Home Remedies to Eliminate My Dog's Ticks

During the cold season and also in spring, the problem of combating external parasites among our four-legged friends becomes more urgent than ever. The most dangerous of which for dogs are ixodid ticks, most of which carry Babesia in their saliva, which causes one of the most famous diseases among dog breeders in our pets - babesiosis or piroplasmosis.

Like many other parasitic diseases, babesiosis is more effective in prevention than in treatment. There will be a separate article on our website about what drugs are used to treat this disease. So, let's figure out what methods of protection exist against ticks.

External protection methods

External protection against ticks is the most common way to combat parasites. This includes: wearing animal clothes, examining and combing after walks, applying drops to the withers, wearing insectoacaricidal collars, and using shampoos. Methods of external protection primarily include drops on the withers against ticks for dogs.

In many preparations for the withers, the main active ingredient is a strong insecticide with a wide spectrum of action, namely fipronil. And seeing this component in the first place in the composition of drops for the withers, many people wonder: what exactly is the difference between drops from different manufacturers, because the price for them is sometimes very different?

The whole point is that the principle of action of the drug is based on the absorption of fipronil into the body through the skin of the animal. For better availability of drugs and absorption in the body, excipients are added to fipronil, the composition of which determines the price of the drops.

It is also necessary to note that all drops on the withers are fat-soluble, so if you bathe your animal with shampoo a few days before or after treatment with drops against ticks and fleas, you will not get the desired result, or rather you will not get it at all, and the animal will remain without protection against external parasites.

Therefore, drops on the withers against ticks for dogs are not suitable for those animals that, for some reason, do not have a lipid layer on the skin. Also, drops are not suitable for emergency protection against fleas and ticks, since they need several days to be absorbed into the body.

Where and when do ticks bite?

Dangerous “bloodsuckers” are active from March to November (they are especially active in early spring and late autumn). And their favorite habitat is grasses and low-growing shrubs (no higher than 70-80 cm) in the forest, on lawns, in parks, and even on the lawn in the city center.

Therefore, with the arrival of spring, every owner of a four-legged pet faces a serious question - how to walk their pet without endangering its health and life?

Important! Even if your pet has never left the house, you should not relax. You can easily bring a tick home, for example, on clothing.

In this article we will give basic recommendations for the prevention of bites of blood-sucking parasites, which pose a real threat to both animals and humans.

Popular and effective drops on the withers

Drops Bars

The most famous anti-flea and tick drops today are from the domestic company AVZ. The undeniable advantage of this product is its price. Although the drugs from this manufacturer are one of the very first drops against fleas and ticks in our country, the company is expanding its line with new forms of this drug.

So, in addition to the classic “one pipette per 10 kg” for dogs and cats, there are now dosed pipettes for each weight range: 2-10 kg, 10-20, etc. Also, not so long ago, Bars Forte appeared, which has a repellent effect. By repelling blood-sucking insects, it prevents dirofilariasis in dogs.

Disputes about the effectiveness of this line of flea and tick products continue constantly and will most likely remain relevant as long as Bars remains one of the cheapest types of tick drops for dogs.

Frontline combo

Effective drops on the withers against ticks for dogs. A big advantage of this type of drops is the possibility of use in pregnant and lactating pets. The price is rather above average, but it is justified by the quality composition. Frontline was awarded the World Branding Awards as “Brand of the Year 2019-2020”.


The principle of action of the drug is based on selamectin, which is part of its composition, which acts not only on external parasites such as fleas, scabies and ear mites, lice mites. Also, drops on the withers against ticks for dogs Stronghold are effective against internal dangerous parasites, such as heartworms and roundworms.

The principle of action of the drugs

All of these options have a similar effect on ticks - they block the conduction of nerve impulses in the insect’s body, resulting in its paralysis and death.

In this case , drops, sprays and a collar penetrate and accumulate in the skin, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, creating protection on the surface of the animal’s fur, and without entering the circulatory system. Due to this, the drugs not only repel blood-sucking insects, but also kill them while they crawl over the animal’s body.

Tablets have a similar principle of action, but accumulate in the circulatory system. After an insect bite, the active substance enters its stomach, destroys it and paralyzes the nervous system.

Tick ​​collars

Collars are similar in their principle of action to drops on the withers, but are a safer method of protection against ticks and fleas, since they are absorbed by the body gradually, according to the degree of abrasion of the active layer on the collar.

