Why do you dream of nits and how to understand the meaning of nits in a dream

Sleep is a time for restoring human strength and replenishing spent energy reserves. But is it always possible to fully relax during sleep? Unfortunately no. And this is often due to unpleasant dreams.

Options for interpretation

  • Nits in Miller's dream book
  • Nits according to Vanga’s dream book
  • Lice and nits in the Islamic dream book
  • For woman
  • From another person
  • Options for dream interpretation
  • One nit
  • A lot of nits in a dream
  • A dream where you crush nits
  • Kill lice

What to expect if you dreamed of nits? Should we be afraid of these parasites?
Do you think this is a good sign?

For better or worse

Adult lice are called money harbingers in dream books. They promise profit, salary, bonus, gift in the form of paper bills. In a negative sense, insects warn of spending money, losses, failures in financial affairs, credit debt, and the like.

Lice eggs are interpreted in dream books in a similar way, but with some amendments. In a positive sense - monetary prospects, receiving a large sum of money in the near future, but not immediately. In the negative aspect - unrealized money plans, failed projects, repayment of loan funds, payment of interest, repayment of debts.

Lice and nits


Widespread dream books - Miller, Vanga, Tsvetkov, Hasse, Nostradamus - interpret dreams identically, which is rare. It remains to figure out in which cases the dream portends good and in which it portends bad.

Modern meaning

The modern interpretation of fleas in a dream is success, getting rid of troubles, good news, changes for the better. Knowing about their presence , but not seeing them is a loss; hitting them is unexpected news; crushing one means confidently moving towards your intended goal.

Seeing parasites on another person means worries about a loved one, fictitious problems and unsuccessful attempts to get rid of them. The child has excessive care, which can have the opposite effect. On another loved one - fear of loss, strengthening the connection.

Positive dream with nits

In the morning after dreaming with parasites, the feeling will not be very good. The question of why you dream of nits on your head haunts you. Don't panic ahead of time! You need to remember all the details, surroundings, circumstances, look into the dream book.

  • According to the dream book, nits on your head are a good sign that predicts receiving a monetary reward. They look around where help will come from. The people present in the dream play a role. Relatives, acquaintances, boss, partner, friends, work colleagues, strangers.
  • Dreams about another person’s nits, fear of infection. According to the dream book, success in financial matters is expected for another person, but it will not bypass the sleeping person.
  • Seeing nits on a dog in a dream. The dream book warns that you should expect financial help from a faithful friend, relative, or loved one.
  • Crushing nits in a dream means receiving money that you have been waiting for a long time. The time has come for your financial plans to come true. There is blood - help from blood relatives.
  • Combing parasites out of long hair means getting money after a long trip. Profit from business activities, from a successful project.

Combing out lice and nits
A vision of parasites is one of the best dreams, which is responsible for financial well-being. Why do you dream of nits and lice - for monetary rewards, long-term plans, new beginnings.

A little from the story “Why do you dream of lice?”

Just a few hundred years ago, this dream would not have raised the questions “Why do you dream about lice?” This is due to the fact that lice were common and found on almost everyone. The most interesting thing is that no one even thought of getting rid of them. Moreover, it was believed that the absence of lice in a person was a sign of a serious illness.

This is where the roots of the first interpretation of such dreams came from - lice promised an influx of cash and a comfortable existence. Moreover, the more insects there were on the head, the greater the profit the dreamer should expect soon.

In the modern dream book, the dream is interpreted in exactly the same way. Why do you dream about lice? To money, career advancement or troublesome matters, the outcome of which will definitely please the dreamer.

It turns out that lice that appear in a dream do not carry a negative connotation at all and serve only as a signal for something positive that awaits a person in the future.

There are several parameters that should be taken into account when interpreting such dreams:

  • Number of bloodsuckers
  • Their location: on the child’s head or in his own hair
  • Insect coloring
  • Presence of nits
  • Actions performed with insects

Why do you dream of lice in a child’s hair?

It happens that in a dream, a mother sees parasites that appear in the hair of her beloved child. Naturally, such a dream often prompts the parent to think, “Why do you dream of lice on your child’s head?”

As a rule, such a dream speaks primarily of your overprotectiveness, which in turn may not always have a positive effect on the development of the younger generation. Maybe you should give your son or daughter more freedom, thus developing independence.

