Method of using the drug "Baikal EM-1" in livestock and poultry farming

The aerobic bifidobacteria included in the preparation effectively process bird excrement, generating heat and eliminating bad odors.

It is enough to introduce these hardworking bacteria into the permanent litter of the chicken coop so that the birds feel comfortable even in the most severe Epiphany frosts.

Due to the decomposition of organic matter, the fermentation substrate based on living biobacteria warms up to 35 degrees or more, performing the function of a natural heater.

All deep, permanent bacterial mats work on the same principle; you just need to regularly loosen the top layer of sawdust as you trample it, so that oxygen penetrates into the lower layers.

Review of bedding options for a chicken coop with bacteria

Preparation for chicken coops BioGerm (Germany). It is a light brown powder. Designed for keeping chickens on deep, permanent litter. In addition to bacteria, the product also contains special fragrances that eliminate unpleasant odors. Consumption of the drug - 100 grams per 2.5 sq.m. BioGerm is applied in two layers: part of the powder is evenly distributed onto sawdust or small shavings 20-25 centimeters thick, spilled with water, then another layer of 20 centimeters is added, the rest of the preparation is added and moistened with water again.

After just a couple of hours, the chickens can be released onto the finished base. The service life of the drug is up to two years. A kilogram package of Bioherm costs 4 thousand rubles.

Fermentation litter "Netto-Plast" (China) is a modern biological product based on fermented lactic acid and photosynthetic bacteria. Effectively processes bird droppings, while releasing a large amount of heat (temperature on the litter surface is 25 degrees).

Review of popular preparations for bacterial litter

So, as you understand, to make deep litter in a chicken coop, you need to add a bacterial preparation to the bulk organic material. Although the principle of their operation is the same, it is difficult for a novice poultry farmer to choose a product from the wide variety offered by retail outlets. Having studied numerous reviews, we have compiled a rating of the most popular drugs, and we invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

German drug "BioGerm"

The brownish powdery preparation is intended for preparing bacterial litter in a chicken coop. The composition includes beneficial bacteria, as well as special additives that neutralize the unpleasant odor of litter. The drug is applied in two layers under fine sawdust, adhering to the consumption rate of 100 g/1 m2. Chickens can be placed on deep litter 2-3 hours after the bacteria have colonized.

Chinese drug

Numerous reviews from poultry farmers praise this particular drug. It contains fermented milk and photosynthetic microorganisms. After settling on the floor, the bacteria begin to work intensively, generating a lot of heat. The temperature on top of the deep litter is always maintained within +25 o C. Bacteria work well with wood shavings or sawdust. To do this, just mix all the components, and then loosen the mass with a pitchfork once every 4 days. Consumption of the drug – 0.5 kg/10 m2. The lifespan of the litter is 3 years.

Characteristics of the operation of litter with bacteria

For regular, traditional deep litter in a chicken coop, sawdust and straw, as well as any other organic waste, plants and herbs, are enough. However, keeping it on such litter has a significant drawback: when chicken droppings penetrate it, a process of rotting and fermentation occurs due to the development of anaerobic bacteria. As a result, ordinary chickens and broilers can be affected by serious diseases, which are often followed by death. In addition, it is because of pathogenic microorganisms that an unpleasant and pungent odor appears in a chicken’s home.

In order to prevent such consequences, you need a specially developed biological preparation with bifidobacteria, which is able to convert waste into compost and stop the rotting process. However, bacteria for bedding in a chicken coop require a special approach and conditions, which include:

  1. High-quality ventilation. Without it, the chicken coop will be overly humidified due to the heat generated by the bacteria. Condensation attacks the ceiling and walls, so moisture must be eliminated.
  2. High-quality choice of material for building a chicken coop. So, such bedding for chickens is not suitable for chicken coops made of wood and similar materials, because the action of bacteria will be directed towards them. It is better that the room is lined with plastic material. When building a new chicken coop, it is better to use stone.
  3. Loosening the litter. This should be done regularly to prevent the death of bacteria.
  4. The litter must be changed according to the instructions. Fatty humus leads to the appearance of worms, so the litter will not work properly.

Using bedding with bacteria for a chicken coop is not difficult, but it requires a person to be careful and rational.

How does bedding with bacteria work in winter and summer in a home chicken coop: conditions, material

The standard option for winter is straw, sawdust, peat moss. In fact, any organic plant waste is suitable, but only dry ones.

The main feature of such litter is its fragility: chicken droppings get into the straw or moss, causing fermentation and rotting. And under such conditions, pathogenic bacteria begin to develop, which leads to poultry diseases.

Accordingly, the usual options should be changed, and the more often, the greater the number of birds kept in the pens - after 3-5 days. This is not the most pleasant work, and with large areas of farming it is also very difficult and tedious.

When raising chicken, bedding is an essential element. Poultry, especially chickens, should not be kept on a wooden, much less a concrete floor. The substrate provides excellent thermal insulation and prevents numerous colds.

Bedding with bacteria is a much more advanced option. The material used is the same - straw and sawdust, but impregnated with biological preparations containing a large number of beneficial bacteria. The task of the latter is to destroy pathogenic organisms and prevent rotting and fermentation of sawdust.

