Who squeaks mice or rats. How to distinguish mice from rats. How to distinguish mice from rats - basic signs

An infestation of mice and rats can affect any home. Therefore, it is important to notice the problem as soon as possible. How to determine that there are rodents in the house?

The autumn and winter months are the most popular time for unexpected tailed tenants to appear in homes. In spring and summer they feel great in nature, where they find a lot of food. But when the ground is covered with snow, it is much more difficult for them to find food, so they look for secluded places in order to survive the winter. Owners of private homes experience problems with rodents much more often in autumn and winter. And for deratization services this period is very busy. Mice and rats are prolific, making them difficult to get rid of completely on your own. And they can choose anything as their new home: a house, barn, hangar, basement, warehouse, store or production space.

Mice and rats try to remain invisible for a long time. Their presence is not immediately visible; they do everything possible to remain unnoticed for as long as possible. The animals instinctively avoid humans, although they are synanthropic species that have perfectly adapted to life next to us. This allows them to get the basics - warmth, access to water and plenty of food, as well as a quiet and secluded place to live a carefree life. Due to their cautious lifestyle, it may take some time before it becomes clear that there are wild tenants living in the house. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to some signs that indicate that we are sheltering rodents.


In mice, they are small and have tenacious claws, thanks to which the pest can easily run along vertical surfaces.


Mice can't jump. They mince and leave frequent tracks on the ground.

Rats have strong and muscular limbs. The hind legs are longer than the front ones, which allows the animals to move by jumping. The fingers have membranes called leathery folds.


The photo of rats and mice shows that the animals differ most in the shape of their faces, ears and eyes. In mice, the skull has a triangular and slightly flattened shape. Rats have an oblong face. The gray appearance has a blunt nose.

Rats' ears are small and triangular. They are pressed to the head. Mice have large pink ears that are wide at the base.

The eyeballs of rats are small. Norushkas have large and expressive eyes.


The rat's tail is short and thick. It reaches half the length of the body. Although you can see it in black color, like in mice. But the latter have scales on the “fifth limb” that are arranged in a circle and thin sparse hairs.


The mouse feels silky and pleasant to the touch. And her relative has hard and coarse “hair”. The cover of an adult resembles a hard pile. The fur does not cover the rat's tail.

Rules for assessing appearance

Deciding on the size

The average length of an adult house or field mouse, they are the ones who most often settle in a person’s home, is 5-6 cm. Weight no more than 30 g.

Gray and black rats are much longer - their size can reach 30 cm, and the maximum recorded weight is a kilogram! Among the rat species (and there are more than 60 of them), there are also smaller animals (from 8 cm), but they are not found in our country.

Comparing tails

The mouse tail is very thin, almost the same length as the body of the animal, in any case, it should be at least three quarters of it. Covered with scales (they are arranged in a ring) and small, barely noticeable hairs.

In rats, the tail is much shorter than the body (about half of the entire body length), it is massive, hairless or bristly. Black individuals have a longer “fifth limb” (270 rings) than gray ones (210 rings).

The ears of mice are round, spreading, hairless, wide at the base, and large.

Rat ears are small, have a more triangular shape, at the base they seem to be rolled into a tube and pressed to the head. In black individuals, the locators are translucent and have no hair, while in gray individuals, on the contrary, they are hairy and non-transparent.


Rats have powerful and muscular legs, adapted to run on a horizontal surface, as well as jump quite far. Between the phalanges there are rudimentary membranes - the so-called leathery folds.

Mice have more tenacious paws, which allows them to climb vertically.

Head and eyes

When comparing, more attention is paid to the shape: in rats, the muzzle is elongated and elongated forward (although in gray ones it is rather blunt), while in mice it is triangular and slightly flattened. Relative to the head, the rat's eyes are small, like beads. Whereas mice have more expressive and slightly convex black eyeballs.

Coat color and quality

If we are talking about representatives of wild fauna, not taking into account decorative individuals, then mice are often gray or even smoky with an ashen tint. While rats are brown or dirty gray in color, black rats are tan in color, which goes against the name of the species.

Mice have soft, short and silky hair, while pasyuks have thick, coarse and long hair.

Differences in intelligence

Disputes often arise between lovers of decorative rodents about who is smarter - a mouse or a rat. But the difference between the animals in intelligence is obvious.

Norushki are capable of constantly falling into the same trap. The animals without hesitation swallow bait with poison and climb into mousetraps.

The rat is not so easy to deceive. She spends a long time sniffing at suspicious objects and behaves cautiously. The animal can identify and avoids them. The rodent is able to explore the surrounding space and analyze. If the area is safe and comfortable, the rat will lead the rest of the pack there.


The pest regulates the size of the flock. If there are many individuals in the clan, then the mother eats the born. In cases where there is a shortage of rats, the number of offspring increases.

People who keep decorative rats claim that their favorite rats respond to their name, recognize the one who feeds and waters them and learns simple tricks. Mice are not capable of this.


The mental abilities of these two representatives of the mouse family are also very different. According to scientists, rats are intellectually developed creatures.

  1. Firstly, they will not settle in places that are potentially dangerous for them.
  2. Secondly, they always examine the future home and assess the situation.
  3. Thirdly, they create entire communities with their own hierarchy and laws.

Norushki are more reckless in this regard, and therefore it is much easier to fight them, since you can easily deceive or outwit.