In other words, the principle of operation of a tick collar is friction between the skin and the collar itself, and it is important that the collar is tightly tightened and does not hang around your four-legged friend’s neck, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.

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Effective Collar Brands

Bars tick collar . In addition to inexpensive drops for the withers, the AVZ company also produces collars for dogs of three types - sizes: small, medium and large dog breeds, again to save money for owners of small breed dogs. The effect is definitely worth the money. Wearing an inexpensive collar is better than not treating your pets at all.

Tick ​​collar Inspector. An effective method of combating not only ixodid ticks, but also ear mites, lice eaters, fleas, as well as nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract. The price is closer to average, which cannot but please dog owners. There are several types and sizes. Provides 4 months of flea protection, 3 months of tick protection and 2 months of helminth protection.

Foresto tick collar . Provides reliable protection against fleas and ticks for up to 8 months. The unique matrix of this collar allows you to maintain a minimum dosage of the substance entering the body, which makes the collar very safe for the health of your beloved pet. In addition, due to the uniform distribution of substances throughout the coat, ticks should die from contact with the dog without biting it. Of course, Foresto is much more expensive than other effective brands of collars, but it is a very effective way to fight against ticks and fleas.

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The danger of blood-sucking parasites

The number of ticks is growing year by year, their habitat area is increasing, and this cannot but cause concern for owners. There are different types of mites (ear mites, dust mites, scabies mites), but the greatest threat to animals and humans are ixodid mites.

Ixodid ticks are carriers of many bacteria and viruses, so literally one bite of such a “bloodsucker” can cause inflammation on the animal’s skin, or even provoke such dangerous diseases as piroplasmosis, typhus, tularemia, borreliosis and encephalitis. And this is a real threat to the health and life of your pet!

Important! It is a mistake to think that only dogs suffer from tick bites, and cats are only carriers of the infection. It’s just that cats become infected less often, and their disease is more difficult to diagnose. But the disease is much more severe.

Anti-tick sprays for dogs

Sprays are suitable for those people who need to get results “here and now”, because this is the fastest way to protect against ticks and fleas. Ease of use and the ability to treat a room are a big advantage of this processing method.

How sprays work

Sprays are divided into 3 groups of action: repellent - repel ticks, acaricidal - kill ticks and insectoacaricidal - combined agents that repel and kill ticks, respectively. Once on the fur, they provide instant protection against parasites.

It is important that treating a dog against fleas and ticks should be carried out outdoors, and the spray should also be dosed, which is quite difficult to do, but many manufacturers indicate the number of pumps of the product per area or square meter.

Popular brands of tick sprays

There are a huge variety of sprays for treating animals on the shelves of pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, but we will consider only two:

Spray Blokhnet . Quickly acts against ticks, fleas, lice, lice and mosquitoes. Suitable for treating care items and places where pets stay, can be used for cats. One cannot but be pleased with the low price of this product compared to analogues. The disadvantage is the specific smell after application.

Spray Bolfo . It is the choice of most dog breeders and has a pronounced insectoacaricidal effect. After treatment, the product is effective for 1 week, then application can be repeated. Can be used together with anti-tick tablets. We will look at them below.

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Special sprays

Products in the form of sprays are attractive due to their ease of use and high efficiency, which manifests itself immediately after application. The drug is applied to the skin in all areas, which provides maximum protection. Manufacturers offer several types of these drugs. Sprays differ:

  • type of active substance;
  • concentration of poisons;
  • duration of exposure.

There are sprays that are well absorbed into hairs and skin tissues and remain effective for up to a month. These drugs paralyze and destroy insects. You can choose a spray that repels ticks using scents. It can be applied before a trip out of town or for a walk to certain areas of the body. When using these products, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the spray getting into the dog’s body. For several minutes after its distribution, it is necessary to prevent the dog from licking the product from the fur. The spray should be applied to the skin and undercoat. For three days after treatment, the pet cannot be bathed. Like any other toxic substance, these drugs are not used to protect lactating and pregnant bitches or sick animals. The most popular sprays are: Frontline, Hartz, Bolfo.


Sooner or later, any dog ​​owner is faced with the need to bathe his pet, and most prefer shampoos with an insecticidal composition. They protect against ticks and are used as a treatment for flea dermatitis. The big advantage of shampoos is that they have almost no unpleasant odor, unlike drops or collars. They can be used during pregnancy and from 5 weeks of age.

How does anti-tick shampoo work?

Unlike drops and collars against ticks and fleas, shampoo is less toxic, its effectiveness is lower than that of the above products, but this does not mean that it is inferior to other treatments.

