How to use delicia ant repellent - instructions and precautions

Living in the forest, ants are useful. They destroy harmful insects, larvae, and debris. Therefore, from childhood we were taught not to destroy anthills. When ants settle in a house or garden, such a neighborhood cannot be called useful. They do not disdain any food supplies. They crawl into food and cannot be shaken out. They can destroy a piece of meat left on the table, spoil bread and jam. By visiting the garbage can, they spread the infection. Additionally, some people are allergic to house ants.

There are different ways to control these insects. One effective way is to use the drug Delicia.

Delicia is a powder with insecticidal (insect-killing) properties. 1 kg of powder contains 10 g of chlorpyrifos. Allows you to fight ants in your living room, on the terrace, in the garden.

How to treat a room

Delicia is used in two ways.

First way

The powder is scattered on ant paths and near nests. The paths are easy to notice: insects always move along the paths laid by the pioneers. Scout ants mark these paths with a special smell, which the rest are guided by.

The nest is more difficult to notice because insects hide it in secluded places. In addition, a hidden and rather long passage usually leads to the nest. Therefore, found cracks, seams and crevices are sprinkled with the product especially carefully.

Second way

Places of movement of ants and places where there may be a nest are filled or sprayed with a solution of the drug. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening, when all the ants are in the nest. Inside the room you need to place as many flat cups with “treats” as possible.

Rules of application

Delicia Ant Powder is used in two variations.


According to the manufacturer's recommendations, this method of application is more effective against pests. It is capable of destroying an entire ant family in a matter of days.

The finished powder is used to treat areas of movement and mass accumulation of ants. Particular attention is paid to joints, cracks, various crevices and gaps. After all, it is not always possible to detect a nest; a long hidden passage may lead to it. Often ants settle in the insulation. Therefore, all hard-to-reach places are treated more carefully.

If pests control the garden, then sprinkle the substance between the beds. Delicium is used at the rate of 10 g of powder per 1 sq. m. area.

On a note!

This method is not intended for processing berries and vegetables.

Making bait, which can be sugar, honey, jam or syrup, will help attract the attention of insects. By mixing Delicium powder with any of these ingredients, you get a poisonous treat that ants will not pass by.

Applications of Delicia Powder

As a solution

Delicia ant powder can be used in another way. Preparing a solution is a more gentle option for pest control. The poison is prepared in the proportion of 6 liters of water to 125 g of dry product. The resulting solution is poured into the nest and the areas where pests move are sprayed. It is advisable to carry out the treatment in the morning or evening, when most of the ants are in the anthill.

Precautions for use

Chlorpyrifos is a rather toxic substance, although it belongs to the class of low-hazard substances after single contact with the skin or ingestion. It is not absorbed through the skin, but may cause irritation upon repeated contact with it.

The product must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. During use, do not eat, drink or smoke. Hands should be washed thoroughly after using the substance. Children, pregnant women, and animals should not be present indoors when using the drug.

When used in the garden, do not spray or scatter the product on the surface of the lawn, or use it near a body of water. This is dangerous for both humans and animals, birds, fish and reptiles.

If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water. Powder or solution that gets on the skin should be washed off immediately using soap.

If accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.

The drug should be stored away from food. Children and animals should not have access to it.

There are two types of insect traps: electric and pheromone. Dohlox gel is a reliable assistant in the fight against cockroaches, and you can buy it at any hardware store or on the Internet. How to use this tool correctly, read here.

Reviews of the Yurax insecticide note its effectiveness, reliability and long-lasting response. Read about dosages and safety methods when using the drug at the link.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Delicia powder are the complete extermination of ant colonies and prolonged action after treatment. If the recommended use is followed, it does not pose a threat to humans.

Among the inconveniences of use, the duration of treatment with the drug and the breakdown of chloropyrifos residues are noted.

Important! Chloropyrifos is toxic to freshwater, fish, and shellfish. Avoid getting into ponds or aquariums. It has a detrimental effect on bees, so it should not be spread near the hive.

Customer Reviews

Feedback from those who have fought ants using Delicia is good. Many note the rapid death of insects. Some used a variety of other means such as crayons, traps, sugar

baits with boric acid, other preparations, but by using Delicia, they achieved the complete destruction of ants for the first time.

