm it down. Next, the process lies in the details:

  • If you plan to wash the animal before the effect of the composition expires, you need to stop using it before bathing or carry out the hygiene procedure earlier.
  • If the cat has a very thick undercoat and it is very difficult to reach the skin, some owners trim an inconspicuous area of ​​fur with the utmost care. This will make processing much easier.
  • If the animal was bathed with flea shampoo or treated with another composition, then it is necessary to maintain the time between medications. The duration of the break depends on the specific form of insecticide.
  • In addition to the animal, its bed, the place where it lives, and toys should be treated with flea products. Afterwards, objects and surfaces are thoroughly washed or washed.
  • If additional exposure is required, you should consult a veterinarian, as too frequent use of insecticides can lead to poisoning of the cat.
  • After applying the product, it is important to ensure that the animal does not shake itself off for some time and does not try to paw into the treatment area. The latter is dangerous in the context of licking.
  • If it is not possible to prevent licking, then you should put protective material in the form of a blanket or collar on the cat.

The composition is considered safe immediately after drying. But in no case can you “adjust” the absorption process with the same hairdryer. It pays to be patient here.

How to choose

The selection of a quality product depends on the physical characteristics of the pet, the chemical characteristics of the active ingredients, and the presence of allergic reactions. Main steps:

  • veterinarian consultation;
  • choose the type of product (drops, collar, tablets);
  • quantity, effect of components (additionally against ticks, helminths);
  • determine the dose (depending on age, weight);
  • study the manufacturer’s information (features of administration, side effects);
  • duration of protection, effectiveness;
  • quality certificate.

During treatment and prevention, it is necessary to simultaneously treat rooms, bedding, sleeping places, and kennels.

Additional preventive protection - folk remedies: bathing with tar soap, essential oils and decoctions (cloves, tansy, orange, wormwood, rosemary).

Requirements for anti-tick medications

Medicines for ectoparasites should be purchased from specialized veterinary pharmacies. Purchasing from dubious places does not guarantee the authenticity of the solutions and the safety of their use for the life and health of not only the animal, but also the owner himself.

Before purchasing a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use, learn about its contraindications and side effects.

The antiparasitic drug must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a prolonged action.
  2. Do not penetrate deep into the body, but concentrate in the upper layers of the epidermis and the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  3. The substances included in its composition must have low toxicity.
  4. It must be active against not only ticks, but also other pathogens of infectious and invasive diseases.

In addition, when choosing a solution for external use, you need to take into account such important nuances as the state of health, age, weight of the animal, pregnancy, as well as skin sensitivity and tendency to allergies.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of drops include:

  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the medicine;
  • young age (most often up to 8 weeks);
  • weight less than 1 kg;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • recent surgery.

Also, regardless of age, drops should not be used for kittens that have not yet been weaned from the cat.

Failure to follow instructions or overdose may cause side effects:

  • weakness;
  • increased salivation;
  • itching;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • strong trembling.

If symptoms appear, wash off the drug and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.

Comparison table

ManufacturerAnimal weight, kgVolume, mlAgePrice, rub
Hartz6-101,3from 3 months300
Astrapharm BlochNet max4-81from 6 months180
Zoetis (Pfizer)2,5-40,25from 3 months450
Inspector Mini20,4from 6 weeks323
Beaphar2-6400from 12 weeks580
Celandine2-5100from 10 weeks430
Bars Forte (AVZ)2,5-5100from 3 months500
Agrovet protection Lugovoy2,5270from 6 weeks150
Doctor ZOO2,5-6250from 10 weeks250
Dana Apicenna2-4145from 12 weeks530

Instructions for use

Drops against blood-sucking fleas are easy to use. It is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • lay the cat on its stomach, stroke it, calm it down, but at the same time hold it well;
  • spread the fur on the withers and (or) back of the head - places inaccessible for licking;
  • Apply the concentrated solution and gently rub it into the skin.

No preliminary preparation is required. But veterinarians recommend not bathing your cat for several days before the procedure. A sufficient amount of sebum will accumulate on the surface of the epidermis, which perfectly absorbs the insecticide.

Important! The cat should not have any microtraumas in the areas where the flea medication is applied - scratches, cracks, damage from bites of other animals. Otherwise, the insecticide will penetrate the bloodstream, which may cause side effects.

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