For example, shampoos are well suited for people with allergies or those who have children or other animals in contact with their animals. Shampoos are suitable for weakened and old animals, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian. Shampoos act as a repellent against ticks, and it is better to use it together with other means of protection for a lasting effect.

Popular shampoos

Shampoo Faithful friend. This is the least expensive tick and flea treatment for dogs available today. The price varies in different regions from 100 to 180 rubles per 300 ml bottle. This is undoubtedly a lot of shampoo for very little money. The manufacturer promises a repellent effect for up to 3 days. Consumers themselves are skeptical about the product.

Shampoo Lugovoi AVZ. By tradition, it is one of the most budget-friendly external treatment products on the market, not counting Faithful Friend shampoo. A 180 ml bottle is enough for an average of 7 treatments of 10 kg dogs. The shampoo has a predominant aroma of herbs, at the same time, the shampoo neutralizes unpleasant odors from the animal, provides lasting protection against ticks and fleas for three days. Suitable for cats.

Shampoo Rolf Club. The advantage of this shampoo is that it helps well against lice, a 400 ml bottle is enough for a long time of use, and the shampoo also provides reliable protection against ticks and fleas for three days.

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Chronic course.

In a chronic course, all of the listed symptoms are blurred. And it is not always possible to immediately determine the cause of the disease. After contracting babesiosis, 80% of dogs are carriers of babesia (depot in the spleen), there are no clinical signs. Stable immunity against Babesia is not developed, so the animal can get sick again and again. There are cases where, for example, a dog suffered from babesiosis for two years in a row and received treatment; in the third year the disease was again confirmed in the laboratory, but the owners refused treatment; the dog, fortunately, recovered. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

Overalls, vests, bandanas, is there any sense in such protection?

Nowadays, wearing clothes by animals of various styles and even brands is actively gaining popularity. All this would not have been such a success if not for beautiful photographs for social networks and the Internet. But in addition to the aesthetic views of pet fashion, clothing for animals also has practical advantages. One of them is protection against ticks and fleas.

The clothing itself, when worn by the animal, physically prevents ticks from getting onto the animal's body. In most cases we are talking about overalls. Also, often the clothes themselves are treated with sprays against ticks and fleas, while the animal’s body does not come into contact with the drug, without causing allergies or other reactions to the components of anti-parasite products.

Vests are more often processed, sometimes these can be bandanas, for example, when the animal is not used to wearing clothes. In addition to all of the above, there are overalls from the Osso company, which are designed with tick traps, namely these are many folds in places where ticks like to be on the animal’s body, from where it is impossible for ticks to get out, and they die.

Of course, clothing cannot be a complete method of protection against ticks and fleas, but in combination with other means it can provide reliable protection for your pet.

Preparations for oral administration, protection as prevention

Oral tablets against ticks and fleas are a popular way to protect dogs and are the choice of a large number of dog breeders. A very effective way to prevent ticks. The parasite can land and bite into the animal, but will die before the dog gets sick with piroplasmosis. Of course, none of the drugs provides 100% protection against external parasites, but tablets are still considered one of the most effective ways to protect against ticks.

There is also information about giving tick tablets at the moment when the tick has already attached itself to the dog in order to cure piroplasmosis in the early stages. This, of course, is a myth, and it is not advisable to do so, since giving pills if piroplasmosis is suspected makes it difficult to diagnose using a blood smear, masking the symptoms of the disease.

Effective Pill Brands

Although tablets are considered an effective way to combat ticks, their choice is not at all large: Simparica, Bravecto, Nexgard and Comfortis. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Simparica . It is effective 12 hours after giving to the animal and provides protection against ticks, ear mites, sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange, as well as helminths for up to 35 days or 5 weeks. At the same time, as when giving other tablets, there are no restrictions on bathing; it is easily tolerated by a large number of dogs. Due to the need to repeat the administration of the tablet more often than Bravecto, it has a pronounced antiparasitic effect.

Bravecto . Bravecto begins its action 4 hours after administration and acts in such a way that it is activated after a parasite bite and causes the death of fleas after 8 hours and ticks after 12 hours. The duration of the drug is a record 12 weeks. Can be used from 8 weeks of age and does not cause side effects in recommended doses.

Nexguard Spectrum . It begins to act within 3 hours after giving it to the animal, providing lasting protection not only from ticks and fleas, but also from helminths such as roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Prevents dirofilariasis, which causes mosquito bites. Nexgard must be used monthly.