There are cases when, after pouring and filling the preparation into the cracks, a winged queen ran out along with the working ants, which was immediately destroyed.

They note the ease of use; they especially like the presence of large and small holes on the lid of the jar, which helps dispense the powder when spilling. Many are satisfied with the low price and high effectiveness of the product.

Composition and release form

The main active ingredient of the insecticide is chloropyrifos (2% of the total mass of the composition).

Depending on the area of ​​damage and the number of insects, the packaging is selected: 30 g; 125 g; 375 g; 500 g. Small dosages are packaged in sealed soft bags, larger dosages are packaged in tightly closed tubes. The price varies from 70 to 740 rubles.

The instructions on the packaging describe the method of use and the proportions of dilution of the powder.

Folk remedies

To get rid of house ants, you need to determine the type of insects and find their nest. There are many methods of struggle, but usually they start with folk ones, and resort to chemical and professional ones when folk methods fail.

Protective Barrier

This method of control refers to prevention. It is used to prevent insects from entering your apartment from neighbors or to avoid the reappearance of pests. The following is used as a protective barrier:

  • turmeric;
  • cinnamon;
  • citrus essential oils;
  • black or red ground pepper;
  • petrolatum;
  • products containing talc (for example, baby powder);
  • washing powder.

The barrier should not be too wide - no more than 6–7 mm. There should be no breaks in it.

Turmeric can successfully act as a protective barrier against ants

Smell repellent

Ants don't like certain scents. The odors are unpleasant to them:

  • vinegar;
  • carnations;
  • vegetable oil (unrefined);
  • citrus fruits (especially lemon);
  • wormwood;
  • elderberries;
  • garlic;
  • peppermint;
  • parsley

From the nest to the food source, ants always walk the same path, so these are the paths that should be treated with odorous substances. This will disorient the insects, and they will have to create new paths, possibly outside your apartment.

Ants really don't like the scent of cloves.

Food baits with boric acid

One of the most effective folk remedies for fighting ants and cockroaches is boric acid. It breaks the outer cover of insects and corrodes internal organs, and can lead to respiratory paralysis. It is used in different ways:

  • mixed with granulated sugar and scattered in small portions in places where ants feed;
  • make balls with boric acid, mixing it with boiled yolk or minced meat;
  • prepare various sweet mixtures - with sugar syrup, jam, honey, etc.

Lures and traps

Baits and traps are not effective as a means of combating house ants, since you can only catch worker ants with their help, which will not at all affect the viability of the colony as a whole. In order for ants to leave the house, it is necessary either to force them to leave, or to destroy the nests with the queen.


The drug is produced in cans and sachets weighing 125/375/500 grams.

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The cost is:

  1. 125 grams – 215 rubles;
  2. 375 grams – 480 rubles;
  3. 500 grams – 575 rub.

Fighting ants in the garden

Ants are familiar to us from children's cartoons, where they are depicted as hardworking workers, and they also help people fight various pests.
But when we, as adults, encounter these insects in our garden plots, we understand that everything is not so rosy, and fighting ants becomes an important task for any housewife

Why do you need to fight ants?

The damage they can cause to cultivated plants is considerable. Eg:

  • insects can destroy seeds and young seedlings;
  • capable of eating flower buds;
  • they also like berries, some root vegetables;
  • They also infect shrubs, trees, and vegetable crops, spreading aphids.

Ants are also undesirable in the home, so check out the methods for removing them from living spaces. Information here: By the way, many consider Raptor to be the most effective remedy against ants.

How to get rid of ants in the garden

Fighting ants in your garden is not an easy problem. The number of inhabitants of the anthill is in the millions, and their underground passages reach several kilometers.

It will take no more than one day to build another house.

In addition, insects often hide in places where it is very difficult to reach for specific manipulations aimed at controlling and destroying pests.

Remedies and powder for garden ants

To get rid of uninvited guests on the site, you can use various methods and means.

