Dream interpretation - lice: why do you dream about lice in your head, in your hair, on another person and on a child’s head? Why do you dream of white, small, large, dead, linen and pubic lice?

A dream in which lice are present on your hair, body or clothes can predict unexpected profits or good fortune. However, to be sure of the favorable meaning of such a dream, you will have to remember all its details.

A dream in which you saw hair infested with parasites probably left behind unpleasant feelings. Most dream books interpret such night visions quite favorably, predicting quick enrichment, prosperity and profitable deals. By remembering the details of what you saw in a dream, you will find out in which particular area success awaits you.

However, some dream books have less optimistic explanations of dreams.

Lice dream of pleasant surprises

Why do you dream of lice in your hair in your head?

Seeing lice in your hair in a dream means an increase in wealth, a change of job, the end of a debt obligation, a successful resolution of legal matters, paperwork, entering into an inheritance, or a major acquisition.

However, such an interpretation of the dream does not reflect the future events of those people who are hiding something, trying to deceive others or make money at someone else’s expense. Lice seen in a dream predict failure in their dishonest deeds.

Lice in a dream are a bad sign for those who are going on a long journey or are planning a serious matter.

If the dreamer has health problems, the dream predicts an early visit to the doctor and medical procedures.

Lice in your hair in your head can be a sign of a major acquisition.

Parasites on others

Career growth sign

If other people dream of lice, this means improved material well-being. Destroying insects with friends means getting into trouble, which will bring a lot of empty but strong experiences. Combing someone's lice with a comb is a quick advancement up the career ladder. If you dream of such insects, this may be a sign of both future success and possible troubles. A large number of black lice in the hair is an empty experience. Linen insects are a sign of disease. Single lice dream of a feeling of detachment, a desire to isolate yourself from the world and think about the future.

Why do you dream about a lot of lice?

If in a dream you saw a lot of lice, you will have troubles and routine urgent work in life. Prepare for a period of activity and be patient. The main thing is that your activities will be crowned with success and ultimately lead to increased wealth.

A large number of lice in a dream means big income in life.

If you tried to get rid of lice in a dream, it means that in life you are trying to escape from problems. Pay attention to your physical and mental state. If you are very tired of your routine, it is best to go on vacation now.

Dreaming of a lot of lice means big income

What is written about in the collection of Miller's interpretations?

This dream book interprets such a dream in a unique way. Lice in a child’s head, according to Miller’s collection, indicate the presence of unfinished business, which there is no way to avoid. This collection of interpretations also attaches importance to the details of the dream and the presence of actions in its plot.

Squashing or catching parasitic insects is a harbinger of successfully passing exams or overcoming any challenges. In addition, finding lice in a child’s hair in a dream is a sign of a difficult new task ahead, which you can cope with only if you make every effort.

Why do you dream about linen lice?

The modern dream book promises the onset of a prosperous period for those who saw linen lice in a dream. However, the details are important here. If a linen louse crawled on clothes or any fabric, material rewards, profits, and good luck await you. The more insects you saw, the larger the profit will be. But if a louse moves from clothes or bed to the naked body or hair of a sleeping person, health problems are possible.

Another dream book, on the contrary, foretells quarrels, illnesses and losses for a person who sees lice in a dream.

Linen lice dream of the onset of a favorable period in life

Children according to modern dream books

If you dream of squeezing lice on a child, get help in achieving your goal, cope with uncertainty, and take the situation into your own hands. It is important to understand here that dreams are not able to reflect the style of thinking and strategy for achieving a goal. Because of this, it is impossible to say how your goal will be achieved. However, the dream itself is a happy harbinger of imminent success in life.

The modern dream book performs an important task - it corrects old interpretations with adjustments to the present time. The passing years bring quite a lot of changes to a person’s perception. This can be observed in the example of children - their meaning in dreams has changed over the years. Also in our dreams we can encounter modern things that did not yet exist during the time of classical publications.

Why do you dream about little lice?