Comfortis . A drug from the UK that is rarely found on store shelves. This is due to the high cost and standard characteristics of tablets against ticks and fleas.

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What are the dangers of a tick bite?

With the onset of the warm season, the likelihood of dogs becoming infected with ticks increases. Animals can pick them up while walking in the fresh air; they often pick them up on the grass or in thickets of plants.

But in any case, after each walk you should carefully examine your pet’s fur and skin for the presence of these parasitic insects. If a tick is found on a dog, you need to know what to do in these situations. If single individuals are identified, they should be removed immediately. This procedure should be performed with gloves.

Important! You should not crush the tick, and you should not allow it to get on the surface of the mucous membranes. In case of multiple bites, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

If you don't know how to remove a tick from a dog, you should call a veterinarian. To alleviate the condition until the doctor arrives, the pet should be given 100-150 ml of water every hour.

If your pet feels very unwell, be sure to tell your veterinarian. He will tell you what measures to take before his arrival.

It is imperative to carefully monitor the dog’s condition after a parasite bite. If suspicious symptoms or changes in the animal’s behavior are suddenly detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.


What to do if your dog is bitten by a tick? First, it’s worth understanding that your pet actually has this parasite. To do this, you should carefully examine it, and also pay attention to its general condition. Sometimes an animal may show suspicious signs that may indicate serious health problems.

Symptoms of a tick bite in a dog may include the following:

  • the animal may have a poor appetite, and sometimes it may be completely absent;
  • lethargy, apathy, reluctance to play and make contact with the owner;
  • the pet constantly sleeps;
  • the dog looks for secluded places where it can be alone, away from people and other animals;
  • increase in body temperature. It can reach 39-40 degrees Celsius;
  • the dog does not want to eat its favorite food, sometimes it stops eating and only switches to drinking water;
  • If the ticks are in the ear area, the animal may constantly turn its head, touch its ears with its paws, and scratch them. He may also exhibit other symptoms of anxiety.

With piroplasmosis, which is carried by ixodid ticks in dogs, a change in the color of the urine to dark brown may additionally be observed. Also, the color of the eyes and mucous membranes becomes jaundiced. During this pathological process, anemia progresses.

Find out more about the signs, prevention and treatment of diseases caused by ixodid ticks in dogs:

  • piroplasmosis
  • encephalitis
  • borreliosis

If a scabies mite is observed in dogs, the animal begins to itch severely. First, papules with liquid appear on the surface of the nasal dorsum. Gradually, these formations spread to the superciliary part of the face, the surface of the ears, to the area under the tail, to the knee and elbow joints. If you do not contact a veterinarian in time, serious complications may arise.

When bitten by an encephalitis tick, a dog may develop encephalitis, but only if its immune system is weakened. This disease is accompanied by severe complications. During it, the following symptoms are noted:

  • Severe cramps may occur after a tick bite;
  • increase in body temperature to 41-42 degrees Celsius;
  • motor dysfunction;
  • paralysis;
  • severe pain;
  • increased sensitivity of the head and neck;
  • mood changes – a manifestation of apathy or aggression.

Learn more about the signs, types and treatment of subcutaneous mites in dogs.

First aid

It is worth noting! First aid when a tick is detected can be provided by the owner of the house. The main thing is to know how to carry it out correctly. It is best to remove the parasite immediately after it is discovered so that it does not have time to introduce infection into the animal’s blood.

You can provide first aid like this:

  • first of all, it is recommended to quickly remove the flare from the surface of the animal’s skin;
  • to make the insect easier to remove, you can lubricate it with vegetable oil or alcohol and remove it after 20-30 minutes using tweezers;
  • There is another way to remove the parasite - the head of the insect must be bandaged with thread and it must be removed from the wound with slow rotational movements;
  • after removing the tick, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal;
  • If suspicious symptoms are suddenly detected, it is recommended to immediately consult a veterinarian.

Vaccination, for what purpose is it performed?

There are a number of remedies, such as: Nobivak Piro, Eurikan Piro and Pirodog, aimed at smoothing out the symptoms of piroplasmosis. When an animal is bitten by a tick, an acute form of piroplasmosis is not observed. It is believed that vaccination is not very well tolerated by internal organs, as it is relatively toxic.

One way or another, if the symptoms of piroplasmosis are pronounced, the administration of the antidote will have to be repeated. This treatment method is suitable for dogs with a wandering lifestyle in tick-prone regions.

