"Cypermethrin 25" - pros and cons, instructions for use against ticks

Cypermethrin Cypermethrin against cockroaches is used in residential and non-residential premises. The product is available in the form of a concentrate, from which you need to prepare a solution yourself. Carrying out disinfestation requires compliance with instructions and safety rules. The insectoacaricidal substance acts on crawling and flying insects and retains its toxic properties for several days.

Danger of ticks

The most dangerous ticks for humans and their pets are those that live in forests. They carry serious diseases:

  • tick-borne encephalitis,
  • babesiosis,
  • tick-borne typhus (typhus or relapsing),
  • Lyme disease,
  • ehrlichiosis.

There is another problem. Since it is extremely problematic to completely remove an attached parasite, its head often remains in the wound. It serves as a source of infection and/or inflammation.

Other types of mites - bed mites, scabies mites, subcutaneous mites, gamas mites - are less dangerous, although they cause discomfort at any time of the year. Allergies and bites are why they are a problem for many. They are not easy to detect, but there are signs indicating that ticks live in an apartment:

  • the appearance of urticaria,
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma,
  • severe itching all over the body.

If you find a tick, you should go to the hospital. Specialists will provide the necessary assistance to reduce the consequences of contact with a dangerous arthropod.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Owners of apartments affected by infection often do not know where they can buy the chemical, or how much this poison costs. Until recently, Cypermethrin for bedbugs, which has good reviews, was mainly used by sanitary and epidemiological services. Now the drug itself and analogues of the active component are easy to find on the open market. It is often available in hardware stores, and you can purchase the pesticide on the Internet in a few minutes. Store addresses can be found in any search engine.

You can find complaints online about the high cost of the drug. But this only applies to large bottles that are purchased for industrial use: they actually cost from 1,700 rubles. For an ordinary apartment, a 50 ml bottle of Cypermethrin is enough, the price of which ranges from 140 to 260 rubles.

What is cypermethrin

Cypermethrin is a substance that belongs to the group of pyrethroids and has a nerve-paralytic effect on ticks. Preparations based on it have become widespread due to their high efficiency and relative safety for humans. This substance is not addictive to insects, and therefore can be used repeatedly in the same room.

The effect of cypermethrin on pests

Cypermethrin is used in the fight against ticks, as well as the following insects:

  • cockroaches,
  • bed bugs,
  • fleas,
  • mosquitoes,
  • flies,
  • ants.

It has the same effect on everyone: when it enters the body of an insect or arthropod through the chitinous layer or through the mouth, it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and subsequent death of the individual. In addition, shortly before death, the pest becomes more vulnerable due to weakening of the neuromuscular connection. Products based on cypermethrin act quickly - in about half an hour you can detect dead ticks, ants, cockroaches, etc.

Operating principle

Cypermethrin acts against cockroaches based on a toxic substance. When it comes into contact with an insect's body, it causes muscle paralysis and death. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours. Due to the sharp suffocating smell, cockroaches get out of the shelter in search of a safe place, but receive a lethal dose of poison. The death of sexually mature and immature individuals occurs instantly.

On a note!

After disinfestation is completed, cypermethrin continues to act for another 2 weeks, but every day the properties weaken. Since baby cockroaches may appear after 10-14 days, the treatment of the room must be repeated. Within a month, with the help of two disinsections, the colony of cockroaches is completely eliminated.


  • quick results;
  • prolonged action;
  • optimal price;
  • economical consumption;
  • ease of use.


  • unpleasant odor;
  • you need to prepare the solution yourself;
  • the purchase of personal protective equipment is required - rubber gloves, a respirator, a suit.

On a note!

Cypermethrin against cockroaches is used for any degree of infestation of the room. If there are few insects, a decrease in the concentration of the active substance is allowed.

Forms of release, composition of funds

Cypermethrin in its pure form is a clear liquid with a slight odor. Depending on the manufacturer, preparations based on this substance may contain other insecticides.

There are three forms of release of the product:

  1. Concentrated emulsion (concentration from 5 to 25%), for example, “Tsifoks”. The drug is highly effective and is used both by professional services and independently to combat insects. Available in containers of 50 ml, 500 ml and 1 l. Before use, the emulsion is diluted with water according to the instructions.

  2. Powder for dissolution, for example, “Super FAS”. This is a universal insect repellent based on Z-cypermethrin. Often used by professionals and ordinary people.

  3. Tablets, for example, "Iskra". Designed to combat ticks outdoors.

Forms of cypermethrin

There are different forms of cypermethrin:

  • alpha-cypermethrin is a crystalline substance that has a long-lasting residual effect and has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of insects and arthropods,
  • beta-cypermetron is a contact-intestinal insecticide intended for use outdoors due to its high toxicity,
  • zeta-cypermethrin is an insecticide that is most often used in forestry due to its high effectiveness against pests of apple and coniferous trees, wheat and barley.

Manufacturers claim that each form of cypermethrin has a different effect on certain pests, but no significant differences in action were found.


