How to properly pinch a tangerine tree at home

When is pruning necessary?

There are several reasons why your money tree may need to be pruned:

  • giving an attractive decorative look;
  • removal of diseased and fungal-infected shoots;
  • stimulating growth;
  • inhibiting plant growth.

It is necessary to remove excess shoots if the flower becomes too tall or wide for the space allotted to it. Branches or leaves protruding from the top of the tree spoil the appearance and create an uneven shape. As soon as these appear on the flower, it's time to prune them to change the shape of the crown. Pruning also helps stimulate the growth of new, healthy shoots. From time to time it is useful to rejuvenate the plant, but this should be done during a strictly designated growing season.

There is only one justification for the procedure during this period: the crassula is sick and immediate removal of shoots affected by bacterial rot is required, otherwise the entire flower will die. Remove brown or wilted leaves regularly. If a grower notices dry, wilting or brown shoots, you can remove them without worrying about the tree. Such changes in appearance may be a sign that the indoor air is too dry, or the plant is in a draft, perhaps not getting enough natural light, or it is falling directly on the foliage, burning it.

Crassula undergoes the procedure at any time of the year when infected with bacterial rot. This disease cannot be treated, there are no effective remedies, so the only thing that can help save the plant is timely pruning. It also requires pruning of any new branches on the tree that grow downward: this is how the crown forms correctly. Remove branches that intersect or are at the wrong angle. Pruning is needed to create an open space, thanks to which the air blows well over the crown, moisture does not collect in it and, accordingly, the foliage does not rot.

Growing tangerine from seed

The most common tree species in tropical Asia, namely China and Japan, is the mandarin. A small, fairly branched tree is the evergreen tangerine (Citrus reticulata). This tree belongs to the Rutaceae family; the leaves on the tree are leathery and lanceolate. The lifespan of leaves on a tree of this variety of tangerines is approximately 4 years; the stalks of large leaves belonging to this variety of tangerines have small wings, this is considered their feature. The height of an adult tangerine tree, which is about a quarter of a century old, can reach up to , the crown of the tree has the shape of a ball, the diameter of the crown is the same as its height. The flowers on the tree of this variety are quite large, white and very fragrant.

Tangerine propagates by seeds and vegetatively

To start growing tangerines from seeds , you need to plant them in fertile, light soil immediately after the seeds have been removed from the fruit. Tangerine sprouts begin to show themselves about a month after they were planted. In the initial stage of growth, tangerines grow very slowly. A tangerine tree that has been grown from seeds begins to bear fruit only at the age of 4 or 5 years. A tangerine tree grown from a seed must be grafted, because otherwise it will just grow into a wild plant, which will have small fruits, and not even tasty ones.

How to properly prune indoor tangerines

  • How to properly prune indoor tangerines
  • How to grow a tangerine from a seed yourself
  • How to replant a lemon

Features of cultivation

This absolutely unpretentious plant takes three years to grow from a seed into a pretty tree, but begins to bear fruit only after 7-8 years. Of course, if you buy a ready-made seedling, you will receive the fruits sooner. To speed up fruiting, tangerines can also be grafted.

It easily tolerates both cool and too hot conditions in an apartment during the central heating period. All he needs is a lot of light, abundant watering, and periodic feeding. Mandarin does not like drafts and strong winds. When there is a lack of light, it drops its leaves. The same thing happens during drought (or overwatering). In summer, you can keep indoor tangerines outdoors. Indoor tangerine requires a cool winter; in winter it is advisable to provide it with a temperature of +16°C. After wintering, the tree grows, produces flowers and sets fruit.

Formative pruning

To form the crown of the desired shape and stimulate fruiting, you need to do formative pruning.

As the tangerine tree grows, it expands, losing its compactness and attractiveness, so it requires regular pruning. It is carried out on a young plant using the pinching method - the central trunk is pinched at a height of about 30 cm from the soil. For an adult tree, pruning is done with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The central shoot must be removed. With it, the crown will not have such a decorative appearance. And new unattractive shoots will form on it. But most importantly, this shoot usually does not bear fruit, since flower buds do not form on it.

Only the strongest branches are left, growing symmetrically, in the amount of 3-4 pieces. They are pinched or trimmed by 10-15 cm. Second-order branches appear on them, which also require pruning. Third-order branches are also pruned. But the fourth, growing horizontally to the sides, produces flowers and fruits. Also remove all unnecessary thickening branches that grow vertically upward or inward.

In addition to pruning, a young tangerine tree requires an annual transplant into new nutrient soil and a larger pot. The transplant is done after a period of rest. Adult plants are replanted less frequently, once every 2-3 years, as they grow.

Mandarin is more resistant to grafting than other citrus plants. You can literally learn to plant all kinds of exotic citrus fruits on it - it will only grow even better from these experiments.

How to form a crown by pinching

You can shape the crown of a lemon not only by pruning, but also by pinching it. You need to pinch the shoot when it has reached the desired length, but not later. Therefore, you need to gradually form the lemon crown by pinching throughout the year.

The first pruning is also replaced by pinching when the trunk of a young tree reaches a height of 20-25 cm.

After this, the tip of the shoot, along with the upper leaves, is pinched. Further, when level 1 shoots appear on the trunk, they are also pinched, and precisely when their length becomes 1-2 cm longer than the generally accepted norm, namely, a length of 25 cm.

Then, gradually, as the shoots grow, they need to be pinched. This is how the crown of a lemon tree is formed without pruning. This is better for the tree, since pinching occurs gradually, 1-2 shoots at a time, so damage to the plant is insignificant.

When can it be done?

Forming a money tree is not difficult, just learn the basics of this art. Do regular pruning in the spring. If you shape the trunk and top during this period, the tree will hold its shape better. The procedure is carried out from March to May. In the summer, corrective pinching is done, asymmetrically developing shoots are removed, and new growth is stimulated where the crown seems bare.

When working with a wicker ficus, it is cut evenly along all trunks. During the winter, remove any dead or dying branches as they use up the plant's resources for normal growth and the production of new leaves. Disease-affected branches are cut off immediately.

Features of the development of citrus fruits

The growth and development of citrus fruits in nature and on our windowsills is significantly different from other indoor plants. The specificity of development is determined by the cyclical nature of the growing season. From spring to autumn, these plants experience three peaks of development:

First growth, spring, from about mid-March to June. At this moment, new shoots and leaves grow powerfully. But suddenly growth stops and the lull (lack of growth) lasts until the young shoots mature.

