Bumblebee bite and its consequences: what to do at home if bitten by a dangerous insect?

Every insect is capable of protecting itself. Therefore, there is no point in asking the question: do bumblebees sting or not, because not every enemy can be intimidated by appearance alone.

Initially, leisurely insects are not aggressive. The bumblebee is conditionally dangerous for humans, that is, its attack occurs under a certain set of circumstances:

  • a threat to the safety of the colony or a danger to a specific insect;
  • mechanical destruction of the nest;
  • the smell of oxidizing metal, perfume, alcohol from a person (and old fumes are perceived even more aggressively);
  • the predominance of deep blue shades in clothing or the environment;
  • sudden movements in close proximity to the insect.

Who are bumblebees: structure, life cycle and differences from bees

These representatives of the family of true bees belong to the order Hymenoptera.
There are about 300 varieties of them in the world. The most common types of bumblebees: purple (carpenter), stone, garden, earthen. They come in medium and large sizes. The female grows to 13–28 mm in length, the male has smaller dimensions – 7–24 mm. The most common color of bumblebees is yellow and black stripes. There are also individuals with red and orange stripes. Some of the insects are black and lack stripes. The colors of bumblebees are presumably due to mimicry and thermoregulation.

The female's head is elongated with a wide rounding in the occipital region. The upper lip has the shape of a rectangle, the mandibles are strongly curved, and when brought together they overlap. There are 3 convex grooves on their outer surface. The abdomen is not folded at the apex; there are no ridges on the sides of the sixth abdominal sternite (the ventral part of the segmental ring). On the outside, the hind tibiae are shiny and smooth and form a basket for collecting pollen. It looks like a platform surrounded by hard, straight hairs.

Types of bumblebees according to the toxicity of their poison

Over 300 species of these hymenopteran insects are known, and they are distributed throughout the globe. The exceptions are most regions of Africa and Australia. Bumblebees do not bite unless you touch them; they are peace-loving insects, but their venom is more toxic than that of bees.

The strength of the poison on the human body largely depends on the type of insect:

  1. Common bumblebee It has a black body with two yellow stripes on it. It nests in the ground and is a very rare member of the insect family, found only in western Europe and is a protected species.

  2. Forest. The smallest representative of the insect family under discussion. It also has less bright colors compared to other types of bumblebees. Their nests of moss and grass are found on the surface of the earth. Also, representatives of this type of insect inhabit abandoned rodent burrows.

  3. Purple bumblebee carpenter, a colorful insect, has a beautiful blue-black color and indigo wings. But he refers to bumblebees only by their names, which are given due to their external similarity. In fact, they are bees; their nests can be found in dry wood.

  4. Garden, a very large representative of this family of insects. The length of the female is about 25 mm. The color is bright and expressive, consists of three colors - black, yellow and white. For nesting, it occupies abandoned mouse holes.

  5. Earth bumblebee has a yellow stripe on the chest and a white tail. Female bumblebees reach a length of 19–23 mm.

Why does a bumblebee bite and what does the bite site look like?

A bumblebee of any species, representatives of which are found in a particular area, can attack a person. Purple, ground, garden and other insects bite in the following cases:

  • self-defense or protection of one's family;
  • strong odor, such as perfume or alcohol;
  • the predominance of blue in clothing;
  • sudden movements of the arms or legs.

There are no specific areas of the body where these insects usually sting. They can bite on the face, arm, leg, etc. A dot or red spot first appears in the affected area. Quite quickly, the skin in the bite area swells and becomes dense (see photo). The color may change to bluish or purple. If a bumblebee bites a child or adult in the arm or leg, he (the victim) experiences sharp pain, burning and itching at the site of the bite.

Symptoms and appearance of the bite

After a person is stung by a bumblebee, the following symptoms are most often observed:

  • sharp, rather severe pain, burning;
  • compaction at the site of the bite;
  • swelling.

The bumblebee bite itself looks like a red dot, around which the skin swells and turns red. The intensity and area of ​​swelling and redness depend on the individual characteristics of the bitten person, as well as the period after which all traces will disappear. For some, everything goes away in a matter of hours, for others, healing is delayed for weeks.

Why are bumblebee stings dangerous?

Usually, bumblebee bites do not cause negative consequences for the health of the victim. The risk group includes only people prone to allergies. If a bumblebee attacks again, the likelihood of an allergic reaction increases significantly, since the human body begins to actively produce substances responsible for neutralizing insect venom.

Bumblebee stings pose a serious danger to pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children. The most dangerous place to be affected is the face, namely the eyes and nose. Damage to the neck and ears does not always go unnoticed for the victim. If the area where the poison enters becomes red and very swollen, this can lead to serious disruption of the functioning of nearby organs.

If the bite damages the lips, gums or tongue, the insect attack can result in the death of a person. This can happen because when the affected organ swells, it will cut off oxygen supply, ultimately leading to suffocation.


