How to breed mosquito repellents: rules and safety measures

There are times when no folk remedies help get rid of annoying insects in the country. The summer resident is already mentally prepared for chemistry, but does not want to try everything, but wants to choose a “reinforced concrete” option that works (process it once and forget).

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For many, this will probably be a revelation, but recently, with a large (multiple) gap from other insecticidal agents, the drug “Tsifoks” is gaining real popularity. It is not for nothing that it has been adopted en masse by exterminators who, for money, rid premises and areas of insects.

Composition of the product

Tsifox is a liquid, potent, paralytic poison based on the insecticide cypermethrin at a concentration of 25%. Available in plastic bottles of 50, 500 and 1000 ml. Destroys insect pests:

  • mosquitoes;
  • bedbugs;
  • ticks;
  • flies;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants.

A characteristic feature of the drug is its duration of action: the product protects against crawling parasites for 45 days, and against flying parasites for 25 days. When diluted, Cifox prevents the appearance of pests for 20 days. Fabric treated with poison retains its insectoacaricidal effect for 14 days.

Sprayed poison from the air enters the body of flying insects through the respiratory system, leading to paralysis and death within 20 minutes after the particles enter the atmosphere.

Principle of action on pests

The drug acts on pests according to the following principle:

  • When sprayed, “Tsifoks” gets on the outer surface of walls, floors, furniture and other objects, as well as on trees or foliage if land was sprayed.
  • After this, a chemical substance enters the body of ticks and other parasites, upon contact with treated objects, which instantly causes paralysis in the parasites.
  • Ticks and other insects die, and in addition, the treated areas remain protected from pest attacks for a long time.

An important point: you should know that this product can kill not only the most dangerous ticks, but also bees, so spraying this product near the hive is unacceptable.

Advantages and disadvantages

The protective agent in the fight against mosquitoes has gained popularity due to the following advantages:

  • instant effect;
  • effectiveness;
  • low price;
  • simultaneous destruction of other pests;
  • when stored, remains operational for 5 years;
  • single processing to achieve the desired effect;
  • long-term protection against the reappearance of insects.

However, there are also a lot of negative aspects to using the drug. Among them:

  • toxicity;
  • the need to carry out processing in a protective suit;
  • moderate danger to humans;
  • It is undesirable to treat residential premises;
  • long preparation for the procedure;
  • prohibition of processing near children and pregnant (nursing) women;
  • the need to strictly follow the instructions and carefully dilute Tsifox in water.

If the rules for using poison specified in the instructions are violated, a person experiences side effects in the form of:

  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increase in temperature.
  • Stomach upset, abdominal pain.
  • Increased salivation, unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, the victim is immediately taken out into fresh air, provided with plenty of fluids, given an absorbent and called a doctor. For poisoning, just a few breaths of air with poison vapors without a protective mask are enough.

Preparation of the solution

Tsifoks against mosquitoes
Instructions for use of Tsifoks are described as a universal remedy for the destruction of harmful insects - blood-sucking, flying, crawling.

A weak solution is prepared against mosquitoes with a concentration of the active ingredient of 0.01%. One 5 ml cap of the product is dissolved in 500 ml of water. If necessary, you can dilute a more concentrated solution. Consumption of 100 ml of the finished product per 1 sq. m.

The solution is thoroughly mixed, poured into a bottle with a spray bottle, if you need to treat clothes, the perimeter of the room, a spray bottle - for spraying ponds, lawns, tent sites, outdoor areas.


Tsifoks mosquito repellent in finished form must be used within 3 days. After opening the protective membrane, the concentrate is stored for about 5 years. When working, be sure to use rubber gloves.

How to breed Tsifoks

In its pure form, the drug cannot be used even in nature - the concentration of poison is so high that the toxins have a nerve-paralytic effect on humans.

Depending on what area needs to be cleared of bloodsuckers, Tsifox is bred according to different schemes. To prepare a working solution, take 2 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water.

To prepare a toxic substance, pour 1 liter of warm filtered or tap water into a container, pour in Tsifox according to the instructions, stir for 5 minutes until completely dissolved. The resulting composition is diluted with the remaining water and spraying begins.

If the concentrated preparation is spilled, it is neutralized with slaked lime or chlorine at the rate of 1 kg per 5 liters of water, as well as a solution of 5% caustic soda.

The mixture consumption ranges from 50 to 100 ml per 1 m2, depending on the surface being treated. The concentration of the working solution of the drug contains 0.1% cypermethrin. The shelf life of the diluted product does not exceed 8 hours.

The Tsifox solution even destroys mosquito larvae in reservoirs, provided that 100 ml of poison is added for each square meter of natural reservoir area and 20 ml for each cubic meter of water in containers, as well as ponds and fire barrels.

Instructions for use

Before dissolving the concentrate, complete three preparatory steps.

  1. Clear the furniture. Remove all clothes and belongings from closets and chests of drawers - the shelves should be empty. Move pieces of furniture away from the walls to work in nooks and crannies.
  2. Put away food and utensils. Seal all food, plates and cups and take them out to the balcony.
  3. Remove animals from the apartment. The fumes from the drug are toxic to pets; take them outside. If this is not possible, remove the aquarium with fish from the visit and close it tightly.