Reviews about Cypermethrin are different. Many buyers claim that the drug is good against mosquitoes and flies, but has a bad effect on cockroaches.

We poisoned with Cypermethrin 4 times. The effect is short-lived. There was a suspicion that cockroaches quickly developed immunity to this poison. For Prussians, the drug is rather weak.

Marina, Moscow

We took Cypermethrin against mosquitoes when we were going out for the night. When I noticed a cockroach in the kitchen, I quickly diluted the solution and treated the floor behind the furniture and baseboards. I did not carry out a full disinfestation. The next day I found dead cockroaches. They were still alive for another week, then they disappeared. Cypermethrin helped us

Inna, Voronezh

Instructions for use

Products based on cypermethrin belong to the second and third hazard classes. Despite the destructive effect on insects and arthropods, the substance is much less dangerous for animals and humans. But large doses and careless use of the product lead to poisoning and allergic reactions.

When using drugs with cypermethrin, you must adhere to the instructions that each manufacturer individually draws up for their products. There are several general principles that are important to follow during pest control:

  • remove all people not involved in processing from the premises,
  • remove all food, personal belongings and dishes,
  • bring the product into a form suitable for use, i.e. dilute in water if we are talking about an emulsion,
  • to carry out the procedure, wear thick long-sleeved clothing, a respirator, rubber gloves, special glasses or (which is better) a protective suit,

  • to avoid the return of ticks, carry out a thorough treatment, paying attention to baseboards, carpets (on both sides), sewer pipes, furniture, places where wallpaper peels off,
  • At the end of the procedure, leave the room for two hours, open the windows or vents to ventilate the apartment, and carry out wet cleaning.

Although manufacturers of cypermethrin claim that ticks are not addictive to this substance, one should not be negligent about the quality of processing. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • toxicity - the product is relatively safe, but it is unknown what long-term (six months, for example) contact with it will lead to,
  • pests can appear at the most inopportune moment - after treatment there is a small chance of survival of part of the population, and over time the effect of cypermethrin will weaken, cockroaches, bedbugs and ticks will move into the apartment again (the likelihood of the latter exists even with conscientious use of the product, so you should also not forget about prevention),
  • money spent - this point follows from the previous two and implies an increase in costs for the fight against insects and arthropods in case of inattention to treatment with cypermethrin and other insecticides.

After cleaning, it is better not to enter the apartment for 12 hours, and if among the residents there are children, old people, people with allergies or weakened immune systems - 24 hours.

The use of powder and tablets with cypermethrin is no fundamentally different from the use of an emulsion. The difference is in the method of dilution and the amount of product consumed per liter of water, which each manufacturer indicates individually, based on the concentration of the active substance in the product.

Table: dosage when diluting the emulsion for different types of pests

Pest typeConcentration of active substance (in%)Recommended emulsion concentration (in%)Amount of drug (in grams) per amount of water (in liters)
Ixodid ticks0,190,757,537,575
Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis0,311,2512,562,5125
Ixodid ticks and fleas (for clothing treatment)0,120,55,02550
Bed bugs0,010,040,424

Video: interesting about the use of cypermethrin

Preparation for the procedure

Crawling insects live in hidden places, so they are not visible during the day. When there is a strong infestation, there are a lot of cockroaches, and they crawl out of their nests during the daytime, which makes it easier to find habitats. If the pests have not had time to multiply, you won’t have to look for their shelter; just move all the furniture and large household appliances away from the walls. It is important to provide access to baseboards and the backs of cabinets. Then it will be possible to treat the room better.

Furniture must be cleared of dishes and food stored inside. Cockroaches are more likely to appear where there is a lot of shelter. Accordingly, the more things are stored in the apartment, the higher the likelihood that insects will come here one day. During processing, food and utensils must be removed from the premises. In the case where you plan to process the entire object at once, you can hermetically pack things with polyethylene.

It is advisable to perform a general cleaning of the premises, which will allow you to detect insect nests and remove their food sources. If this is not done, over time other insects will come to unsanitary conditions. This means that it is better to fight cockroaches using comprehensive methods. Brief instructions:

  1. You need to wash the floor, removing crumbs, greasy stains - any sources of insect food.
  2. Tables are wiped, dishes are washed.
  3. You cannot store ready-made meals, products, fruits and vegetables in the public domain.
  4. You cannot leave dishes in the sink; it is better to wash them after each meal.
  5. It is recommended to fill gaps in the floor, behind baseboards, and where sewer and water pipes enter.
  6. It is important to block cockroaches' access to water. They won't live long without fluid. Pay attention to leaking taps. The sink and bathtub should be wiped dry before going to bed. There is no need to leave water in cups.

Next, prepare the working solution. The drug Cypermethrin is diluted with water. However, you need to take into account that the liquid cannot be stored in its finished form for a long time, so it is not recommended to mix a large amount of the product at once. It is better to act gradually; in addition, it is impossible to predict how much of the substance will be needed to treat various pieces of furniture and premises. Cypermethrin is diluted with water in different ratios, it all depends on the type of insects being fought against.

