All about the effectiveness and safety of tick and mosquito repellents for dogs


Sprays to protect dogs from mosquitoes


I only trust BloechNet. Protects against a wide range of pests. During the summer season, my pet was not bitten even once. The pleasure is not the cheapest, but the result is worth it. Over the summer we used up at least 3 cylinders.

Spray Bars provides long-term protection, since the active ingredient fipronil is absorbed into the upper layers of the skin and retains its effect for up to 4 weeks. Price 160-190 rubles.

Bayer Bolfo

Well-deserved German quality. The effect lasts for about a month. Doesn't kill mosquitoes, but repels them. Complete protection of dogs from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas is provided thanks to propoxur. Price from 500 rubles.

For puppies I always buy only Bolfo. Expensive, for three dogs it costs about 7 grand per summer. For adults I take something simpler. Only once did the spray misfire. I found a tick behind the ear on the puppy. The quality of protection largely depends on the correct treatment of the dog.

Small breed dogs are allowed to use mosquito repellent for cats. You must first consult a specialist.


The Frontline series is a new generation of products that have gained recognition around the world. Dogs are protected by fipronil and permethrin. The substances complement each other’s actions, act on the nervous system of parasites, causing paralysis and death.

Frontline Tri Act spray is distributed throughout the animal's fur and provides protection against blood-sucking insects for 1 to 2 months. The dog should be splashed outdoors. You cannot pet your pet for 12 hours; bathing is allowed after 3 days.

It differs from other drugs in that it does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. The active components are concentrated in the hair follicles and the upper layers of the skin.


Anti-mosquito dog collars

A special device that will protect against mosquitoes using sound signals or special impregnation of the manufacturing material. Manufacturers recommend not removing the mosquito collar even while at home.

Various natural oils of citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, cedar or chemical reagents can be used as an insecticide.

Comparison table of characteristics

To choose the best anti-tick collar for dogs, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the following table:

NameAge (months)Duration of effectiveness (months)Breed sizePresence of odorCost, rub)
Foresto (Bayer), 38 cm28averageNofrom 1458 to 1899
Foresto (Bayer), 70 cm28largeNofrom 1615 to 2710
Kiltix (Bayer), 48 cm36averageThere isfrom 880 to 1080
Kiltix (Bayer), 66 cm36largeThere isfrom 975 to 1280
Kiltix (Bayer), 35 cm36smallThere isfrom 690 to 862
Beaphar Flea & Tick, 65 cm, yellow66largeNofrom 359 to 479
RolfСlub 3D, 40 cm36smallNofrom 271 to 374
Leopard (AVZ), 80 cm24largeThere isfrom 230 to 345
Leopard (AVZ), 50 cm24averageThere isfrom 255 to 344
Inspector for small breeds2from 2 to 4smallNofrom 420 to 547
BioFloR, 65 cm11,5largeThere isfrom 61 to 110
Neoterica, 75 cm312largeNofrom 1363 to 1615
RolfСlub 3D, 75 cm36largeNofrom 400 to 537
Apicenna, 65 cm23largeNofrom 250 to 326
Inspector for medium dogs2from 2 to 4averageNofrom 430 to 625

What to do if the dog has already been bitten by a midge?

Some of the most dangerous insects for dogs are ticks.

  • Make sure the animal has been bitten. The dog will whine, scratch its face, gnaw its paws, and the bite site will rapidly swell, so it will be difficult not to notice it. It is likely that by the time the bite is noticed, the dog will have time to scratch it quite hard, since the itching will be unbearable;
  • Determine what kind of insect the dog was bitten by. You need to look around carefully: an aggressive insect is probably nearby;
  • Soothe the bite site by applying a thick mixture (the consistency of a thin paste) of water and soda;
  • Minimize swelling by applying ice or a towel soaked in cold water;

Antihistamines for animals

If a dog develops the symptoms described above, it must be immediately taken to the veterinarian, since such a reaction of the body threatens its life.

Ointment for relieving itching in dogs from tick or midge bites

A dog that has been bitten may need the following:

Signs of an attack

Do mosquitoes bite dogs? The answer is yes. Puppies and dogs with short hair are especially susceptible to attack. But dogs with thick fur often suffer from bloodsuckers. The presence of bites can be determined by the animal’s behavior and external signs.

After a bite, the female injects a special secretion that prevents blood from clotting and makes feeding easier. The body reacts to damage to the skin or the introduction of a foreign substance with an allergy. The degree of its manifestation depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the sensitivity of the skin.

