The best flea and tick drops for dogs: a review of 20 products

As soon as it gets warmer, dog owners have more problems. They carefully examine the pet's body, looking for tiny fleas and ticks. These miniature parasites, in addition to discomfort, cause allergies, helminthic infestations, dermatitis, piroplasmosis, and borreliosis.

It is easier to avoid infection with the help of preventive measures. More often they use drops on the withers as they are the most comfortable. But not all of them are equally good. In addition, some also lead to allergies and depression.

So how to choose effective, inexpensive and safe products? A review of the best drops will help with this: I selected 20 popular and effective medications for ticks and fleas, indicated the features of their use and possible complications. The rating is based on my and my colleagues’ work experience, as well as customer reviews.


  • Rating: table and review of 20 drops
  • Conclusion and results: choosing the best option in various situations
  • Memo: how the drops work, how to drip.

If you don’t have time to read the entire list, go to the “Results” section. There are selected the best flea and tick remedies for pregnant women, allergy sufferers, puppies and dogs of different weights. At the end of the article there is a reminder on the use of drops.

Descriptions and prices are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.

Review of the most effective methods and tools

Now let's look at the question - how to remove fleas from dogs of different breeds and what to do to protect the animal?

Therapeutic sprays

One of the most popular insect repellents is spray. If parasites have settled on your pet’s body, then you can remove fleas from your dog using a spray. How to properly disinfect - use a spray bottle to spray the spray in the area of ​​the pet’s withers or all over the body.

It is better to do this in the withers area, since dogs, as reviews show, often lick their fur after such procedures. As a result, even a spray can lead to various disorders

In addition, the anti-parasite spray is difficult to apply, in this case it is important to follow all the steps indicated in the instructions. The spray is a popular method and can be spread over a month. But if you believe the reviews, the spray does not always help

But if you believe the reviews, the spray does not always help.

Drops for dogs

Often owners use another remedy - flea drops for dogs. They are considered the most effective remedy, but they must be used regularly. If you believe the reviews, flea drops for dogs will also help get rid of parasites for up to a month. This product is optimal for animals of both large and small breeds. At home, the medicine must be applied to the withers so that the pet cannot lick it off.

Flea drops for dogs contain a special substance that works great for some pets, but is ineffective for others. Rather, it may be effective, but the effects on the skin can cause irritation. Today, the cost of such products is not particularly high, so every breeder can afford such a remedy against parasites. Look at the photo to see what the drops look like.

Shampoos and soaps

An equally popular product that can be used at home is flea shampoo for dogs, as well as tar soap. Both options can be purchased at the pharmacy or made yourself. If you believe the reviews, then flea shampoo for dogs or tar soap in some cases do not give the desired effect, but here everything again depends on the characteristics of the pet.

Sometimes tar soap eliminates only the symptoms, and the parasites disappear not for a month, but only for a week. According to experts, you can additionally treat your dog with tar soap after bathing. That is, you cannot use only tar soap; if you want to completely rid your dog of insects, you should not rely on this remedy.

In addition, many of today's pet breeds do not need bathing, especially with tar soap. This can negatively affect the structure of the coat or skin, it all depends on the breed. And if you consider that tar soap or shampoo in practice does not allow you to remove fleas even for a month, these options can be called practically ineffective.

For small puppies and kittens (up to 3 months), you can only use shampoos or special drops on a natural basis.

Safety collars for pets

As you can see in the photo, insect collars are no different from decorative options. Like soap, in fact this product is ineffective and can be used for preventive purposes. Parasites are repelled by the toxic elements with which the material is impregnated, but not all pets like to wear collars.

Before using the collar, you must carefully study the instructions, since such options are often unacceptable for puppies. In addition, sometimes collars should not be worn on pregnant bitches or older pets. The main advantage of collars is their ease of use, low cost, and as a preventative measure they are quite effective. However, such a remedy can cause dermatitis, which is caused by the same toxic elements.

Medications to combat parasites

If you are wondering how to remove fleas from a puppy, then neither spray nor tar soap is as effective against insects as medicinal tablets. This method is the most effective and proven. The tablets are prescribed by a doctor and are intended for use. Before using the tablets, you should read the instructions.