An additional advantage is that both the fermentation process and the process of destroying the bacteria that caused it are accompanied by the release of heat. The fermentation deep bedding heats up and maintains the temperature up to +36 C. That is, the fermentation bedding also serves as an effective heater.

Material with bacteria requires certain care and preliminary floor preparation. But you will have to change it no more often than every 2-3 years. Caring for it is very simple.

Usually the litter is changed when the old generation of birds is killed and new ones are introduced. At the same time, the entire chicken coop is ventilated, disinfected, the substrate is completely changed and it is repopulated with bacteria.

Advantages and disadvantages

This option has many advantages over the standard solution:

  • Bacteria inhabited in the thickness of the material do not allow pathogenic microorganisms that cause rotting of the material to multiply. At the same time, bird diseases are prevented and the litter itself remains fully functional;
  • Fermentation processes occur with the release of large amounts of heat. The litter maintains a constant temperature - up to +36 C, all year round, that is, not only does the chicken not freeze in winter, but a constant microclimate is maintained all year round;
  • bacteria absorb the odor. For chicken it is not of particular importance, but for the people serving them this quality is an undoubted advantage;
  • regular bedding has to be changed after just a few days, which requires a lot of time and effort. The fermentation system changes only when the poultry house population is updated, and this significantly saves resources and time;
  • both regular litter and fermentation litter are excellent fertilizers, as they accumulate chicken droppings. However, it is quite difficult to store or sell such a volume at once. The fermentation substrate accumulates much more droppings, although the volume is smaller. It is much easier to store and use for its intended purpose.

The material also has disadvantages:

  • the cost of bacterial litter is noticeably higher than that of conventional consumables;
  • to form the substrate you need much more sawdust or straw;
  • eggs are often contaminated.

Read how to make nests for chickens here.

Despite the fact that the cost of a bacterial preparation is really high, this solution still turns out to be much more profitable. For 1 sq. m. of chicken coop requires only 10–50 g of enzymes.

The main advantages of using bedding

Keeping chickens on high-quality deep litter and their advantages can satisfy even the most demanding poultry farmer.

  1. The fermentation substrate is able to generate a larger volume of heat, which frees the farmer from the need to artificially heat the perches. According to user reviews, keeping chickens on biological litter is comfortable. Regardless of the time of year, the warm litter maintains the same temperature (38°C). It follows from this that the chickens will be in a constant satisfactory atmosphere and will not catch infections, diseases, or frostbitten paws.
  2. Bacteria for bedding in the chicken coop occupy all the excess space in the bedding and the poultry house, thereby preventing pathogens from penetrating inside. Thanks to this, there is less pain in the chickens, a more comfortable atmosphere is maintained, and the unpleasant animal odor is not expressed.
  3. There is no need to use additional room for chicken droppings. During the normal process of raising birds, regular cleaning of the house and bedding is necessary. All cleaned out secretions must be somehow neutralized or disposed of. Bacterial fermentation litter does not require this, since after just a few months it turns into compost for fertilizing garden soil and farm fields.
  4. You no longer need to change the litter frequently: once every few years is enough - that’s how long you can use a standard biological substrate.

The main disadvantage to using bedding in a chicken coop is the cost. The price of such pleasure is much higher than when buying sawdust and other waste to build a substrate with your own hands. However, it should be noted that the drug is consumed very slowly: for 1 sq. m of chicken coop, only 1 g of deep substrate with bacteria is enough.


The category of probiotics for broiler chickens and other breeds includes Olin. It contains Bacillus liсheniformis and subtilis in equal proportions. The supplement is produced in powder form and given from the first days of life. Administration scheme:

  • the first 5-7 days – 0.02 g/1 head;
  • second week – 0.025 g/1 head;
  • from three weeks of age - 0.05 g/1 head (3 courses of 7 days with breaks of 3 weeks);
  • before the first oviposition – 0.075 g/1 head for a week;
  • in the 2nd phase of egg production – 0.1 g/1 head (course – 1 week).

Use of biological litter

Fermentation deep litter for chickens has not yet gained sufficient popularity in the CIS countries, but it already has a sufficient number of positive, useful opinions from users who answer the question of how to use litter with bacteria.

  1. Whatever substrate you choose, it is important to thoroughly clean and disinfect the house. It is best to choose a time when preparations for frost are underway or the livestock is changing. The fermentation substrate should be laid in the fall; this is the most optimal option.
  2. You need to treat the barn, feeder, drinking bowls, and ceilings with your own hands using special disinfectants, for example, lime. This is important, because high humidity can cause wood to rot and metal to rust.
  3. For the floor of the chicken coop you will need a regular layer of sawdust and other organic mixtures. The thickness of the bedding layer should not be thinner than 40 cm, since due to the lack of need to change the substrate, it will be trampled.
  4. The prepared litter from waste and sawdust is filled with bacteria, which can be small granules, liquid solutions and powders. How this or that enzymatic substrate works is described in the instructions, as well as how many net grams are needed for 1 square meter. m poultry house.
  5. If the instructions require it, the substrate is poured with liquid. After several days, the product with bacteria is used again for additional watering.

It is necessary to ensure that the bacterial mat is saturated with air. In the absence of oxygen, bio-bacteria will not be able to carry out normal life activities and will die inside the sawdust substrate. To prevent this, you should constantly loosen the substrate and dig it up with a shovel or fork. It is advisable to repeat digging every 3 days.