So, if you need to destroy cockroaches, prepare a solution with a concentration of 0.1%. It is better to dilute the product in water at room temperature, since in this case the intensity of the odor will be less. The product consumption varies between 50-100 ml/m², which depends on the type of materials being processed. If the substance is sprayed over tiles and other hard surfaces, it is enough to use 50 ml per 1 m². To cover soft materials (plywood, wood), you will have to use more solution - 100 ml/m².

Safety of using cypermethrin in rooms with children and pets

If children and pets live in the house, cypermethrin-based preparations can be used, but with even greater caution. It is not recommended to use such products in rooms where children under 12 years of age sleep or spend a lot of time. Babies are especially vulnerable, as they want to taste everything. Such curiosity, although driven by the desire to explore the world, is dangerous when using insecticides indoors, even after thorough cleaning. If there is a need to treat an apartment with cypermettin, then it is better for the child to spend several weeks with relatives or family friends.

According to research, even small traces of cypermethrin can enter the child’s body. In most cases, the drug is eliminated without causing any harm, but increased concentrations of cypermethrin metabolites in tests correlated with problems in the perception of oral speech in children. The mechanism of this effect has not been studied, and the results may be due to statistical error.

Animals can cause a lot of problems in this matter. Often it is dogs and cats that bring fleas, ticks and bedbugs into the house, and therefore individual treatment of the pet with special means is necessary.

Symptoms of poisoning

Insecticide poisoning manifests itself as follows:

  • increased salivation,
  • impaired coordination of movements,
  • convulsions,
  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • general lethargy.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, follow these steps:

  1. Stop processing immediately.
  2. Change your clothes.
  3. Rinse your mouth with a baking soda solution and take 15 tablets of activated carbon.
  4. Get out into the fresh air and call an ambulance.

Despite the declared (relative) safety, cypermethrin remains a very powerful insecticide. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and take precautions.

Processing places

Knowing that bedbugs feed at night and on our blood, we treat it near our place of sleep:

  • Wooden base of a bed or sofa
  • The back side of carpets, paintings, gaps between wallpaper, in the floor and baseboards
  • Bedside furniture: bedside tables, chest of drawers
  • Batteries and places under window sills
  • Disconnect and treat sockets, switches and all equipment in advance

The drug begins to act instantly and the first results will be noticeable within 20 - 30 minutes. The product has a residual effect of up to 3 months indoors, that is, hatched larvae from eggs will be affected by the drug. After treatment, leave the room for 12 hours, then ventilate well and do initial cleaning. We wipe all contact surfaces with a weak soda solution and complete cleaning after two to three days.

Preventing bed mites

Finishing the treatment of the apartment, many believe that this is all - the mites have disappeared and new ones certainly will not come. This is wrong. Every experienced exterminator knows that pests appear in residential premises because there are favorable conditions for their life. Prevention is a direct continuation of tick removal procedures.

The procedures presented below are relevant not only for bed mites, but also for other insects:

  1. Reduce the number of so-called dust collectors - curtains, soft toys, etc.
  2. Check pets regularly for lice and ticks.
  3. Carry out wet cleaning more often.

Security measures

Treatment with Alphacypermethrin against bedbugs should be carried out wearing protective clothing: a suit, gloves. Hands should be completely covered. It is also necessary to wear glasses and a gauze bandage, since the toxic fumes of Cypermethrin can cause respiratory diseases. Family members and pets must be taken to a safe place. Even plants that are taken out to the balcony or other room need protection.

After bullying, clothes are thoroughly washed or thrown away, the face and hands are washed with soap. Security measures cannot be neglected. This can lead to severe toxic poisoning, symptoms of which include gait disturbance, drooling and even convulsions.

Precautionary measures

Violating the rules for the safe use of Cypermethrin can lead to poisoning, so you need to do everything necessary to prevent this from happening, and in case of poisoning, provide first aid and urgently consult a doctor.

People with chronic diseases and those who suffer from allergies to chemicals should use this drug especially carefully, or even better, have someone else do it for them.

The drug must be stored in places inaccessible to children and pets, away from food and medicines.

How to use Medilis for bedbugs?

To use Medilis against bedbugs, you must first read the instructions that come with the drug. Further tactics of action are as follows:

  1. We provide safety measures for further work with the solution. We put on rubber gloves, work clothes, a gauze bandage or, even better, a respirator. It is advisable to wear construction or at least regular glasses to protect your eyes.
  2. We dilute the concentrate according to the instructions, which describe methods for diluting the concentrate in accordance with the area of ​​treatment, the type of room, and the expected type of parasites.
  3. The finished concentrate must be poured into a sawing device, for which it is best to use a spray bottle. This will allow you to save on the product (less drug costs for treating the room) and treat hard-to-reach areas.
  4. We process the object according to the drug consumption rates specified in the instructions.
  5. There are several treatment methods: spraying, wiping, processing around the perimeter. Choose the method that, according to the instructions, is most suitable in your case.
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