Bedbug repellent “Clean House”: effectiveness, pros and cons

Many people mistakenly believe that bedbugs are a thing of the distant Soviet past. Meanwhile, their population is not decreasing. They are still found in dirty basements and in elegant apartments with expensive renovations. Sanitary conditions do not play any role. If vermin come to your door without knocking, read the reviews about “Clean House” for bedbugs. This will help you decide on a means of eliminating insects, act correctly and without delay.

The “Clean House” bedbug repellent is one of the five most popular insecticides that can kill bedbugs in an apartment or house. The opinions expressed by Internet users are sometimes radically different. Some claim that the product is effective, others claim that it does not work at all. The truth always lies somewhere in the middle.

Chemical composition

calls it a new generation insecticide. This group includes poisons intended to kill insects - both flying and moving on the ground. The insecticide contains two pyrethroids.

  1. Cypermethrin. A contact-intestinal substance that, when entering the body of an insect, paralyzes its muscle tissue. At first, the bug ceases to control its own movements, and after a short period of time it dies. The insecticide kills both nymphs (larvae) and mature individuals.
  2. Tetramethrin. A contact substance also designed to combat various “household” insects, ranging from fleas and flies to bedbugs and moths. Upon contact with arthropods, they are instantly paralyzed.

Combining two representatives of the pyrethroid group into one drug leads to an increased effect, which can negatively affect fish and reptiles living in the house. Therefore, before starting baiting, it is necessary to remove the aquarium or terrarium from the apartment for a while.

Pyrethroids are synthetic analogues of pyrethrins. The latter are natural insecticides contained in some representatives of the flora. For example, in Dolmatian chamomile or chrysanthemums.

How to destroy a nest

Wasps and hornets prefer to build their homes in shelter. You need to look for them in the following places:

  • attic;
  • space under the roof or behind the cladding;
  • tree hollow;
  • old boards and other building materials;
  • non-residential building.

Wasp nest under the ceiling
After finding a paper house, the action algorithm is simple - treat with an insecticidal substance, wait for the inhabitants to die, and destroy the nest.

Advice. To enhance the effect, after spraying, put a plastic bag on the nest, which is also filled with insecticide. The edges are taped to the ceiling. The structure is removed after a few hours.

Release forms

The effectiveness of the insecticide under discussion depends on several factors. First of all, it depends on the number of insects in the house and the extent of bedbug infestation. An important factor for achieving the best results is the competent choice of the form of the drug. There are four such forms in total:

  • aerosol;
  • dust;
  • gel;
  • spray.
  • Aerosol

    Peculiarity. Aerosol “Clean House” for bedbugs is the most popular form of all existing ones. This is due to the ease of use of a bottle of household poison. The contents of the container do not need to be mixed with anything; you don’t have to worry about spilling it. Simply press the valve and spray onto potentially dangerous areas. A three-second spray is sufficient to treat one “square” area.

    How to use

  1. Remove the stopper from the bottle.
  2. We direct to the area where the parasites were noticed.
  3. Spray for a few seconds.
  4. After 15 hours we repeat the procedure.

Cypermethrin in the aerosol contains 13%, and tetramethrin - 2.5%. Particles of poison entering the airspace become harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals within a couple of hours.


Peculiarity. Bedbug dust “Clean House” is a powder that has an unsightly gray color. It is designed to spread in places where bedbugs are concentrated. But, judging by user reviews, it has proven itself much better in the fight against cockroaches and moths. Due to the reduced concentration of active substances, compared to an aerosol, more powder has to be used. A 50-gram package is enough to treat half a standard room in an apartment.

How to use

  1. We put on rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. We open the package with dust so as not to accidentally spill its contents.
  3. Sprinkle powder on bedbug nests.
  4. After three to four hours, we wash off the powder, having prepared a soap solution in advance to thoroughly wash the places where the dust was applied, as when working with poison in the form of chalk.

The dust contains 0.2% cypermethrin and 0.02% tetramethrin. However, the composition of the powder is supplemented with another component - piperonyl butoxide, the concentration of which is 10%. Having become part of the liquidation “trinity”, the substance significantly prolongs the effect of the two toxic components. This means that dust treatment can be done once and, as a rule, does not require repetition.


Peculiarity. Clean House Bed Bed Spray is a relatively new form of insecticide. It differs from an aerosol by the same pressure inside and outside the bottle. While for aerosol these indicators are different. In addition, the latter sprays larger particles - approximately 5 microns, while aerosol particles are about 2-3 microns in size.

How to use

  1. We remove the limiter.
  2. We spray a few times to the side to bleed out the air.
  3. We aim the nozzle at the parasites and spray their habitats.
  4. If necessary, pour the contents of the bottle into a garden sprayer and work with it.

It is believed that liquid preparations in the fight against bedbugs are more effective than “Clean House” powder for bedbugs. Therefore, if you have dust in the house, you can prepare the spray yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 g of dry substance in 0.5 liters of water, pour it into a sprayer, and carry out the treatment in a well-known way.


Peculiarity. Gel “Clean House” is found on the shelves of supermarkets and hardware stores less often than other forms of poison. However, this particular form is considered one of the most promising. First of all, due to low toxicity. At the time of treating the house, the family does not have to leave their home walls at all - even pets can stay inside (provided that you prevent them from coming into contact with the insecticide). The person doing pest control only needs to wear rubber gloves and a respirator. Protective clothing is not required.

How to use

  1. Apply a thin layer of gel to the areas where bedbug nests are concentrated.
  2. Leave it for two weeks.
  3. After the specified time period, completely rinse off the remaining product with water.
  4. Apply a new portion of gel.