Tangerine tree - how to plant it?

The technology for planting a tangerine tree from a seed is not much different from the standard procedure for germinating seeds:

  1. A drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay must be poured into a suitable pot.
  2. The prepared soil is laid out on top.
  3. Seeds are placed in holes 4-6 cm deep and sprinkled with the rest of the soil mixture.
  4. For best results, it is worth planting as many seeds as possible so that there is a choice among the sprouts that appear.
  5. After planting, the soil is watered abundantly and covered with polyethylene.
  6. The container with seeds is placed in a warm, bright place, but protected from direct sunlight. Ventilate the greenhouse regularly.
  7. The air temperature in the room should not fall below +20°C.
  8. The first shoots of the tangerine tree will appear after 14-28 days.
  9. Several shoots can grow from one seed at once. Only the strongest should be left, and the rest should be carefully cut off.

Pot for tangerine tree

You first need to plant an indoor tangerine tree from a seed in small containers with a diameter of 5 to 10 cm. Often, ordinary plastic cups or purchased pots and boxes for germinating seedlings are used for these purposes. As the seedling grows, after the appearance of the fifth leaf, it needs to be transplanted into a pot of larger diameter, but not too deep. Then the tree is replanted annually, because the root system of the plant grows very quickly, occupying almost the entire area of ​​the pot.

What kind of land is needed for a tangerine tree?

A tangerine tree in a pot should be planted in light, neutral and nutritious soil. Citrus trees do not tolerate acidic soils, so peat cannot be used. You can buy a ready-made nutrient mixture for citrus fruits in a store or make it yourself from:

  • two parts cow humus or compost;
  • two parts of a mixture of turf and leaf soil;
  • one part of coarse river sand, which has undergone preliminary disinfection.

Growing conditions: lighting, humidity, temperature

The tangerine tree is a crop that grows in Eastern countries, where there is a lot of sun and warmth. Place pots with plants on the southeast, southwest sides of the house. If the sun shines brightly at noon, then the leaves of the tangerine tree should be shaded.

But in winter, the lack of light is compensated by organizing lighting. Hang a fluorescent lamp at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the container with tangerine. Indoor humidity does not play a special role in the development of the tree. It should be at the level of 50 - 60 percent. The plant tolerates slight drought easily.

And the optimal temperature for keeping indoor tangerine is from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius in summer. In winter, the temperature drops to plus ten. If the tree rests in winter, it will begin to develop more actively in the spring.

Features of caring for a tangerine tree at home

No matter how the plant is planted, it requires maintaining certain conditions and careful care.


In the summer, tangerine feels good outside, even at night, if it is warm enough. The optimal temperature is +25…+30°С. In spring and during the flowering period, the air should not warm up above +18...+20°C, otherwise the buds will fall off.

In winter, tangerine is in a resting phase at a temperature of +10...+12°C.


Mandarin is a southern plant that loves long daylight hours. During the rest period it needs darkening. In autumn and spring, it requires additional lighting, extending the day by 2-3 hours in the morning and 3-4 in the evening. To do this, use special phytolamps or ordinary fluorescent ones.


In their natural environment, tangerines grow in a subtropical climate. There the air humidity reaches 100%. But in an apartment they feel great even at 60-65%. To ensure this level, it is enough to use a humidifier or place open containers of water near the pots.


You should not use chlorinated tap water - this is destructive for most house plants. For watering, it is best to use rain or bottled water at a temperature not lower than +20°C. If this is not possible, let the tap water sit for 2-3 days and only then water the tangerines.

The soil should not be over-moistened, nor should it be allowed to dry out. The guideline is the top layer of soil - there should be no dry crust on it. In summer, watering is done more often, in winter - less often.

Tangerines are very responsive to spraying. Using warm, settled water from a spray bottle, moisten the entire crown with the exception of the buds during the flowering period 2-3 times a week.


At least twice a month, special complex fertilizers for citrus fruits are applied to the soil (they are sold in flower shops). In summer, it is better to use organic manure - manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. But in this way there is a high probability of introducing pests or pathogens into the soil.

If there is a need for transplantation or flowering, or the tangerines are at rest, you cannot feed them.

Protection from diseases and pests

Mandarin is often attacked by insects and pathogens.

Main pests:

  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • citrus nematode;
  • scale insect;
  • whitefly;
  • greenhouse thrips;
  • mealybug.

If insects are found on the plant, they are fought with insecticidal preparations: “Actellik”, “Sulfarid”, “Aktofit”, “Ferramol”. But they cannot be used during the flowering or fruiting period, so that harmful substances do not accumulate in the fruits.

In this case, gentle methods are used:

  • pests are removed from plants manually;
  • tangerines are sprayed with soap (10 g per 1 liter of water) or vinegar (1 tsp 9% per 1 liter of water) solution;
  • if affected by a nematode that lives in the soil, the bush must be transplanted into clean soil.

Pathogenic microorganisms cause diseases of tangerines:

  1. Anthracnose: with excessive moisture, light spots appear on the leaves, which darken over time. The infected parts of the plant are cut off, and the bush is sprayed with any fungicide.
  2. Late blight: brown rings on trunks. If found, they are cleaned off and the tree is sprayed with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.
  3. Gommosis: brown spots on branches leading to damage to the bark and cracks. Clean the infected areas and treat with 3% copper sulfate.
  4. Root rot: yellowing and falling of leaves. As a rule, once detected, it is too late to save the plant.

Tangerine diseases caused by viruses or bacteria cannot be cured.

Fertilizers for plants

Growing a tangerine tree in a pot is impossible without adequate nutrition. The supply of nutrients in the soil substrate, even if it is prepared according to all the rules, is enough for 3 months.

In the future, the plant should be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers approximately once every 2-3 weeks, not more often. In the spring, during the active movement of juices, the formation of new buds and buds, replenishment is carried out more often; during the period of winter dormancy, their amount is reduced. Fertilizers are applied in the first half of the day.

Mineral mixtures

The main elements that tangerines need for successful growth and ovary formation are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, complex mineral mixtures containing these components are used to feed citrus. Fertilizers are used both in dry and soluble states.

