Sand fleas in Hainan when they are active: bites, treatment, reviews

Holidays on the beach on Hainan Island are a dream for many tourists, but there are small insects that can turn a holiday on one of the best beaches on this island into a living hell. We are talking about sand fleas, which tourists simply call “midges.” Sand flies in Hainan can be found not only in the Sanya area, but also in other places. In general, the problem of sand fleas is common throughout Southeast Asia, so reports of someone being badly bitten by midges appear not only in Hainan, but also in Nha Trang, Boracay and other places in the region. Note that not every person is allergic to midge bites on the beaches of Hainan Island. For some, sand flea bites can cause acne that itch terribly, while others may not notice the bites of these fleas at all. People who have already experienced midge bites in Hainan know that they can be quite painful. If left untreated, they can cause a lot of suffering for days or even weeks before going away on their own. Although sand flea bites in the Sanya area are generally not dangerous, sand flies can carry diseases and transmit viruses. So sometimes, in the case of multiple midge bites, it is worth consulting a doctor, especially if you experience serious symptoms after the bites. Although midges on Hainan beaches are very small, they can cause serious skin problems. They tend to bite your feet because they are closest to the ground, and sand fleas can only jump 20-40 cm. However, if you decide to lie down on the sand, then there is a chance that midges will bite you everywhere. The same thing can happen if you lie on a sun lounger. It is important to note that midges in Hainan most often bite in the evening, at night or at dawn. It is at this time of day that sand fleas are most active. So when walking along the beach in the evening in shorts or a skirt, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be bitten. During the period from late morning to the pre-sunset hours, midges on the beaches of Hainan are not so active, but this does not mean that they do not bite at all during this time.

What do sand fleas look like?

Sand fleas can be found in South America, southern Asia and Africa.
They can be picked up by a person who spends a lot of time barefoot in the sand. Externally, this parasite resembles a shrimp. The length of an adult individual reaches no more than 2 mm, and their average size is 1–2 mm. The insect does not have wings, but its powerful hind limbs allow it to jump to a height of up to 40 cm. The body of the parasite is flattened vertically and consists of three sections - the head, sternum and abdomen. The sand flea has three pairs of legs, with the last pair being much longer than the others. The body color of insects ranges from light to dark brown, and sometimes black. Adults have a hard chitinous cover, which, along with the flattened shape of the body, does not make it possible to easily crush the parasite. The parasite larvae look like tiny white worms. After the eggs mature, the hatched larvae emerge from the skin bitten by the female.

Why is a sand flea bite dangerous for humans?

It’s worth noting right away that male sand fleas almost never bite humans, and if they do, the bite site will itch for a couple of days and go away. If a female of this parasite “attaches” to you, the consequences can be much more serious. Let's start with the fact that sand fleas acquire offspring through a bite.

By gnawing under the skin, the parasite literally grows into a blood vessel. At the same time, the eggs in the female mature and she grows to the size of a pea. After the eggs mature, the parasite lays hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of them under the skin. At the same time, the female’s body decreases, but she does not always leave the place of food; more often she dies right at the laying site.

Where the parasite has penetrated the skin, severe pain is felt, especially when touched, and an abscess and inflammation occur. In some cases, ulcers appear. Multiple infections with parasite larvae are called tungiasis. The consequences of a bite can be:

  • deformation of bitten fingers;
  • elephantiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • limb amputation.

Symptoms of flea penetration under the skin may appear only 7–10 days after the bite, when the female begins to increase in volume. If an infection occurs at the site of the bite, blood poisoning may develop, requiring urgent treatment. If left untreated, death can occur. One of the author's acquaintances was once hospitalized in Taiwan with an attack of malaria. Lying on the bed next to her was a local resident who had a female sand flea cut out of his big toe. After the operation, the surgeon said that in severely advanced cases, without treatment, the finger can “self-amputate,” that is, simply fall off.


Some of the obvious symptoms indicating a bite are tumors and unbearable scabies. Before applying medicinal products, the wound must be disinfected. Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for these purposes. After this procedure, you can use medications to help get rid of discomfort. They come in three forms:

  • cream;
  • repellent spray;
  • pills.

Each remedy is effective at different stages, depending on the scale of the disaster and the size of the bite.

The most popular antihistamine creams are:

  • yellow balm;
  • Phenergan cream;
  • Fenistil;
  • Compound Dexamethasone Acetate Cream.

They perfectly relieve itching and pain, after which the desire to scratch the body disappears, in addition, they are suitable for children. To eliminate scabies and inflammation, you can also use hormonal agents based on hydrocortisone or sulfur ointment. Preparations containing Aloe Vera will have a calming effect.

Of the repellent sprays, Mentholatum Remos is the most effective.

Its action lasts up to 6 hours. In addition, it is suitable for children aged 4 years and older. You can also use Calamine lotion. This antiseptic speeds up the healing process.

