The cat itches a lot and constantly licks itself: why does this happen and what to do?

A cat is one of the cleanest animals; it can lick its fur for hours, putting it in order. She does not change her habit either after eating and sleeping, or after visiting the toilet and petting her owners. But sometimes pet owners begin to notice that the cat is more habitually engaged in grooming than usual, and the habit of licking turns into manic obsession. Now all the time, outside of sleeping and eating, the cat constantly licks its fur. This behavior of the animal not only can, but should alert the owner.

Reasons for the unusual cat habit

Any animal is attached to its owner. It is generally accepted that cats are loners by nature, loving to “stand their ground.” But not everyone should be considered that way. Cats, like people, have different personalities. Some animals absolutely cannot do without their owner and start licking him for an hour.

The main reasons why a cat licks a person are:

  1. thermoregulation;
  2. reaction to odors;
  3. expression of love;
  4. maternal instincts;
  5. dominant or passive behavior;
  6. lack of attention;
  7. diseases.

Everyone knows that a cat’s body temperature is much higher than a human’s. It is almost 39 degrees. Due to this, cats are extremely thermophilic and require large amounts of heat to warm their bodies. The human body emits a huge amount of heat, which is very attractive to your pet.

Many owners notice that cats prefer to lie down and start licking exactly the place where pain occurs in humans. This is explained by the fact that the diseased organ produces increased heat, which in turn is greatly preferred by representatives of the cat family.

Cats have always been attracted to different smells. For example, they love the smell coming from human hair. Especially after washing your hair. The cat perceives hair as “fur” on humans, so it licks it.

To avoid additional “washing” of your hair, it is recommended to use citrus-scented shampoos. You can also distract your pet from licking with food or toys.

The reason why a cat licks its owner can also be explained as follows . While being in close proximity to a person, the pet experiences such a pleasant feeling of comfort and calm.

If a pet shows an active interest in the child in the house, then it is likely that she perceives the human child as her own. The mother cat is always nearby and constantly licks her babies. For this reason, a “dose” of washing and sleeping in an embrace with a “furry mommy” in such a situation are provided to the child without fail.

In order to avoid some discomfort during sleep, the cat owner is not recommended to accustom her pet to sleep with people. It is important to note that if the animal has not undergone the procedure of castration or sterilization, but has not produced offspring, cats exhibit false maternal instincts. Cats may experience hormonal imbalances. Therefore, it is important for owners who do not plan to breed offspring to resolve this issue in a timely manner.

Persistent licking of the owner's hands or face can be a kind of signal for help for various diseases in the animal . For example, it may be bothered by parasites in its fur, so it becomes restless and licks not only itself, but also people. If you suspect any disease, it is better not to start self-medication, but to consult a specialist.

Licking a person due to lack of attention

Cats deprived of attention will strive to take out their anger on objects in the apartment, and repeated refusals can lead to a complete loss of trust, which will be very difficult to restore. Some aggressive cats may even bite their owner.

A sign of an invitation to groom a cat is:

  • ears pressed to the back;
  • nose pokes in the hand;
  • and licking of hands and face.

Sometimes this causes the pet to lie flat on the floor or other surfaces. In addition, the cat can lick the face, demonstrating its affection for the owner. Usually the animal itself turns to the owner with a certain part of its body, showing exactly where it should be scratched.

The most pleasant areas for scratching in cats are the forehead and ears. It is more correct to scratch the forehead against the grain, and the ears at the base, gently pulling. Some animals allow their owner to scratch their belly, and many enjoy scratching during shedding. You should not make small intermittent movements, as the pet will receive greater pleasure from continuous combing - from head to tail.

Many animals begin to emit a gentle purr when scratched. Such sounds are confirmation that the pet is experiencing pleasure, and grooming should continue.

As a sign of affection, cats lick the owner's face and hands. You can start scratching your cat without calling him. You should extend your hand in his direction and scratch 10 centimeters from him. If your pet, with its ears flattened, approaches your hand and licks it, this is a good sign. It means the call for grooming has been accepted.

Reasons for this behavior

In cats, constant licking of the genitals can be caused by inflammation of the prepurcial sac - the so-called skin fold of the foreskin that forms the space between the head of the penis and the skin. The folds of skin contain preputial lubricant that surrounds the cat's penis.