Small lice are usually dreamed of by those who are trying to provide themselves and their loved ones with a decent lifestyle. If you saw such a dream, you can be sure: your income will continue to increase, and your family’s well-being will continue to grow.

A small louse in a dream means an increase in income

Squeeze lice in a dream

Often, everything related to the killing of insects is marked in dream books as favorable symbols. This means that trying to get rid of a parasite in a dream should be associated with getting rid of troubles in the real world. Perhaps you will be given a helping hand from an unexpected quarter. Or maybe you will receive long-awaited news that will help solve many difficulties related to money.

If the dreamer is currently having a hard time with finances, but in the dream he managed to get rid of the bloodsuckers, then good news is expected: financial problems will remain a thing of the past, and they will be resolved very unexpectedly.

If you crush nits, you can be sure that nothing can throw you off course.

  • Killing insects in a dream means liberation from constant fear of upcoming events. Soon you will be able to take control of your own life. This also means that things will go uphill, the spiritual and material base of a person will increase.
  • Killing insects on another person’s head means solving third-party troubles.
  • Killing lice in a dream in some cases can symbolize deception. Beware of people who are strangers to you and may be seeking their own gain in business.
  • If you have to remove parasites from children and crush them, then soon you will need to start solving family problems. You may have taken the wrong course in raising your child.

Why do you dream of big, large lice?

Did a lot of large lice unexpectedly attack your hair in a dream? Despite all the unpleasant sensations that you have experienced, you can rejoice - in life, profit, winnings or other income will soon “fall on your head.” The stronger the fear and disgust in the dream, the more joy and pleasant surprise you will experience.

One or several huge lice in a dream - the fulfillment of a cherished dream in reality.

Large, large lice dream of fulfilling cherished desires

How do the emotions experienced in a dream affect its meaning?

Details, details and actions are not all that need to be taken into account when interpreting, as almost every dream book claims. Lice in a child’s head are the subject of a dream, which is usually accompanied by vivid feelings and emotions felt by the dreamer. Of course, the sensations experienced must also be taken into account when deciphering the meaning of a dream.

If the dreamer feels very confused, panicked, and does not know what to do, this means that in reality he will have to face an unstable emotional or nervous state, hypochondria. For example, a dream may portend a manifestation of hyperactivity or difficulty falling asleep.

If a sleeping person is upset or upset, in reality he will be faced with empty worries and fuss over affairs and problems that will be resolved on their own. For example, a dream may predict that a child will have conflicts with classmates or that he will get involved in some ridiculous stories.

If the person who sees the dream experiences joy and relief after getting rid of parasites in children's hair, then this is an extremely good sign. In reality, the child will have success in all his endeavors, some activities will become easy, and parents, accordingly, will be able to be proud and happy.

A dream in which the sleeping person experiences depression, a feeling of loneliness, and strong fear has an alarming meaning. Such a dream promises loneliness in reality when faced with any life difficulties or trials. Considering that the dreamer feels similar emotions when observing lice in a child’s hair, we are talking about the child’s loneliness. After such a dream, you need to pay attention to your children and think about whether they are given enough time.

Why do you dream about head lice in a child’s hair?

Caring parents often have such dreams. They only mean that child custody has become the meaning of life for you, but has already crossed acceptable boundaries. Give your children more freedom, otherwise scandals and family squabbles will inevitably occur.

If you kill, crush lice on your child’s hair, you will soon make a serious mistake in his upbringing.

Caring parents often dream of lice in a child’s hair.

According to Miss Hasse's dream book

When asked why she dreams of crushing lice on a child, Miss Hasse answered - to make an important decision, to feel an unprecedented rise in strength, to stand on the threshold of important changes. In this dream, additional details and details are important. A huge number of events and details warn of many small obstacles. And a quick and faded dream means a fairly quick and easy solution to problems.

Be careful with this dream. Children certainly attract good luck and good changes into people's lives. Hasse believed that this was a complex dream, and for an accurate analysis it was necessary to take other dreams into account. Often you can find symbols in them that greatly influence the overall analysis of the interpretation.