Tablets are divided into antihistamines and antibiotics. Among antihistamines, cetirizine hydrochloride 10 mg (Cetirizine Hydrochloride) is effective. Suprastin and Zyrtec have less effect. These medications reduce scabies, but are contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.

Antibiotics reduce the affected area and itching, but act more slowly than creams. For example, when taking Hapenxin XX 500mg in capsules, changes become noticeable only after 5-7 days, and complete recovery occurs after 7-8 weeks. As a rule, both types of tablets are used in combination. The downside is that medications can cause drowsiness.

In addition to medications, there are effective folk remedies that can eliminate itching after a bite. Their essence boils down to the effect of high temperatures on the affected area.

  • If you direct a hot stream from a hairdryer to the bite site, you may feel relief. True, you need to blow carefully. Otherwise, you may get burned.
  • Instead of a hairdryer, you can use hot cutlery - knives, spoons or forks. The device is placed in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and then applied to the affected area.
  • Another alternative is a hot shower. You need to turn up the temperature, which is almost unbearable to endure. Of course, the skin will turn red, but after it is dried and moisturized with cream, the itching will go away.

It consists of antiseptic treatment, relieving swelling and itching. If the female has laid eggs in the wound, you should immediately consult a doctor. Carrying out removal procedures on your own is dangerous - the consequences can be very serious.


  1. Painkillers, cooling ointments and sprays.
  2. Antihistamine ointments or tablets.
  3. Antiseptics.

We suggest you read: How to get rid of fleas in a private home

To treat contaminated premises, special disinfectants are sold in the form of sprays, ampoules and solutions. All treatment and protection products are sold in local stores and pharmacies.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination to help prevent the consequences of sand flea bites.

How sand fleas bite

There are two types of sand flea bites. The first one looks like a mosquito bite. That is, the flea jumps on a person and sucks blood, after which it goes in search of another victim. These sand flies inject saliva as they feed to prevent blood clotting, and it is this saliva that causes skin irritation and can cause allergic reactions. The second type of bite is a little worse, as it is part of the sand flea's breeding process. With such a bite, the flea lays eggs under the skin. If you see swollen areas on the skin with black spots in the center, you can be sure that this is where the sand flea laid eggs. In any case, both types of bite will cause symptoms such as itching, pain and discomfort.

How to recognize an insect bite

A tourist who is bitten by a sand flea may not suspect anything for at least several more hours. The maximum incubation period reaches 12 days.

We suggest you read: What will help against earthen fleas

The moment of the bite itself is not felt in any way, and the size of the insect, as mentioned above, does not exceed a few millimeters, so it is difficult to notice the flea. They live on dry and wet sandy beaches. It doesn’t matter whether the place is deserted or crowded - insects will always find a victim.

How to recognize a sand flea bite?

  1. The skin begins to itch.
  2. Most often the extremities itch – legs, especially feet, and arms. Damage to the body - neck, back, abdomen, groin - is possible. The genitals, lips, and back of the head may be affected.
  3. Over time, the itching becomes more intense, and bite marks become obvious. They are larger in size than mosquitoes, and the affected area swells up like a lump. A clear point is clearly visible in the center - the body of the insect.
  4. If the degree of attack is low, then there are no more than 5 lesions, and with the maximum form - over 30.
  5. Severe forms of infestation are more common among people of retirement age.

Those who are not particularly knowledgeable can easily confuse a flea bite with the way a bug bites. But the difference is that after the bite of the latter there are no cones left, and they mainly affect the legs.

Why are they dangerous for humans?

Microscopic midges on Hainan beach are very dangerous for humans. As blood-sucking parasites, they bite incredibly painfully and suck human blood. However, the worst thing is that insects are capable of carrying serious infectious diseases and penetrating the skin. The causative agents and carriers of diseases are females, while males only bite humans painfully, like a mosquito. A female flea can penetrate the skin through nails and membranes on the hands and feet between the fingers and buttocks. Under the skin tissue, the adult lays eggs, significantly increasing in size. It can practically grow into a blood vessel, negatively affect the functioning of vital organs and even lead to death. After laying, the sand midge dies, remaining under the skin along with the eggs. This syndrome is called tungiasis. It is characterized by swollen, inflamed areas of the skin with black spots in the center. They indicate the area where the beach midge breeding process took place. Tungiasis and even a regular bite causes severe pain, unbearable itching, and unpleasant, irritating sensations. Also, long-term presence of a sand flea in the human body can lead to:

  • extensive sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • gangrene;
  • tetanus.

There are known cases of amputation of the limbs of a person who did not immediately seek qualified help after a flea penetrated the skin.

When are sand fleas most active?