The temperature of the chicken coop should not be lower than 1°C at the time the bacteria are placed in it, otherwise they will not be able to begin active work. The work of bacteria will lead to a complete transformation of the substrate in a few years. At the very beginning, the compost will be under the litter. When it completely turns into humus, you need to change the substrate. For the fermented litter to be beneficial, all that is required of the farmer is to regularly dig up the top layers of organic waste and change it periodically. Then a dry, warm and comfortable atmosphere will be provided in the poultry house.

Deep bird bedding. Bacteria for bedding in the chicken coop. Bacteria for bedding in the chicken coop.//Honest review. The result of litter with bacteria in the chicken coop, a month has passed.

Step-by-step instructions for starting deep litter

For fermentation bedding in a chicken coop to work effectively, it must be started correctly. In a cold chicken coop, positive results cannot be achieved until all elements of the building are completely insulated. If only chickens live in the barn, maintaining the required temperature is very difficult. We'll have to install a heater. A small number of livestock also has a bad effect on the work of bacteria due to the insufficient amount of litter.

The sequence of work during the launch of bacteria looks like this:

  • After complete cleaning, disinfection and drying, the floor of the chicken coop is covered with sawdust or other similar material. Before compaction, the thickness of the layer should be within 30 cm. Next, the bedding material is trampled down until it reaches the thickness recommended by the bacteria manufacturer.

  • The powdered preparation is evenly scattered over the entire floor area of ​​the chicken coop. You can work without a respirator, since the bacteria are safe for humans.
  • Warm water is filled into a shower head and the sawdust with the scattered preparation is thoroughly watered. It is important that the water does not contain chlorine, otherwise the bacteria will die immediately. It is better to avoid tap water. If you don’t have your own well, you can go to the river or neighbors. Even settled tap water is not suitable for starting bacteria.

  • After wetting the entire floor, the sawdust is thoroughly mixed with a shovel. If straw or hay was used, it is easier to fluff it up with a pitchfork.
  • The functionality of the bacteria is checked on the sixth day. If the temperature inside the litter has increased, it means that microorganisms are alive. Now you can let the chickens into the house.

Throughout the entire period of operation, the deep litter is periodically loosened, and a number of measures are taken to maintain the vital activity of bacteria.

Purpose of bacteria

Manure and droppings that collect in chicken coops release ammonia into the air. As you know, ammonia is a poisonous gas. Due to the increased concentration of gas, the health of the birds becomes worse, and weight gain decreases sharply. Powerful ventilation, which ventilates the room up to 10 times per hour, helps reduce the adverse effects of ammonia. But in winter, additional heating is necessary, because due to frequent ventilation, the temperature in the chicken coop becomes lower. In this regard, the cost per unit of production increases .

Since daily cleaning is carried out in the premises where birds and animals are kept, this also threatens financial costs, which negatively affect the cost of production. When using litter containing bacteria in a chicken coop:

  • Cleaning is done once a month or seasonally. It depends on the breed of livestock and birds.
  • Electrical energy consumption becomes less, since ventilation performs one function - maintaining the required level of humidity. And air purification from ammonia in enclosed spaces occurs with the help of bacteria.
  • Biobacteria heat sawdust to +35 degrees. This allows you not to use heaters in autumn and spring.
  • Fertilizers do not emit unpleasant odors and do not pollute the environment.
  • Fermentation bird litters with bacteria do not cause allergic reactions, so they are harmless to people and animals.

User reviews

Many companies promise anything for the sake of advertising. A poultry farmer buys an expensive drug, hoping to simplify the care of his pets, but in the end it ends up being a waste of money. There are two reasons for the inactivity of the fermentation bed: poor-quality preparation or violation of the technology for starting and caring for bacteria. Let's read the reviews of several users who have already tried the miracle drug on home farms.

  • Reduces culling and mortality;
  • Increases appetite;
  • Prevents pecking;
  • Reduces the level of odor (ammonia) in the room;
  • increases behavioral activity.

The principle of operation of the litter

Simple bedding consists of straw and sawdust.
With such a substrate, various microorganisms develop in chicken droppings, and then it begins to rot, releasing unpleasant odors. Because of this, birds often get sick and sometimes die. Specially developed preparations containing beneficial biobacteria prevent the process of decay. All preparations (Netto-plats, Biodor, Animal Farm) contain the same live biobacteria, which work on the same principle. By interacting with oxygen, they process droppings into valuable compost. The only difference between them is the brand. Therefore, how high quality the drug turns out to be depends on the price and integrity of the manufacturer.

Required conditions

The rules for medications specified in the instructions must be strictly followed. This will help microorganisms do their job more efficiently.