Soluble fertilizers are prepared according to the instructions for the drug, without exceeding the specified dose. An excess of minerals is no less harmful to plants than a deficiency. Dry fertilizers have the advantage that they need to be applied less frequently. They dissolve gradually and nourish the seedling as needed.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always clear when the plant has absorbed all the elements. In this option, it is difficult to calculate the time of adding recharge in order to prevent an overdose. As in the case of soluble substances, you need to carefully read the explanations and make calculations in accordance with the age of the tree, the amount and quality of the soil.

Organic fertilizers

The most suitable organic fertilizer for indoor mandarin is cow manure, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. In a city apartment it is not possible to prepare such a supplement; it is not necessary to do this.

There are liquid humus already prepared for use on sale. The optimal fertilizing option is a combination of mineral and organic fertilizers in equal proportions.

How to pinch a tangerine tree at home

The tangerine tree is covered with bright green leaves all year round and gives a good mood to the people around it. In China it is considered a sign of wealth and good luck. It is one of the symbols of the New Year in this country.

Also, if you grow it correctly, you can get a good harvest of tangerines. Caring for a tree at home is not difficult, you just need to follow some rules, and the result will not be long in coming.

Tangerine tree - instructions on how to care for it at home (80 photos)

Many people dream of having a tangerine tree at home. Of course, such a plant not only lifts your spirits, but also brings tasty and juicy fruits, useful both for maintaining immunity and for health in general.

Dwarf tangerine trees are usually grown indoors. By planting such a tree at home, everyone will be able to enjoy its pleasant aroma, which gives a feeling of vigor and helps relieve tension and irritation.

Unfortunately, not everyone decides to plant this plant, since many are afraid in advance of the upcoming difficulties associated with caring for the tangerine tree.

Such doubts are completely justified, because there are many citrus plants that are quite difficult to care for.

Mandarin, fortunately, is not one of them.

Where to start

Today, anyone can plant and grow a tangerine tree at home without much difficulty.

The easiest way is to buy a seedling in one of the flower shops and subsequently plant it.

It will be a little more difficult to grow this plant by planting an ordinary tangerine seed in the ground, but this method is also quite simple.

So, to understand how to grow a tangerine tree from a seed, check out the following tips:

  • First, take the largest and ripest tangerine fruits and remove several seeds (10-14 seeds) from them. Then wrap the seeds in damp gauze and leave for several days.
  • Periodically moisten the gauze with water, without allowing it to dry completely. As a result, the seeds should swell and produce small sprouts. Instead of gauze, you can also use hydrogel. And finally, start planting the finished seeds in the ground.

Soil selection

To grow a tangerine tree in a pot, you should take a very responsible approach to preparing the soil, which you will have to prepare yourself. It's all about the presence of peat, which is part of the vast majority of mixtures sold in stores.

And peat is contraindicated for citrus plants.

So, to make your own mixture you will need the following components: leaf soil (one part), turf soil (three parts), rotted cow manure (one part), quartz sand (one part) and clay.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to create your own mixture, then try to find the most neutral soil in stores. As a last resort, mix regular soil with some ash, organic fertilizer and superphosphate.

When the soil is prepared, do this:

  • Take a pot and place small pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom.
  • Fill the pot with the resulting soil mixture.
  • Place the swollen seeds into the soil. The planting depth should be approximately 5-7 cm.

Methods of propagation of citrus crops

Mandarin is a shrub that is ever green all year round. Comes from the fruit family and genus - citrus fruits. The form of life is a bush, in the form of a tree.

Homemade tangerine can be grown in greenhouses and at home: window sill, balcony, greenhouse. Breeders have bred a huge variety of this plant. This tangerine is an effective show-stopper in a pot.

Photo: tangerine tree at home

Homemade tangerine has very tasty and aromatic fruits; they grow on the tree for more than two months. Such a plant attracts and gives pleasure both with its flowering and the unsurpassed smell of its own flower.

The mandarin bonsai is a rare and masterful piece. Tangerine fruits grow without pollination; the stage of maturity occurs at the end of the year. The most famous and beloved varieties for growing tangerines in the house include:

  • Shiva is a mikan. Early and fast growing species
  • Mirkot is a compact variety with sweet, summer-ripening fruits
  • Winshiu is an unpretentious plant from a Japanese variety, branches well and bears fruit in the third year
  • Clementine - the variety bears fruit in the second year, at home. Refers to a hybrid of mandarin and orange. The fruits have a shiny skin, are slightly flattened, and their number per harvest reaches five dozen.

Read more: Cherry plum general description of the variety - Garden and vegetable garden

Ancient China was the first to cultivate mandarin ducks. Today such a plant can be purchased in flower shops.

tangerine at home

  • If you purchased a plant from such a store, it is better to replant it immediately. To do this, buy a substrate specifically for citrus fruits, where the acidity is 5.5 -7. It is also possible to make your own soil. To do this, it is necessary to mix turf and leaf soil with manure humus and river sand, where the proportion looks like this - 1: 1: 1: 0.5
  • Look carefully at the pot in which the plant was brought from the store; its next place of residence should be no more than three centimeters more than the previous one. All these actions will actively stimulate the tangerine to grow

One of the first steps is to choose a place for the mandarin to live in your apartment.

  • Proper lighting is one of the most important keys to the growth of your pet. This rule also applies if the tangerine is planted in open ground in a country house or greenhouse. Direct sunlight should hit the plant, but without much persistence. Sunlight will give the leaves juiciness and greenness, a lack of light will only lead to fading and thin new shoots
  • The window on which the tangerine will be grown should be located on the east or southeast side. If the growing season is summer, you need to gradually accustom the plant to direct rays, sometimes take it out onto the balcony or street
  • If the time of initial cultivation is winter, place the tangerine in the most illuminated place; if there is not enough light, purchase artificial lighting. It is possible to use a photo light bulb for this purpose
  • The optimal temperature for indoor tangerine remains 25 degrees; if the period of budding and flowering passes, keep the temperature around twenty degrees
  • The rest regime in winter is maintained at a level of five to ten degrees. A plant that has had a good rest in winter will bear much better fruits and flowers.

Growing tangerines from seeds will require your attention and patience only at the first stage, then this crop is easy to care for. Prepare a place for the plant to live. Which excludes the presence of various poisonous neighbors.