Mice and rats prefer to be nocturnal. The owner of an apartment or house quickly discovers the animals after dark. They scratch loudly, make unpleasant sounds, and gnaw on surrounding objects.

Pasyuk is a natural mouse enemy. She destroys the norushkas and expels them from the inhabited territory. If a mouse smells the scent of a bee, it will prefer to move to a safer place.


There are people who deliberately keep pet rats. In this way they try to get rid of the mouse invasion.

If you don’t know how to distinguish rats from mice by appearance, take a closer look at what food predominates in their diet:

  1. Pasyuki love to live in landfills. They are omnivores and do not hesitate to feast on leftovers from the human table. In the absence of food, rats begin hunting for their fellows.
  2. The mouse loves to chew seeds and cereals. Its teeth are not capable of damaging concrete or brick, but they can wear down paper, soft wood, and leather goods.

The behavior of rats is aggressive. If there is danger, . The animals are capable of attacking in a pack. Mice are shy. They try not to be seen by people and flee.

What is the difference between a mouse and a rat (difference) - 5 differences, adults and babies

Mice and rats belong to the group of cosmopolitan species, which implies a wide distribution area of ​​these mammals, which live in all corners of the planet, with the exception of mountainous areas and zones of the Far North.

Both of these species are characterized as synanthropic, that is, even wild members of the family live near human habitation, which facilitates access to food sources. Most people believe that the only difference between rats and mice is the difference in size. This is true, rats are large, but there are other differences that are worth considering in detail.

What is the difference between a baby rat and a mouse?

Rodent breeders claim that it is not difficult to distinguish a mouse from a baby rat. Babies are different sizes and look different. But for a person who does not see newborn animals every day, it can be difficult to figure out which species is in front of him.

Baby mice and baby rats have the following differences:

  1. Mice have a pointed muzzle. Baby rats have a blunt nose.
  2. The mice's ears are large and round. Rats have a triangular ear that is pressed to the skull.
  3. The tail of a newborn minnow is long, but in rat pups it is thick and short.
  4. Small mice do not have skin folds between their fingers.

A baby rat reaches the size of an adult mouse in a month. At this point, it becomes difficult for many to distinguish a mouse from a baby rat. If the animals cannot be seen closely, then you need to navigate along the ground they leave:

  1. The print of mouse limbs does not show webbing between the toes.
  2. Rat tracks are located at a distance from each other. Fingers stuck out. The paw print is wide.

If you compare what baby rats and mice look like in the photo, it’s not difficult to distinguish the babies.

If it is difficult to recognize the difference between a mouse and a rat, then you should look into a pet store. Decorative animals behave in the same way as their wild relatives. The appearance of the animals also does not differ much from those of “free” rodents.

Rats and mice belong to the order Rodents. If you don’t know the difference between them, it’s easy to confuse the animals. This will lead to an erroneous choice of means of destruction. Adults are characterized by different sizes: a rat is larger than a mouse. At the initial stage of development, young animals are more difficult to distinguish. To understand who is found in the house, they first study the features of the rodent’s body structure.

Small animals of several species are found in residential buildings. A house mouse lives near a person, as well as a gray, black or red rat.

The difference between rodents becomes noticeable if we evaluate each body parameter separately:

  1. Dimensions. When thinking about what ordinary rats look like, the image of a large-bodied animal immediately comes to mind. The body length of this rodent reaches 30 cm. The mouse is smaller in size, the average individual is characterized by a length of up to 10 cm.
  2. Weight. Given the difference in size, it is logical to assume that the mass of animals also differs. For example, a mouse weighs between 30 and 50 g, while a fellow rat reaches 900 g.
  3. Tail. Differs in length and thickness. This part of the mouse's body is shorter. You should also pay attention to the thickness. The mouse has a thin tail, while large rodents have a thick tail, which is more noticeable at the base. In addition, it is not covered with fur. The mouse tail is also different: it is hairy, and the color matches the color of the body.
  4. The eyes of the mouse are larger.
  5. Rodent ears also vary in size, shape and location. For example, in a mouse they are round, wide, and directed to the sides. Rat ears are flattened and distinguished by a small base.
  6. The shape of the head is also different. The muzzle of a rat is elongated, while that of a mouse is triangular in shape.

Relative to the head, the rat's eyes are small. Mice have more expressive and slightly convex black eyes.

In addition, pay attention to the wool. In addition to color, there are other differences. The rat is characterized by hard hair, and the mouse has softer hair.

Rats, unlike mice, are able to jump high - up to 2 meters in extreme situations. They are highly intelligent

Differences between a mouse and a rat

The main feature of a newborn rat pup is its larger body size. This is noticeable upon birth. The mouse is always smaller. The main characteristic differences between rodents are the same as in adults: the shape of the ears, the color of the emerging fur, etc. Sometimes a baby rat is confused with an adult mouse.

To avoid this mistake, you should find out how they differ:

  • A rat at an early stage of development is characterized by a blunt snout, while a mouse has a pointed head shape.
  • The baby rat's tail has not yet developed enough, which means it is shorter than that of an adult mouse.
  • The ears of baby rats are still small and smaller in size than the hearing organs of adult mice.
  • There are still skin folds on the soles of the baby rats, while they are absent in the mice. This feature allows you to determine the difference from rodent tracks.

A distinctive feature of rat pups is their blunt-nosed, as if chopped off muzzle.

