Ultrasonic bedbug repeller - 6 models, comparison (table)

Three decades ago, homeowners stopped complaining about “bothersome neighbors” – bedbugs. Today, the incidence of insects in residential areas has increased by 10%. Experts believe that the reason for the phenomenon is the appearance of insects that are immune to insecticidal substances. New methods of combating parasites are also being developed, not least of which is the ultrasonic bedbug repeller.

Types of devices

There are various bedbug repellers on the market today. The basic difference between the devices is the principle of their operation.


The operating principle of an ultrasonic bedbug repeller is as follows: the ultrasound generated by the device spreads throughout the apartment or house, forming light vibrations in the air. Insects are very sensitive to such phenomena: cavitation or cell rupture is observed in the pest’s body. The parasite cannot exist in such conditions and leaves its previous habitat.

Ultrasound against bedbugs in relatively cheap installations has a number of disadvantages:

  • the sound wave is distributed over a short distance;
  • the sound intensity decreases with distance from the source;
  • the frequency pulse is not able to overcome obstacles: furniture and other objects;
  • You can evaluate the result of the device only after 14-20 days.


The operating principle of an electromagnetic bedbug repeller is to produce an electromagnetic field that affects the nervous system of insects: individuals begin to suffer from panic syndrome.

The action of the device spreads evenly throughout the entire territory; walls and furniture do not interfere with the magnetic field in any way. This is the basic advantage of the models over their predecessors.


The effect of the combined action electronic bedbug repeller impresses its owners. The device is capable of producing ultrasound and magnetic waves alternately, having a double negative effect on pests. For obvious reasons, the models described are considered the most effective in the fight against parasites.

Scented repellers

Such a device for repelling bedbugs is otherwise called a fumigator. The product is a special plate impregnated with an aromatic composition, which, when heated, emits an odor unpleasant to insects. The method is effective for a short time, since a well-fed bug can temporarily disappear from the alarming zone; when hungry, it is able to put up with the fetid aroma.

Repellent fumigators can be useful before using radical methods.

This method of struggle is also relevant in a number of other circumstances.:

  • when it is not possible to carry out disinfestation;
  • if it is impossible to use an electronic repeller.

The plate works simply: you need to insert it into the nearest outlet. It is preferable that the device be placed closer to the floor surface.

Attention! If there is a large infestation of bedbugs, fumigators will not solve the problem - it is worth resorting to more effective methods.

Review of popular models

Ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices are recommended for use in premises for various purposes, including kitchens, bedrooms and storerooms.

Typhoon LS-500

The ultrasonic repeller Typhoon LS-500 will cope not only with bedbugs, but also with cockroaches, covering an area of ​​up to 80 m2. The operating principle of the Typhoon repeller is based on the operation of a special microcircuit that constantly changes the frequency and duration of ultrasonic pulses, which guarantees that insects will not adapt to them.

The device will protect the house from uninvited guests such as bedbugs and cockroaches

Ultrasound does not pass through walls, thick fabric, doors or other obstructions, so you will most likely need to use one device for each room. The required effect, according to the developers, is achieved in the second to fourth week from the moment the gadget is turned on.

Tornado OTAR-2

The universal device Tornado OTAR-2 repels not only bedbugs, but also cockroaches, fleas, ants and spiders. This ultrasonic device is easy to use and provides additional light exposure to insects.

OTAR-2 is reliable and easy to use

The best result is achieved when installing the device in an open space and at a height of one to one and a half meters above the floor. A slight deviation of the repeller relative to the vertical axis is acceptable. The room should be treated again after a week.

EcoSniper LS-919

A universal ultrasonic device that works against bedbugs and other insects. LS-919 will help get rid of pests by treating the room with powerful pulses of ultra-high frequency sound waves, which provoke stress and panic attacks in parasites. As a result, bedbugs move away from the device’s coverage area.

Ultrasonic waves emitted by LS-919 cause panic attacks and stress in parasites

EcoSniper LS-919 operates from a standard electrical network. The maximum effect is achieved after two to five weeks of constant operation of the device. When installing the gadget, you should take into account that carpets, walls and upholstered furniture prevent the propagation of ultrasound.