A southern room without any neighbors would be ideal. We take material for planting from store-bought tangerines. The number of seeds should be as large as possible, since most of the next shoots will die from the disease and will not survive the grafting stage. Growing tangerines from seeds occurs in several ways:

  • We take a small piece of gauze, irrigate it with water, and wrap the bones. Water should be in a minimum amount to avoid rotting of the seeds. Experienced specialists suggest using a solution of potassium permanganate for this process to disinfect seeds
  • To avoid problems with gauze, you can purchase hydrogel in a specialized store. Its peculiarity is its excellent ability to retain moisture. It looks like a certain mass into which tangerine seeds are aged for pecking and the appearance of sprouts

It is possible to plant the seeds immediately, in open ground. Most gardeners do it this way. If you have extensive experience in growing plants and flowers, you can easily ensure that the bud does not dry out. The leaves will hatch here later than all types of cultivation, but the sprout will be very strong

    Home grown tangerine tree

When you see the first sprouts of your pet, you need to start feeding for the next two weeks. It must be carried out using specialized organic and mineral fertilizers. Care consists of watering and irrigating the sprout and constantly adding fertilizers.

Spraying the tangerine should occur every week to maintain high humidity of the tangerine. It is also possible to keep a bowl filled with water near the tree. Especially when the summer is hot, the plant needs moisture. In winter, watering should be done two to three times a week, depending on dryness.

Fertilizing the tangerine plant should be carried out in the period April-September, especially if it is a fruit-bearing citrus. This will ensure the sweet taste of the fruit.

tangerine plant

Full-fledged, delicious tangerine fruits can only be obtained as a result of proper care and grafting. Grafting begins in May-August. Since sap flow is especially active at this time.

The effectiveness of the result after vaccination depends on your ability to carefully and quickly carry out the appropriate procedures. Prepare in advance for the tangerine grafting stage:

  • A plant grown from seed, the trunk of which is at least six millimeters thick
  • Cutting from a fruiting plant, the branch of which is at least two years old
  • Garden knife
  • Elastic tape
  • Var garden

For grafting, make an incision at a height of ten centimeters, where the trunk of the rootstock is. It should look like the letter T, horizontally - 4 cm, vertically -4 cm. The scion is prepared by removing thorns and leaf blades. Very carefully cut the bud and insert it into the cut, with a small layer of wood.

Where the vaccination was carried out, wrap it with tape. Place the tangerine in a plastic bag or jar. Only after a month will you be able to determine the degree of success of the vaccination. It is better to take several seedlings for grafting, because only half of them will be successful.

Accustom the plant to grafting by gradually removing the jar, then the new shoot will strengthen and begin to grow. Cover the location of the shoot with garden varnish.

leaves of a tangerine tree affected by parasites

  • The most dangerous harmful factors for mandarins include: aphids, flies, red mites
  • To cope with pests, it is enough to prepare solutions at home or purchase them at a specialized store.
  • To prevent insects from multiplying and disappearing, it is possible to prepare a weak garlic solution or a solution of onion peels. They will create an active fight against insects and an unfavorable environment for their development.

parasites on tangerine tree

  • Chemical solutions may be more harmful to the growth of tangerines and will not have a favorable effect on your existence in the apartment
  • If you carefully observe and care for the plant, it is possible to completely avoid the appearance of various parasites
  • Monitor the moisture level in the plant. Overwatering will lead to blackleg disease and subsequent death of the pet.
  • Only fertilizing and fertilizers will provide your plant with a full-fledged existence.
  • The existing soil in the pot is washed away very quickly and recreational processes do not occur
  • To feed the plant, you should use fertilizers of a dry and soluble consistency. The time to increase feeding is spring. For the development of vegetative buds
  • Feeding time is the first half of the day. If the fertilizer is liquid, we use spraying and watering. As an additional care for tangerines, pinching the plant is used. To create fullness

Read more: Hamedorea: care and propagation of plants at home

If you follow the rules for growing and fertilizing tangerines, the leaves of the plant will be forever green. The leaves will turn yellow as a result of improper behavior with the pet. Don't go overboard with chemical fertilizers. If the tangerine is not grown correctly, it will become stained and the leaves will fall off.

  • Proper plant care includes replanting the plant. This event is carried out if the tangerine becomes cramped in the pot. Early plants and young ones are replanted every year
  • Tangerine trees over seven years old are replanted every two years. To replant a plant, you need to take a pot with a diameter greater than five centimeters from the present one so that the roots do not rot. The substrate should be selected with low acidity, the bottom of the pot should be lined with expanded clay and pieces of polystyrene foam
  • The actual transplantation process is carried out not during the flowering of the plant, but in the spring, during the awakening period of the tangerine. The soil is laid by watering after transplanting. Do not use fertilizer two weeks after transplanting, and four days before transplanting

Photo: tangerine at home

Reproduction of a tangerine plant occurs in two ways: grafting onto a rootstock and rooting an apical cutting. This process is carried out at the very beginning of the summer period. Be sure to use root-forming agents that will stimulate growth. Grafting is the most effective and successful method of propagation.

Pruning is carried out to improve the formation of the crown of the desired shape, to stimulate fruiting. As the tree grows, it loses its compactness and attractiveness.

The process is carried out on young plants using a sharp knife and pruning shears. Branches from the first to the third order are subject to pruning. The fourth ones should not be touched, as they produce fruits and flowers.

Mandarin (Citrus reticulate) belongs to the large group of Citrus fruits. The crop is a tree or shrub, reaching 5 m in nature. Of all citrus fruits, tangerine is the most winter-hardy and productive plant.

Plant diseases and pests, methods of combating them

Mandarin diseases can be associated both with improper care and damage to the plant by fungal infections. Yellowing of the leaves of the tree occurs due to lack of moisture or overfeeding with fertilizers. If, after eliminating the causes, the tree continues to hurt, then it is necessary to identify the symptoms of the disease:

  • When a viscous brown liquid—gum—begins to be released from the trunk of a tree, the plant is infected with insects or there is a lot of potassium fertilizer in the soil. In this case, the tangerine is replanted, not forgetting to put a layer of drainage in the new pot.
  • The appearance of sticky sooty deposits on the leaves indicates an infection. Using a swab moistened with water, the plaque is washed off, and the tree is given a shower.
  • Leaf spots are caused by parasitic fungi. It is necessary to quickly spray the plant with fungicides, otherwise the tangerine will die.
  • Anthracnose is recognized by dark brown spots on the leaves that look like burns. The disease is provoked by a large amount of moisture in the air, a lack of phosphorus and potassium in the soil. Rotting branches are cut off and the bush is treated with a fungicidal preparation.
  • Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on parts of the plant. A product containing copper, as well as ventilation of the room, will save the tree from disease.