On a note!

During a normal reaction, swelling, redness, and itching appear on the pet’s body. The size of the blister is no more than 5 mm. The bites are placed randomly. Pests bite on the neck, back, ears, and muzzle. If a mosquito bites the eye, severe swelling and watery eyes appear. Photos of mosquito bites on dogs are presented below.

Is it possible to combine mosquito repellent products for dogs?

When putting on a mosquito collar for dogs, the owner cannot always control its contact with the skin and fur. Before each walk, you need to treat the animal with additional drugs: aerosol or drops.

It is better to combine a mosquito collar with other repellent drugs

The sprays themselves are effective, but wear off quickly. By combining them with other drugs you can achieve longer lasting results.


Mosquito collar from the German company Bayer, known throughout the world. Available in 3 sizes, yellow. It contains 2 active components – flumethrin, propoxur. Accumulates in the epidermis and hair follicles.

The effect of the collar begins within 2 days, as the active substances are distributed. It does not have a repellent effect; mosquitoes land on the animal’s fur, come into contact with the toxic substance, and die. According to the manufacturers, the collar retains its properties for 7 months.

How to protect your dog from mosquitoes?

The most popular means of protection: collar, spray and drops. Let's look at each of them in more detail:


A mosquito collar for dogs is a long-lasting means of protection. It is believed that if worn regularly, it can protect the animal for 5–6 months. In this case, the product usually acts not only on mosquitoes, but also on fleas and ticks.


One of the most popular means of protection is mosquito spray for dogs. As a rule, such drugs last from a week to a month. Sprays are also effective in controlling other insects, including fleas and ticks.

It is important to remember that a dog treated with the spray should not bathe, as most of these drugs dissolve in water.

Therefore, we must not forget to re-spray the pet with a spray every time after water procedures.


You should only purchase dog protection products from a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. You should not buy them in supermarkets or at the market to avoid counterfeiting.

Moreover, you should not use products intended for humans! Pet medications use substances that are safe for animals in a certain proportion and dosage.

That is why they must be of high quality and proven.

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Green Fort

Biological, natural preparation based on essential oils. The composition includes citronella, lavender, cinnamon, cloves. Available in the form of spray and drops. Natural repellents for dogs can be used by pregnant and lactating females and small puppies.

Mosquito repellents for pets The effectiveness of biological products is somewhat lower than insecticides. The dog must be treated in dry weather and the procedure must be repeated every week. The main advantage is that GreenFort has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components.

Mosquitoes are a necessary evil. We don’t let him get to us

Not only adults suffer from insects, but also children (and not all repellents are approved for children, which complicates the selection of products) and pets.

Humanity has been trying to protect itself from these bloodsuckers throughout its history. But if previously we had only natural essential oils from mosquitoes, such as clove oil, citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, now we have various achievements of the chemical industry in our arsenal.

Do not underestimate the effect of the former and be afraid of the unnatural origin of the latter. Each is effective in its own way, safety confirmed by many years of research and practical application.

What to do if your dog is bitten by an insect?

It is important to quickly determine whether a dog has been bitten or stung. If a dog suddenly begins to scratch its face, chew its legs, or any part of its body begins to swell, then it can be considered that it has been bitten by an insect.

Identify the insect. Look around, there may be a lot of flying or crawling insects around.

Soothe the bite area. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the bite.

Minimize swelling. Apply ice to the bite site for 10 minutes to reduce swelling. For large bites, a cold, damp towel is best.

Prevent an allergic reaction. Give your dog a small dose of an antihistamine (such as diphenhydramine) to minimize the reaction and reduce itching. Consult your veterinarian about the appropriate dosage for your pet.

Reduce the trauma of scratching. If the dog continues to lick or scratch the bite site, use a special cone collar. Constant scratching will delay healing and increase the chance of infection.

Maintain your dog's water and food intake. Give your dog fresh water. Dogs that have been stung in the mouth often have difficulty eating dry food, so it can be softened with warm water.

What to do if the dog has already been bitten by a midge?

Some of the most dangerous insects for dogs are ticks.

How to protect your dog from ticks

There is also an acute allergic reaction, the symptoms of which are important to know and identify as soon as they occur:

  • Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Excessive excitement;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • Loss of orientation in space;
  • Convulsions;
  • Swelling of the tongue, larynx, or airway.

If a dog develops the symptoms described above, it must be immediately taken to the veterinarian, since such a reaction of the body threatens its life.