Insecticides are poisons; they are used in cases of emergency, when only they can solve the problem

This applies, for example, to the disinfection of greenhouses with seedlings, when it is very important not to waste time

Today, the most effective chemicals for controlling garden ants are diazinon-based products; they can destroy entire colonies with nests. These can be gels, powders or solutions. These include:

  • Muratsid;
  • Ant-eater;
  • Ant;
  • Grom-2;
  • A great warrior.

Special powders will also help you get rid of pests quickly and effectively. According to the instructions, they can be used in two ways: in powder form or dissolved in water. They are produced in the following names:

  • Delicia ant control agent;
  • Bros powder for garden and house ants;
  • Expel powder against garden and house ants.

Methods to get rid of black garden ants

The black garden species is the most common parasite throughout Russia. Expulsion of these individuals from the site and destruction causes some difficulties, this is due to the huge numbers and ability to reproduce quickly.

If you want to get rid of pests using traditional methods, you can try the following:

  • A decoction of tomato tops or garlic. Insects do not like strong odors, so they will avoid areas treated with these products.
  • Ground cinnamon. You can sprinkle it on the main routes of movement.
  • Poisonous baits. The murashi eat some of the food on the spot, and take the rest into the house to feed their queen. Thanks to this method, the entire ant family dies.

Recipes for poisonous baits for the destruction of not only individual ants, but also the extermination of the ant queen:

  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground borax plus 2 tablespoons of minced meat, make meatballs and place in crowded areas;
  • a third of a teaspoon of borax plus 1 tablespoon of sugar plus 2 tablespoons of hot water plus 1 teaspoon of honey, stir and spread daily;
  • 1 teaspoon of jam plus 1 tablespoon of yeast is diluted with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, the mixture is applied to a thin surface, such as plywood or cardboard, and installed in areas of accumulation.

What plants do garden ants not like?

Also, grasses planted in the area of ​​your dacha will help get rid of ants, the smell of which is very pungent and extremely unpleasant to insects:

  • field mint;
  • tansy;
  • wormwood;
  • lavender;
  • marigold;
  • mustard;
  • parsley;
  • garlic.

How do garden ants winter?

Garden ants on the site are very carefully preparing for the coming cold weather, that is, for the upcoming winter. They insulate the house by filling excess windows with pieces of clay, dry earth or plants.

If necessary, new cameras are prepared. The main part of the work is aimed at stocking up on the required amount of feed. It consists of caterpillars, various small seeds, and dry plants.

The existing larvae are also intensively fed so that they overwinter well.

Insects wait out the frosts inside the anthill, moving to deeper chambers. There they do not sleep, but their vital activity is reduced to a minimum.

The secret of action

Delicia ant powder contains a modern broad-spectrum insecticide - chlorpyrifos. The substance penetrates the insect's body through food contact. The ant gets its paws dirty, its abdomen covered in powder, carries the poison on itself into the anthill, and poisons others. When he begins to put himself in order, the poison enters the esophagus.

Delicia disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and blocks the transmission of impulses. Within a few minutes, muscle paralysis occurs, then death. The entire colony gradually becomes infected, and mass death of insects is observed within 10 days.

On a note!

Chlorpyrifos in powder form remains active on the treated surface indoors for about 2 months. How long it will last outdoors depends on weather conditions. If you sprinkle ant powder on top of an anthill, the colony will be destroyed within a few days.

Delicia kills adults and larvae of different ages, the eggs remain unharmed, but without proper care the development of the embryos stops.

What harm can these insects cause?

Carpenter ants can cause serious damage to a wooden house, in severe cases literally turning it into dust. Forest ants accidentally brought into an apartment can bite a person. The bites of these insects are quite painful, but if you do not have allergies, then this is not dangerous, and in some cases it is even useful, because it is not for nothing that formic acid is included in many medications.

Pharaoh ants are extremely annoying. If they are found in an apartment, they can be found in any product. But the most dangerous thing is that they can be carriers of:

  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • diphtheria;
  • cholera;
  • anleukopenia in cats;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • dog distemper.

Ants can also carry worm eggs. Therefore, food spoiled by ants must be destroyed. These insects sometimes cause malfunctions of electrical appliances and short circuits in electrical networks by making nests in them.

An ant bite can be very painful, and children are especially sensitive to this.

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