Among the pests that are dangerous for tangerines are aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. You can control pests manually by collecting their colonies from leaves. Spraying with a soap solution will also help. Among the folk remedies, garlic infusion destroys spider mites.

In case of severe damage, insecticides cannot be avoided. Treatment is carried out three times with an interval of ten to twelve days. Compliance with the rules of care and growing conditions for tangerine will allow the tree to remain clean from fungi and pests. Growing a tangerine tree at home is interesting. It will give joy and beauty during flowering and fruiting.

More information can be found in the video:

Why do tangerine leaves turn yellow?

1. The leaves on the tree begin to turn yellow if the plant was replanted without following the proper rules. The root collar may be slightly deepened.

2. Also, a large pot can cause a similar problem. Correct everything, the plant will recover.

3. If the tangerine tree has been feeling fine for a long time and suddenly begins to shed its leaves, do not panic.

4. A plant at rest may shed yellowed leaves. Most often, this process occurs in the off-season. You should also reduce watering.

How to properly pinch a tangerine tree at home

The light smell of tangerines creates a mood, reminds you of childhood, and brings the New Year into your home.

By growing this plant, unusual for the Middle Belt, you can constantly bathe in a delicate cloud of subtle aroma, creating a unique aura of comfort and well-being.

However, like all citrus fruits, it requires attention and care.

It is important to know the features of watering, how to pinch and prune a tangerine tree, when to replant

Why do you need to pinch tangerines?

On window sills, in rooms, on the veranda, single-stem crops often, instead of comfort, create a feeling of loneliness. Sometimes they just don't have enough space. Considering that a full-fledged tree growing on the southern plantations of the world can reach four meters in height, at home they try to limit the growth of its length.

Indoor tangerines are best shaped like low bushes that form beautiful crowns. This will help the plant develop without concentrating its strength in one direction, make its appearance attractive, and free it from dried “bald” branches.

Experienced gardeners also recommend trimming the tips of the tops, removing branches growing inward, and thinning out very dense areas for normal formation of ovaries and then ripening of fruits.

They also try to pinch out excess and early buds so that the plant can develop evenly, giving each part vitality and energy.

Required Tools

Before starting the operation, it is better to prepare and disinfect the instruments in advance.

Choose garden shears, pruning shears or a sharp knife for budding.

Important components of the process include means for treating an open wound of a plant (garden pitch, tree resin, natural drying oil paint).

Timing for pruning tangerine trees

It is advisable to prune at home at the end of February, beginning of March, when the plant is actively growing and developing.

However, the procedure is sometimes carried out in the fall. At the same time, artificial lighting is added as much as possible.

The first pinching is done when the tangerine produces its fourth, fifth or sixth leaves. At this moment, the tree has already reached twenty to forty centimeters.

On each new branch, after the appearance of the fourth leaf, the tips are removed.

The crown is formed in the first three to four years. Then the process continues, but not so often.

Tangerine pruning technology

After the appearance of the fourth leaf, the owner of the exotic indoor plant, while forming the crown, tries to carefully remove, cutting off above the bud, part of the branch stretching upward. The wound is treated with garden pitch or tree resin and covered with plastic wrap or tape. Let the cut heal. As a rule, the plant is left undisturbed for three to four weeks. Then the film is removed.

Along with the excess length, strong shoots growing from the root itself are removed from the tree, taking away strength from the rest of the plant.

They also try to trim branches directed inside the crown or strongly inclined to the side or down so that the tangerine does not look neglected.

To open or close the crown (with very spreading branches), use a bud cut, taking into account the rule for choosing an external or internal bud, respectively.

The main trunk is pinched and trimmed. Three or four branches are left from the side branches.

Further care

In the summer, the tangerine is taken out onto the veranda, trying to provide it with the opportunity to bask in the gentle rays of the sun.

Watering is done carefully so that drops do not fall on the flowers, twice a day. Fertilizer is added periodically

In the colder winter period, the plant is transferred to a room with a temperature of twelve to sixteen degrees, giving it the opportunity to rest. This is the time of rest for the tree. Water it twice a week. No fertilizing is provided.

As the tangerine grows, it is replanted, giving it a freer pot that matches its size. This is done by the transfer method. If replanting is not possible, two-thirds of the soil is renewed.

First-year plants sometimes produce buds. They are carefully removed so as not to waste the tree’s strength. If necessary, part of the ovaries is left.

Initially, the tangerine tree is positioned in such a way that it receives enough light, but cannot get burned and shed its leaves.

Pinching the ends of the shoots, pruning the upper part of the tangerine, together with watering and fertilizing appropriate to the time of year, allows you to create a beautiful, strong tree-bush, pleasing not only the eyes turned to it, but also bearing delicious aromatic fruits.

Conditions for keeping the plant at home

The tangerine tree, caring for which at home comes down to following certain rules, can delight owners not only with its exotic appearance, but also with delicious vitamin-rich fruits.


For a southern resident, bright light is required, but with shading from the scorching rays of the sun in the summer. A plant located on eastern, southern or western windows feels good. If it is possible to move the tree to the garden or balcony in the summer, it is also necessary to provide it with light cover from direct rays.

Lack of sunlight affects the appearance of the plant. Its foliage becomes faded, its shoots become thin. Under such conditions, the tangerine produces very few buds or does not bloom at all. In winter, when daylight hours are short, the pot should be placed in the sunniest place. Sometimes additional artificial illumination with a phytolamp is not superfluous.


The optimal conditions for tangerine fruiting are temperatures within 15-20 degrees Celsius. The plant also requires winter rest, when the temperature must be reduced to 12o.


Mandatory daily spraying is required in summer in hot weather and in winter when kept in a room with central heating

During flowering, this procedure must be performed carefully so that water does not get on the flowers.