Hawk MT-04

The manufacturer emphasizes that the Hawk covers an area of ​​up to 150 m2 and can operate in one of three modes. The first is the most effective fixed-frequency mode, but with the risk of insects becoming accustomed to the radiation. The second is the effect of rapid frequency conversion, which does not cause adaptation in bedbugs. The third mode is a slow frequency conversion with no addiction and a long-lasting effect.

The device can operate in three manually switchable modes

Hawk MT-04 can be used in premises for various purposes.

WK 0600 CIX Weitech

The ultrasonic repeller WK 0600 CIX Weitech is a rare device in terms of parameters such as price and quality, which can be classified as professional. This statement is based on the carefully thought-out design of the device, high-quality components and the impressive power of the gadget.

Repeller WK 0600 CIX Weitech can easily be classified as a professional gadget

WK 0600 CIX Weitech contains two sensors, which gives a wider radiation pattern, and can operate in nine modes, which allows you to select the most optimal level of impact on pests. For the first two weeks, continuous operation of the device is recommended. After this, the emitter is turned on at night for preventive purposes.

Pest Reject

The Pest Reject bedbug repeller operates in ultrasound and magnetic resonance radiation modes, which leads to nervous exhaustion of insects and forces them to leave the coverage area of ​​the device.

The device can operate in both ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation modes

Pest Reject is positioned by manufacturers and dealers as an ultra-compact, but powerful and versatile means of pest control, including bedbugs. The brand has been successfully advertised, and the low cost of the gadget attracts buyers like a magnet. However, it is worth considering that the manufacturer can supply only the cheapest components to a device costing 400–500 rubles, and this fact alone causes conflicting opinions. Reviews from the majority of consumers of this repeller only increase doubts about its effectiveness.

Table: comparative characteristics of the most popular bedbug repellers

Device modelPower consumption (W)Emitted frequency range (kHz)Ultrasonic pressure level (dB)Effective area (m2)Price, rub)
Typhoon LS-500420–5095801100
Tornado OTAR-21,62080501000
EcoSniper LS-9191,521–2575180–2001000
Hawk MT.04220801502000
WK0600 CIX Weitech0,42–501153255000–7000
Pest Reject52085200450

These parameters (except for the cost of the device) are indicated by the manufacturers and may differ from the actual ones.

Do they help?

The effectiveness of an ultrasonic bedbug repeller is often questioned. It is difficult for a non-professional to determine how effective an electronic device is.

To correctly assess the situation, it is worth mentioning several nuances:

  • Not a single instruction manual for the device states “effective against bedbugs.” The buyer guesses about the intended effect by looking at the packaging with rodents, cockroaches, fleas and other pests depicted on it. The manufacturer only supports the owners in their desire to quickly cope with the problem and recommends using an electric repeller in tandem with other methods of control;
  • the devices were initially used to combat mosquitoes, then manufacturers assumed a similar negative effect of the devices on bedbugs;
  • mosquitoes are sensitive to ultrasound: they transmit a signal to their relatives, stop reacting normally to what is happening, experience discomfort and leave the room. The situation is different with bedbugs: ultrasound has a greater effect only on mature individuals of pests, young animals are much more sensitive to odors;
  • devices of low and medium price categories are not able to affect individuals that are hidden in an outlet, under a baseboard or mattress. It is not at all possible to get rid of bed bugs behind a wall using equipment;
  • the action of ultrasonic or magnetic resonance devices cannot be continuous: the devices are turned off for a while, which gives insects the opportunity to continue to live in an apartment or house.

Based on the above facts, we can confirm the idea of ​​the questionable effectiveness of the method. The need to use additional pest control measures (insecticides, etc.) becomes obvious.

Why ultrasonic repellers are a myth

Like many insects, bedbugs use smells rather than sounds to communicate and feed. These insects have a sense of smell that any dog ​​will envy - it is by smell that they find their victims, places to build nests and ways to enter the apartment.