Many fans of alternative medicine argue that tablets are an ineffective remedy that only harms the dog. But if you want to rid your animal of parasites for at least a month, then the tablets are worth a try. Moreover, in this case everything depends on the manufacturer - when buying cheap tablets, you should not hope that they will help.

Preventive actions

To protect your home from fleas, you should follow simple requirements.

  • Carry out frequent general cleaning - at least once a week, wash floors with disinfectant, vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture.
  • Treat your pet for parasites in a timely manner.
  • Wash outdoor shoes thoroughly.

It is enough to observe the usual hygiene requirements, which are the same at all times. But the main thing is to carefully monitor the animal, since in most cases it is the animal that can bring parasites into the house.

What to do if you find fleas

If you find even one flea on your dog, you need to act as follows.

Life cycle of fleas

  • Do not delay treatment - fleas multiply at high speed. It will only take a few days for the pet to stop sleeping and eating, and for the insects to penetrate into all surrounding objects. It will be much more difficult to get them out of there than with a dog. In addition, in this case, there remains a high risk of re-invasion.
  • Take a comprehensive approach to eliminating parasites. In addition to the pet, you will have to treat the room in which he lives (in the case of the street, this is an enclosure, a booth, everything that is in them). To ensure that you get rid of bloodsuckers, you will need to use not only folk, but also industrial pest control products.
  • The drug for treating your four-legged friend must be selected in accordance with its characteristics, for example, age, attitude to washing, and state of health. Ideally, you should consult a veterinarian, but advice from people who have already encountered such a situation and successfully overcome it is also acceptable.
  • During the period of disinfestation measures, the dog must be in “quarantine” - it is worth limiting it from free walking and communication with unfamiliar relatives.

Home Remedies

It is better to consult a veterinarian before using home remedies.

They must be used with caution. For example, a recommendation to remove fleas from a dog using garlic can only do harm

The pungent smell of the plant spoils the fluffy's scent receptors. If you feed a dog garlic, it can even die due to intoxication.

The following folk remedies will help you remove fleas from your dog at home:

Tar soap. Use when bathing, applying to the pet's fur. The soap is foamed and then washed off. After drying, the wool is carefully combed, removing dead individuals and larvae. Instead of tar soap, you can use laundry soap. Lemon juice. You need to buy 6 lemons, cut them and throw them into boiling water for ten minutes. Then the broth is filtered, and lemon water is sprayed through a spray bottle onto the wool. The procedure should be repeated several times during the day. Garlic broth

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It must be used with caution. Garlic cloves are crushed and added to 250 ml of water.

The solution is infused overnight, then applied pointwise to the pet’s withers. Essential oils. With their help you can easily remove fleas. Simply mix eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender oils in equal proportions and apply the mixture to the dog’s fur. The parasites will leave her. Salt bath. You should dissolve a pack of salt in warm water, wash your pet with it, then rinse it in clean water. This method is not suitable if there are wounds on the animal’s body - salt causes irritation. Apple vinegar. Vinegar is diluted in water in a ratio of 3:1. After regular bathing, the pet is rinsed with the solution. You can replace the spray with vinegar by spraying the solution onto the wool several times a day. Brewer's yeast. To combat fleas, it is effective to add a dietary supplement to your pet's food. For small breeds 1 hour is enough. l., for large ones - 1 tbsp. l.

You can make your own anti-flea shampoo. You need to take tea tree oil, cedarwood, soap in equal proportions, distribute the mixture over the coat, and rinse off after ten minutes.

How to properly treat a room

Fleas live not only on animals, but also in the kennel, bedding, or even under baseboards in enclosed spaces, so in the fight against them it is very important to treat not only the pet, but also its usual habitat. The minimum action in this case will be vacuum treatment of the bedding and the animal’s habitual resting area, and to prevent parasites from entering the apartment from the entrance, you will have to additionally wipe the threshold, preferably using repellents

Among the main methods of disinsection treatment of premises, the following options are especially popular:

  1. Thermal impact. When the temperature outside is below zero, sometimes it’s enough just to take the dog’s bed outside for a few hours. The opposite effect would be boiling the litter or steaming it with an iron, which will also negatively affect fleas.
  2. Use of chemicals. The use of "Karbofos", "Phenaxin", "Reid" or other disinfectants with a similar mechanism of action is appropriate when disinfecting the floor, walls and corners of the room in which the animal is located. They are often used to disinfect upholstered furniture or large interior items, because the main thing is not to leave a single untreated item in the room, otherwise there is a possibility that repeated disinfection will be necessary.
  3. Traditional methods. From herbal and oily infusions or decoctions, to treat a room against fleas, all the same compounds can be used as when disinfesting the dog itself: wormwood, pine needles, laundry soap and kerosene. The latter is highly effective when used independently, while in all other cases it is advisable to combine traditional and chemical methods of flea control. In the simplest version, you can simply place sprigs of fresh wormwood under the baseboard and in the corners of the room, replacing them with a new part of the plant over the course of a month as they dry out.
  4. Professional pest control. This option involves the involvement of professional special services in the treatment of the premises, who are involved in eliminating not only fleas, but also other insects. In this case, the essence of the work is to use devices that provide the release of steam particles with the insecticide present in them, which, settling on the surfaces of objects, penetrate into their deep layers and infect insects hiding there. In comparison with previous methods of disinfestation, professional exposure is rightfully considered the most effective solution, but in most cases, people turn to specialists for help only in the most extreme cases.

What means to use to kill fleas and larvae in the external environment?

It is immediately necessary to emphasize one important circumstance: if adult parasites and their larvae in the external environment are not first destroyed, the fight against them will turn into a rather useless undertaking. In addition, in advanced cases, it may turn out that fleas, deprived of the opportunity to attack a protected dog, will begin to intensively “gnaw” the owner of the animal, as well as members of his family.

Important! It must be remembered that the parasites that are visible on the dog’s body make up no more than 23-30% of the entire flea population.

All other fleas (including larvae) live somewhere in the house itself. They love damp and shaded places, ideal for cracks and potholes in flooring, walls, etc. There have been cases when entire “deposits” of flea larvae were discovered under the linoleum in old houses.

The larvae feed on a variety of organic matter, which includes microscopic flakes of skin, feces, and other “goodies.” The less often wet cleaning is carried out in rooms, the more fleas will eventually be in the room.

Using Vinegar

A very simple and cheap product with impressive effectiveness. Of course, you should only use table vinegar of 9% concentration. It is mixed with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

Fill any household spray bottle with the resulting mixture and carefully “pouring” it over all the cracks, potholes, and other suspicious places. You will have to do this for three or four days. The treated room is thoroughly ventilated. We note, however, that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the “flavors” of the bite right away.

Tar soap against fleas

Most often, tar soap is used to wash a pet, but it is still wiser to use this product to disinfect the external environment. The fact is that the surface of the skin of dogs is protected by a thin layer of secretion from the skin glands. Soap washes it away too quickly, which leads to undesirable consequences (including dermatitis, dermatoses and eczema).

To destroy fleas and parasite larvae in the external environment, the soap is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with hot water. Take about ¼ piece per bucket. If the owner does not like the specific smell of tar soap (which, by the way, dissipates rather poorly), then ordinary laundry soap can be used with the same success.

Essential oils

Many essential oils are excellent repellents, and therefore they can and should be used in the fight against fleas. Below we will describe how and what types of them to use for direct treatment of a dog, but for now we will consider the method of “disinfecting” an apartment:

  • Oils can simply be dropped into cracks and potholes in both flooring and walls.
  • Experienced breeders advise adding them to water for washing floors. It is recommended to add 25 drops of the selected product to one bucket.
  • Oils can be mixed with water at the rate of four drops per liter, after which any household spray bottle can be filled with the resulting mixture. It is used to treat the most difficult to reach places in the apartment.

In both cases, the products are extremely effective, allowing you to completely clear the room of adult parasites and larvae in a few weeks.

Industrial means for removing fleas

At the moment, there is a huge range of products that can be used to remove fleas from a dog. However, for all their effectiveness, each of them has only a temporary effect, because these parasites are widespread everywhere. As soon as the treatment ends, the flea may appear again. Therefore, you need to know what you can do to prevent an invasion, how to quickly get rid of insects, and how to maintain the result in the future.