  • Bacteria begin to work only when the room temperature is positive. Therefore, in the cold season it is increased, and the temperature on the floor should not be below zero.
  • Before laying the bird litter, leave it in a warm room for several days to warm it up.
  • Bacteria are activated only in the sawdust layer. It should be about 15 cm thick. The thicker it is, the longer it will take to warm up.
  • To save natural sawdust, you can add chopped straw or seed husks. Bacteria cannot grow in additives; that requires wood. Therefore, the amount of additives should not exceed more than 30%.
  • Large sawdust will not have time to be sufficiently saturated with manure, and small sawdust will quickly be trampled, which threatens poor bacterial growth. The most suitable are medium-sized sawdust (no more than 3 cm long).
  • The layer thickness specified in the instructions must be strictly observed. This figure shows to what level the bedding layer is compacted by animals. For example, in order for the thickness of the compacted layer to be 20 cm, the thickness of the layer of fresh sawdust must be more than 30 cm.
  • Bacteria are evenly poured onto the litter and mixed. Thick litter consists of several layers. The layer of sawdust is alternated several times with a layer of bacteria, mixing them each time. At the same time, the material consumption per 1 square meter remains the same.

Step-by-step instructions for a new warm bedding

The scheme of action when creating bedding is somewhat different. However, the preparatory work remains the same in all cases.

  • The chicken coop is thoroughly ventilated, cleaned and disinfected. Such work can only be carried out in the absence of birds. As a rule, disinfection is performed when changing livestock.

Farmers believe that the best time to change or lay litter is mid-autumn.

  • Renew lime plaster or whitewash on the walls and ceiling, carefully treat feeders, drinking bowls, and equipment. The enzyme bed produces quite a lot of heat. In winter, such a temperature difference provokes the release of condensation. Because of this, the wood begins to rot and the iron begins to rust.
  • Before laying, the floors are dried and, if necessary, heated. When laying bedding, the room temperature must be at least +1 C, otherwise bacteria will not be able to activate.
  • A layer of sawdust shavings, moss, peat, sunflower husks and other things is distributed over the surface of the pens. The layer thickness varies from 27 to 40 cm.
  • The drug is distributed over the surface of the litter - in dry or liquid form. If necessary, water with water. The dose of the drug is indicated in the instructions. In some cases, it is recommended to alternately lay bedding material and the drug.

You cannot lay an enzymatic layer on a wooden floor. Wood is the same habitat for bacteria as sawdust or straw, and the drug will act on the material as it does on straw - trying to turn it into compost.

Rules for using biobacteria and how you can care for old litter with your own hands

In order for the enzyme bedding to perform its functions, it requires certain care.

If the humidity has increased sharply, the litter should be loosened and superphosphate should be sprinkled on top - 1 kg per 1 sq. m. m, and then add a new layer of sawdust or straw.

These procedures are much simpler than completely changing the substrate.

  1. The chicken coop must have good ventilation. The material absorbs odor, but problems arise on the other side: the layer generates a lot of heat, which in winter leads to condensation. It is better to prevent this by organizing good ventilation of the room, especially in winter.
  2. Bacteria require oxygen to thrive. Periodically - once every 5-6 days, the litter must be loosened with a pitchfork to its full depth. At the same time, allowing oxygen to penetrate into the thickness of the material and bacteria work more actively.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the material. The normal figure is 25%. E
  4. If deep litter is used, the stocking density should not exceed 5 individuals per 1 sq. m. Otherwise, under the mass of the bird, the material becomes so compact that oxygen stops penetrating into the thickness of the material and the bacteria will die, and you will have to replant/replant.

This material will tell you how to make a mini chicken coop.

In 1.5–3 years, the substrate completely turns into compost. The material does not need to be further processed, but can be immediately used as fertilizer.

Bacteria Care

Sometimes the efficiency of bacteria becomes less effective or they stop reproducing altogether. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly care for them:

  • Time . It takes time for the bacteria to start working, so don’t rush too much and loosen the top layer.
  • Humidity . Bacteria do not tolerate increased humidity well, although they release it in large quantities during work. The power of the installed ventilation equipment and the location of the supply and exhaust openings must correspond to the design features of the room.
  • Dryness . On hot summer days, the litter should not be allowed to dry out. Dry droppings are moistened with plain water.
  • Number of birds . When placing birds in a chicken coop, you must adhere to the rules. Too many or too few birds stocked per square meter of litter will have a detrimental effect on the bacteria. When there are many birds in a room, they trample down the bedding, which stops the air supply and kills bacteria. To prevent this from happening, you need to dig regularly. In addition, it will be difficult for them to cope with the processing of large amounts of litter. There is much less litter if there are few birds in the coop. In this case, the bacteria will starve and sometimes die. The problem can be corrected by adding litter. The norm for planting chickens is no more than five heads per 1 square meter.
  • Digging . Digging of the litter is done depending on its appearance. During work, not only the top crust is dug up, but also the entire layer.
  • Feeding . The bacteria must not be allowed to starve. Therefore, they are constantly fed. A tablespoon of bacteria is mixed with a kilogram of sugar and left for about two hours. After digging, the litter is watered with the prepared solution.
  • Chemical substances . It is forbidden to treat the litter with chemicals to kill rodents and insects. For bacteria it is poison.

Why do you need bedding on the floor of a chicken coop?

The need for bedding arises in winter, when the birds' paws begin to freeze on the bare floor. It is organized with a mound of dry crushed material of organic origin: straw, hay, sawdust, seed husks. Without bedding inside the chicken coop it is impossible to organize a warm floor, even if it is made of boards.