In a healthy animal, a small amount of liquid in the form of whitish-yellow smegma, the secretion of the glands of the foreskin, may occasionally accumulate along the entire perimeter of the preputial opening. Such discharge is considered normal by veterinarians. If for some reason an inflammatory process begins in the area of ​​the foreskin, then this fluid includes inclusions of blood, pus or urine.

The reasons why a cat licks its tail may be as follows:

Disease of the foreskin, including the occurrence of neoplasms (cancer) in this area, mechanical damage, balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin). Diseases of the urethra: trauma, the formation of stones and their subsequent passage, neoplasia. Bladder diseases: stones, infectious inflammation, neoplasms, Pathology of the prostate gland, prostatitis, cysts, hyperplasia, neoplasms, abscess. Coagulopathy (bleeding) and thrombocytopenia that occurs in parallel with it (a decrease in the level of platelets in the blood) - such an ailment can be a consequence of poisoning with rat poison. Urinary incontinence - occurs due to displacement of the ureter, or improper functioning of the sphincter, which is responsible for the amount of urine released. The cat simply performs part of his daily toilet routine by thoroughly licking his genitals after going to the toilet. An animal can lick a wound under its tail

Surely every person has heard the point of view that a cat always heals itself by licking sore spots. A cat may lick under its tail due to the fact that it suffers from constipation; the painful sensations create constant torment for it, from which the pet tries to get rid of it in all available ways. Itching in the anus can also cause excessive licking under the tail; in this case, the owner should pay attention to the cat’s feces, if it contains traces of helminthic infestations, this particular cause must be gotten rid of. A cat may start licking its tail as a result of being in a stressful situation: moving to a new place of residence, castration, remodeling a house, having new family members or pets - absolutely all innovations can cause a cat to panic and plunge it into a depressive state.

TOP main reasons

1. In first place in the TOP 7 reasons why cats lick people is the communication factor. It is known that smell is of great importance for these animals. There are special glands on their body that produce odorous substances. In this case, the tail glands are responsible for substances that carry group information, and the head glands are responsible for more individual information. Thus, by licking the owner and then applying fresh marks, our pet is trying to leave a message.

2. Expression of affection – the theme of pheromones continues. Animal psychologists explain our attachment to furry creatures by the presence of these substances. By licking the owner and then wiping itself with its muzzle, the animal applies its own scent, thereby designating the person as “one of its own.”

3. Hygiene. This reason logically follows from the previous one - obviously, the cat is interested in the creature she loves so much being just as clean and tidy as her. In addition, in the wild, the smell can attract an enemy, therefore, in order to protect the owner from a potential enemy, a caring fluffy will carefully rid the owner of the treacherous smells of perfumes and other aromas.

4. Manipulation. In some cases, a cat licking a person may indicate a desire to play, or an attempt to hint that it would be nice to treat it with something tasty.

5. The cure for boredom is a lack of impressions, a way to have fun. Animal psychologists say that domestic cats are more prone to licking their owners and these sissies do this due to a lack of impressions. This is why cats lick their lips to touch people - it turns out they are expecting an emotional reaction!

6. A way to show your leadership position. This is how a caring mother cat takes care of the children she cares for.

7. Cure for stress. The furry tongue massages the skin and promotes the production of endorphins. And a cat’s fur coat contains a substance that normalizes mental balance. By licking its skin, a cat also takes care of a person when it feels that he urgently needs to calm down. Thus, fluffies are able to relieve homo sapiens from depression, stress and bad mood.

Therapeutic measures

Constant licking of fur is not a separate disease, but a symptom of a certain pathology, so treatment is selected individually, depending on the diagnosis:

  1. If the cause of the symptom is diseases such as allergic reactions to food or hygiene products, local spectrum drugs are prescribed - ointments and creams that eliminate unpleasant symptoms, itching and burning. To prevent allergies from occurring again, you need to determine what exactly was the allergen, otherwise the discomfort will return again. In case of a severe allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed for internal use.
  2. Infections and inflammations on the skin of infectious origin require a course of antibiotics.
  3. If a fungus has been identified, antifungal medications are prescribed.

Also watch the video why cats lick themselves so often:

In what situations do cats lick their heads?

If you woke up to your tailed pet selflessly licking your head, you can consider several reasons, and the main one is a passion for cleanliness. Probably, the cat considers the smell of shampoo too strong, or simply demonstrates the tenderness that it shows towards its own kittens. One of the reasons for this behavior may be the desire for dominance.