The sand flea in acute Hainan prefers damp, damp and shaded places and cool air. Its maximum activity is observed in the early morning, late evening, and at night. The safest time to visit a wild beach is in the afternoon, when the air warms up well and the humidity decreases. Of course, you can relax and sunbathe on the beach only in sunny, dry weather, because blood-sucking insects almost never crawl into the light, preferring shade and dampness. When are sand fleas active in Hainan ? Naturally, after or during rain, when the level of air humidity becomes critical. Therefore, at this time it is better to avoid visiting the beach and walking in areas, especially with tall grass.

Aggressive bloodsuckers, jumping to a height of 30-40 cm, most often bite calves, ankles and thighs. Although, in a supine position, they have access to any other places of the human body. In exotic places, when relaxing on the beach, it is recommended to cover yourself with light material, which will become a barrier for sand fleas. It is worth saying that in the evening with windy weather they become very active.


travel, China, wild tourism, independent travel, SYX, South China Eight, Sanya, Dudonghai, Yalong

Author: Oleg Biryukov, publication dated September 21, 2016.

And finally, after almost two weeks of wandering around the heavens, having made a trip more than 3,000 kilometers long, tired and exhausted, we finally arrived in a paradise, the southernmost part of China, on the island of Hainan. Here we are promised long-awaited relaxation on the beach, rest after the work done and the opportunity to wash thousands of kilometers of travel in sea water, clear our heads before the final forced march through Chinese megacities.

What does an ordinary guy like me know about Hainan?

Yes, in principle, almost nothing except that the core of Hainan is:

  • an island in the South China Sea, located in a tropical climate;
  • something like Crimea, only for yellow-bellied Chinese;
  • the southernmost point of the PRC, not counting individual islands for which it fights with other countries;
  • a show-off vacation spot for the rich and Russian tourists who are tired of Thailand.

And in Hainan there is a huge hotel that looks like a jellyfish or a flower, in the city of Haikou there is a stage of the Kite Surfing World Cup, it is hot and very humid here. That's all I can tell you about Hainan at the time of our arrival.

Before the trip, I very briefly studied the local attractions and places to visit, but to be honest, the main purpose of the trip here was to hang out on the beach and munch on some seafood and fruits, because... this is the best activity for a tired traveler.

During our visit to Hainan Island we managed to visit three beaches: Dadonghai (3 days), Yalong bay (2 days) and the city beach in Sanya (2 days). All three beaches are easily visited by taxi or shuttle bus, or are within walking distance from our place of residence. Of the three listed beaches, Yalong deserves special attention.

This is probably the cleanest and most comfortable beach on the coast near Sanya. Since the most expensive hotels are located mainly along the beach, it is relatively uncrowded. The beaches are accessible to anyone, they are clean, and there is practically no garbage in the water.

To be honest, describing a beach holiday is boring, so in this part of the report I will try to put together notes on certain moments of my stay on the island, with photographs that are typical for this note, and maybe not at all relevant to the topic.

For example, a lot of Chinese go swimming with large inflatable rings, and some have no hesitation in throwing huge inflatable unicorns into the water!

I was surprised by this moment: in Yalong, Dadonghai, and Sanya, at exactly 20:00 several ATVs with flashing lights start driving along the shore. Local police officers sit in quadrics in tandem with rescuers, blowing whistles and shining lanterns at swimmers, forcing them to leave the sea. Somehow I hadn’t noticed this before on the seas, or I didn’t pay attention.

It turns out that the camera remote control is not waterproof, and after taking this shot, a few hours later it began to look like this:

If you go to Yalong, you may have problems with food, because... There are almost no cafes in the area of ​​expensive hotels, and they are all concentrated in the central part of the village. From a financial point of view, everything is not cheap, prices are 10-15% higher than the Chinese average, both for food in cafes and for juices and waters in shops.

If we're talking about food, it's worth mentioning that dinner at a seafood restaurant on average costs about 150 RMB for two, and that's not particularly luxurious. If you show off, you can easily miss the 200-250 RMB, and if you are stupid and don’t check the receipt, then it may contain dishes that you didn’t buy. They tried to sell us one of these on the sly, but the narrow-eyed one never managed to deceive us.

The cost of housing is average in China, a room costs 120-160 RMB per night, both in Sanya and on the beaches. In Dadonghai we lived 100 meters from the water for the same money, in an apartment converted into a hotel room, and in Sanya in an apartment for the same money. Normal hotel rooms start at 450 RMB, but it’s a complete waste of money for a family to shell out so much money for a hotel.

Although Ruslan and Natasha did just that, settling at Mariott, and were terribly pleased with this circumstance. There was even a special bus that took them to the beach, and I’m not even talking about towels and slippers.


Apparently, it is in this part that it is worth mentioning one incident that happened to us somewhere on the third day of our stay on the island. While Ruslan and Natasha were relaxing in the Mariott, and Valera and Almira were trampling the white sand on one of the beaches of Sanya, Oksa and I decided to test the possibility of spending the night in a tent on this wonderful island.