Baby rats and adult mice have similar paw sizes, but the placement of the toes is an additional characteristic that can be used to distinguish rodents.

Distinctive features of mice

Mice look a little different than rats. If you place these animals side by side, there will be no doubt which one is which. Mice have the following distinctive features:

  1. The color of this animal is relatively constant. The back is gray with a brown tint, the belly is light gray.
  2. The body length excluding the tail ranges from 7 to 10 cm.
  3. The tail is relatively long - almost equal to the length of the body. It has exactly 180 scaly rings, which is a distinctive feature of the species.
  4. An adult mouse weighs about 20 g.
  5. The muzzle is pointed, and in mice, especially newborns, it has a more rounded shape.
  6. The ears are relatively long. A distinctive feature of this relativity is the fact that if the auricle is directed forward, it closes the eyes.
  7. The feet are long, the soles for such a small animal are wide and bare.

Morphological differences also give an idea of ​​the animal’s capabilities. All mice are very mobile. They are able to hide well and wait out danger in a shelter for a long time. Thanks to well-designed paws, they can easily climb vertical surfaces, push aside small obstacles, and penetrate into shelters where food is hidden.

If the rubber band on the door of the refrigerator is poorly fitted, and mice visit your home, then you can wait for guests inside this household appliance. One night, when you open the refrigerator, you see not cheese, but a brazen eater of this product.

It is this ability to climb everywhere and open everything that allows mice to even open jars with metal lids. There have been cases of mice chewing through the corks in wine bottles. True, these animals have not been seen drunk.

Unlike rats, mice are vegetarians. They feed on fruits, or more precisely, grains. Nature experts can distinguish the type of animal by the characteristic gnawing of cones and nuts.

In the recesses of human dwellings, such gnawing is information for action. If mice or rats begin to open cans, gnaw through boxes and get into refrigerators, this means only one thing - they have become insolent. And this happens only in one case, if the size of a given population turns out to be too high.

What do the tracks look like?

What do rodent tracks look like?

The imprint of a rat's front paws on wet ground or snow is approximately 1.5 x 2 cm in size. You can see traces of 4 toes, which are widely spaced. The hind legs are larger (up to 4 cm), however, during movement, a small imprint remains - 2x2 cm, i.e. the mark is only partially visible. If the animal moves slowly, a thin chain of prints will remain on the surface. During the jump, the rat leaves rare traces - at a distance of up to 1.5 m.

The paw prints of mice during a jump are characterized by a smaller step (up to 30 cm). The tracks form a kind of trapezoid: when moving, the mouse places its hind legs wider, pushing off with its front, closely spaced legs. As a result, the tracks of the hind paws remain in front, and the tracks of the front paws remain behind. In addition, a thin line is visible behind - from the tail.

Difference in Behavior

A rat may differ from other rodents in its behavioral characteristics. Given the constant growth of their incisors, these animals need to constantly chew something. However, mice and rats have different preferences. So, if hard objects or wires are constantly being damaged at home, it means there is a bug. Mice usually chew soft materials: cellophane, foam, paper.

The rat moves, pressing against the walls, which gradually leads to the appearance of visible abrasions. Mice do not have this feature. The eating habits of rodents also vary. For example, mice prefer to spoil food of plant origin, and a rat is capable of destroying literally everything that gets in its way: things, pieces of furniture or food, garbage. Rodents are not all aggressive. Mice are cowardly and hide in dangerous situations. However, if they find themselves in a hopeless situation, they will certainly attack. The rat always defends itself and is in no hurry to run away.


When thinking about how else a mouse differs from a rat, you need to take into account the ability to assess the situation. Different types of rodents are characterized by different intellectual abilities.

Rats are smarter, more developed. They choose a habitat after first assessing the object. Dangerous places, including traps, are avoided. Their colony is based on its own laws and has a hierarchy.

Features of behavior

You can find out who has settled in the house even if it is not possible to visually detect the rodent.

First of all, pay attention to traces, if any. In rats they are clear and sparse, as they move by skipping. While mice mince, and therefore leave more frequent paw prints .

An assessment of property damage will also help you decide on the type:

  • Rats prefer to sharpen hard wooden surfaces;
  • mice, on the other hand, spoil softer objects more; often traces of their teeth can be seen on paper, foam plastic, cellophane, etc.


When solving the problem of how to distinguish a house mouse from a rat, you need to pay attention to the products of their vital activity, since this is often the only thing that reminds you of rodents. The differences between rat and mouse droppings are the shape, size and location. Rodents of different species leave waste products that differ in color and size. Thus, black rat droppings are large formations up to 12 mm in length, dark in color.

The red counterparts leave behind droppings that resemble oat grains in shape and are brown in color. Mouse feces are small, outwardly similar to pointed granules no larger than 6 mm in size. In addition, mice defecate chaotically, and rats usually leave droppings in one place.

Interesting video: Smart Rats

Determining the type of rodent by the type of spoiled food

Preferred foods are affected first. For mice these are cereals. Moreover, they leave behind a large amount of litter and husks, but the rat eats the whole grain. In addition, large rodents do not feed in one place for several days, so the damage they cause is always greater. If the mouse returns to the same place every time to eat (for example, a bag or bag of cereal), then traces of the rat’s teeth remain everywhere: on furniture, food: cereals, fruits, etc.

You need to know what a rat and a mouse look like in order to choose effective control methods. Because the behavior of outwardly similar animals is somewhat different. Rodents differ in size, mentality, and food preferences.