In the same list of reasons for the cat’s interest in the owner’s head, there is also a lack of attention. If this behavior of your furry pet causes discomfort, it is easy to wean her off it with the help of her favorite games and attention. If you can’t retrain your cat on your own, a specialist will always help.

What to do if a cat spanks with its lips.

If you notice that your cat has started smacking its lips, the first step is to determine whether it is caused by a medical problem. To understand this, you need to do the following:

Assess the cat's behavior. Is she nervous? Perhaps worried or scared? Try to determine if the cat is trying to communicate anxiety by slapping its lips. If you think that the situation may cause discomfort in the cat, this may be a manifestation of repressive behavior

You can help your cat by eliminating the cause of stress and improving the environment.

It is important to understand whether lip smacking is caused by a medical problem. It's best to consult a veterinarian

Try to track when the cat spanks with its lips. Does she do this all the time or, for example, after eating? Or in moments of anxiety or worry? This information will help your veterinarian figure out the cause. Doctors also check the condition of the skin on the face and lips, gums, teeth and oral cavity. They look to see if there are any foreign objects in the mouth, if the cat is suffering from dental diseases, or if there are ulcers in the mouth. The doctor may need information about the cat's diet, changes in its usual diet, possible poisoning, appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, activity and weight loss.

Why do furry pets lick their skin?

If cats show increased attention to the owner's skin - hands, or face, and especially when they lick armpits, it can be assumed that they need pheromones. The fact is that sweat contains hormones similar to substances with which cats attract the opposite sex. Thus, the pungent smell of sweat has a calming effect for cats. In a similar way, these animals react to catnip, valerian and mint, which have a very relaxing effect on furry pets. It is possible that your pet simply does not have enough salt with sodium and other minerals.

Why do cats lick people's hands?

Cat owners sometimes notice in their pets a habit characteristic of dogs - hand licking. In fact, this is completely normal behavior. The first explanation is the most common desire to show affection and love to its owner. Some cats are convinced that such behavior is obligatory at the moment when the owner strokes them. However, there are cases when this form of expression of affection takes on a manic character - the licking of the pet’s hands becomes so obsessive that it can distract from everyday activities, from work, and even interfere with sleep if it happens during sleeping hours.

This behavior is typical for a cat that has recently had kittens - thus, she shares an excess of tenderness and care with her owner. In this case, stopping the cat’s distracting actions is quite simple - just move her to the kittens and her attention will switch to them.

All of the above reasons do not require special attention or concern. But when such behavior is not associated with the manifestation of maternal instinct, or the desire to express affection, it is worth contacting a specialist, since licking the owner’s hands in some cases is a signal of pathological processes in the body, or severe stress in the animal. In this case, you need to urgently call the veterinary clinic and consult - the doctor will make an appointment, carry out diagnostics and prescribe the correct treatment.


Why does a cat constantly lick its tail?

The owners of tailed purrs notice this pathological habit immediately, because it can be terribly annoying, especially if the pet does it near people and even on their bed. You shouldn’t just drive the animal away, as there are many reasons for this behavior. Moreover, they all require contacting a veterinarian. A cat can lick its tail for hours due to:

  • allergic reaction to certain foods;
  • the presence of parasites in the body (with this disease, the cat will not lick the fur, but directly the anal entrance);
  • skin damage on the tail.

A symptom such as licking under the tail often indicates that the pet is under stress. Stress can be caused by the fact that the house has another pet or is undergoing renovations. Constant licking has a calming effect on your furry pet.

Feeling from childhood

Owners know that mother cats tirelessly clean and wash their furry babies. This behavior can be compared to parental kisses and hugs in the human world. Accordingly, the cub learns to give warmth and care.

According to eyewitnesses, a person who feeds a kitten from a pipette and replaces its mother cat often becomes the object of strong reciprocal feelings.

The image of a close being imprinted in infancy and the associated pleasures find their manifestation in subsequent communication. Having become accustomed to having a treasured container of milk in a person’s hands, a grown-up cat will purr, caress, lick and suck fingers, anticipating a hearty meal.

The language of communication

Mutual licking is a ritual common to all cats. Thus they strive to:

  1. Demonstrate the anatomy of feelings . By licking the area of ​​the cheeks, arms, ears and chin, the pet seems to be kissing a person and automatically puts an o.
  2. Show the owner that he is the closest and dearest . Living as a pet outside of communication with its fellow tribesmen, the cat switches its emotions to humans. Grateful for food and care, the pet tries to be as close to the owner as possible in order to rub its cheek or lick an area of ​​exposed skin: face, neck, fingers, ankle. The sincerity of feelings is indicated by closed eyes and a quietly vibrating “internal motor” that turns on in cats at the moment of receiving positive emotions. Some cats love to lick the hair of their owners, hugging their paws around the neck or sitting next to them on a pillow.