If beneficial bacteria are additionally populated into a thick layer of organic matter, their vital activity will be accompanied by the release of heat. Additional heating of the chicken coop will prevent the occurrence of colds in birds. The chickens will feel comfortable. Egg production will remain at the same level.

How do bacteria work in a chicken coop?

Regular bacteria-free bedding is useful as long as it is not contaminated with droppings. Cleanliness does not take long to maintain. Droppings caught in dry organic matter begin to ferment due to putrefactive bacteria. Dirty litter must be urgently changed, which leads to high costs.

Important! Regular litter contaminated with droppings is a breeding ground for pathogens. It does more harm than good. The chickens are starting to get sick. Sometimes there is a loss of livestock.

Specially colonized bacteria also process droppings, but without the process of rotting. Additionally, they generate heat inside the chicken coop. Bacterial or fermentation litter forms compost that is completely harmless to the health of chickens.

In order for the colonized bacteria to act, they are provided with the proper conditions:

  • Effective ventilation. Bacteria require oxygen. In addition, the process of their life activity is accompanied by the release of a large amount of dampness along with heat. Lack of ventilation will lead to increased humidity levels inside the coop.
  • Poultry house material. Bacteria process all organic matter. This also includes wood. When using fermentation bedding, the floor and walls of the chicken coop should not be covered with boards. It is better to make the floor stone or concrete, line the walls with plastic, but do not forget about laying insulation on all structural elements.
  • Bacteria live as long as oxygen is allowed. The litter is loosened with a pitchfork, preventing its compaction.
  • After the end of its service life, the litter must be changed. Recycled organic matter becomes fatty humus. Inside such a mass, optimal conditions are created for the life of worms.

Important! The temperature inside the organic fermentation layer reaches + 50 °C. On the surface of the litter the temperature is constantly maintained up to + 27 °C.

The large heat release partially solves the problem of heating the chicken coop. Additionally, ammonia released by droppings is eliminated indoors.


  1. Enzymatic litter for home use contains beneficial live bacteria (biobacteria, bio), which help destroy pathogens and fungi.
  2. It is based on ordinary bedding material - straw, sawdust, sunflower husks (raw sunflower cake, sunflower seeds), impregnated with special bacterial preparations. The bedding is made (made) independently.
  3. Bacteria prevent the processes of fermentation and decay of the material, on the one hand, and contribute to the transformation of chicken manure into compost, on the other.
  4. The substrate serves as a thermostat: fermentation processes proceed with the release of a large amount of heat. The layer of material is capable of maintaining temperatures from 25 to 35 C.
  5. The deep litter with bacteria is designed for long-term use - for 2-3 years without replacement. Once removed, the material can be used as fertilizer without further processing.
  6. The cost of bacterial preparations is considerable. However, the product is used very sparingly: from 10 to 50 g per 1 square meter. m. area.

Read about heating a chicken coop in winter at this link.

What is the depth

There are a number of serious requirements for bedding material:

  • flowability;
  • excellent absorption and long-term retention of moisture and odors;
  • looseness.

Depending on the thickness of the layer, the litter can be thin or deep. The latter is often called irreplaceable.

Deep litter for chicken coop

The concept of irremovable does not mean that organic matter will forever lie on the floor of the chicken coop. The litter is considered winter. The floor has been covered with organic matter since September, when the weather is still sunny and dry. The layer thickness is 30-50 cm.

Completely remove organic matter from the chicken coop in the spring after the frosts have ended. Throughout the winter, the bedding layer works for the benefit of the birds. During loosening, the droppings mix with loose organic matter, move, and generate heat. When the thickness of the layer begins to decrease, add a new portion of filler.

Advice! Spent deep litter will make an excellent nitrogen-containing fertilizer.


A thin layer of bedding material is used in the chicken coop in the summer. Its main purpose is to create comfort for chicken feet. The bird will step on the soft mass without making contact with the concrete or stone. Additionally, the thin bedding makes it easier to clean up litter, as it does not stick to the floor surface. The organic layer is replaced 2 times a week in summer.

Using deep litter when raising chickens

When raising poultry using the floor method inside the barn, you definitely need bedding for the chicken coop, especially in winter. Ordinary hay or straw, mixed with droppings, quickly becomes unusable. The dirty mass has to be thrown away after 3–5 days. Modern technologies have made the work of poultry farmers easier. A new type of deep litter contains beneficial bacteria, allowing sawdust to be used on the floor of the chicken coop for more than three years.

The advantage of using bacterial litter is additional and free heating of the poultry house. During operation, bacteria trigger a biological process in the thickness of the sawdust, accompanied by the release of heat. Reviews from poultry farmers say that in cold winter it will not be possible to heat the barn this way, but in late autumn you can do without artificial heating. Microorganisms inhabited in the sawdust heat them to a temperature of approximately +35 o C. Another positive point is that the bacteria neutralize putrefactive microorganisms, and this leads to the slow decomposition of chicken droppings.

Before using bacterial material, you need to properly prepare the floor of the chicken coop. A flat, hard, and most importantly dry surface is required. The litter itself, 15 cm thick, is poured on top of the floor. Any crumbly material of natural origin that has low thermal conductivity, for example, sawdust or husks from sunflower seeds, will do.