What do other dream books say about such dreams? Let's find out together...

Psychologist Miller's Dream Book

Miller interprets in the dream book such a dream with the appearance of lice in a child’s hair in a similar way to European interpretations: lice are annoying reminders of unfinished business. You should especially pay attention to this if there are many nits in the dream.

  • If lice have settled on a child’s head, then a difficult undertaking is soon ahead, and it is unknown what it will lead to.
  • If in a dream you worry that lice have a bad effect on your appearance, then in the future you will face troubles in your career and on the personal front.
  • If you crush insects in a dream, this is a sign of upcoming difficulties

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov, seeing lice in a dream is a signal of an imminent influx of a significant amount of money. At the same time, if the dreamer did not get lice, then good luck in his endeavors is guaranteed. A large number of nits equals the number of opportunities that will help increase profits.

However, the presence of only one insect, on the contrary, is a harbinger of an upcoming deterioration in financial situation.

Why do you dream of lice in your head and that of others according to Hasse’s dream book?

According to Hasse, a lot of parasites in the hair of other people means good luck in promoting an upcoming business, prosperity or wealth. But lice that settle on your own head in a dream can affect life circumstances and lead to sad consequences.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Why does a child dream of lice? Grishina believes that not only the fact of the presence of lice in a dream is important, but also their color.

  • White. If a sleeping person saw white lice in a child’s hair in a dream, this indicates strong feelings about how unadapted the child is to the obstacles in his life. If there are a lot of insects, then the dreamer needs to stop annoying the child with guardianship and give him the opportunity to solve some of his problems himself: this will not lead to anything negative. But if lice were noticed not only on the hair, but also on the body, then large expenses are expected soon, which will not bring anything positive.
  • Black. If the lice in the dream were black, then this is a sign of deception. The dreamer should pay more attention to his child and warn him against dialogues with strangers who can harm him.
  • Redheads. You may dream of a red-haired bloodsucker in the case of a completely measured life, which will not contain any grandiose ups or painful downs.

Lice Freud's dream book interpretation features

Lice seen in a dream make it clear that the dreamer is extremely concerned about what, in his opinion, are significant troubles. This contributes to the exhaustion of the individual emotionally and results in unpleasant associations. A lot of insects in the hair indicates severe problems that can ultimately make a person mentally unstable. In case of chronic dissatisfaction, your health will only worsen over time.

Why do children dream of lice in their heads? Freud characterizes these insects as lifeless desires that will not come true. Women and men can interpret this dream differently:

  • Men may dream of lice when there is a high chance of conceiving a child, but at the same time the dreamer is under great responsibility for this.
  • For a woman, lice are a sign of the upcoming large amount of attention from men.

Interpretation of Vanga

Vanga insists that dreams that contain these insects precede possible troubles. Troubles will begin to pour in, as if from a cornucopia, and spread, like these parasites that cover the hairline.

  • Black louse - to diseases
  • White louse is a harbinger of good news
  • Squashing insects is equivalent to overcoming difficulties on the way to the goal
  • Shaking off parasites from hair - to the successful completion of the work started

Negative dream with lice eggs

A negative dream is always associated with dirt, blood, scary animals. You can look up the meanings in different dream books. Their interpretation boils down to one thing:

  • I dream of nits on the hair on a dirty head. Dream books warn that plans are not destined to come true; serious financial obstacles will arise. The project is a failure and will not receive support from partners or investors.
  • Nits in your head with ulcers, blood, scratches. Relatives who were pinned on receiving financial assistance have recently refused and changed their minds.
  • Lice eggs on a cat are the most unpleasant dream, which prophesies mental anguish, a feeling of emptiness, betrayal, and regret. Not just a collapse, a painful collapse.
  • If you dreamed of nits on a mangy dog, your friend or partner will let you down at the last moment.
  • Lice larvae in someone else's head in a person with an unpleasant appearance - receiving money from investors, lenders with unfavorable conditions, at high interest rates. Borrowers' demands to repay money.