The cat wants to rest

Cats love to play with their people and it's a great way to bond. However, they also have mood swings, and if you become overly persistent in playing and petting your pet, she will feel uncomfortable. Overstimulation occurs when a sensitive part of the body is touched accidentally and repeatedly. Your pet may lick and then gently bite you to show that he wants to take a break.

Obeying the basic instinct

The periods of cat “weddings” are known for their riotousness - and individuals of both sexes are prone to an enchanting outpouring of feelings. Expressing desire with inviting cries, characteristic poses and “fragrant” marks, but not being able to find a partner, temperamental pets can “trample” with their paws or bite the owner, lick him annoyingly and rub his whole body, marking him with his smell.

Cats sometimes imitate mounting and mating by squeezing a person's hand with their teeth, just as they would grab the scruff of a cat in heat.

To maintain cleanliness

Self-licking is a natural and very common mechanism for caring for one's own body in the animal kingdom.

Kittens begin to lick themselves from the age of four weeks, and before that, all manipulations regarding the infant toilet are performed by the parent.

Cat licking rituals like these are a demonstration of love for cleanliness:

  1. The cleanest . Sometimes it seems that keeping oneself clean is the main task of a feline brother. Taking the most graceful poses, Murka licks herself for hours, touchingly washes her face with her paws and rubs her ears. She does this many times a day: after sleeping, feeding, taking care of her natural needs, and even stroking her. A cat's tongue, covered with miniature hooks and therefore rough to the touch, combs and arranges hairs like a brush, removing dirt and foreign odors. During this massage, blood flow is stimulated and the skin glands intensify the production of an oily secretion, which lubricates the hair and protects it from moisture.
  2. “No” to foreign odors . The desire to lick a person may be motivated by the desire to destroy unusual scent marks. According to the cat's understanding, all perfumes, including perfumes, soaps, shampoos and creams, have unnatural and even unpleasant odors, which must be urgently gotten rid of. This is why the cat spends so much time and carefully licking its own area of ​​the body with medicinal ointment applied to it.
  3. Tempting aromas . Some cosmetics, on the contrary, can be very attractive to mustachios. Such, for example, is a hand and nail cream with an extract of medicinal valerian, which has a magical effect on cats and activates the owner’s obsessive licking. Some cats love the smell of peony tincture and therefore tend to lick the hands or lips of a person who has taken this sedative. Cats are also attracted to human sweat, which contains odorous substances similar to animal pheromones. So the owner, returning from a morning jog or after a hard work shift, smells very attractive to the murka.

Anti-stress therapy

Animal psychologists know that an agitated animal increases the production of saliva and develops a desire to lick itself or surrounding objects:

  1. Cat auto training . Any monotonous action in an alarming situation leads to a decrease in arousal. Prolonged self-licking of fur, in turn, additionally stimulates sensitive skin receptors and activates the pleasure center in the brain. Thus, a cat experiencing stress turns on its mental defense mechanisms and “withdraws into itself.” With repeated exposure to adverse factors, self-licking can turn into mania, leading to weeping eczema and granuloma.
  2. The owner is a psychotherapist . In an attempt to relieve stress, cats may lick a person's hand. This is exactly how an animal behaves on a trip or during a visit to the veterinarian, provided there is a trusting relationship with the owner. Contact with a familiar palm and pleasant reciprocal stroking of the fur shifts the pet’s attention and has a calming effect.

Doctor cat

Caring for a sore spot and licking a wound is part of the instinct of self-preservation. This is how the animal takes care of itself, trying to heal as best it can. However, as practice shows, a cat tries to cure its beloved owner in exactly the same way:

  1. Fluffy dermatologist . If your beloved owner has skin diseases or abrasions, the cat can come to the rescue by licking the unhealthy areas. Animals act in a similar way towards each other, expressing their care and psychological support.
  2. Removing negative energy . There are widely known stories about the mystical ability of cats to heal with touch and “draw out” the energy of the disease from the patient. If a pet constantly lies on a person’s chest or lower back, or relentlessly licks the same area of ​​the body, there is probably something wrong with this area. The biochemistry of the body is disrupted during pathological processes, leading to changes in odor and disruption of the structure of organs, which is recorded by “living devices” tuned by nature.