Differences in appearance

Rodents are nocturnal, hiding from the sun and people. But under certain circumstances they can be seen. How to distinguish rats from mice - you need to evaluate parameters, weight, body features.

  • Body length. A mouse is a small rodent that can crawl into any crevice in the house. The body size of most does not exceed 12 cm, and the thin tail is almost the same. Even the most well-fed individual does not grow larger than the average size. The rat is a large rodent. Some specimens reach sizes of 40 cm, on average it is an animal with dimensions of about 30 cm.
  • Head shape. Mice and rats differ in skull shape. The first representatives of the genus have a triangular-shaped muzzle, flattened, with small round eyes clearly visible. The rat has an elongated muzzle, and its nose is conspicuous.
  • Tail. Mice and rats have equally long tails, corresponding to their body parameters. However, their structure is somewhat different. In rats, the tail is thick at the base, the length is approximately equal to the body dimensions. Only the base is covered with wool, then there is bare skin with a scaly covering. Mice have a thin tail covered with hair. The coloring is practically no different from the color of the body. At the tip is a small brush with long hairs.
  • Ears, nose, eyes. If you managed to see the animal at a distance of up to 2 m, you can see the differences in and. Mice's ears are wide at the base and round. Always alert, standing firmly on the sides of the skull. The eyes are large, relative to the proportions of the muzzle. The nose is flattened. Rats have small, elongated ears, pressed to the head. The eyes are round and small. The nose is elongated; attention is most focused on it.
  • Weight. The difference in weight between rodents is significant. reaches a weight of no more than 50 g. A rat can grow up to 900 g, but on average - 500 g.

On a note!

The smell of a rat is also different from that of a mouse. Rats leave behind a smell of honey and musk. Mice smell like dirty socks.

Photos of rats and mice are presented below. Using it, you can clearly evaluate the appearance of rodents and compare them with each other.

Similarity in appearance

Mice and rats, despite belonging to separate species, have a number of similar characteristics.

These include:

  • Lack of thick hair on the tail. The exception is the black rat; the tail of this animal is covered with thick hair.
  • Round eyes black.
  • Presence of sharp anterior incisors.

Similarities can also be identified according to the characteristics of behavior, nutrition, and lifestyle in general.

Differences in behavior

If the pests were not caught red-handed, their presence can be determined by evidence. What is the difference between a mouse and a rat - the most important points.

Traces of a break-in

It is necessary to inspect the sites of sabotage. Rats are carnivores by nature. They prefer meat, lard, smoked meats, and carry bread, sausage, and cookies. They chew hard objects, preferring wood. They easily gnaw electrical wires and cords. They live near food waste and garbage cans.

Mice prefer grains, flour, sugar, cereals, and occasionally eat meat products. They leave behind damaged bags, plastic bags, newspapers, books, and leather goods. You can distinguish by these signs.


They can freely talk about a pest that secretly hunts in the dark. The mouse leaves behind a chain of small steps located in close proximity to each other. The animal climbs well on shelves, window sills, cabinets, and rarely jumps. Very clearly visible.

The rat moves with confident, long steps. If necessary, it can jump up to 1.5 m in height and up to 2 m in length. By this sign you can recognize the pest.

Differences between the cubs

Sometimes you can find a nest with babies, but it is difficult to make out who is who. It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

  1. You can distinguish a mouse from a baby rat by the structure of its body. In adults it has more pronounced features. Rat cubs at two weeks of age reach the size of a large mouse, but are distinguished by underdeveloped features. High forehead, massive paws, long fingers, small ears.
  2. It is also easy to distinguish a mouse from a baby rat. Their body proportions resemble adults, but are not pronounced. Mice have large round ears, a blunt muzzle, and thin legs. The pups have a long muzzle, barely noticeable ears, massive paws, and a bare tail.

Cubs vary in size. For comparison, mice are born with the same size that they reach in a month.

Differences in intelligence

Mice are not very intelligent; they are more primitive creatures. Therefore, the question of who is smarter can be answered with firm confidence - rats. This conclusion was made by ordinary people, without resorting to a thorough study of the brain, simply by behavior. Mental differences are also confirmed by science. Differences in nutrition determine lifestyle and dictate behavior.

  • the animal crawls out of the shelter only in complete silence;
  • quite timid, rushes to take cover and flees at the slightest rustle;
  • the whole family moves into the house at once, without a preliminary survey of the territory;
  • often gets caught in primitive mousetraps, poisoned by poison, which a person lays out for.

Dealing with mice is much easier than removing a large rodent.

  • It settles on human territory only after a thorough examination of the territory. First of all, it evaluates safety, then the availability of food.
  • When he sees a person, he is in no hurry to run. First, she calculates the most advantageous route that will allow her to successfully escape. When driven into a corner, it bares its teeth, takes a fighting pose - on its hind legs, and makes a jump. rats try to apply it to the neck; if this is not possible, they bite the legs and arms.
  • Capable of regulating population size. If adults die, more babies are born in the same litter. This feature was created by nature itself.
  • Rats don't get caught in rat traps very often. If they see a fellow creature caught in it, they will avoid the structure. They calmly coexist with a rat trap nearby. Sometimes they even manage to drag away the bait without falling into a trap.
  • Poisons are also treated with caution. A poison with an immediate effect is often ineffective. Because rats, seeing the suffering of their relatives after eating a certain food, will no longer touch the offered dish. Able to distinguish the presence of thrown food.