    Lice and nits

  • Try to crush nits. If you can’t crush it, your plans won’t come true. You won't be able to get money. They will freeze dividends, interest on deposits, will not issue vacation pay, delay wages, and so on.
  • Seeing nits in bed in a dream means failures in money are associated with the actions of a loved one, spouse, lover.
  • Empty eggs - plans are not destined to come true, money will not be received.
  • Nits on a child's hair. Someone else will have immediate financial problems, while someone else will have to solve children’s problems with the help of money.

The vision warns of negative events and makes it possible to prepare mentally. There is no way to avoid all this. It does not depend on what day of the week the dream occurred. The exception is a dream that occurred not at night, but during the daytime rest.

Women's dream book

This book of interpretations assures that the louse is nothing more than a harbinger of problems associated with health and attacks from annoying enemies. If this parasite was noticed on any animal, it means that the appearance of a disease is possible, which will bring a lot of worries. Also, such a vision can promise loss and hunger.

Catching lice means money that will disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared. But watching someone try to catch these annoying parasites means making a big profit. Moreover, a close friend or relative will contribute to this.

But if the dreamer only feels lice in his head, but does not see them, this means loss, which will bring a lot of trouble and suffering. A parasite crushed with a loud crunch foreshadows the achievement of goals. Success awaits the dreamer, and nothing can lead him astray from his chosen path.

Interesting interpretation according to Freud

The scientist reduced all dreams to sexual life. He explained the appearance of lice in a dream by the presence of problems in a person’s personal life. The dream foreshadows quick sexual intercourse after long abstinence. Lice eggs in the hair - thoughts of a rich sexual partner. If larvae emerge from the eggs, you will meet a wealthy person.

In a dream, lice and nits are a pleasant sign. After what you have seen, you need to enjoy life and expect financial well-being. A negative dream with lice eggs is a warning about financial problems that will become a lesson for the future. However, dreams with fleas and lice promise less attractive prospects.

TOP 10 negative meanings of sleep

What did you dream about?Decoding the dream
Large lice in the headTo bereavement
DeadTo problems in the professional sphere
With bloodTo condemnation from others
Lice in a relative's headTo quarrels with family members
At a friend'sTo the failure of a profitable deal
At a loved one'sAt risk of becoming a victim of robbery
At the dead man'sTo the appearance of debts
Find lice on your headTo making a serious mistake
Shake them outTo losses
CatchTo boredom

What is written about in the collection of Freud's interpretations?

This dream book interprets the dream as evidence of the state of the individual. The interpretation of the dreams “lice in a child” and “parasites in one’s hair” is different. A louse, according to Dr. Freud, is evidence of the presence of an internal crisis, some problems, questions or dissonance that corrode a person from the inside, constantly disturbing him.

If insects swarm in a child’s hair in a dream, then the dream speaks of problems associated with the child. For example, a parent who had such a dream may constantly worry about his child - whether he ate, how he slept, whether he was sneezing, and about other similar things. In other words, a dream is a direct reflection of feelings that are manifested in reality and are excessive, such as care, guardianship, and anxiety.

Where did you see nits in a dream?

When you dream of nits on your hair

, the discovery of which came as a surprise, then the dream means an expansion of job responsibilities, which will lead to an increase in financial well-being. However, the plot also warns of the need to control expenses and not squander income on unnecessary trifles.

Nits in the head

represent painful thoughts about the impossibility of quickly getting what the dreamer dreams of in reality. For the bride, parasitic insects in her hair serve as a warning. You need to look at the groom without rose-colored glasses. Probably the best solution would not be a wedding, but a breakup with an unworthy person.

For parents of nits in a child

- a reflection of worries for him. For the rest, lice larvae on children's heads promise a solution to a long-standing problem, but not too quickly.

Detect nits in humans

unfamiliar - a symbol of a secret but strong influence on the sleeper. Someone is trying to control the decisions being made, and it will not be particularly difficult to determine the identity of the manipulator.

Nits on animal fur are a bad sign. Financial difficulties will appear.

When you dream of nits on clothes

, this is a warning of serious illness. It is advisable to prevent the disease, take preventive measures or undergo a routine medical examination.

Nits on the body

interpreted as a romantic adventure. However, it is worth remembering that it is unlikely to be possible to hide the fact of betrayal from your significant other.

For married people, finding nits on the bed means discord in the family. For lonely dreamers, such a plot foreshadows a dizzying but fleeting romantic relationship and passionate intimate relationships that will not lead to anything serious.

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