Soil and drainage

The soil for a tangerine tree should consist of the following parts:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus with manure;
  • sand.

The correct soil composition for growing a tangerine tree.
The ratio of components is 2:1:1:1 for young plants and 3:1:1:1 for an adult specimen. To strengthen the roots when transplanting a mature tree, add a little rich clay to the soil. Remains of building bricks, small stones, pebbles, and expanded clay are used as drainage.


In summer and spring, daily watering in the first half of the day becomes mandatory; in very hot periods, additional moisture in the evening is possible. The amount of water depends on the size of the plant itself, the density of the crown, the size of the pot, and the air temperature in the room.

Starting from October, watering is reduced to 1-2 times a week, preventing the earthen clod from completely drying out. Water for this procedure is used at room temperature.

How to properly prune a homemade tangerine

Any tree-like plant with a beautifully decorated crown will decorate your interior. An indoor tangerine tree will be no exception.

Necessity of the procedure

In nature, the tangerine is a full-fledged tree, reaching a height of 4 m. Under natural conditions, no one prunes the tangerine; only dead branches are removed as necessary. At home, few people can afford to maintain a full-fledged tree, so the optimal size for it would be a height of 40–50 cm. Timely and competent pruning of the home tangerine can help with this

Not many beginning citrus growers know how important it is to form a crown and how to prune tangerines correctly to get a beautiful and healthy tree.

Proper development of the crown is very important, because without proper pruning the plant will not bear fruit or the fruits will be small and taste bitter. This procedure allows you to remove weak and non-viable branches in a timely manner, giving others the opportunity to gain strength

Frequent and proper pruning has a beneficial effect on the active growth of the tree.

This procedure allows you to remove weak and non-viable branches in a timely manner, giving others the opportunity to gain strength. Frequent and proper pruning has a beneficial effect on the active growth of the tree.

Basic recommendations

Experienced gardeners use the pinching method. The main tool is garden shears or pruning shears, which should be disinfected before starting work. Open tree wounds should be treated with garden varnish or tree resin.

Initially, the young plant should be allowed to grow to 15–20 cm, and then the top should be pinched. This will allow side shoots to grow. Citrus fruits have a peculiarity: after the first removal of the top, the side branches may not begin to grow immediately. If the top shoot reappears instead, cut it back until the desired branches appear.

Further developments need to be closely monitored. Be sure to remove overgrown shoots and those that stretch excessively

It is very important to form the crown of a plant in 1-2 years of life. Even if flowers appear on unsuccessful branches, they also need to be pruned

In the future, this procedure should be periodically resorted to before the flowering period or immediately after its end. The shape of the crown should be spherical and evenly developed.

If the crown is too thick, it needs to be thinned out. Perform additional pinching as needed. Leave the length of the main branch no more than 20–25 cm.

When carrying out self-pruning, it is important to consider a number of principles:

  • It is not recommended to carry out pruning immediately after transplanting a tangerine tree, because... This is additional stress for the plant. In this case, it is better to wait 3-4 weeks.
  • Future tangerine fruits will form on branches of the 4th order, so each branch of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order is pinched in the upper part.
  • If, due to drying out or lack of light, the tangerine tree sheds the upper part of the crown, it must also be trimmed.

It is important that the plant receives enough light after pruning. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours

If pruning had to be done in the fall, you can use special garden lamps for additional lighting (they can be purchased at a specialty store). If the procedure was radical, after it there may be no leaves on the plant for some time. This is normal and the leaves will grow back later. It is better not to carry out emergency removal of all cuttings at once. It will be better to wait until one branch begins to bush, then you can take on the second.

Compliance with these conditions will allow you to get a healthy and lush bush that will bring positive emotions for a long time.


Pruning is possible at any time of the year, although it will only be needed during the period of active growth: either you are forming a new plant, and then you need to achieve maximum branching and the appearance of higher-order branches, or you carry out the procedure with an adult tree, then excessively protruding branches are removed.

If your Tangerine tree begins to bloom, it is also worth removing excess buds on the basis that there should be at least 10 leaves per 1 future fruit.

How to transplant a tangerine tree at home?

Proper transplantation of a tangerine tree at home guarantees stable growth and fruiting of the green pet. For young plants, the procedure is carried out annually:

  1. The best time to transplant is early spring. When flowering, it is better not to stress the plant; it may begin to shed flowers and leaves.
  2. Choose a pot larger than the previous one by 5-6 cm. You should not buy a container that is too large, as this can lead to a slowdown in growth and rotting of the roots.
  3. A drainage layer and a small amount of new soil are laid on the bottom of the pots.
  4. The tree is removed from the old pot and placed into a new one by transshipment.
  5. All voids are filled with soil.
  6. The plant is watered abundantly.
  7. When using store-bought substrate, fertilizing should be resumed only 3-4 weeks after transplantation.

Preparing the soil for replanting tangerines

In search of an answer to the question of how to care for a tangerine tree, it is recommended to explore the options for land suitable for growing a seedling in a pot. At home, you need to do everything correctly.

So, citrus fruits do not tolerate the acidic environment that accumulates peat. For the tree, you need to choose soft and nutritious soil so that it retains moisture, but at the same time has good air circulation.

To prepare the soil for growing young tangerine trees, prepare a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • humus from cow manure;
  • turf and leaf types of soil mixed in the same proportion;
  • disinfected river sand (coarse).

If desired, you can omit the humus; replace it with compost.

When the tangerine tree reaches the age of 3-4 years, fatty clay is added to the base of the soil. It will prevent the tree's rhizomes from drying out and retain moisture for a long time.

It is imperative to line a layer of drainage about 4-6 cm thick in the pot or tub into which the plant will be transplanted. Clay shards, expanded clay or small pebbles are perfect.

Growing tangerine at home, cuttings and rooting cuttings

If you already have a tangerine tree, new specimens obtained from it will bear fruit in 2-3 years. Tangerine cuttings are part of a green shoot 12-15 cm long and with 2-3 growth buds. Harvest them in late spring or early summer, thus:

  1. Make the upper part straight, the lower part at an angle of 40-45 °.
  2. Before landing on the base, they are immersed in a solution of some biostimulant for 3-4 hours.
  3. Root the cuttings in a damp mixture of humus and sand (1:1). The procedure was successful, it will become clear after 2.5–4 weeks that new leaves will begin to appear.