It is very important to immediately determine the presence of poison in the body by symptoms, because allergies often occur in people. Allergy sufferers can suffer serious damage from such bumblebee stings, including death.

If poison gets in, the affected area will turn red and itch. For a person who does not have allergies, only numerous bites can pose a serious danger. If it does exist, then the symptoms should be as follows:

  • Itching, redness throughout the body, and not just where the bite was made;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Difficulty breathing, attacks of suffocation;
  • The pulse quickens, the body temperature rises;
  • Loss of consciousness, convulsions, the victim from the outside looks like a person who has seen a nightmare.

For a person with allergies, it is important to receive first aid in time to avoid dangerous health consequences. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to understand exactly how to help a person who has been stung.

Does a bumblebee sting or bite: the difference

Black shemale

When faced with an insect and receiving an unpleasant sting, they say that a bumblebee has bitten. But is this statement correct? Do bumblebees sting or do they still bite? Both expressions can be considered true if you specify which individual you encountered.

The male, naturally, cannot sting due to the absence of this organ. This, as stated above, is the prerogative of females. They are always more aggressive.

But male bumblebees are not so harmless - they have powerful mandibles. They actively use these jaws to obtain food for themselves. In case of danger, males defend themselves with them. But this bite is not as dangerous as the impact of a sting, since it is not poisonous.

Features of a bumblebee sting

Not every bumblebee can sting. The queen and working females have a sting, but nature has not endowed male bumblebees with this weapon. Despite the close family ties between bumblebees and bees, their sting is more like that of a wasp. It is absolutely smooth, without serrations that interfere with its release from the victim’s skin after a bite. This is why an insect can sting repeatedly without causing any harm to itself.

The inside of a bumblebee's sting is hollow. At the moment of the bite, poison passes through the canal and enters the victim’s blood.

Types of bumblebees

There are more than 300 species of bumblebees in the world. Among them are the familiar field, garden and forest bumblebees. And exotic ones living in Asia, where the largest number of bumblebee species live.

Common bumblebee

The insect is approximately 1.5 cm in size and is found mainly in Europe and the European part of the Russian Federation. The coloring is familiar - black and yellow stripes, and a white spot on the abdomen.

garden bumblebee

The size of working individuals is about 15 mm, the uterus grows up to 24 mm. The body has yellow and black stripes, the abdomen is yellow. A distinctive feature is a long proboscis.

Forest bumblebee

The forest bumblebee prefers warm climates and is found in forest and steppe zones. Size 11 – 18 mm. The body is black, covered with yellow and reddish hairs. The color is more faded than other species.

Armenian bumblebee

A rare species listed in the Red Book. Insects reach a size of 20–30 mm. The body of the bumblebee is a beautiful golden yellow color, the wings are brownish.

Earth bumblebee

The ground bumblebee is one of the most beneficial species for humans. Pollinates many crops. The coloring is bright; narrow black and wider yellow-red stripes stand out on the body.

urban bumblebee

The small insect is found in China and Eurasia (from Western Europe to the Far East). The color is dark red with black.

Stone bumblebee

The name is explained by the fact that this species makes nests in piles of stones. The color of the bumblebee is almost black, the bottom of the abdomen is reddish-red.

Briefly about bumblebees

The bumblebee (lat. bombus) is a close relative of the well-known honey bee.

Genus - Hymenoptera, family - true bees. Biologists have described about 40 subgenera and 300 species of bumblebees. Habitat: wild nature of northern Eurasia, northern America, northern Africa.

Bumblebees are highly organized insects. They live in families with a clear hierarchy: queen, working females, fertilizing males; working individuals have nest builders and protectors, pollen getters, and “educators” of larvae. The bumblebee colony numbers about 170 individuals, but it is difficult to detect: the settlement is carefully guarded.

Biological features:

  • in comparison with bees, wasps and hornets, the insect is large - the length of females is 12-32 mm, males - 8-25 mm (depending on the species);
  • the color is yellow-black, there are black bumblebees and insects with yellow, orange stripes (which allows the insect to camouflage itself as the botanical parts of flowers);
  • the wide body is densely covered with tiny hairs, so in the literature the bumblebee is rightly called “shaggy”;
  • the insect has 6 legs, their tips are equipped with “baskets” for collecting and transferring pollen;
  • flower nectar is the main food of the entire family; for the larvae, females prepare honey from pollen (more liquid than bee honey, not as sweet and fragrant);
  • bumblebees sting with a stinger; for defense and attack, the oral apparatus is equipped with a pair of intersecting mandibles.

For humans, the benefits of bumblebees are great, but the harm is minimal. Representatives of the bee family pollinate vegetable crops, garden trees, and ornamental plants, increasing productivity significantly. A side effect is the seeds of weeds on the site (bumblebees carry them on their furry legs along with pollen).