Preparatory stage

Despite the fact that liquid and dry forms of insecticide are used differently (dust is not applied to vertical surfaces), the preparatory stage, regardless of the chosen form, is always the same, consisting of five steps.

  1. Cleaning. Before the liquidation operation begins, the apartment must be thoroughly cleaned. The floor should be washed with a damp cloth soaked in clean water, without adding chemicals. The dust needs to be wiped off and the carpets need to be vacuumed.
  2. Clearing the premises. It is advisable that all warm-blooded creatures, including household members, leave the apartment. Only the “exterminator” should remain in it. If fish or reptiles live in the house, and it is not possible to remove the terrarium or aquarium, these objects should be covered with something on top.
  3. Removal of bed linen. Sheets, pillows, blankets and mattresses must also leave the house. Send them to the balcony or to a bench in the yard. The fabric tends to absorb insecticides that are sprayed or thrown, which then come into contact with your body.
  4. Isolation of products. Food should not come into contact with poison. Therefore, at the time of spraying the aerosol or spray, it must either be eaten or sent to the refrigerator.
  5. Moving furniture away. Cabinet and upholstered furniture must be moved away from the wall. The back surfaces must be processed. Perhaps a nest of bedbugs has already appeared on one of them, or will appear in the near future if you ignore this requirement.

Aerosol/spray “Clean House”

Available in cylinders with a capacity of 150 ml and 600 ml. The main active ingredient is cypermethrin . The main advantage is speed and ease of use. Personal protective equipment must be used. During processing, it is necessary to ensure the protection and safety of food products, and to isolate people and pets from the premises being processed. After treatment, ventilation and wet cleaning of the room is required after 3-5 hours.

The main active ingredient of the spray/aerosol is effective cypermethrin.

Design feature of a 600 ml cylinder. - the presence of a thin movable tube, with which it is easy to treat hard-to-reach places - cracks in doorways, baseboards, cracks between walls and furniture. The back walls and closed interior spaces of household appliances (microwave ovens, ovens, refrigerators, etc.) are easily processed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

There are many ways to get rid of bed bugs. But not everyone can be trusted. Ultrasonic repellers, for example, have long proven their uselessness. They repel mosquitoes, but in the case of bedbugs their effect is useless. The reason is simple: blood-sucking arthropods do not communicate with ultrasound, which means they cannot hear the signal coming from the device. Various traps also have no different effect: they catch only a tiny part of the population. “Clean House” preparations are much more effective, but they are not without their drawbacks. The table will tell you about the pros and cons of the product.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of the “Clean House” insecticide

— Easy to use and approved for household use; — after treatment, the preventive effect of the drug remains; — has low toxicity; - has an affordable price; - disintegrates quickly on contact with air — Does not destroy egg laying, does not penetrate the egg shell; - has no residual effect; - has an unpleasant odor; - often provokes allergies or poisoning in humans and warm-blooded animals

The product will definitely not help in the fight against bedbugs if the room is infested with them. In this case, you need to take drastic measures. For example, resort to the services of SES. The remedy for bedbugs “Clean House” helps when blood-sucking parasites have just appeared in the apartment.

Negative effects on humans

A “clean house” is relatively safe. However, if precautions are not taken, the poison can harm living beings (in particular, humans and pets).

Toxic effects on people occur when inhaling insecticide vapors or through dermal contact with it. It has been scientifically proven that there will be no serious consequences for a warm-blooded creature when touching the poison. The maximum is a skin rash that will go away quickly. But if it enters the stomach, a group C carcinogen, which is tetramethrin, can cause the following symptoms of poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • blurred vision;
  • vomit.
  • If one or more of the listed symptoms appears, the patient should get access to fresh air and take a sorbent. Even before the ambulance arrives, the drug will begin to act on toxins, break them down, and remove them from the body.

    Cockroach traps “Clean House”

    Ingredients: active ingredient: chlorpyrifos , glycerin, food additive. The package contains 6 containers. The container itself is a small plastic box. Inside the container there is bait with a poisonous substance. The container body has slits through which insects penetrate inside to the bait. Having consumed and become dirty with the bait, they transfer it to their fellows. The insect dies after 2-5 days.

    This product is non-toxic and absolutely safe for people and pets. There is an adhesive strip on the body of the container, which makes it easy to place traps on the walls and doors of cabinets. The validity period of the trap-container is up to 2 months.

    Traps should be used as an additional or preventive measure after the main treatment of the premises against insects.

    The validity period of the trap container is up to 2 months.


    Affordable price is one of the most important advantages of the brand of household poison under discussion. The cost of different forms of insecticide release is reflected in the table (data as of January 2022).

    Table - Cost of Clean House products

    FormVolume, mlApproximate price, rubles

    All products from the “Clean House” line against bedbugs contain chamomile extract, which enhances the effect of the pyrethroid tandem. During the pest control period, it is better to take small children away from home for a few days. It should also be noted that tetramethrin and cypermethrin are extremely toxic to creatures inhabiting bodies of water, both natural and artificial. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution near water.

    Before starting disinfestation, you must read the instructions for using “Clean House” against bedbugs from beginning to end. Not only the final result depends on this, but also the safety of you and your loved ones.

    Video on the topic

    How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment

    Mode of application

    Perhaps the only disadvantage of the aerosol is that it easily breaks down in a draft. Therefore, the treatment of furniture and other surfaces must be carried out indoors. Before using the product, you need to tightly close all windows and doors in the room, and then, before pressing the sprayer, shake the can well several times.

    Spraying must be done on all accessible surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to ventilation so that individual individuals do not have time to escape to your neighbors. If insects are always found within one room, you can treat only this room. Otherwise, the entire apartment needs treatment. After completing the procedure, you need to leave the room for several hours. Then, go back and open the windows.

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