Preparation of the solution

Before self-disinfestation, you must study the instructions. The solution must be prepared based on the degree of infection of the room and the type of insect that attacked it. To remove ants, lice and bedbugs, a concentrate of 0.05% is needed, and for more tenacious parasites (fleas, cockroaches, flies) - 0.1%.

The substance must completely dissolve, so the composition must be thoroughly mixed in water. Disinsection is carried out in four stages.

  1. Fill the pan. Take a separate container and pour one third of tap water into it.
  2. Stir the composition. Add the required amount of solution and mix.
  3. Bring until ready. Add the rest of the water to the desired concentration and shake again.
  4. Prepare your sprayer. Leave the product to sit for five minutes and then pour it into a spray bottle.

“Tsifoks” against bedbugs remains active for eight hours after its preparation, but it is better not to hesitate and carry out disinfestation immediately.


Apply the prepared solution to the favorite habitats of pests:

  • walls and corners;
  • areas with peeling wallpaper;
  • skirting boards and floors;
  • electrical appliances, sockets;
  • slopes, cracks and doorways;
  • furniture frames, carpets;
  • lower zone of window sills;
  • wardrobes and chests of drawers - inside and outside;
  • beds and chairs - bottom and back surface;
  • watches, paintings.
  • For the best effect, treat individual objects, tile joints and smooth floor surfaces with a brush dipped in the applied compound.

    Preparation for processing

    Before using concentrated poison, it is recommended to wear personal protective equipment to prevent toxins from entering the body. You will need:

    • a protective suit or old unnecessary clothing that you don’t mind throwing away;
    • sealed glasses;
    • gloves;
    • mask or respirator.

    Uniform distribution of the drug over surfaces is carried out using:

    • manual and mechanical sprayers;
    • aerosol generators;
    • sprayers.

    The surrounding area also needs preparation: in nature, plants are mowed down within a radius of 100 meters from the center of the intended treatment - the grass near fences and near water bodies is where most mosquitoes hide.

    Disinsection of the premises is allowed only in the absence of people and pets. Dishes, bedding, clothing and food are removed from the home.

    Main advantages

    The main thing that distinguishes the drug from similar products is its ability to destroy various synanthropic organisms.
    Tsifoks effectively fights flies, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, and ticks. It is often used to treat rooms that are infested with scabies mites and lice. In addition to treating premises, Tsifoks is also used in open areas and reservoirs. This is an excellent means of combating midges in artificial and natural reservoirs. The product is professional. It is often used to treat subways, trains and other public places. It has shown itself to be excellent in the fight against ixodid ticks. Benefits also include:

    • high speed of action. The death of pests begins within half an hour after applying the drug;
    • long lasting effect. Even those parasites that were still in the eggs at the time of treatment will be immediately poisoned after hatching.
    • The product is perfect for treating residential premises, as it does not leave any marks on furniture.


    With the advent of my grandchildren, I began to care more about their safety at the dacha. This year I decided to order tick treatment. But when the cost of the service was announced to me, I began to look for alternative options. I found rave reviews about Tsifoks on the forum. I bought 50 ml. This was quite enough to process the area around the perimeter. I was pleased with the result. No ticks, no mosquitoes. Olga, Volgograd

    Every year we independently treat the perimeter of our summer cottage for ticks. There is a forest belt nearby and the chance of bites is very high. I used to buy Quiet Evening checkers, but their price was a little high. This year I bought Digital. I didn't see any ticks. I recommend. Marina, Voronezh

    Fighting cockroaches

    It is recommended to pay attention to the main points of combating mustachioed pests:

    1. If the insects have appeared recently, you can first treat only the places where they accumulate.
    2. In the fight against cockroaches, the frames of sofas and beds, the joints of baseboards with wallpaper, carpets and furniture walls must be thoroughly treated.
    3. In case of severe infestation, treat everything where cockroaches can live: the bottom of window sills, chairs, electrical appliances, painting surfaces.
    4. If the surface to be treated is made of a material that quickly absorbs liquid, it is recommended to increase the volume of the product used.
    5. Treatment with this product should be carried out with the windows open.

    Destruction of ants, scabies mites, fleas, bedbugs

    The drug shows excellent results in the fight against small parasites. Along with the adults, the larvae and even the eggs die. To combat scabies mites, bedbugs, fleas and ants, it is recommended to use a 0.1 percent solution. After the diluted composition has infused for several minutes, you can begin processing:

    • use a regular brush, which is used to treat smooth floor surfaces. The product must also be applied to the wall, to a height of up to 1.5 meters from the floor;
    • to treat corners, crevices and other hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to use a large-droplet sprayer;
    • to completely get rid of pests, the room should be re-treated after two days;
    • The effect of the drug continues for another three weeks after treatment, as evidenced by a specific smell.

    Precautionary measures

    Treatment should not be carried out by people under 18 years of age, women during gestation and lactation.

    During the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to smoke or consume any food, drinks, or water. Personal protective equipment is required. Upon completion of work with the Tsifox tick repellent, the overalls are ventilated, the front parts of the respirator are washed with a solution of alcohol or potassium permanganate, water, and dried.

    If the treatment is carried out indoors, there should be no people in it, with the exception of an exterminator, or pets. You can use the room only after 8–12 hours after cleaning using a soda solution to neutralize the drug.

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