Peat has proven itself to be good for bedding. Natural material actively absorbs carbon dioxide and ammonia vapor. Peat is used in pure form or mixed with other material. In southern regions with a stable warm climate, sand is used for bedding.

Periodically, the bedding material on the floor of the poultry house is loosened with a pitchfork to evenly mix it with chicken droppings. Oxygen penetrates better into the loose mass, promoting the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

It is important to monitor the moisture content of the deep litter. According to the psychrometer, the indicator should not exceed 25%. With a sharp increase in humidity, superphosphate is sprinkled onto the loosened substance at the rate of 1 kg/m2, after which a layer of new sawdust or other material is poured.

The bedding material in the chicken coop is changed after slaughtering the old one and before moving in the new flock of birds. This is usually done in the fall. The poultry house is completely cleared of remaining droppings, completely disinfected, dried and thoroughly ventilated. After these procedures, new bedding material is poured into which bacteria colonize.

Reviews from ordinary poultry farmers speak about the disadvantages of using deep litter when keeping chickens. It was noted that this technology requires more sawdust or other material. Egg contamination is common. It is rarely possible to maintain the required microclimate inside the poultry house, which leads to the development of disease in chickens.

How to choose litter for a chicken coop

The most common organic material is sawdust. They absorb moisture well and are well raked out of the chicken coop. Birds in sawdust love to take baths.

Dry peat is considered the best option. The natural material is an antiseptic and, together with moisture, perfectly absorbs odors. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material if you have to buy it. It is convenient to harvest organic matter for poultry farmers whose plots are located near peat bogs.

Dry moss is an excellent moisture absorber. As a last resort, dry leaves from trees will do. Hay and straw are also used for bedding, but both materials do not absorb moisture well.

As for fermentation bedding preparations, they all act the same way, since they contain the same bacteria. The difference is the name of the manufacturers and the price. The main thing when choosing is not to fall for a fake.

Basic selection rules

On the modern livestock market there are enough companies from Europe, Asia, as well as those of domestic origin, offering complexes of beneficial bacteria.

Almost all products are effective, but some rules should still be followed when choosing:

  • the product must have all the necessary certificates and be accompanied by instructions for use;
  • when choosing, you should be guided by the manufacturer’s reputation, as well as reviews from users of the product;
  • do not be guided by price as the main criterion: an expensive product is not always the highest quality;
  • before purchasing a product for the entire chicken coop, it is better to try it on a small part of your pets, carefully observe their behavior;
  • when choosing a product, you must check its expiration date and also take into account the validity period;
  • An important factor when choosing is also the form of release of biological bacteria, which should be taken into account for a specific use case;
  • The products also differ in the active ingredient, which is also an important factor when choosing;
  • Before you buy a product, you need to take into account all the disadvantages of its use.

Did you know? There are three times more chicken species living on the globe than humans.

How to use it correctly

Rules for using fermentation litter are specified in the manufacturer's instructions. They usually involve performing similar actions:

  1. The deep substrate is laid in the fall. Before the procedure, the floor and all equipment are disinfected. Slaked lime is considered the best disinfectant. The powder is scattered on the clean floor. Drinkers, feeders, perches, and the lower part of the walls are washed with lime mortar.
  2. The floor of the chicken coop is covered with loose organic matter. The thickness of the layer is about 40 cm. You cannot make it thinner, since the organic matter will still be trampled down.
  3. Bacteria are produced in granules, powders and liquid. Regardless of their shape, they are populated inside a loose substrate. The dosage is indicated on the packaging of the biological product.
  4. If the instructions require that the substrate be moistened after the bacteria have colonized, the organic layer is evenly watered with water from a watering can.

As the organic matter settles, it is loosened with a pitchfork or rake. There must be a constant supply of oxygen inside the fermentation substrate, otherwise bacteria will not be able to develop. Typically, the frequency of loosening is once every 3 days.

Immediately after the start of bacteria, a positive temperature is maintained inside the chicken coop. Waste processed into compost will settle in the bottom layer. The upper layers are loosened and new organic matter is added. When all the substrate has become compost, it is raked out for replacement.

How long is it enough?

Advertising from many manufacturers promises up to 3 years of operation of the litter. In practice, it is impossible to create conditions close to ideal for bacteria inside a home chicken coop. After about a month, the process weakens. The organic matter is colonized with a new portion of bacteria, but only half the norm. With the onset of spring, all the substrate is cleaned from the chicken coop.

Advice! The fermentation substrate is in demand by chicken coop owners who have problems with waste storage. If there is a lot of space, and hay or sawdust is not in short supply, then the floor inside the chicken coop can be covered without introducing bacteria.

The best manufacturers

There are few domestic drugs on the market. Bacteria from foreign manufacturers are more common. According to reviews, the best biological products are:

  1. Baikal. The domestic biological product is sold in all garden stores. The bacteria make the substrate dry and warm, ideal for broilers and layers.
  2. BioGerm. The German biological product is produced in light brown granules. In addition to bacteria, the product contains special additives - fragrances that block bad odors inside the chicken coop.
  3. Netto-Plast. The Chinese biological product contains lactic acid bacteria, as well as synthetic enzymes. The action of the product is considered rather weak. Heat generation is limited to a temperature of + 25 ° C, but this is enough to keep laying hens. It is convenient for bacteria to colonize the chicken coop substrate in the summer.
  4. Bioside. The domestic drug is an analogue of the Chinese drug. Once the bacteria have colonized, there is no need to water the substrate. The heating temperature of organic matter reaches + 20 °C.