Interesting! In recent years, domestic bees have been dying en masse from herbicides and pesticides. In this regard, bumblebees are very hardy, so in agriculture they are trying to domesticate these insects. True, the honey plants from bumblebees are mediocre, but the pollinators of agricultural crops are excellent.

Does a bumblebee attack a person?

What does a bumblebee look like?

Seeing a large bee-like insect, many people get scared, not knowing whether bumblebees bite people. On their own initiative, they do not attack a person unless there are aggressive actions on his part. Having seen a bumblebee nest near their home, many try to get rid of the insect, not only by fumigating them with smoke, but also by destroying the “houses”.

Note! You should not try to catch bumblebees with your hands. Even the male is able to stand up for himself, biting through the palm with his sharp jaws.

Can a bumblebee bite a person on its own initiative? This is possible in 2 cases:

  • if the clothes are blue, for some reason this shade is dangerous for insects; therefore, one can expect an inadequate reaction; although the sting practically does not pierce the fabric itself, the insect can injure an open area of ​​the body;
  • Bumblebees are aggressive towards the smells of alcohol, fumes, perfumes and tobacco; this can become a reason for an attack by a whole swarm of insects that find themselves in close proximity.

Sometimes bee relatives are irritated by the smell of oxidized metal. This “aroma” of the body arises from constantly wearing watches with bracelets and jewelry. The metal oxidizes under the influence of sweat secreted by the skin, which is quite typical for the hot season.

Bumblebees are also attracted by the smell of fried meat, watermelons, melons, and sweet drinks. Therefore, it is not recommended to have picnics near insect homes, so as not to brush off the annoying invasion later. This unnerves the bumblebees and can become a reason for an attack.

Bumblebees are also attracted by the smell of fried meat, watermelons, melons, and sweet drinks.

If a person does suffer, it is advisable to take immediate action, even if there is no tendency to allergies:

  • apply fresh parsley or plantain leaf to the injured area, changing the compress every 2 hours until the swelling subsides;
  • Dressings with pieces of apple, raw potatoes, onions mixed with honey help well;
  • you can periodically treat the wound with lemon juice;
  • Traditional healers recommend making compresses with soda solution, activated carbon slurry or validol.

If the bite is in a sensitive area (for example, in the eye area), it is better to use cold compresses or ice cubes. This will help relieve pain, relieve swelling and slow down the absorption of poison.

Additional Information. A compress using refined sugar moistened with water can remove bumblebee toxin from a wound.

You should not drink alcohol after a bite - alcohol will only intensify the allergic reaction. But hot sweet tea and plenty of liquid will be welcome.

In some cases, it is more rational to seek medical help:

  • if several bumblebees are stung at once;
  • when the bite was in the throat area, oral mucosa or eyeball;
  • if an elderly person or child is injured;
  • in the presence of severe pain, swelling, suppuration and chills.

Note! If the victim is allergic, after contact with a bumblebee you should not wait for the body’s reaction, but immediately consult a doctor.

It is most dangerous if there was not just one bite, but several individuals attacked

It is most dangerous if there was not just one bite, but several individuals. In this case, the amount of poison entering the body from the sting increases many times, and the internal systems have difficulty coping with intoxication.

Such situations are rare, because bumblebees usually do not attack in a flock. More often this happens if there have been attempts to destroy the insect nest. Even when it was accidentally touched, bumblebees will not figure it out; their self-preservation instinct turns on.

You should not hunt for wild honey produced by bumblebees - its taste is in many ways inferior to that of bees. But attempts at such penetrations can have disastrous consequences.

Whether a bumblebee stings or not, first of all, it depends on the people themselves. It is enough to keep your distance from these insects and not provoke contact with them. Bumblebees should not be harassed, given their value to nature - they are excellent plant pollinators. Experienced summer residents even deliberately breed a swarm next to greenhouses and hotbeds.

Do bumblebees bite?

Bumblebees themselves have an easy-going nature. Their fighting spirit manifests itself in 2 cases: when someone encroaches on them, or the insects are solving their “housing issue.”

Unlike bees, bumblebees do not know how to arrange their nests, so they look for ready-made cozy “apartments”. True, the queen can lay eggs in a crevice of a stump, a hollow, even in the ground, but bird nests are more attractive to insects.

Favorite places of settlement are meadows, forests, fields where nectar-producing flowers grow abundantly.

If there are no abandoned “houses” nearby, relatives of the bees begin to attack the birds that have already settled down. So the latter know first-hand whether bumblebees bite, and they try to immediately retreat, sometimes abandoning eggs that have already been laid to the mercy of fate.

There are often misunderstandings in the communication between bumblebees and humans (more on this below).

For some, such contact does not have consequences, for others it provokes the following symptoms:

  • extensive redness of areas of the body adjacent to the bite;
  • development of urticaria accompanied by severe itching;
  • tissue swelling (especially in the mouth and larynx);
  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea;
  • rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

Important! If at least one of these symptoms is present, this is a reason to contact a medical facility. Otherwise, a small insect bite can result not only in fainting, but also in death.

