Dream Interpretation of Fleas: Why do women or men dream of Fleas?

Fleas are unpleasant parasites that can be a nuisance not only to animals, but also to people. What could a dream mean in which you saw fleas?

Options for interpretation

  • Miller's Dream Book
  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Islamic Dream Interpretation
  • Who dreamed of fleas?
  • For a girl
  • For woman
  • For pregnant women
  • For unmarried
  • For a married woman
  • For a man
  • For a guy
  • How many fleas were there in your dream?
  • One flea
  • Two fleas
  • Lots of fleas
  • What did fleas do in your sleep?
  • Fleas bite
  • Kill fleas
  • Fleas crawl
  • The fleas were sitting
  • Fleas are jumping
  • Catching fleas
  • What kind of fleas were there in the dream?
  • Huge fleas
  • conclusions

To correctly decipher night vision, the dreamer needs to remember as many details of the dream as possible and turn to dream books for help.
What was the flea doing in your dream?

Flea according to Astromeridian's dream book

Dreaming of fleas are symbols of small vices or shortcomings that are beginning to show their harmful effects in your life. At first, they may appear as minor inconveniences, but dreaming about fleas is a warning that the problems will get worse.

A woman sees fleas in a dream

Why does a woman dream of fleas? A dream about fleas for a woman can show hidden malice in the people around you, which can ruin your life or at least make it very uncomfortable, not immediately, but gradually.

Fleas on a cat

A dream in which you see fleas on cats represents a warning to stop interfering in other people's lives. Even if your intentions are good, you have started to cross the line and expect everyone to listen to your advice and suggestions. Start caring about your own life before you decide to poke your nose into someone else's.

Seeing fleas on a dog in a dream

Why do you dream of fleas on a dog? A flea on a dog's fur that you see in a dream warns you about a person who may be trying his best to insult you. If the flea does not bother the dog, it means that the love of those close to you will remain unchanged, despite the fact that they hear about you. This unshakable trust will help you overcome any problems.

Fleas on a person

A dream in which you see fleas on another person is interpreted by the dream book as a warning that someone is lying to you. You are being manipulated and you don't even know it. Be careful who you trust, and only share your secrets and plans with those you truly trust.

Dreamed of fleas and lice

Seeing lice and fleas on your head or in your hair in a dream is not very pleasant, but the interpretation of the dream promises much happier events. The dream foretells an improvement in your financial situation in real life. Material wealth will not come “from heaven”; sleep should be considered as an increase in potential earnings - a promotion, a more profitable job or opening your own business. If you have been thinking about starting your own business or are looking for a job, now may be the right time.

Why do you dream about a lot of fleas?

As stated in the dream book, if in a dream you see a lot of jumping fleas, it means that in reality you will hear false information. You will eagerly await an answer that could change your life. It could be related to your work or it could be a serious conversation with your partner that will affect your relationship. Someone will give you unverified information that will make you happy too early, and you will begin to believe that your problems are solved.

Dream about catching fleas

Catching fleas in a dream means that good luck will come to you. Soon you will have the opportunity to realize your plans, opportunities for this will appear. Be careful, you don't want to miss this, do you?

Why do you dream of killing a flea?

Why do you dream of fleas according to the dream book? Killing a flea in a dream indicates that you will find the person who is causing most of the problems in your life. This is a vile and evil person who enjoys your torment. If you kill a flea, then you will defeat him and regain control of your life. An alternative interpretation of the dream could be an unexpected financial gain. It could be an inheritance, winning the lottery, or you could even find money on the street.

Seeing in a dream that fleas bite

This dream suggests that you should take care of your health. If you don't change your lifestyle habits, get rid of vices and become more physically active, you won't be able to hope for an easy and carefree old age. If you are bitten by fleas in your dream, it is time to take care of some of the things that are bothering you, otherwise you will have serious problems.

Video “Interpretation of dreams, meaning and prophetic dreams”

In this video, a specialist will talk about the interpretation of dreams, their meaning and prophetic dreams.

According to Miller

Miller's explanation of the dream warns the person who dreams of lice of impending troubles. You should not expect serious problems; rather, the dream warns of minor troubles or fictitious problems that a person will be distracted by. If the sleeping person sees parasites on pets, this may indicate that the financial well-being of the family will be shaken. Parental dreams about lice on their own child indicate excessive guardianship. Insects on another person reflect the sleeper’s fear of getting into an unpleasant situation.


The clairvoyant offers a more favorable interpretation of the dream. According to her, lice are harbingers of prosperity and a stable financial situation. However, too many parasites can be a warning about a loved one’s illness: the illness will not be severe, but will make you nervous. Getting rid of insects, shaking them off or killing them foreshadows the resolution of problems and a successful profitable business.


The father of psychoanalysis is known for his sexual bias in the interpretation of human actions and dreams. According to his theory, lice indicate sexual dissatisfaction, and getting rid of them is a solution to problems of an intimate nature. This may be due to a change of partner or the emergence of a new good lover. Parasites on the hand portend great financial profits.