Mice and rats cannot exist under the same roof. Large rodents eat small “relatives” in a matter of days. When they see a rat, mice try to quickly move away and leave the territory to the conquerors. The instant disappearance of mice is encouraging, but this fact should be alarming.


An eyewitness told a story about how he crippled a rat in a chicken coop with a stick, left it there for a while, and then killed it and buried it. Upon returning, I saw several large rats trying to drag their wounded relative with them. This proves the presence of compassion and protection towards its relatives.

Rats in India are considered sacred animals; in China, their wisdom is worshiped. In our country, these are predators with whom we must wage a merciless fight, as well as pets who are kept in cages, creating the best conditions for life.

Many people living in private homes are interested in the difference between a mouse and a rat. The point is not that both of them carry various infections, but that one should begin to fight rodents by determining their type. Thanks to this, it will be possible to choose an effective way to destroy them. To understand the differences between a mouse and a rat, you should know the structural features of the body of these similar animals.

Many people living in private homes are interested in the difference between a mouse and a rat.

The house mouse is one of the most common species of mammals, whose life is closely related to humans. That is why the animal is often found in the house or outbuildings. The body of the mouse is quite miniature; its length, together with the tail, covered with sparse hairs, is no more than 10 cm. The average weight of a rodent is 12-30 g. The type of mammal is determined by the color of its coat, which is often gray-sand.

The rat is a representative of the rodent order; the animal can reach 30 cm in length and weigh 500 g. Most mammals of this genus have black, dark brown or gray fur. The gray rat can produce a litter of 2-22 pups. Many pasyuks are tied to human habitation. They can live either individually or in large colonies. Since representatives of this family are highly resistant to toxic substances, they are often used for various experiments.

The rat is a representative of the rodent order, the length of which can reach 30 cm and weight - 500 g

Despite the fact that these rodents belong to the same family, there are significant differences between them. In order to determine whether a mouse or a rat is in front of you, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Body length. The average body length of a mouse is 10 cm, and in a rat it can reach 30 cm. The body of the pasyuk is denser and more muscular.
  2. Skull shape. Rats have an elongated muzzle, while mice have a slightly flattened muzzle.
  3. Tail. Both rodents have an impressively long tail, but the rat's is more powerful, thicker at the base and almost hairless. The mouse's tail is quite thin. Often its color and the presence of hair coincides with the fur on the body.
  4. Weight. The average body weight of a small mouse is 40-50 g, and the weight of a rat can reach 900 g, especially if we are talking about females.
  5. Ears and eyes. Rats have small eyes, while mice have rather large eyes and distinct eyes on their miniature faces. As for the ears of mice, they are wide, round and protrude to the sides. Rats have ears pressed to their muzzle with a small base.
  6. Acrobatic abilities. Strong paws and body allow the rat to jump up to 80 cm in height. The mouse is not capable of this kind of tricks.

What are the differences

A mouse and a rat have similar external characteristics. The main ones are: a pointed muzzle, the absence of thick hair on the tail, and the presence of sharp incisors that continue to grow throughout the life of the rodent.

But despite belonging to the same family and the presence of a number of external similarities, there is a difference between rats and mice

Differences between a mouse and a rat

To distinguish a mouse from a rat, you can consider not only an adult animal, but also a small representative of the species. Newborn rodents also have a number of external and behavioral characteristics inherent in representatives of a separate species.

The main differences between a baby rat and a mouse are:

  • The difference between a rat and a mouse is the size of the tail. In the former, its length can be up to 110 percent of the body size, while the mice have a shortened tail, the size of which is no more than 60 percent of the body length.
  • Small rodents have a round and less pointed head.
  • To distinguish a rat from a certain mouse, you can look at its behavior. Small rodents prefer to eat, sit or sleep, huddled in a ball, while when gathering they behave freely.

The differences between mice and rats also lie in the characteristics of their fur : in small rodents it is softer and less dense.


Funny animals. Mice and rats.

The main differences between domesticated rats and mice

Decorative rodents are widely popular as pets; they are clean, unpretentious, and do not require complex care.

The differences between domesticated rats and mice are as follows::

  • The chromosome set of small rodents includes twenty-two chromosomes, while their large counterparts have only twenty. This feature makes it impossible to cross representatives of different species with the aim of subsequently producing offspring.
  • Domestic rodents have a large body, the length of which is more than twenty centimeters, and the weight can reach six hundred grams.
  • There are also external differences: the ears of small rodents are soft, rolled into peculiar little bags, while the ears of rats are dense and pointed.
  • The body of small rodents is round, while large ones are long and elongated.

Animal behavior

If you fail to catch a rodent, you should pay attention to the traces it leaves. The paw prints left by rats are quite clear and sparse, since they move in hops. As for the tracks left by mice, they are more frequent. A careful inspection of the lower part of the walls will help you identify the uninvited guest. When rats move, they press against the surface, leaving abrasions. Mice are more careful in this regard, so there are no characteristic marks left behind. Pasyuk is a rather aggressive creature that can attack a person if it feels that his life is in danger, which cannot be said about the practically harmless mouse, which often runs away at the sight of a person.

The house mouse is one of the most common species of mammals, whose life is closely related to humans.