To avoid contact with insects, it is recommended to avoid their habitats, especially without having picnics near their homes.

When going outdoors, you should take a number of safe measures:

  • protect the body with clothing as much as possible;
  • have a first aid kit on hand, which must contain antihistamines;
  • Once at the picnic site, carefully look around to make sure there are no bumblebee nests.

It’s better to be on the safe side than to worry about bites later.

Treatment and pain relief for bites

Treatment of bite sites is carried out in various ways, using medications, as well as folk recipes. Therefore, to reduce discomfort, use:

  • Antiseptics, in the form of iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, “Miromistin”.
  • Gels, in the form of “Fenistil”, “Advantan”, etc.
  • Homeopathic medicines, in the form of “Apis Mellifica”, “Urtica Urensa”, etc.

Bites to the face area, including the eye area, are possible. In such cases, wash the eye mucosa with cooled strong tea. Alternatively, you can add a freshly used tea bag.

Folk remedies based on natural ingredients will help reduce negative sensations and discomfort. For example:

  • A compress made from freshly picked plantain, parsley, dandelion leaves, etc. will help.
  • A solution of baking soda, in the form of a porridge mixture, applied to the bite site will help relieve pain and itching.
  • Alternatively, you can use a piece of raw potato, a piece of fresh cucumber, apple or tomato.
  • A mixture of vodka and freshly squeezed lemon juice will also help cope with pain and severe itching.
  • Onions will help solve this problem if you cut it and apply it to the problem area.
  • Milk frozen in cubes and applied to the bite site will significantly reduce the feeling of discomfort.
  • It is permissible to coat the bite site with chilled olive oil.
  • A prepared mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 head of garlic has an antibacterial effect.
  • Take an aloe leaf, remove the skin from one side and apply it to the bite site.
  • A mixture of crushed activated carbon tablets and validol dissolved in water will help relieve the level of redness and burning that is characteristic of the bite site.

Decoctions and infusions prepared using natural ingredients will help reduce the level of discomfort. For example:

  • A decoction based on chamomile and calendula, which is used to wipe the bite site or use as a soothing drink, can relieve pain and reduce tissue swelling.
  • Basil infusion. To do this, take 3 teaspoons of this plant and pour 1 glass of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day as a sedative, and is also used for lotions.
  • One tablespoon of calendula is infused in 200 grams of alcohol (70 percent) or moonshine for 3 days. After this, the infusion is diluted at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water. This solution is used to make lotions.

Recommendations for stinging insect bites

  1. If the sting remains in the body, you need to pull it out with treated tweezers. There is no need to try to squeeze it out with your fingers, so as not to infect the victim.
  2. The wound should be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vinegar, or cotton wool soaked in one of the listed products.
  3. Apply a piece of ice or a cold compress to the bite site, especially if it is around the eyes or other sensitive area. Cold will relieve swelling, reduce pain and slow down the absorption of poison. To extract the poison, you need to apply a piece of sugar moistened with water to the damaged area.
  4. The victim should be given plenty of liquid to drink, preferably hot tea with sugar. If the victim does not get better, or symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, then you should immediately call a doctor.

Treatment of insect bites at home

In most cases, a bumblebee bite can be safely treated at home. For example, you can put a fresh leaf of plantain or parsley on the injured area and replace it with a new one every 2 hours.

You can apply a chopped onion, apple, raw potato to the damaged area, or chop 2 cloves of garlic, mix with honey and attach this mixture to the bite. The bandage must be changed twice a day.

Lemon juice and a compress made from it will also help.

Bumblebee sting

You can also dilute baking soda with water until a slurry forms and apply to the affected area, or prepare a solution of soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water), soak cotton wool in it and apply for a quarter of an hour.

Grind the activated carbon, add water until a paste forms, place it on the bite site and cover with film to prevent rapid drying.

If there is no activated carbon, apply validol moistened with water to the damaged area. You can also use medications, for example, Fenistil gel, which successfully relieves irritation. The damage should be lubricated with gel 3 times a day. The medicine begins to act immediately after application. If you are bitten by insects, you should not drink alcohol, as this leads to increased swelling.

Often people unwittingly provoke insects by waving their hands, trying to drive them away. This behavior, as well as the smell of perfume, alcohol, and fried meat, only attract and irritate bumblebees.

The smell of perfume attracts bumblebees

When should you go to the hospital?

  1. If several bumblebees or bees were bitten at the same time.
  2. When a child or elderly person is injured.
  3. If the bite occurs in the eyeball or mucous membrane of the mouth.
  4. When previous insect bites caused an allergic reaction.
  5. There are symptoms of infection: severe chills, swelling, pain, the bite site becomes purulent.

When a bumblebee bites, it is less painful than a bee or wasp sting because its venom is not as dangerous as that of a bee or wasp. In addition, a wasp can bite several times.

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee?