Washing the dog
Shampoos help remove fleas from dogs only if there are a minimum number of them; as the insects multiply, this type of treatment completely loses its effectiveness. Products containing insecticides, such as permethrin, help get rid of parasites. However, this component can cause an allergic reaction, the signs of which are: excessive salivation and vomiting.

There are also products for disinfestation of dogs with natural ingredients. Plant extracts have an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, healing effect, and keep your pet's hair in a healthy condition. After applying flea shampoo to the dog, carefully distribute it over the body (avoiding contact with the eyes, nose and mouth), leave for a while (according to the instructions), and rinse. After drying, it is recommended to comb the dog with a fine-toothed comb.

Among the most popular shampoos for fleas on dogs are: Mr. Bruno, Bars, Phytoelite.

Flea shampoo Mr. Bruno

Shampoo Bars for fleas

Shampoo Phytoelite for fleas


Applying flea drops

You can quickly get rid of blood-sucking parasites from your four-legged friend at home using drops. This option is more effective than the previous one, and therefore enjoys deserved popularity. The effect of the contents of the bottle lasts for about a month (provided that the instructions are followed).

The drops are applied to the dog’s skin in a place that is inaccessible to licking (most often the scruff of the neck). The active ingredient is toxic to bloodsuckers; it penetrates the animal's epidermis and bloodstream, resulting in the elimination of insects. However, before removing fleas from a dog with drops, you need to consult a veterinarian, since the active ingredients have side effects and contraindications.

Among the drops we can note: Bars Forte, Celandine, Barrier, Frontline.

Bars Forte



Using a collar to remove fleas from a dog, although convenient, presents certain difficulties. This method is not suitable for puppy-aged pets, expecting dogs or nursing dogs, since the insecticides with which the collar is impregnated can have a negative effect on the puppies' body.

Collars containing natural substances, as well as ultrasonic ones, are safer. At the same time, the latter option is too expensive, and natural ingredients are not effective against heavy flea infestations. Another drawback of flea collars is that poisonous compounds are distributed unevenly throughout the body. In addition, the product is not recommended to be used simultaneously with other methods.


Flea spray for dogs
You can remove fleas from your dog using a spray. This form of processing has gained popularity due to its ease. It is enough to apply the product to the fur in the pet’s neck area, after which the parasites will remain on the animal for at least 3-4 weeks.

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The disadvantage of using a spray to combat fleas is the high content of toxic substances in the composition. The contraindications are the same as for the collar. There is also a possibility of licking off the drug if it gets on other parts of the body.

Frontline is considered the most effective tool in this group; Bars and Beafar aerosols are no less popular among dog breeders.


An insecticidal remedy for fleas on dogs in powder form has not found significant distribution among dog breeders. This is due to the need to rub the product with your hands into the skin and hair of the animal. In addition, the use of this processing method increases the risk of poisoning. Powders are not used when it comes to puppies, pregnant dogs, lactating dogs and weakened ones.

Among the powdered preparations we can highlight: Sanal, Insectal.


The tablet form of flea control also did not catch on among dog owners. Chewable tablets slightly reduce the number of parasites, but do not remove them completely. In addition, this method of disinsection is dangerous due to poisoning and allergies. Treatment consists of adding the drug to the animal’s feed.

Veterinary pharmacies offer drugs such as Comforts, Capstar.

How to remove fleas from a dog at home

There are many effective remedies to help rid your pet of fleas on your own. To choose the right drug, you need to consult a veterinarian. Many types of pharmaceuticals have contraindications for treating sick, old, pregnant animals and puppies.


Flea shampoos are the safest remedy for pests. They have a mild effect, rarely cause side effects and can be used to treat weakened dogs and puppies. At the same time, shampoos have a caring effect on the dog’s coat.

The drug is diluted in water until foam forms and the pet is dipped into it. After water procedures, the animal is combed and dried. Insects immediately leave the animal or die on it.

However, using such a product is not easy, because it is not always possible to bathe a dog with ease. In addition, the effect does not last long, which is why you have to constantly use the drug. The most effective brands of shampoos are Bars, Celandine, Rolf Club, Beafar, Dana, etc.

One of the popular means of fighting parasites at home is dog shampoo.