Why do you dream of lice with fleas and bedbugs?

Most likely, a person who dreamed of lice, bedbugs and fleas at the same time will soon have guests. Moreover, these will be unpleasant people who will unsettle the dreamer with their appearance.

If you dreamed of such an invasion of parasites, take care of your nerves and health in the near future. You won’t be able to avoid troubles; at least try not to take everything that happens to heart.

In the near future you will not have enough money for what you need, be more economical.

Lice, bedbugs and fleas dream of unpleasant encounters

What does it portend?

The color of the dreamed parasites is important for the interpretation of sleep. If the lice were white, then pleasant events await the sleeper. Most often they are related to finances, so the dreamer can safely hope to gain an additional source of money. White parasites in a baby's head indicate a happy family life. Moreover, the meaning of the dream is valid even if the couple does not have their own children.

Some dream books do not share such optimism. For example, Grishina’s dream book believes that a child’s dream of white lice symbolizes the sleeper’s feelings about his child’s inability to cope with difficult living conditions. A lot of small white lice indicate small problems in which the sleeper may not even interfere; everything will end by itself. If parasites were running all over the child’s body, then the sleeping person would have to spend a lot of money, and it would not bring him any pleasure.

Black lice on a child predict deception. Therefore, the sleeping person needs to try to protect the baby from communicating with unfamiliar people, whose actions can be unpredictable.

Red-haired blood-sucking parasites are dreamed of if the child’s life goes smoothly, without all sorts of ups and downs.

To summarize, we can say that the plot in which the sleeper sees parasites in the head or on the body of a child can be interpreted in dream books in two ways. On the one hand, this image indicates material well-being and success in life, on the other hand, it indicates problems associated with the home or raising offspring.

Why do you dream of dead lice?

Dead, crushed lice in a dream are a sign of illness, poverty, regret and failure.

If you saw in a dream how dead lice come to life and run away, in life you will have to go through an ambiguous, difficult situation that will not be resolved in your favor and will harm your reputation.

Dead lice dream of illness and poverty

What do famous dream books say about lice in a dream?

In different dream books, lice in the head can be interpreted in different ways. How to choose the right interpretation of a dream? Listen to your intuition!

A man dreamed of lice

For men, a dream in which lice appeared foreshadows a promotion and gaining authority among colleagues. You can improve your financial situation with effort and taking a decisive step forward. The dream suggests that the time has come to act.

Squashing lice in a dream means victory over competitors or ill-wishers.

A woman dreamed of lice

The meaning of dreams about lice according to the women's dream book should be interpreted taking into account the dreamer's marital status.

A married woman had a dream

If a married woman sees a lot of lice on her head, a calm, happy period in her life awaits her. Your spouse will begin to earn more, the family’s financial situation will improve, and you will be able to afford to make a number of expensive purchases. Lice on a child’s head portend troubles, conflicts, or a quarrel with a loved one.

Linen lice on clothes dream of new clothes or a major purchase for the home.

If a mother dreams that she is killing lice on her child’s head, her children will be healthy or cured of existing diseases.

A pregnant woman had a dream

Why does a woman expecting a child dream of lice? The birth will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy. If pubic lice appeared in your dream, you should get examined by a doctor and make sure that everything is in order: the dream can warn of possible problems with women’s health.

A lonely woman had a dream

If a single woman dreamed that lice appeared on her head, she would meet a man with whom she could marry. Take a closer look at the people with whom fate will bring you together in the near future!

Combing out lice in a dream means getting rid of a relationship that only brings you frustration. There is a person next to you with whom you are in love, but who does not appreciate you. You will soon realize that you will be much better off without him.

Lice according to Miller's dream book

Regarding what lice mean in dreams, Miller’s dream book gives an unambiguous interpretation: the dream foreshadows troubles and sorrows. The dreamer may become seriously ill, so he should undergo a medical examination as soon as possible in order to identify the problem at an early stage. If lice were on pets, you may become poor and lose all your savings. Lice and nits on your body dream of a quarrel with an old friend, the culprit of which will be you yourself.