The first thing you need to do is observe the wound and see the reaction. Do not worry if a swelling with redness forms at the site of the bite. This is a normal reaction to a bite, and you need to wait a little for the pain and itching to go away.

First aid at home

When a bee stings, it almost always leaves its stinger in the human body. After a bumblebee bite, the sting rarely remains, but if it does remain, you need to take tweezers, disinfect the instrument and carefully remove the sting.

Be sure to read:

How to get rid of earth bees: effective ways and methods, why they are dangerous

After this, the area is treated with hydrogen peroxide. You can also use a solution of alcohol or ammonia. The products must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 (alcohol) and 1:5 (ammonia).

It is possible to develop other symptoms that are more dangerous:

  • upset stomach, nausea, vomiting;
  • swelling;
  • allergic reaction - the body becomes covered with red spots;
  • difficulty breathing, suffocation;
  • rapid heartbeat, shock;
  • swelling of the mouth and/or larynx;
  • severe itching of the skin.

All these signs indicate intolerance to bumblebee venom. If a person is not helped in time, there is a risk of death.


If complications occur, the first thing you need to do is take antihistamines. The main drugs include Suprastin, Tavegil and others. If the medications have helped partially and the symptoms include severe swelling, difficulty breathing and the overall condition is worsening, then you need to get help from a doctor as quickly as possible.

If this is not possible, stronger medications must be taken. These include drugs such as dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc.

In particularly advanced cases, adrenaline can also be administered, but this will require special equipment and skills.

Do bumblebees have a sting?

Bumblebee sting
The body structure of the insect in question is identical to that of a bee. Therefore, there is no need to even doubt whether bumblebees have a sting. It is present in its proper place - at the end of the abdomen.

True, only females are equipped with weapons, and they have to defend their nests.

Note! Instead of a stinger, nature endowed males with genitals, because their main purpose is to fertilize the uterus. Therefore, some doubt whether a bumblebee has a sting when they examine a caught member of the family.

Having done his job, the male leaves the nesting site, leaving the female “to the mercy of fate.” The latter have to take care of the protection of honeycombs and offspring on their own.

The sting of a bumblebee is as sharp as that of a bee, but does not have the characteristic serrations. Thanks to its ideal smoothness, the protective organ is easily removed from the body after a bite.

In other words, a bumblebee sting is a “reusable” tool. This is another difference between related insects - the bee loses its sting after the first bite, since the barbs prevent it from being removed from the body.

The protective organ of the female bumblebee is similar to a medical needle - just as sharp and hollow inside. It delivers a toxic composition, the main one being bombolitin.

Phospholipase is also present, which in large quantities can destroy red blood cells. Serotonin, which is relatively life-threatening, is also harmful to humans.

For people who are not prone to allergies, a bumblebee bite does not cause any particular inconvenience, except when the insect stings in the neck area.

An allergic reaction is provoked in a person sensitive to poisons.

Its most harmless manifestations are itching, swelling and redness at the site of the sting. In this case, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid so that the situation does not end in failure - anaphylactic shock.

If we compare the injections made by bumblebees and bees, the latter sting more painfully, and their poison is more toxic. Added to this is the difficulty of removing a bee sting from the body (as well as the pain of this process).

Although the bumblebee tip may remain after the injection (for example, break off). In this case, the sting must be immediately removed with disinfected tweezers so as not to provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

After this, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide. You can also use alcohols, but dilute them correctly with water: regular - in a ratio of 1:3, ammonia - 1:5.


Can a bumblebee sting your eye? Yes, in such cases you need to rinse them thoroughly and apply a tea compress. There are also proven methods for treating and preventing a bite.

Folk remedies

They are often useful as first aid for a bite. People have several ways:

  • You can apply a bandage with dandelion or plantain grass;
  • A thick solution of baking soda relieves pain;
  • Vodka with lemon juice relieves itching;
  • An onion compress also helps with bites;
  • You can cool the affected area and reduce pain with frozen milk or chilled olive oil;
  • As an antibacterial agent, you can use a mixture of 1 spoon of honey and a head of garlic;
  • Aloe vera leaves are also applied.


In this case, such medications are most often useful when used externally. You can dissolve an aspirin tablet with water and apply it to the place where the bumblebee stung. To remove redness and itching, you can apply a solution of crushed activated carbon tablets and validol.

There are also tablets for quick relief of bite syndromes. These are Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadine and others.


Gels relieve inflammation and burning, among the most useful are Fenistil, Advantan, menovazan, levomekol, flucinar, hydrocortisone.

First aid

First aid for bee stings involves almost the same actions as treatment if stung by a bumblebee. It doesn't take much effort to help those who don't have allergies. Medical intervention is also not required. Just follow these rules:

  • If the bumblebee's sting remains at the site of the lesion, it must be removed immediately. It is better to do this with tweezers rather than with your hands, because this will most likely be ineffective and may cause an infection.
  • In order to avoid infection, it is very important to rinse the affected area under water and treat it with an antiseptic.
  • The pain will go away much faster using a cold compress.
  • If the victim exhibits allergy symptoms, then it is necessary to immediately take an antihistamine, then consult a doctor.
  • It is best to avoid ointments and consume a lot of liquid, it helps dissolve the poison in the body.