But their other senses are greatly dulled, so they are unable to listen to ultrasound. This is why ultrasonic repellents against bedbugs are absolutely useless.

The commercial success of these devices is explained by the trust of consumers in technology, fear of “chemistry” and, of course, the unscrupulousness of sellers who are ready to attribute any properties to their products.

Remember: ultrasonic waves cannot repel, kill, disrupt the reproduction cycle, or otherwise affect bed bugs in any way. This is pure myth, as evidenced by numerous reviews from deceived customers.

How to use

The instructions for using an ultrasonic bedbug repeller are simple. You must remove the equipment from its packaging, connect it to a power source, or use batteries. Then you have to select the desired mode (usually there are 2 or 3) and leave the device to work until the pests completely disappear.

It is important not to forget to periodically turn off the bedbug repeller in order to prevent it from burning out. The device should be used for a long time (at least 2-3 weeks). Experts recommend changing the operating mode of the device to prevent individuals from becoming addicted.

Attention! When purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the range. When installing the device in a large room, it becomes necessary to purchase several devices.

Folk remedies for bedbugs

Any grandmother at the entrance will tell you her proven recipe for getting rid of these bloodsuckers. It’s up to you to decide whether to follow her advice or not. To be fair, it is worth noting that there are truly effective folk remedies that successfully repel the parasite.

  • Knitting made from wormwood. Both dry and dried raw materials are suitable. It is laid out wherever possible, especially under the mattress and bed. It would be a good idea to place the grass near ventilation, in corners and near doors so that insects do not come running from neighbors. It is very good to prepare wormwood infusion and wash floors with it, as well as treat all surfaces and baseboards.
  • Tansy knit. This plant has exactly the same effect on parasites. They should be placed by analogy with wormwood.
  • Vinegar, denatured alcohol, kerosene are powerful agents whose smell will repel the parasite. But this remedy is quite outdated, and is also not harmless to the human body.
  • Geranium. This beautiful plant has a specific smell that bedbugs also cannot stand.

As already mentioned, these methods are not able to completely rid you of bedbugs, but they will provide significant assistance. In addition, they are perfect as preventive measures.

Are they harmful to humans?

Manufacturers claim that ultrasonic repellers are absolutely safe for humans. To clarify the situation, it is worth understanding how ultrasound affects humans and animals. Representatives of humanity are not able to hear the signal, since their hearing aids are designed for other frequencies.

When describing sound waves, we should mention not only the frequency, but also the pressure of the sound wave. Modern equipment “works” with ultrasound, the pressure of which ranges from 72 to 100 dB. This indicator is safe for humans: their hearing aid does not suffer from sound pressure within the specified limits. Exceeding the values ​​can cause pain in the owners.

Fumigators and sections for bedbugs

Since scent-based products have a temporary effect, they can be used, but for this it is important to know in what cases to use them:

  • if you have to spend the night in a dubious place where there is a possibility of a bug bite;
  • at home when it is not possible to destroy bedbugs immediately.

Such a product must be placed close to the bed, either by plugging it into an outlet, or by hanging it directly on the bed, if we are talking about suspended sections. Well-known fumigators and sections are Raid, Raptro, Moskitol.


Immediately after purchasing the apartment, it was unexpected news to discover bedbugs and moths in it. We bought raptor sections and hung them everywhere we could. The lavender smell affected the moth, it was gone, but the bugs did not go away. I had to turn to the services of the SES. They brought everything to us. Ivanna, Krasnodar

It is important to know

Before buying different repellents, it is important to check if there are any parasites in your bed. To do this, you need to shake out the entire bed, including the mattress. Otherwise, the parasites will still get to you.

Harm of ultrasound for pets: yes or no

The hearing aids of rodents and some other types of pets are able to perceive ultrasound against bedbugs. Sound pressure can also have a negative impact on pets. Rodents react especially sharply to the “new neighbor”: they change in behavior, experience pain, anxiety, and become uncontrollable near a working device.