This form of the product is more convenient to use. The drops contain insecticides phenothrin, imidaclopid, permethrin and other types that have a nerve-paralytic effect on pests. They are dripped onto the withers and along the spine, after which they are rubbed into the skin.

The toxic substance begins to accumulate in the epithelium, but it does not penetrate into the bloodstream.

The effect of using drops lasts 2-3 months. Most of the parasites die in a short time, the rest leaves the animal. When used correctly, adverse reactions of the body are extremely rare. However, almost all drops are prohibited for puppies under 2-3 months and lactating bitches.

Drops will help disinfect.


Insecticidal collars are easy to use and safe. They are biological and chemical. The first products contain exclusively natural substances, so the body is not exposed to toxic effects.

The effect of a dog flea collar lasts for several months.

However, chemical collars are also considered safe, since the daily dosage of the toxic substance is calculated in such a way that it destroys pests and does not affect dogs.

The disadvantages of such an item include a limited area of ​​impact - the neck. In addition, it should not be used simultaneously with other insecticides, such as drops.

The most popular brands of collars are Four with a tail, Celandine, Beaphar.

Insecticidal sprays

These products contain repellents and insecticides, which cause rapid death of fleas - all parasites are destroyed within 24 hours. The drugs are considered toxic and problematic to use. Before applying the spray, you must wear rubber gloves. In this case, the stream should not hit the animal’s face.

Popular flea sprays.

In addition, the dog should not be allowed to lick its fur for 2-3 hours, as side effects such as difficulty breathing and vomiting may develop.

To cure an animal, the spray should be sprayed onto its skin, not its fur. The toxic substance accumulates in the sebaceous glands, epidermis, and hair follicles.

To avoid licking off the drug, use a cervical collar. For 2 days after treatment, you should not wet your pet or allow it to come into contact with other dogs. The most effective sprays are Frontline, Hartz, Bars Forte.


The tablets contain fluralaner and afoxolaner. Such components belong to a new class of isoxazolines, and they destroy a large number of different pests. The tablets do not cause the development of negative reactions in the body and are safe for puppies and sick dogs.

Popular drugs: Bravecto, Comfortis, Frontline Nexgard.


Insectoacaricide powders are the cheapest and safest product. They are made from butox.

This method of treatment provides for a long therapeutic course - about 2 weeks. The most commonly used are Barrier, Insectal, Sanal.

Powder for killing fleas on dogs.

When are tablets prescribed for dogs against ticks and fleas?

The tablets are indispensable for dogs that like to swim in ponds or need frequent bathing. The tablets are absorbed into the blood, so if they are used, they are not washed off with water and you can swim without restrictions. If the animal needs to be rid of fleas or protected from ticks, you can give a tablet. Drops are not suitable for all dogs, as they can leave greasy stains on the fur. The tablets are free from these disadvantages due to the nature of their use. Wearing an anti-tick collar for pets with long hair is problematic. It may not fit tightly to the body, in addition, at the site of its contact with the skin, some animals may develop an allergic reaction. Preparations in the form of tablets in this aspect, as a rule, do not affect the condition of the coat, since there is no contact with the skin of the treated animal.

Diagnosis of fleas in dogs

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to analyze all of the above symptoms and collect an anamnesis. A careful examination of the animal's fur will help ensure that the diagnosis is correct. For greater precision, brush your dog with a thick-bristled comb. Then wet a sheet of purple paper and place the combed fragments on it. If after some time red stains appear around the combed grains, then we can say with certainty that these are flea excrement.

However, to make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to make sure that the dog does not have other external parasites: lice, lice, ticks. This can be done in a veterinary clinic. It is also necessary to know why the dog itches if there are no fleas in order to exclude other diseases with a similar clinical picture: food allergies, dermatophytoses, folliculitis, itchy skin, etc.

Symptoms indicating a dog infection

In order to start treatment on time and get rid of the “infection” you have caught, you need to know how to understand that a dog has fleas. Regular inspection and combing of the animal's fur is your reliable assistant. Run a comb or hand against the fur; the white eggs of parasites are visible to the naked eye. You may also notice dark brown grains - this is insect waste.

When fleas have multiplied sufficiently on the animal's body, they become visible. Every dog ​​breeder should know what fleas look like on a dog. These are agile brown insects that quickly hide in the undercoat. Parasites are afraid of water, so they can be easily seen while bathing a dog.