It is very important that if bites occur on sensitive parts of the body, such as the mouth or neck, then you should also consult a doctor, because there is a high risk of developing pathologies.

What you should not do if you get bumblebee venom:

  • Killing the person who bit him can attract his family, who will want to take revenge;
  • Scratching the bite helps the toxins spread throughout the body;
  • Drink alcohol or sleeping pills, these substances dilate blood vessels and enhance the effect of the poison.

When a doctor's help is needed

In certain cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance without wasting a minute of precious time. For example:

  • In case of multiple bites.
  • In case of bites from children, pregnant women or people prone to allergies.
  • When the bite site is near the eyes, near the mouth or other places on the face.
  • In cases of rapid intoxication of the body, when the body does not have time to cope with toxins.
  • In cases of wound infection with subsequent suppuration.

Why do bumblebees bite people?

Bumblebees, compared to bees, are more peaceful in nature and bite only in rare cases, for the purpose of self-defense or to protect an entire colony.

The insect can attack a person in other cases. For example:

  • In the presence of a strong aroma of perfume, the smell of alcohol (fumes), or oxidizing metal.
  • In the case of a predominance of blue clothing, as well as in the case of sudden movements, which clearly provokes aggression of the insect.

Important to remember! The more insect bites, the more dangerous they are for humans, since a high level of toxins in the body can lead to disruptions in the functioning of many organs, including the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the respiratory system. In this case, death is possible as a result of cardiac arrest or paralysis of the respiratory system.

Helping a child after a bumblebee bite

The injured child must be shown to a doctor, and before that a number of pre-medical measures must be taken:

  • inspect the wound and rinse with boiled water and antiseptic;
  • if there are no signs of complications, treat the bite with medical alcohol, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or chlorhexidine;
  • Apply a cold compress to the injury;
  • even in the absence of allergies, give an antihistamine - Suprastin, Zodak, Tavegil in the dosage according to the attached instructions.

After treating the affected area, put the child to bed and give a warm drink every hour and a half.

Prevention of poisonous bites

Don't provoke an attack

To prevent a bumblebee attack, it is advisable to:

  • do not provoke an attack - stay as far away from the insect as possible;
  • collect honey in special clothes if there is an apiary on the property;
  • do not be in a place where insects accumulate while intoxicated;
  • do not use perfume in excess if an encounter with a bumblebee is inevitable;
  • in the summer, protect the house from insects entering it by placing mesh on the openings;
  • do not make sudden movements in the presence of a representative of the Hymenoptera genus;
  • If possible, wear clothes of soft colors, especially in the evening, so as not to attract the attention of the insect.

To summarize, it is worth noting that it was indicated why a bumblebee bite is dangerous for humans, and what consequences it can lead to. Precautions for contact with a bumblebee and methods of treatment if a bite was received were also presented.

Healthy. Finally, it is worth saying that in order to avoid or reduce the risk of harm to health, it is advisable to communicate with the creatures of nature as carefully as possible and consult a doctor before treating a wound yourself.

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Complications and consequences

Usually the unpleasant sensations pass fairly quickly. Multiple bites, which can cause complications and serious consequences from a bumblebee bite, should be from 10 for an adult, and from 5 for a child at the same time. In this case, the amount of poison is several times greater, toxic poisoning will be noticeable, and the risk of allergies increases.

Complications after a bumblebee bite can occur in:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • old people;
  • persons prone to allergic reactions;
  • with neurological and cardiovascular diseases.

On a note! Repeated insect bites are more dangerous because after the first one, the human body has developed antibodies, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

The benefits and harms of a bumblebee sting

Apitherapy has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial, and in the 20th century, science confirmed the benefits of the technique. The object of scientific research was the venom of the domestic bee, but the biological similarity of stinging insects does not deny the healing power of bumblebee venom. The secret is useful for musculoskeletal pathologies:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • tendovaginitis;
  • joint contractures;
  • sprains and inflammation of soft tissues.

Rubbing with ointments containing poison is effective for colds, bronchitis, and hypothermia. The unique composition of the poison stimulates the body's metabolic processes and increases defenses.

Like any toxic substance, the venom of stinging insects is used with caution. Well, in case of accidental bites (especially massive ones), there is no need to talk about treatment with bumblebee venom.

For a healthy person, a single bumblebee bite is not dangerous; the harm is noticeable with multiple attacks. If the victim is prone to allergic reactions or suffers from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, the likelihood of complications is high.