If a tick is found, it must be removed.

It is better to do this at the veterinary clinic. The place where the head of a female tick meets the abdomen is very tender and easily tears, so you cannot pull the tick by the abdomen, you can simply tear it off, the head and legs will remain in the skin, it is very difficult to remove them and, as a rule, a local inflammatory process begins. You need to remove the tick with a special device (can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy) or tweezers using a twisting motion. To protect yourself, wear gloves, because it is unknown what “filling” this tick has – whether it is dangerous for a dog or a person. After removal, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic, for example, iodine. Ticks do not sink in water and are practically impossible to dry out. You should not try to crush them - this may lead to the spread of the infection they carry. The best way to kill a tick is to burn it.

Folk remedies for treating and controlling ticks in dogs

There are an exhaustive set of recipes for homemade products on the Internet, here is one of them:

  • Lemon juice;
  • Tincture of chamomile or geranium;
  • Peppermint oil.

Mix these ingredients and place in a container with a spray bottle. The prepared mixture can be used to treat the lawn, kennels and enclosures of your pets. It is also considered effective to scatter boric acid powder over your area. Folk remedies are only suitable for treating objects and areas and are in no way suitable for applying them to the body of an animal.

Infection with babesiosis does not occur immediately at the time of the bite...

... as they write in some articles on the Internet, but only on the second day, when the female drinks blood and squeezes back the liquid (unnecessary) part of the blood, then Babesia from the salivary glands of the tick under pressure (like a syringe) enter the dog’s blood. Therefore, it is unlikely that a newly attached tick, with its abdomen not yet filled, will cause disease, although it is not 100% impossible. The work of most protective drugs is based on this - a tick can attack a dog and bite it, but it turns out to be paralyzed by the active substance and does not infect the animal.

How to treat a dog's kennel or enclosure against ticks

There are a number of specialized preparations for treating household items against ticks and fleas, such as: Force Site, Cypertrin, Ixoder, Yurax, Gardex Extreme, etc. All of them have a repellent and destructive effect on insects. Their method of use is quite simple. It is necessary to dilute the contents of the bottle with a certain amount of water and spray the desired surfaces. It is important to take into account the weather forecast when processing the site. The product should not be exposed to precipitation for four hours.

Homemade repellent with citrus fruits

Mites don't like the taste of citrus fruits at all, so this is another ideal natural remedy for eliminating them. With their help we can prepare homemade repellents , so get yourself a sprayer. The best citrus fruit is lemon, but you can also use oranges or any other.

To make this home remedy for eliminating ticks on dogs , you need to boil half a liter of water with two sliced ​​lemons. When it reaches boiling point, leave for a minute and reduce heat to low. Let simmer for an hour. After a while, let it cool and cool, place it in a spray bottle and apply the product to the dog carefully so as not to get it in the eyes. Remember, it will also be helpful to spray rooms in your home to disinfect them from ticks. When using this natural tick remover, be careful not to inhale it, as the smell of citrus is one of the smells that most dogs hate.

Mistakes in protecting dogs from ticks

An animal is a big responsibility; it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the dog’s breed and health when choosing means of protection against ticks and fleas. Do not use the drug without reading the instructions. You cannot combine several tick protection products without consulting a veterinarian. And remember that the health of your four-legged friends directly depends on your care for them!

Anton Zhidkov

Author of the article and current specialist at the veterinary clinic in Voronezh

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Combination of protective equipment

For dogs that are especially at risk of becoming a victim of tick bites, in order to neutralize this possibility, you can combine products, but first you need to find in the instructions for the product with which the animal has already been treated, a clause that indicates which products can be combined with and which cannot.

The most effective combinations have taken root among dog breeders:

  • collar and spray;
  • drops and spray;
  • drops and collar.

Important! Tablets do not require additional funds or effort to protect your dog from ticks!

The best manufacturers of effective products

If you cannot determine which brand of tick repellent is best to buy, then seek help from a veterinarian. In most cases, they recommend buying drugs from well-known brands. Doctors motivate their choice by the higher quality of such drugs and their effectiveness in combating different types of parasites.

Best manufacturers:

  • Nexgard Spectra (France);
  • MSD Animal Health (France);
  • Zoetis (Pfizer) (USA);
  • Frontline (France);
  • Bayer (Germany);
  • RolfClub (Russia);
  • Insectal (Russia);
  • AVZ Bars (Russia);
  • Inspector (Germany);
  • Astrapharm (Russia).
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