Therefore, among the pets that can be repelled by ultrasound:

  • hamsters;
  • Guinea pigs;
  • tame rats and other types of rodents.

Cats, dogs, parrots living in the house do not react in any way to the operation of the equipment.

Attention! There are models that, when operating, emit not only ultrasonic waves, but also ordinary sound waves. These devices can cause discomfort in pets and owners.

Scale of the problem

One of the main misconceptions people have about bedbugs is that the vast majority of people believe that bedbugs live on the object of their parasitism. In fact, this is far from the case.

Bed bugs do not live on a dog or cat; they live where the parasitizing object most often appears. And, alas, this is usually the home of the animal's owners. Bedbugs live and breed in tiny cracks in floors or carpets. With an average insect size of 1.5-2 millimeters, entire colonies of tiny bedbugs can live alongside people for decades. At the same time, people will never see them anywhere except in the fur of their pet.

Bedbugs do not live on animal fur; they jump on it from time to time to drink its blood. And one more very important point - if you look at the animal’s fur, it may seem that there are not so many bedbugs, but you need to understand that these are not all insects! This is only a tiny part of them, and all the rest are jumping somewhere around the house in search of food.

What is ultrasound

Humans have a limited hearing range. The human ear can perceive sound in the frequency range from 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz. Sound purity below 20 hertz is subtonal sound or infrasound, and above 20 kilohertz is ultrasound.

A person is not sensitive to such waves because the eardrum of his ear is not capable of vibrating as quickly as ultrasound. Sound above 20 kHz is at a very high frequency, so its waves are much more powerful than normal ones in terms of impact on objects.

What is the best way to replace repellers?

In any case, bedbugs in the apartment should not be repelled, but destroyed: if they are infested in the room, they will bite constantly. Therefore, scaring them away is only a temporary measure that allows you to hold out until:

  • the use of special insecticidal agents (Get, Executioner, Klopoveron, Dichlorvos-Neo, Tetrix, Cucaracha and others are considered quite effective);

  • freezing bedbugs or burning them out with steam or industrial hair dryers;
  • calling exterminators who will carry out the extermination faster and more reliably than the residents themselves, and after disinfestation they will also give a guarantee that bedbugs will not appear in the house in the near future.

Thus, when choosing means to combat bedbugs, it is better not to look at repellers and not to read their encouraging advertising. This way, the likelihood of purchasing a truly reliable bedbug remedy will be much higher.

If you also have experience using a repeller to combat bedbugs, be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box below. Perhaps it will help other people make the right choice.

Night video recording: an example of the ineffectiveness of an ultrasonic repeller


We bought an ultrasonic repeller Pest repeller for bedbugs, since we live in a private house and insects, mice and rats simply do not allow us to live. We chose a repeller after watching an advertisement on TV. I won’t say that we were completely disappointed - the rats and mice disappeared, but nothing happened with the insects. The bugs nested in the sofa and remained there.

Ekaterina Vasilievna, Kostroma

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I got bedbugs after a trip to a holiday home. I tried to remove it using folk remedies so as not to poison myself with poisons. They began to bother me a little less, but after a while they appeared again. I decided to purchase an ultrasonic repeller. I bought an AR-130 Smart-Sensor online. It did not give anything, although I used it according to the instructions. But when Reid applied the product, the bedbugs disappeared. Moreover, less drug was needed than was written. This means that the device brought some benefit, although not what I hoped for.

Konstantin, Voronezh

I purchased Tornado Impact FP-003. I heard a lot about him from friends. The device is nice-looking, consumes little electricity, and operates silently. First, the mice that were gnawing under the floor disappeared. Then the cockroaches ran away. We had to tinker with the bloodsuckers, but in the end we also managed to get rid of the bedbugs. I don’t know how long it will last, but for now I don’t turn off the unit. Let him work some more.