Possible reactions:

  • slight malaise, headache, dizziness;
  • low-grade fever;
  • rashes like urticaria;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

Fact! When a bumblebee stings, it injects the victim with a fair amount of poison. The body responds to this by producing endogenous antidotes that have little toxicity. The more of these substances are produced, the more pronounced the consequences of the bite.

Bites during pregnancy and children

A blow from a bumblebee sting is especially dangerous for small children. The baby’s body is not yet able to resist toxic substances as well as an adult’s. Children are more prone to allergic reactions; to develop severe intoxication, they only need a smaller dose of toxic secretion.

If a bumblebee bites a pregnant woman, the consequences can be serious, including spontaneous miscarriage. The risk group consists of people allergic to honey. In any case, after a bumblebee bite, the child should be shown to a pediatrician, and the pregnant woman should go to an antenatal clinic.

On a note! The insect poses a serious danger only in cases of individual intolerance and special sensitivity, but it is imperative to know the necessary actions in the event of possible complications.


A bumblebee can sting you if you approach its home and cause a lot of painful troubles. They rarely attack first, only if they sense real danger. There are several ways you can avoid being bitten:

  • Avoid bumblebee nests, there are many individuals there, each female strives to protect her child
  • For picnics and walks, take allergy medications and antiseptics with you.
  • It is best to choose more covered clothing so that the hornets have less room to sting.
  • Monitor your children closely as they may come into contact with insects without fear.
  • Bumblebees also often bite if people next to them wave their arms.

When going outdoors, be sure to ensure that you have a fully stocked first aid kit with you; if you are bitten by a bumblebee and have an allergic reaction, seek medical help immediately.

What is contraindicated to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee?

Following simple recommendations will help you avoid complications and unpleasant consequences:

  1. The affected area should not be scratched, rubbed, or squeezed.
  2. The attacked insect does not need to be pursued or tried to be killed.
  3. It is prohibited to visit a bathhouse or sauna, warm up the affected area, drink alcohol, or use alcohol-containing drugs or sleeping pills for 7-10 days after the incident.
  4. Do not apply water from open reservoirs, soil, clay, dirty, untreated leaves of medicinal plants to the wound.
  5. If you experience general malaise, allergies or signs of intoxication, contact a medical facility.
  6. Take antipyretic drugs only at temperatures above 38.5°C.

Relieving swelling

The accumulation of fluid in cells is edema, which causes disruption of organ function and is dangerous for humans. When an insect stings, it injects poison into the victim's body, which causes a tumor. It causes pain and significantly worsens the appearance of the affected area.

To relieve swelling, you need to stay in bed, periodically raising your legs up. It is also important to apply a cold compress. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medications will be effective. If all these remedies do not bring any benefit, the swelling continues to spread, then you need to go to the hospital.

What to do if a bumblebee stings a pet?

You can suspect something is wrong if your pet is restless. The animal itches, whines and growls, and may even gnaw at the affected area. It is not difficult to detect the site of the bite: the area is noticeably swollen. Signs and manifestations resemble “human” symptoms: chills, fever, weakness.

Primary care is to relieve local inflammation:

  • apply soda compresses (mushy consistency) to the bite site;
  • You can relieve inflammation with an aqueous solution of vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. The method is not suitable if the bumblebee has caused harm to the animal’s mucous membranes;
  • If the pet categorically does not accept soda and acid, you need to apply a cool compress to the wound. Cold will relieve pain and eliminate swelling.

The above recommendations are temporary measures. If a bumblebee stings an animal, you should not experiment with pharmacological drugs. The animal should receive basic treatment from a veterinarian.

The bumblebee is a peace-loving insect. The likelihood of being bitten by these arthropods depends on the actions of the person himself. Of course, in nature you need to stay away from a swarm of bumblebees, and if a furry guest flies into the garden, it’s enough not to provoke the insect. If there is a suspicion that a colony of bumblebees has chosen a garden or vegetable garden, you will have to treat the area with insecticides and it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

Use of medications

In addition to providing emergency care immediately after a bite, it is recommended to use medications that are used in accordance with the groups of consequences.

Allergy remedies

Hornet sting - what to do at home

If an allergic reaction occurs, you should seek help from the following antihistamines; the result will be visible within 30 minutes:

  • demidrol - it is advisable to take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 days;
  • Suprostin - since the drug contains a side effect in the form of drowsiness, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets before bedtime;
  • Diazolin - take 1 tablet until the adverse symptoms disappear.

Treatment of external consequences

In case of a tumor or swelling of individual parts, experts advise to smear:

  • hydrocortisone – taken externally up to 3 times every 8 hours;
  • as a rescuer - apply a thin layer to the injured area and let it dry, repeat the action up to 2-3 times a day;
  • psilobalm - treat the working surface with 3 g of the substance, repeating the procedure up to 4 times within 24 hours.

Healthy. If there are no complications after an insect bite, then the swelling and swelling will go away in 48-96 hours.