Cuttings are the easiest way to get a new tangerine tree

The kernel is part of last year’s shoot, about 20 cm long and 0.5 cm thick. It is prepared as follows:

  1. In the middle of the branch, make two circular cuts about 0.5 mm deep and remove the bark 1 cm wide.
  2. All leaves from the cuttings are cut off and the tip is pinched.
  3. Cut a plastic bottle or bag in half lengthwise and place the strains on the bottom.
  4. Then a layer of drainage (1.5–2 cm) and soil (as for seeds) are poured.
  5. From above, this is the second part of creating a greenhouse.
  6. When the cuttings take root, they are transplanted into a pot.

How to graft Mandarin: various methods

Plant “Mandarin” with the aim of obtaining higher quality fruits, like a grafted tree, they are much tastier and larger. You can use any citrus fruit (lemon, orange, grapefruit) as a rootstock, but you can also use Mandarin grown from seeds. The scion is a sprig of varietal tangerine. The age of the rootstock must be at least 2 years, by which time the trunk thickness reaches 5-7 mm. There are two vaccination options.

Vaccination in splitting

It is done this way:

  1. The rootstock is cut off, leaving part of the trunk from a height of 10-12 cm
  2. Cut in the middle and make a vertical cut about 5 centimeters deep.
  3. The scion (part of a branch with 2-4 buds) is cut diagonally from below on both sides, forming a wedge so high that it has gone into the split, and is inserted into the rootstock.
  4. The design is wrapped with a special grafting tape, adhesive tape, plaster or covered with garden varnish.
  5. The entire structure is covered with a bag, creating a greenhouse.

Bark grafting

This injection is performed as follows:

  1. In the bark of the rootstock at a height of 7-8 cm from the soil there is a T-, X-shaped or simply vertical cut about 3 cm long and about 1-1.5 mm deep, curved edges.
  2. Slantly cut off the base of the scion stem, pressing against the exposure of the cambium.
  3. Covered with bark again, recording.
  4. After successful engraftment, the rootstock stem is cut 1-2 cm above the scion.

The scion takes root within 3-3.5 weeks. Success of the operation Clean hands, disinfect instruments, tightly combine the scion and rootstock. It may also prevent the soil from drying out. The fixing structure, when new shoots begin to appear on the scion, gradually weakens and is finally removed after 15-20 days.

Tangerine grafting

Without grafting, the fruits will be inedible

Growing tangerines at home from seeds is always combined with grafting. Without this procedure, sour, inedible fruits are obtained. It is allowed to graft the plant approximately 2 years after planting. The scion trunk by that time is about 6 mm thick. The grafting is carried out either in the split or under the bark. Sometimes cuttings are replaced by budding.

For any method, the following tools are prepared:

  • sharp knife;
  • adhesive tape, electrical tape or a strip of fabric;
  • garden var.

Hands are washed thoroughly to avoid infection. The procedure is done quickly so that the contact of the sections with air is minimal.

Grafting into cleft

The technique is suitable for beginners and is carried out on mature 3-year-old trunks. A cutting of the selected variety with 2-4 buds is cut obliquely on both sides to form a wedge. The length of the cuts is approximately 3-4 cm.

Then the trunk is cut in two, the depth of the split is 5 cm. The cutting is inserted so that its cambium is in contact with the cambium of the scion on at least one side. The trunk is wrapped with tape or cloth, and covered with garden pitch. The tree is placed in a greenhouse made of a plastic bottle or film until the cutting takes root.

Bark grafting

To graft a tangerine plant under the bark at home, you need experience. This technique is considered more advanced. First, make a 3 cm long cut in the bark. Carefully separate it from the trunk of the tangerine tree. The cutting is cut obliquely and inserted between the wood and the bark of the rootstock. Wrap it with electrical tape and cover it with garden varnish.

For the grafting to be successful, use 3-4 cuttings at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. As in the previous case, a greenhouse is built, the tree is regularly watered and mineral fertilizers are applied.


It is easy to plant indoor tangerine at home using a cutting with one bud. The technique is called “budding”. Step by step it consists of the following stages:

  • The trunk of the tangerine tree is wiped with a damp sponge at a height of 10 cm from the ground surface.
  • A bud with a piece of wood is separated from the cutting.
  • An incision is made in the shape of the letter T on the bark of the rootstock trunk. The height of the cut is 2.5 cm, the width is 1 cm.
  • The cut is carefully expanded, a bud with wood is inserted there, and covered with bark on top.
  • Wrap with tape and treat with garden varnish, leaving the bud free.
  • It is good to place indoor tangerines in a greenhouse made of a plastic bottle or plastic film.

The greenhouse is constantly ventilated so that the moisture does not stagnate. When the cutting takes root and sends out the first shoots, the scion trunk is cut by a third at a distance of 5-10 cm from the graft. The top of the cut is covered with garden varnish. It is advisable to tie the indoor tangerine tree to a small peg.

Plant diseases and problems associated with its cultivation

Diseases in the tangerine tree occur when the basic rules of caring for it are not followed - the soil may lack useful components, watering is frequent or, on the contrary, too rare, there is insufficient light, etc.

What to do if the leaves turn yellow and fall off

Yellowing of the leaves of a tree may be a signal that it is lacking minerals. Thus, with nitrogen deficiency, yellowing begins from the lower leaves and gradually rises upward. The plant can also react in a similar way to a lack of light and lack of the required amount of moisture.

Dropping leaves does not always indicate a disease, since this also occurs during a period of relative dormancy in the cold season. But yellowing combined with falling off is most likely due to dry air and lack of watering. In such a situation, the tree tries to reduce the area of ​​foliage in order to somehow retain the moisture it contains. To avoid this, you should not place the pot over working batteries, but simply water it in sufficient quantities and spray it daily.

How to save a tree if it has dried up

It happens that for one reason or another a tree dries up and the question arises of how exactly to revive it. It all depends on how badly the plant has suffered - if it has dried out completely, that is, died, then it is unlikely that anything will be changed. But if there are even small living green areas left, then it is worth making an effort to save it with your own hands. So, first you need to compare the size of the pot - if it is too large, then you should transplant the plant into one that is fully consistent with the size of the root system. When replanting, be sure to carefully examine the root system and remove all dry or rotten areas. You can add growth stimulants when planting.