Intelligence difference

In terms of mental development, a rat is significantly superior to a mouse. Some people even compare large rodents to dogs and cats. They are more careful and discerning. When choosing a new place to settle, Pasyuks first explore the territory to make sure it is safe. Because of this quality, it is quite difficult to get rid of rats using various poisons. Due to the ability of a large rodent to regulate its population, as soon as the rat population decreases, the number of litters increases.

Mice and rats (video)

Food preferences

You can also determine the type of pest by assessing the property. Unlike mice, which like to spoil soft objects (paper, cellophane, polystyrene foam, leather, as well as seeds, flour and cereals), rats, which are not particularly picky eaters, prefer hard surfaces. They eat both meat and plant foods, so they can cause damage to absolutely any food found in the house. Pasyuki are mainly found in places with household and food waste.

Differences in intelligence

As noted earlier, rats are an order of magnitude higher in intelligence. Rodents have a complex pack organization based on hierarchy. Sometimes large rodents are even credited with development similar to dogs and cats. That is why peculiar predators are much more insightful than their small relatives. Before settling into a new area of ​​territory, the rat will carefully study the presence of possible sources of danger and only then the whole flock will arrive. Mice are less organized in such matters and therefore often fall prey to the strongest.

However, humans managed to tame both types of rodents. Using the example of decorative representatives, it will be possible to especially clearly consider the distinctive features.

Little mice are not so bold and hostile, so they take much longer to master. It will be incredibly difficult to remove rats from the site using folk methods or improvised means, but sometimes small rodents can simply be scared away. Determine what kind of pest you are faced with and contact the manager.

How to distinguish a mouse from a rat

If you need to determine the difference between a mouse and a baby rat, you need to pay attention to the size: even a newborn baby rat will be larger in size than any mouse. The remaining characteristics are similar to adult individuals: the shape of the ears, paws, fur, etc. Very often, people encounter certain difficulties when trying to distinguish a mouse from a baby rat. The main differences are as follows:

  1. An adult vole has a more pointed muzzle, while pups have a blunt muzzle.
  2. The tail of an adult mouse is as long as the body with 180 scale rings, while a baby rat has 220 scale rings.
  3. There are folds of skin on the feet of baby rats, but they are absent in mice.

Despite the same size of the feet of a month-old baby rat and an adult mouse, the footprints they leave look different: the former have toes widely spaced from each other on the print, and there are folds between them, while the latter are characterized by narrow footprints and tightly fitting toes.

And although rats and mice look the same in many ways, there are still certain differences between them in physiological characteristics, habits and food preferences. Focusing on the above signs, you will not only understand how to distinguish a rat from a mouse, but also learn how to select the right methods for controlling rodent pests.

Mice and rats have both differences and similarities, and not every person can tell them apart. But each of these rodents brings a lot of trouble to the owner of the house, so you should get rid of them as quickly as possible.

A bit of taxonomy

How to distinguish a mouse from many other rodents? The question is not easy, because rodents are the largest order of mammals. In such a big company there is a lot of diversity. However, it was not for nothing that biologists once formed such a detachment.

All 2277 species are united into 1 order based on one, but important, characteristic - teeth. In the upper and lower jaws there are 2 large incisors, which are constantly growing. For this reason, rodents must chew on something all the time to wear down their teeth. This ability to constantly use their powerful incisors is what distinguishes this unit from all others.

The mouse and rat are full representatives of the rodent order. However, the signs of kinship do not end there. These animals have every reason to be in the same family - mice. It includes more than 100 genera and almost 500 species.

There is also a genus of mice in this family. It also contains rats and all mice for good reason. So both of them, despite seemingly significant differences, are very closely related.

However, the paradox of rodent taxonomy is that voles, which are very similar to mice, are not so closely related to them. Voles are part of the hamster subfamily. Meanwhile, a person far from biology is unlikely to distinguish a vole from a mouse. The main indicator feature that can be seen immediately is the tail. Mice and rats have long tails. Sometimes it is equal to the length of the body. The vole has a short tail, not exceeding half the body length.

The differences, of course, do not end there. Voles, as a rule, avoid humans and live in fields, steppes and forests. Only black and gray rats (aka Pasyuk) and the house mouse penetrate into human dwellings.

Mouse characteristics

The house mouse can be found in almost every corner of the planet; they have inhabited almost all cities in the world, and only a very cold climate can certainly protect people from being in the vicinity of this small rodent.

The house mouse is small in size, on average from 5 to 20 centimeters. They come in different colors - from white to blue-black, but most mice are gray with a brown tint. The tail is approximately equal to the length of the animal’s body, covered with keratinized scales and small hard hairs. The rodent's ears are small, round, with a pinkish tint. The weight of a mouse rarely exceeds 35 grams. At first glance, a female is no different from a male; the only noticeable difference is the five pairs of nipples in a female mouse. Mice settle in secluded corners, but close to humans. Their home is usually basements and attics, sometimes trash cans. They are nocturnal and difficult to notice during the day. They move very quickly (they reach speeds of up to 13 km/h), can overcome high obstacles, jump well and even know how to swim.

They reproduce very quickly, one individual gives birth up to 10 times a year. One litter can contain up to 15 mice, which begin to lead an independent lifestyle within two weeks after birth. House mice feed mainly on cereals, cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, but during the absence of food they can even consume inedible items, such as clothes, soap, dried glue and much more. They can easily chew through even thick food packaging.