The fact is that back in winter we read that there are 43 campsites in Hong Kong where anyone can go with a tent. The most accessible campsites are mostly located near the city and have amenities, water, showers, etc. There are few people there - there is a lot of nature, which in turn bribed us with the opportunity to look at the metropolis differently, to break away from the bustle of Chinese life and drilled into our heads the desire to experience it all on our own skin. Well, how can you feel something like that without training? So it was decided to train here in Sanya, trying out an overnight stay in the tropics, on the shores of the South China Sea, under palm trees and on white sand. Romance, blah!

Of course, for such an occasion, we were well prepared: we took with us a small, thin tent for 999 RUB from a sports supermarket, bought a foil blanket somewhere in Changsha, brought a fleece blanket halfway around the world in a backpack in order not to freeze, took food in the store, beer, juice, all sorts of goodies, and went to the best beach in Sanya, Yalong Bay. Since this beach is mostly inhabited by hotels, closer to sunset it was decided to go to its western part. According to satellite, there is a section of the coastline where there are no buildings and it is possible to stay in a tent.

No sooner said than done, we waited for sunset and went to the place. From the very beginning, I somehow didn’t think about the reasons why this section of the beach was not developed. And there was only one reason - the shore by the sea was rocky, or rather, it was a huge stone slab on which the waves crashed. In appearance, the slab was of volcanic origin and resembled a piece of frozen lava. The stove itself was a little dirty, or maybe no one cleans it because... no owners. This is probably why part of the beach was not particularly popular among tourists, and those vacationers who walked along it did not stop and passed by.

We found a site more or less suitable for living and settled on a five-meter sandy cliff, with a beautiful view of the sea. There were large palm trees above us, forest on all sides, the nearest building was 200-300 meters away. From the very beginning, even when we were setting up the tents, I was surprised by the strong sound coming from everywhere - it was cicadas, ringing so loudly that sometimes it resembled an all-penetrating ultrasound. It was a little unusual, but we didn’t attach much importance to it, especially since after about an hour the cicadas died down.

You know, the Chinese like to wrap everything in bags, and these bags again in bags and so on ad infinitum, or rather until the singular number. For example, you bought a pack of some cupcakes and each cupcake inside the package will be wrapped in another individual package, and inside this package the cupcake will be wrapped in thin paper. Even when we were transferring things into the tent from backpacks, I noticed that one bag of puffed rice seemed to burst, but knowing that we had already opened the main pack, I somehow did not attach much importance to this. Moreover, at exactly 19:00 a flock of some nasty, large, but not biting winged ants or midges flew at us. It was cruel, we thought these bastards would eat us or rape us. We jumped into the tent and waited. We can barely breathe.

After about an hour, the midges disappeared. By this time we were already sweating from the heat and almost suffocated. The fact is that our tent for 999 RUB has only one layer and, in theory, its design suggests that it should protect more from rain than from tropical heat. The tent coped with midges excellently, but there were huge problems with access to fresh air. In search of a breath of fresh air, they opened the only window, but since it was essentially a piece of gauze fabric, the air didn’t really pass through it.

After an hour of confinement, we slowly began to open the entrance to the tent, trying to make up for the lack of oxygen. Along with oxygen starvation, I was tormented by another question: we are in the tropics, there could be snakes, scorpions, vampire bats, malaria mosquitoes and some other blood-sucking or poisonous thing around, after the bite of which we may not crawl to civilization . Therefore, it would be logical not to fully open the entrance to the tent and not tempt fate.

Exactly an hour later, we were lying half-naked with our heads on the street, dying from the heat, not caring about the living creatures, which, theoretically, were simply eager to kill us in the Sanya palm forest. By this point, we already had the thought: “Shouldn’t we evacuate to a hostel somewhere?” Time passed slowly, only three hours had passed since moving into the tent, but the impressions received were already off the charts. Then I remembered the poor Americans who crawled through the jungle for days on end in Vietnam after the Viet Cong - it was much harder for them. But it’s hard for us too, because... we lie with our head towards the entrance, and this part is a little lower, so the blood inevitably rushes to the head.

After some time, my frantic thoughts are interrupted by a super idea. Since at this point we were already quite tired of this “romance” and we seemed to have absolutely nothing to lose in this life, and the thought of evacuation does not leave our tired brains alone, a proposal arose to try the most radical way to deliver us from the heat in the tent - make a hole in it! Yes, a huge hole on the side of the head, i.e. legs In theory, then the air will have to pass through the tent, we will be able to breathe and theoretically we will not die until the morning on this fucking shore.

Even before leaving Sanya, I bought myself a cool folding knife in some store, which, as it turned out, is great for cutting fabric near a tent. I made a hole about 50x50 centimeters. The air has gone! This is probably the most vivid impression of a trip to Hainan - how pleasant the air is here!

