Why do you dream about cockroaches? Live, red, black and large cockroaches in a dream

People try to crush cockroaches in their dreams with the same force as in reality. After all, they treat insects with disgust and try to get rid of them quickly.

In order to understand why you dream of crushing a mustachioed cockroach, you need to perform several actions:

  1. We even remember those details of the dream that seemed insignificant.
  2. We remember the emotions that were experienced.

During decoding, it is necessary to take into account exactly what events are happening in life. Only in this case can everything be interpreted correctly.

Giant cockroaches

Crushing a huge insect, according to Vanga’s dream book, means some pleasant surprises or surprises. If a girl performs such actions, then her problem will soon be solved.

If you follow Miller’s dream book, then the elimination of large pests means the end of a difficult stage in life.

In many existing dream books, a crush of cockroaches means success in certain endeavors or well-being.

Getting rid of large pests in a dream symbolizes liberation from troubles or improving relationships with loved ones.

Sometimes a person sees in a dream an insect that has an unusual appearance. This happens if in reality everything is not good in your personal life.

Why do you dream of crushing cockroaches?

Usually such a dream is a good sign; it portends positive changes in life. So, by crushing a Prussian in a dream, you can prepare for the fact that the barriers that have long hindered development will be destroyed. But this is only a general interpretation of the dream; it may change depending on the accompanying details of the dream.

Squash giant cockroaches

Giant cockroaches that have been destroyed promise big, pleasant life surprises. The more disgust and hostility a person feels towards insects, the more pleasant and global he will receive a gift from fate in real life.


If a person doing business has had such a dream with cockroaches, the dreamer needs to perceive such a sign as a magical kick from higher powers. He believes that if such a person had put in more effort and perseverance, fortune would have turned to him, and financial well-being would have been guaranteed to him.


  • Housewives often see this situation with Prussians; pleasant changes await them at a new stage in life.
  • If a cockroach was killed by accident, the same random news will appear in life, which can radically change the dreamer’s life.
  • A whole colony of Prussians, whom the dreamer tirelessly tries to exterminate, is a sign that it is time for a person to rest, because it will not be possible to organize all the benefits for seven and loved ones on your own, and it is easy to become overtired.
  • If you had to kill several cockroaches and the pests immediately disappeared, the dreamer does not see important little things in life that prevent him from moving forward. In such cases, you need to take a closer look at yourself and those around you, perhaps there is a hidden threat that is not visible. If you don’t notice it in reality, it won’t end well for the dreamer.

Personal life

  1. Usually such a dream hints at hidden ill-wishers next to a person; he urgently needs to reconsider those around him and erase from his life those sheep in wolf's clothing who are plotting deception and want to do harm.
  2. In situations where the dreamer thinks for a long time about the relationship with his other half, such a dream hints that the partner is really not telling (and is even looking to the other side).
  3. When a lonely girl had such a dream, it means that she is not happy with her life, but fate will soon help her change the situation. So, for women this is a sign of future victories on the personal front.


In most dream books, squashing cockroaches in your own apartment means the imminent onset of change. If these actions were performed accidentally, then the likelihood of receiving unexpected information increases.

Often, people who make every effort to improve their own well-being crush cockroaches in their dreams. If you fall into this category, then you should set aside more time for relaxation.

It’s easier to figure out why you dream about crushing small cockroaches in a dream if you think about the existing problems. After all, we often pay a lot of attention to minor obstacles. In this case, you should reconsider your own priorities. And this is especially important if small pests are present in a girl’s dreams.

Interpretation of sleep for women

You have many fans, but soon you will meet your chosen one . Don't waste your time on trifles. Perhaps the future spouse is close to you, but cannot win your favor. Open your heart and listen to your intuition. It will help you make the right choice and ignore unworthy candidates.

You pay a lot of attention to cleanliness in the house . Guests will never be taken by surprise. Dark corners will always be clean, and the table will be beautifully set

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