In addition to a visual examination of the pet, the presence of “bloodsuckers” is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • The dog itches and does it continuously.
  • The animal suddenly jumps up and tries to bite itself.
  • Red spots of unknown etiology appear on the dog's skin.
  • Bald patches, sores and scratches form on the dog's body.
  • The animal whines pitifully for some unknown reason.
  • The dog begins to shed prematurely.
  • The pet becomes restless and irritable, loses appetite, and suffers from insomnia.
  • A sharp decrease in the animal’s weight with proper feeding.

Since ectoparasites are carriers of other serious diseases, over time, gastrointestinal disorders, discoloration of mucous surfaces, and hyperthermia are added to the main symptoms.

As soon as an animal exhibits the above signs, it must be immediately taken to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Delay in this matter is unacceptable.

It will also be useful to read about worms in dogs and methods of treatment.

How to remove fleas from a dog at home

To treat the disease, you can use both folk remedies and industrial medicines.

Folk remedies

My dog ​​is eaten by fleas, what should I do? Simply removing or catching all the fleas on your dog's skin will not work. It is possible to get rid of parasites from the surface of a dog’s skin if the treatment is systematic and accurate. Some drugs can be toxic to the animal, so you should be careful. The most effective folk remedies:

  • Sagebrush. To rid your pet of illness, prepare a wormwood solution: two glasses of water per 20 g of dry wormwood leaves. The cooled solution is used to wipe the dog’s body.
  • Garlic. Its smell effectively suppresses the vital activity of parasites. To prepare a healing solution, you need to crush a few cloves of garlic, add water to the mixture and leave for one night. The prepared solution is used to wipe the dog's fur.

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Garlic and wormwood are effective remedies against fleas in dogs. Important! Garlic should not be added to your dog's food as it can cause digestive problems and even death! You should get rid of parasites only by applying a garlic solution to the coat and in acceptable quantities. The concentration of garlic should be calculated taking into account the possible licking of the pet's fur.

Industrial medicines

The range of anti-flea medications is very diverse. Some of them will help get rid of other parasites: ticks, lice. In specialized stores you can purchase:

  • shampoos;
  • sprays;
  • drops;
  • pills;
  • collars.


These products are suitable for dogs with sensitive and delicate skin. Delicate detergents are recommended for use by collies, pinschers or toy terriers. Shampoos are effective against small numbers of fleas. The products are ideal for washing small puppies. Shampoos do not protect against further infection; it is recommended to use them in conjunction with other medications.

Flea sprays

Such products are applied to the animal’s fur and rubbed in easily, avoiding contact with the muzzle area. After 20 minutes, the pet should be washed. Sprays have a wide spectrum of action: they kill fleas and their larvae. Puppies, pregnant women, and weakened dogs are not treated with such flea products.


They have gained great popularity among dog lovers. The product is convenient to use: the bottles are sold with the calculated dose and the necessary labeling. Application is carried out on dry skin, after which the substance is rubbed in. It enters the sebaceous glands, from which it comes out portionwise to the surface of the skin. This determines the long-lasting effect, which is not lost even after bathing the dog.

On a note! Unlike sprays, drops are applied between the shoulder blades, at the base of the skull, therefore, the likelihood of licking off the drug is minimal.


These medications act from within the body. They have a pleasant taste and smell, and are eaten by animals along with the main food.


These are very easy to use products. Details of their use are indicated on the packaging. A sharp, unpleasant odor is the only drawback of this medical accessory, so you need to wear it while walking.

Note! To best achieve the effect, you should combine the collar with anti-flea drops or sprays. The dog is itching

Flea spray as an alternative to drops

As a rule, you can find an antiparasitic spray on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Manufacturers and brands are the same as those just described. Many people believe that sprays are a complete analogue of drops on the withers, but this is not so:

  • Unlike drops, these products are distributed only through the coat and the very top layers of the skin. Accordingly, you can’t count on their very long-term effect.
  • In the production of sprays, insecticides and repellents are used that are less “vigorous”, and therefore younger or older pets can be treated with sprays.