Mikhail, Bobruisk

I would like to share my experience of using the ultrasonic repeller Ecosniper ls 919. I bought it for house bugs, which simply tormented the whole family. Insects crawled over to us from our neighbors. We called a pest control service for professional treatment. The respite was only 4 months, and then it all started again. I also didn’t like that the smell lingered for a long time after disinfestation. That's why I decided to buy a repeller. so as not to breathe chemicals. The device has been working for a month now, but there is no use. I'll wait some more. If there is no effect, you will have to look for effective remedies for bedbugs and poison yourself with chemicals.

Valentina, Kaluga

DIY bedbug repeller

For a person who is familiar with the basics of radio electronics and knows how to work with a soldering iron, making a bedbug repeller with your own hands is not particularly difficult.

Typical diagram and description of the device operation

Anyone can solder a simple bedbug repellent device

The KR1006VI1 microcircuit is a timing element. It generates voltage pulses, the frequency and duration of which can be adjusted by changing the values ​​of components C1 and R2. Changing the resistance of resistor R2 gives a frequency shift from 200 Hz to 55 thousand Hz. Against small insects, including bedbugs, it is necessary to adjust the generator to a frequency of 20 thousand Hz. From the third output of the KR1006VI1 timer, an alternating voltage of the required frequency is supplied to the sensor (speaker). Variable resistor R3 adjusts the signal power. In the absence of a KR1006VI1 controller, the device can be assembled using its closest foreign analogues, for example, the NE555 chip.

What to do if bedbugs have declared war on you?

Bedbugs almost never attack humans. An exception may be cases when there was an animal in the house for a certain time, whose presence created the opportunity for bedbugs to live and reproduce. Then this pet disappeared from the house, and the bedbugs had no food left. In such a situation, they will have no choice but to find a new source of life support, and the bug will attack the person.

They will jump on your feet, bite and run away long before the person begins to feel itching on the skin. In such situations, socks and trousers will not help. These microscopic parasites will crawl through any tissue in search of food.

If this has already happened, then it is too late to bring a new cat into the house so that they start eating it. They will now only bite people. It makes no sense to hope to starve them by leaving the apartment for a few days. Experiments on bedbugs have shown that these parasites can live absolutely without food from two to eighteen months. And if this problem seems funny to someone, then they simply do not understand how tenacious these creatures are, and how incredibly difficult it is to get rid of them. If you do everything correctly, you can get rid of bedbugs with ultrasound. We will try to find out whether this is really so.

Bedbugs: Army of Invaders

To know whether a bedbug repeller will work, you need to study the vital functions of insects. Small parasites multiply very quickly, hide in secluded places away from bright light, feed on blood, and parasitize at night. In the absence of food and the temperature drops to +5 degrees Celsius, they go into suspended animation. They can remain in this state for about 2 years. When favorable conditions arise, they quickly wake up and return to normal activities.

Parasites settle mainly in the room where a person sleeps. Favorite places are the carpet, mattress, upholstered furniture, bookshelves, closets with dirty clothes, interior items. They also establish nests under baseboards, wallpaper, cracks in the wall, sockets, books, household appliances, and table lamps.

The body of bedbugs is designed in such a way that they are afraid of low and too high temperatures, bright light, drafts, and strong odors. In their life activities they are guided by touch and smell. The victim is found by the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released during breathing, and lactic acid present in sweat.

On a note! Insects are not sensitive to sounds. This is evidenced by numerous tests carried out by specialists from different countries in laboratory conditions. A bedbug repeller does not clear the room of parasites. The devices act quickly on mosquitoes; other insects are resistant.


Positive aspects pointed out by the manufacturer:

  • Ultrasound from bedbugs helps get rid of all adults, nymphs of different ages;
  • the device is safe for humans and pets;
  • has several operating modes, prevents adaptation;
  • easy to use;
  • operates on electricity, batteries, and uses energy sparingly;
  • combined with any other methods or means of struggle;
  • suitable for cleaning premises, preventing infection;
  • sold at a low price.

Advantages from customers' words:

  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • versatility;
  • long service life;
  • no odor in the room.

An ultrasonic repeller is used as an additional means of control. When used together with insecticides, the result is visible.

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