After tossing and turning a little, we finally fell asleep and would have slept until the morning, but this story was not destined to end quickly. At about two o'clock in the morning a new test awaited us - we were almost eaten by mosquitoes. They drank a liter from Oksa, a glass from me. Since we had a hole in the tent, and there were no mosquitoes, we had to completely wrap ourselves in a fleece blanket in order to somehow protect ourselves from them. It seems like it happened this time too. Well, come on, morning, come!

Morning didn't come. After some time, the mosquitoes disappeared, but the mosquitoes turned out to be not the main problem. At one point I woke up from a strong roar. No, this was not a war between the Americans and the Viet Cong. It was just ordinary thunder from a thunderstorm and lightning all over the sky around us, above us, on all sides. It seemed to me that this was the apotheosis of our history. Two sleep-deprived tourists in a tent, in a tropical forest, in a thunderstorm, hugging each other, look through a hole in the tent at the sparkling lightning, swarms of mosquitoes, snakes, and scorpions around... and suddenly, somewhere along the edge of our cliff, about 3 meters from us A huge rat is running by! AAAA! Guard! Oksik screams! The rat is panicking! Meanwhile, I seem to have guessed who opened the package of puffed rice last night.

The rat ran away, it was not that huge, but expressive. Like in the comics, when a huge rat silhouette is reflected in the reflection from the lightning. Having calmed down a little, we began to wonder how to solve the problem if the rain still covered us, especially since dark clouds were inevitably approaching our tent. We decided to cover the hole with a foam blanket to prevent it from leaking. We spread it out, tied it up, went to sleep, we thought: I wonder, we’re lying in a tent, lightning is flashing around us, the tent is covered with a foil blanket... won’t lightning kill us?

At about 6 am, Oksa and I woke up. There were approximately the same remnants of thoughts in our heads - it was a complete fuck-up! We’ve never been caught up in such a series of stupid events in our lives, and we don’t want to get into that again. Probably, it was the most memorable night that we spent in nature, having learned all the hardships of this matter. Therefore, as soon as my things were collected, I didn’t hesitate for a second to throw away the tent in the first place I came across, so as not to repeat this feat a second time during my trip.

This is such fucking romance!


What does an ordinary guy like me know about Hainan? Yes, in principle, almost nothing, except that the core of Hainan is:

  • heat below +33 with humidity up to 95%;
  • a warm sea, from which you don’t want to leave for hours, with a temperature approximately similar to the ambient air temperature, and even warmer in the evening;
  • a huge number of Chinese in inflatable rings, swimming in fenced splash pools;
  • a great place to take a breather from your travels.
  • a place where they love Russian champagne and sell it for 188 RMB (actually, almost 1,900 RUB in our opinion)

And in Hainan there is a huge hotel that looks like a jellyfish or a flower and is clearly visible from all sides.

One evening we sat on the shore, watching the changing picture - the hotel was turning into a huge video wall, where beautiful and bright pictures were broadcast. Nice and unusual, and considering the scale of the illumination - great!

Is it worth going to Hainan specifically to relax by the sea?

Probably not. If you are just passing through or accidentally wandering here. With the current cost of flights, with current prices for accommodation and food, with the impossibility of a Russian tourist renting a motorbike (the police arrest the motorbike, the fine is huge, although you may not get caught, depending on your luck), with the absence of alternative types of entertainment here, such as surfing or kiting, I’m thinking of going here on purpose - expensive nonsense. There are more interesting and cheaper alternatives nearby.

On the other hand, if the main thing for you when traveling is a change of picture, the opportunity to experience something new, a beautiful vacation, delicious and unusual seafood food, seasoned with the Chinese style of cooking and Asian flavor, then you should definitely visit this place to collect and create your own your own idea of ​​a holiday on Hainan Island.

Perhaps it will be radically different from mine.

The main thing is not to forget to take a tent with you!


What diseases do beach fleas carry?

Sanya sand fleas , parasitizing under the skin, can cause deformation of the toes or hands, elephantiasis, tissue necrosis or thrombophlebitis. Parasites bite not only people, but also animals - rabbits, dogs, cats, goats. It is worth saying that each person, depending on the individual defenses of the body, reacts in a special way to a bloodsucker bite. One may not even notice anything other than a slight itching, while another may experience severe pain shock and very unpleasant symptoms. Due to the fact that midges are blood-sucking insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals, they are considered carriers of all kinds of infectious and viral diseases. Beach fleas in China can cause a foreign tourist to develop a rare, exotic disease, which he will bring back home. This is how viruses and infections spread around the world.

Important! Symptoms of a sand flea penetration under the skin may appear only after 8-10 days, when it has significantly increased in size. If an infection gets into the bite site, then during this time blood poisoning can rapidly develop, which will lead to the death of the person.