In general, dreams with lice indicate well-being in the family, financial situation, and career. The predictor also pays great attention to the size of the insect: large lice indicate large financial income, and giant lice indicate the possible realization of a secret cherished dream. The only unfavorable nuance is black lice, which can become a harbinger of illness in a relative or loved one.

Other interpretations

Lunar and modern dream books interpret the appearance of parasites in a dream as a sign of upcoming problems of a personal nature or in the work field. Financial problems, troubles at work, and dishonest actions may await you. It is possible that you or your loved ones may get sick.

Predictions in most cases promise the same events for both men and women. However, there may be nuances. A wife may dream of lice in her husband’s hair as a result of groundless jealousy on her part. If a pregnant woman who has health problems sees a dream with parasites, then she should definitely consult a doctor.

Why do you dream of a Flea // dream book of I. Furtsev

On a psychological and unconscious level, fleas are associated with dirt, the street, instability, disorder, and envy. How much are you influenced by public opinion? Do you feel envious of the people around you?

Jumping fleas - a dream suggests that envy of someone else's sudden enrichment can greatly hurt. Don't give in to this feeling of power - it is destructive and can lead to the loss of friends. A flea that has bitten you portends quarrels with relatives over an inheritance. You see an artificial flea - on a subconscious level, you are not ready to sacrifice relationships with loved ones, thanks to which money troubles will pass easily and painlessly, without causing disagreements.

Romantic dream book: Flea

  • Fleas in a dream say that in your relationship with your loved one, not everything is as smooth as you think. This is a harbinger of a series of betrayals and disappointments.
  • According to the dream book, fleas on a partner’s body mean the partner’s infidelity.
  • Seeing fleas on yourself means you will have to justify your own actions to your loved one, which will lead to disagreements. Try to put yourself in the position of a partner if you want to maintain the union.
  • Fleas on a dog are interpreted in the dream book as envy over someone else's wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit.
  • Fleas on a cat - interference in other people's affairs; the disappointment that follows after painstaking but unpleasant work.
  • Seeing insects and bleeding bites on yourself means an inheritance, financial litigation with relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.
  • Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one is a strong shock, without serious consequences; fate will confront you with a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

What fleas did you dream about?

The main role in the descriptive part of the dream is given to insects, how they looked and what was unusual in the dreamer’s memory.

  • Large - receiving a large amount of money. In the near future you will even be able to take out a loan – you will be able to pay it off quickly and easily.
  • Small ones - irritation is caused by people who are always fussing around and want something from you. You urgently need to take a vacation for at least a couple of days and be in silence and solitude.
  • Earthen - a new, unusual occupation for you will bring not only previously unknown pleasure, but also money.
  • Jumping - restlessness, fuss, useless chores, empty talk will lead to the fact that you are seriously slowing down your affairs.
  • Black - a serious illness or troubles with relatives will force you to abandon pre-planned plans and rush to correct the situation.
  • White - there will be no financial problems in life for a very long time. Your financial situation is very stable. You certainly won’t count pennies anymore.
  • Redheads – health problems can no longer be ignored. Do not put off going to the doctor until better times, before the worst comes.
  • Water - minor, but quickly passing troubles.
  • Huge - in this sense, everything is very simple. The larger the size of the insects in your dream, the more money you will receive in the foreseeable future.
  • Trained - great sleep. You will predict events, bend them to your will, and make profit literally out of thin air.
  • Multi-colored - everything will be easy for you, and you will achieve everything you want.
  • Dead - a great personal loss, the loss of a relative or a true friend.
  • Evil - everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This is the meaning of this dream. All attacks and claims cannot cause you serious harm. You, in turn, will learn useful lessons from what is happening.
  • Fat - you lack care and love. It feels like those around you don’t need you, but your money or your help.
  • Artificial - a strong shock, which, however, will not entail any significant consequences. It happens that such a dream predicts a meeting that is as fateful as it is long-awaited.

Flea // Aesop's dream book

The flea is a symbol that is associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect. Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it means envy of someone else’s wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer. Trying to destroy fleas that are tormenting your pet means forced interference in other people’s affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work. Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them means an inheritance, financial litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance. Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one means that something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; fate will pit you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

What does a dream about a Flea mean according to the Psychological Dream Book

Fleas in a dream are interpreted by the dream book as irritation, and in a dream this is exactly what they mean. There are always people or situations in life that create difficulties for us, or that we feel are parasites, and we need to go through a process of decontamination in order to become free.

We may become aware that we have not been taken care of enough and that people we considered our friends have not been honest with us.

Fleas are a symbol of a type of evil that harms but does not destroy - like, for example, gossip. The dreamer must be aware that he undoubtedly has the opportunity to deal with him.

Human actions

According to one explanation, killing or crushing is a solution to problems, release from obligations, unexpected news. Another interpretation is far from so favorable: the dream warns of a serious illness. The longer you catch and destroy parasites, the more serious the disease will be and the longer the fight against it will be. If you are trying to crush lice on another person, it means that you will soon take on the burden of other people's problems or are afraid of not living up to someone else's expectations.

Combing out lice or nits in a dream means getting rid of problems, a successful solution to a planned task, and alleviating the psychological situation. In most cases, any disposal of the pest promises relief.

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