Causes of obsessive licking and gnawing of cats

So, have you noticed that your pet has started scratching, licking and even gnawing itself frequently? This is a clear sign that your cat either has parasites or there are other causes of itching and irritation. The cat will not just constantly lick and scratch himself; this is a defensive reaction to the fact that something is bothering him. Let's consider all possible causes and signs.


This is perhaps the most common reason that a cat scratches and licks itself all the time, especially in the area above the tail and on the paws. These parasites can even appear in pets, so no one is safe from them. At the same time, if you do not see small black dots on your cat’s fur, this does not mean that there are no fleas. They can still be very tiny (nits) or simply in the form of eggs on the fur. However, their vital activity will already cause enormous inconvenience and discomfort to the pet.

Other parasites

In addition to fleas, your cat may develop other skin parasites that can cause anxiety and discomfort. The pet will also itch and lick itself a lot. A clear sign of the presence of any parasites is if the cat tries to gnaw something out of its fur. The animal intuitively tries to remove annoying enemies in this way. The most common of them are lice and ticks, which in turn are also dangerous because they carry infections and viruses.


If you regularly treat your cat's fur for parasites and the veterinarian's analysis does not show their presence, the cause of the itching may be an allergy. Pedigree cats and cats suffer from it especially often. This may be, like in humans, a manifestation of sensitivity to food, furniture upholstery, or some chemical component. A particularly clear sign of an allergy is when a cat licks itself heavily, thus trying to scratch its nose and lips.

Bacteria and fungi

Various microflora live on the skin and in the body of any even healthy animal. But if the cat’s body is weakened, experiencing some kind of stress, lack of vitamins, etc., this can cause an increase in the amount of pathogenic microflora. Because of this, various types of skin inflammation, rashes, itching occur, and the pet’s general condition worsens. Most often, the cause of this phenomenon lies in bacteria and all kinds of fungi. By the way, they can also be transmitted through human hands, because the cat constantly licks itself.

Skin diseases

As a rule, they are all infectious in nature and occur after a pet comes into contact with an infected object. Sometimes it is enough for a cat to go outside just once to pick up some kind of infection. Often, diseases such as pyodermatitis, cheyletiellosis, demodicosis, and scabies occur. They are also caused by mites that parasitize the upper and deep layers of the skin. Severe itching in the first stages very quickly develops into general skin damage and baldness.

Hormonal disorders

Another of the many reasons why your pet is scratching and licking excessively. As a rule, the cat may experience symptoms of all the previously described causes, for example, baldness, itching, urticaria, and so on. But this is not always due to parasites or diseases. This reaction can be caused by endocrine disruptions, which must be correctly determined by a veterinarian. A therapeutic diet and corrective therapy are prescribed.

Allow or stop

There are different opinions regarding how to treat pets’ attempts to get closer to their owners in their own “animal” manner:

  1. Certificate "for" . If the animal is healthy, then licking a person's hands is harmless and demonstrates an emotional connection with the owner. By pushing a pet away from oneself or interrupting the manipulation with a rude shout, a person risks offending the pet, who is pouring out his most tender feelings.
  2. Evidence against . A domestic cat that is not treated for external and internal parasites, as well as stray animals, can be a source of the spread of dangerous diseases and helminths. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to follow the schedule of vaccinations and other sanitary measures when keeping animals.

How to wean it off? Perhaps someone is uncomfortable with a cat's tongue touching bare skin, or the personal hygiene code is too strict. In these cases, it is recommended to switch the animal’s attention from obsessive kisses to play or treats. Catnip is used as a scent lure and a mild sedative.

Popular wisdom warns against offending cats, which, according to legend, are associated with brownies. According to signs, if Murka licks his right hand, wealth and good luck await the person, and a “marathon” of the face and hair predicts a love date.


Prevention measures

  1. Limit your indoor cat's contact with street animals. At the same time, do not deprive her of fresh air: you can let your pet out onto the balcony or into a fenced-in space, for example, in the country.
  2. Timely treat your pet against external (fleas, ticks) and internal (helminths) parasites.
  3. Inspect the animal's fur and skin.
  4. Provide a balanced diet and avoid consuming foods that cause allergic reactions.
  5. Cats feel the manifestation of love and care from humans. You should not allow your pet to experience stress. Any worries and neuroses are the first step towards the development of diseases.
  6. Regular visits to the veterinary clinic.
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