After removing all dried areas, it is important to provide the plant with proper care - good temperature, lighting and correct watering. Please note that in the absence of leaves, the area of ​​evaporation is several times smaller, which means that very little water is required

How to deal with aphids

Citrus fruits are highly susceptible to pests, as they have a very attractive aroma that cannot leave insects indifferent. If a tree is attacked by aphids, you can use the following methods:

  • if there are few insects, then you can simply wash the leaves and stem with a solution of laundry soap;
  • damaged leaves can be treated with a decoction of nettle or wormwood;
  • Garlic water works well against the spread of aphids (a crushed head of garlic is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 2 days).

Spider mites

When a plant is infected with this pest, small white dots appear on the underside of its old, fully formed leaves. At the same time, the parasite itself is quite clearly visible, as it has a bright red color. If you touch the tick or disturb it in any way, it begins to move quite quickly. Young shoots curl slightly, taking on the appearance of a boat, and around them you can see white cobweb threads of varying lengths.

To combat the disease in open soils, special pesticides are used, but to treat mandarin growing at home, it is better to use traditional methods of treating the tree, among which it is necessary to highlight such tools as: garlic, tobacco dust, laundry soap. To create a mixture for spraying based on them, you need to pour a tablespoon of tobacco dust with a glass of boiling water and leave the product for 6 days, then add 10 grams of grated soap to the solution and start spraying. Treatment procedures need to be carried out three times with an interval of 6 days. Garlic is also brewed in the same way to process tangerines.

Formation of the crown of citrus fruits grown from seeds

Step one

After the seed germinates, a shoot is formed from the seedling or rooted cutting; it is called a zero-order shoot. For this single-stem seedling, while it has not yet become lignified, we pinch the crown (growth point) so that the height from the ground is 25-30 cm. This process is called pinching. After pinching, the growth of the zero shoot stops and it begins to ripen.

Step two

When the ripening of the zero shoot ends, the citrus is ready for new growth, and we cut it to the required length. Traditionally, it is recommended to leave 15-20 cm, some gardeners cut it even shorter - leaving about 10 cm. In any case, it is desirable that at least four leaves remain on the zero-order shoot.

Step three

New shoots begin to grow from under the leaves remaining on the shoot. Usually, when pruning a zero shoot, the bud of the topmost leaf or two buds begins to grow, less often all three. To form a profusely fruiting tree in the future, it is necessary to ensure that three, or at most two, new shoots begin to grow. These will be shoots of the first order. If they don’t want to grow, only one new shoot stubbornly climbs, we break it out (breaking out differs from pruning in that the shoot is removed completely under the base). We are waiting to see if the remaining kidneys wake up. If they don’t want to start growing, then we break out the leading shoot again.

And so on until we get the simultaneous development of two or three shoots of the first order. Ideally, it is better to get four first-order shoots, but in reality this does not always happen.

Step four

If we managed to get three shoots of the first order, we allow the one above to grow upward and direct two to the sides. Those. You can fix the shoots in certain directions using flexible wire, but make sure that it does not injure the bark.

If we managed to get four shoots of the first order, then we direct them like a fan, in different directions, moving them apart so that the shoots do not interfere with each other or block the light. Very often the shoots stretch upward in a crowd so that from the outside you cannot see which branch is which and in what order. At the same time, young citrus fruits are formed very easily with wire.

Formation of the crown of a fruit tree

If you already have an adult, grown lemon tree (and other citrus trees), then you can trim the branches and form the crown throughout the year, but it is better in the spring (April - May). The shoots grow constantly, the tops grow especially vigorously - these shoots need to be cut out regardless of the time of year (if you do not want to use them in the future - this is also possible).

The formation of an already mature large plant with branches of 5, 6 or more orders is carried out as your soul tells you. Step back and evaluate the shape of the crown from the side. Usually it is trimmed so that the lemon or orange really looks like a miniature tree. Some citrus fruits, such as calamondin (citrofortunella), due to genetic characteristics, grow not as a tree, but as a bush. Then your task is to maintain the even shape of the bush, trim the branches that grow inward and not outward.

If you have grafted a fruit tree or wildflower grown from a seed, after successful fusion you need to correctly direct the graft. The shoot that grows after grafting is tied to a stick stuck into the pot so that it grows straight. The growing scion should be trimmed at a length of 12-15 cm. In the future, it should be formed in the same way as described above, counting the order of the branches of the scion, not the rootstock.

Lemon trees, propagated by cuttings, layering or grafting, bear fruit on branches of the 4th–5th order, running to the side. When using a low-standard form in a tree grown from a cutting or layering, branches of the 4th–5th order are formed by the end of the second year of life. Such plants bloom and can bear fruit already in the third year. On three-year-old lemons, first remove half of the buds, and then leave 2-3 fruits from the remaining ovaries, on a 4-5-year-old plant - 6-7 fruits, on a 6-7-year-old plant - up to 10 fruits. With this rationing of the harvest, the correct development of the lemon tree is ensured.

Formation of a standard tree

Depending on the height of the trunk (trunk), the trees can be:

  • high-standard – the height of the standard reaches 30 cm
  • medium standard – height up to 20 cm
  • low-standard – standard height 10 – 15 cm

To form a low-standard lemon, grapefruit, lime or any other citrus fruit, after the young plant reaches a height of 15-20 cm, before the start of its next growth (late February - early March), the top is cut off, leaving 4-7 leaves. After this, 4–6 shoots will begin to develop from the lateral buds. Of these, you need to leave only 3-4 shoots going in different directions (first-order shoots). When these lateral branches have completely finished growing, their tops are also cut off, leaving 3-5 buds on each of them in the axils of the leaves. The last bud should look outward rather than inward. The growth of branches (second-order shoots) will begin again from the lateral buds.

Subsequently, pruning is carried out until branches of the fourth order are formed.

Rejuvenation of old citrus trees

A lemon tree is rejuvenated at 14–20 years of age, when its fruiting declines. By this time, the plant is already quite powerful, dense, and the branches are quite thick. Not every windowsill will fit such a specimen, but even in the room, lemons and oranges are quite spread out - the fruit shoots do not grow upwards, but to the sides.

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