Medicines for small breed dogs

This category contains medications that are intended exclusively for small breeds of dogs. These drugs have a small concentration of active substances, which helps to avoid negative consequences.


Novartis Prac-tik

894 rub.

We start our review of the best flea drops with Novartis Prac-tik. This drug is approved exclusively for small animals that weigh no more than 4.5 kg. In addition, there is an age restriction: this product is prohibited for puppies under 8 weeks of age. The active component of the drops is pyriprole, which has a pronounced acaricidal and insecticidal effect. With its help you can get rid of fleas, lice and ticks.

9.9 /10



  • Affordable price
  • No harmful components
  • High efficiency


Novartis Prac-tik


Advantix (Bayer)

RUB 2,618

These drops are the safest for pets. They are suitable for small breed dogs up to 7 weeks old. In this case, the dog’s weight should be between 4 and 10 kg. The drug has a contact-intestinal effect on pests. At the same time, it kills not only adult insects, but also the eggs they lay.

9.7 /10



  • Safe composition
  • Long validity period
  • Suitable for prevention


Advantix (Bayer)


Lawyer (Bayer)

RUB 1,381

Available in the form of drops, which are approved for use on dogs weighing up to 10 kg. This product is also suitable for puppies, but it can only be used after the pet reaches 7 months of age. The composition of the medicine is not too concentrated, so it is absolutely safe to use it to fight fleas. For the same reason, the drug is approved for pregnant dogs.

9.6 /10



  • No harmful substances
  • Suitable for puppies
  • Easy to apply


Lawyer (Bayer)


Frontline Combo S

620 rub.

This relatively inexpensive drug has become known for its long duration of action. It quickly kills fleas and protects your dog from their reappearance for 30 days. Combo S is suitable for puppies over 8 weeks old and adult pets whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. The medicine contains fipronil, which has a wide spectrum of action (kills fleas and their offspring).

9.4 /10



  • Low price
  • Long lasting effect
  • Destroys flea eggs


Frontline Combo S

Medications for large breed dogs

This category includes products to protect large dogs from fleas, ticks and other parasites. Such medicines contain natural ingredients that will quickly destroy insects and prevent their appearance in the future.


Frontline Combo XL

848 rub.

These drops for large breed dogs are considered the best in terms of price and quality. They have a safe composition, therefore they are approved for use from the first days of a puppy’s life. Combo XL protects the animal from fleas for a month. After this, you will have to re-process the pet’s fur and skin. The active ingredient in the drug is fipronil, which is safe for dogs, but fatal to fleas and other pests.

9.9 /10



  • Affordable price
  • Good quality
  • Long lasting effect


Frontline Combo XL


RolfClub 3D

344 rub.

These inexpensive drops are designed for dogs weighing between 20 and 40 kg. In addition, they are suitable for puppies older than 3 months. RolfClub 3D has a triple effect on pests, leaving them no chance of salvation. The product contains 3 active substances, which in the right proportions provide long-term protection against insects.

9.7 /10



  • Protection for 30 days
  • Performance
  • High quality


RolfClub 3D


Zoetis (Pfizer) Stronghold

RUB 2,883

These expensive drops are suitable for pets over 1.5 months old and weighing 20-40 kg. They contain selamectin, which affects the nervous system of parasites and causes paralysis. The effect of the medicine lasts one month. During this time, the pet will be protected from most pests.

9.6 /10



  • Quick effect
  • Long lasting protection
  • Low concentration of active substance


Zoetis (Pfizer) Stronghold


Application rules and errors

The first thing you need to do to use the tablets correctly is to select the dosage according to the dog’s weight. For example, Nexgard Spectra tablets are available in 5 dosages, and Frontline Nexgard - in four. Dividing the tablet, as indicated in the instructions for use, is not allowed.

The drug can be fed in pure form or along with food. You need to make sure that the dog eats the tablet completely.

To protect against two types of fleas and eight types of ixodid ticks, Frontline Nexgard tablets are suitable.

And the complex veterinary drug Nexgard Spectra also protects against helminths and heartworms (microfilaria).

The effect of the NexgarD Spectra tablet is one month, according to the instructions for use. If the re-treatment time is missed, the animal may be unprotected after the drug expires and will need to be given the tablet again.

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