Traditional methods

You can use for treatment not only drugs containing chemical elements, but also mixtures of natural components, recipes for which will be given below:

  1. Grind the plantain leaves and put them on a bandage. Apply the finished compress to the wound and change the bandage every 3 hours.
  2. Take half a teaspoon of tansy, pour a glass of water over the herb and cook for 300 seconds over low heat. Allow the solution to cool, then moisten a cotton swab in it and apply the resulting compress to the wound. Change the bandage when it is dry.
  3. Wash and cut fresh potatoes into rounds and apply each of them, the last one is placed when the previous one has dried, to the site of injection of the poison.
  4. Rinse the bite area under running water, then put banana pulp on it to reduce itching.

Healthy. To remove most of the poison from the body, simply apply a wet lump of sugar to the wound.


#1 Fazze Van G.

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This is the problem, on my floor, I suspect there is a beehive somewhere in the wall or under the roof. And from there bumblebees visit (in 2 weeks, 2 bumblebees visited my kitchen). In general, I don’t like their species ever since one wasp planted a stinger almost in my eye. So that's what I want to know. Bumblebees are generally aggressive by nature, do they have a sting? I read the wiki, it says that drones don’t have stings, but I don’t know what classifications there are with the swarm. I got a 4 in biology, but I’ve already forgotten everything)

And then this bitch flew in, a fat reptile, 2-3 centimeters in diameter, black and fast. I almost shit myself.

Localization of bites and greatest danger

A bumblebee sting is most dangerous when it hits the neck or face. Swelling after a bite to the neck can cause breathing problems.

If an insect stings the eye, lip, tongue or nasal mucosa, severe swelling makes it difficult for the affected organs to function normally. The least dangerous is a bumblebee bite on a finger, foot or arm.

Causes and symptoms of swelling after vinegar

When an insect stings, the affected area always swells and increases in size. This is a consequence of the tissue reaction to the poison, which is already beginning to spread to neighboring areas. The bad thing is that such a reaction can be detected not only in the area of ​​the bite itself, but also in places that seem completely unrelated to the sting.

If a bumblebee stings a person again, the immune system suffers doubly due to the fact that the poisonous substance contains protein compounds that cause an allergic reaction.

Depending on the general condition, several stages of symptoms may be observed. The first of these includes itching, redness and rash. The second includes diarrhea and vomiting, problems with difficulty breathing, signs of suffocation and difficulty swallowing. The above may be accompanied by severe sweating and chills.

how to get rid of a mosquito bite

Symptoms: pain, itching, swelling, skin rash and others

The local reaction manifests itself within the first minutes in the form of burning, itching and pain. Next, swelling occurs and the skin begins to redden.

A few minutes after the bite, a burning sensation, swelling, and redness of the skin occurs.

Such bite symptoms do not require specific therapy and disappear within 2–4 days. An allergic reaction develops within a few minutes, but passes within a few hours. Depending on the intensity, the following appear:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness of the whole body.
  2. Difficulty breathing, chills, increased heart rate.
  3. Skin rashes.
  4. Temperature increase.

Signs of toxic poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • weakness;
  • loose stool.

Wintergreen (umbrella, ordinary, tincture) - description, medicinal properties, application

These symptoms appear only with multiple bites.

When do hornets sleep?

Hornets are insects of the same age. Only fertile females survive the winter: they hibernate, and the rest of the hornets die. Females wake up in mid-May, when the temperature becomes at least 10 degrees.

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What does a bumblebee eat?

Clover is the favorite treat of bumblebees

Perhaps these creatures are the most finicky of the bee order in terms of food. If wasps can eat jam, honey, tree sap and other sweets, then bumblebees have only pollen and nectar in their diet. However, the list of plants from which they collect food is very long. They pollinate almost all flowers that grow in their habitats. It is often used in gardening. If a beehive has appeared next to the garden, there is no doubt that in the near future there will be a large harvest in the garden beds.

The larvae also need food, so upon returning to the nest, individuals try to bring as much nectar as possible, which serves as food for future offspring. If necessary, the cubs are also fed home-produced honey.

The bumblebee's favorite flower is clover. He is attracted by the smell and color of the plant, and as he flies past he cannot resist. It has also been noticed that bumblebees, just like other bees, are more willing to sit on bright buds than on those that have faded colors. However, if there is no other vegetation nearby, the insect will not hesitate to land on them.

Where are bumblebees found?

Bumblebees, like other nectar-gathering insects, are most often found where plants are in flower. Forests, fields and meadows during flowering are the places where they prepare supplies for the whole family for the winter. Allergy sufferers should be careful during this time. When going outdoors or working in the field, you need to have antihistamines with you.

When walking in nature with children, you need to make sure that they do not accidentally touch a nest with bumblebees. You should also not try to collect wild bumblebee honey. It is worth remembering that bumblebees are peace-loving insects, but they will defend their territory. If you behave in a civilized manner and do not do anything thoughtless, walks in nature do not threaten you with bites.

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