Mice are cowardly, they never try to be seen, and in case of danger they flee.


The mouse smell in the house appears due to the droppings that mice release in case of danger. The droppings have an unpleasant specific odor that is disgusting to both humans and animals.

Characteristics of the rat

Rats are the most common animals on Earth. The body length of an adult varies from 7 to 35 centimeters (larger giants are found), weight - from 30 to 500 grams. The body is elongated, oval in shape, the muzzle is pointed. The eyes and ears are small. The length of the tail sometimes exceeds the length of the animal's body. The tail itself is bare, scaly, with small hairs. There are individuals with a short tail and no tail at all. The color is usually gray, but there are rats of other colors - white, black, beige, etc.

They run fast, reach speeds of up to 10 km/h, and overcome obstacles more than a meter high. They swim and dive well and can live in water for three days. Rats settle in dark secluded corners and can build a nest at heights, as they move well along steep surfaces. Omnivores, the main diet consists of plants, insects, small rodents, and cereals. They do not tolerate hunger well and therefore cannibal rats are often found.

Rats have poor eyesight and a very small viewing angle, which forces them to constantly move their heads, but they also have excellent hearing.

They are nocturnal, not cowardly, and in case of danger they can attack a person. Before moving into a person’s home, they examine it for some time.

Physical differences between mice and rats

The main difference between mice and rats is body size; the body length of an ordinary adult mouse is 7 centimeters, and a rat is 25. Accordingly, the weight of the animals is radically different.

The muzzle and body of the rat are more elongated and sharp, while the body of the mouse is rounded, with a slightly flattened muzzle. Mice have large eyes and protruding ears, while rats have small eyes and ears pressed to the head. There are also differences in fur; mice have soft and silky fur, while rats have coarse hair.

The rat's body is more muscular, its paws are webbed, due to which it moves well in the water. The tail is longer and thicker than a mouse's, with many rings. It is difficult to distinguish a baby rat from an adult mouse, since they are approximately the same in size and the tail of the former is still quite short.

The average life expectancy of rodents also differs. Although the books indicate that both rats and mice live on average 2-3 years, in fact mice are most susceptible to weather conditions, diseases, even mild chemicals that do not cause any harm to rats. Many members of the mouse flock die before the age of one year, unable to survive the harsh living conditions. Rats are much more resilient in this regard.

Distinctive features of a rat

These are quite large animals. Of course, there are giants among rodents. Sometimes the length of a rat’s body can reach 30 cm. However, on average, a rat measures approximately 20-25 cm in length. It weighs from 200 to 500 g.

Usually a rat, regardless of species, is called a gray rat. However, there are color variations from black to yellow and orange. White rats, or albinos, live only in captivity. They would live in nature, but their weak organisms cannot withstand the struggle for existence with individuals with more diverse genetic characteristics.

There are only 2 synanthropic species in the world. These are gray and black rats. They are the ones who manage to live next to humans, despite all his efforts to exterminate these rodents.

Other distinctive features of the two synanthropic species of rats:

  1. The shape of the muzzle of a gray rat is blunt, while that of a black rat is sharp.
  2. The gray rat's ears are small (about 2 cm), densely covered with hair. They are not transparent; if you bend them forward, they do not reach the eyes. For the black rat, everything is different. The ears are almost bare, large (2.5 cm), and clearly visible.
  3. The feet of the gray rat are small, the toes of the hind legs are equipped with leathery folds. The black rat has wider feet and no leathery folds between the toes.

Rats are not only big and strong animals. They are distinguished by a herd lifestyle with a complex hierarchy, as well as a high level of intelligence. For this reason, the fight between a person, especially one living in a rural house, and rats is a duel based on the principle of who will outwit whom. For the same reason, there is a caste of cats that can cope with a rat. Such a fight requires special courage and the acumen of a warrior skilled in martial arts.

There is one more difference. It lies in nutrition. Rats are, of course, rodents. This means that they eat mainly plant foods. More precisely, they are granivores, which is why they are drawn to barns, basements and warehouses. However, they are capable of being ruthless predators and cannibal killers.

Rats steal chickens and rabbits. There have even been cases when a rat dragged a small chicken into a hole.

Cannibalism is characteristic of all mice that find themselves in crowded conditions. But rats are especially aggressive in this case. It’s not for nothing that there are legends about how they attacked weakened people hiding in basements and dungeons.

Behavior of rats and mice: similarities and differences

The behavior of these seemingly similar rodents is very different

, there are a lot of differences while there are practically no similarities.

Behavioral Similarities:

  • both species are predominantly nocturnal and difficult to see during the day;
  • live in burrows, which are a long labyrinth;
  • unite in flocks (but mice less often).

Differences in behavior:

  • mice move in small dashes and leave traces of their presence in a chain (bites, gnawed bags, droppings), while rats, in turn, leave few traces in different parts of the house, as they move by skipping;
  • due to the constant growth of the incisors, both need to grind them down, but there are differences in this - mice prefer to chew on softer materials (foam, cardboard, etc.), and rats prefer hard materials (wood);
  • rats can leave marks of wear on the walls, as they move close to them; there are no such marks from mice;
  • mice are cowardly, when the light is turned on they try to hide as quickly as possible, they always flee in case of danger, and pasyuki not only stop for a few seconds to assess the situation, they are also capable of attacking a person or animal that is potentially dangerous to them;
  • rats adapt quite quickly to chemicals and poisons, from which mice die very quickly, which is why it is much more difficult to breed the former than the latter.