Did you manage to catch a louse in a dream? You attach too much importance to your health. Perhaps you are trying to manipulate others with the help of imaginary or real diseases.

Lice according to the Veles dream book

Why do you dream of lice and fleas according to the Veles dream book? The dream foreshadows wealth, the departure of everything bad from life. If there were a lot of lice, the dream is interpreted in the opposite way: it dreams of poverty and illness.

If lice ran over the body of another person, good luck awaits you in all matters. Killing a louse in a dream means the death of a relative or friend. If you are just trying to catch a louse, you will have money. Coming out lice from your hair means solving problems that are tormenting you.

Lice according to Hasse's dream book

According to Hasse's dream book, seeing lice on another person in a dream means good luck in all the dreamer's endeavors. If a person notices nits on his own body, his affairs will worsen. A large number of lice on oneself means profit.

Lice according to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya

According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, lice in a dream portend bad things: thieves may get in on you. If you caught lice, you will receive a large amount of money from an unexpected source, but you will quickly spend it.

To dream of someone trying to catch lice means making a profit thanks to the help of a loved one.

Lice according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga believed that lice dreamed of money. If you have tried to shake them out of your hair, you will be able to secure a lucrative contract. Squashing lice in a dream means getting rid of debt obligations. If you see one black louse, profit awaits you. If it was white or colorless, you will suffer losses. Also, such a dream can portend health problems.

Lice according to the esoteric dream book

Seeing lice in a dream means making a profit and improving your financial situation. The dream serves as a hint that one should not refuse a promotion or a contract. Everything you do in the near future will bring you money.

Lice according to Freud's dream book

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud is always associated with human sexuality. Therefore, if you dream that you are trying to crush lice or comb them out of your hair, your sex life will become more varied. This may be due to the active actions of your partner, or to the appearance of a new lover in your life, who will show extraordinary imagination in bed.

Lice according to Loff's dream book

The meaning of lice seen in a dream is always negative. They personify all sorts of problems of the dreamer. If lice were running around your body, you yourself will become the source of your troubles. You often offend others and do not always control your statements. Because of this, you are considered an unpleasant person with whom it is better not to have anything to do. Trying to catch lice in a dream foreshadows health problems, most likely an infectious disease.

There is one important aspect of the interpretation of dreams about lice. If you dreamed about it on the eve of completing an important task for you, a lice in a dream is considered a good omen. Circumstances will be in your favor and you will achieve everything you want.

Lice in a dream according to Nostradamus' dream book

Why do you dream of lice in a dream according to Nostradamus’ dream book? The dream foretells success in work, financial stability, and smooth relationships with loved ones. Big lice dream of concluding profitable deals. A giant louse in a dream indicates that your main dream will soon be fulfilled. If you kill lice in a dream, there will be wealth in your home. A bad sign is a dream about black lice. You or a loved one may become seriously ill.

Lice according to the dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Lice in a dream foreshadow prosperity and profit. If you only saw nits, that is, lice eggs, new career horizons will open up before you. You will start earning more and will be able to realize your hidden potential. However, such interpretations “work” if you have seen lice or fleas on another person. Seeing them on your body in a dream means all sorts of problems in all areas of life.

Lice according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

If you dreamed that there were a lot of lice on your head, wealth awaits you. For the interpretation to be correct, you should imagine that you are catching lice and eating them.

Lice according to the Modern Dream Book

If you dreamed about lice in your head, you can change your destiny for the better. A person who has such a dream will find a new job, or his hobby will begin to make a profit. The dream can also mean the successful resolution of problems related to papers or documentation.

If you saw only one large louse, the dream is interpreted as negative. Your loved ones will leave you in trouble without help and support at a time when their participation would be very important for you.

If you happen to see in a dream how one louse is sitting on your palm, your efforts will not bring the expected result. If a huge louse sits on your face, you will not be able to avoid health problems.