How to get there, opening hours

Coconut palms on the seashore

Located in the south of Lingshui County, Nanwan Monkey Island is the only island-type tropical sanctuary for macaques.
state-protected animal in China. The island boasts many special attractions such as the longest transoceanic cable car in China, enchanting coconut trees, a charming sandy beach, a natural swimming spot, colorful coral reefs and unique fishing rafts, as well as a monkey habitat. paradise. As you ride along the longest sea cable car, which is 2,138 meters (7,014 feet) long, at a speed of 6 meters (6.6 yards) per second, you will be pleased to find that you have beautiful views of the ocean, neatly placed fishing rafts shores and by the thick ranges of mountains on the island, where birds sing softly and the cries of monkeys ring around your ears. Soon the mythical Monkey Island unfolds its arms in front of you.

Walking through the vegetation corridor, you will be amazed to find seven or eight macaques standing in a row along the path, holding triangular flags or greeting their honored guests. Some naughty ones wander around with flags in their hands, and some even imitate the strange gaits of their visitors. How funny they are! While walking and laughing, you will see young monkeys chasing and fighting with each other, and a fat one jumping into the pond from a fairly high tree with an excellent 360 degree turn in the air. What an ideal spray that only a master of sports can make! They not only know how to jump masterfully, but also have excellent swimming technique. In the pond, some of them dive, some swim freestyle, and some even do breaststroke. While watching, you will be surprised and amazed and you will not be able to stop yourself from clapping and cheering for them. You will also enjoy the monkey circus performances. If you wish, you can take a photo with these cute monkeys and play with them. However, remember not to wear red clothes to avoid irritation from the naughty monkeys, and be careful when feeding them.

Cool beach


Laying flea eggs

The female lays eggs under the skin tissue , as a result of which the person begins to feel:

  1. Edema.
  2. Pain syndrome.
  3. Severe itching.

While the pest is in the human body, its size begins to grow several hundred times, as a result, the female increases to the size of a pea. After 6 days, the female seems to “shoot out” already formed eggs. In the process, it loses its new size and dies, remaining under the skin.

Tungiasis can only be cured through surgery. The doctor removes the affected part, carefully examining which you can detect the flea and its offspring. This disease can cause the following complications:

  1. Thrombophlebitis.
  2. Necrosis.
  3. Pneumonia.
  4. Elephantiasis.
  5. Finger deformities.

While the female flea is under the skin, inflammation of the tissues around her occurs, and the process of suppuration occurs. Symptoms may not occur unexpectedly, but after about 1-2 weeks, while the flea grows under the skin.

Pain and itching may begin to bother the infected person only after a week. These parasites cause harm not only to humans, but also to animals, such as:

  • cows.
  • piglets.
  • dog, etc.

Livestock and pets develop symptoms in a similar manner to humans. The effect of the presence of fleas in the body is similar to a boil - an abscess that, after bursting or scratching, becomes like an ulcer. If an infection gets into the wound, a necrotic process in the tissues, sepsis or gangrene may occur.

Sand fleas become most active in the evening and at night, when they go hunting. Parasites are most often found in sand near water. A flea bite is somewhat similar to a mosquito puncture. The wounded area turns purple and begins to irritate.

Getting rid of pests

As a rule, the flea inhabits places where the surface of the skin is thinnest:

  1. Heels to the side.
  2. Feet on top.
  3. Popliteal cavities.
  4. Waist
  5. Places in the armpits.

The bitten area is painfully itchy, which prevents the bitten person from resting at night. The bite is very difficult to detect because it is small. The most powerful pain syndrome and the appearance of a swelling on the skin together with a white abscess and a black head indicate that a female parasite remains inside. The black head is nothing more than a flea, its abdomen, through which it receives oxygen. It is not recommended to pull out a flea using a needle or other methods, because the insect can be accidentally killed and everything that was in it will end up in the blood.

The wound should be disinfected and bandaged . A reasonable solution is to contact a doctor who will remove the pest using sterile instruments, carry out disinfection and bandage the wound.

If it was not possible to avoid an encounter with a parasite, and a tourist was bitten by parasites, it will be useful to know how to carry out therapy. There is no special treatment for bites. It is, as they say, symptomatic: to get rid of itching, you need to use any cream or gel for pain, and if tumors or swelling progress, which indicate an insect getting under the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When vacationing in exotic places, there is a possibility of “acquaintance” with dangerous bugs; you should not go to places where insects can attack.

Impermeable or thick socks and covered shoes will help protect you from the insect . Before traveling, you must visit the hospital and get vaccinated. The use of protective ointments will be useful. Closed shoes and thick socks will keep fleas out.

When traveling to a wild beach or wooded area, you need to dress properly. It would be best to choose a shirt with long sleeves and trousers. A light scarf will protect your neck. During the cruise, it is recommended to avoid places where tall grass grows; it is imperative to avoid puddles. These are the areas that parasites love the most.

The areas of parasite bites have a terrifying appearance , because, looking at them, it is noticeable how much harm these microscopic parasites can cause not only to people, but to animals.