Biological products work on the same principle. There is no point in looking for expensive imported analogues. The main thing is to avoid buying a fake.

The video shows deep litter:


Lactobifadol is one of the most famous names among farmers. This chicken probiotic contains:

  • bifidobacteria and acidophilus bacteria;
  • organic acids;
  • microelements and vitamins;
  • amino acid complex.

The recipe does not use hormones, antibiotics or growth stimulants. The drug is a free-flowing white or light brown powder. Packaging options: bags of 1.2, 10 kg, etc. Simultaneous use with antibiotics is allowed (strains are resistant to their action).

This probiotic is suitable for broiler chickens from the first days of life. It is also recommended for laying hens:

  • increases egg production;
  • increases egg mass;
  • strengthens the shell.

Duration of administration - from the first days of life until the 30th day from the start of egg laying. For the first 10 days, the mixture is given in double dosage (2 kg/1 ton of feed). In the future – 1 kg/1 ton. The drug is also used in the future - during stress, after treatment, before and after vaccination. Dose – 2 kg/1 ton of feed. For a small number of birds, the dosage is calculated as follows: 3 g/10 kg of live weight.

Reviews of bacteria for the chicken coop

Valentina Tikhonovna Ignatenko, 43 years old, Voronezh Tried to colonize Netto-Plast bacteria. At first the drug began to work, but after a month the process slowed down. I had to add a new portion, but I didn’t have any. I considered such a substrate expensive for my chicken coop, since you also need to buy sawdust along with the preparation. Sergey Ivanovich Saenko, 52 years old, Rostov region This is the second season I have been using the domestic drug “Baikal”. Laying hens are comfortable in a small 2 x 3 barn. The underlay serves as additional heating in winter. By spring, a lot of dampness accumulates just under the bottom layer. You have to thoroughly dry the chicken coop.

Baikal EM-1 application

The strains of beneficial microorganisms contained in Baikal EM-1 after preliminary preparation (in a nutrient solution) activate the activity of beneficial microflora, accelerate the processes of humus formation, and to some extent, due to the competition of the nutrient medium, suppress the reproduction of pathogens of fungal and bacterial plant diseases.

A solution based on EM preparations is used to create more favorable conditions for plant growth, increase general immunity, reduce the growth of pathogenic microflora, water the soil or any organic residues (in a compost heap or a layer of organic matter in beds): to accelerate the decomposition of peelings, peels, green mown grass and hay, small branches, straw, tree bark, tops. As a result, nutrients in the soil become more available to plants.


  • On open ground, all treatments should be carried out before frost (soil temperature not lower than 10°C).
  • Only moistened soil can be watered with Baikal EM-1 solution.
  • Use only fresh solution and pay attention to shelf life.
  • High-quality Baikal EM-1 has a pleasant yeasty smell, slightly sour, leavened, but not vinegary, not sour, not putrid, and not tart!
  • Do not buy a drug that has been in the store for more than 4 months from the date of manufacture.
  • After preparing the working solution (dilute the concentrate with water), it must be used immediately and not stored.

Baikal EM-1 instructions

Packaging from LLC “EM-Cooperation”
Dilute EM preparations only with water that does not contain chlorine! The acidity of the EM preparation (pH) is 2.8-3.5.

Consumption rates for finished concentrate

The Baikal EM-1 solution, which is available as a liquid concentrate in white plastic bottles with a capacity of 100, 250, 500 and 1000 ml, cannot be added without dilution! It already has a nutrient medium for microorganisms - there is no need to add molasses, sugar or honey, just dilute it with water:

  • to treat seeds before sowing, dilute the contents of the bottle 1:1000 and soak the seeds for 30-60 minutes
  • To prepare the soil, dilute the contents of the bottle 1:1000 and thoroughly water the soil at the rate of 3 liters of working solution per 1 square meter. m of land: 7-10 days before planting in spring or immediately after harvesting
  • for leaf spraying of young seedlings, dilute Baikal EM1 in a ratio of 1:2000 and spray the leaves every 7-10 days
  • for leaf spraying and watering of mature vegetative plants, dilute the EM preparation in a ratio of 1:1000 and spray or water every 10-14 days; It is useful to treat plants that are in unfavorable conditions (hypothermia, change of location, signs of diseases in alternation with fungicides, etc.), the application rate is 2-3 liters per 1 sq. m. m of land
  • to accelerate the decomposition of organic residues, dilute microbiological fertilizer in a ratio of 1:100 and water the compost heap at the rate of 5 liters per 1 square meter. m, keep in mind that the solution lingers in the upper 15-20 cm of the processed organic matter, i.e. it is advisable not to water a large pile with a large amount of solution, but to lay it in layers, alternating them with watering the EM preparation, then be sure to cover it with film
  • To prepare greenhouses for planting, the manufacturer recommends diluting Baikal EM1 in a concentration of 1:100 a week before planting vegetables and spilling the soil at the rate of 1 liter per 1 square meter. m of area, in the fall you can water the soil after harvesting

How to breed Baikal EM-1

If you are preparing a solution for indoor flowers in a small amount, it is easier to use a medical syringe: for a dilution of 1:1000, take:

  • 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water (1:1000)
  • 5 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water (1:1000)
  • 10 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water (1:1000)
  • 100 ml per 10 liters of water (1:100)

At a concentration of 1:100, you can prepare the soil in pots, similar to greenhouse treatments: 10 ml of Baikal per 1 liter of water.