Any arthropod parasites in a dream (cockroaches, fleas and lice), seen in large numbers, portend all sorts of dangers. This may be a risk of contracting an infectious disease or becoming a victim of an accident. However, if you see a large number of lice in the hair of an old person, longevity awaits you, and your old age will be happy and calm.

Lice according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do you dream about lice on yourself? To problems and the onset of a dark streak in life. Seeing lice on the body means the activation of ill-wishers and envious people. All sorts of intrigues will be plotted against you, and you will have to be on your guard so as not to lose your position.

Seeing lice in your hair means facing the negative consequences of bad advice. The dream also warns that you may become a victim of your own evil plans that you once built against another person.

Lice in a dream according to the Family Dream Book

Why do lice appear in a family dream book? You worry too much about your loved ones, forgetting about your own interests. Dreams about lice indicate that you are literally becoming infected with other people's interests and problems. This may mean completely dissolving into another person. Try to remember who had lice on their head in your dream. This person is at the center of your interests.

If in a dream you have to kill lice on another person, you are trying to solve problems for others. Seeing lice on a child means worrying too much about your son or daughter.

Dreams about lice according to a psychoanalytic dream book

According to the psychoanalytic dream book, seeing lice on another person means being very worried about him. Mothers often dream of lice on their child's head. If you try to kill these lice with your own hands, it means that you are solving problems for the child and not allowing him to fully develop, literally suffocating him with your care. It is important to learn to trust your children and allow them to make their own decisions.

Catching your lice in a dream is an indication that you attach too much importance to frivolous problems and like to “dig into yourself” instead of taking action and changing your life for the better. Such a dream may occur to people who are afraid to take active actions and prefer to waste their time on trifles.

Why do pregnant women dream of lice?

Pregnant women should not look for any special secret meaning in dreams about lice. For ladies in an “interesting position,” just like other people, parasites from dreams promise enrichment, profit, winnings, and gifts.

If you have health problems or your pregnancy is not going as smoothly as you would like, see your doctor just in case.

Pregnant women dream of lice as a sign of gifts and profits

These are the kinds of unexpected changes that can await those who saw lice parasitizing on a person’s hair in a dream. May all your good dreams come true, and may your bad ones forever remain just a random, meaningless game of the subconscious.

What is written about in the collection of Vanga’s interpretations?

This dream book does not unambiguously decipher stories about parasites. Lice in a child's head in a dream may portend any worries or troubles that his parents do not expect. But the meaning of a dream is significantly influenced by its details.

Black insects are a harbinger of disease. The smaller the lice, the less significant the upcoming health problems will be. Such a dream may portend headaches due to excessive stress at school, colds, bruises, etc. Large insects are a harbinger of more serious problems.

A white louse is a good sign. Such a dream promises good news and recognition of merit. This dream may portend high grades, success in writing a test, or easy passing of exams.

This dream book also gives meaning to the actions taken. Lice in a child’s head, which had to be crushed all night, are a harbinger of a successful resolution of current affairs. For example, if a child is having difficulty mastering a school subject, then such a dream portends that the child will be able to figure everything out. A dream can also predict the end of a string of troubles.

If in the plot the dreams of parasites are not crushed, but shaken out of the hair, then the meaning of the dream remains almost unchanged. The only difference is that in reality the child will cope with various current problems with ease, almost without effort.

Depending on the actions in the dream

What did you do when you saw lice infested? Your feelings, emotions and first actions play an important role in the interpretation.

  • Recalculate – increase your wealth through accurate calculation of investments and costs.
  • Press – problems are resolved as easily and quickly as possible. You will be able to detect in time a person who is “parasitic” on your kindness and break off relations with him.
  • Combing - someone else's problems and responsibilities will be shouldered to you.
  • To catch is to get an additional source of income, which you will be happy to work on.
  • Eating lice means problems with money due to your wastefulness and illogicality.
  • To bully is to desperately try to avoid problems, to shift responsibility for your life onto another person.
  • Shaking off means actively fighting one’s own fears and complexes.
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