When sunbathing on the beach area, it is safer to choose a sunny place. Insects prefer dark areas and do not crawl into sunlight.

You should follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially pay close attention to your feet. After the beach or the street, you need to rinse off in the shower.

Necessary measures after a bite

You should not remain inactive, believing that this is just an ordinary bite, like a mosquito, and everything will “resolve” by itself. In this case, unfortunately, it will not resolve. Moreover, the longer the insect stays in the body, the sooner the infectious and purulent processes will progress. As already mentioned , first of all you should visit a doctor . A professional will detect the presence of a flea, determine the nature of its location inside and correctly remove the female.

It is important to realize that surgery with all types of safety precautions for flea infestation is the only effective treatment.

After completion of the micro-surgery, the doctor will advise how to eliminate the remaining symptoms and with the help of which set of medications to treat the inflamed area.

Treatment should not be started - there have been cases of extensive sepsis, as well as amputation and even death from gangrene and tetanus.

It is possible to get rid of symptomatic manifestations on your own - the itching will go away if you smear the affected area with an anesthetic cream. If an allergic reaction occurs, it will be necessary to take antihistamines (prescribed by the doctor, of course). Taking antimicrobial agents has a positive effect on treatment.

Under no circumstances should you remove a flea with your own hands, as this will cause inflammation.

It is very important to understand that if you follow precautions and prevention measures, the risks of a bite will be significantly reduced.


Tropical regions are not the most popular tourist destinations. However, more and more people are trying to explore new routes, such as walking through the jungle. Here they may face a big problem - the viral disease yellow fever. The disease got its name because it causes jaundice. The carriers of the virus are mosquitoes. The main source of infection is monkeys, as well as humans. The hotter the climate, the higher the risk of disease. In the absence of mosquitoes, a sick person is not infectious to others.

What to do: Half of people who get yellow fever die. There is no cure for this disease, you can only relieve the symptoms. When traveling to countries where yellow fever occurs, vaccination is required.

Photo: Getty Images

Where do beach fleas live?

Sand flies live on the beaches of Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, India, and Thailand. As for China, parasites can be found there in the southern provinces. Including in Hainan. Among tourists visiting the Celestial Empire, the city of Sanya is popular, which is also a favorite habitat for fleas that are dangerous to human health and life. Very often, tourists encounter blood-sucking parasites in Vietnam. It is worth saying that poor areas, provinces with a low standard of living of the population, are especially “loved” by parasites. Thus, beach fleas in Sanya often live in basements, under heavy slabs, in the grass and on the ground. They prefer damp, damp and dark places, so in an open sunny place during the day the risk of parasite bites is minimized. But, “forewarned is forearmed!” and for every tourist who wants to relax in an exotic country, preventive measures should not be neglected.

What needs to be done to prevent sand flea attacks in Hainan, China?

  • special vaccination before travel;
  • use protective creams against insects;
  • wear closed clothes and shoes before going to a wild beach or excursion;
  • choose open, sunny places for relaxation%
  • avoid areas with tall, wet grass, avoid puddles;
  • relax on civilized beaches, the condition of which is monitored by resort owners;
  • Be sure to take a shower after a walk, beach holiday, excursions.

In our country with a temperate and sharply continental climate, Hainan sand fleas cannot be found. And this fact is very pleasing. However, when preparing for a trip to exotic places, tourists must clearly understand the danger that bloodsuckers pose. It is imperative to take all precautions. And if trouble has already happened, and the parasite has bitten, consult a doctor immediately. This is not a situation where you can put it off until later, because your health and life are at stake!


Svetlana, 32 years old: Last year my husband and I went to Hainan Island. Overall, I enjoyed my vacation – the places are exotic and the excursions are exciting. But the sand flies that bit me on the beach in the evening ruined my entire vacation! Local residents recommended a compress with soda solution, as the itching was terrible at the site of the bite. I did it right away and treated the blister with Fenistil gel. After a while it became easier, the swelling subsided, and the itching went away.

Boris, 40 years old: While on vacation in Sanya in the summer, I was bitten by a beach flea. Very severe pain, allergies, terrible itching and high fever. Without delay, I went to the nearest clinic, where the doctor extracted the parasite from under the skin on my arm. Afterwards, I took antihistamines and smeared the bite site with the ointment prescribed by the doctor. A few days later there was no trace of him left. But now I’m afraid to visit wild beaches!

Vlad, 28 years old: Fleas on Hainan Island bite only in the evening and at night! When we were vacationing there, Russian tourists and night beach lovers were bitten by small insects. We relaxed on the beach only during the day, and for walks in wild places we dressed so that our bodies were covered. Bloodsuckers have not chosen anyone from our family! The main thing is precautions.