This should be done in such cases: if you have flooded the plant, the roots have rotted, you take the plant out of the pot, inspect and remove the rot, rinse the root system in a solution of a fungicide, for example, phytosporin. And scatter the soil in which the plant was growing on a tray and place it in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 200°C. Then pour into a basin, cool to room temperature and first moisten with boiled water (until slightly damp, but not damp), then water with Baikal EM-1 solution (at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water). Leave for about 1 month at room temperature, covering with film, but not too tightly, and periodically moistening with a spray bottle - the earth should not dry out! After 4 weeks, other plants can be planted in this soil again (adding other components if necessary).

If you need to dilute a large amount of Baikal’s working solution, you simply dilute the contents of the bottle in a container of suitable volume: a basin, bucket, watering can, bathtub or plastic barrel. Avoid using galvanized containers.

Health in poultry farming with the help of Baikal EM1

With intensive technologies, feed antibiotics came into poultry farming, intended for constant feeding of poultry. In recent years, attitudes towards antibiotics have changed, because... negative consequences of their use were discovered. They can accumulate in food products, and then in the body of people who consume these products, contribute to the emergence of resistant forms of microbes, reduce the effectiveness of medications and cause other negative processes.

To reduce the negative impact of pathogenic microflora that enters the gastrointestinal tract of poultry with feed, it is recommended to populate it with lactic acid bacteria from the first days of life, so the search for new effective drugs that improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is relevant. Such drugs include Baikal-EM1.

In order to test the effectiveness of the influence of Baikal EM1 on the poultry body and production indicators in poultry farming, a production experiment was carried out. During the experiment, in the experimental batch of birds 21 days old, small and weak chickens were culled (initially there were 50 birds in the cages). Rejection was carried out into an adjacent cage until the end of cultivation.

The experimental group was watered during the entire period of detention from vacuum drinkers with the addition of water 2-3 times a day. With the use of such a watering system until the end of broiler rearing, there is a high probability of re-infection of the birds and an increase in mortality. Feeding of the control group of birds was carried out from days 1 to 14 - manually, from days 15 to 42 - stationary. Feeding of the experimental group from the beginning to the end of cultivation was carried out manually. The diet and feeding standards in the experimental and control groups were identical. Antibiotics were added to the water only in the control group of birds. Baikal EM1 was added to the experimental group of birds: in the water - from 1 to 10 days in the amount of 0.15 ml/bird. per day, in feed - from 11 to 42 days in the amount of 0.5 ml/head. per day For disinfection purposes, paraform was added to the feed, which has a detrimental effect on the microorganisms of the EM drug and significantly reduces its activity, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the bird’s body and diseases, because The action of the EM drug is aimed at initially populating the bird’s intestines with beneficial microflora and its further work to increase the bird’s immunity at the expense of the body.

Bird safety

Group Planted goal. Head mortality during the growing period Consumption % Heads culled during the growing period. Rejected % Experiment 200 18 91 8 4.0 Control 13,060 1,404 89.3 686 5.2 Deaths in the experimental and control groups were certified by a veterinarian indicating an approximate diagnosis. Poultry weighing result

Date Age days
Norm g Experiment g Control g 07.08 7 130 121 118 14.08 14 285 238 238 21.08 21 565 446 457 28.08 28 890 812 866 04.09 35 1260 1197 1240 11.09 42 1680 1561 1576 During the growing period avg. days weight gain g 36.3 36.7 The birds of the experimental group were weighed once a week. All the bird-heads were weighed. Weighing of the control group was carried out according to the technology on average in the hall of 20 birds from several cages in different places, depending on the weight of the birds planted using a random sampling method. During the period of raising broilers, the regional veterinary laboratory conducted a biochemical blood test. The results of a biochemical blood test show that in the experimental group of broilers there is an additional intake of digestible protein from the feed into the body due to its better absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and the tendency to increase protein with age becomes more significant. In the control group, there is less absorption of protein from feed, and with age, protein intake decreases even more. Based on the research results, the following conclusions can be drawn: - The safety of poultry heads during the growing period in the experimental group is higher than in the control group by 1.7%. — At 42 days, broilers in the experimental group weighed 16 grams less than in the control group, which can be explained by the error of the chosen weighing technique. — The average daily weight gain in the control group over 42 days was 0.4% higher than in the experimental group. — The percentage of culling during the growing period in the experimental group is 1.25% lower, which may be due to the effect of the EM drug. — The absorption of protein from feed in birds of the experimental group is significantly higher than in the control group. — In the experimental group, the indicators of the main blood components are close to normal, which indicates a healthier state of the bird’s body. — The immunity of birds in the experimental group is significantly higher than in the control group. The indicators for raising broilers in the experimental group would be more significant if the technology of keeping, watering, and feeding was followed. Interesting article? Please share it with others:

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