Ointment for relieving itching in dogs from tick or midge bites

A dog that has been bitten may need the following:


Washing with special products

If none of the proposed options suits you, you can try washing your pet after each walk with special products of natural origin. This method will protect your dog from ticks and fleas 100%.

Washing is carried out with several means to choose from:

  • Tar soap will help remove ticks from your dog that have not yet burrowed into the skin. Disinfection is carried out due to the main ingredient - birch tar, which will not allow ticks or fleas to settle on the animal. This product can be used even on small puppies, and the soap is absolutely harmless to humans. You can simply soap with your hands, without using protective gloves.
  • To protect the animal from parasites, after a walk it is washed with regular shampoo, to which essential oils are added, depending on the container. In a standard bottle of 250-300 ml, only 3-5 drops are enough. The product must be shaken well before application, then the effectiveness will be at the proper level.


Repellents for dogs in the form of drops

Drops are recommended for use on pets no younger than 2 months. After application, be sure to allow the drug to absorb and begin to act.

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After application, unwanted insects will be eliminated for at least a month. The maximum validity period is 6 weeks. Produced by Bayer. Price 600 rubles. The active ingredients of Advantix are permethrin and imidacloprid.



An insecticide-based product for animals has a wide spectrum of action. Available in the form of a spray, drops. Protects against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects.

Use mosquito repellent spray for dogs outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. The can is held at arm's length, with 15 cm remaining to the fur. During treatment, care must be taken to ensure that the drug does not get into the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, or nose.

Dog protection lasts for about a month. The effectiveness depends on the number of times your pet is bathed. You should not do water treatments for 3 days after treating the animal; you should not let it out into the rain for 2 hours after spraying.

Preparations for protecting dogs from mosquitoes BlochNet Drops differ from sprays only in the composition of the auxiliary components. It should be applied to the withers, or along the spine so that the animal cannot lick off the product. Within 2 hours, the active components enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body. The protection begins to take effect 3 hours after treating the dog.

BlochNet is produced against mosquitoes for cats; it differs in the concentration of the active component. The validity period is the same.

The drug should not be used by pregnant or lactating females, puppies under 12 months, sick or weakened animals.

Prevention of midge and mosquito bites

In order not to have to urgently save the life of your pet, you should take care in advance to ensure that it is not bitten. Modern insect repellents can help with this.

The pet products market provides owners of dogs and other pets with a wide selection of repellents:

There are many other drugs that are marketed as ways to protect animals from insect bites, and more are becoming available every day. When going for a walk, you need to remember the threat posed by midge bites.

The reaction of the animal’s body to such a very painful and by no means harmless bite is purely individual. An allergic reaction to a bite can occur in different ways and can sometimes kill a dog.

It is very important to be truly attentive to your animal in order to notice threatening symptoms in time

What is the danger

A mosquito is a small, blood-sucking insect that also leaves itchy marks on the animal's skin. Nature took care of four-legged animals, giving them long and thick hair. But even such a dense barrier will not be able to provide complete protection. Smooth-haired breeds generally have no chance of self-rescue and therefore the owner must be able to choose an effective remedy for the animals.


Most often, mosquitoes attack dogs in the ears, nose and even eyes.

An itchy bump on the body after a bite is far from the worst danger from a mosquito bite. These insects are carriers of dangerous diseases. These include various kinds of invasive diseases that arise as a result of parasites entering the body. If such an infection is ignored, the animal may die.

About clean environment

In addition to products that protect your pets from mosquitoes, there are many products whose task is to completely prevent bloodsuckers from entering your private territory.

Don't forget about gutters! Leaves and other debris clog the holes and rainwater accumulates in the pipes - an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Faulty faucets, pipes and air conditioners can leak and leave puddles in open and hidden areas. Record risk areas and check them at least once every two days, removing accumulated moisture.

If you have a small artificial pond or swimming pool, be sure to change the water twice a week. These are the most popular habitats for young mosquitoes.

If there is an empty inflatable pool on the site or some objects or structures are covered with polyethylene or tarpaulin, check these places - rainwater is probably accumulating there, since waterproof materials do not allow it to go into the ground.

If you water your garden manually or using automatic irrigation systems in the summer, make sure that water does not accumulate in low areas, between beds, in holes and ditches.

Water conducive to mosquito breeding can accumulate in the most unexpected places: in an old mailbox, potholes in the road, cavities and openings in building structures. Such places need to be found, drained and sealed.

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