Treatment with traditional methods and prevention

  • A cold compress can be a good home remedy, as can a folk remedy (a mixture of baking soda and water). It should be applied to the bitten area, this will reduce itching, reduce blister and pain.
  • You need to mix oatmeal with warm water, leave the mixture for a few minutes and apply to the wounded area. This will relieve the itching from the bite and the tightening process will begin. Timely therapy is great, but it is better to play it safe and take preventive measures.

What to do if you are bitten by midges in Hainan

If you were bitten by sand flies on one of the beaches near the city of Sanya, we advise you to immediately begin treatment. First of all, never scratch the bite site, as this increases the chances of infection getting into the wound. Check the bite site for eggs, as sand flies can live under the skin and suck blood for several weeks. How to protect yourself from sandfly bites in Hainan? Many locals advise first rinsing the bites with cold water mixed with baking soda, then immediately applying calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to ease the pain and reduce swelling. All these products can be bought at any pharmacy in Sanya. You just need to show the bite spots on your body, and the pharmacist will offer you the right remedy. Aloe Vera and essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree and cedarwood are also good for numbing pain.

Sanya Yalong Bay, Asian Dragon Bay, Hainan

Yalong Bay (Asian Dragon Bay) Additional Photos

Yalong Bay (Asian Dragon Bay) boasts incomparable beauty.
The crescent-shaped bay, 7.5 kilometers (4.7 miles) long and covering an area of ​​about 18.6 square kilometers (7.2 square miles), is one of the most famous scenic spots in Hainan Province. Yalong Bay is located in the southernmost part of Hainan Province, approximately 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) from the tropical seaside tourist city of Sanya, with an average temperature of 78 °F (25.5 °C) year-round. The scenery is stunning: endless rolling hills, serene bays, clear blue seas and silver sand beaches three times longer than those in Hawaii. There are several well-preserved coral reefs with tr


What to do to avoid being bitten by midges in Hainan

You will be 100% protected from midge bites in Hainan only if you walk along the beach in a wetsuit, high rubber boots or some other clothing that completely covers your skin. But you're unlikely to be interested in spending time at the beach in anything other than your bathing suit. So you have to accept that sand flea attacks are still possible. However, if you follow some tips, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of midge bites on the beach in Hainan. First of all, don't go to the beach when it's raining. Sand fleas are very aggressive when the air is cool and humid. For the same reason, we advise you to stay away from the beach in the early morning, evening and night. Secondly, use insect repellent if you feel that midges are attacking. Third, try to cover yourself when sitting or lying down to avoid bites on your body.




Hainan as it is: sand flies, Chinese relaxation and total mangomania

Text and photo: Marina Ippolitova

Eastern countries have long received the status of the most controversial travel destinations. On the one hand, there is a fascination with something intriguing and exotic, a wow effect and a feeling of “another planet.” And on the other hand, this same feeling hits you in the forehead with all the consequences. Marina Ippolitova, a yoga trainer, shared her experience of a trip to Hainan. Impressions, as expected, are contradictory, but the conclusions will certainly be useful to those wishing to spend their holidays in China.


Beach in Sanya city

Few people will like the huge number of local residents on the general beach area. Personally, this prevented me from feeling unity with nature. Moreover, the coast guard kicked vacationers out of the sea and sent them to swim in specially designated areas, where thousands of Chinese simply could no longer fit on top of each other. But what’s even worse is that all security actions were accompanied by sirens, loudspeakers, quadcopters, jet skis and a huge number of security guards. In reality, I couldn’t shake the feeling that a war had started.

Sand midges

Another disadvantage of beaches is sand flies. You don’t feel their bites right away, but it’s certainly impossible not to notice the reaction to them. At first it looks like a mosquito bite, then they become inflamed, painful and itchy. I couldn’t recover from them for a long time afterwards. So I highly recommend stocking up on repellent before going to the beach.

Chinese cuisine. Spices + salt + sugar

I think for those who support a healthy diet, Chinese cuisine can be a real challenge. Basically, all dishes are spicy, highly salted and with added sugar. For example, it was difficult for me to adapt. More often I bought food in markets or looked for restaurants where the cuisine was close to European. But of course I couldn’t completely deny myself Chinese food. I love this cuisine and have tried some dishes that I wouldn’t order in restaurants at home.


Parks of China

Thousands of trees, stunning flower beds, spring gardens of lilacs and sakura, filled with fragrant aromas. For me, all this turned out to be a place of strength, meditation and relaxation.

Chinese medicine

After taking a course of acupuncture and traditional Chinese massage, drinking herbal infusions, I restored myself after all the city stress and returned home refreshed and filled with energy. So I highly recommend it.


It was pleasant and quite unexpected that a happy accident introduced me to a yoga teacher in China, and I was able to practice on the seashore. And at the end of our practices she gave her own complex for a Russian-speaking group of girls, imagine.


This is my favorite plus of Asian countries. And in Hainan I tried so many mango cakes that I can’t remember them all. You could say that she revealed her addiction and called herself a #mangomaniac.

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