Both mice and rats cannot live in the same house at the same time, since large rodents are very aggressive and drive small rodents out of the territory or simply eat them.

Differences in intelligence

Rats are far superior to mice in mental abilities, and this is manifested in the following:

  • rats are capable of a flock of thoughtfully and successfully attacking an enemy larger and stronger than them;
  • in packs they have a strict hierarchy, where everyone obeys the leader;
  • they are very careful and will refuse unfamiliar food if it seems dangerous to them;
  • do not inhabit potentially dangerous territory;
  • Before moving in, a thorough check is carried out, sending small groups of rats into the room.

Mice, on the other hand, are not capable of this, which makes them much easier to breed than rats. Mice can easily eat the poison, mistaking it for a treat, and the rat will pass by.

Differences in nutrition

Both rodents are omnivores, but there are still some differences that distinguish mice and rats. The former prefer mainly plant foods, cereals, seeds, and dairy products. In the absence of food, they like to chew paper, cardboard, and leather products. They can be called vegetarians, although they will not refuse to gnaw on meat products that “lie poorly,” but they never purposefully hunt animals and insects. Rats, in addition to plant foods, love to eat meat, and to get it they unite in large groups and attack other animals. They hunt mice and other small animals alone. They love household waste very much, which is why they live in large flocks in landfills. During particularly difficult periods they can eat each other.


Baby rat
Both types of rodents are omnivores; if necessary, they will find food in any conditions. However, their food preferences are still different. Rats are true predators; their diet necessarily includes animal protein. Therefore, owners of decorative rodents must include the following products in their daily menu:

  • lean meat - chicken breasts, rabbit, turkey, lean beef;
  • boiled fish;
  • seafood - shrimp, crabs, squid;
  • fermented milk products - crumbly cottage cheese, yogurt without dyes, curdled milk, Varenets;
  • dried mealworm and insects.

Mice are also not averse to eating protein food, but they tolerate its absence much more calmly. The basis of the diet of tiny animals is cereals (wheat, rye, oats, rice, millet), as well as seeds of various plants. They can attack insects and are also not averse to eating their larvae. In conditions of food shortage, they can even feed on leather items, soap, and paraffin.

If we talk about the drinking regime, then in rats it is more plentiful. For normal functioning of a sexually mature individual, 30-35 ml of liquid is required. It is enough for a mouse to drink 10 times less water - about 3 ml.

Damage that rodents can cause

Both rats and mice cause many problems for the home owner.

  • The first problem is damaged things, furniture, food, damaged electrical appliances due to chewed wires, an unpleasant odor, and droppings.
  • The second problem is possible attacks by rats on household members.
  • The third problem is the high birth rate of rodents, which makes them difficult to get rid of.
  • And the fourth, most serious problem associated with the presence of rodents in the house is the infections that they carry. They are carriers of many infections, such as plague, tuberculosis, hepatitis, rabies and many others. When an animal bites, it can infect a person.

No owner will be happy with such a neighborhood. As soon as traces of rodents in the house are noticed, you must immediately begin an active fight against them, otherwise in a couple of months there will be many more of them and it will be very difficult to remove them from the house.

How to get rid of rodents

It may be difficult to get rid of rats and mice, but it is possible and necessary! There are traditional ways to control rodents:

If you are unable to get rid of the rodents on your own, then you should resort to poison. You can call a special service that deals with rodent baiting, or you can purchase chemicals yourself at a hardware store and disinfect your home.

Both mice and rats are very resilient animals that have lived side by side with humans since ancient times. They cause a lot of trouble for home owners, and it is important to get rid of them at the very beginning of their move in, since over time their flock will increase significantly.

Fighting mice and rats

It should be noted the high fertility of both mice and rats. Each pair of these animals is capable of producing 5-7 cubs in each litter. Moreover, there can be about 10 such litters per year. Representatives of both species are very good parents. They not only protect and feed the cubs, but also teach them the art of living in a world where everyone is their enemy.

This rate of reproduction is well explained by the fact that in nature these rodents are the food source for many species of predators - from small mustelids and falcons to wolves and even bears.

Congestions of mice and rats have always been sources of such dangerous diseases as bubonic plague, tularemia, hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, etc.

So mice and rats in nature perform a very important mission as food supply for a large number of species. But in human homes they are persona non grata. The war with mice and rats lasts throughout the history of human civilization, but the complete victory of people never comes.

There are still a number of questions left to answer.

If a person is overcome not only by mice, but also by rats, how to cope with this?

Look for a cat from people you know (mongrel, of course) that is good at catching mice and squashing rats, take a kitten from her and raise it. Only he must grow up as a representative of a free tribe, and not as a fed toy.

You need to accustom such a cat to basements, sheds and all sorts of bins. Soon the rats and mice from there will run into the house. Now the cat needs to live at home, with its owners.

The fact is that rats and mice are smart creatures. After a while, all they will need is the scent of their enemy.

And if the cat can’t cope or for some reason you can’t get him, then it’s time for traps, crushes and chemical methods.

Rats and mice are rodents, but the animals are not related to each other. or pasyuki are natural enemies of mice. As soon as the first one appears in the house, the second ones begin to feel fear and try to leave the house as quickly as possible. To choose the right pest control method, you need to know what a rat and a mouse look like and how they differ.

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